1st Febuary 2022 Daily Global Regional Local Rice E-Newsletter

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter

1 February ,2022 Vol 7 Issue 2

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Daily Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter

Editorial Board Rice News Headlines…

Chief Editor  Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station rice
 Hamlik breeders release two new conventional lines
Managing Editor  New USA Rice Promotion Taps Asian Market in
 Abdul Sattar Shah Germany
 Rahmat Ullah
 Rozeen Shaukat
 First episode of ‘Filthy Farm Jobs’ highlights rice
English Editor
 Institutional capability must to keep market stable
 Maryam Editor
 Legal Advisor  Farmers' income can rise up to 36pc: Study
 Advocate Zaheer Minhas  Research uncovers plant root insights
Editorial Associates  Climate change will adversely impact rice production,
 Admiral (R) Hamid Khalid warns FAO
 Javed Islam Agha
 Zahid Baig(Business Recorder)  Valentine’s Day restaurant specials around
 Dr.Akhtar Hussain Connecticut
 Dr.Fayyaz Ahmad Siddiqui
 Dr.Abdul Rasheed (UAF)  Black rice makes its way to Pakistan
 Islam Akhtar Khan  WACOT Rice to Complete Expansion of 120,000-ton
Editorial Advisory Board
Mill in 15 Months
 Dr.Malik Mohammad Hashim  APPEALS Project: Kogi farmers record 60% rice yield
Assistant Professor, Gomal
University DIK
 Dr.Hasina Gul  Rice price increases beyond control, says Razzaque
Assistant Director, Agriculture KPK
 ADB approves 2 grants to boost tourism, rice
 Dr.Hidayat Ullah
Assistant Professor, University production in Cambodia
of Swabi  Centre May Continue Rice Subsidy for Ethanol to
 Dr.Abdul Basir
Assistant Professor, University of Reduce Stock
Swabi  LT Foods Q3 Results: Consolidated net up 11% at Rs
 Zahid Mehmood
PSO,NIFA Peshawar 77 crore
 Falak Naz Shah
Head Food Science & Technology
ART, Peshawar

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Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station rice breeders

release two new conventional lines

January 28, 2022

Taurus, a new medium-grain rice developed at the University of Arkansas System Division of
Agriculture‘s Rice Research & Extension Center, offered an average of 232 bushels per acre in
the 2021 Arkansas Rice Variety Advancement Trials. It was approved for release in January
2022. Formerly known as 19AR033, Taurus offers a significant yield advantage over all current
medium-grain varieties, according to Xueyan Sha, senior rice breeder at the Rice Research &
Extension Center in Stuttgart. (UA System Division of Agriculture photo)

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Rice breeders with the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station
have developed two new conventional rice varieties that outperform their predecessors in yield
Both new rice varieties, a medium-grain and a long-grain, were recently approved for release by
the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and are expected to be commercially
available as early as 2023 on a limited basis. Breeder seed increase is currently underway in a
Puerto Rico winter nursery and foundation seed will be grown this year at the Rice Research and
Extension Center and other Arkansas locations.
The new medium-grain rice, 19AR033, could even be a gamechanger in the coming years for
medium-grain rice growers in the South, according to Jarrod Hardke, a professor and rice
extension agronomist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative
Extension Service.

Officially named Taurus, the medium-grain variety offered an average yield potential of 232
bushels per acre in the 2021 Arkansas Rice Variety Advancement Trials.

―Based on ARVAT data, 19AR033 has a significant yield advantage over all current medium-
grain varieties in all test locations,‖ said Xueyan Sha, senior rice breeder for the Arkansas
Agricultural Experiment Station, the research arm of the Division of Agriculture. Sha conducts
his work at the Rice Research and Extension Center in Stuttgart.
Sha said Taurus was bred for Midsouth conditions and would be adaptable to wherever Jupiter or
Titan are grown. Taurus is a cross between four other conventional varieties and has a more
plump kernel than Jupiter. It outshined even the latest medium-grain varieties, Lynx and Titan, in
the 2021 trials at six locations. Taurus brought in the highest average yield in a Clay County field
with 249 bushels per acre.
―It could change the economics of our medium-grain rice production,‖ Hardke said. ―For the few
years we‘ve had it in the advanced testing program, it is a complete standout against the other
commercial medium-grains for yield potential,‖ Hardke said. ―We‘re used to looking at five to
10 bushels per acre changes. This one is up to 20 bushels. It‘s not the kind of jump you‘re used
to looking at.‖

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The new medium-grain rice could allow a farmer to take it to market without a premium and
make it more competitive on the world stage, Hardke said. In December 2021, southern medium-
grain rice was going for $6.17 per bushel.
Arkansas is the No. 1 rice-producing state in the nation, with over 1.4 million acres planted in
mostly long-grain rice. Most of the state‘s medium-grain rice is grown in areas north of I-40 and
west of Crowley‘s Ridge. In 2020, Arkansas had 125,000 acres planted in medium-grain rice,
according to USDA data.
Compared to Jupiter, the one disadvantage for 19AR033 is that it has shown some susceptibility
to bacterial panicle blight, Sha said. Jupiter is the only rice variety showing good resistance to
bacterial panicle blight. Taurus has both Pi-ks and Pi-z genes for blast resistance, however.
Milling and grain quality for Taurus, as well as lodging tolerance, are equal to or slightly better
than Jupiter, Sha said.
Taurus reaches 50 percent heading in an average of 86 days, which is about three days earlier
than Jupiter or Lynx but three days later than Titan, with a plant height of 36 inches. It has an
average milling yield of 64 percent head rice and 71 percent total milled rice. Lynx, which was
released in 2020 with yield potential improvements over Jupiter and Titan, offered an average
milling yield of 59 percent head rice and 68 percent total milled rice.
New Long-Grain Rice
The Rice Research and Extension Center is also set to release a new conventional long-grain rice
with yield improvement over its predecessors in two years of statewide rice performance trials.
The new conventional long-grain variety, 20AR185, is a cross of Diamond and LaKast and has
been named Ozark.
―Diamond has shown some issues the last two years,‖ Sha said. ―It seems it has not been as
consistent on yield potential, so this one we hope can be used as a replacement for Diamond. It‘s
definitely shown a yield advantage in the ARVAT.‖
Ozark offered an average of 218 bushels per acre in the 2021 ARVAT conducted at six locations
in Arkansas. Sha said the overall yield advantage of Ozark over Diamond is about 5 percent.
Ozark is agronomically very similar to Diamond with a plant height of 43 inches. Maturity for
Ozark is a day or two earlier than Diamond at 88 days to 50 percent heading, Sha said. Lodging

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tolerance is also similar to Diamond‘s with a slight improvement in milling, especially head rice
Disease resistance is also like Diamond, with susceptibility to sheath blight, leaf and neck blasts,
and moderate susceptibility to narrow brown leaf spot. Ozark also shows moderate susceptibility
to false smut and is moderately resistant to straighthead.
The new varieties were developed with a complete package of management recommendations
for fertilizer, irrigation, and related agricultural practices. To receive the recommendations for
your growing conditions, contact your local county extension agent


New USA Rice Promotion Taps Asian Market in Germany

By Sarah Moran

HAMBURG, GERMANY – USA Rice launched a new promotional program here in the second
half of 2021 that included staffing a booth at the Anuga trade show last October (see USA Rice
Daily, October 13, 2021) to collect trade leads and create interest and sales of U.S.-origin rice to
local importers, wholesalers, and retailers.

U.S. rice promo appeals to

Asian market in Germany
Through intensive follow up, USA Rice recruited two local U.S. rice importers to conduct print
and digital advertising in two publications: Doitsu News Digest, a bi-weekly publication
targeting the Japanese community in Germany with a circulation of 16,000; and a wholesale
product catalog with a print volume of 10,000 copies. Both advertising campaigns helped
directly increase awareness of the high quality and availability of U.S.-origin rice in the Asian
market segment.

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"Another aspect of the effort to raise awareness and demand on the general consumer level, is a
new collaboration between USA Rice and three local food bloggers/influencers who developed
their own recipes featuring U.S. rice," said Eszter Somogyi, USA Rice director Europe, Middle
East, and Africa. "On January 13, the three influencers orchestrated a joint activity where each
blogger shared their own unique recipe and also linked through to the other two influencers
featuring their U.S. rice recipes to attract a bigger audience."

The three influencers created new sushi style recipes using U.S. medium grain rice and, along
with ingredients and preparation tips, included messaging about the history and sustainability of
U.S.-grown rice that was shared on Facebook, Instagram, and e-newsletters. Over the past two
weeks, a total of more than 22,600 German consumers viewed the recipes on the different
platforms and this number continues to grow.

The U.S. exports about 30,000 tons of rice to the EU-27, valued at nearly $27 million. Germany
is one of the top importers of U.S rice from amongst the EU-27 countries, and was chosen as one

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of the most promising countries to start a promotions program based on research conducted in
2020. Given the EU‘s recent removal of the 25 percent retaliatory tariff (see USA Rice Daily,
January 6, 2022), importers here are even more interested in U.S. rice.

USA Rice daily

First episode of ‘Filthy Farm Jobs’ highlights rice


AGDAILY Staff · January 28, 2022

What happens when you take the director of public relations out of the office and put him into
the rice fields? A hilarious, yet informative video from the Arkansas Farm Bureau.
Arkansas Farm Bureau shows that farm work is rarely clean, and what a better way to show that
than a new season dedicated to the hard work farmers and ranchers do everyday. In the first
episode of ―Filthy Farm Jobs,‖ Arkansas Farm Bureau‗s director of public relations gets his
hands dirty in the rice fields. He is tasked with helping remove rice gates from the field to allow
for the water to drain off.
―How filthy can farm work really be? We decided it was time for some Arkansas Farm Bureau
office staff to get out in the field and find out for themselves. Today, we‘re proud to launch our
new video series, ‗Filthy Farm Jobs,‘ featuring our first vict … uh, volunteer … Rob Anderson,
director of public relations. Rob learns the ins and outs of pulling rice gates from a very patient
Jim Young of Young Family Farm in Tuckerman.‖


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Institutional capability must to keep market stable

Published: 00:00, Feb 01,2022

THE agriculture minister‘s statement that the government is unable to control the increase in the
prices of rice and other essentials comes as shocking and raises a few concerns. In a time when a
large number of people suffer from financial constraints because of the economic slowdown
induced by the Covid pandemic, and when food inflation has continued to take a heavy toll, the
government has failed to make the market stable and keep the prices of essentials in check. The
prices of all essentials have increased about 20–80 per cent in the past two years. An increase in
the prices of some staple items that are mostly imported has been explained, though not
convincingly, on an increase in the prices on the international market. Even with such items the
government has, as the Consumers Association of Bangladesh says, failed to set a reasonable
price to be followed by traders and, when it did so, it failed to make the traders follow the prices
set. The prices of essentials the country produces sufficiently have also continued to increase and
there has been little, or ineffective, efforts on part of the government to keep them in check. In
such a situation, the agriculture minister‘s statement goes against all logic and expectations.
About two weeks ago, the minister said that the volatile rice price would be in a stable position
once the new harvest hit the market. The minister also shared that the government had a record
stock of rice and the country had a record production of rice in the past two seasons. What, then,
has been responsible for the increase in the prices of rice? It appears that a lack of institutional
capacity on part of the government to monitor and control the market that is largely influenced
and manipulated by businesses has contributed to a volatile market.
Keeping to the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, the top 50 rice millers with 20 per
cent of the national milling capacity have the power to influence the supply and prices of rice.
Experts also blame the lack of real-time based scientific database and forecast for an unstable
market. Institutional weaknesses in scientific forecast and in maintaining an uninterrupted supply
chain and distribution system lead, as experts say, to a surplus production of many crops, on the
one hand, and an unstable market, on the other, depriving farmers of fair prices. An inefficient
supply chain has also led, keeping to a Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute report, to a

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waste of roughly a fourth of many produces. All this has resulted in an imbalanced export-import
scenario of agricultural produces.

The government must, therefore, attend to the issues that have contributed to such a worrying
level of food inflation. In so doing, the government must enhance its ability to make scientific
forecast on local production and markets and must effectively intervene in the market to keep it
stable. The government must realise that looking into people‘s interests is what is always
expected of it.

Farmers' income can rise up to 36pc: Study

FE REPORT | Published: February 01, 2022 09:46:21 | Updated: February 01,

2022 14:08:25

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Farmers can raise their income by up to 36 per cent through using validated weather
forecasts, a government study revealed on Monday.
The research said their income could be increased by avoiding loss from na tural
disasters, reducing input costs, and raising yield notably through integrating their
farming with weather forecasts.
The findings of the study titled 'Validating forecast -based rice crop management
research findings through farmers' participation in 2019-20 and 2020-21 Boro
season' were disclosed at an online workshop on Integrated Rice Advisory Systems
(IRAS), organised by the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) Agromet and
Crop Modeling Lab.

The study was conducted at different locations in H abiganj, Gazipur, Rajshahi,

Barisal and Rangpur districts during the Boro season.
Senior Scientific Officer of BRRI Niaz Md Farhat Rahman presented a paper on the
occasion. It said all plans and policies, like Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100,
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, National Agricultural Policy 2018
and National Agricultural Extension Policy 2020, have given utmost priority to use
of appropriate technology and crop production knowledge to limit the damage
caused by natural disasters.
The study found the farmers, who used weather forecast -based advisory services
(WFBAS), could minimise their rice cultivation cost by almost 15 per cent than that
of conventional farmers' practice (FP).
In this way, the farmers using WFBAS were able to raise their production by 10 per
cent and net income by on an average 36 per cent in the research areas in 2019 -20
Boro season than that of FPs.
The research also found that with an investment of Tk 1.0 for WFBAS, the return
could be Tk 51 to Tk 73.
But only 5.0 per cent of the country's rice farmers so far could avail WFBAS, noted
the report.

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BRRI Director General Dr Md Shahjahan Kabir said 60 per cent of paddy yield
depends on proper management.
Farmers would be benefitted, if the forecast and advice on paddy cultiva tion and
meteorology - prepared by Agromet Lab - are disseminated through field -level
officials of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), he opined.
Agromet Modeling and Lab was established in 2016, emphasising climate
sustainable agricultural technologies and their expansion at farmers' level.
The project has created a web-based automated platform - IRAS - to prepare and
disseminate weather forecasting on rice production management and advisory
services along with processing, reviewing and verific ation of forecast data for
researchers, extension officers and farmers, he added.
Additional Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture Kamala Ranjan Das said to enhance
productivity and profit from rice yield, a massive and efficient programme across
the country would be taken for wider demonstration, refinement, and dissemination
of weather forecast-based advisory service in an integrated way.
Organisers said BRRI's weekly advisory services would be delivered to farmers
through coordination among BRRI, Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)
and DAE, using IRAS system.
In addition, the plan should incorporate text and voice SMS into IRAS system, so
that the advisory services could be delivered directly to the farmers, they added.
Director of BMD Azizur Rahman , Consultant of CIMMYT-Bangladesh Dr Moin Us
Salam, Director of Agromet Information System Development Project of DAE Shah
Kamal Khan, meteorologist S M Kamrul Hasan, and RIMES Bangladesh country
program leader Raihanul Haque Khan, also spoke, among others .
[email protected]

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Research uncovers plant root insights

1 Feb 2022, noon

UWA-Nagoya University joint PhD candidate Tsubasa Kawai.

RESEARCHERS from The University of Western Australia's (UWA) Institute of Agriculture
and Nagoya University in Japan have uncovered new insights into the way rice plant roots adapt
to environmental stresses, such as soil compaction and drought.
The study, published in the journal PNAS, was undertaken by PhD candidate Tsubasa Kawai as
part of the joint Doctor of Philosophy degree program between UWA and Nagoya University.
In recent years, phenotypic plasticity - the ability to change in response to stimuli or different
conditions - has received attention for improving plant adaptation to variable environments.
In general, rice and cereal plants develop different types of lateral roots (LR), which increase the
surface area of the plant's root system.
Despite the importance of plastic LR development under variable water conditions, the
molecular mechanisms regulating LR types were unknown.

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For this study, the researchers unravelled the regulatory mechanism of LR primordium (the
earliest stage of development) size in rice - which is an important determinant of LR type.
Mr Kawai is completing his PhD thesis under the joint co-ordinating supervision of UWA
Institute of Agriculture director Kadambot Siddique and Nagoya University professor Yoshiaki
Dr Siddique said rice fed more than half of the world's population and was an integral source of
income for most people in Asia and Africa.
"Roots are directly associated with soil, water, and nutrient uptake, anchoring plants in the
substrate, interacting with plant microbes, and storing resources," Dr Siddique said.
"Therefore, root architecture greatly contributes to crop yield.
"Our findings form the basis for selecting and breeding root phenotypic plasticity in order to
achieve greater sustainable rice production under variable environments."
The UWA-Nagoya University joint PhD degree program provides an opportunity for students
and staff to develop strong research relationships, which will result in long-term professional
networks and the publication of new research.
Students in the program are simultaneously enrolled at both universities, and complete part of
their degree at each institution.

Climate change will adversely impact rice production, warns


February 1, 2022
Anthony McGonigle / Khmer Times

Bone dry: One possible way to counter the impending disaster is to promote rice seed varieties
that are tolerant to drought and resilient to climate change. Khmer Times

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Climate forecasts suggest that agriculture will suffer the greatest economic impacts of climate
change in Cambodia, particularly due to losses of income and labour productivity associated with
crop production. This is according to Rebekah Bell and the team of the UN‘s FAO operation in
Cambodia, as they explained in a recent correspondence with the Khmer Times on the subject of
how climate change (CC) will impact rice production in the country.

Findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), indicate that there are a
number of regions in Asia that are already near the heat stress limits for rice, where increased
night-time temperatures have been found to have a significant negative impact on rice yields, and
an increase of 1° C in night-time low temperatures during the rice-growing season results in a
decreased rice yield of approximately 10 percent.

Experts at FAO Cambodia summarised bleakly what changes lay in store: ―Considering the
worst-case scenario of carbon emissions for the region, by 2050, average temperatures will rise
of 0.9 – 1.4 degrees C, rainfall will decrease in the dry season and increase in the wet one, and
sea level will rise between 26 to 32cm. Sea-level rise is a major threat to the social-ecological

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system of the Mekong Delta as salinity creeps up the rivers and causes the decline of soil

However, through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) FAO has been working to help
farmers and communities address climate change ―by empowering and increasing knowledge
and capacity of communities in watershed management.‖

The team at FAO have been working in partnership with the Ministry of Environment (MoE), the
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Development Partners (DPs) to devise
plans for mitigating against the worst effects that CC will have on farmers, and to help them
adapt to the ―New Normal‖ with three goals: increase productivity and diversification, equitable
and sustainable management, and improved resilience to the shocks that will occur with the
many unusual climate events that are expected.

―FAO works closely with the MAFF and partners to promote economically and environmentally
efficient rice production through Direct-Seeded Rice (DSR),‖ they told us, citing one of their
initiatives, explaining that, ―DSR has been also widely practised in many countries in Asia and
beyond, because of its low-input demand. It saves scarce and expensive resources such as labour
and water, and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.‖

DSR, which involves sowing the plants directly onto the fields, can be as productive by
―adopting various cultural practices including the selection of suitable varieties, proper sowing
time, and optimum seed rate, and proper weed, nutrient and water management.‖

FAO has also been working in the communities with the heavily dependent rice farmers of Tonle
Sap to promote the ―Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) and the Sustainable Rice Platform
(SRP) assurance scheme to create stable market opportunities and increase value addition for
agricultural products that are produced in an environmentally friendly way, creating further
incentives for farmers to continue with climate-resilient practices.‖

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While climate change and its disastrous threats may be the stick, the carrot would seem to be
intelligent marketing and understanding how increased revenues can go hand in hand with
adapting to the changes ahead.

Rebekah and her team pointed out that the (MAFF) have recognised the value of promoting
quality rice, such as fragrant varieties, based on their popularity both locally and internationally
hailing the fact that ―Cambodia has refined and released the first non-seasonal rice variety called
Sen Kra Ob 01 (SKO 01), which is recognised for its light, non-seasonal, weather-resistant and
has been promoted as a strategic rice for export.‖ They warned, however, ―that SKO 01 is not
resistant to diseases and pests. To reach the full potential of the rice industry, we need further
investment to promote rice seed varieties that are tolerant to drought and resilient to climate

Valentine‘s Day restaurant specials around Connecticut

Leeanne Griffin
Jan. 31, 2022
Tapas and wine from Barcelona Wine Bar

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Courtesy of Barcelona Wine Bar

With Valentine's Day falling on a Monday this year, many restaurants are making a weekend out
of the love holiday. Check out these special dinner options around Connecticut.
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Bernard‘s in Ridgefield offers a special Valentine's dinner throughout the weekend from Feb. 11
to 14, with a three-course menu offering entree choices like beef Wellington with truffle sauce,
sauteed filet of bronzini, rack of lamb and pheasant breast stuffed with foie gras. Cost is $125.
Reservations: 203-438-8282 (credit card required.)
The Cottage in Westport will celebrate Valentine‘s Day eve on Feb. 13 from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. A
special four-course prix-fixe menu will be offered for $85 per guest, with entree choices like
wild mushroom farrotto, king salmon in cedar paper, Atlantic cod roasted in garlic and Wagyu
beef tenderloin. Seatings are available in the main dining room and bar area
only. Reservations: 203-557-3701.
L‘Escale in Greenwich offers a special Valentine's menu Feb. 14 from 5 to 10 p.m., with entrees
like foraged mushroom risotto, Maine lobster fra diavolo, Scottish salmon, seared sea scallops
and filet mignon. Cost is $95 per person. Make reservations online or call 203-661-4600.
Water‘s Edge at Giovanni's in Darien offers its Valentine's menu Feb. 11 to 14, with steaks,
chops, pastas, fish and seafood entrees. Make reservations online or call 203-325-9979.

Espresso martini at Washington Prime in South Norwalk on Oct. 15.

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Adriana Morga/ Hearst Connecticut Media
Washington Prime in Norwalk offers a three-course, prix-fixe Valentine's menu Feb. 11, 12 and
14 for $75, with entree choices like halibut, scallops, Colorado rack of lamb, roasted duck, short
ribs and NY strip. The regular menu will not be served this weekend; Washington Prime is only
open for brunch from noon to 3 p.m. on Feb. 13. Reservations are available via OpenTable or by
calling 203-857-1314.
The Boathouse Restaurant at Saugatuck Rowing Club in Westport offers a three-course
Valentine's dinner Feb. 14, featuring Duckhorn wine pairings and chocolates from Saugatuck
Sweets. Cost is $95 per person. Reservations: 203-227-3399.
Foundry Kitchen & Bar in Sandy Hook will be open for dinner Feb. 14, with Valentine's
specials like French kiss oysters, Angus ribeye steak, scallops with brown butter and chocolate
beet cake with rosewater buttercream frosting. Enjoy complimentary prosecco with dinner. 203-
Quartiere in Stamford offers a special $45 Valentine's menu Feb. 14 with 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
seatings, with choices of appetizer, salad, pizza or pasta, and gelato. Call 203-892-6757 for
The Wheel in Stamford offers an $85 Valentine's prix-fixe menu with entree choices of red
snapper with forbidden rice, petite filet mignon or pomegranate chicken. Dessert options include
a chocolate raspberry tart or sundae with salted caramel ice cream and caramel peanut popcorn,
and the bar features special Valentine's cocktails. 475-270-1300.

The Wheel, Stamford

Andrew Dominick / For Connecticut Magazine
Shell & Bones in New Haven will be celebrating Valentine‘s Day from Feb. 11 to 14, with
specials in addition to the full menu. Specials include Shells & Bubbles (a whole lobster, lump
crab, shrimp, oysters, clams, ceviche, crudo and a bottle of Schramsberg Blanc de Blancs for
$165), a Lonely Heart cocktail ($14), pistachio-crusted beet salad ($16), swordfish chop ($42),
conchiglie ($39) and dessert for two options ($13-$18). Make reservations online or call 203-

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A special carryout package for two is available for $149, including charred eggplant soup and
pistachio-crusted beet salad, choice of Shell & Bones surf n‘ turf or conchiglie and chocolate-
dipped long stem strawberries. Packages also include roses and candles. A wine add-on ($40)
includes two 187ml bottles of Freixenet and one 750ml bottle of Les Darons. A beverage add-on
includes a Pink Mule cocktail kit ($11) and additional wine features. Take-out orders must be
placed and paid for by Feb. 9 for curbside pick-up. Call 203-787-3466 to order.
Barcelona Wine Bar, with locations in Fairfield, Norwalk, Stamford, New Haven and West
Hartford, offers chef's specials for Valentine's Day.
The restaurant group also offers Barcelona experiences as gift ideas. An Aperitivo Experience
($65) includes a glass of Cava per person, an Aperitivo board, two tapas and a bottle of Barcava
to take home. The Barcelona Wine Bar Experience ($130) includes two flights of three Spanish
wines per person, paired with six Chef-created signature tapas, a half paella, and a take-home gift
of a bottle of Barcava.
LobsterCraft, with locations in Greenwich and West Hartford, offers a Valentine's special Feb.
10 to 14, a dinner-for-two for $75 including choice of soup, a salad, choice of lobster roll and
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chocolate cake for dessert. Pre-orders are required. Call Greenwich at 203-900-1555 or West
Hartford at 860-310-2973.

Sherkaan is an Indian restaurant located in New Haven.

Winter Caplanson for Hearst Connecticut Media
Sherkaan in New Haven offers a ―Tiffin Full of Love,‖ with a kachumbar salad, Gujarati dal,
basmati rice, tandoori roti, two entrées of your choice, and one dessert of choice. The meal is
presented in a stainless steel tiffin — a traditional Indian lunchbox, as a keepsake. Each order
will include a Sherkaan candle. Cost is $110; order by Feb. 11 to be picked up on Feb. 14. 203-
The Griswold Inn in Essex offers its Valentine's Day menu Feb. 11 through Feb. 14.
Reservations: 860-767-1776.
The Wharf at Madison Beach Hotel in Madison offers its Valentine's Day menu Feb. 11 to 13,
with a la carte specials like baked Black Mission figs, duck confit salad, grilled veal chop, New
Zealand roasted rack of lamb and special desserts. Reserve online or call 203-350-0014.

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Saybrook Point Resort & Marina in Old Saybrook serves a Valentine's Day menu Feb. 11 to 14,
with a la carte entrees like cioppino, sea scallops, beef Wellington, paella for two, grilled venison
tenderloin and lobster pot pie. Reservations: 860-388-1111.
Foxwoods Resort Casino offers Valentine's dining specials at several of its restaurants, including
Caputo Trattoria, Cedars Steaks & Oysters, Juniors and Sugar Factory. Other experiences
include a sushi-making class at Red Lantern and "Lovers Lane" dinner and bowling package at
High Rollers.

Whole roasted local fluke, braised daikon, grapefruit reduction & crispy fin from The
Shipwright's Daughter in Mystic on Dec. 29, 2021.
Lisa Nichols / Connecticut Magazine
Shipwright‘s Daughter in Mystic offers a special $65 prix-fixe menu Feb. 11 to Feb. 14, with
dishes like poached RI squid, organic Berkshire pork agnolotti, cacio e pepe, roasted organic
chicken, NY strip, roasted monkfish, dark chocolate pot de creme and passion fruit cheesecake.
A la carte ordering is also available. Reservations: 860-536-7605.

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Wood-n-Tap, with nine locations around Connecticut, offers a $35 three-course, prix-fixe menu
Feb. 11 to 14. The Valentine‘s special includes choice of soup or salad, an entrée of either grilled
swordfish, penne alla vodka with shrimp or beef filet medallions, and choice of a shared crème
brulee or warm chocolate cake dessert. Meals are available for dine-in or to-go, and restaurant
diners will receive a complimentary glass of prosecco. On Feb. 14, Wood-n-Tap will also feature
half-price bottles of wine or prosecco with in-house and to-go orders.

Black rice makes its way to Pakistan

New variety can fetch three times higher export revenue, says grower

Usman HanifFebruary 01, 2022

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A worker harvests hybrid rice at a rice research base in northern Costa Rica May 1, 2010.
PHOTO: Xinhua/Gabiera

The government’s export promotion policies are bearing fruit as businessmen are looking
forward to diversifying their exports and introducing new varieties of products.
An ancient Chinese royal food - black rice - has made its way to Pakistan and it has the potential
to fetch three times greater export revenue for the country. These are the views of a grower,
Rehan Khoso, who has successfully cultivated this rice variety in Jacobabad - the border area of
Sindh and Balochistan - after conducting prior research.
In an interview with The Express Tribune, he mentioned that this variety of rice, being a royal
food, was once forbidden for the common people.
Underlining the health benefits of the variety, he explained that black rice contained 28
antioxidants. He was of the view that the variety had a huge export potential, as India had been
exporting this type of rice on a large scale since 2017.
―Rice is the second biggest export product of Pakistan after textile,‖ he underlined and sought
government‘s support to exploit the full potential of the new variety and fetch foreign exchange.
―As of now, Pakistan does not have a full-fledged domestic market for black rice and it takes a
lot of effort and money for export,‖ he said.
―The basic thing is to get seeds to the farmers and they will grow it by themselves as hybrid
varieties are getting popular here,‖ Sindh Abadgar Board Vice President Mahmood Nawaz Shah
told The Express Tribune. ―Although these seeds are more expensive and untested, they are
increasingly becoming popular now owing to their high-yielding capability,‖ he underlined.
―There is no doubt that if the government supports this new variety of rice, it will fetch
significant export revenue for Pakistan,‖ noted Agriculture Republic Co-founder Aamer Hayat
He was of the view that black rice had a huge demand in the international market. ―Thus,
Pakistan has a massive export potential if this variety is cultivated successfully across the

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The government should scale up the research platforms and link them with farmers to get the
desired results, he suggested. ―We must opt for hybrid crop varieties due to their robust demand
in global markets,‖ he stressed, adding that such varieties would support the farmers, exporters
and government in terms of revenue.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 1st, 2022.
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WACOT Rice to Complete Expansion of 120,000-ton Mill in 15

January 31, 2022 12:52 am

WACOT Rice Nigeria Limited, a subsidiary of Tropical

General Investments (TGI) Group, has disclosed that the
ongoing expansion of its 120,000-ton rice mill in Argungu,
Kebbi State, would be completed in the next 15 months.
Chairman of WACOT Rice, Alhaji Farouk Gumel,
disclosed this on Monday during a visit to update the Kebbi

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State Governor, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, on the ongoing expansion.

WACOT Rice is currently doubling the capacity of the rice mill the Vice President, Prof. Yemi
Osinbajo, commissioned in 2017. The construction of the new rice mill is being carried out with
support from First Bank Nigeria.

Gumel, who reiterated the company‘s commitment to the economic development of Kebbi State
and Nigeria said WACOT Rice will recruit and train more Kebbi indigenes to beef up its
workforce once the project is completed.

He applauded Governor Bagudu for providing an enabling environment for the company to
optimally thrive.

Responding, Governor Bagudu commended WACOT Rice Limited for transforming the
economic landscape of Kebbi State.

He said that the current expansion of the firm from its initial installed capacity of 120,000 metric
tonnes to 240,000 metric tonnes was an indication of the tremendous confidence it had in the
economy of Kebbi state and of Nigeria.

Governor Bagudu added that the company was also expressing confidence in the policies of
President Muhammadu Buhari aimed at bolstering food production, especially rice.

The Governor further noted that the company has been making tremendous contributions to
Kebbi state under its corporate social responsibility projects, including assisting over 300 women
to participate in its value chain.

―WACOT in addition to doubling capacity have been of tremendous assistance to Kebbi. They
have supported Argungu Fishing Festival, and a lot of our other festivals, they have done a lot of
corporate social responsibility. These efforts of WACOT are showing how much Nigeria has and
more companies are following suit,‖ Bagudu added.

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The Governor expressed optimism that the price of rice will stabilize soon and that it would be
favourable to both farmers and consumers.

WACOT Rice Limited is a member of the Tropical General Investments (TGI) Group, a global
conglomerate with majority of its investments based in emerging markets. TGI‘s investments
focus on driving inclusivity and value addition using locally sourced raw materials, state-of-the-
art manufacturing facilities and a highly skilled workforce to produce world class products that
are consumed both locally and exported to global markets.


APPEALS Project: Kogi farmers record 60% rice yield


By Joke Falaju, Abuja

30 January 2022 | 3:08 am
Rice farmers in Kogi State that benefited from the Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement
and Livelihood Improvement Support Project (APPEALS) said the adoption of improved
farming practices and other support facilitated by project has increased their rice yield by 60 per

The farmers, who disclosed this during the documentation of the implementation of the Value
Chain Investment Plan (VCIPs), led by the state project coordinator, Dr. Sanni Abdullahi
Ozomata, said the support, such as the provision of improved rice seedlings and exposure to best
farming practices, is responsible for the bumper harvest.

A farmer under the Ojodomo Multipurpose Cooperative Society, Ibaji Local Council, Mr. Atama
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Akpagi, who commended the project coordinator, said the transplanting methods have made so
much difference in their harvest this year, compared to the previous years.

He said: ―Before the intervention of the APPEALS project, we usually harvest 100 bags of
100kg but with the support, we harvested 150 bags. While in our group of 10 members, our
previous year‘s harvest was 400 bags of 110kg, we later harvested 550 bags of 100kg.‖

A total of 342 rice farmers from 27 Commodity Interest Groups (CIGS), covering 782 hectares
located in Ibaji, Idah and Yagba West council areas were supported with relevant inputs and
training for the year 2021 wet farming season.

A rice farmer in Echa Ejeba Cluster, Idah council area, Mr. David Ojoba, said: ―Before the
APPEALS project, what I usually produce is low, but now I have been able to produce more rice
paddy than before.

―The rice I produce this year is richer than the previous year because the APPEALS Project
support has lifted my production.‖
Normally, before the intervention, I produce about 20-25 bags, but now I have been able to
produce 40 bags, which is very encouraging. The Kogi APPEALS gave us training on how to
manage the input they provided, how to use and apply the chemicals and fertilizers. I thank Kogi
APPEALS for all their support.‖

Another rice farmer at Omi Village in Yagaba West council area, Mr. Kayode Ola, who said he
was initially skeptical about the genuine nature of the project, based on past experiences, said he
decided to give APPEALS project a trial and now he hasn‘t regretted the move.

He expressed his joy on the project because of the support given to rice farmers at Omi village.
He said he has been struggling with his rice farm over the years because of financial constraint to

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farm on a large scale, adding that with the support, he has used the proceeds from sales of the
produce to further sponsor his children in school and improve his livelihood.


Rice price increases beyond control, says Razzaque

United News of Bangladesh . Dhaka | Published: 18:12, Jan 30,2022 | Updated: 01:02, Jan

Agriculture minister Muhammad Abdur Razzaque. -- BSS photo.

The price of rice is increasing beyond control despite a record production and the highest stock
in silos, agriculture minister Muhammad Abdur Razzaque said on Sunday.
Since rice is the staple food the country will have to further boost the grain production at any
cost, the minister said at a meeting to review the progress of his ministry‘s Annual Development
Programme at secretariat.

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‗We are unable to control the price hike,‘ he told the meeting.
He urged scientists, agriculture extension officials and all others concerned to work sincerely for
increasing food production.
He asked officials not to waste time in lobbying to become projects directors in the hope of
earning extra money through corruption and irregularities.
Related Coverage:
 › Volatile rice price arrives to normal position soon: minister
 › Increased import leaves no impact on rice prices
‗The project directors are recruited after considering professional skill, eligibility and leadership
quality,‘ he said.
‗Please do not go for lobbying to become a project director for taking illegal facilities through
irregularities and corruption,‘ he said.
He said those who are in charge projects have to maintain transparency in spending funds.
Razzaque also asked the officers concerned of the ministry to monitor the project work strictly.
According to the ministry, it has 71 projects in FY2021-2022 with a total allocation of Tk 2,928
crores. So far, 32 per cent work has been implemented till December 2021, higher than the
national ADP implementation of 24 per cent.

ADB approves 2 grants to boost tourism, rice production in


Xinhua, January 31, 2022

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved two grants totaling 7.6 million U.S. dollars
to help revive tourism in Cambodia and boost the country's rice quality and production,
according to its press release on Monday.

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One grant, at 3.7 million dollars, is expected to benefit 4,000 villagers through the Community
Based Tourism COVID-19 Recovery Project, which covers the areas near the heritage Temple
of Preah Vihear in Preah Vihear province and the Temple of Phnom Da in Takeo province.
The other grant, at 3.9 million dollars, will benefit about 22,000 smallholder rice farmers by
providing additional financing for the Climate Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector
Development Program in the provinces of Battambang, Kampong Thom, and Prey Veng.
"The first grant will help communities improve tourism infrastructure and customer service,
which can attract more tourists and boost the local economy," said ADB acting country director
for Cambodia Anthony Gill.
"The second grant will help Cambodia's rice producers increase incomes and climate resilience
by addressing logistics and supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19," he added.

Centre May Continue Rice Subsidy for Ethanol to Reduce


Shivam Dwivedi Updated 31 January, 2022 10:40 AM IST Published on 31 January, 2022 7:59
Picture of Rice

As of January 1, FCI had a rice supply of 53.89 mt, which was more than seven times the
stocking norm of 7.61 mt. Paddy procurement exceeds the official annual distribution
requirement of 28 million tonnes (mt) under the National Food Security Act (NFSA).

Government is likely to continue to offer rice from the Central Pool stock for ethanol at
subsidized rates for the next five years, potentially reducing stock by 10 mt over and above
normal offtake.

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Because the Centre has approved grain-based ethanol plants with a capacity of about 860 crore
litres, bringing the total capacity of grain-based units to about 1,100 crore litres when existing
plants are factored in, 22-23 mt of rice will be required if all of these plants use rice as a

However, because all of these approved ideas may not materialize and some plants may use
maize as a feedstock, roughly 10-11 million tonnes of rice may be used by these plants, enough
to generate 440-480 million litres, according to a government official.
Surging Stocks

In 2020-21, the government might reduce the stock of rice by an extra 19.6 mt through
distribution under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, in addition to the 35.6 mt
offtake under NFSA and other regular schemes. Nonetheless, as of April 1, 2021 (the end of
FY21), FCI had close to 50 mt of rice stock (including unmilled paddy in terms of rice), which
was 368 percent greater than the permitted buffer norm and strategic reserve of 13.58 mt.


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LT Foods Q3 Results: Consolidated net up 11% at Rs

77 crore
LT Foods Q3 Results: Consolidated net up 11% at Rs 77 crore

PTILast Updated: Jan 31, 2022, 04:04 PM IST

The company's net profit for the corresponding quarter of FY21 stood at Rs 69.23 crore, it
said in a regulatory filing.

Mumbai: Leading basmati rice firm LT Foods on Monday

posted a 11.10 per cent rise in consolidated net profit to Rs
76.92 crore for the December 2021 quarter. The company's net
profit for the corresponding quarter of FY21 stood at Rs 69.23
crore, it said in a regulatory filing. Revenue from operations
during the quarter under review rose 21.25 per cent to Rs
1,368.21 crore as compared to Rs 1,128.34 crore in the year-
ago period. LT Foods sells basmati rice under the brand


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