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I, Akash Shivputra by declare that the project on the topic “ORGANISATION STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO
MAHINDRA TRACTORS” is submitted in partial fulfillment of Business Management studies. This is to
declare that the facts and figures used in this report have been true to the best of my knowledge. All the
data provided has been authentic as far as the sources of data is concerned.

Name - Akash Shivputra

Usn - 1DS21BA004

bonafied work done by Mr.Akash Shivputra in partial fulfillment of Buisness Management program of
DSCE(Affiliated to VTU) Bangalore. The study embodies data collected analyzed and complied by the
researcher under the guidance of undersigned guide of the institute and thereby approved as indicating the
proficiency of the researcher.

(Research Guide) (Sales Manager, Mahindra Tractors)

This is to certify that Mr Akash Shivputra

The promotion of sales is a key factor in marketing activities. Sales Promotion
of the formation of the diversification of the excitation tool, mainly by short-term,
aimed at promoting faster, or more purchase of a given product or service consumer
or trade.
While advertising provides a reason for purchase, sales promotion of incentive
to purchase, sales promotion tools consumer promotions (Tour, coupons, Free
presentation materials, premiums, rewards, free trial, guarantee, in conjunction with
promotions, cross-promotion, Point-of-purchase displays, and presentation); featured
promotions (prices, advertising and display the benefits and free goods).

Sales Promotion of the use of the tools for most organizations, including
manufacturers, distributors, retail or stared at societies, non-profit organizations.

The sales promotion has very important for customer or to push the
manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and provision of incentives for customers,
resellers, dealers, distributors, sales promotion of short-term profit increasing sales
and its effect is temporary.

Mahindra motor, Kalaburagi is authorized dealer. Mahindra vehicles use

several sales promotion techniques to increase sales of the tractor.

According to the "A.H.R Delens"
The sales promotion means any steps to take measures for the purpose of
obtaining an increasing number of sales. Normally this refers to the dedicated sales
efforts, aimed at complementing the personal sales and advertising and coordination
has helped them become more effective.
Promotional Activities
There is a good sales and marketing promotion strategy involves a degree of
fire way to reach its audience. This involves the creation of graphics spectacular
jingles advertising. Sales and Marketing strategists will of their products and services
through a number of different places, such as the radio and print advertising,
billboards and the e-mail address. Other promotional activities include the provision
of product discounts or incentives in the procurement of a certain degree of service.

Sales Promotion
Marketing is one of the five aspects of the promotional combinations. 4 Other
promotional combination of advertising, personal sales; direct marketing and
promoting the public relations. The media and non-media marketing communications
for a pre-determined, the limited amount of time, an increase in consumer demand
and stimulate the market demands or improve usability. Examples of this include
competitions, coupons, giveaways, and loss of leaders, Point-of-purchase displays,
and premiums, prizes, product samples, rebates.

Promotions to the customer sales staff or distribution channel members

(AS retailers). Sales Promotion object consumer is called as consumer sales
promotions. Sales Promotions for retail shops and wholesale is known as Trade sales
promotions. Some sales promotions, particularly with unusual methodologies are
considered gimmicks that many.

Promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide

added value or encourage consumers, wholesalers, distributors, or other organizations
to stimulate the customer direct sales. These efforts can try to stimulate interest in the
products, trial or purchase. Examples of devices used in sales promotion including
coupons, samples, premiums, point of purchase (POP) display, competitions,
discounts, sweepstakes.

Sales promotion to attract new customers in order to maintain the current

customer boycott competition, take advantage of the opportunities for market research
reveals. It is determined by the activities of internal and external activities in order to
increase the sales performance of the Company. The external sales promotion
activities includes advertising, publicity, public relations activities, and in particular
the sales activities. Internal sales promotion activities including window displays the
product and promotional materials display and advocacy programs, such as advanced
awards and competitions.

Sales Promotions are often in the form of discount. Discounts impact on

consumers' thinking and behavior when shopping. The types of savings and their
locations can affect the way consumers view products and affect their purchase
decisions. The two most common discount price discounts (the Project) and bonus
pack (Bulk Items"). Price Discount is to reduce the original sales as a %age of the
bonus pack in transactions that consumers receive more original price. Many
companies are different forms of discounts advertisements want to convince
consumers to buy their products.

Push the sales strategy.

Push the sales strategy from manufacturers to "push" our products through the
supply chain of consumers. Encourages, in which each middle tier motivation to
convince the next person the product purchased. Traditionally, this technology
includes the premium, wholesale discount and buy-back guarantee. This technology is
not just for large players are competing to get their products to other retail outlets. If
your small retail stores or his own the company that is providing the service, you can
still benefit from such a strategy. Offer a complimentary to your staff to sell your
products or services week is the "push" technology. Give your customers free items to
recommend it to my friends of your business.

Pull the sales strategy.

The "pull" strategic project for the final consumer product of interest to create
demand When demand is there supply chain pull it, will retail stores require suppliers
and distributors, and they, in turn, requires the manufacturer's information about the
product. If your business has the resources, you can initiate a campaign to get final
consumers excited about your product. Television, print and electronic advertising
options help pull strategy.

Combination of push and pull it out.

The strengthening of sales, try to connect the two together. For example,
provide your customers with a voucher, free gifts or Frequent Customer Loyalty
Rewards to drive traffic to your business. These activities are 'pulled' strategy. At the
same time, give your sales team such as holiday competitions, additional committees
or better parking sale of a product or move a certain number of commodities. This is
the "push" policy. Through a combination of the two approaches, comprehensively
promote, you will match the motives of the Purchaser has a fervent sales teams,
increase sales growth.

Customer Satisfaction also helps you to cope.

 Customer Expectations
 Attitudes and Behavior.
 Personal appearance.
 To uphold principles and Vales
 Management of complaints
 Receive it in Exact Time

Marketing Portfolio
Marketing Portfolio is a set of marketing tools using its marketing objectives
of the target market.

McCarthy popularized the four factors disaggregated Marketing Tools 4 P of

the marketing mix.

Marketing Portfolio

Helpers Place Promotion

Figure 1- Marketing Mix

These are the four basic pillars of the marketing mix. Maximum marketing
strategies have been built on the basis of these criteria. The promotion is one of the
vital factors in marketing mix.

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What the product is, to meet the need and want Customer, it may be a tangible
(goods) or intangible (service). It dealt with the new product development, product
life cycle, product mix, product line, the services related to the brand and products.
From the customer perspective, it helps to meet the needs of our customers and their


The price is currency value products. Price and select pricing goals,
determines the price, discount, allowances, compensation policies and conditions for
credit. This is very important for the client, and as it determines the costs to be paid
by the customer to get the value of a product.

This marketing tool for a range of activities on behalf of the Company to the
product can access and the available customers. It is related to the size of markets, the
choice of channel and management, storage, and physical distribution and the ultimate
aim of the efficient provision of company's target market.

The promotion of the activities of the site of the corporate communication and
advocacy of their products for the target market, it involves the communication
program that is, direct marketing, advertising, promotions, public relations and
dynamism of the sales force. The customer provided by this tool of knowledge and

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Promotion combination
Promotion portfolio includes the Company;



TIO Direct marketing


Sale promotion

Personal selling

Public relation

Figure 2- Combination

Automatic Services
Access is a fundamental part of the tractor operations, simultaneous picking
their car to complete the transaction has begun and management perspective, their
brains. When you use the automatic request further point, and then consider it the
most vital to automatically to the Management Zone. Many people simply ignore the
way that their cars must be adjusted ordinary interims they simply to raise the tractor
operator's manual, mixed together only can avoid additional automatically. The
person who has a different degree of response will be the vehicle for motor oil and
channel change, street side of carport or a basic management focus. Some people
would use its automatic driver for employment. This demo is damaged automatically
on a long-distance the tractor is a composite of the framework and it needs adequate
maintenance, agreed method is specified in the "Manual".

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Many of the people who are so dependent on their vehicles, they will
not fundamentally to leave their car for only one day will still be adjusted. Most
organizations have attempted to answer this question with free lift and delivery
vehicles. Along these lines is to adjust the friendlier and appropriate each
transient one day, the proprietor and automatic should their car overhaul of the
administration site simply because they will have the tangle of gear case,
merely a suitable for automatic. Repair work to the east-west never dream.

Here are dilapidated, career customary or payment management,

 In accordance with the system, electrical and physical cleansing this is
crucial to the withdrawal and dirty dust particles change to automatic
since conventional customized.
 The cleaning and vacuuming out of the dust from the seat cover and
 All-in-One lights and security guards to shine more sparks,
automatically to extricate it from the public.
 Engine changes, including flash insert cleaning or replacement if
accounts payable, businessmen point compliance or an alternative to the
air passage in the cleaning or replacement, oil channel replacement,
CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT, blasting time organizations in an
unexpected way. Each and every one of these is not a qualifying product
is necessary, that run automatically in the perfect conditions.
 Rotate the wheel or tire inspection is essential vehicle insurance.
 Manage and modify the Brake and Hand footbrake changes. If you need to.
 Engine or transmission oil, filter, coolant changes. Brake fluid can
maintain these vital parts of the body of the vehicle in this the perfect
 All electrical check alternative, as long as the basic electrical
relationship is essential health and running smoothly, automatically.
 Battery exquisite water washer suppression, making these things are
important, expanding the battery life and clean the windshield is of
paramount importance.
 The various oversight link changes.
 Seizures of institutions.

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