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GATE CS - 2004

Q: 1 — Q.30 carry one mark each

1. The goal of structured programming is to

(a) have well indented programs
(b) be able to infer the flow of control from the compiled code
(c) be able to infer the flow of control form the program text
(d) avoid the use of GOTO statements

2. Consider the following C function

vaid swap (mt a, mt b)
{ mt temp;
temp = a
a =b;
b =temp;
In order to exchange the values of two variables x and y.
(a) call swap (x, y)
(b) call swap (&x, &y)
(c) swap (x,y) cannot be used as it does not return any value
(d) swap (x,y) cannot be used as the parameters are passed by value

3. A single array A[1..MAXSIZE] is used to implement two stacks. The two stacks grow from
opposite ends of the array. Variables topi and top 2 (topl< top 2) point to the location of the
topmost element in each of the stacks. If the space is to be used efficiently, the condition for
“stack full” is
(a) (topi = MAXSIZE/2) and (top2 = MAXSIZE/2+1)
(b) topi + top2 = MAXSIZE
(c) (topi = MAXSIZE/2) or (top2 = MAXSIZE)
(d) topi = top2 -1

4. The following numbers are inserted into an empty binary search tree in the given order: 10,
1, 3, 5, 15, 12, 16. What is the height of the binary search tree (the height is the maximum
distance of a leaf node from the root)?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6

5. The best data structure to check whether an arithmetic expression has balanced
parentheses is a
(a) queue
(b) stack
(c) tree
(d) list

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6. Level order traversal of a rooted tree can be done by starting from the root and
(a) preorder traversal
(b) in-order traversal
(c) depth first search
(d) breadth first search

7. Given the following input (4322, 1334, 1471, 9679, 1989, 6171, 6173, 4199) and the hash
function x mod 10, which of the following statements are true?
i) 9679, 1989, 4199 hash to the same value
ii) 1471, 6171 has to the same value
iii) All elements hash to the same value
iv) Each element hashes to a different value
(a) i only
(b) ii only
(c) i and ii only
(d) iii or iv

8. Which of the following grammar rules violate the requirements of an operator grammar? P.
Q, R are nonterminals, and r,s,t are terminals.
(i) P-QR
(ii) P-QsR
(a) (i) only
(b) (i) and (iii) only
(c) (ii) and (iii) only
(d) (iii) and (iv) only

9. Consider a program P that consists of two source modules M1 and M2 contained in

two different files. If M1 contains a reference to a function defined in M2 the
reference will be resolved at
(a) Edit time
(b) Compile time
(c) Link time
(d) Load time

10. Consider the grammar rule E - E1 — E2 for arithmetic expressions. The code generated is
targeted to a CPU having a single user register. The subtraction operation requires the first
operand to be in the register. If E1 and E2 do not have nay-common sub-expression, in order
to get the shortest possible code
(a) E1 should be evaluated first
(b) E2 should be evaluated first
(c) Evaluation of E1 and E2 should necessarily be interleaved
(d) Order to evaluation of E1 and E2 is of no consequence

11. Consider the following statements with respect to user-level threads and kernel-
supported threads
(i) context switch is faster with kernel-supported threads
(ii) for user-level threads, a system call can block the entire process

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(iii) Kernel supported threads can be scheduled independently

(iv) User level threads are transparent to the kernel
Which of the above statements are true?
(a) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
(b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i) and (iii) only
(d) (i) and (ii) only

12. Consider an operating system capable of loading and executing a single sequential user
process at a time. The disk head scheduling algorithm used is First Come First Served (FCFS).
If FCFS is replaced by Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF), claimed by the vendor to give SO%
better benchmark results, what is the expected improvement in the I/O performance of user
(a) 50% (b) 40% (c) 25% (d) 0%

13. Let R1 (A,B,((D) and R2 (D,E) be two relation schema, where the primary keys are shown
underlined, and let C be a foreign key in R1 referring to R2. Suppose there is no violation of
the above referential integrity constraint in the corresponding relation instances r1 and r2.
Which one of the following relational algebra expressions would necessarily produce an empty
(a) HD(r2)HC(rl)
(b) HC(rl)—HD(r2)
(c) 11D (ri)(c< Dr2)
(d) H (ri><c — Dr2)

14. Consider the following relation schema pertaining to a students database:

Students (rollno, name, address)
Enroll(rollno,courseno, coursename)
Where the primary keys are shown underlined. The number of tuples in the student and Enroll
tables are 120 and 8 respectively. What are the maximum and minimum number of tuples
that can be present in (Student * Enroll), where ‘*‘ denotes natural join?
(a) 8,8
(b) 120,8
(c) 960,8
(d) 960,120

15. Choose the best matching between Group 1 and Group 2

Group —1 Group — 2
1. Ensures reliable transport of data over a physical point-to-point
P. Data link layer
Q. Network layer 2. Encodes/decodes data for physical transimission
R. Transport layer 3. Allows end-to-end communication between two processes
4. Routes data from one network node to the next
(a) P—1,Q—4,R-3
(b) P—2,Q—4,R-1
(c) P—2,Q—3,R-1
(d) P—1,Q—3,R-2

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16. Which of the following is NOT true with respect to a transparent bridge and a router?
(a) Both bridge and router selectively forward data packets
(b) A bridge uses IP addresses while a router uses MAC addresses
(c) A bridge builds up its routing table by inspecting incoming packets
(d) A router can connect between a LAN and a WAN

17. A Boolean function x’y’+xy+x’yis equivalent to

(a) x’+y’
(b) x+y
(c) x+y’
(d) x’+y

18. In an SR latch made by cross-coupling two NAND gates, if both S and R inputs are set to
0, then it will result in
(c) Q = 1,Q’ = 1
(d) Indeterminate states

19. If 73 (in base-x number system) is equal to 54,, (in base y-number system), the possible
values of x and y are
(a) 8, 16
(b) 10, 12
(c) 9, 13
(d) 8, 11

20. Which of the following addressing modes are suitable for program relocation at run time?
(i) Absolute addressing (ii) Based addressing
(iii) Relative addressing (iv) Indirect addressing
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iv)

21. The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a
virtual memory environment is determined by
(a) the instruction set architecture
(b) page size
(c) physical memory size
(d) number of processes in memory

22. How many 8-bit characters can be transmitted per second over a 9600 baud serial
communication link using asynchronous mode of transmission with one start bit, eight data
bits, two stop bits, and one parity bit?
(a) 600
(b) 800
(c) 876
(d) 1200

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23. Identify the correct translation into logical notation of the following assertion. Some boys
in the class are taller than all the girls
Note: taller (x,y) is true if x is taller than y.
(a) (ax) (boy(x) - (Vy) (girl(y) A taller(x,y)))
(b) (ax) (boy(x) A (Vy) (girl(y) A taller(x,y)))
(c) (ax) (boy(x) - (Vy) (girl(y) - taller(x,y)))
(d) (ax) (boy(x) A (Vy) (girl(y) A taller(x,y)))

24. Consider the binary relation:

S = {(x,y)y =x+1 and x,yE {0,1,2})
The reflexive transitive closure of S is
(a) {(x,y)y > x and x,y {O,1,2})
(b) {(x,y)y < x and x,y {O,1,2})
(c) {(x,y)y <x and x,y E {0,1,2})
(d) {(x,y)y > x and x,y E {0,1,2})

25. The number of different n x n symmetric matrices with each element being either
0 or 1 is : (Note: power (2,x) is same as 2X)
(a) power (2,n)
(b) power(2,n2)
(c) power (2, (n2+n/2)
(d) power (2, (n2 — n)/2)

26. Let A,B,C,D be n x n matrices, each with non-zero determinant. If ABCD=I, then B1 is
(a) D1 C1 A
(b) CDA
(c) ADC
(d) Does not necessarily exist

27. What is the result of evaluating the following two expressions using three-digit
floating point arithmetic with rounding?
(113.+—111.)+ 7.51
113.+(—111.+ 7.51)
(a) 9.51 and 10.0 respectively
(b) 10.0 and 9.51 respectively
(c) 9.51 and 9.51 respectively
(d) 10.0 and 10.0 respectively

28. The tightest lower bound on the number of comparisons, in the worst case, for
comparison-based sorting is of the order of
(a) n
(b) n2
(c) nlogn
(d) nlog2n

29. The problem 3-SAT and 2-SAT are

(a) both in P
(b) both NP complete
(c) NP-complete and in P respectively

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(d) undecidable and NP-complete respectively

Following questions carry two marks each

30. Consider the following C function:

mt f(int n)
{ static mt i = 1
if (n >=5) return n;
n = n+I;
return f(n);
The value returned by f(1) is
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8

31. Consider the following program fragment for reversing the digits in a given integer to
obtain a new integer. Let n = did2...dn,.
mt n, rev;
rev = 0;
while (n > 0) {
rev = rev *10+n °h 10;
n = n I 10
The loop invariant condition at the end of the ith iteration is:
(a) n = did2•••dm, and rev=dmdm i•••dm ,+i
(b) n = dm ,+1”°’m idm or rev=dm ,...d2d1
(c) n=rev
(d) fl=did2•••dm orrev=dm...d2di

32. Consider the following C program segment:

char p [20]
char * s = “string”;
mt length = strlen (5);
for (i = 0 ; i < length; i++)
p[i] = s[length — I];
print f(”°Io”,p);
The output of the program is
(a) gnirts
(C) gnirt
(b) string
(d) no output is printed

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33. It is desired to design an object-oriented employee record system for a company.

Each employee has a name, unique id and salary. Employees belong to different
categories and their salary is determined by their category. The functions get
Name, getld and compute salary are required. Given the class hierarchy below,
possible locations for these functions are:
(i) getld is implemented in the superclass
(ii) getld is implemented in the subclass
(iii) getName is an abstract function in the superclass
(iv) getName is implemented in the superclass
(v) getName is implemented in the subclass
(vi) getSalary is an abstract function in the superclass
(vii)getSalary is implemented in the superclass
(viii) getSalary is implemented in the subclass
Choose the best design
(a) (i), (iv), (vi), (viii)
(b) (i), (iv), (vii)
(c) (i), (iii), (v), (vi), (viii)
(d) (ii), (v), (viii)

34. Consider the label sequences obtained by the following pairs of traversals on a
labeled binary tree. Which of these pairs identify a tree uniquely?
i) preorder and postorder
ii) inorder and postorder
iii) preorder and inorder
iv) level order and postorder
(a) (i) only
(b) (ii), (iii)
(c) (iii) only
(d) (iv) only

35. A circularly linked list is used to represent a Queue. A single variable p is used to
access the Queue. To which node should p point such that both the operations enQueue
and deQueue can be performed in constant time? tRear
(a) rear node
(b) front node
(c) not possible with a single pointer
(d) node next to front

36. Assume that the operators +, -, x, are left associative and A is right associative. The order
of precedence (from highest to lowest) is A, x, +, -. The postfix expression corresponding to
the infix expression a + bxc-d”e”f is
(a) abcx+def”-
(b) abcx+de”f”
(c) ab+cxd-e”f”
(d) - + axbc”def

37. Two matrices M1 and M2 are to be stored in arrays A and B respectively. Each array can
be stored either in row-major or column-major order in contiguous memory locations. The
time complexity of an algorithm to compute M1 x M2 will be

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(a) best if A is in row-major, and B is in column major order

(b) best if both are in row-major order
(c) best if both are in column-major order
(d) independent of the storage scheme

38. Suppose each set is represented as a linked list with elements in arbitray order.
Which of the operations among union, intersection, membership, cardinality will
be the slowest?
(a) union only
(b) intersection, membership
(c) membership, cardinality
(d) union, intersection

39. Consider the following C program

main ( )
{ intx,y,m,n;
scanf (“°Iod °Iod”, &x, &y);
/ x > 0 and y > 0 */
m = x; n = y;
while (m! = n)
{ if(m>n)
m = m - n;
n = n - m;
The program computes
(a) x + y using repeated subtraction
(b) x mod y using repeated subtraction
(c) the greatest common divisor of x and y
(d) the least common multiple of x and y

40. What does the following algorithm approximate? (Assume m > 1, E > 0).
X = m;
Y = 1;
While (x — y > E)
{ x=(x+y)/2;
y = m/x;
print (x);
(a) log m
(b) m2
(C) m2
(d) m3

41. Consider the following C program segment

struct CellNode{
struct CelINode *leftchild;

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mt element;
struct CelINode *rightChild;
mt Dosomething (struct CelINode *ptr)
mt value = 0;
if (ptr ! = NULL)
{ if (ptr - > leftChild ! = NULL)
value = 1 + DoSomething (ptr - > leftChild);
if (ptr - > rig htChild ! = NULL)
value = max(value,1 + DoSomething (ptr - > rightChild));
return (value);
The value returned by the function DoSomething when a pointer to the root of a
non-empty tree is passed as argument is
(a) The number of leaf nodes in the tree
(b) The number of nodes in the tree
(c) The number of internal nodes in the tree
(d) The height of the tree

42. Suppose we run Dijkstra’s single source shortest-path algorithm on the following edge-
weighted directed graph with vertex P as the source.
In what order do the nodes get included into the set of vertices for which the shortest path
distances are finalized?
(a) P,Q,R,S,T,U
(b) P,Q,R,U,S,T
(c) P,Q,R,U,T,S
(d) P,Q,T,R,U,S

43. Consider the grammar with the following translation rules and E as the start symbol.
{E.value = E1.value * T.value} {E.value = T.value} {T.value = T1.value * F.value} {T.value
= F.value} {F.value = num.value}
Compute E.value for the root of the parse tree for the expression:2 # 3 & 5 # 6 &4.
(a) 200
(b) 180
(c) 160
(d) 40

44. Consider the following set of processes, with the arrival times and the CPU-burst times
given in milliseconds.

Process Burst Time
P1 0 5
P2 1 3
P3 2 3
P4 4 1

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What is the average turnaround time for with the preemptive
processing time
shortest remaining (SRPT) algorithm?
(b) 5.75 (c) 6.00 (d) 6.25

45. Consider a system with a two-level paging scheme in which a regular memory access
takes 150 nanoseconds, and servicing a page fault takes 8 milliseconds. An average
instruction takes 100 nanoseconds of CPU time, and two memory accesses. The TLB hit ratio
is 90%, and the page fault rate is one in every 10,000 instructions. What is the effective
average instruction execution time?
(a) 645 nanoseconds
(b) 1050 nanoseconds
(c) 1215 nanoseconds
(d) 1230 nanoseconds

46. A unix-style I-node has 10 direct pointers and one single, one double and one triple
indirect pointers. Disk block size is 1 Kbyte, disk block address is 32 bits, and 48-bit integers
are used. What is the maximum possible file size?
(a) 224 bytes
(b) 232 bytes
(c) bytes
(d) 248 bytes

47. The relation scheme Student Performance (name, courseNo, rolINo, grade) has the
following functional dependencies:
name, courseNo, - grade
rolINo, courseNo - grade
name - rolINo
rolINo - name
The highest normal form of this relation scheme is
(a) 2 NF
(b) 3 NF

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(c) BCNF
(d) 4 NF

P1: P2:
While true do While true
{ do
L1. L3.
L2. L4.
X=X+1; Y=Y+1;
Y=Y-1; X=Y-1;
V(S); V(S);
V(Sy); } V(S); }

48. Consider the relation Student (name, sex, marks), where the primary key is shown
underlined, pertaining to students in a class that has at least one boy and one girl. What does
the following relational algebra expression produce)
(Note: p is the rename operator).
name (cex female (Student)) — “name [Student , Pn,x,m (Student)]
(a) names of girl students with the highest marks
(b) names of girl students with more marks than some boy student
(c) names of girl students with marks not less than some boy student
(d) names of girl students with more marks than all the boy students

49. The order of an internal node in a B+ tree index is the maximum number of children it can
have. Suppose that a child pointer takes 6 bytes, the search field value takes 14 bytes, and
the block size is 512 bytes. What is the order of the
internal node?
(a) 24
(b) 25
(c) 26
(d) 27

50. The employee information in a company is stored in the relation

Employee (name, sex, salary, deptName)
Consider the following SQL query
Select deptName
From Employee
Where sex =
Group by deptName
Having avg(salary) >
(select avg (salary) from Employee)
It returns the names of the department in which
(a) the average salary is more than the average salary in the company
(b) the average salary of male employees is more than the average salary of all male
employees in the company
(c) the average salary of male employees is more than the average salary of employees in the
same department.

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(d) the average salary of male employees is more than the average salary in the company

51. A and B are the only two stations on an Ethernet. Each has a steady queue of frames to
send. Both A and B attempt to transmit a frame, collide, and A wins the first backoff race. At
the end of this successful transmission by A, both A and B attempt to transmit and collide. The
probability that A wins the second backoff
race is
(a) 0.5
(b) 0.625
(c) 0.75
(d) 1.0

52. The routing table of a router is shown below:

Destination Subnet Mask Interface EthO Ethi Eth3
Default Eth2

On which interface will the router forward packets addressed to destinations and respectively?
(a) Ethi and Eth2
(b) EthO and Eth2
(c) EthO and Eth3
(d) Ethi and Eth3

53. containing 180 bytes of application data to a host H in network C. The TCP layer prefixes a
20 byte header to the message. This passes through an intermediate network B. the
maximum packet size, including 20 byte IP header, in each network is:
A : 1000 bytes
B : 100 bytes
C : 1000 bytes
The network A and B are connected through a 1 Mbps link, while B and C are connected by a
512 Kbps link (bps = bits per second).
Network A 1 Mbps tEkB512Mb Network C

54. Assuming that the packets are correctly delivered, how many bytes, including headers, are
delivered to the IP layer at the destination for one application message, in the best case?
Consider only data packets.
(a) 200
(b) 220
(c) 240
(d) 260

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55. What is the rate at which application data is transferred to host H? Ignore errors,
acknowledgements, and other overheads.
(a) 325.5 Kbps
(b) 354.5 Kbps
(c) 409.6 Kbps
(d) 512.0 Kbps

56. A circuit outputs a digit in the form of 4 bits. 0 is represented by 0000, 1 by

0001, ..., 9 by 1001. A combinational circuit is to be designed which takes these 4 bits as
input and outputs 1 if the digit 5, and 0 otherwise. If only AND, OR and NOT gates may be
used, what is the minimum number of gates required?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

57. Which are the essential prime implicants of the following Boolean function? f(a,b,c)==
(a) a’c and ac’
(b) a’c and b’c
(c) a’conly
(d) ac’ and bc’

58. Consider a multiplexer with X and Y as data inputs and Z as control input. Z = 0 selects
input X, and Z = 1 selects input Y. What are the connections required to realize the 2-variable
Boolean function f = T + R, without using any additional hardware?
(a) R to X, 1 to Y, T to Z
(b) T to X, R to Y, 0 to Z
(c) TtoX,RtoY,TtoZ
(d) RtoX,OtoY,TtoZ

59. Consider the partial implementation of a 2-bit counter using the sequence 0-2-3-1-0, as
shown below.

To complete the circuit, the input X should be

T flip-flops following
(a) Q2’
(b) Q2+Q1

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(c) (Q1 Q2)’

(d) Q1 Q2

60. A 4-bit carry look ahead adder, which adds two 4-bit numbers, is designed using AND, OR,
NOT, NAND, NOR gates only. Assuming that all the inputs are available in both complemented
and uncomplemented forms and the delay of each gate is one time unit, what is the overall
propagation delay of the adder? Assume that the carry network has been implemented using
two-level AND-OR logic.
(a) 4 time units
(b) 6 time units
(c) 10 time units
(d) 12 time units

The following information pertains to Q.63 and 64:

Consider the following program segment for a hypothetical CPU having three user registers Ri,
R2 and R3.
Instruction Operation Instruction Size (in words)
MOV R1,5000 ;R1 - Memory[5000] 2
MOV R2(R1) ;R2 - Memory[(R1)] 1
ADD R2, R3 ;R2 - R2 + R3 1
MOV 6000, R2 ; Memory[6000] - R2 2
HALT ;Machine halts 1

63. Consider that the memory is byte addressable with size 32 bits, and the program has been
loaded starting form memory location 1000 (decimal). If an interrupt occurs while the CPU has
been halted after executing the HALT instruction, the return address (in decimal) saved in the
stack will be
(a) 1007
(b) 1020
(c) 1024
(d) 1028

64. Let the clock cycles required fro various operations be as follows:
Register to/from memory transfer : 3 clock cyles
ADD with both operands in register : 1 clock cyle
Instruction fetch and decode : 2 clock cycles per word
The total number of clock cycles required to execute the program is
(a) 29
(b) 24
(c) 23
(d) 20

65. Consider a small two-way set-associative cache memory, consisting of four

blocks. For choosing the block to be replaced, use the least recently used (LRU)
scheme. The number of cache misses for the following sequence of block

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addresses is 8, 12, 0, 12,8

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

66. Let A = 1111 1010 and B = 0000 1010 be two 8-bit 2’s complement numbers. Their
product in 2’s complement is
(a) 1100 0100
(b) 1001 1100
(c) 1010 0101
(d) 1101 0101

67. The microinstructions stored in the control memory of a processor have a width of 26 bits.
Each microinstruction is divided into three fields: a micro-operation field of 13 bits, a next
address field (X), and a MUX select field (Y). there are 8 status bits in the inputs of the MUX.
How many bits are there in the X and Y fields, memory in number of words, and what is the
size of the control?
(a) 10, 3, 1024
(b) 8, 5, 256
(c) 5, 8, 2048
(d) 10, 3, 512

68. A hard disk with a transfer rate of 10 Mbytes/second is constantly transferring data to
memory using DMA. The processor runs at 600 MHz, and takes 300 and 900 clock cycles to
initiate and complete DMA transfer respectively. If the size of the transfer is 20 Kbytes, what
is the percentage of processor time consumed for the transfer operation?
(a) 5.0°h
(b) 1.0°h
(c) 0.5°h
(d) 0.1°h

69. A 4-stage pipeline has the stage delays as 150, 120, 160 and 140 nanoseconds
respectively. Registers that are used between the stages have a delay of 5 nanoseconds each.
Assuming constant clocking rate, the total time taken to process 1000 data items on this
pipeline will be
(a) 120.4 microseconds
(b) 160.5 microseconds
(c) 165.5 microseconds
(d) 590.0 microseconds

70. The following prepositional statement is ( — (Qv R)) — ((P A Q) — R)

(a) satisfiable but not valid
(b) valid Micro Operations
(c) a contradiction
(d) None of the above

71. How many solutions does the following system of linear equations have?
—x + 5y —1
x—y 2

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x + 3y — 3
(a) infinitely many
(b) two distinct solutions
(c) unique
(d) none

72. The following is the incomplete operation table of a 4-element group.

The last row of the table is
(a) caeb
(b) cbae
(c) cbeaceab

73. The inclusion of which of the following sets into

S {{i, 2} , {1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 5} , {1, 2, 4} , {1, 2,3,4, 5}}
is necessary and sufficient to make S a complete lattice under the partial order
defined by set containment?
(a) {1}
(b) {1},{2,3}
(c) {1},{1,3}
(d) {1},{1,3},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,5}

74. An examination paper has 150 multiple choice questions of one mark each, with each
question having four choices. Each incorrect answer fetches —0.25 marks. Suppose 1000
students choose all their answers randomly with uniform probability. The sum total of the
expected marks obtained by all these students is
(a) 0
(b) 2550
(c) 7525
(d) 9375

75. Mala has a colouring book in which each English letter is drawn two times. She wants to
paint each of these 52 prints with one of k colours, such that he colour pairs used to colour
any two lwtters are different. Both prints of a letter can also be coloured with the same colour.
What is the minimum value of k that satisfies this requirement?
(a) 9
(b) 8
(c) 7
(d) 6

e a b c
e e a b c
a a b c e

77. The minimum number of colours required to colour the following graph, such that no two
adjacent vertices are assigned the same colour, is

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(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

78. Two n bit binary strings, S1 and S2 are chosen randomly with uniform probability. The
probability that the Hamming distance between these strings (the number of bit positions
where the two strings differ) is equal to d is
(a) Cd/2
(b) nCd/2d
(c) d/2
(d) 1/2c
(n2 _3n)

79. How many graph on n labeled vertices exist which have at least 2 edges.
(a) (n 2 n)/2C
(b) (n 2
(c) (n 2 n)/2C
(d) (n 2 n)/2C

80. Let G1 (V,E1) and G2 (V,E2) be connected graphs on the same vertex set V with more
than two vertices. If G1 nG2 (V,E1 nE2) is not a connected graph, then the graph G1 uG2
(V,E1 uE2)
(a) cannot have a cut vertex
(b) must have a cycle
(c) must have a cut-edge (bridge)
(d) has chromatic number strictly greater than those of G1 and G2

81. Let A[i,...,n] be an array storing a bit (1 or 0) at each location, and f(m) is a
function whose time complexity is 0(m). Consider the following program fragment
written in a C like language:
counter = 0;
for (i =1; i = n; i++)
{if (a[i] == 1) counter++;
else {f (counter); counter = 0;)

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The complexity of this program fragment is

(a) c(n2)
(b) O2(nlogn) and 0(n2)
(c) 0(n)
(d) 0(n)

82. The time complexity of the following C function is (assume n > 0)

mt recursive (mt n) {
if (n == 1)
return (1);
return (recursive (n-i)_+ recursive (n-i);
(a) 0(n)
(b) 0(nlog n)
(c) 0(n2)
(d) 0(2)

83. The recurrence equation

T(i) i
T(n) — 2T(n—i)+n,n 2
evaluates to
(a) 2 1 — n — 2
(b) 2 — n
(c) 2 1 — 2n — 2
(d) 2 + n

84. A program takes as input a balanced binary search tree with n leaf nodes and computes
the value of a function g(x) for each node x. If the cost of computing g(x) is min(number of
leaf-nodes in left-subtree of x, number of leaf-nodes in rig ht-subtree of x) then the worst-
case time complexity of the program is
(a) (n)
(b) (nlogn)
(c) (n)
(d) (n logn)

85. The following finite state machine accepts all those binary strings in which the number of
l’s and 0’s are respectively

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(a) divisible by 3 and 2

(c) even and odd

86. The language {ambncm m,n > i} is

(a) regular
(c) context sensitive but not context free

87. L1 is a recursively enumerable language over . An algorithm A effectively enumerates its

words as o, o, o, define another language L2 over
{w, #w1 : EL11,’ <j}.Here # is a new symbol. Consider the following assertions.
S1: L1 is recursive implies L2 is recursive
S2: L2 is recursive implies L1 is recursive
Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Both S1 and S2 are true
(b) S is true but S2 is not necessarily true
(C) S2 is true but S1 is not necessarily true
(d) Neither is necessarily true

88. Choose the best matching between the programming styles in Group 1 and their
characteristics in Group 2.
(a) P—2 Q—3 R—45-1
(b) P—4 Q—3 R—25-1
(c) P—3 Q—4 R—1S—2
(d) P—3 Q—4 R—25-1

Group 1 Group 2
P. Functional Command-based, procedural
Q. Logic Imperative, abstract data types
Object- 3
R. Side-effect free, declarative, expression evaluation
oriented .
S. Imperative Declarative, clausal representation, theorem proving

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