What Is Research

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Research is “re-search,” meaning a voyage of discovery. “Re” means again and again, and “search”
means a voyage of knowledge. Research facilitates original contribution to the existing stock of
knowledge, making for its advancement for the betterment of this universe. Research inculcates
scientific and inductive thinking, and it promotes logical habits of thinking and organizations. The wider
area of research and its application has laid to define research in various ways by various authors. By
and large, research can be thought of as a scientific process by which new facts, ideas, and theories
could be established or proved in any branch of knowledge. Research is an art of scientific
investigations; it leads to unearth the so-called hidden things of this universe. Research leads to
enrichment of knowledge bank.

Research is a diligent search, studious inquiry, investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery
of new facts and findings; or, broadly, it may relate to any subject of inquiry with regard to collection of
information, interpretation of facts, and revision of existing theories or laws in the light of new facts or
evidence. More complex research would be required to investigate, for example, the causes of human
fertility decline in Asia, or future labour force migration patterns in Asia.

Research Methodology

The systematic process of solving a research problem is termed as research methodology. The science of
studying how a research is carried out scientifically is known as research methodology. It generally
encompasses various steps followed by researchers in studying research problems adopting logical
sequences. In doing so, researchers should clearly understand the following questions in their mind:
how to reach the answers to the questions, what could be the other steps, and what
methods/techniques should be used? They should have ideas about a particular technique to be used
among the available techniques, what are the assumptions and what are the merits and demerits. Thus,
proper knowledge of research methodology enables a researcher to accomplish his or her research
projects in a meticulous way.

Research Method

Techniques or methods used in performing research operation known as research method. Research
method is mainly concerned with the collection and analysis of information generated in answering the
research problem that researchers have in mind. Thus, research method mostly includes analytical tools
of research. The method of collecting information (from observation, experimentation, survey,
etc.)using an appropriate survey/case study/experimentation method is included in a research method.

Research Methodology vs. Research Method

A research method is a way of conducting and implementing research. Research methodology is the
science and philosophy behind all research. It goes into the heart of how we know what we know and
allows us to understand the very strict constraints placed upon our concept of what knowledge actually

Research is a journey towards the betterment of human lifestyle. It is innovative, intellectual, and fact-
finding tools. Depending upon the nature, objectives, and other factors, research program has been
defined or categorized under different types

Types of Research

Research is a journey towards the betterment of human lifestyle. It is innovative, intellectual, and fact-
finding tools. Depending upon the nature, objectives, and other factors, research program has been
defined or categorized under different types

1. Descriptive research - Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of

different kinds. This research is sometimes known as ex post facto research. In this type of
research, the objective is to describe a state of phenomenon that already exists. Generally the
researchers attempt to trace probable causes of an effect which has already occurred even
when a researcher doesn’t have any control over the variables.Ex post facto research may also
be undertaken in business and industry, for example, reasons for changing behavior of
consumer towards a particular commodity or group of commodity. In this type of studies, all
measures to describe the characteristics as well as correlation measures are considered.
2. Analytical Research
Analytical research study is based on facts. A researcher has to use the facts or information
available to them, analyzes them to critically evaluate the situation and followed by inferences.
Thus, the difference between the descriptive and analytical research, though there is no silver
lining, is that analytical research most likely goes deep inside the information for critical
evaluations of the situations, whereas descriptive research may have the sole objective in
describing the characteristics of the situations
3. Exploratory Research
Exploratory research is associated with the development of a hypothesis. It is the type of
research in which a researcher has no idea about the possible outcome of the research.
Research is an innovative activity. It is an intellectual process to provide more benefits to the
community. Exploratory research is the tool to discover hidden facts underlying the universe.
Exploratory research can, however, be conducted to enrich a researcher on a particular
phenomenon he or she wishes to study. For example, if a researcher intends to study social
interaction pattern against the polio vaccination program or polythene avoidance program but
has little idea about human behavior, a preliminary interaction with persons related against the
polio vaccinations or against the polythene avoidance may help the researcher in designing his
or her research program.
4. Explanatory Research
The purpose of explanatory research design is to answer the question why. That means in
explanatory research, the problem is known and descriptions of the problem are with the
researcher but the causes or reason sort the description of the described findings is yet to be
known. Thus, explanatory research starts working where descriptive research ends. For
example, descriptive research has findings that more than 30% of people in a particular
community suffer from a particular disease or abnormality. Now, an explanatory researcher
starts working to search the reason for such results. He or she is interested in knowing why a
particular phenomenon is happening, what are the reasons behind it, and how could it be
improved upon.

5. Historical Research
Historical research means an investigation of the past. In this type of research, past information
is noted and analyzed to interpret the condition existed during the period of investigations. It
may be a cross-sectional research or a time series research. This method utilizes sources like
documents, remains, etc., to study past events or ideas, including the philosophies of people
and groups at any remote point in time. In forecasting generally the past records are analyzed to
find out the trends and behaviors of a particular subject of interest. These are sometimes
mathematically modeled to extrapolate the future of a phenomenon with an assumption that
past situations will likely continue in the future. The Delphi and expert opinion methods are
examples of using such historical method of research in solving research problems
6. What is Experimental Research?
7. Experimental research is a study that strictly adheres to a scientific research design. It includes a
hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be
measured, calculated and compared. Most importantly, experimental research is completed in a
controlled environment. The researcher collects data and results will either support or reject the
hypothesis. This method of research is referred to a hypothesis testing or a deductive research
method (Babbie 4).
What is the Purpose of Experimental Research? Experimental research seeks to determine a
relationship between two (2) variables—the dependent variable and the independent variable.
After completing an experimental research study, a correlation between a specific aspect of an
entity and the variable being studied is either supported or rejected.

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