Annotated Bibliography Essay 2

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Paulina Villarreal

ENGL 1302

Dr. Sharity Nelson

14 October 2022

Abortion: An Annotated Bibliography

Quast, Troy, et. al. “Abortion facility Closings and Abortion Rates in Texas.” The Journal of

Health Care Organization, provision, and Financing, vol. 54, no. 1-7, 2017, pp. 1-7.

Sage pub, DOI: 10.1177/0046958017700944.

This article’s main goal is to shed light on the constant abortion facility closings.

More closings than openings have occurred because of state targeted regulations and

restrictions enacted on abortion facilities. This source will strengthen my essay by

allowing me to talk about how the government made it difficult for women to get

abortions by closing abortion facilities.

Cioffi, Andrea, “Reflections about abortion limitations.” Health policy, Implementation

of Practices, 2020. EBSCOhost, DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232021269.2.09012020.

This article’s main goal is to fight for women’s right. They are proving that abortion

is a women’s right, the authors mention how they know abort will always be debated.

The authors give reasoning to why the procedure should be a women’s right and the

causes of unsafe abortion due to government restrictions. This article will help my

debate as it provides viewpoints on the morality of abortion as well.

Banish, Roslyn. “Focus on Abortion: Americans Share Their Stories.” W W Norton, vol. 1,

2021, pp. 1-1. EBSCOhost, Focus on Abortion-Introduction.pdf.

This article is the introduction to the book Focus on Abortion: Americans Share Their

Stories. The author in this section of the book talks about the possible hardships

families can face in the event of an unsafe abortion. They also mention how it is
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especially difficult for low- and middle-income countries as abortion there tends to be

legally restricted and highly stigmatized. This book introduction will strengthen my

essay as I will talk about the hardships families go through, and the leaps of problems

low- and middle-income families face with abortion.

Marston, Cicely, Cleland, John. “Relationships between Contraception and Abortion: A

Review of the Evidence.” International Family Planning Perspectives, vol. 29, no. 1,

2003, pp. 6-13. EBSCOhost, Relationships Between Contraception and Abortion.pdf.

This articles main point was to show how contraceptive use can lower abortion rates.

The authors studied the relation between contraception, abortion, and fertility. Results

being increased contraception and abortion caused fertility to fall, then when fertility

levels were stabilized contraceptive use rose and abortion rates fell. This article will

strengthen my essay by allowing me to speak on how contraceptive use can be helpful

in deteriorating from abortion.

Freitas, De S, “Seeking Deliberation on the Unborn in International Law.”

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, vol. 14, no. 5, 2011, pp. 1-33. EBSCOhost,

Seeking Deliberation on the unborn in international law.pdf.

This articles main point is differentiating human rights and “being human. It talks

about how the “law moved away from being a matter simply of agreements and rules

between states, and now involves the establishment of human rights and humanitarian

requirements” (Freitas, This article will allow me to speak on the debatable

matter of when a fetus is considered a human; therefore, has human rights.

Baird, DT. “Mode of action of medical methods of abortion.” Journal of the American

Medical Women’s Association, vol. 55, no. 3, 2000, pp. 121-126. Europe PMC,
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This article talks about the different methods of abortion. Its main purpose is to

describe the procedures woman can go through to deliberately induce abortion. This

article will help my essay as I will be able to mention all types of methods that can be

used for abortion and the procedures that are required.

Ziegler, Mary. “Beyond Abortion: Roe V. Wade and the Battle for Privacy.” Harvard

University Press, 2018, pp. 1-14. EBSCOhost,



This book introduction speaks on Roe’s involvement within the supreme court case on

abortion. As well as interpretations based on the courts original holding. Within the

intersecting debate this gives information on the Roe v. Wade case and will strengthen

my essay by allowing me to speak on the case as well. As this case is a pivotal part of

abortion history.

Wiley, John, et. al. “Abortion.” Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, vol. 62, no. 3,

2017, pp. 383-384. John Wiley & Sons,

This article shows information on frequently asked questions about abortion. It is

mainly directed towards women looking to get an abortion and what it consists of.

This article will be helpful to my essay as I will be able to speak on what women find

when looking to get this procedure done. As well as the difficulty of going through

the process of receiving this procedure.

Ntontis, Evangelos, Hopkins, Nick. “Framing a ‘social problem’: Emotion in anti-abortion

activist’ depiction of the abortion debate.” The British Journal of social psychology,

vol. 57, no. 3, 2018, pp. 666-683. EBSCOhost,

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This articles main point presents the psychological thinking of anti-abortion activist. It

speaks on their way of thinking and researched with women what they think about

abortion. This article will strengthen my essay as there is very few articles like it. I

will get the knowledge of abortion from an anti-abortion activists’ point of view.

Oduro, Georgina, Otsin, Mercy. “” Abortion—It Is My Own Body”: Women’s Narratives

About Influences on Their abortion Decisions in Ghana.” Healthcare for women

international, vol. 35, no. 7-9, 2014, pp. 918-36. EBSCOhost,


This article speaks on abortion form a pro-abortion point of view. This pair of

researchers studied how pro-abortion activists’ think and why they feel so strongly.

Their main point is made in the article title being “it is my body, my choice”. This

article will strengthen my essay as I will be allowed to add this information to my

essay. More pro-abortion articles have been written from the scientific and doctorly

perspectives but this one showcases the average women’s opinion.

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