Jerome Miles Subpoena

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Case 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG Document 91-3 Filed 02/09/18 Page 1 of 5

88ll (lìev.02l14) Subpoena to Produce l)ocunrerlts. lnlolnratjon. or Objects or to Pcrrlit lnspection o1-Prentises ln a Civil ,r\.ction


f'or the
Southern District of Mississìppi


Plainti/f )
) Civil ActionNo. 3:17-CV-00160-HSO-JCG
Defenclant )



To Mr. Jerome Miles, 185 Miles Road, Canton, MS 39046

(Name of person to whont this subpoena is directed)

t Product¡on; YOIJ ARE COMMANDED to prodnce at the tirne, date, and place set forlh below the following
documents, electronically stored infot'mation, or objects, and to permit inspection, copying, testing, or saurpling of the

Place: çurron Law Group, pLLC Date ancl Tirne

125 S, Congress St., Ste. 1336
0212312018 9:30 am
Jackson, MS 39201

J Inspection of Prentises: YOU ARE COMMANDED to pennit entry onto the designated prernises, land, or'
other property possessed or controlled by you at the tirne, date, and location set forlh below, so that the requesting party
may inspect, rreasllre, sllrvey, photograph, test, oL sample the ploperty or any designated object or opelation on it.

Place Date and T'ime:

The following pt'ovisions of Fecl. R. Civ. P. 45 are attachecl --Rule 45(c), relating to the place of cotnpliance;
Rule 45(d), relating to youl protection as a person sr-rbject to a subpoena; and Rule 45(e) and (g), r'elating to your duty to
lespond to this sr-rbpoena and the potential conseqLlences of not doing so.

Dare: 0210912018


SignoÍure of Clerk or DefltÍ)¡ Clerk il s

The name, address, e-trail aclclress, and telephone nulnber of the attolney leplesenting (name oJ'parry)
q, LLC, and Rudolph M. Warnock, Jr , who issues or reqlrests this sr-rbpoena, are
David Humphreys, 125 S. Congress St-Ste 1336, Jackson, MS 3920'l;60'1-35'1-9831;dhumphreys@thecarsonlawgroup

Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena

If this subpoena colrlnands the prodr"rction of clocurnents, electlonically stored infbrmation, ol tangible things or the
inspection ofpletnises before trial, a notice and a copy ofthe subpoena lrust be served on each party in this case before
it is served on the person to whom it is directed. Fecl. R. Civ. P. a5@)(a).

Case 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG Document 91-3 Filed 02/09/18 Page 2 of 5

Civit Acrion No. 3:'17-CV-00160-HSO-JCG

(This sectiott sltould not be.fìled wilh ilre courf unless required bJ, Fed. R. Civ. P. 45.)

I received this subpoenafor fuome of indiviclttal crnct title, if any,)

on (date)

t I served the subpoena by delivering a copy to the named person as follows

ort (dare) ;or

D I returned the subpoena unexecuted because

Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States, or one of its officels or agents, I have also
tendered to the witness the fees for one day's attendance, and the rnileage allowed by law, in the arnount of

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of$ 0.00

I declare undel penalty of perjuly that this infol'mation is trr-re.

Server's signatu'e

Printed nante ond îitle

Server's ttclclress

Additional infol'mation regarding attempted service, etc.

Case 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG Document 91-3 Filed 02/09/18 Page 3 of 5

AO 88If (lìev. 02l14) Sub¡roena to Produce I)ocurncnts, Infbnration, or Oblects or to PenÌìit lnspectiorì ofPrenrises in a Crvil Action(Page 3)

Fecleral Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), (d), (e), and (g) (Effective l2llll3)
(c) Placc ot' Cornpliance. (ii) disclosing an r¡nretainecl expert's opinion or inlbrmation that does
not describe specific occurrences in tlispute and results fionl the expert's
(1) Fotn Trinl, lTeoring, or Deposition. A subpocna rnay cornrrand a study that was not reqì.rested by a party.
person 10 attond a trial, hearing, or deposition only as follows: (C) Speciô,ins Condilions as ttn /llet naîit¡e. ln the circtlrnstances
(A) rvithin 100 niiles ofrvhere Îlìc person resicles, is ernployed, or described in llule 45(d)(3)(B), the court may, instead ofquashing or
regularly tlansacts business in pcrson, or modifying a subpoena, ordel appearance or prodnclion rurder specifìed
(B) rvithin the slate rvhere thc pcrson resides, ìs cnrpìoyeci, or regularly condilions if'the serving party:
tr¿nsactsbusiness in person, ifthc pcrson (i) sholvs a substantial need I'or the tesfimony or rnaterial that cannot be
(i) is a party or a party's olficer; or otherwise nìet without Lrndue hardship; and
(ii) rs courrnanded to altend a trial and would not incur substantial (ii) cnsurcs that the subpocnaed persou rvill be reasonably conrpensated.
(c) Dutics in Rcsponding to a Subpocna.
(2) ForOrher Discovery. A subpoena may command:
(.{) produclion of docunrents, electronically stored ilìfor¡nation, or (l) Prodncing Doutnrcnls or Electronically Stored Ittformnlirrr. Theso
langible lhings at a place within 100 rniles ofrvhere the person resides, is procedures apply to producing docurrients or electronically slored
employed, or regularly transacts business iti person; and infornration:
(lì) inspection ofprenrises at the premises to be inspccted. (Ã) Docunents. A person responding to a subpoena to producc docunrcuts
nrust produce thern as lhey are kept in fhe ordinary course ofbusiness or
(d) l'rotccting a Pelson Subjcct to a Subpocna; Irnforccmcnt. nrust organize and ìabel theur to correspond to the categories in the dcmand.
(B) Fotntfor Producing Electronically Stnred ÌtlÍornalion Nol Specifed.
(l) Avoiding Undue ßur¡len or E.rpense; Sonctions. A party or attorney lfa subpoena does not specily a f'orrn for producing electronically stored
responsible for issuing and serving a subpoena niust take reasonable steps inf'ormation, the person responding must produce it in a forrn or f-orrls in
to avoid imposing undue burclen or expense on a persor'ì subject to the rvhich it is ordinarily niaintained ol in a reasonably usable f'olm or forurs.
subpoerra. The coult for the district rvhere conrpliance is required must (C) lilecn onically Stored lnJot nalion Proclucecl in Only One Fornt. The
enl'orce lhis duty and irnpose an appropriafe sanction-which rnay include person responding need not produce the sanre eìeclronically slored
lost earnings and reasonable attorney's fèes--on a party or attonìey who inf'ormation in nrore than one f'ornr.
fails to coniply. (l)) I na c c e s s i l: I e I: I ec t r o n i c cr I ly S I o r e d I nfo r m a I i or.'l'he person
responding need not provide discovery ofelectronically stored information
(2) Connnnntl to Produce Molerinls or Pernùt lttspection, fiom sources that the person identifìes as not reasonabìy accessible because
(A) Appetrrance Nol Required. A person conuranded to prodrice ofundue burden or cost. On rnotiou to conrpel discovery or for a protective
docunrents. elcctronically stored information, or tangible things, or to order, the person responding rnust show that fhe infornration is not
pelrnit tlte inspection ofpremises, need not appear in person at the place of reasonably accessible because ofundue burden or cost. Iftlìat sholving is
productíon or inspection unless also cornrranded to appear for a deposition, rurade, the court nìay nonetheless order discovery from such soulces ifthc
hcaring, or lriaì. requesting party shor.vs good cause, considering the limitations of Rule
(lì) Objections. A person commanded to produce docurnents or tangible 26(bX2XC). -fhe coulf may specify conditions for the discovery.
things or to pernrit inspectioÌr nlay serve on thc party or attorney designated
in the subpoena a wrilten objcction 1o irrspectìng. copying, testing, or (2) Clninting Prit,ilege or Protectiott.
saniplingany or all ofthe r.¡raterials or to inspecting the prenrises--or to (t\) lnþrnaliott I(ilhheld. A person rvithholding subpoenaed inforrnation
producing elecfronically storcd iufornration in the fornl or fornls requested. under a clairn that it is privileged or sub.¡ect to protectiolì as trial-prcparation
The objection rrust bc served bcfore the earlier ofthe time specilied lor luraterial niusl:
corlpliance or l4 days aftcr the subpoena is served. Ifan objection is rnade, (i) exprcssly rnake the claim; and
the f-ollorving nrles apply: (ii) dcscribe tl'ìe nature of the rvithheld documents, cornrnunications, or
(i) At any tirne, on notice to the conrnlanded person, the serving party tangiblc things in a nlal'ìner thât, r'vithout reveaÌing informalion itself
Ùlay nrove the court f-or the district r,vhere conrpliance is required for an privilegcd or protected, rvill enable tlre parties to âssess the clairn.
orcler corrpelling production or inspection. (l\) Inþrnalion Producec,l. lf ini'ornialion prodLrced in response to a
(ii) 1'hese acts nray be required only as directed in the order, and the subpoena is subject to a claim olprivilege or olprotection as
order rlrusl protect a person rvho is neither a party l'ìor a parly's officer frorn trial-preparation nraterial, the pcrson rnakiug the claini nray noti! any party
significant expense r:esulting from conrpliance. that receivcd the infomration ofthc clainr and the basis for it. Aftcr being
notìfied, a pârty rnust prornptly return, sequester, or destroy the spccified
(3) Qunshirtg or Modifying n Subpoeno. inforrnation and any copies it has; rnust uot uso or disclose the inlonnation
(r\) Il/hen Recluired. On tinrely motion, the court fbr the district where until the clairn is rcsolved; n.ìust take reasonable stcps to retrieve the
conrpliance is required nrust quash or nrodily a subpoena that: infonnation ifthe party disclosed it bcforc being notificcì; and nray pronlptly
(i) fàils to allorv a reasonable tinre to corrply; preserìt tiìe infonnafion undel seal to the coult for the district rvhcre
(ii) r'equircs a person to conrply beyold tlre gcographical lirnits conrpliancc is required lòr a determination ofthe claim. Thc person rvho
specilied in Rule 45(c); protluced the inf'omrafion rÌìust preserve the inforrlation until the clairn is
(iii) rcquires disclosure olprivileged or other protected nratter, ifno resolved.
cxccption or rvaiver applies; or
(iv) sLrb-jccts a person to undue burdcn. (g) Confcnrpt.
(lì) I,Yhen Pernilled. To protect ¿ì person sut.rject to or al'lècled b¡, a Thc corìrt for thc district rvherc courpliancc is requircd and also, a1'ter a
sLrbpocna, the court for the district rvlrcrc coutpliancc is lcquircd ntay, on rnotion is transfèr'rccl, the issuing court-nl¿ìy lrold in contempt a person
nrotion, quash or nrodily the subpoena if it requircs; rvho, haviilg lreen selved. fails rvilhout adcquâÎc cxcùsc to obey thc
(i) tlisclosing a trade seclct or other confìdential research, subpocnrr or arr ordcr rclatctl to it.
dcvclo¡rnrcnt, or conlnrercial in f'orrnation; or

lìor access to subpoena rnaterials, see Fed. R. Civ. P.45(a) Cornr¡ittee Note (2013).
Case 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG Document 91-3 Filed 02/09/18 Page 4 of 5





v CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG



Any and all contracts between you and any of the following (a) Warnock Engineering,
LLC; (b) Warnock & Associates, LLC; or (c) Rudolph M. Warnock, Jr.. (V/arnock
Engineer'ing, LLC; Warnock & Associates, LLC; and Rudolph M. Warnock, Jr., are
hereinafter referred to collectively as "Warnock").

2. Any and all contracts between you and either Utility Constructors, Inc. ("UCI") or its
principal, Terry Lovelace.

3. Any and all wolk product, timesheets, invoices, documents, electronically stoled
information, or tangible things created you for or under any contract with'Warnock.

4. Any ancl all work product, timesheets, invoices, documents, electronically stored
information, or tangible things created by you for or under any contract with UCI or Telry

5. Any and all emails, text messages, letters, or any other form of correspondence between
you and any employee ol agent of

6. Any and all emails, text messages, letters, or any other form of colrespondence between
you and any ernployee or agent of UCI.

7 . Any and all enails, text messages, letters, or any other form of correspondence between
you and any of1ìcial, ernployee, ol agent of Canton Municipal Utilities or the City of
Canton. Mississippi.

8. Any and all checks written by you to any employees or subcontractors that are in any way
related to work pelf-orrnecl fol Warnock or UCI.

9. Any and all bank statements evidencing payments leceived by you fiorn Walnock or UCI.

10. Any and all bank statements evidencing payments to ernployees or subcontrators for your
work perf'ormed for Walnock or UCI.
Case 3:17-cv-00160-HSO-JCG Document 91-3 Filed 02/09/18 Page 5 of 5

I 1. Any and all invoices subrnitted by you to Warnock or UCI

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