1st SS Panzer Normandy

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SS-Panzer Division "Leibstandarte"

The Leibstandarte had been fighting on the Eastern Front since the autumn 1943 and was badly worn when in April 1944 it was transferred to Belgium to rest and refit. It was far from combat ready at the beginning of June. Even though it had a strength of 19 618 on 1 June , many of the men were recently arrived recruits which had to be trained. On 15 May it had reported a shortage of 4 143 men . Also on 1 June 1 081 NCO:s and men, mainly drivers and technicians, were in Germany for training .
1 2 3

Another problem was the lack of motor transport. The division was authorized 3 887 trucks of all types, but had only 1 070 in running order and 621 in workshops . Also, it had no armoured half tracks operational .
4 5

Due to these defects the division was not ready for combat when the allies landed. It also had to await further deliveries of tanks. On 1 June it had 42 Panzer IV, 38 Panther and 44 StuG III operational . Eight Panzer IV and one StuG were in workshops . Further deliveries occurred during June :
6 7 8

8 June 14 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 29 June

Panzer IV 33 20

Panther 6 8 8 6 6

The dates indicate when the trains departed, not when tanks arrived at the division. No tanks were sent to the division during July and August . Altogether the division employed 103 Pz IV, 72 Panther and 45 StuG III in Normandy.

The structure of the division, including the elements that were not ready for combat, was:

Even though the division was not combat ready as a whole, it was decided on 8 June to send those parts that were combat ready to Normandy. This was cancelled one day later and the division remained in the area of 15. Army. Not until 17 June did the division begin loading on trains.
10 11 12

On 22 June it was reported that the division had a full strength Panther battalion which, transported on six trains, had unloaded east of Rouen. The data presented above on the Panther deliveries to the division suggest that the division had 72 Panther, and this includes vehicles on their way to the division. Probably the report stating that the division was at full strength is not correct (with 72 Panthers it was at more than 90% strength though). Also the number of trains seem somewhat small to transport a full strength Panther battalion with all its vehicles.
13 14

Twenty trains had unloaded west of Paris on 25 June. Only parts of the division were comitted to combat during June. The SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 1 (minus the III. Battalion) fought along the national highway 175 on the eastern flank of the British Epsom offensive. No other elements of the division took part in the fighting during June. The remainder of the division arrived gradually.
15 16 17

The division was far from complete on 1 July. According to the status report for this date the division had an Iststrke of 21 262 men. Probably this includes men in the replacements organizations in Germany, since according to K. G. Klietmann the division had a strength of 19 691 men on 30 June. Also important parts of the division remained in Belgium. These included the Werfer Abteilung (except one battery), the III. Abteilung of the artillery regiment, 5./SS-Flak-Abt. 1 (3,7 cm), 1./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 1 (Pz.Sp.) and elements of SS-Pz.Rgt.1. Possibly the late arrival of some of the Panthers had delayed crew training. Altogether the units left behind comprised 5 800 men. Thus it seems that the division had a strength of less than 14 000 men when it arrived in Normandy. On 6 July the division, minus the elements listed above, had arrived in Normandy.
18 19 20 21 22

On 1 July the situation concerning vehicles had improved only slightly since 1 June. The division now had 36 combat ready SPW and 224 in workshops and 1 441 operational lorries and a further 613 in need of repairs.

The Leibstandarte was in reserve south of Caen when the British Goodwood operation was launched 18 July. Losses suffered until 18 July (inclusive) amounted to 1 441 officers and men.

During July the casualties amounted to 243 killed, 747 wounded and 102 missing. This gives a total of 1 092, which is slightly lower than the casualties suffered until 18 July given above. It seems that losses were very light after 18 July and that the division may have lost about 400 men in June. By 1 August all parts of the panzer regiment had arrived, but still III./SS-Art.Rgt. 1, SS-Werfer-Abt. 1 (except one battery), 5./SS-FlakAbt. 1 and 1./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 1 remained in Belgium. The artillery of the division was somewhat mixed. It had eight le.FH, six s.FH, four 10 cm guns, eight Wespe, five Hummel and five Nebelwerfer. Another seven were in workshops.
25 26 27

The division remained south of Caen until the night between 5 and 6 August, when two tank battalions, two panzer grenadier battalions, one SP arillery battalion, one engineer company and the Flak battalion began moving west to take part in the Mortain counterattack.

The division broke out of the Falaise pocket, but on 22 August it was reported to have no combat ready tanks or artillery pieces.

According to Lehmann & Tiemann the casualty reports of the Leibstandarte shows losses of 3 901 officers and men killed, wounded and missing 6 June - 30 September 1944. However, since the reports are incomplete the two authors estimate that casualties were at least 5 000.

It seems that the estimate is very reasonable though. For much of August the Leibstandarte fought alongside the 2. Pz.Div. During the period 1 August - 30 September the 2. Pz.Div. lost 4 559 men killed, wounded and missing. The vast majority of these must have been sustained in August. Probably the Leibstandarte had losses of the same magnitude. Combining this with the losses suffered before 1 August (given above) it seems that the Leibstandarte lost between 5 000 and 6 000 men during the battle in Normandy.

The tank strength of the division varied during the campaign: Panzer IV Combat Ready 42 30 60 59 60 60 60 58 61 61 59 59 61 51 46 41 49 45 45 33 33 71 63 61 57 Panzer IV in Short Term Repair 8 73 ? ? ? ? ? 5 2 8 ? ? ? 8 9 6 7 7 7 12 12 8 ? 14 ? Panthers Combat Ready 38 25 29 31 29 30 29 29 29 41 48 46 ? 20 29 24 31 34 34 36 36 38 36 40 46 Panthers in Short Term Repair 0 38 ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 5 ? ? ? 28 20 19 16 13 15 12 11 9 ? 14 ? StuG III Combat Ready 44 31 44 39 42 42 42 42 42 42 35 35 ? 19 24 29 29 32 32 22 22 25 29 23 27 StuG III in Short Term Repair 1 14 ? ? ? ? ? 2 5 3 ? ? ? 13 8 6 6 3 3 8 8 6 ? 0 ?

Date 1 June32 1 July33 4 July34 6 July35 8 July36 9 July37 11 July38 13 July39 14 July40 15 July41 16 July42 17 July43 18 July44 20 July45 21 July46 22 July47 23 July48 24 July49 25 July50 27 July51 28 July52 29 July53 30 July54 1 August55 5 August56

13 August57 Notes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/112. BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/312. Verteilung der Panzerfahrzeuge, Bd. ab Mai 43, BA-MA RH 10/349. Verteilung der Panzerfahrzeuge, Bd. ab Mai 43, BA-MA RH 10/349. OB West Ia 4484/44 g.Kdos v. 8.6.44., T311, R25, F7029384. OB West Ia 4445/44 g.Kdos, den 9.6.44, T311, R25, F7029407. R. Lehmann & R. Tiemann, The Leibstandarte, vol IV/1 (J. J. Fedorowitz Publishing Inc, Winnipeg 1993) p. 115. OB West Ia Nr. 4858/44 geh.Kdos, den 22.6.44., T311, R25, F7029750. The 503. s.Pz.Abt. was transported on eight trains (OB West Ia Nr. 5152/44 g.Kdos. 30.6.44, T311, R25, F7030013) and that unit only had 45 tanks. OB West Ia Nr. 4963/44 g.Kdos, 25.6.44, T311, R25, F7029850. Lehmann & Tiemann, op. cit. p. 121-6. See OB West Ia Nr. 5227/44 g.Kdos, T311, R28, F7034143f and OB West Ia Nr. 5197/44 g.Kdos, 2.7.44, T311, R28, F7034133. Status report to the Inspector-General of Panzer Troops, Stand 1.7.44, BA-MA RH 10/312. K.G. Klietmann, Die Waffen-SS, eine Dokumentation (Osnabrck 1965) p. 508. Status report to the Inspector-General of Panzer Troops, Stand 1.7.44, BA-MA RH 10/312. Ibid. Lehmann & Tiemann, op. cit. p. 115. Status report to the Inspector-General of Panzer Troops, Stand 1.7.44, BA-MA RH 10/312. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 480/44 g.Kdos. 20.7.44, T313, R420, F8713975. Status report to the Inspector-General of Panzer Troops, Stand 1.8.44, BA-MA RH 10/312. Ibid. Ibid. KTB PzAOK 5 Ia, entry 5.8.44, T313, R420, F8713590. Fernschreiben von HGr B an OB West, 22.8.44, BA-MA RH 19 IX/9b. Lehmann & Tiemann, op. cit. p. 228.

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Strength report to Inspector-General of Panzer Troops, 1 October 1944, BA-MA RH 10/141. BA-MA RH 10/312. BA-MA RH 10/312. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 197/44 geh. von 7.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 217/44 geh. von 7.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 6.7., BAMA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 268/44 geh. von 9.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 8.7., BAMA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 306/44 geh. von 10.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 9.7., BAMA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 361/44 geh. von 12.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 11.7., T313, R420, F8713889. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 348/44 geh. v. 14.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 13.7., T313, R420, F8713904. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. Unreadable, v. 15.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 14.7, T313, R420, F8713914. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 388/44 g.Kdos 16.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 15.7, T313, R420, F8713921. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 424/44 geh. von 17.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 16.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 479/44 geheim von 18.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 17.7.44, BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 451/44 geh. von 19.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 18.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 491/44 geh. von 21.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 20.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 517/44 geh. von 21.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 21.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 535/44 geh. von 23.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 22.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 547/44 geh. von 24.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 23.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 557/44 geh. von 25.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 24.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 572/44 geh. von 26.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 25.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia, Nr. 605/44 geh. von 28.7.1944., Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 27.7., BA-MA RH 21-5/50. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 633/44 g.Kdos, 29.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 28.7, T313, R420, F8714036. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 647/44 g.Kdos, 30.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 29.7, T313, R420, F8714042.

Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 665/44 g.Kdos, 31.7.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 30.7, T313, R420, F8714049. 55 BA-MA RH 10/312. Pz.Gr. West Ia Nr. 775/44 g.Kdos. 6.8.44, Nachtrag zur Tagesmeldung 5.8, T313, 56 R420, F8714097. 57 Mittagmeldung HGr B 15.8.44, BA-MA RH 19 IX/12. 54

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