Pattern Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

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Health The patient claimed that 2 years ago she The patient is willing to accept and
Perception  experienced recurrent episodes of vertigo listen to health teachings. She
for about 1 month that lasted from a few appears coherent, able to speak
minutes to 1-2 hours. According to the and report immediately any
patient’s husband she is suffering from abnormal findings to the medical
vertigo- whirling sensation, tinnitus, staff.
nausea and vomiting.

Nutritional According to the client, she eats well, The patient needs to limit intake of
Metabolic her appetite is in good condition, no foods high in sodium content and
food allergies and no discomfort.  avoid sweets and caffeine. The
patient verbalized that she needed to
eat more nutritious foods and
increase her daily fluid intake

Elimination She stated that she had no difficulties The client eliminates everyday.
defecating or voiding, she defecates Urine input and output monitored.
three times a day with dark brown,
hard stool, and that she said that she
urinates 3 times a day most of the time.

Activity- The patient does not participate in any According to the results of the
Exercise physical activity. The only form of physical examination, the patient
exercising is walking. was advised to bed rest to avoid
any injury.

Sleep-Rest The patient usually goes to bed at 10 pm She can consume 8-hrs of sleep.
Pattern  and wakes up at 6:30 am. She routinely The patient is sometimes distracted
takes a nap by 9am in the morning and and sleep is interrupted due to
2pm in the afternoon. Doesn’t uses any medication.
medication to promote sleep.

Cognitive - The patient is experiencing anxiety Patient was conscious, well-oriented

Perceptual  because of her condition. According to to time and place, as well as
the patient, she feels discomfort and cooperative with the interventions
disturbed by her vertigo. and management.

Self- The client is positive and hopeful to be Patient stated that she is concerned
perception and relieved and treated about possible hearing loss and
self-concept affects her daily activity that she
cannot perform well if her hearing
will deteriorate.

Role The patient’s permanent address is in The patient’s husband was the one
Relationship Muntinlupa City. She stays together with who was taking care of her and was
Pattern her husband and her family. The patient in-charge of assisting her in admitting
has a good relationship with her husband and helping her in performing
activities of daily living

Sexually The client is sexually inactive. She did not engage into any sexual
Reproductive activity during the time that she was

Coping/Stress Patient always talks to her husband The patient talks with her family,
Tolerance whenever she is not feeling well or has friends and health care providers
any health-related concerns. on how she feels about his health
condition and his treatment

Values and Roman Catholic. Have strong faith in No restrictions in the procedures
Beliefs God  brought by religion. The patient
hoping for fast recovery after she
knows the findings.

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