The in Uence of Social Networks in Travel Decisions: Economics December 2021

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The Influence of Social Networks in Travel Decisions

Article  in  Economics · December 2021

DOI: 10.2478/eoik-2021-0015


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2 authors, including:

Manuela Rozalia Gabor

"G. E. Palade" University of Medicine Pharmacy Sciences and Technology of Tirgu Mures ROMANIA


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Volume 9, No. 2, 2021


Iulia Elena Varga1, Manuela Rozalia Gabor2

Received 26. 04. 2021. Sent to review 29. 04. 2021. Accepted 07. 07. 2021.

Original Article

George Emil Palade University of

Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and
Technology of Targu Mure, Romania Social networks are not the same as they were 10 years ago. Now, in addition
to the role of "socialization", their basic role, marketing has also intervened.
Marketing can be defined as the art of identifying and satisfying customer needs
Corresponding Author: while producing profit. Nowadays, through social media marketing, a company
Iulia Elena Varga can promote itself or present products and services very easily, while being able to
Email: [email protected] target exactly the desired people, which translates into making more profit. Our
paper provides arguments on the influence of social media in travel decisions,
and it’s based on a study of consumer behaviour in this field. The study began
JEL Classification: from our interest in the way social networks influence our personal decision to
M31- Marketing, Z31 - Industry Studies travel, to visit a certain area or a certain landmark, so we wanted to find out
more information about how this "hypnosis" works. The main hypothesis of the
Doi: 10.2478/eoik-2021-0015 study was that people are influenced by social networks in their travel decisions
and according to the results, the hypothesis was confirmed. 91.35% of the total
UDK 316.472.4:004.738.5]:338.48 participants in the study were tempted to travel because of a photo seen on a
social network, therefore, a good social marketing campaign could really make a
difference in travel decisions.

Keywords: Marketing research, Consumer behaviour, Social networks,



Since the rise of the Internet in the early 1990s, the world’s networked population has grown from
millions to billions. Over the same period, social media have become a fact of life for civil society
worldwide, involving many actors - regular citizens, activists, nongovernmental organizations,
telecommunications firms, software providers, governments etc (Shirky, 2011).

Open Access Journal Pages 35 - 48

Varga et al.
Figure 1. Key figures of the digital world – October 2020.

Source: Digital 2020 October Global Statshot Report


According to Hootsuite and We Are Social, in October 2020, the world’s population was 7.81 billion
people, of which 4.66 billion are internet users (the penetration rate being of 60%) and 4.14 billion
are social network users (53% of the population). Compared to 2019, this means a 1% increase of
the total population, a 7.4% increase of the number of internet users and a 12,3% increase of social
network users. Social media has become a vital part of everyday life for people around the world,
and it is also increasingly used by companies as part of marketing, customer service, research, and
development strategies (Varga, 2018). Regarding the perspectives on how internet users relate with
social media, things are extremely interesting, the most important data being presented in the
Digital 2020 Global Report:

Figure 2. Social media behaviour – October 2020.

Source: Digital 2020 October Global Statshot Report


As we can observe in Figure 2, 98% of internet users visited or used a social media network in the
past month, the average amount of time per day spent using social media was of two hours and a
half and only 41% of internet users, used social media for work purposes. The social media is an
important aspect of tourism industry. It provides to the tour operators a multitude of tools through
which they can influence consumer perceptions, tools that are easy to use, have low costs but can
at the same time, if not properly used to negatively affect consumers (Sârbu, Alecu, Dina, 2018).
Social media provides information for travelers on the destination and the touristic enterprises
located at such destination and contains the opinions and experience of people who have traveled
there, affecting the decision-making process. On the other hand, tourism enterprises are able
to reach the ideas and opinions of the travelers on their experience via social media and thus
understand their customers better and gain a competitive edge in the market (Erol, Ülkü, 2019).

Varga et al.

Nowadays, the terms “tourism” and “tourist” can be appreciated as international terms and
are used, in most modern languages, in the designation of travel and, of course, people traveling
for tourism purposes. We can define the tourist as a person who moves to a place located outside
the usual residence for a period of less than 12 months, the main reasons for travel being other
than some paid activity in the visited place.The evolution of tourism in Romania is characterized
by a growing trend due to the influence of economic, demographic, political and social factors, of
which we mention the desire of people to visit certain touristic areas, to know local customs and
the technical progress of the infrastructure.

Figure 3. The evolution of tourists arrivals in Romania between 2011 and 2019.

Source: based on INSSE information (

According to Figure 3, during the entire analyzed period, there was an increase of 8.70% of
Romanian tourists arriving in the accommodation units and an increase of 7.58% of foreign
tourists.Social media are online platforms that facilitate global collaboration and sharing amongst
users. It includes websites and other online tools (called social networks) that enable people and
organizations to get, create, and share content by interacting with others about topics of common
interest (Roberts, Callahan, O’Leary, 2017). Safko and Brake describe social media as “activities,
practices and behaviours among communities of people who gather online to share information,
knowledge, and opinions using conversational media”.

Figure 4. Most used social media platforms worldwide.

Source: Digital 2020 October Global Statshot Report


Varga et al.
Among the most popular social networks worldwide are Facebook, with the largest number
of users, Youtube and Instagram. Almost all these networks saw strong audience growth in the
last months, but Instagram and Snapchat had the biggest increases. In Romania, Facebook and
Instagram are the most frequently used social networks.

Figure 5. Number of Facebook users in Romania between January 2011 and January 2020.

Source: based on information from ( and (

According to Figure 5, the number of Romanian Facebook users increased considerably from
year to year, the largest increase being from January 2011 to January 2012, when their number
almost doubled. Facebook is a social network that provides the opportunity for people to share
photos, information, videos and more. Users can decide who can see their posts, whether their
profile is private or public, and many other settings that the user can make based on their own
decisions. From the very beginning, when Mark Zuckerberg launched the social network in 2004,
Facebook was a success among Harvard University students. Nowadays, Facebook is the biggest
social network worldwide, with 2,8 billion monthly active users ( Instagram is
a social network where people can share with friends and their followers their daily lives, through
photos or videos. The first photo posted on Instagram was in July 2010 by founders Kevin Systrom
and Mike Krieger, and it was launched to the public in October 2010 (
Worldwide, the number of Instagram users in October 2020, was around 1.1 billion and over 60%
of them are aged between 18 and 34 years old ( In an Instagram post, users can
also use “hashtag” – one or more words that enclose a photo or video. For example, for a photo
with an individual by the beach, we can use the following hashtags: # sea # seaside # holiday
#sun # costinesti. Instagram users who will search on Instagram “# holiday, will be able to see
only photos and videos that have the description of the hashtag. Likewise, the user can attach the
location where the photo / video posted was taken, and the users who type that location will only
see photos / videos that have the location of the posts attached.

Varga et al.
Figure 6. The evolution of Instagram users in Romania between 2013 and 2020.

Source: based on information from (

Analyzing the data presented above, we can observe that it was a massive increase in Instagram
users in Romania. The biggest increase was between 2014-2015, when the number of Instagram
users increased from 77.152 users to 190.337 users, an increase of 146.70% in 2015 compared to
2014. From 2019 to 2020, there was only a slight increase, which suggests a cap on the number of
Instagram users.


Tourism industry relies mainly on information and communication technologies for
promotional activities, sales or development of customer relationship. When an individual wants
to decide on a travel destination, the most important information comes from friends and online
sources. Based on travel agency’s needs, social networks use advanced technology to create a
personalized offer, taking into consideration previous searches made by a user on the Internet
about certain areas or landmarks. Nowadays, tourists have more confidence in the opinions of other
people who have traveled to a certain country, area, only using social networks. Social networks
are becoming more popular, with more users from day to day, so consumers can influence more
and more consumers about their own opinions and experiences.
Technological advancement has contributed to fundamental changes in the tourism industry and
helped people to make a travel decision. An online survey of 4.600 respondents was conducted
in October 2012 in the US, Europe and Asia Pacific (as targeted people were people who traveled
for free in the last 12 months or intended to do so in the next 12 months). This study showed that
social networks have a great influence on a person’s travel decision, as 44% of respondents said
that internet reviews posted by bloggers (tourism influencers) helped them decide on their travel
destination. 27% of respondents said they were helped in their decision by Facebook, 24% by
YouTube and 22% by Pinterest (Živković, Gajić, Brdar, 2014). The year 2020 was a significant one
in social media. The pandemic pushed more people to spend time online and find more ways to
engage with each other. When examining B2B advertising, social media advertising was used by
83% of marketers and ranked second in success (29%) behind search engine marketing (33%).
( Advertising is very important for any
company, especially for a travel agency. It aims to promote a product or service and to increase
sales. In this context, any travel agency must be present on social networks, where the public is,
especially on Facebook and Instagram. AIDA model shows that the effectiveness of any advertising
depends upon the extent to which the advertising message has been received and accepted by the
audience (Gupta, Singh, Sinha, 2017). Starting from its main principles – capture the attention of
the potential customer, rise the interest in the object of sale, provoke the desire to buy and action -
the sale, we made an analysis on a travel agency post on a social network, to see if it respects them.

Varga et al.
Figure 7. Travel agency post regarding a holiday offer in Greece.

Source: (

Parallel 45 presents its offer with a promising start, “Restart engines”, following the COVID-19
pandemic. In the first phase, the capture of attention was successful. Why do I say this? Because
the post has some beautiful images and a description. The images reflect some grate landscapes, a
family relaxing, and a restaurant on the beach, so there are great chances for a user who sees the
post to stop “browsing” and view the offer. Rising the interest - the holiday season is approaching,
people are looking for an offer and we can see this from the number of appreciations, about 4.000,
the number of distributions, 157, and 71 comments. It should be noted that the impact of the poste
was much greater than the data presented. Why? Because the virtual friends of the people who
appreciated the photo, probably saw in “News” that person X appreciated, commented, or shared
the post published by Parallel 45. Regarding the desire to buy and the actual purchase, we can
assume that from the large number of people who interacted with the post, at least a few were
interested. When it comes to travel and decision making, we can remember the saying “A picture
is worth 1,000 words”. Instagram is based on images, and a really good photo, which conveys a
state, if it’s accompanied by a short story, can make the difference between going over it without
mattering and making a travel decision. According to the article entitled “Instagram Must Be in
the Top of Social Networks in Tourism” viewed on, 65% of people
learn visually: it is easier to retain images and learn through them, 70% of the receptor sensors
are in the eye and 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual. It is not a novelty that
social networks have “entered” our daily lives. We wake up, many of us check phones, access
Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, depending on the individual, as if we did not do
this action before we fall asleep. People started using these social networks in as many ways as
possible. For example, on Facebook, before the appearance of the “Marketplace” sales function,
people created groups for the purpose of selling. For example, at local level (Mureș county), we
have many groups, such as: “Buy Sell Mureș”, “Mureș Market”, “Announcements Mureș”, each
of them having thousands of members. Like the sales groups, there are also tourism groups, where
people who are passionate about travel or who simply want to know more details about their
country, can register. For example, in Romania we have: “Holidays in Romania”, “Holidays do
it yourself”, “We travel in Romania”, “Holiday ideas” and many others. “Holidays in Romania”
counts 207.000 members in the present, and they all can see recommendations, comments and
appreciations for various areas / tourist attractions posted by the group.

Varga et al.
Figure 8. A Facebook post in the group “Holidays in Romania”.

Source: (

As we can see in Figure 8, a member of the group posted some photos from his vacation,
specifying the name of the tourist attraction, and there were 29 comments, 935 appreciations and
50 distributions at the time of the screenshot. Other people ask for ideas and recommendations on
a holiday group on Facebook and each request has a large number of answers.

We conducted a quantitative research based on a questionnaire with 18 questions comprising
several aspects on the relationship of social media and tourism. 6 of these questions refer to social-
demographic aspects of the respondents. We used both closed and semi-open questions, such as:
Do you check social networks before making a travel decision?, Do you specify the location in
social media posts?, Are you using hashtag when posting a photo on vacation?, Gender, or Marital
status. To verify our hypothesis “People are influenced by social networks in their travel decisions”,
we targeted social media users, so we distributed the questionnaire to family, friends, friends of
friends, virtual friends on social networks, travel groups on Facebook. The questionnaire was
made using Google Forms, so its distribution was completely online and the aim was to reach a
number of at least 100 respondents. We collected the data between 21.06.2020-01.07.2020 and we
analyzed them with SPSS and Microsoft Excel.


Starting from the idea that the results can be extrapolated, we collected data from 104
respondents to obtain some key aspects regarding the influence of social media in travel decisions.
Here are the results on social demographic variables of the sample:

Varga et al.
Figure 9. Age and gender of the respondents.

Source: personal analyses.

As we can observe from the figure above, most of the respondents are aged between 18-29 years
old, more precisely, 85.58% of the total (89 persons). 11.54% have between 30-49 years old, and
2.88% are over 50. The rather large differences between the age categories can be, from our point of
view, explained by the fact that young people are generally more active in social networks and being
a self-sampling, they were more willing to participate in our study. Regarding the gender, women
are more present on social networks than men, with 56.73% of the respondents, but the differences
are not verry big.

Figure 10. Occupation and completed studies.

Source: personal analyses.

Analyzing the occupation, we noticed that over 65% of the respondents are employed and almost
30% students, but an encouraging fact regarding the situation in Romania is that none of the
respondents are unemployed. In relation with these figures, most of the respondent have University
studies and 26,92% completed high school.

Figure 11. Marital status and living area.

Source: personal analyses.

A verry interesting aspect regarding the social media user profile is related to marital status. As
we can see in Figure 11, 90.38% of the respondents are unmarried, while only 9.62% are married,
which may be justified by the greater need for socialization in the case of unmarried people. It is
also observed from the figure, that most of the respondents are from urban area.

Varga et al.

In this section we will present a synthesis of the main aspects that emerged from the study. These
are meant to give us an idea on the consumer behavior and the impact that social networks have
on our lives.

Figure 12. Average time spent on social media

Source: personal analyses.

Most of the respondents (37.93%) spend daily between 2 and 5 hours on social networks, followed
by those who spend between 1 and 2 hours (25.29%). The worrying aspect is given by the 20.69%
of the respondents who spend more than 5 hours, daily, on social networks, but, looking from the
point of view of our topic, these people accumulate the most information and have the higher “risk”
of being influenced comparative to those who spend less than 1 hour a day on social media.

Figure 13. Follow travel agencies on social media.

Source: personal analyses.

Another key aspect of the study is related to whether the respondents are following travel agencies
on social platforms or not. Figure 13 shows that even if more than 60% of the respondents are doing
these, there is also a percentage of 37,50% who doesn’t. We can also see the respondents tendency
to follow travel agencies on Facebook and not on Instagram, fact that can be explained by Facebook
groups, where people can sign up and share holiday photos, opinions, ideas, conclusions, great
deals and more.

Varga et al.
Figure 14. Influence of a photo seen on social media.

Source: personal analyses.

91.35% of the total participants in the study answered that they were tempted to travel because of
a photo seen on a social network, while only 8.65% answered that this did not happen to them.
The difference between the responses is more than edifying and again, the preference for Facebook
is visible. We had another similar question in our study, if the respondents visited a tourist area
after viewing a photo posted on a social network and 82.69% of the respondents said yes, and only
17.31% said no. It turns out that there is a difference of 8.66% of respondents who managed to stop
the temptation to travel as a result of viewing a post on social networks.

Figure 15. Follow of pages/accounts/travel groups on social media.

Source: personal analyses.

According to the figure above, 39.42% of the respondents follow pages / accounts / groups on
Facebook, while only 8.65% follow on Instagram and 1.92% on other social networks.

Figure 16. Temptation versus action.

Source: personal analyses.

A very interesting question found in the study was “Have you been tempted to buy a holiday offer
presented on social networks by a travel agency?” and the answers leave room for interpretation.

Varga et al.
The first thing we notice is that 48.08% of the respondents were not even tempted to buy from the
tourist offers presented on social networks. Then, 43.27% say they were tempted to purchase but
did not complete this action. Although we do not know the reasons that prevented the purchase,
it is certain that travel agencies that promote themselves or some offers on social networks, should
act and identify the „problem / problems” that discourage people tempted by the offers to buy
them. Out of all the interviewed persons, there are also respondents who answered that they were
influenced to purchase an offer presented on social networks and they also purchased it, but their
number is pretty low (only 8.65% of the total).

Figure 17. Posting holiday photos on social media.

Source: personal analyses.

Out of the 104 people surveyed, 83.65% post holiday photos on social networks, most of them
opting for both platforms (Facebook and Instagram). However, figures show a certain preference
for Instagram when it comes to posting images.

Figure 18. Consulting social media in decision process.

Source: personal analyses.

55.77% of the participants of the study do not consult social networks before making a travel
decision, and 44.23% they do. From our perspective, it could be useful to consult social networks
before going on a vacation, especially from the point of view of choosing an accommodation, to
avoid not too pleasant “surprises”, such as poor hygiene, broken electrical equipment and so on.
You can search on a tourist group the name of the unit and follow the comments and the reviews
received, or you can simply ask a question and the answers received could help you make a better
decision. Also, from social networks, we can find more information related to the tourist objectives
located in the surroundings of the chosen location, restaurants and many other useful information.

Varga et al.
Figure 19. Location and hashtag options.

Source: personal analyses.

The latest results of the study presented, refer to location and hashtag, two of the options we have
on social platforms and that can contribute to the growth of tourism in a certain area. 77.88% of
the total respondents specify the location in their social media posts, while only 22,12% doesn’t.
Specifying the location of a photo posted on a social network is very important, because a person
can more easily identify the place where a photo was taken and there is the possibility, if it caught the
person’s attention, to visit that place. This increases the number of tourists in that area and supports
the economy. Regarding the hashtag, the number of those who do not use this option is higher
than of those who use it, 54,81% versus 45,19%. Using this option is also good for tourism, because
many holiday photos, from different parts of the world, are posted on social networks, different
tourist attractions, tourist areas, tourist destinations, and with a simple hashtag, we can embed all
photos in one certain hashtag, making searches much easier. We’ve also used the chi square test to
see if there are certain statistical correlations between various variables and the conclusions were
as follows:

- the hypothesis “There are no significant differences between age and the temptation to go
on a trip because of a photo seen on a social network” was rejected, the value of chi square
(36,685) being higher than the likelihood ratio (26.12);

- the hypothesis “There are no significant differences between age and posting holiday
photos on social networks” was rejected, the value of chi square (17,068) being higher than
the likelihood ratio (16,811);

- the hypothesis “There are no significant differences between marital status and the use
of hashtags” was rejected, the value of chi square (2,835) being higher than the likelihood
ratio (2,705).

Varga et al.

Statistics show that people are each day more and more present in the online environment
and on social media, share their vacations, opinions, ideas and criticisms through them, and in
response, social networks have “adapted” and they give us what we are interested in, observing our
past actions or coming with new and more attractive facilities. Online platforms, such as social
networks, blogs, video, audio, or knowledge sharing platforms, are considered as marketing tools
because they offer both the possibility to promote products and services and also to obtain precious
information about the needs and behaviour of consumers (Sârbu, Alecu, Dina, 2018). Today, social
media has a significant impact over the tourism industry, most of the time, the user generated
content is more important than any official information, so it’s crucial for any company to develop a
solid and effective social media strategy (Nikjoo, Ketabi, 2015). According to our study, 38% of the
respondents spend between 2 and 5 hours per day on social networks, while 20% of them, spend
more than 5 hours, and only 37% of the respondents say they do not follow travel agencies on social
platforms. From our point of view, this is a huge marketing opportunity for travel agencies. Social
networks facilitate the development of a closer relationship with customers, who can then, get
involved in promoting tourist destinations or holiday offers. In Romania, Facebook and Instagram
are the most popular social networks, and regarding the tourism, 91.35% of the respondents said
that they were tempted to travel because of a photo seen on a social network and 82.69% of them
visited a tourist area after viewing a photo posted on a social network. This proves that a well
thought out post can make the difference between intention and action, travel agencies having to
plan very well their social media communication strategy.

Varga et al.

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