Example Project Workplan

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Annex D

Extensive Work Plan for Irrigation Development

The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex D. Extensive Work Plan for Irrigation Development

Table of Contents


Annex D. Extensive Work Plan for Irrigation Development

Chapter 1 Practicable Investment
1.1 Practicable Investment ................................................................................ D-1
1.2 Work Items in the Master Plan.................................................................... D-1
1.3 Structural Design (Reference)..................................................................... D-3

Chapter 2 Work Items

2.1 Work Items for the Rehabilitation of the Existing Irrigation Schemes ....... D-9
2.2 Work Items for the Construction of the Proposed Irrigation Schemes ....... D-9
2.3 Extension of the Works ............................................................................... D-9

Chapter 3 Cost Estimates of Irrigation Facilities

3.1 Assumptions................................................................................................ D-10
3.2 Project Cost................................................................................................. D-10
3.3 Cost Estimates............................................................................................. D-11

List of Table
Table T2.1.1 Rehabilitation Plan of Existing Irrigation Schemes (Proposed Works) ...... D-9
Table T2.2.1 Construction Plan of Potential Irrigation Schemes (Tentative plan)........... D-12
Table T3.3.1 Cost Estimates............................................................................................. D-16
Table T3.3.2 Direct Cost of the Rehabilitation Works ..................................................... D-17
Table T3.3.3 Direct Cost of the New Construction Works............................................... D-21
Table T3.3.4 Direct Cost of the Dam Rehabilitation Works ............................................ D-25

Annex D. Extensive Work Plan for Irrigation Development

Chapter 1 Practicable Investment

1.1 Practicable Investment

The field survey indicates a necessity of several rehabilitation and construction work to attain
1) effective and efficient water use, 2) proper on-farm water management, 3) dam safety, as well as
appropriate watershed management of the dam catchment area. Work items of the rehabilitation and
new construction works are broadly composed of construction of irrigation/drainage canals, intake
facilities such as weirs, dams with appurtenant structures of spillway, intake, as well.

Amongst these interventions aiming at irrigation development, it is essential to make a plan, design
and implementation of the rehabilitation and new construction works on the basis of a participatory
approach to attain sustainable project operation. For this purpose, promotion of farmers’ ownership
is indispensable to improve farmer’s income. The farmers should notify an importance of operation
and maintenance of irrigation systems and water management. Dam rehabilitation work is also
promptly carried out to minimize future damages of spillway and dam embankment. Rehabilitation
of intake weirs is also necessary to ensure intake capacity for irrigation. The Government shall
undertake the rehabilitation work of these dams and intake weirs because it is recognized that the
farmers, who are practically responsible for these facilities at present, have no technical and also
financial ability to undertake these works. In terms of irrigation development in the Master plan,
staged implementation plan is proposed, comprising of 1) irrigation canal construction, 2) small scale
intake weir construction and 3) major facilities like to impounding dams in the order of a priority.

1.2 Work Items in the Master Plan

During the investigation of the small scale irrigation schemes in the Study area, 13 existing schemes
and 12 potential schemes were selected from the point of their viability of the system operation by the
farmers. In the Master plan, the first priority shall be put on canal rehabilitation and new
construction works for the reason that proper maintenance of these on-farm irrigation systems by the
beneficiaries led to sustainable irrigated agriculture. It is of course necessary to commence
rehabilitation work of the dam facilities and watershed management aiming to prolong a life span of
the dam, however as indicated above first priority shall be put on the irrigation system rehabilitation
to directly and promptly improve farmers’ income and livelihood. The following are remarkable
points to implement the small scale investment plans, especially for gravity system:

Table 1.1.1 Remarkable Points on the Rehabilitation Work for Gravity Irrigation Schemes
Remarkable points Explanations
1) Irrigation system functions as required. Emphasis shall be put on enhancement of the farmers’ activities realize
sustainable agriculture, thus rehabilitation work shall be competent to the
farmers ability of the operation and maintenance, water management,
etc. For this purpose, the MACO staff should be capable of
investigation and planning. In addition, the MACO staff should
recognize an importance of farmers participation from the planning

Remarkable points Explanations
2) Irrigation water is properly distributed. Water distribution system should be maintained with farmers’ ability and
demands. It is expected to growing in capacity of the irrigation staff of
the MACO to instruct the farmers of self planning of the irrigation
3) Water users association, agricultural The farmers themselves recognize a validity of WUA and decide
cooperatives work well for operation operational rules of the WUA. The MACO shall assist establishment
and maintenance. of the WUA and further process to strengthen their activities.
4) Investment cost and benefit take a It is essential to make rehabilitation and new construction works
balance. economically vital between investment (rehabilitation) cost and
incremental benefit by increase of farm production as well as market
price improvement with market cultivation.
5) Irrigation management system is A rehabilitation work is expanded to surrounding area as a model. A
disseminated to surrounding area. model project should be composed of taking regional characteristics in
terms of water resource availability, run-off pattern of surface water,
similarity of farming practice.

The following are major components of the rehabilitation works:

• Construction of canal : Earth lined canal for impervious foundation, or concrete/ brick with
mortar plastering canal is proposed.
• Reshape of canal : Widening of canal section improves flow capacity, thus improves
irrigation efficiency. Minimizing flow time of the irrigation water
can reduce water conveyance loss.
• Installation of intake : Siphon or conduits type intake is installed on the dam embankment
for irrigation water use.
• Division pit : Water control by soil material at division point is sometimes a
laborious work, especially women. Prefabricated concrete plate is
recommended to lighten manpower.

Prefabricated concrete plate Assembly at site

• Small storage pit : Water conveyance to the farm land located at upper portion of the
canal is by manpower by means of buckets or treadle pumps. In
general, irrigation time is limited, so it is difficult to draw water to
the farm land. Small storage pit is helpful to tentatively storage
irrigation water.
• Rehabilitation of spillway : It is necessary to take appropriate measures to ensure the dam
safety during food. Spillway canal bed, side wall protection is
• Installation of intake weir : Intake weir is constructed to divert surface water to the beneficial
areas. Simple weir made of wood thinned from forests and earth

materials, masonry weir are available from an economical
efficiency and also ease of maintenance by the famers.

From a point of water management, the following are improved:

• Control of irrigation water: It is necessary to control irrigation water according to growth
period of the crops, especially irrigation water is limited like a dam
• Irrigation time : It is preferable to estimate irrigation time corresponding to a farm
land area.
• Secondary canal : Reshape of a secondary canal contributes to shortening of flow
time, reduction of a seepage loss from a cnala.

With regard to a groundwater use such as dambo, following points are indictaed to accelerate water
use for irrigation purpose:
• Land use : Land use in and around a dambo area has not been developed due
to a traditional land ownership system. It is recommended to ease
traditional system by the Government initiative.
• Groundwater use : Environmental issue of a dambo use related to soil and water
contamination shall be cleared to come up with a means of
groundwater use. .
• Improving work conditions: Rural development in such a method of standardirizing of living
condition, rural road construction is encouraged to accelerate
collective farming in and around the dambo areas.
• Initial investment : A financial support system of an itinial investment for such as
protect fencing, water place for livestock.
• Hydro-geological investigation: Yield of groundwater varies by geological characteristics of the
ground even in the dambo area. Hydro-geological investigation
of aquifers is inevitable to estimate development potential in the
development site.

Following points are indicated from an environmental issues::

• Soil erosion : “Sabo dam” (sand trap dam) is effective to eliminate soil
development in the reservoir of the dam. (Sado dam aims at not
sediment trap but control erosion along the stream by means of
declining stream slope that reduces river erosion and soil
movement). Dreding of sediment in the reservoir is also effective
to enlarge impounding capacity of the dam. Machinery selection
is important to effectively remove the soil.
• Watershed management : Contour bund with vetiver grass is effective way to mitigate
surface erosion.
• Pollution in depressed area: Sewage contained water flows into a dambo area in a few irrigation
schemes without sufficient treatment. Further investigation of

natural depuration effect by plant and soil in the swampy area,
dewatering to downstream area is required.

The above rehabilitation plan shall be verified and its effectiveness is monitored and quantitatively
evaluated so as to ensure expansion to the similar area as a model scheme. Detailed investigation of
a dambo condition, water surface fluctuation, water quality shall be carried out to collect necessary
assessment data for a dambo development.

1.3 Structural Design (Reference)

The following are basic design concept for the structural planning and design:

(1) Intake weir (River)

In general, intake weir has firm structure comprising of concrete, masonry, etc. to secure stability of
the structure against floods. In addition, more simplified structure using thin wood, earth materials
and plastic sheet as an impervious material materials to minimize construction cost. The structure
and material depends on a length of the intake weir, elevation of water level from the foundation,
bearing capacity of the foundation, as well.

(2) Installation of intake devices (Dam)

Either siphon type intake or conduit type intake is selected to introduce dam water to the beneficial
farm lands. Siphon type was applied to the existing dam due to an economical advantage of the
siphon type intake. Characteristic points of both intake types are listed below.

Table 1.3.1 Characteristics of Intake Type

Siphon type Conduits type
Intake Two parallel polyethylene pipes with its diameter Any pipe diameter is allowed for conduits type.
capacity of maximum 60 mm are applied to intake storage When water requirement is large, conduits type is
water in the reservoir. The capacity of siphon selected.
with two pipes are roughly estimated at miximum 5
lit/sec, thus siphon type intake is recommende to
supply irrigation water to relatively small farm
area. When pipe diameter becomes large, it takes
a lot of time and labor force to fill up the pipe with
Operability When pipe diameter becomes large, it takes a lot of It requires simple valve opening.
time and labor force to fill up the pipe with water.
Construction Material cost for PVC and polyethylene pipe is Excavation work to the dam foundation and pipe
cost minimal. Earth work also small. protection work need relatively high construction
cost. Dewatering also necessary to secure dry
work condition.
Maintenance Water tightness shall be secured especially joint Maintenance cost is null. Intake valve shall be
cost portion. PVC and polyethylene pipe are not replaced every 10 to 20 year after the installation.
deteriorated when they are buried in the ground.

There are two types in the siphon type intake,
1) intalling siphon pipe along the dam crest, and
2) siphon pipe is embedded in the dam crest.

Fig. Siphon Type Structure

A Guide to Agricultural Planning, 1977

Conduits shall be embedded in the firm dam

foundation to prevent uneven settlement of the dam
embankment, which caused pipe damage.

Cut-off walls are installed along the conduits. A

wider cut-off wall is installed to secure longer
seepage length, especially in the core section of the
dam embankment. Imperrmeable earth material
such as clayey soil is refilled along the conduits.
In general, steel pipe and concrete pipe is used for
the conduits with a reinforced concrete protection
along the pipe.

Fig. Conduits Type Structure

A Guide to Agricultural Planning, 1977

1) Siphon type intake

It is notable points for the design of the siphon type intake:
(a) Water head
It is crucial to secure water head between water surface and farm land. Since the farm lands
are located immediately downstream of the dam, sufficient water head is not secured
especially in the dry season. It is proposed to install prural siphons in different elevation at
the outlet of the siphon to intake water as much as possible when impounding water level
becomes low in the dry season.

(b) Number of siphon
The intake capacity is determined by pipe diameter and the number of siphon. Several
combinations of pipe diameter and number of the siphon shall be examined in consideration
of operation method, material availability, etc. At least two siphons are intstalled in case of
malfunction of the either siphon. Use of extremely smaller pipe diameter causes small flow
capacity due to a friction loss of the pipe. Besides from this, large pipe requires laborious
work to fulfill the siphon pipe with water. Pipe diameter shall be not smaller than 60 mm
according to the site investigation. PVC pipe and polyethylene pipe is selected for outlet
side. Polyethylene pipe is applicable to inlet side pipe because of its flexibility.

(c) Valve selection

Flap valve and sluice (stop) valve are applied to the inlet and outlet end, respectively. Flap
bane type valve is recommended for inlet valve to avoid mechanical failure like a spring type
flap valve. Screen or sloted filter is installed to avoid foreign materials clogging the inlet
pipe. Stop valve is applied to the outlet valve.

2) Conduit type intake

Conduit type intake is recommended because of its adequate flow capacity and operational and
maintenance easiness, except following probles:

(a) Water leakage through conduits

Pipe installation through the dam embankment is susceptible to induce water flow along the
conduits. Cutoff wall installation mitigates water flow and proper compaction of impervious
earth material can reduce seepage flow. Conduits shall be installed in the dam foundation to
neglect affect to the dam embankment in principle.

(b) Dewatering of impounding water

It is necessary to drain impounding water during the construction, otherwise temporary
embankment or sheet pile is necessary to maintain construction site in dry condiotion. It
sometimes needs higher construction cost.

(c) It is important to install two valves at the outlet of the intake pipe.

(3) Rehabilitation of dam and appurtenant structure

1) Dam
(a) Leakage of water
The leakage through dam embankment and foundation is caused by several reasons as follow:

i) High permeability of the dam foundation (Grouting wall is not installed.)

When dam foundation is composed of Center core
high permeable layers, seepage water Water surface
spouts out from downstream of the Seepage from dam toe
dam embankment.

ii) High peameability of dam embankment

In the case a dam embankment, especially core zone is not sufficiently compacted due to poor
construction method or inpropoer material selection.

When core materials were not

sufficiently compacted, or conpacted Center core
surface of each layer was not raked, Water surface
seepage flows along the boundary of Seepagee from dam slope
compacted layer, and flow out from
downstream slope.

iii) Toe drain is not installed to the abutment

Installation extent of toe drain Installation extent of toe drain
Flow out from Seepage water is
dam slope drained to toe drain


iv) Drain was not constructed

Center core
When drain was not installed, seepage water Seepagee from dam
Water surface
apouts out on the downstream slope of the slope

Dam Section without Toe Drain

As a countermeasures, toe drain shall be Center core

Toe drain
installed along the embankment. Seepage Water surface
water is drained along the pipe in the toe
drain and drained to the stream.

Dam Section with Toe Drain

In the case of center core zone type dam, a Center core Vertical drain
vertical drain is appropriate method to safely Water surface Horizontal drain
drain the seepage water and sustain
embankment stability in general.

Dam Section with Vertical Drain

2) Rehabilitation of the spillway

Almost all dam spillway canal bed and side walls are not protected with firm materials such as
concrete, masonry and stone riprap. In this situation, spillway bed and side walls have been
damaged and eroded by floods. Meanwhile some dams have insufficient free board height between
spillway canal bed and dam crest, accordingly dam safety is not secured especially during the floods.
A few dam have an overflow crest in the spillway canal, however canal surface erosion of the
spillway is destructive to a stability of crest foundation of the spillway. In addition, over exuberant
weeds on the spillway canal declines flow capacity of the spillway. In this regard, protection of the
spillway canal and side walls are necessary not only to secure dam safety but to minimize total
rehabilitation cost of the spillway in its service period from a view point of asset management.
Concrete slab apron, gabion consolidation along the spillway bed and masonry wall protection of the
side walls of the spillway are recommended to protect the spillway.

Widening of the spillway canal, rising of dam crest are proposed to secure free board. Installation of
overflow crest also increases flow capacity of the spillway without rising of flood water level and
mitigate spillway channel erosion at the upstream of the spillway crest. Sufficiently longer apron
concrete shall be installed to prevent local erosion immediately downstream of the overflow crest of
the spillway.

Chapter 2 Work Items

2.1 Work Items for Rehabilitation of the Existing Irrigation Schemes

Work items for the rehabilitation work of the existing irrigation schemes are indicated in Table T2.1.1.
Work items are divided into two categories, i.e., “water conveyance works for irrigation” and “dam
rehabilitation works” according to funding schedule.

2.2 Work Items for Construction of the Proposed Irrigation Schemes

Work items for the proposed irrigation schemes are indicated in Table T2.2.1.
As same policy as those for rehabilitation works above, work items are divided into two categories,
i.e., water conveyance works for irrigation and dam rehabilitation works.

2.3 Extension of the Works

Extensive work for the rehabilitation and new construction work of the irrigation facilities shall be
proposed in line with effective and efficient investment plan with following conditions:

1) Investment plan shall be formulated taking account of economical issue, i.e., cost - benefit
relationship of the project,
2) The irrigation system shall be designed in conformity to technical and financial ability of the
farmers to achieve sustainable project implementation by the farmers,
3) Rehabilitation and new construction works shall be evaluated by not individual project but
overall projects proposed in the Master plan,
4) Effective rehabilitation plan shall be proposed for dam structures taking their long term use as
a water source for the irrigation. The rehabilitation cost and investment schedule shall be
examined comparing damaged cost without rehabilitation work and expected benefit
originated by long term use of the impounding water.

About 1), irrigation canal rehabilitation in on-farm level is proposed from a cost-benefit perspective.
About, 2), it is essential to apply gravity irrigation system, about 3), aver all project cost shall be
estimated to satisfy en economical internal rate of return (EIRR) ranging from 12 to 15 % referring to
other economical evaluation of the irrigation sector. About 4), rehabilitation of the spillway canal
shall be promptly commenced to protect dam embankment. It is strongly recommended the
Governments to allocate rehabilitation cost for the dam and its appurtenant structures as a physical
input to prolong their life spans of these social assets. The rehabilitation cost was estimated for a
reference, so it was excluded from the cost in the Mater plan.

Chapter 3 Cost Estimates of Irrigation Facilities

3.1 Assumptions
The following are assumptions of the cost estimates:

1) Material costs were surveyed in the Study period of December 2010.

2) The exchange rate used in the estimates is as follows:

US$1.00=ZMK4,700 (ZMK1.00=J¥0.017) as of December 2010

3) Construction cost is contract basis with local contractor.

4) The physical contingency of ten (10) percent of the total cost of the construction cost,
administration, engineering costs is included in the project cost.

5) Price contingency is also taken into account at an annual proce escalation rate of 3.0 percent.

3.2 Project Cost

Project cost is comprised of following items:

1) Construction cost
Construction cost is composed of direct cost, temporary and preparatory work, contractor's
expense, etc.

2) Engineering service cost

Engineering service cost is estimated for detailed design and construction supervisory works
by the consultant. The consultants technically assist and advice the government staff during
the detailed design and construction supervision period. Engineering cost is three (3)
percent for the irrigation canal, intake weir rehabilitation/ construction works and ten (10)
percent of dams and their appurtenant structures taking required technical level into account.

3) Administration
Detailed design and construction works including pre-construction works are undertaken by
the government staff with assistance and advice of the consultant. Administration cost is
estimated at three (3) percent of the direct construction cost for the expense of construction
supervision, diffusion activities for farming, water use, organizational strengthening of the
WUAs, etc.

4) Physical contingency
The physical contingency of ten (10) percent of the total cost of 1), 2) and 3) above is taken

D - 10
into account.

5) Price contingency
The price contingency of five (5) percent is taken into account.

3.3 Cost Estimates

Project costs are summarized in Table 3.3.1 and 3.3.2. The detailed cost estimates are shown in
Table T3.3.1.

Table 3.3.1 Project Cost for the Rehabilitation Works

(Unit: ZMK ‘000)
No Existing schemes Province District Cost for Cost for Total
Irrigation Scheme Dams

1 Kafubu Copperbelt Ndola 1,649,237 0 1,649,237

2 Katuba Central Chibombo 223,968 1,575,215 1,799,183
3 Mulila Kazembe Central Kapiri Mposhi 0 680,764 680,764
4 Chunga Lusaka Lusaka 739,120 0 739,120
5 Funzwe Lusaka Kafue 216,432 549,839 766,271
6 Shantumbo Lusaka Chongwe 15,339 0 15,339
7 Chipapa Lusaka Kafue 1,553,972 944,171 2,498,143
8 Kanundwa Southren Monze 0 993,490 993,490
9 Siafwa-kweda Southern Choma 323,548 665,814 989,362
10 Ndondi Southern Choma 0 0 0
11 Nkandabwe Southern Sinazongwe 251,088 632,042 883,130
12 Nabuyani Southern Kalomo 0 0 0
13 Mulabalaba Southern Kazungula 201,657 323,668 525,325
Total 5,174,361 6,365,002 11,539,363

Table 3.3.2 Project Cost for Proposed Irrigation Schemes

(Unit: ZMK ‘000)
Potential schemes Province District Cost for Cost for Total
Irrigation Scheme Dams
1 Kakoso Copperbelt Chililaombwe 2,702,233 0 2,702,233
2 Bwafwano Copperbelt Kalulushi 2,171,918 0 2,171,918
3 Kasamba Central Kapiri Mposhi 1,863,382 452,955 2,316,337
4 Juda Central Kapiri Mposhi 1,247,449 452,955 1,700,404
5 Natuseko Central Kabwe 35,925 0 35,925
6 Waya Camp Central Kabwe 23,573 0 23,573
7 Lifwambula Central Chibombo 1,031,872 639,659 1,671,531
8 Munga Central Chibombo 1,863,382 558,340 2,421,722
9 Chikupi Lusaka Kafue 35,925 0 35,925
10 Nakempa Southern Choma 939,482 502,133 1,441,615
11 Siakasipa Southern Kazungula 1,555,415 501,740 2,057,155
Total 13,470,555 3,107,782 16,578,337

D - 11
Table T2.1.1 Rehabilitation Plan of Existing Irrigation Schemes (Proposed Works)
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
1 Kafubu block Copperbelt Construction of intake weir Intake weir (Division pit with concrete) Stable water diversion from the Upstream dambo area is useful to
Ndola (1.5×3.0×H1.5m) river storage river water by lifting river
surface by weir.
Installation of irrigation canal Canal lining (2.74km) Improvement of water
conveyance loss from canal
Division pit Installation of division pits(20 nos/ Reduction of labor force
2 Katuba Central Installation of intake siphon Additional siphon 2 lines, φ100mm Increase of intake capacity In addition to present 2 siphons, 2
Chibombo Replacement 2 siphon from φ75mm to siphons are installed at elevated
φ100mm portion.
Rehabilitation of spillway Installation of masonry side wall Rehabilitation of dam facilities Mitigation of gully erosion on the
(Right: 350m, left: 220m) spillway canal
Installation of revetment
(Gabion 50m×7 lines)
Extension of irrigation canal Extension of left bank irrigation canal Increase of irrigable area Land reclamation may be necessary
(L=335 m)
Division pit (8 pits)
D - 13

Repair of division pits Division pit 10 nos. Increase of irrigation water Damaged pit is repaired.
through division pit
3 Mulila Kazembe Central Rehabilitation of spillway Installation of crest Protection of spillway
Kapiri Mposhi Protection wall of spillway canal
(Right 100m, left 100m)
Installation of revetment
(Gabion 20m×7 lines)
Countermeasures for seepage Grouting or blanket method Restoration of dam storage Detailed investigation is required.
from embankment function (Rehabilitation cost is excluded from
cost estimates.)
4 Chunga Lusaka Prevention of contaminated (Ex. aeration of treatment ponds) Improvement of water quality for Local government is responsible for
Lusaka sewage water into river irrigation the work. (Cost is excluded from
cost estimates.)
Installation of irrigation canal Installation of canal (0.4×0.4m×1,200m) Improvement of water
Division pit 24 nos. conveyance loss from canal
Diversion of irrigation water Installation of conduit to divert the river Improvement of water quality for (Cost is excluded from cost
from other tributaries water irrigation estimates.)
5 Funzwe Lusaka Provision of water lifting Treadle pump (10 sets) Reduction of labor force for
Kafue device water lifting
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
6 Shantumbu Lusaka Repair of intake valve (Water Replacement of intake valve, and Restoration of dam storage The rehabilitation work is scheduled
Chongwe leakage from valve) additional sub-valve for maintenance. function during the dry season.
Extension of main irrigation 430m (Inner dimension 0.3m×0.3m) Increase of irrigable area
canal Division pit (9 pits)
Rehabilitation of spillway Installation of crest Protection of spillway
Protection wall of spillway canal
(Right 75m, left 75m)
Installation of revetment
(Gabion 20m×7 lines)
Protection of farm land Construction of terrace type farm land Mitigation of soil erosion (Cost is excluded from cost
erosion with masonry work estimates.)
7 Chipapa Lusaka Rehabilitation of main Additional concrete to raise wall height Increase of canal capacity Survey of present flow capacity and
Kafue irrigation canal (H0.2m×W0.3m×400m) water requirement
Reshape of secondary canals Canal installation (0.3×0.3m) Improvement of water WUA is responsible for the work.
L=250m×21 canals conveyance loss (Cost includes brick and mortar
canal construction. )
Rehabilitation of spillway Protection wall of spillway canal Protection of spillway Spillway bed is composed of
(Right 75m, left 75m) weathered rock, thus protection of
Installation of revetment side wall is proposed.
(Gabion 20m×7 lines)
D - 14

Installation of consolidation Masonry wall (L=100m×4 rows, Maintenance of reservoir Consolidation dam can reduce
dam H=1.5m) including gabion protection capacity riverbed erosion upstream of the
(W=3.0m) reservoir.
Dredging of sediment Dredging of soil, preparation of soil Maintenance of reservoir Access of heavy equipment is
accumulated in the reservoir disposal area capacity necessary (Cost is excluded from
cost estimates.)
Water leakage along intake Installation of cut-off all, refilling with Securing dam safety Detailed investigation of seepage
pipe impermeable earth materials along the phenomena is necessary to confirm
intake pipe the main cause. (Cost is excluded
from cost estimates.)
Installation of sub-valve Sub-valve is installed when main valve Maintenance of reservoir
is replaced or repaired. capacity
Protection of intake valve Valve pit construction Maintenance of reservoir
8 Kanundwa Southern Protection of spillway Side wall with masonry Securing dam safety Pipe joint sealing shall be examined.
Monze (100m×2 spillways) (Spillway canal shall be deepened to
Bed consolidation work with gabion prevent inundation of farmland
(20m×10 lines ×2 spillways) immediately downstream of the dam
Spillway rehabilitation Installation of overflow crest 2 spillway
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
9 Siafwa-kweda Southern Installation of dam intake Installation of intake or siphon type Increase of intake capacity Farm land downstream of the dam
Choma device intake should be prepared.
Installation of irrigation canal Installation of canal (0.4×0.4m×500m) Increase of irrigable area
Rehabilitation of spillway Repair of apron concrete and side wall Securing dam safety Spillways located at both dam
(60m×2 spillways) abutment shall be protected.
10 Ndondi Southern Air valves shall be installed to (Available water head shall be Intake discharge is increased. (Cost is excluded from cost
Choma smoothly blow air in the examined. When water head is estimates.)
siphon pipes or change to insufficient, outlet of the siphon shall be
large pipe of siphon replaced to lower portion.)
11 Nkandabwe Southern Rehabilitation of intake weir Rehabilitation of decrepitude weir body Securing stability of the weir Rising of intake crest may cause
Sinazongwe (L=40m) structure increase of seepage water in the
mining tunnel located close to the
reservoir, so this plan is not
Rehabilitation of irrigation Rehabilitation of decrepitude irrigation Increase of intake capacity
canal canal (0.3m×0.3m, L=500m)
Installation of pit Division pit (10 nos) Increase of intake capacity
Replacement of intake gate Installation of sluice valve including Effective use of dam storage
sub-valve water
12 Nabuyani Southern (none) Since inlet pipe to fill up siphon pipe
D - 15

Kalomo is made of polyethylene pipe with

rubber sheet covering, air can get in
easily. It is recommended to
replace pipe materials with PVC cap
to hermetically seal the pipe to
exclude any external air.
13 Mulabalaba Southern Rehabilitation of spillway Placing apron concrete Securing dam safety
Kazungula apron concrete Placing gabion downstream of spillway
apron concrete
Drainage improvement Drainage canal construction (L=150m, Increase of irrigable area
200m, canal width of 1.0m) with
wooden materials or fascine fence
Improvement of dam intake Installation of additional siphon Increase of intake capacity
Improvement of main Improvement of division pit (installation Increase of intake capacity Device for water lifting from the
irrigation canal of adjustable stop log) canal
Extension of irrigation canal 500m (Inner dimension 0.3m×0.3m) Increase of irrigable area Installation of right side canal (Cost
is excluded from cost estimates.)
Table T2.2.1 Construction Plan of Potential Irrigation Schemes (Tentative plan)
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
1 Kakoso Copperbelt Installation of regulating tanks Concrete tanks of 5 nos Reducing water loss Other farm land is located along
Chililabombwe (6m×6m×H2.5m) Effective use of irrigation water stream for 2 to 3 km downstream of
in night time flow the Kakoso beneficial area.
Water storage in drought year Improvement of irrigation efficiency
at upstream farm land is effective to
increase irrigation water for
downstream use.
Canal lining Lining of main canal along contour line Improvement of water Irrigation canal is extended to 1.8km
(0.4m×0.4m×3,655m) conveyance loss from canal downstream of the spring points.
Division pit Division pit (30 nos) Diversion of irrigation water
- Rehabilitation of sewage Installation of PVC pipe or concrete Conservation of water quality Sewage water shall be separated
ponds and tanks canal from environmental point from irrigation water, especially
- Separating of sewage water downstream area of the sewage
by bypass canal or pipe. ponds. (Cost is excluded from cost
2 Bwafwano Copperbelt Rehabilitation of irrigation Canal lining and widening (Right canal Improvement of irrigation Enlargement of canal capacity.
Kalulushi canal 2.7 km), left canal 1.0 km) including efficiency by reducing seepage
culvert at road crossing section loss from the canal.
D - 16

Division pit Installation of division pits( 1 nos/50m) Reduction of labor force

3 Kasamba dam Central Rehabilitation of spillway Protection of spillway canal bed and Securing dam safety Overtopping of dam crest has
Kapiri Mposhi side walls (Right side L=60m, left side occurred three times in 10 years after
L=100m) dam completion.
Revetment of spillway canal (5 lines)
Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=30m) Spillway canal protection
Raising of dam crest About 1.5m raising is proposed (it Securing dam safety Dam crest is raised when existing
depends on spillway capacity) reservoir capacity is maintained.
(Cost is excluded from cost
Installation of intake facilities Siphon type intake is proposed at left Increase of irrigable area
side abutment of the dam body.

Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), Left side Scheduled farming is realized by Farm land is located along the river.
canal (L=1,500m), right side (L=1,500m) stable irrigation water supply.
Land preparation Land preparation of sloped terrain along Increase of irrigable area Since land forms relatively flat,
the river. weeding may be necessary. (Cost is
excluded from cost estimates.)
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
4 Juda dam Central Installation of intake facilities Intake or siphon type intake device is Increase of irrigable area
Kapiri Mposhi applied.

Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=30m) Spillway canal protection

Rehabilitation of spillway Protection of spillway canal bed and Securing dam sefty
side slope protection with masonry wall.
(Right side 60m, left side 100m)
Revetment (Gabion 30m×5 lines)
Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), Left side Scheduled farming is realized by Farm land is located along the river.
canal (L=1,000m), right side (L=1,000m) stable irrigation water supply.
Division pits (40 nos)
Land preparation Land preparation of sloped terrain along Increase of irrigable area Since land forms relatively flat,
the river. weeding may be necessary. (Cost is
excluded from cost estimates.)
5 Natuseko Central Enhancement of manpower Treadle pumps 5 sets and movable Increase of irrigable area Beneficiaries will increase from
Kabwe watering engine pumps 5 sets for communal use Reduction of labor force current 30 households to 60 or more.
of farmers especially for women Development of dambo area for
Water conveyance of pipe Polyethylene pipe (φ50mm, 50m×30 Reduction of water conveyance Gushed (spring) water is conveyed
farmers loss of groundwater to farm lands through pipes.
D - 17

6 Waya Central Enhancement of manpower Treadle pumps 5 sets and movable Increase of irrigable area Project is subject to scattered farm
Kabwe watering engine pumps 2 sets for joint use of Reduction of labor force area composed of 5 to 6 households
farmers especially for women in each area.
Engine pump is used for elevated
farm land.
Road rehabilitation Farm road (4m wide, 500m long) Access road to transport farm (Cost is excluded from cost
inputs and outputs estimates.)
7 Lifwambora Central Installation of intake facilities Intake or siphon type intake device is Increase of intake capacity Land preparation downstream of the
Chibombo applied. dam is necessary.
Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), Left side Scheduled farming is realized by Farm land is located along the river.
canal (L=1,000m), right side (L=650m) stable irrigation water supply.
Division pits (33 nos)
Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=30m) Spillway canal protection
Rehabilitation of spillway Side wall protection (Masonry, right Securing dam safety Rehabilitation of downstream
side 100m, left side 60m) portion of the spillway (slope
Protection of spillway canal bed with protection: 60m long, 2m wall
gabion (30m wide×5 lines) height)
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
8 Munga Central Installation of intake facilities Intake or siphon type intake device is Increase of intake capacity Land preparation downstream of the
Chibombo applied. dam is necessary.
Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), Left side Scheduled farming is realized by Farm land is located along the river.
canal (L=1,500m), right side (L=1,500m) stable irrigation water supply. Farm land shall be gathered to
Division pits (60 nos) minimize irrigation canal length,
otherwise, 3,000m canal is required.
Raising of dam crest Raising of dam crest to secure free Securing dam safety (Cost is excluded from cost
board of the embankment (at least 1.0m) estimates.)
Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=30m) Spillway canal protection
Rehabilitation of spillway Side wall protection (Masonry, right Securing dam safety
side 100m, left side 100m)
Protection of spillway canal bed with
gabion (30m wide×5 lines)
9 Chikupi Lusaka Enhancement of manpower Treadle pumps 5 sets and movable Increase of irrigable area Farm area is scattered in the wide
Kafue watering engine pumps 5 sets for joint use of Reduction of labor force dambo area. Estate area of 250 ha
farmers is located in the Chikupi area.
Road construction Road of 4m wide, 1km long Access to the site in the beginning (Cost is excluded from cost
of the wet and dry season estimates.)
10 Nakempa Southern Installation of intake facilities Intake or siphon type intake device is Increase of intake water Land preparation downstream of the
Choma applied. dam is required.
Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), Left side Scheduled farming is realized by
D - 18

canal (L=750m), right side (L=750m) stable irrigation water supply.

Division pits (30 nos)
Rehabilitation of spillway Side wall protection (Masonry, right Securing dam safety
side 75m, left side 75m)
Protection of spillway canal 20m wide
×5 lines
Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=20m) Spillway canal protection
11 Siakasipa Southern Rehabilitation of spillway Side slope protection with masonry wall. Securing dam safety
Kazungula (Right side 60m, left side 75m)
Protection of spillway canal bed
(20m×5 lines)
Rehabilitation of spillway Overflow crest (L=20m) Spillway canal protection
Installation of intake facilities Siphon type intake at left side of the Increase of irrigable area
dam embankment
Construction of irrigation Canal (0.4m×0.4m), left side L=1,500m, Scheduled farming is realized by Land preparation downstream of the
canal right side L=1,500m stable irrigation water supply. dam is required.
Construction of road drainage Installation of drainage ditch along the Securing reservoir capacity Mitigate sediment inflow into the
ditch dam crest road reservoir. (Cost is excluded from
(50m long×2lines×both sides=200m) cost estimates.)
No Irrigation Scheme Province Rehabilitation Descriptions Effect / Benefit Remarks
12 Mandia Southern Either gravity irrigation by Pre-F/S shall be conducted
Kazungula 15km canal or motorized especially water conveyance system.
pump system is proposed.
D - 19
Table T3.3.1 Cost Estimates (Unit: ZMK‘000)
I. Rehabilitation Cost
Irrigation cost Dam, spillway cost
Scheme Direct cost Indirect cost Total Consulting Administration Contingency Total 1. Dam Indirect cost Total Consulting Administration Contingency Total 2. Total 1+2
1 Kafubu 1,021,452 306,436 1,327,888 66,394 39,837 215,118 1,649,237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,649,237
2 Katuba 138,714 41,614 180,329 9,016 5,410 29,213 223,968 975,607 292,682 1,268,289 63,414 38,049 205,463 1,575,215 1,799,183
3 Mulila Kazembe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421,630 126,489 548,119 27,406 16,444 88,795 680,764 680,764
4 Chunga 457,773 137,332 595,105 29,755 17,853 96,407 739,120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 739,120
5 Sahntumbu 134,047 40,214 174,261 8,713 5,228 28,230 216,432 340,542 102,163 442,704 22,135 13,281 71,718 549,839 766,271
6 Funzwe 9,500 2,850 12,350 618 371 2,001 15,339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,339
7 Chipapa 962,450 288,735 1,251,185 62,559 37,536 202,692 1,553,972 584,771 175,431 760,202 38,010 22,806 123,153 944,171 2,498,143
8 Kanundwa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 615,316 184,595 799,911 39,996 23,997 129,586 993,490 993,490
9 Siafwa-kweda 200,389 60,117 260,506 13,025 7,815 42,202 323,548 412,371 123,711 536,082 26,804 16,082 86,845 665,814 989,362
10 Ndondi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Nkandabwe 155,511 46,653 202,164 10,108 6,065 32,751 251,088 391,454 117,436 508,891 25,445 15,267 82,440 632,042 883,130
12 Nabuyani 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Mulabalaba 124,896 37,469 162,365 8,118 4,871 26,303 201,657 200,463 60,139 260,602 13,030 7,818 42,218 323,668 525,325
Total I. 3,204,732 961,420 4,166,152 208,308 124,985 674,917 5,174,361 3,942,154 1,182,646 5,124,801 256,240 153,744 830,218 6,365,002 11,539,363
D - 20

II. Construction Cost

Irrigation cost Dam, spillway cost
Scheme Direct cost Indirect cost Total Consulting Administration Contingency Total 1. Dam Indirect cost Total Consulting Administration Contingency Total 2. Total 1+2
1 Kakoso 1,673,624 502,087 2,175,711 108,786 65,271 352,465 2,702,233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,702,233
2 Bwafwano 1,345,174 403,552 1,748,726 87,436 52,462 283,294 2,171,918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,171,918
3 Kasamba 1,154,083 346,225 1,500,308 75,015 45,009 243,050 1,863,382 280,537 84,161 364,698 18,235 10,941 59,081 452,955 2,316,337
4 Juda 772,605 231,782 1,004,387 50,219 30,132 162,711 1,247,449 280,537 84,161 364,698 18,235 10,941 59,081 452,955 1,700,404
5 Natuseko 22,250 6,675 28,925 1,446 868 4,686 35,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,925
6 Waya 14,600 4,380 18,980 949 569 3,075 23,573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,573
7 Lifwambora 639,088 191,726 830,815 41,541 24,924 134,592 1,031,872 396,172 118,852 515,023 25,751 15,451 83,434 639,659 1,671,531
8 Munga 1,154,083 346,225 1,500,308 75,015 45,009 243,050 1,863,382 345,807 103,742 449,549 22,477 13,486 72,827 558,340 2,421,722
9 Chikupi 22,250 6,675 28,925 1,446 868 4,686 35,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,925
10 Nakempa 581,867 174,560 756,427 37,821 22,693 122,541 939,482 310,995 93,299 404,294 20,215 12,129 65,496 502,133 1,441,615
11 Siakasipa 963,344 289,003 1,252,347 62,617 37,570 202,880 1,555,415 310,752 93,226 403,978 20,199 12,119 65,444 501,740 2,057,155
Total II. 8,342,967 2,502,890 10,845,858 542,293 325,376 1,757,029 13,470,555 1,924,800 577,440 2,502,240 125,112 75,067 405,363 3,107,782 16,578,337
Total I+II 11,547,699 3,464,310 15,012,010 750,601 450,361 2,431,946 18,644,916 5,866,954 1,760,086 7,627,041 381,352 228,811 1,235,581 9,472,784 28,117,700
Table T3.3.2 Direct Cost of the Rehabilitation Works
Direct Cost (Rehabilitation)
1. Sheme Kafubu Irrigation Scheme
2. District Ndola
3. Province Copperbelt

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 2740 269,055 59,993 737,210,727 164,380,820 901,591,547
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 73,721,073 16,438,082 90,159,155
Sub-Total 1. 810,931,800 180,818,902 991,750,702

2. Pit installation for canal nos 20

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 11.88 497,834 209,673 5,914,273 2,490,915 8,405,189
2) Form m2 115.2 29,686 0 3,419,800 0 3,419,800
3) Bar ton 0.712 2,791,000 4,639,000 1,987,192 3,302,968 5,290,160
4) Base gravel m3 5.88 71,736 36,183 421,807 212,756 634,563
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,174,307 600,664 1,774,971

Sub-Total 2. 12,917,379 6,607,303 19,524,682

3. Diversion work
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 5 18,720 0 93,600 0 93,600
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 0 11,040 0 0 0 0

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-21 m3 5.5 497,834 209,673 2,738,090 1,153,202 3,891,291
2) Form m2 33 29,686 0 979,630 0 979,630
3) Bar ton 0.55 2,791,000 4,639,000 1,535,050 2,551,450 4,086,500
4) Base gravel m3 2 71,736 36,183 143,472 72,366 215,838
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 539,624 370,465 910,089

Sub-Total 3. 6,029,465 4,147,483 10,176,948

Total 1+2+3 829,878,644 191,573,688 1,021,452,332

1. Sheme Katuba Irrigation Scheme

2. District Chibombo
3. Province Central

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 335 269,055 59,993 90,133,428 20,097,655 110,231,083
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 9,013,343 2,009,766 11,023,108
Sub-Total 1. 99,146,771 22,107,421 121,254,192

2. Pit installation for canal nos 8

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 4.752 497,834 209,673 2,365,709 996,366 3,362,075
2) Form m2 46.08 29,686 0 1,367,920 0 1,367,920
3) Bar ton 0.2848 2,791,000 4,639,000 794,877 1,321,187 2,116,064
4) Base gravel m3 2.352 71,736 36,183 168,723 85,102 253,825
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 469,723 240,266 709,988

Sub-Total 2. 5,166,951 2,642,921 7,809,873

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 110,658,630 28,055,766 138,714,396

D - 21
1. Sheme Chunga Irrigation Scheme
2. District Lusaka
3. Province Lusaka

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 1200 269,055 59,993 322,866,012 71,991,600 394,857,612
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 32,286,601 7,199,160 39,485,761
Sub-Total 2. 355,152,613 79,190,760 434,343,373

2. Pit installation for canal nos 24

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 14.256 497,834 209,673 7,097,128 2,989,098 10,086,226
2) Form m2 138.24 29,686 0 4,103,759 0 4,103,759
3) Bar ton 0.8544 2,791,000 4,639,000 2,384,630 3,963,562 6,348,192
4) Base gravel m3 7.056 71,736 36,183 506,168 255,307 761,475
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,409,169 720,797 2,129,965

Sub-Total 2. 15,500,854 7,928,764 23,429,618

Total 1+2+3 370,653,468 87,119,524 457,772,991

1. Sheme Sahntumbu Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kafwe
3. Province Lusaka

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.3mx0.3m m 430 214,987 53,795 92,444,367 23,131,850 115,576,217
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 9,244,437 2,313,185 11,557,622
Sub-Total 1. 101,688,804 25,445,035 127,133,839

2. Pit installation for canal nos 9

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 4.203 497,834 209,673 2,092,398 881,256 2,973,654
2) Form m2 40.14 29,686 0 1,191,586 0 1,191,586
3) Bar ton 0.252 2,791,000 4,639,000 703,332 1,169,028 1,872,360
4) Base gravel m3 2.286 71,736 36,183 163,988 82,714 246,702
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 415,130 213,300 628,430

Sub-Total 2. 4,566,435 2,346,298 6,912,733

Total 1+2 106,255,239 27,791,333 134,046,572

D - 22
1. Sheme Chipapa Irrigation Scheme
2. District Kafue
3. Province Lusaka

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal rehabilitation
Concrete work Lifting of wall height
1) Concrete C-18 m3 48 497,834 209,673 23,896,054 10,064,304 33,960,358
2) Form m2 320 29,686 0 9,499,443 0 9,499,443
3) Miscellaneous work % 10 3,339,550 1,006,430 4,345,980

Sub-Total 1. 36,735,047 11,070,734 47,805,781

2. Secondary canal extension

1) Canal (Brick) 0.3mx0.3m m 2500 269,055 59,993 672,637,525 149,982,500 822,620,025
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 67,263,753 14,998,250 82,262,003
Sub-Total 2. 739,901,278 164,980,750 904,882,028

3. Pit installation for main canal nos 10

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 5.94 497,834 209,673 2,957,137 1,245,458 4,202,594
2) Form m2 57.6 29,686 0 1,709,900 0 1,709,900
3) Bar ton 0.356 2,791,000 4,639,000 993,596 1,651,484 2,645,080
4) Base gravel m3 2.94 71,736 36,183 210,903 106,378 317,281
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 587,154 300,332 887,486

Sub-Total 3. 6,458,689 3,303,652 9,762,341

Total 1+2+3 783,095,014 179,355,136 962,450,150

1. Sheme Siafwa-kweda Irrigation Scheme

2. District Choma
3. Province Southern

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 500 269,055 59,993 134,527,505 29,996,500 164,524,005
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 13,452,751 2,999,650 16,452,401
Sub-Total 2. 147,980,256 32,996,150 180,976,406

2. Pit installation for canal nos 10

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 5.94 497,834 209,673 2,957,137 1,245,458 4,202,594
2) Form m2 57.6 29,686 0 1,709,900 0 1,709,900
3) Bar ton 0.356 2,791,000 4,639,000 993,596 1,651,484 2,645,080
4) Base gravel m3 2.94 71,736 36,183 210,903 106,378 317,281
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 587,154 300,332 887,486

Sub-Total 2. 6,458,689 3,303,652 9,762,341

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 160,783,852 39,605,226 200,389,078

D - 23
1. Sheme Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme
2. District Sinazongwe
3. Province Southern

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.3mx0.3m m 500 214,987 53,795 107,493,450 26,897,500 134,390,950
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 10,749,345 2,689,750 13,439,095
Sub-Total 2. 118,242,795 29,587,250 147,830,045

2. Pit installation for canal nos 10

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 4.67 497,834 209,673 2,324,887 979,173 3,304,060
2) Form m2 44.6 29,686 0 1,323,985 0 1,323,985
3) Bar ton 0.28 2,791,000 4,639,000 781,480 1,298,920 2,080,400
4) Base gravel m3 2.54 71,736 36,183 182,209 91,905 274,114
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 461,256 237,000 698,256

Sub-Total 2. 5,073,817 2,606,998 7,680,814

Total 1+2+3 123,316,612 32,194,248 155,510,859

1. Sheme Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kazungula
3. Province Southern

Work Category Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Storage pit installation nos 15

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 43.5 497,834 209,673 21,655,799 9,120,776 30,776,575
2) Form m2 300 29,686 0 8,905,728 0 8,905,728
3) Bar ton 4.35 2,791,000 4,639,000 12,140,850 20,179,650 32,320,500
4) Base gravel m3 15 71,736 36,183 1,076,037 542,745 1,618,782
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 4,377,841 2,984,317 7,362,158

Sub-Total 1. 48,156,255 32,827,488 80,983,743

2. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 2. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

3. Conduits pipe installation

1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm m 400 11,226 36,360 4,490,400 14,544,000 19,034,400
2) Other materials Outlet, elbow, etc. % 50 2,245,200 7,272,000 9,517,200
3) Installation of pipe % 20 1,347,120 4,363,200 5,710,320

Sub-Total 3. 8,082,720 26,179,200 34,261,920

Total 1+2+3 62,583,883 62,312,112 124,895,995

D - 24
Table T3.3.3 Direct Cost of the New Construction Works
Direct Cost (New Construction)
1. Sheme Kakoso Irrigation Scheme
2. District Chililabombwe
3. Province Copperbelt

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 3655 269,055 59,993 983,396,062 219,274,415 1,202,670,477
3) Miscellaneous work % 10 98,339,606 21,927,442 120,267,048
Sub-Total 1. 1,081,735,668 241,201,857 1,322,937,524

2. Pit installation for canal nos 30

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 17.82 497,834 209,673 8,871,410 3,736,373 12,607,783
2) Form m2 172.8 29,686 0 5,129,699 0 5,129,699
3) Bar ton 1.068 2,791,000 4,639,000 2,980,788 4,954,452 7,935,240
4) Base gravel m3 8.82 71,736 36,183 632,710 319,134 951,844
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,761,461 900,996 2,662,457

Sub-Total 2. 19,376,068 9,910,955 29,287,023

3. Storage tank nos 5

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 124 18,720 0 2,321,280 0 2,321,280
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 23 11,040 0 253,920 0 253,920

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-21 m3 178.5 497,834 209,673 88,863,451 37,426,631 126,290,082
2) Form m2 795 29,686 0 23,600,179 0 23,600,179
3) Bar ton 17.85 2,791,000 4,639,000 49,819,350 82,806,150 132,625,500
4) Base gravel m3 70 71,736 36,183 5,021,506 2,532,810 7,554,316
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 16,730,449 12,023,278 28,753,727

Sub-Total 3. 186,610,135 134,788,869 321,399,003

Total 1+2+3 1,287,721,871 385,901,680 1,673,623,550

1. Sheme Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kalulushi
3. Province Copperbelt

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Right canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 2700 269,055 59,993 726,448,527 161,981,100 888,429,627
2) Left canal (Brick) 0.3mx0.3m m 1000 214,987 53,795 214,986,900 53,795,000 268,781,900
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 94,143,543 21,577,610 115,721,153
Sub-Total 1. 1,035,578,970 237,353,710 1,272,932,680

2. Pit installation for canal nos 74

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 43.956 497,834 209,673 21,882,812 9,216,386 31,099,198
2) Form m2 426.24 29,686 0 12,653,258 0 12,653,258
3) Bar ton 2.6344 2,791,000 4,639,000 7,352,610 12,220,982 19,573,592
4) Base gravel m3 21.756 71,736 36,183 1,560,684 787,197 2,347,881
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 4,344,936 2,222,457 6,567,393

Sub-Total 2. 47,794,301 24,447,022 72,241,323

Total 1+2 1,083,373,270 261,800,732 1,345,174,002

D - 25
1. Sheme Kasamba Irrigation Scheme
2. District Kapiri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 3000 269,055 59,993 807,165,030 179,979,000 987,144,030
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 80,716,503 17,997,900 98,714,403
Sub-Total 2. 887,881,533 197,976,900 1,085,858,433

2. Pit installation for canal nos 60

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 35.64 497,834 209,673 17,742,820 7,472,746 25,215,566
2) Form m2 345.6 29,686 0 10,259,399 0 10,259,399
3) Bar ton 2.136 2,791,000 4,639,000 5,961,576 9,908,904 15,870,480
4) Base gravel m3 17.64 71,736 36,183 1,265,420 638,268 1,903,688
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 3,522,921 1,801,992 5,324,913

Sub-Total 2. 38,752,136 19,821,910 58,574,045

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 932,978,576 221,104,234 1,154,082,810

k Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
1. S
2. D
3. P

Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 2000 269,055 59,993 538,110,020 119,986,000 658,096,020
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 53,811,002 11,998,600 65,809,602
Sub-Total 2. 591,921,022 131,984,600 723,905,622

2. Pit installation for canal nos 40

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 23.76 497,834 209,673 11,828,547 4,981,830 16,810,377
2) Form m2 230.4 29,686 0 6,839,599 0 6,839,599
3) Bar ton 1.424 2,791,000 4,639,000 3,974,384 6,605,936 10,580,320
4) Base gravel m3 11.76 71,736 36,183 843,613 425,512 1,269,125
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 2,348,614 1,201,328 3,549,942

Sub-Total 2. 25,834,757 13,214,606 39,049,364

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 624,100,687 148,504,630 772,605,317

D - 26
1. Sheme Lifwambora Irrigation Scheme
2. District Chibombo
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 1650 269,055 59,993 443,940,767 98,988,450 542,929,217
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 44,394,077 9,898,845 54,292,922
Sub-Total 2. 488,334,843 108,887,295 597,222,138

2. Pit installation for canal nos 33

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 19.602 497,834 209,673 9,758,551 4,110,010 13,868,561
2) Form m2 190.08 29,686 0 5,642,669 0 5,642,669
3) Bar ton 1.1748 2,791,000 4,639,000 3,278,867 5,449,897 8,728,764
4) Base gravel m3 9.702 71,736 36,183 695,981 351,047 1,047,028
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,937,607 991,095 2,928,702

Sub-Total 2. 21,313,675 10,902,050 32,215,725

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 515,993,425 123,094,769 639,088,195

1. Sheme Munga Irrigation Scheme

2. District Chibombo
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 3000 269,055 59,993 807,165,030 179,979,000 987,144,030
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 80,716,503 17,997,900 98,714,403
Sub-Total 2. 887,881,533 197,976,900 1,085,858,433

2. Pit installation for canal nos 60

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 35.64 497,834 209,673 17,742,820 7,472,746 25,215,566
2) Form m2 345.6 29,686 0 10,259,399 0 10,259,399
3) Bar ton 2.136 2,791,000 4,639,000 5,961,576 9,908,904 15,870,480
4) Base gravel m3 17.64 71,736 36,183 1,265,420 638,268 1,903,688
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 3,522,921 1,801,992 5,324,913

Sub-Total 2. 38,752,136 19,821,910 58,574,045

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 932,978,576 221,104,234 1,154,082,810

D - 27
1. Sheme Nakempa Irrigation Scheme
2. District Choma
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 1500 269,055 59,993 403,582,515 89,989,500 493,572,015
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 40,358,252 8,998,950 49,357,202
Sub-Total 1. 443,940,767 98,988,450 542,929,217

2. Pit installation for canal nos 30

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 17.82 497,834 209,673 8,871,410 3,736,373 12,607,783
2) Form m2 172.8 29,686 0 5,129,699 0 5,129,699
3) Bar ton 1.068 2,791,000 4,639,000 2,980,788 4,954,452 7,935,240
4) Base gravel m3 8.82 71,736 36,183 632,710 319,134 951,844
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,761,461 900,996 2,662,457

Sub-Total 2. 19,376,068 9,910,955 29,287,023

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 469,661,742 112,204,829 581,866,571

1. Sheme Siakasipa Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kazungula
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Canal construction
1) Canal (Brick) 0.4mx0.4m m 2500 269,055 59,993 672,637,525 149,982,500 822,620,025
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 67,263,753 14,998,250 82,262,003
Sub-Total 2. 739,901,278 164,980,750 904,882,028

2. Pit installation for canal nos 50

Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 29.7 497,834 209,673 14,785,683 6,227,288 21,012,972
2) Form m2 288 29,686 0 8,549,499 0 8,549,499
3) Bar ton 1.78 2,791,000 4,639,000 4,967,980 8,257,420 13,225,400
4) Base gravel m3 14.7 71,736 36,183 1,054,516 531,890 1,586,406
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 2,935,768 1,501,660 4,437,428

Sub-Total 2. 32,293,446 16,518,258 48,811,704

3. Siphon installation
Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 6 18,720 0 112,320 0 112,320
2) Bachfilling by man-power m3 6 11,040 0 66,240 0 66,240

Plumbing work
1) PVC pipe Dia 100mm×2 m 60.2 11,226 36,360 675,805 2,188,872 2,864,677
2) Hoot valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 706,000 0 1,412,000 0 1,412,000
3) Stop valve Dia 100mm×2 nos 2 1,059,000 0 2,118,000 0 2,118,000
4) Miscellaneous work % 20 841,161 437,774 1,278,935

Valve pit construction

1) Concrete C-18 m3 0.9 497,834 209,673 448,051 188,706 636,757
2) Form m2 10 29,686 0 296,858 0 296,858
3) Bar ton 0.09 2,791,000 4,639,000 251,190 417,510 668,700
4) Base gravel m3 0.3 71,736 36,183 21,521 10,855 32,376
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 101,762 61,707 163,469

Sub-Total 3. 6,344,908 3,305,424 9,650,332

Total 1+2+3 778,539,631 184,804,432 963,344,064

D - 28
Table T3.3.4 Direct Cost of the Dam Rehabilitation Works
Direct Cost (Dam Rehabilitation)
1. Sheme Katuba Irrigation Scheme
2. District Chibombo
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 485 18,720 0 9,079,200 0 9,079,200

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 1881 403,484 41,650 758,952,464 78,343,650 837,296,114
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 75,895,246 7,834,365 83,729,611

Sub-Total 1. 843,926,910 86,178,015 930,104,925

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 230 18,720 0 4,305,600 0 4,305,600

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 180 85,894 122,168 15,460,932 21,990,300 37,451,232
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 1,546,093 2,199,030 3,745,123

Sub-Total 2. 21,312,625 24,189,330 45,501,955

Total 1+2+3 865,239,535 110,367,345 975,606,880

1. Sheme Mulila Kazembe Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kapri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 170 18,720 0 3,182,400 0 3,182,400

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 660 403,484 41,650 266,299,110 27,489,000 293,788,110
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 26,629,911 2,748,900 29,378,811

Sub-Total 1. 296,111,421 30,237,900 326,349,321

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 92 18,720 0 1,722,240 0 1,722,240

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 72 85,894 122,168 6,184,373 8,796,120 14,980,493
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 618,437 879,612 1,498,049

Sub-Total 2. 8,525,050 9,675,732 18,200,782

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1056 18,720 0 19,768,320 0 19,768,320

Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 44 497,834 209,673 21,904,716 9,225,612 31,130,328
2) Form m2 79 29,686 0 2,345,175 0 2,345,175
3) Bar ton 2.2 2,791,000 4,639,000 6,140,200 10,205,800 16,346,000

Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 36 85,894 122,168 3,092,186 4,398,060 7,490,246

Sub-Total 3. 53,250,598 23,829,472 77,080,070

Total 1+2+3 357,887,069 63,743,104 421,630,173

D - 29
1. Sheme Shantumbu Irrigation Scheme
2. District Kapri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 128 18,720 0 2,396,160 0 2,396,160

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 496 403,484 41,650 200,127,816 20,658,400 220,786,216
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 20,012,782 2,065,840 22,078,622

Sub-Total 1. 222,536,758 22,724,240 245,260,998

2. Revetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 92 18,720 0 1,722,240 0 1,722,240

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 72 85,894 122,168 6,184,373 8,796,120 14,980,493
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 618,437 879,612 1,498,049

Sub-Total 2. 8,525,050 9,675,732 18,200,782

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1056 18,720 0 19,768,320 0 19,768,320
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 44 497,834 209,673 21,904,716 9,225,612 31,130,328
2) Form m2 79 29,686 0 2,345,175 0 2,345,175
3) Bar ton 2.2 2,791,000 4,639,000 6,140,200 10,205,800 16,346,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 36 85,894 122,168 3,092,186 4,398,060 7,490,246

Sub-Total 3. 53,250,598 23,829,472 77,080,070

Total 1+2+3 284,312,405 56,229,444 340,541,849

1. Sheme Chipapa Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kafue
3. Province Lusaka

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 98 18,720 0 1,834,560 0 1,834,560
Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 270 403,484 41,650 108,940,545 11,245,500 120,186,045
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 10,894,055 1,124,550 12,018,605

Sub-Total 1. 121,669,160 12,370,050 134,039,210

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 92 18,720 0 1,722,240 0 1,722,240

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 72 85,894 122,168 6,184,373 8,796,120 14,980,493
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 618,437 879,612 1,498,049

Sub-Total 2. 8,525,050 9,675,732 18,200,782

3. Consolidation dam construction

Earth work
1) Excavation (Wall) by man-power m3 260 18,720 0 4,867,200 0 4,867,200
2) Excavation (Bed protection) by man-power m3 360 18,720 0 6,739,200 0 6,739,200
Masonry work
1) Masonry wall m3 720 403,484 41,650 290,508,120 29,988,000 320,496,120
2) Gabion m3 360 85,894 122,168 30,921,864 43,980,600 74,902,464

Sub-Total 3. 333,036,384 73,968,600 407,004,984

4. Valve installation
1) Main valve no 1 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000
2) Sub-valve no 1 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000
Valve pit
1) Concrete C-18 m3 3 497,834 209,673 1,493,503 629,019 2,122,522
2) Form m2 19 29,686 0 564,029 0 564,029
3) Bar ton 0.3 2,791,000 4,639,000 837,300 1,391,700 2,229,000
4) Base gravel m3 1 71,736 36,183 71,736 36,183 107,919
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 296,657 205,690 502,347

Sub-Total 4. 3,263,225 22,262,592 25,525,818

Total 1+2+3 466,493,819 118,276,974 584,770,793

D - 30
1. Sheme Kanundwa Irrigation Scheme
2. District Monze
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 260 18,720 0 4,867,200 0 4,867,200

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 720 403,484 41,650 290,508,120 29,988,000 320,496,120
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 29,050,812 2,998,800 32,049,612

Sub-Total 1. 324,426,132 32,986,800 357,412,932

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 328 18,720 0 6,140,160 0 6,140,160

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 258 85,894 122,168 22,160,669 31,519,430 53,680,099
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 2,216,067 3,151,943 5,368,010

Sub-Total 2. 30,516,896 34,671,373 65,188,269

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 2640 18,720 0 49,420,800 0 49,420,800
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 110 497,834 209,673 54,761,791 23,064,030 77,825,821
2) Form m2 198 29,686 0 5,877,780 0 5,877,780
3) Bar ton 5.5 2,791,000 4,639,000 15,350,500 25,514,500 40,865,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 90 85,894 122,168 7,730,466 10,995,150 18,725,616

Sub-Total 3. 133,141,337 59,573,680 192,715,017

Total 1+2+3 488,084,365 127,231,853 615,316,218

1. Sheme Siafwa-kweda Irrigation Scheme

2. District Choma
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 204 18,720 0 3,818,880 0 3,818,880

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 792 403,484 41,650 319,558,932 32,986,800 352,545,732
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 31,955,893 3,298,680 35,254,573

Sub-Total 1. 355,333,705 36,285,480 391,619,185

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 106 18,720 0 1,984,320 0 1,984,320

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 82 85,894 122,168 7,043,313 10,017,803 17,061,117
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 704,331 1,001,780 1,706,112

Sub-Total 2. 9,731,965 11,019,584 20,751,548

Total 1+2+3 365,065,670 47,305,064 412,370,734

D - 31
1. Sheme Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme
2. District Sinazongwe
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Concrete work
1) Concrete C-18 m3 292 497,834 209,673 145,367,662 61,224,516 206,592,178
2) Form m2 349 29,686 0 10,360,330 0 10,360,330
3) Bar ton 14.6 2,791,000 4,639,000 40,748,600 67,729,400 108,478,000
4) Base gravel m3 0 71,736 36,183 0 0 0
5) Miscellaneous work % 10 19,647,659 12,895,392 32,543,051
6) Main valve no 1 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000
7) Sub-valve no 1 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 10,000,000

Sub-Total 1. 216,124,252 161,849,308 377,973,559

2. Earth work
Excavation by man-power m3 280 18,720 0 5,241,600 0 5,241,600
Sub-Total 2. 5,241,600 0 5,241,600

3. Gabion
1) Gabion installation m3 36 85,894 122,168 3,092,186 4,398,060 7,490,246
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 309,219 439,806 749,025

Sub-Total 3. 3,401,405 4,837,866 8,239,271

Total 1+2+3 224,767,257 166,687,174 391,454,430

1. Sheme Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kazungula
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 94 18,720 0 1,759,680 0 1,759,680

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 363 403,484 41,650 146,464,511 15,118,950 161,583,461
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 14,646,451 1,511,895 16,158,346

Sub-Total 1. 162,870,642 16,630,845 179,501,487

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 105 18,720 0 1,965,600 0 1,965,600

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 83 85,894 122,168 7,129,208 10,139,972 17,269,179
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 712,921 1,013,997 1,726,918

Sub-Total 2. 9,807,728 11,153,969 20,961,697

Total 1+2+3 172,678,370 27,784,814 200,463,184

D - 32
1. Sheme Kasamba Irrigation Scheme
2. District Kapiri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 136 18,720 0 2,545,920 0 2,545,920

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 528 403,484 41,650 213,039,288 21,991,200 235,030,488
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 21,303,929 2,199,120 23,503,049

Sub-Total 1. 236,889,137 24,190,320 261,079,457

2. Revetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 98 18,720 0 1,834,560 0 1,834,560

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 77 85,894 122,168 6,613,843 9,406,962 16,020,805
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 661,384 940,696 1,602,080

Sub-Total 2. 9,109,787 10,347,658 19,457,445

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1584 18,720 0 29,652,480 0 29,652,480
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 66 497,834 209,673 32,857,074 13,838,418 46,695,492
2) Form m2 119 29,686 0 3,532,605 0 3,532,605
3) Bar ton 3.3 2,791,000 4,639,000 9,210,300 15,308,700 24,519,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 54 85,894 122,168 4,638,280 6,597,090 11,235,370

Sub-Total 3. 79,890,739 35,744,208 115,634,947

Total 1+2 245,998,924 34,537,978 280,536,902

1. Sheme Juda Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kapiri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 136 18,720 0 2,545,920 0 2,545,920

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 528 403,484 41,650 213,039,288 21,991,200 235,030,488
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 21,303,929 2,199,120 23,503,049

Sub-Total 1. 236,889,137 24,190,320 261,079,457

2. Revetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 98 18,720 0 1,834,560 0 1,834,560

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 77 85,894 122,168 6,613,843 9,406,962 16,020,805
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 661,384 940,696 1,602,080

Sub-Total 2. 9,109,787 10,347,658 19,457,445

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1584 18,720 0 29,652,480 0 29,652,480
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 66 497,834 209,673 32,857,074 13,838,418 46,695,492
2) Form m2 119 29,686 0 3,532,605 0 3,532,605
3) Bar ton 3.3 2,791,000 4,639,000 9,210,300 15,308,700 24,519,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 54 85,894 122,168 4,638,280 6,597,090 11,235,370

Sub-Total 3. 79,890,739 35,744,208 115,634,947

Total 1+2+3 245,998,924 34,537,978 280,536,902

D - 33
1. Sheme Lifwambora Irrigation Scheme
2. District Kapiri Mposhi
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 136 18,720 0 2,545,920 0 2,545,920

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 528 403,484 41,650 213,039,288 21,991,200 235,030,488
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 21,303,929 2,199,120 23,503,049

Sub-Total 1. 236,889,137 24,190,320 261,079,457

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 98 18,720 0 1,834,560 0 1,834,560

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 77 85,894 122,168 6,613,843 9,406,962 16,020,805
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 661,384 940,696 1,602,080

Sub-Total 2. 9,109,787 10,347,658 19,457,445

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1584 18,720 0 29,652,480 0 29,652,480
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 66 497,834 209,673 32,857,074 13,838,418 46,695,492
2) Form m2 119 29,686 0 3,532,605 0 3,532,605
3) Bar ton 3.3 2,791,000 4,639,000 9,210,300 15,308,700 24,519,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 54 85,894 122,168 4,638,280 6,597,090 11,235,370

Sub-Total 3. 79,890,739 35,744,208 115,634,947

Total 1+2+3 325,889,664 70,282,186 396,171,849

1. Sheme Munga Irrigation Scheme

2. District Chibombo
3. Province Central

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 170 18,720 0 3,182,400 0 3,182,400

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 660 403,484 41,650 266,299,110 27,489,000 293,788,110
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 26,629,911 2,748,900 29,378,811

Sub-Total 1. 296,111,421 30,237,900 326,349,321

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 98 18,720 0 1,834,560 0 1,834,560

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 77 85,894 122,168 6,613,843 9,406,962 16,020,805
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 661,384 940,696 1,602,080

Sub-Total 2. 9,109,787 10,347,658 19,457,445

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1584 18,720 0 29,652,480 0 29,652,480
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 66 497,834 209,673 32,857,074 13,838,418 46,695,492
2) Form m2 119 29,686 0 3,532,605 0 3,532,605
3) Bar ton 3.3 2,791,000 4,639,000 9,210,300 15,308,700 24,519,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 54 85,894 122,168 4,638,280 6,597,090 11,235,370

Sub-Total 3. 79,890,739 35,744,208 115,634,947

Total 1+2+3 305,221,208 40,585,558 345,806,766

D - 34
1. Sheme Nakempa Irrigation Scheme
2. District Choma
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 128 18,720 0 2,396,160 0 2,396,160

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 446 403,484 41,650 179,953,641 18,575,900 198,529,541
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 17,995,364 1,857,590 19,852,954

Sub-Total 1. 200,345,165 20,433,490 220,778,655

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 66 18,720 0 1,235,520 0 1,235,520

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 52 85,894 122,168 4,466,491 6,352,753 10,819,245
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 446,649 635,275 1,081,924

Sub-Total 2. 6,148,661 6,988,029 13,136,689

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1056 18,720 0 19,768,320 0 19,768,320
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 44 497,834 209,673 21,904,716 9,225,612 31,130,328
2) Form m2 79 29,686 0 2,345,175 0 2,345,175
3) Bar ton 2.2 2,791,000 4,639,000 6,140,200 10,205,800 16,346,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 36 85,894 122,168 3,092,186 4,398,060 7,490,246

Sub-Total 3. 53,250,598 23,829,472 77,080,070

Total 1+2+3 259,744,423 51,250,991 310,995,414

1. Sheme Siakasipa Irrigation Scheme

2. District Kazungula
3. Province Southern

Work Categ Item Specification Unit Q'ty Unit cost (ZMK) Cost (ZMK) Remarks
Local Foreign Local Foreign Total

1. Spillway rehabilitation (Side wall protection)

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 115 18,720 0 2,152,800 0 2,152,800

Masonry work
1) Masonry Wet masonry m3 446 403,484 41,650 179,953,641 18,575,900 198,529,541
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 17,995,364 1,857,590 19,852,954

Sub-Total 1. 200,101,805 20,433,490 220,535,295

2. Rivetment of spillway canal

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 66 18,720 0 1,235,520 0 1,235,520

Gabion work
1) Gabion installation m3 52 85,894 122,168 4,466,491 6,352,753 10,819,245
2) Miscellaneous work % 10 446,649 635,275 1,081,924

Sub-Total 2. 6,148,661 6,988,029 13,136,689

3. Installation of overflow crest

Earth work
1) Excavation by man-power m3 1056 18,720 0 19,768,320 0 19,768,320
Concrete work
1) Concrete m3 44 497,834 209,673 21,904,716 9,225,612 31,130,328
2) Form m2 79 29,686 0 2,345,175 0 2,345,175
3) Bar ton 2.2 2,791,000 4,639,000 6,140,200 10,205,800 16,346,000
Gabion work
1) Gabion m3 36 85,894 122,168 3,092,186 4,398,060 7,490,246

Sub-Total 3. 53,250,598 23,829,472 77,080,070

Total 1+2+3 259,501,063 51,250,991 310,752,054

D - 35
Annex E

Rural Society and Farmers’ Organization

The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex E. Rural Society and Farmers’ Organization

Table of Contents


Annex E. Rural Society and Farmers’ Organization

E.1 Other Collected Information from PRA Workshop ............................................. E-1

E.2 Community Laws for WUA; the Case of Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme........... E-7

E.3 Report on the Implementation Plan Formulation Meeting for the Action Plan
for the Model Sites in Kalulushi, Kabwe, Lusaka and Kazungula Districts ....... E-11
E.3.1 Bwafwano Action Site in Kalulushi District ................................................. E-11
E.3.2 Natuseko Action Site in Kabwe District........................................................ E-15
E.3.3 Chipapa Action Site in Kafue District ........................................................... E-22
E.3.4 Mulabalaba Action Site in Kazungula District .............................................. E-29

Acknowledgment: “The Report on the Implementation Plan Formulation Meeting for the Action Plan for the Model Sites in
Kalulushi, Kabwe, Lusaka and Kazungula Districts” was prepared and submitted by Richard K. Mfula to the JICA Study Team
in January 2011. Richard Mfula (moderator) and Chiselwa Chayi (assistant moderator) are greatly acknowledged for their
contribution in the Action Plan Meetings (preliminarily hold) and the post, main discussion-meetings as the Action Plan Work
-Shops over 4 Action Plan model sites in Kalulushi, Kabwe, Kafue and Kazungula Destricts. .

E.1 Other Collected Information from PRA Workshop

During the first field survey, a series of PRA workshops was conducted in order to clarify
characteristics of social structure and organization mechanism in rural community. PRA workshop is
conducted in four selected irrigation schemes, namely Ipafu, Chunga, Chipapa, and Nkandabwe. The
main activities in workshop include 1) History Hiring, 2) Success Story Hiring, 3) Rich and Poor
Profiling, and 4) Problem Analysis. In this Appendix, the record of 1) History Hiring, 2) Success Story,
and 3) Rich and Poor Profiling of each targeted irrigation scheme will be explained as additional
information to examine the situation of rural society and group dynamics of each irrigation scheme.
(1) Chunga Irrigation Scheme
1) History of the scheme
During the PRA workshop, an activity of history hiring was conducted to collect information of history
events of Chunga Irrigation Scheme. The following chart is presenting a brief history of the scheme
which is made by attendant farmers of the workshop.
Table History Chart of the Chunga Irrigation Scheme
Time Period Events
The University of Zambia students surveyed the area for suitable construction of the dam. They
Before 1970 recommended for the weir construction from Chunga stream. Upon approval of the
construction plan, Mr. Simon Zukas, a government officer, supervised the construction
Government of the Republic of Zambia completed the construction of the dam weir and the
1970 entire irrigation canal. The First President of Zambia Dr. Kenneth Kaunda officially opened the
The farmers continued utilizing the scheme under the supervision of headmen and the chief.
1970 -2002 Each family that was found in the area was allocated a piece of land in the scheme of 75m x
75m (equivalent to one lima).
The weir got damaged by the floods due to heavy rains in that season
Government using resources from the Rural Investment Fund (RIF) reconstructed the weir
1999-2001 which was taken off by the floods in 1998
Farmers formed the Chunga Irrigation Scheme Cooperative with 34 members. These members
2002 were those that had plots in the scheme.
The farmers continued utilizing the scheme but with a lot of difficulties due to poor extension
2002-2009 services

2) Success story of the scheme

Through conducting interview with farmers on the PRA workshop, the success cases or models defined
by attendant farmers under the scheme were collected as below.
 Mrs. Cecilia Moyo, a 52 years old (an age she is not pretty sure of) widow, recalls she went to
Chunga, with the husband in 1981, 28 years ago. She adds that she inherited the 0.25ha land
within the scheme from the father. She also remembers having a number of cattle and goats which
were stolen a few years after she settled there. She has a large family of 23 the majority being
orphans from her children who died of HIV/AIDS. She stressed the fact that the greatest thing she
has had from the time the father and the husband died was actually the land within Chunga
irrigation scheme. She does not even imagine a life without such a possession, land. “My family
and I actually feel empowered with the land I have”. In her own words and simply translated to
mean: “With the land I have managed to generate my own income which ensures that I send my
grandchildren to school and to the hospital when they are sick. In fact I cultivate my own crops

which help improve consumption in my household. With the water around, I do not worry of
drought and I cultivate the crops whenever I want”. A check on her irrigated plot actually
indicated, though at a subsistence level, a number of crops engaged by Mrs. Cecilia Moyo. This
also has been necessitated by the fact that the area is well situated in terms of market access and
availability. However, in terms of farmer organization, she argues it is difficult to ascertain
whether the cooperative is there as there is neither a structure nor leadership to point to. In fact,
she doubts her membership and probably this explains why she has trouble to access farm inputs.
She laments that she has sadly observed that the scheme is dominated by men. She therefore
encourages other women to take charge and occupy such key areas.
 Mr. Andisen Banda has been in the area for a long time and has seen the scheme transformed into
what it is now. He also mentions his inadequacy in terms of special training with regards
irrigation and crop management. With special interest and observations in what other farmers
were doing, Mr. Banda has managed to build well structured irrigation pipe lines from the main
canal. Through this Andisen has managed to counter the silting of the main canal. He mentions
that him being within Chunga irrigation scheme is a blessing and does not regret whatsoever. He
has managed to engage a whole variety of crops which include green maize and vegetables. He
mentions his diversification has made him have a steady yet sustained access to income. He also
compares what he gets from the up land and the irrigated place and consents to the fact that in
terms of income, the irrigated land gives him more access to finances. This is one of the strengths
he mentions of being on that plot.

3) Rich and Poor Profiling

Rich and poor profiling was conducted as an activity of the workshop. Participant farmers were asked
about definition of characteristics which make rich, medium, and poor and also asked the ratio of those
criteria within the community.
Table Rich and Poor Profiling of Chunga Irrigation Scheme
Characteristic Ratio in the community
Rich Have pigs, goats, cattle and dogs, furniture, storage for their 15%
produce, TV and cell phones. Plough on time. Wear good cloths.
Medium Have village chickens, bicycle, cell phones. Keep dogs. Live iron 75%
roofed houses.
Poor Live in poor grass thatched houses. The all family goes begging 0%
and piece work. Wear one trouser and shirt. Are mostly drunkards

(2) Chipapa Irrigation Scheme

1) History of the Scheme
During the PRA workshop, an activity of history hiring was conducted to collect information of history
events of Chipapa Irrigation Scheme. The following chart is presenting a brief history of the scheme
which is made by attendant farmers of the workshop.

Table History Chart of Chipapa Irrigation Scheme
Time Period Events
1952 Dam is constructed by the Northern Rhodesian Government. Irrigation starts with 10 farmers

First Agriculture Extension Officer is deployed to the Irrigation Scheme.

Farmers are taught Modern Farming Techniques.
Farmers purchase a vehicle through contribution of scheme members.
Vehicle breaks down after functioning for one year.
- Mr. Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia’s first president, visited the scheme.
1970 - Transport is provided by a white farmer named Mr. Temple to ferry farm produce to market (majority
of buyers/Soweto market is the major selling place)
Scheme members and Mr. Temple make monetary contributions to purchase a new vehicle. Scheme
membership increases due to Transport provision
Dam is blocked by silt and cultivation comes to a halt. Some farmers shun scheme and engage Charcoal
burning to earn a living
Dam is desilted by the support from DANIDA.
Dam is desilted again by the support from the Rural Investment Fund.
Fences are built around the scheme by members.

2003 Mr. Mundia Sikatana, Agriculture Minister, visited the scheme for the World Food Day celebration.

Renovating of canals, including extension of these to unreachable farming blocks was conducted.
Support Women’s capacity building from Women’s Irrigation and Nutrition Organization, a local NGO,
was provided. Scheme members received seeds (Tomato, Rape, Green Beans, Okra, Maize), and
fertilizer from Tele-Food under funding from FAO.

2) Success story of the scheme

Through conducting interview with farmers on PRA workshop, the success cases or models defined by
attendant farmers under the scheme were collected as bellow.
 On individual basis, Mr. Enock Kapyanga, a 73 years old scheme member, was cited as successful.
What makes Mr. Kapyanga a good model of success is that over 30 years, he has had the highest
number of cattle in the community. He has 200 herds of cattle at the moment. Before the on-set of
the corridor disease, he had 1,050 herds. He has a radio, TV, solar panel, cell phone, 2 bull carts,
bicycle, 4 cattle ploughs, 2 crop sprayers and an iron sheet roof. He produces an average of 200 x
50kg bags of maize every crop season and is able to feed his family three meals every day. The
family always has milk from the cows.
 With regard to a case of successful farmers’ organization, the participants identified Land O’
Lakes as a successful model. Land O’ Lakes is a scheme that loans dairy cattle to farmers who in
turn sale their milk to the organization. The scheme so far has 12 members with Land O’ Lakes
who supply milk on a daily basis and are paid every month end. Participant farmers of the
programme of Land O’ Lakes are seen as organized well.

3) Rich and Poor Profiling

Rich and poor profiling was conducted as an activity of the workshop. Participant farmers were asked
about definition of characteristics which make rich, medium, and poor and also asked the ratio of those
criteria within the community.

Table Rich and Poor Profiling of Chipapa Irrigation Scheme
Characteristic Ratio in the community
Have many cattle, tractor, goats, poultry, monkey, vehicle, cellular
Rich 5%
Have a few livestock, able to buy hybrid seed, fertilizers,
Medium 80%
A person who cannot buy fertilizer, seed, Grows more than one
Poor crop in his/her farm-bed (0.0048 lima piece of land) 15%
:asks for seed from other well

(3) Ipafu Irrigation Scheme

1) History of the scheme
During the PRA workshop, an activity of history hiring was conducted to collect information of history
events of Ipafu Irrigation Scheme. The following chart is presenting a brief history of the scheme which
is made by attendant farmers of the workshop.
Table History Chart of Ipafu Irrigation Scheme
Time Period Events
Graduates from Kalulushi Farm College managed by Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation got settled in the
scheme. Farmers started stumping trees and clearing the fields
Small pump was installed on the Ipafu stream

1970 Construction of the reservoir commenced. There was no cooperative at that time

1971 The reservoir was opened and distribution canals started distributing water

Community continued utilizing the irrigation scheme with water pumped using a diesel engine. Also
available were a tractor, concrete mixer, grader and two vehicles.
Government withdrew from the providing support to the community. Government asked the community to
form a cooperative
The Ipafu Multi-purpose Cooperative was formed.
Farmers started failing to buy diesel and members started pulling out of the Cooperative. Mr. Coaster
1984 Nkotani, a government worker, left the scheme. Following Nkotani’s withdrawal, government collected all
machinery from the scheme.
Farmers shifted to the wetlands along Ipafu River to practice farming as individuals not members of the
Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) provided farmers with cotton and coffee under rain-fed farming.
However, no market for produced coffee was provided
Coffee Board recruited 25 members of the IISMC for the production of coffee under drip irrigation. The
Board also installed two electric motor pumps by Ipafu River
Coffee Board signed a three year out-grower contract with the individual farmers and provided them with
irrigation equipment (drips). The board also allocated one vehicle to service the community.
2004 Coffee Board provided less inputs and chemicals and eventually withdrew from the deal.

2005 The community harvested their first coffee, the yield was low due to poor fertilization

The community harvested 6 metric tons of coffee which was successfully sold and farmers paid their
income. However, the Coffee Board withdrew the vehicle from the scheme.
The third harvest of coffee went down because of poor support. This is the same year when ZESCO cut off
power from the pump house due to none payment of 21,000,000 ZMK

2) Success story of the scheme

Through conducting interview with farmers on PRA workshop, the success cases or models defined by
attendant farmers under the scheme were collected as bellow.
 Mr. Peter Kamwilo remembers how busy Ipafu was when irrigation was at its full throttle. He
argued with the experience he had in the scheme, he managed to become one of the strongest
farmers in Ipafu. A polygamous man with two wives and a family closer to 20, he argues he has

managed to feed the family and send the children to school. In fact, he asserts that he has been
empowered with land and other assets he has acquired. With the experience, he has managed to
diversify into agricultural crops such as maize, cabbages, tomatoes, rape, casaba, beans, ground
nuts, and livestock rearing such as goats, pigs, and chickens. He also owns two sizeable fish
ponds. He has a small engine pump which he managed to purchase after the down turn of the
scheme or when water was not enough from the schemes’ main pump. Mr. Kamwilo has
managed to diversify and still managed to maintain stable income levels. However, he laments
in his solemn voice that the Ipafu irrigation scheme, despite a whole variety machines, is not
presently as functional as it used to be.

3) Rich and Poor Profiling

Rich and poor profiling was conducted as an activity of the workshop. Participant farmers were asked
about definition of characteristics which make rich, medium, and poor and also asked the ratio of those
criteria within the community.
Table Rich and Poor Profiling of Ipafu Irrigation Scheme
Ratio in the
Having land, pigs, cattle, vehicle, hammer mill, iron roofed brick house, water
Rich 10%
pump, fish ponds, TV and cell phone
Having wheel barrows, bicycle, radio, goats, chickens, hoes and axes, wells.
Medium 90%
Eating good food.
Live in grass thatched houses. The all family does piece work. Wear poor
Poor clothes. Borrow hoes. Lack food most parts of the year. Do not have land. 0%
There children do not go to school. Fail to join the cooperatives.

(4) Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme

1) History of the Scheme
During the PRA workshop, an activity of history hiring was conducted to collect information of history
events of Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme. The following chart is presenting a brief history of the scheme
which is made by attendant farmers of the workshop.
Table History Chart of Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme
Time Period Event

1958 German nationals occupy this area and engage in cultivation of Oranges, Rice, Pineapples, cabbages, etc.
Then, local people migrate to this area and find a white farmer named Mr. Becca, who is believed to have
constructed the dam and the pipeline that ferries water to the farm block. However, Mr. Becca slips, falls
off the dam wall and dies. Eventually, the dam is no longer functional.
Early 1960’s Five local dwellers are taught agriculture skills by the Northern Rhodesian Government. Meanwhile, the
base of one coal mine is split open during excavation and water fills the mine. The water-filled mine is
seriously considered for use as a dam.
1966 The Germans leave farm block to local people to continue cultivation.

1972 - Mr. Peter Wendy, German national, constructs an embankment on the old mine, thereby creating a new
dam. The first furrow is belt, as well as the main canal.
- This time, there are 43 local farmers in total at the scheme. These are mostly men; women are not given
their own plots.
- Farmers form a committee. This is the beginning of scheme committee. Headman Mr. Siamugande
becomes the first chairperson of the committee.
- No constitution is written, but Agreement Forms are used for membership.
- Mr. Peter Wendy builds three more canals, and membership fee is introduced. Crops cultivated include
Tomato, Beans, Onion and Maize.
1988 Farmers have difficulty irrigating the farm block as water levels fall.
Committee convenes a meeting to solve the problem. A weir is made to distribute water to the scheme.

Time Period Event

1989 A barricade is made to prevent sand from filling up the weir and dam.

1990 Silt collects in the new dam, reducing the water levels. Farmers seek Government intervention, but to no
avail. Farmers begin removing silt by hand.
1995 The dam is completely silted; farmers stop cultivating crops, and resort to selling goats and chickens.
Some do little gardening along the streams of dambos.
2000 - Annual general meeting is held and a decision not to hold election is made by the scheme, so as to focus
only on rehabilitating the silted dam.
- The abandoned coal mine is restored to utilize for the dam; furrows are cleaned for irrigation.
- Government of Zambia sends block supervisors and other staff. Extension officers were already there.
2006 The Scheme becomes a Cooperative, a bank account is opened with Zambia National Commercial Bank
and the committee graduates into a Board (comprising 9 members). The cooperative acquires a Certificate
of Registration

2) Success story of the Scheme

Through conducting interview with farmers on PRA workshop, the success cases or models defined by
attendant farmers under the scheme were collected as bellow.
 The fact that the almost every one of farmers at the scheme can access fertilizer through the
scheme is seen as success enough. This has been made possible by the collecting of membership
fee of K30, 000, and share capital at K10, 000 per share (a farmer can access up to a maximum of
10 shares). This money is used by the cooperative to purchase seed, fertilizer, and other
necessities for the co-operators. The sustained access to fertilizer has enhanced yield levels and
increased production. Thus, with the prevailing high productivity levels, Nkandabwe has the
potential to commercialize successfully once farmers have been taught agriculture skill and the
repeated emphasis of marketing skills which are imperative in commercial farming.
 Unity among farmers has made Nkanbabwe Cooperative a good model. This is apparent in the
incorporation of women in scheme organization structure, whose vice-chairperson is a woman.
 Lessons learnt at the scheme farmer commitment to work, farmers’ willingness to learn new
farming methods, and savings made of profits made. Savings have enabled farmers to supplement
other agro-activities like livestock rearing. Progress by some farmers within the scheme will
enable them commercialize soon if they remain committed.

3) Rich and Poor Profiling

Rich and poor profiling was conducted as an activity of the workshop. Participant farmers were asked
about definition of characteristics which make rich, medium, and poor and also asked the ratio of those
criteria within the community.
Table Rich and Poor Profiling of Nkandabwe Irrigation Scheme
Ratio in the community
Owns cattle (about 100), cars, has three meals a day, has roofed
Rich 6%
house with electricity.
Owns an average of 10-15 cattle, Goats, Chicken, owns chairs, they
Medium do not borrow from fellow farmers, sends children to school, they 60%
sleep on proper beds.
They have less than 3 meals a day, they cannot send their children to
Poor school, they cannot buy seed, and they pick remaining grains from 34%
other farmers’ fields for seed.

E.2 Community Laws for WUA; the Case of Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme

For the irrigation schemes such as Mulabalaba irrigation scheme in Kazungula District, Chipapa
irrigation scheme in Kafue District or other similar areas where communities hold water users’
associations (WUA) constitute their own laws (by-laws) for water use. It makes an important rule for
operation and management of areal water-use facilities and related properties by beneficiaries, i.e.,
farmers joining the schemes. Although these by-laws contain some site specific conditions to reflect on,
it is critically valuable for the farmers to sustain their facilities as well as for collaborative
administration work with the district officers (DACO). The following articles are found in the by-laws
for Mulabalaba irrigation scheme and shown as a good example.

(original sentences)
1. Anybody (beneficiary) found local road
(gardens for beneficiaries)
nothing in the allocated plot shall
have it repossessed after one week canal embankment

from the date of allocation. <downstream> siphoning chamber to feeder/principal road

& valves
2. No person shall be allowed to open
the siphoning chamber and water (dam catchment area)

values except for authorized persons

where if found K100,000 shall be to feeder/principal road
(stream channels)

Figure Schematic of the irrigation scheme of Mulabalaba.
3. Any plot beneficiary should ensure
that the canal is kept clean in and out alongside the canal near his or her plot but cleaning together
shall be done on parts where there are no plots violation of this by-law the charge shall be K15,000
as warning and repossession later if not adhered to.
4. Nobody shall be to collect garden fencing materials either for firewood or otherwise. Violation of
this by-law is K30,000 or as shall be determined by the owner of the garden affected.
5. Nobody shall be allowed defecating, urinating or throwing debris in canal and K100,000 shall be
charged to the offender.
6. No person shall be allowed to uproot or remove beacons in the demarcated plots. This charge for
the violation of this by law shall be K1,000,000 or be taken to police or court of law.
7. Any beneficiary to the irrigation scheme entitled to only one plot unless a special case shall be
given on either rental or temporal basis.
8. No person shall be spared found stealing vegetables in the gardens and if found guilty K200,000
shall be the charge or as would be determined by the owner according to the value of the stolen
9. All cases arising from their irrigation scheme shall be reported to the irrigation, dam, cooperative
and headmen (disciplinary) committees respectively for local solutions.
10. No person shall spare found-burning along the canal for fear of burning other people’s fences and
vegetables. Violation of this by-law the charge shall be K50, 000 for each affected plot or as would
be determined by the owners.

11. No person shall be allowed to let water flow in the canal unnecessarily except to where it is directed
for fear of flooding other people’s plots where it is found the charge shall be K20,000 or would be
determined by the owners of the affected plots.
12. All plot beneficiaries shall fence their garden plots properly and according to demarcations using
unlike fencing poles along the canal and the charge for the violation of this by-law shall be K25,000
warning and or face repossession if not adhered to.
13. Cattle owners to ensure that animals are kept in safe custody during night and day time. If they are
found or seen destroying people’s vegetable’s payment shall be as demanded by the owner.
14. No cattle or goats shall be allowed to graze or drink water from the embankment downstream. If
they are found the owner shall be required to pay K50,000.
15. No person shall be allowed to burn on the embankment or in the dam catchment area where if found
K50,000 shall be the charge.
16. Anyone found cutting trees in the dam catchment area shall be charged K50,000.
17. All in direct beneficiaries to the dam shall be paying user fees of K100,000 each on annual basis or
as would be determined by the community. Anyone failing to meet the charge shall be chased from
using the water in the dam for his animals or for household consumption.
18. Nobody shall be allowed to establish a garden or plough near the dam stream, if found the charge
shall be K100,000 or as would be determined by the committee.
19. There shall be no pathways across the embankment. The person found crossing the embankment
shall be K10,000.
20. No person shall be allowed to mould bricks near the dam catchment where if found K1,000,000
shall be the charge.
21. The shall be canal maintenance fee of K12,000 to be collected from each plot owner on annual
basis but subject to change when need arises.
22. The water at the canal shall be opened on the days specified by the committee and opening time
shall be 06:30hrs to 11:00hrs in the morning and 14:30hrs to 18:00 hrs in the afternoon.

All stakeholders; headmen, dam committee, cooperative, irrigation committee sat and put into effect the
by-laws outlined above in order to minimize or bring to an end various problems faced by the
community on vegetable production and other related problems. These by-laws were agreed and signed
by the headmen and other stakeholders on behalf of the community.
And the fixed charges to the above by–laws are subject to change from time to time when need arises.

E.3 Report on the Implementation Plan Formulation Meeting for the Action Plan for the
Model Sites in Kalulushi, Kabwe, Kafue and Kazungula Districts

E.3.1 Meeting for the Action Plan for Bwafwano Action Site
(among Farmers’ Representatives, MACO Officials and the JICA Study Team held at Kalulushi DACO
Office in Kalulushi, on 9th November, 2010 from 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs)

This report is on the meeting held among Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme Action Site Representatives,
Kalulushi MACO officials and the JICA Study Team to share detailed information for inclusion in the
Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for Bwafwano Action Site. The meeting took place at the
Kalulushi DACO Office in Kalulushi on the 9th of November, 2010 and started at 10:00hrs with an
opening prayer from one of the stakeholders and ended with a closing prayer from another stakeholder.
It was moderated by Mr. Richard K. Mfula.

Stakeholders Present
-The JICA Study Team
(1) Mr. Akira Yamamoto [Team Leader]
(2) Mr. Takahiro Kato Water Management/Irrigation
(3) Mr. Masaya Fukumoto Rural Society/Farmers’ Organization
(4) Mr. Taisuke Onishi Administration
(5) Mr. Massamba Gueye Environment and Social Concern
(6) Mr. Toshio Watanabe Marketing
(7) Mr. Richard K. Mfula Moderator
(8) Mr. Chiselwa Chayi Assistant to Moderator
-MACO Staff
Name: [Title]
(1) Mr. Brian Gondwe AO
(2) Mr. Davis Kabobotu SAO
(3) Mr. Best Chamulekwa A/A
(4) Mr. Peter Mbao TO
(5) Mr. Chanda Mwenya AO
(6) Mr. Moonga Itwala Senior Agricultural Officer
(7) Mr. Obby Banda AS
-Bwafwano Farmers’ Group Representatives
Name: [Position]
(1) Mr. Charles Chabinga Chairperson
(2) Mr. Lawrence Kanyembo Treasurer
(3) Mrs. Florence Nawakwi Treasurer
(4) Mr. Peter Musenge Secretary

The JICA Study Team Leader’s Opening Remarks

The Study Team Leader, Mr. Akira Yamamoto welcomed everyone one present and thanked them for
coming to the workshop. He said that he was happy that farmers from peri-urban areas were present. Mr.
Yamamoto asked everyone present to speak freely as the workshop was meant for them. He said that the
Study Team would endeavor as much as possible to include the proposals from the stakeholders in the
Implementation Plan for the Action Plan.
The Moderator’s Remarks
In the brief introduction of the workshop, the Moderator Mr. Richard Mfula informed the workshop that
the Action Plan was not only about irrigation but also about Farm Management and Cropping,

Marketing and Farmers’ Organization. He said that each expert was going to explain each of these
particular sectors. He urged everyone present to submit practicable proposals because the Action Plan to
be formulated will be extended to other areas within the zone.
Farm Management / Cropping
This was presented by Mr. Takagi and Mr. Mfula, the Study Team’s expert in Farm
Management/Cropping. Under this sector, the Study Team proposed three main outputs which will be
expected through proposed activities by farmers and farmer’s organizations. These proposed activities
will be focused on training of farmers and farmer’s organization. Presently, several factors needed to be
confirmed in order to make a plan while detailed activities will be set up with the beneficiaries when the
project starts.
Main Expected Output No.1.
Promoting Vegetable Complex consisting of 3 to 4 Core vegetables to compete with products from
other areas.
Main Proposed Activities:
The study Team proposed training of farmers and farmer’s organization in:
1) participatory market research for improvement of market awareness
2) cropping calendar for improvement of planning capacity
3) production skills and demonstrations for improvement of productivity
4) business plan preparation for improvement of business solutions
These main proposed activities and items should be confirmed before making the plan, for instance, the
presence of vegetables which are profitable; are there vegetables that farmers want to introduce as new
It is proposed that MACO District CEO’s will play a trainer role for farmers and that these activities
will be made with marketing and organization issues in mind.
Main Expected Output No. 2
Conducting Strategic Planting to get good business chances
Main Proposed Activities:
1) Based on cropping calendar, planting for high price season will be conducted
2) Based on contract farming with marketers, planting will be conducted
3) Matching meetings with marketers
Are there high-price seasons/months for main crops? Which vegetables are suitable for contract
These activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization in mind
Main Expected output No.3
Introducing early maturing compost (Bokashi) to contribute to the cost reduction of chemical fertilizer.
Bokashi has higher fertilizing effects than manure.
Main proposed activities:

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1) Demonstration of making Bokashi
2) Dissemination of Bokashi application to farmers by District Officers and CEO’s
-Present manure application
1) what raw materials are used for manure?
2) what is the maturing period for the manure?
-Availability of Bokashi materials in the area
1) cow dung, pig dung, chicken droppings
2) rice bran, maize bran, wheat bran
-District officers and CEOs will play a trainer role for the farmers
- The activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization issues.
Mr. Mfula referred the farmers and DACO Officers to the attached manual on the preparation of
Bokashi. He informed them that the handout (manual) was a mere proposal meant to demonstrate how
Bokashi is produced and applied, and that they should not despair. He assured them that if they agree
to the idea, they will be trained thoroughly in the preparation and application of Bokashi. Mr. Mfula
said there was room for them to make additions or subtractions to the proposal.
When asked about Bokashi-making materials, the farmers said there are a lot of saw-mills on the
Copperbelt that did not know what to do with their saw dust- meaning there is plenty of saw dust.
Further, there is lots of maize bran from millers.
Both the farmers’ representatives and DACO officers approved and welcomed the proposal on Farm
Mr. Watanabe, the marketing expert on the JICA Study Team presented the proposal on marketing for
inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for the Bwafwano Action Site. He said that the
proposal on marketing was an image of what the JICA Study Team conceived but was subject to
additions and possible subtraction depending on the needs. He said the proposal on marketing has two
components i.e. Collective Marketing and Marketing Skill.
Component 1. Collective Marketing.
Mr. Watanabe highlighted that the JICA Study Team’s proposed measure was the Construction of a
Multi-Purpose Shed.
He further discussed the advantages expected from Collective Marketing which he outlined as follows:
1) Farmers’ labor for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
2) Farmers’ cost for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
3) Marketeers’ cost for handling and transportation is reduced by large-lots distribution
4) Farmers’ products are upgraded in uniformity and quality with improvement of production
5) Markets’ (Consumers’) confidence in the products is strengthened
6) Farmers’ bargaining power is increased, leading to fair price formation
7) Linkage between farmers and marketers is established and expanded, making a win-win relationship

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8) Farmers’ income increases as a result of all this.
Mr. Watanabe added that under the present marketing system, individual cooperative member farmers
conducted individual transactions, selling in small lots to intermediary traders, market brokers, etc, who,
in turn, sold to wholesalers, exporters etc. All these, he said, worked to disadvantage the farmer.
Therefore the JICA Study Team proposes a marketing system whereby JICA would construct a Multi-
purpose Shed for the Cooperative which individual member farmers would come together for
temporary storage; cleaning; Sorting; Preparation for shipment (Quality Assessment, Weight check,
Packaging). He added that the Multi- Purpose Shed could also be used for Meetings, Training, and an
Information Board for disseminating different types of data e.g. what crops are available. The
cooperative will be supported by other sectors and District Officers. The Cooperative members will
engage in large-lot selling as a group, utilizing the market linkage established with wholesalers,
exporters etc. The large-lot selling will be supported by contract based continuous transactions.
Component 2: Marketing Skill
Proposed Measure:
Strengthening of Practical Marketing Skill of Smallholders by On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Mr. Watanabe proposed that farmers should be able, as a group, to forecast the market trends for at least
3 to 6 months; or for 1 to 2 years. Based on that forecast, he suggested that they should then plan what
to produce and how to produce it. They should also know to whom and where to sell. He said at the
moment there is no farmer group doing this in Zambia. From all these activities the farmers will be able
to verify factors that are at play and when it benefits them they should continue with the activities.
When it does not benefit them, they should analyse the factors leading to failure. The farmers group
will have an advisor (specialist) who will work with the District Officers for the benefit of the farmers
group for some time. This Advisor will offer on-the-job-training to the farmers’ group in conjunction
with the District Officers. The farmers’ group will undertake collective marketing utilizing the market
linkages established with wholesalers, exporters, etc.
Potential Market Channels to be Targeted in Kalulushi Area
Potential market channels for Kalulushi: Wholesalers from major markets like Chisokone market in
Kitwe and the local market; Supermarkets such as Shoprite (Freshmark), Spar; directly exporting to
DRC (although JICA will not support informal cross-border trade), other exporters; Institutions, Hotels
One farmer asked whether JICA would assist with a vehicle to transport produce to markets. To this, Mr.
Watanabe advised that JICA will not provide a vehicle but the farmers need to know that shipment is a
farmer’s cost and therefore farmers must plan for it. He said that, if, in the past, farmers have been able
to hire vehicles, or use bicycles and hauling on their heads, it should not be a big problem now. He even
gave an example of one successful farmers’ cooperative in Southern Province where marketeers hire a
vehicle and send it to the scheme to buy vegetables. Mr. Watanabe said that such an arrangement was
possible because farmers do things together: they hire the vehicles together and the buyers also hire the
vehicles together. In this regard, he said farmers must work together in all areas of farming.
Irrigation and Water Management
Mr. Kato, the JICA Study Team specialist in Irrigation and Water Management stated that the proposal

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from the JICA Study Team with regard to irrigation and water management was mainly on how to
expand the irrigation canal and how it can be made more effective. He said that due to budgetary
limitations, the JICA Study Team was proposing lining the irrigation canal for a stretch of 3km. At this
point, MACO officials presented their diagrammatical proposal and submitted that they also had
suggested to have 3.7 km lining up of the canal with concrete (refer to Appendix).
While the irrigation water from the mines tailing dam was important, it was generally agreed that it
could not be relied upon because that source belonged to the mining company.
Farmers’ Organization
This was presented by Mr. Fukumoto and Mr. Mfula. Mr. Fukumoto introduced the concept of
farmers organization and said that there were three areas where this could be done and these are; in
training, practice and motivation. Under training Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be training in
core capacity where farmers will be trained in organization management leadership, participatory
decision making and conflict management. The second aspect of the training was technical capacity on
how to manage the farm which includes water resource management marketing and book-keeping.
Under practice Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be activities such as matching meetings, making
business plans based on market research, cropping schedule, irrigation schedule and promotion plan.
After making the business plan farmers should implement the business plan while they under taken
monitoring and evaluation. The information that will be obtained from monitoring and evaluation will
be utilized as feedback into the next business plan. Under motivation Mr. Fukumoto proposed that
farmers will undertake study tours
(a) A study tour to visit other farmers groups
(b) Study tour to be visited by other farm groups
After this presentation there was a PRA exercise that was conducted by the Moderator on farmers’
motivation. The farmers were requested to give characteristics of what they thought of an organized
farmer group. They were also asked to rank themselves according to how they, themselves, thought they
met those characteristics. The following were the characteristics and how the farmers ranked

Table Bwafwano Farmers’ perceived characteristics of an organized Farmers’ Group viz-a-viz their own
Characteristic Self Ranking (Degree of Achievement)
Meet for discussions 60%
Pay membership fees 90%
Abiding by Constitution 50%
Work together 85%
Take challenges 50%
Consider success together 85%

Study Tour to Visit

The farmers suggested that when they visit another farmer group they would like to learn
(a) How they conduct their business plans

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(b) How they keep their records
(c) Their farm management skills
(d) Their marketing activities
Study tour to be visited
The farmers elicited that when they are visited by others they would:
(a) Show them to grow carrot
(b) Show them how to conduct business through dialogue
(c) Teach them how to rationize irrigation water

Just before the close of the meeting, it was brought to the attention of the meeting that Tusheni
Cooperative was a major beneficiary from the irrigation system and, therefore not be excluded from all
the plans for scheme.
Mr. Yamamoto, thanked everyone who attended the meeting and hoped that a good Action Plan would
result from the day’s discussion. The meeting ended at 13.00hrs with a closing prayer from Mr.
Chabinga, the Chairperson for the Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme.

Appendix Proposed Implementation Plan for Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme drawn by Kalulushi DACO



1 a- A Natural Perennial Stream * Regular dredging 4.0Km (A) 1244 0619656
*Clogged with reeds (Community) (From source) 8584450
b- B Natural Perennial Stream *Blocking or limiting the 0619505
2 *Part of the water flows through back-flow. (B) 1247 8584514
B–A–D *Regular dredging 2.5Km

3 C *Flow stops due to seepage *Concrete lining from B – Q 700m (B – Q ) (C) 1256 8584931

4 D *Water still flowing through 0619577

D–d –H *Regular dredging - 1253 8585331
*Clogged with reeds
5 E *Dry (At the time of survey) Concrete lining through 0619614
E–F–G 640m (E – G) (E) 1243 8585669
6 F Tailings Dam overflow channel *Concrete lining - 1247 0619812
*Flow stops due to seepage 8585944
7 G Tailings Dam overflow channel Concrete lining - 1247 0619994
*Water flows G - F 8586179
8 d- H Irrigation canal *Concrete lining (H) 1244 0619414
*Major water loss point due to *Proposed Reservoir at (q) 8585772
seepage and diversions. 425m (d-H)
(d) 1238 0619392
9 H–J Irrigation canal *Concrete lining and division 530m (J) 1231 0619434
*dry pits 8586295

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E.3.2 Meeting for the Action Plan for Natuseko Action Site
(among Farmers’ Representatives, MACO Officials and the JICA Study Team held at Kabwe DACO
Office in Kabwe , on 12th November, 2010 from 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs)

This report is on the meeting held among Natuseko site Representatives, MACO officials and the JICA
Study Team to share detailed information for inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the Action Plan
for Natuseko site. The meeting took place at Kabwe DACO Office in Kabwe on 12th November, 2010
and started at 10:00hrs with an opening prayer from one of the farmers. It was moderated by Mr.
Richard K. Mfula.

Stakeholders Present
-The JICA Study Team
(1) Mr. Akira Yamamoto Team Leader
(2) Mr. Takahiro Kato Water Management/Irrigation
(3) Mr. Masaya Fukumoto Rural Society/Farmers’ Organization
(4) Mr. Toshio Watanabe Marketing
(5) Mr. Taisuke Onishi Administrator
(6) Mr. Shigen Takagi Farm Management/Cropping
(7) Mr. Massamba Gueye Environment/Social Concerns
(8) Mr. Richard K. Mfula Moderator
(9) Mr. Chiselwa Chayi Assistant to Moderator
-MACO Staff
Name: [Title]
(1) Ms Beatrice Banda Agriculture Assistant (Extension Officer)
(2) Mr. Sungani Phiri CJO/TSB-AMS
(3) Ms. Chola Bwalya JT
(4) Mr. Whiteson Simbeye Irrigation Engineer
(5) Ms. Mary Mungabo Crop Husbandry Officer
-Natuseko Model Site Farmers’ group representatives
Name: [Position]
(1) Ms Lovely Musonda Chairperson
(2) Mr. Bennie Mwila Committee Member
(3) Mr. Geofrey Mumba Secretary
(4) Mr. Aaron Mulenga Vice Chairman

The JICA Study Team Leader’s Opening Remarks

Mr. Akira Yamamoto, the JICA Study Team Leader opened the meeting and thanked the Farmers’
representatives and DACO officers for coming to the workshop. He said that the team came earlier in
November to explain and discuss the action plan on how it can be a good model for other areas. Mr.
Yamamoto urged everyone involved to make a good action plan that would in future be able to be
replicated in other areas within the zone. He added that the proposals into the action plan should
therefore be realistic and practicable. He told everyone to speak freely.
The Moderator’s Remarks
Mr. Mfula, the Moderator, informed the stakeholders that the objective of the meeting was to share
detailed information and exchange opinions for the model projects among the planning stakeholders,
i.e., Representatives of Moto-Moto Farmers’ Group, MACO officials and the JICA Study Team. He
reminded DACO Officials and Farmers’ Representatives that during the previous meeting the JICA
Study Team left them a task to propose inputs that would be discussed for inclusion in the draft
Implementation Plan for the Action Plan. He also presented a brief description of each of the sectors of

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the project model which he said include: Farm Management, Marketing, Irrigation and Water
Management and, Farmers’ Organization. Mr. Mfula added that there was a presentation on each of
these sectors and that these presentations were proposals by the JICA Study Team for detailed
discussion during the meeting.
Farm Management/Cropping
This was presented by Mr. Takagi and Mr. Mfula, the Study Team’s expert in Farm
Management/Cropping. Under this sector, the Study Team proposed three main outputs which will be
expected through proposed activities by farmers and farmer’s organizations. These proposed activities
will be focused on training of farmers and farmer’s organization. Presently, several activities ought to
be confirmed in order to make a plan while detailed activities will be set up with the beneficiaries when
the project starts.
Main Expected Output No.1.
Promoting Vegetable Complex consisting of 3 to 4 Core vegetables to compete with products from
other areas.
Main Proposed Activities
The study Team proposed training of farmers and farmer’s organization in:
1) participatory market research for improvement of market awareness
2) cropping calendar for improvement of planning capacity
3) production skills and demonstrations for improvement of productivity
4) business plan preparation for improvement of business solutions
These main proposed activities and items should be confirmed before making the plan, for instance, the
presence of vegetables which are profitable; are there vegetables that farmers want to introduce as new
It is proposed that MACO District CEO’s will play a trainer role for farmers and that these activities
will be made with marketing and organization issues in mind.
Main Expected Output No. 2
Conducting Strategic Planting to get good business chances
Main Proposed Activities
1) Based on cropping calendar, planting for high price season will be conducted
2) Based on contract farming with marketers, planting will be conducted
3) Matching meetings with marketers
Are there high price seasons/months for main crops? Which vegetables are suitable for contract
These activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization in mind
Main Expected output No.3
Introducing early maturing compost (Bokashi) go contribute to reducing of the cost of chemical
fertilizer. Bokashi has higher fertilizing effects than manure.

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Main proposed activities
1) Demonstration of making Bokashi
2) Dissemination of Bokashi application to farmers by District Officers and CEO’s
-Present manure application
1) what raw materials are used for manure by the farmers?
2) what is the maturing period for that manure ?
-Availability of Bokashi materials in the area
1) cow dung, pig dung, chicken droppings
2) rice bran, maize bran, wheat bran
-District officers and CEOs will play a trainer role for the farmers
- The activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization issues.
Mr. Mfula referred the farmers and DACO Officers to the manual on the preparation of Bokashi. He
informed them that they should not despair as that was just a proposal depicting how Bokashi is
prepared and applied. He assured them that if they agree to the idea, they will be trained thoroughly in
the preparation and application of Bokashi.
Both the farmers’ representatives and DACO officers welcomed the proposal on Farm
Management/Cropping, especially the use of Bokashi, which they said would reduce the farmers’
production costs incurred from the use of chemical fertilizers.
One of the farmer’s representatives asked whether or not the Bokashi would not increase the soil acidity
in their fields. In response, Mr. Mfula told him that in normal agricultural practice, whenever the soil
became acidic, lime application was the remedy. The same farmer contended that he may not need
Bokashi because presently his vegetable land was fertile enough as not to use any fertilizers. He was
advised that he may need the skills in producing and applying Bokashi for other agricultural uses upland
such as for maize growing.
Mr. Watanabe, the marketing expert on the JICA Study Team presented the proposal on marketing for
inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for Natuseko Action Site. He said that the
proposal on marketing was an image of what the JICA Study Team conceived but was subject to
additions and possible subtraction depending on the needs. He said the proposal on marketing has two
components i.e. Collective Marketing and Marketing Skill.
Component 1. Collective Marketing.
Mr. Watanabe highlighted that the JICA Study Team’s proposed measure was the Construction of a
Multi-Purpose Shed.
He further discussed the advantages expected from Collective Marketing which he outlined as follows:
1) Farmers’ labor for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
2) Farmers’ cost for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
3) Marketeers’ cost for handling and transportation is reduced by large-lots distribution
4)Farmers’ products are upgraded in uniformity and quality with improvement of production

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5) Markets’ (consumers’) confidence in the products is strengthened
6) Farmers’ bargaining power is increased, leading to fair price formation
7) Linkage between farmers and marketers is established and expanded, making a win-win relationship
8) Farmers’ income increases as a result of all this.
Mr. Watanabe added that under the present marketing system, individual cooperative member farmers
conducted individual transactions, selling in small lots to intermediary traders, market brokers, etc, who,
in turn, sold to wholesalers, exporters etc. All these, he said, worked to disadvantage the farmer.
Therefore the JICA Study Team proposes a marketing system whereby JICA would construct a Multi-
purpose Shed for the Cooperative which individual member farmers would come together for
temporary storage; cleaning; Sorting; Preparation for shipment (Quality Assessment, Weight check,
Packaging). He added that the Multi- Purpose Shed could also be used for Meetings, Training, and an
Information Board for disseminating different types of data e.g. what crops are available. The
cooperative will be supported by other sectors and District Officers. The Cooperative members will
engage in large-lot selling as a group, utilizing the market linkage established with wholesalers,
exporters etc. The large-lot selling will be supported by contract based continuous transactions.
Component 2: Marketing Skill
Proposed Measure:
Strengthening of Practical Marketing Skill of Smallholders by On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Mr. Watanabe proposed that farmers should be able, as a group, to forecast the market trends for at least
3 to 6 months; or for 1 to 2 years. Based on that forecast, he suggested that they should then plan what
to produce and how to produce it. They should also know to whom and where to sell. From all these
activities the farmers will be able to verify factors that are at play and when it benefits them they should
continue with the activities. When it does not benefit them, they should analyse the factors leading to
failure. The farmers group will have an advisor (specialist) who will work with the District Officers
for the benefit of the farmers group for some time. This Advisor will offer on-the-job-training to the
farmers’ group in conjunction with the District Officers. The farmers’ group will undertake collective
marketing utilizing the market linkages established with wholesalers, exporters, etc.
Potential Market Channels to be Targeted in Kabwe area
Mr. Watanabe proposed wholesalers (on contract basis) at new Kasanda market, Kabwe town centre
market, companies and exporters as the major market channels.
The farmers complained that the buyers have better marketing skills than they do. They admitted that
buyers always brought the prices down. However, they acknowledged that it was difficult to negotiate
prices when the farmer worked alone. They said that working in a group would prevent farmers from
being outplayed by the buyers.
Mr. Watanabe observed that the market scenario in Kabwe is such that most farmers grow locally
consumable produce such as rape, cabbage, tomatoes and onions. It is unlike in Lusaka where most
farmers grow exportable products such as green beans and carrots. However the farmers contended
that Kabwe has few customers who could consume these exportable products and, therefore, they could
incur losses if they produced such vegetables. To this Mr. Mfula advised that if the famers improved on

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the quality of their produce more consumers would be scrambling for their produce. This would
enhance their goodwill and everybody would be calling their produce “Natuseko” as the Mkushi
produce is generally referred to as “Mkushi”. Mr. Mumba however said that, at one time he had grown
tomatoes which were better than the one produced in Mkushi. He said it was surprising though that the
buyers went ahead and bought Mkushi tomato.
Mr. Watanabe advised that there was market in Kabwe for crops like carrot. All the farmers needed to
do was identify these markets such as hotels and lodges. He further said that certain customers want
certain varieties of crops and farmers should ensure that they grow those crop varieties demanded by
the buyers. As farmers they needed to know the type of carrot to grow for specific customers.
After the discussion, Mr. Watanabe invited the farmers and DACO officers for further discussion after
the meeting to facilitate further insights into the Action Plan.
Irrigation and Water Management
There were separate presentations on Irrigation and Water management. One from Mr. Kato, the JICA
Study Team expert on Irrigation and Water Management and another from Mr. Simbeye, the Irrigation
Engineer from DACO’s office (refer to Mr. Kato and Mr. Simbeye’s respective reports). Mr. Kato told
the farmers and DACO officers to meet him after the meeting to further discuss proposals to be
included in the Action Plan. Mr. Kato advised that much as the aspirations of the farmers were
important, there were budgetary constraints to be considered because there was a ceiling as to how
much will be allocated to irrigation.
When Mr. Kato proposed that the JICA Study team would have preferred 5 farmers to share 1 treadle
pump, several concerns were raised. One farmer suggested that they each be given a treadle pump,
however Mr Kato advised that the JICA policy is to encourage group use as opposed to individual use.
The farmers also suggested that they had observed that the use of tools in groups has been difficult in
the past because some farmers are selfish and this could disadvantage other farmers. In addition
farmers have different sizes of portions and the time they spent irrigating their portions would differ
accordingly. Further the farmers suggested that it would be very difficult to maintain the group treadle
pumps; therefore individual treadle pumps would be better they repeated. Mr. Kato advised that farmers
should negotiate and make a plan for using the treadle pumps. He further said that the JICA plan has
budgetary limitations. An officer from MACO advised that if people cannot accept group use then other
suitable interventions should be devised. For instance he said the treadle pump has proved to be
inadequate although it is expensive. The amount of water that it produces is very little. Mr. Kato said
although it is important to get the views of the farmers regarding what they wanted, the purpose of the
action site was not for Natuseko alone but rather to be replicated in other areas in the zone. The
farmers suggested that if it were possible let them be provided with engine pumps even though they had
never used engine pumps before as a group. The farmers said that those who used personal engine
pumps irrigate wider portions because the engine pump is more efficient than the treadle pump.
Farmers requested for technical assistance on how to maintain the engine pumps especially in the initial
stages. Mr. Kato suggested that the cost of maintaining the pumps will be covered by the group
members. The other concern raised was that there are households that have more than one farmer
group members; and how will they use the equipment. Mr. Musonda suggested that it would be

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appropriable that such a household be considered as one group and use one pump.
Farmers’ Organization
This was presented by Mr. Fukumoto and Mr. Mfula. Mr. Fukumoto introduced the concept of farmers’
organization and said that there were three areas where this could be done and these are; in training,
practice and motivation. Under training Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be training in core
capacity where farmers will be trained in organization management leadership, participatory decision
making and conflict management. The second aspect of the training was technical capacity on how to
manage the farm which includes water resource management marketing and book keeping.
Under practice Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be activities such as marching meetings, making
business plans based on market research, cropping schedule, irrigation schedule and promotion plan.
After making the business plan farmers should implement the business plan while they under taken
monitoring and evaluation. The information that will be obtained from monitoring and evaluation will
be utilized as feedback into the next business plan. Under motivation Mr. Fukumoto proposed that
farmers will undertake study tours:
(c) A study tour to visit other farmers groups
(d) Study tour to be visited by other farm groups
After this presentation, a PRA exercise was conducted and the farmers were requested to elicit
characteristics of organized farmer groups and were further asked to rank themselves according these
characteristics. The following were the characteristics and how farmers ranked themselves:

Table Natuseko Farmers’ perceived characteristics of an organized Farmers’ Group viz-a-viz their own
Characteristic Self Ranking (Degree of Achievement)
One common interest 75%
Share experiences 85%
Unity of purpose/harmony 80%
Democratic, transparent, selfless 90%
Commitment to project 90%

The following were the responses elicited by the farmers with regard to study visits:
Study Tour to Visit
The farmers suggested that when they visit another farmer group they would like to learn:
(e) What type of farming methods are used
(f) How other farm groups do business and marketing
(g) Crop management
(h) Dambo utilization
(i) Water management
(j) Diversification
Study Tour to be Visited
The farmers mentioned that when they are visited by other farmer groups, they would:
(d) Show them the importance of organized leadership
(e) Show them quality products

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(f) Teach them time management
(g) Show them dambo utilization
What Type of Training/Activity to improve their scheme would the farmers request from JICA:
(a) Training in good farming methods
(b) Training in business management and marketing
(c) Workshops on leadership
(d) Constitution-making and registration
(e) Democracy; i.e. clarifying roles and responsibilities, regular meetings, financial reporting, right
of expression
(f) Commitment to project, i.e., training members on time management, record keeping and
channels of communication
The meeting ended at 13.00 with a closing prayer from one of the farmers. The farmers and DACO
officers remained to discuss with Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Kato.

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E.3.3 Meeting for the Action Plan for Chipapa Action Site
(among Farmers’ Representatives, MACO Officials and the JICA Study Team held at House of
Excellence Guest House in Kafue, on 19h November, 2010 from 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs)

This report is on the meeting held among Chipapa Irrigation Scheme Action Site Representatives, Kafue
MACO officials and the JICA Study Team to share detailed information for inclusion in the
Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for Chipapa Action Site. The meeting took place at the House
of Excellence Guest House in Kafue on the 19th of November, 2010 and started at 10:00hr with an
opening prayer from one of the stakeholders and ended with a closing prayer from another stakeholder.
It was moderated by Mr. Richard K. Mfula.

Stakeholders Present
-The JICA Study Team
(1) Mr. Akira Yamamoto Team Leader
(2) Mr. Takahiro Kato Water Management/Irrigation
(3) Mr. Masaya Fukumoto Rural Society/Farmers’ Organization
(4) Mr. Taisuke Onishi Administration
(5) Mr. Massamba Gueye Environment and Social Concerns
(6) Mr. Toshio Watanabe Marketing
(7) Mr. Richard K. Mfula Moderator
(8) Mr. Chiselwa Chayi Assistant to Moderator
-MACO staff
Name: [Department]
(1) Mr. John Hikanyemu DACO
(2) Mr. Dominic M. Namanyungu SAO
(3) Mr. Elliot S. Mwangwa STO
(4) Mr. Isaac Kazadi CEO
(5) Mrs. Dinah C. Phiri DMDO
(6) Mr. Nthele M. K. A Crops
(7) Mr. Michael Mwale Cooperatives
-Chipapa Model Site Farmers’ group representatives
Name: [Position]
(1) Mr. Sten Malambo Chairperson
(2) Mr. Herbert Nkandu Secretary.
(3) Mrs. Joyce Kenguluka Treasurer
(4) Ms Prisca Mahauahau Member

The JICA Study Team Leader’s Opening Remarks

Mr. Yamamoto, the JICA Study Team Leader, thanked all the stakeholders present most sincerely for
turning up for the meeting. He reminded them that during the previous meeting held on 29th October,
2010, he had introduced the concept of the Action Plan and hoped that all present understood the
concept well. He further reminded everyone that there were four model sites that have been targeted
over the studied provinces (Copperbelt, Central, Lusaka and Southern) for small-scale irrigated
agriculture development to be included in the draft Action Plan. He said the Chipapa model site was
selected because it was the most appropriate model for surrounding areas due to its good practice and
other factors. He further said that the reason for the meeting was to analyze, in detail, results from the
workshop. Thereafter, MACO and JICA will discuss and investigate the feasibility of the model projects,
revise and finalize it. This, he said, will then be deliberated further to come up with the finalized plan of
Model Projects in order to make the decision for project implementation of the project. Mr. Yamamoto

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observed that although farmers from Chipapa were eager to progress and may have huge investments
for their scheme in mind, it was necessary that the proposals to be included in the draft Action Plan be
realistic and practicable. This is because the Chipapa model outputs should be transferable to other
areas within the zone.
The Moderator’s Remarks
Mr. Mfula, the workshop Moderator, informed the stakeholders that the objective of the meeting was to
share detailed information and exchange opinions for the model projects among the planning
stakeholders i.e. Representatives of Chipapa Farmers’ Group, MACO officials and the JICA Study
Team. He reminded DACO Officials and Farmers’ Representatives that during the previous meeting of
29th October, 2010, the JICA Study Team left them a task to make proposals that would be discussed for
possible inclusion in the draft Implementation Plan for the Action Plan, and hoped that they had written
something to that effect. He also gave a brief description of each of the sectors of the project model
which he said include: Farm Management, Marketing, Irrigation and Water Management and, Farmers’
Organisation. Mr. Mfula said there was a presentation on each of these sectors and that these
presentations were proposals by the JICA Study Team for detailed discussion during the meeting.
Farm Management / Cropping
This was presented by Mr. Mfula on behalf of Mr. Takagi, the Study Team’s expert in Farm
Management/Cropping. Under this sector, the Study Team proposed three main outputs which will be
expected through proposed activities by farmers and farmer’s organizations. These proposed activities
will be focused on training of farmers and farmer’s organization. Presently, several activities needed to
be confirmed in order to make a plan while detailed activities will be set up with the beneficiaries when
the project starts.
Main Expected Output No.1.
Promoting Vegetable Complex consisting of 3 to 4 Core vegetables to compete with products from
other areas.
Main Proposed Activities:
The Study Team proposed training of farmers and farmer’s organization in:
1) participatory market research for improvement of market awareness
2) cropping calendar for improvement of planning capacity
3) production skills and demonstrations for improvement of productivity
4) business plan preparation for improvement of business solutions
These main proposed activities and items should be confirmed before making the plan, for instance, the
presence of vegetables which are profitable; are there vegetables that farmers want to introduce as new
It is proposed that MACO District CEO’s will play a trainer role for farmers and that these activities
will be undertaken with marketing and organization issues in mind.
Main Expected Output No. 2
Conducting Strategic Planting to get good business chances.
Main Proposed Activities:

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1) Based on cropping calendar, planting for high price season will be conducted
2) Based on contract farming with marketers, planting will be conducted
3) Matching meetings with marketers
Are there high price seasons/months for main crops? Which vegetables are suitable for contract
Remarks .
These activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization in mind.
Main Expected output No.3
Introducing early maturing compost (Bokashi) go contribute to reducing of the cost of chemical
fertilizer. Bokashi has higher fertilizing effects than manure.
Main proposed activities:
1) Demonstration of making Bokashi
2) Dissemination of Bokashi application to farmers by District Officers and CEO’s
-Present manure application
1) what raw materials are used by farmers presently?
2) what is the maturing period of the manure used?
-Availability of Bokashi materials in the area
1) cow dung, pig dung, chicken droppings
2) rice bran, maize bran, wheat bran
-District officers and CEOs will play a trainer role for the farmers
- The activities and trainings will be undertaken with marketing and organization issues.
Mr. Mfula referred the farmers and DACO Officers to the attached manual on the preparation of
Bokashi. He informed them that they should not despair as that was just a proposal depicting how
Bokashi is prepared and applied. He assured them that if they agree to the idea, they will be trained
thoroughly in the preparation and application of Bokashi.
Both the farmers’ representatives and DACO officers welcomed the proposal on Farm
When the farmers were asked as to which month(s) tomato has the highest market price, they said that it
was mainly in June and December. They complained that during low-demand months, a lot of tomatoes
go to waste as they do not know how to preserve it. They said they were at one time trained in the
preservation of Bidens Pilosa leaves, locally known as KANUNKA by Silva Catering (Kanunka is
very delicious and is sold in supermarkets and exported to Botswana and Namibia). However, owing to
lack of finances, they cannot afford to purchase electric, or, even, solar driers and packaging materials.
They requested JICA to assist them to purchase the driers and packaging and branding materials.
Mr. Mfula reminded the farmers’ representatives that not all farmers at the scheme were conducting
contract farming and that not all of them were matched with marketeers. At this point he asked how the
matching exercise was benefiting them. They confirmed that they were in constant cell phone contact

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with their matched marketeers and that it had made their selling easy and predictable. They added that
there were instances when marketeers would remind them continually especially when they delayed
supplying them the vegetables.
Mr. Mfula observed that although the Bokashi manual shows that Bokashi materials be covered with a
tarpaulin during fermentation, empty polythene sacks like those of fertilizer could do just as well,
especially when they are joined together. This is because the conventional tarpaulin may prove costly
for most farmers.
The farmers said that presently the materials used for manure were cow dung, goat manure and chicken
droppings. They admitted that they do not use vegetable residues for manure although they use maize
residues upland.
When asked how they so far perceived the concept of Bokashi, farmers and DACO officials were
optimistic that it could work well for the benefit of the farmers.
Mr. Watanabe, the marketing expert on the JICA Study Team presented the proposal on marketing for
inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for Chipapa Action Site. He said that the
proposal on marketing was an image of what the JICA Study Team conceived but was subject to
additions and possible subtraction depending on the needs. He reminded those present that historically,
Chipapa had had some successes such as that the scheme had its own vehicles for transporting produce
to markets.
He said the proposal on marketing has two components, i.e., Collective Marketing and Marketing Skill.
Component 1. Collective Marketing.
Mr. Watanabe highlighted that the JICA Study Team’s proposed measure was the Construction of a
Multi-Purpose Shed. He said that the type of shed to be constructed should be made from locally
available, but affordable materials. He suggested for instance that the shed should have ordinary
structures like concrete floor, pillars, iron sheets and that there should be a separate space for meetings
and storage. Mr. Watanabe observed that Collective Marketing in Zambia was very limited and
attributed this mainly to; lack of collective selling facilities such the multi-purpose shed being proposed.
He then discussed the advantages expected from Collective Marketing which he outlined as follows:
1) Farmers’ labor for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
2) Farmers’ costs for post-harvest handling and shipment are reduced
3) Marketeers’ costs for handling and transportation are reduced by large-lots distribution
4) Farmers’ products are upgraded in uniformity and quality with improvement of production
5) Markets’ (consumers’) confidence in the products is strengthened
6) Farmers’ bargaining power is increased, leading to fair price formation
7) Linkage between farmers and marketers is established and expanded, making a win-win relationship
8) Farmers’ income increases as a result of all this.
Mr. Watanabe added that under the present marketing system, individual cooperative member farmers
conducted individual transactions, selling in small lots to intermediary traders, market brokers, etc, who,
in turn, sold to wholesalers, exporters etc. All these, he said, worked to disadvantage the farmer.
Therefore the JICA Study Team proposes a marketing system whereby JICA would construct a

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Multi-Purpose Shed for the Cooperative which individual member farmers would come together for
temporary storage; cleaning; sorting; preparation for shipment (Quality Assessment, Weight check,
Packaging, etc). He added that the Multi- Purpose Shed could also be used for Meetings, Training, and
an Information Board for disseminating different types of data, e.g., what crops are available. The
cooperative will be supported by other sectors and District Officers. The Cooperative members will
engage in large-lot selling as a group, utilizing the market linkage established with wholesalers,
exporters etc. The large-lot selling will be supported by contract based continuous transactions.
Component 2: Marketing Skill
Proposed Measure:
Strengthening of Practical Marketing Skill of Smallholders by On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Mr. Watanabe proposed that farmers should be able, as a group, to forecast the market trends for at least
3 to 6 months; or for 1 to 2 years. Based on that forecast, he suggested that they should then plan what
to produce and how to produce it. They should also know to whom and where to sell. From all these
activities the farmers will be able to verify factors that are at play and when it benefits them they should
continue with the activities. When it does not benefit them, they should analyze the factors leading to
failure. The farmers group will have an advisor (specialist) attached to the scheme who will work with
the District Officers for the benefit of the farmers group for some time. This Advisor will offer
on-the-job-training to the farmers’ group in conjunction with the District Officers. The farmers’
group will undertake collective marketing utilizing the market linkages established with wholesalers,
exporters, etc.
Potential Market Channels to be Targeted in Kafue Area
Mr. Watanabe advised that Kafue area had a very huge marketing owing to its vicinity to Lusaka. He
proposed that market channels for Kafue included (a) wholesalers e.g. at Soweto market in Lusaka,
other major markets within Lusaka, companies etc; (b) food processors such as Freshpikt; (c)
supermarkets such as Shoprite (Freshmark), Spar, Melissa; Hotels/Lodges, Institutions, Exporters etc.
He added that even if the borders were slightly far away, it was possible to export to neighboring
countries such as Botswana and Namibia.
The farmers wanted to find out if the JICA would partly fund the construction of the shed given that
their incomes were inadequate. To this Mr. Watanabe advised that the JICA Study Team will consider
that request.
Irrigation and Water Management
Mr. Kato, the JICA Study Team expert on Irrigation and Water Management said after studying the
irrigation facility at Chipapa, he had made professional recommendations which he believed would
work once implemented. Owing to time limitation, he invited the farmers and DACO officials to meet
him after meet him after the meeting so as to consider his proposals.
The DACO officials also presented their proposal which was comprehensively prepared in line with the
Study team’s four major sectors i.e. Farm Management, Marketing, Irrigation and Water Management
and, Farmers’ Organization. Each one present was given a copy of the proposed Implementation Plan
by the DACO officials.
Farmers’ Organization

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This was presented by Mr. Fukumoto and Mr. Mfula. Mr Fukumoto introduced the concept of farmers
organization and said that there were three areas where this could be done that is in training, practice
and motivation. Under training Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be training in core capacity
where farmers will be trained in organization management leadership, participatory decision making
and conflict management. The second aspect of the training was technical capacity on how to manage
the farm which includes water resource management marketing and book keeping.
Under practice Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be activities such as marching meetings, making
business plans based on market research, cropping schedule, irrigation schedule and promotion plan.
After making the business plan farmers should implement the business plan while they under taken
monitoring and evaluation. The information that will be obtained from monitoring and evaluation will
be utilized as feedback into the next business plan. Under motivation Mr. Fukumoto proposed that
farmers will undertake study tours:
(e) A study tour to visit other farmers groups
(f) Study tour to be visited by other farm groups
After this presentation there was an exercise that was conducted by farmers on motivation. The farmers
were requested to elicit characteristics of organized farmer groups and were further asked to rank
themselves according their responses. The following were the characteristics and how farmers ranked

Table Chipapa Farmers’ perceived characteristics of an organized Farmers’ Group viz-a-viz their own
Characteristic Self Ranking (Degree of Achievement)
Planting same type of crop 55%
Conducts Market Research for every member 60%
Keeps records (meetings, financial, etc) for activities 100%
Implements planned activities 82.5%
Regularly meets to discuss group matters 85%

The following were the responses elicited by the farmers with regard to study visits:
Study Tour to Visit
The farmers suggested that when they visit another farmer group they would like to learn:
(k) Areas (ideas) in which they are lacking
(l) How they manage their organization and the scheme
(m) Factors that led to their growth/expansion
Study Tour to be Visited
The farmers mentioned that when they are visited by others they would:
(h) Show the how they grow green beans
(i) Show them how they utilize water
(j) Show them how they sell vegetables
(k) Show them how they use the planting calendar.
Chipapa Irrigation Scheme Members’ Proposals for Possible Inclusion in the Action Plan
The Chipapa Irrigation Scheme representatives tabled the proposals that scheme members proposed for

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possible inclusion in the Action Plan. The following issues were proposed to be added to the Action
1. Marketing- the farmers requested for a vehicle to deliver produce to organized markets;
Post-Harvest Processing of leaf vegetables (driers and packaging machines etc)
2. Irrigation- Introduction of rice growing during rainy season. It was observed that the period
from November to March was long and there was loss of money/ income.
3. Capacity Development- There was a need to diversify the community to areas like Fish
Farming in the dam.
4. Empowerment of women to do some other income-generating activities.
5. It was also observed that women did not have land which they would personally call their own.
They proposed for expansion of the garden and acquire a loan to compensate for the fields
owners who would surrender these to the project. They requested JICA to help compensate
those non-scheme members willing to sell their plots to scheme members.
6. The whole area under irrigation is too small: farmers requested for assistance to expand the
existing hectarage even by way of loans whose repayment would be supervised by the
7. Raising of the embankment and planting of trees on the eastern side of the dam to be done. The
headmen were approached and those on the eastern side of the dam were asked not to cultivate
any more.

The JICA Study Team leader thanked all present, especially the DACO officials for preparing a
comprehensive proposal. The meeting ended at 13.00 with a closing prayer from one of the farmers.

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E.3.4 Meeting for the Action Plan for Mulabalaba Action Site
(among Farmers’ Representatives, MACO Officials and the JICA Study Team held at the Livingstone
Lodge in Livingstone, on 16th November, 2010 from 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs)

This report is on the meeting held among Mulabalaba Action Site Representatives, MACO officials and
the JICA Study Team to share detailed information for inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the
Action Plan for Mulabalaba Action Site. The meeting took place at the Livingstone Lodge on 16th
November, 2010 and started at 10hrs with an opening prayer from one of the farmers. It was moderated
by Mr. Richard K. Mfula.

Stakeholders Present
The JICA Study Team
(1) Mr. Akira Yamamoto Team Leader
(2) Mr. Takahiro Kato Water Management/Irrigation
(3) Mr. Masaya Fukumoto Rural Society/Farmers’ Organization
(4) Mr. Toshio Watanabe Marketing
(5) Mr. Taisuke Onishi Administrator
(6) Mr. Shigen Takagi Farm Management/Cropping
(7) Mr. Massamba Gueye Environment/Social Concerns
(8) Mr. Richard K. Mfula Moderator
(9) Mr. Chiselwa Chayi Assistant to Moderator
MACO Staff
Name: [Title]
(1) Mr. Kasongo Chushi SAS FMO
(2) Mr. Kantu Kantu Irrigation Technical Officer
(3) Ms. Betty Hakulipa AG- FNO
(4) Mr. Alexander Mutali PTO-TSB
(5) Mr. Somanje Novas Agric. Officer
Mulabalaba Model Site Farmers’ group representatives
Name: [Position]
(1) Mr. Sevious Kawana Dam Chairperson
(2) Mr. Enock Neene Chairman
(3) Ms. Emelitas Mwiinga Mulabalaba Irr. Chairperson

The JICA Study Team Leader’s Opening Remarks

Mr. Akira Yamamoto, the JICA Study Team Leader opened the meeting and thanked the Farmers’
representatives and DACO officers for coming to the workshop. He said that the team came earlier in
November to explain and discuss the action plan on how it can be a good model for other areas. Mr.
Yamamoto urged everyone involved to make a good action plan that would in future be able to be
replicated in other areas within the zone. He added that the proposals into the action plan should
therefore be realistic and practicable. He told everyone to speak freely.
The Moderator’s Remarks
Mr. Mfula, the Moderator, informed the stakeholders that the objective of the meeting was to share
detailed information and exchange opinions for the model projects among the planning stakeholders i.e.
Representatives of Farmers’ Group of Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme, MACO officials and the JICA
Study Team. He reminded DACO Officials and Farmers’ Representatives that during the previous
meeting the JICA Study Team left them a task to propose inputs, which would be discussed for
inclusion in the draft Implementation Plan for the Action Plan. He also presented a brief description of
each of the sectors of the project model which he said include: Farm Management, Marketing, Irrigation

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and Water Management and, Farmers’ Organization. Mr. Mfula added that there was a presentation on
each of these sectors and that these presentations were proposals by the JICA Study Team for detailed
discussion during the meeting.
Farm Management/Cropping
This was presented by Mr. Mfula on behalf of Mr. Takagi, the Study Team’s expert in Farm
Management/Cropping. Under this sector, the Study Team proposed three main outputs which will be
expected through proposed activities by farmers and farmer’s organizations. These proposed activities
will be focused on training of farmers and farmer’s organization. Presently, several should be confirmed
in order to make a plan while detailed activities will be set up with the beneficiaries when the project
Main Expected Output No.1.
Promoting Vegetable Complex consisting of 3 to 4 Core vegetables to compete with products from
other areas.
Main Proposed Activities:
The study Team proposed training of farmers and farmer’s organization in:
1) participatory market research for improvement of market awareness
2) cropping calendar for improvement of planning capacity
3) production skills and demonstrations for improvement of productivity
4) business plan preparation for improvement of business solutions
These main proposed activities and items should be confirmed before making the plan, for instance, the
presence of vegetables which are profitable; are there vegetables that farmers want to introduce as new
It is proposed that MACO District CEO’s will play a trainer role for farmers and that these activities
will be made with marketing and organization issues in mind.
Main Expected Output No. 2
Conducting Strategic Planting to get good business chances
Main Proposed Activities:
1) Based on cropping calendar, planting for high price season will be conducted
2) Based on contract farming with marketers, planting will be conducted
3) Matching meetings with marketers
Are there high price seasons/months for main crops? Which vegetables are suitable for contract
These activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization in mind
Main Expected output No.3
Introducing early maturing compost (Bokashi) that can contribute to reducing of the cost of chemical
fertilizer. Bokashi has higher fertilizing effects than manure.
Main proposed activities:

E - 30
1) Demonstration of making Bokashi
2) Dissemination of Bokashi application to farmers by District Officers and CEO’s
-Present manure application
1) what raw materials are used?
2) what is the maturing period?
-Availability of Bokashi materials in the area
1) cow dung, pig dung, chicken droppings
2) rice bran, maize bran, wheat bran
-District officers and CEOs will play a trainer role for the farmers
- The activities and trainings will be made with marketing and organization issues.
Mr. Mfula referred the farmers and DACO Officers to the attached manual on the preparation of
Bokashi. He informed them that they should not despair as that was just a proposal depicting how
Bokashi is prepared and applied. He assured them that if they agree to the idea, they will be trained
thoroughly in the preparation and application of Bokashi.
When Mr. Mfula asked about their knowledge of Bokashi, the farmers said they first heard about it
during the previous meeting. They said there were enough Bokashi-making materials in Livingstone:
maize bran is produced on a daily basis from millers; there is plenty of saw dust from the saw mill near
Kazungula. The farmers said they normally prepare their compost using compost pits. They also use
chicken droppings as manure..
The other concern one farmer raised was that of determining the actual temperature of Bokashi during
fermentation. Mr. Watanabe observed that although thermometers could be purchased, the best and less
expensive way would be the use hands by feeling the amount of heat. Mr. Mfula added that the DACO
officials and farmers will be trained on how to know the right temperature.
Mr. Watanabe, the marketing expert on the JICA Study Team presented the proposal on marketing for
inclusion in the Implementation Plan for the Action Plan for Mulabalaba Action Site. He said that the
proposal on marketing was an image of what the JICA Study Team conceived but was subject to
additions and possible subtraction depending on the needs. He said the proposal on marketing has two
components i.e. Collective Marketing and Marketing Skill.
Component 1. Collective Marketing
Mr. Watanabe highlighted that the JICA Study Team’s proposed measure was the Construction of a
Multi-Purpose Shed.
He further discussed the advantages expected from Collective Marketing which he outlined as follows:
1) Farmers’ labor for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
2) Farmers’ cost for post-harvest handling and shipment is reduced
3) Marketeers’ cost for handling and transportation is reduced by large-lots distribution
4) Farmers’ products are upgraded in uniformity and quality with improvement of production

E - 31
5) Markets’ (consumers’) confidence in the products is strengthened
6) Farmers’ bargaining power is increased, leading to fair price formation
7) Linkage between farmers and marketers is established and expanded, making a win-win relationship
8) Farmers’ income increases as a result of all this.
Mr. Watanabe added that under the present marketing system, individual cooperative member farmers
conducted individual transactions, selling in small lots to intermediary traders, market brokers, etc, who,
in turn, sold to wholesalers, exporters etc. All these, he said, worked to disadvantage the farmer.
Therefore the JICA Study Team proposes a marketing system whereby JICA would construct a Multi-
purpose Shed for the Cooperative which individual member farmers would come together for
temporary storage; cleaning; Sorting; Preparation for shipment (Quality Assessment, Weight check,
Packaging). He added that the Multi- Purpose Shed could also be used for Meetings, Training, and an
Information Board for disseminating different types of data, e.g., what crops are available. The
cooperative will be supported by other sectors and District Officers. The Cooperative members will
engage in large-lot selling as a group, utilizing the market linkage established with wholesalers,
exporters etc. The large-lot selling will be supported by contract based continuous transactions.
Component 2: Marketing Skill
Proposed Measure:
Strengthening of Practical Marketing Skill of Smallholders by On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Mr. Watanabe proposed that farmers should be able, as a group, to forecast the market trends for at least
3 to 6 months; or for 1 to 2 years. Based on that forecast, he suggested that they should then plan what
to produce and how to produce it. They should also know to whom and where to sell. From all these
activities the farmers will be able to verify factors that are at play and when it benefits them they should
continue with the activities. When it does not benefit them, they should analyze the factors leading to
failure. The farmers group will have an advisor (specialist) who will work with the District Officers
for the benefit of the farmers group for some time. This Advisor will offer on-the-job-training to the
farmers’ group in conjunction with the District Officers. After the DACO officials in specific sectors
have acquired the specific skills and knowledge from the Advisor, he/she will then “leave” all the tasks
with DACO Officials to continue activities with the farmers. The farmers’ group will undertake
collective marketing utilizing the market linkages established with wholesalers, exporters, etc.
Potential Market Channels to be Targeted in Livingstone Area
Mr. Watanabe said that Livingstone has a lot of potential for vegetable and fruit farmers. He proposed
that farmers could target wholesalers (on contract basis) at new Maramba market, hotels and lodges,
institutions and exporters.
Mr. Somanje from MACO raised a concern about the role of the Advisor whether it will be strictly with
MACO official or farmers. Mr. Watanabe advised that the Advisor will play duo roles i.e. with both the
farmers and MACO officials depending on the type of expertise that the Advisor will be offering. Mr.
Somanje further observed that in previous projects, there has been a gap when technical advisors left.
But Mr. Watanabe advised that the Advisor will have to impart skills and knowledge to MACO officials
who will continue offering the particular expertise to the farmers even when the Advisor has left. This
will ensure that there will not be the gap. He added that farmers should also hire experts, using profits,

E - 32
if such need arises.
Irrigation and Water Management
Mr. Kato observed that one of the major problems at the scheme was that those plots which were
situated on the portion that is higher than the canal had difficulties in lifting the water from the canal.
He said that there were two options to that challenge: one would be to construct another canal which
would go through the higher portion while the second option would be to provide those farmers on the
higher portion with treadle pumps and ordinary 50 mm polythene pipes and that those pumps would be
used in groups.
Mr. Kato further said that the existing canal needed attention especially where there were signs if
It was unanimously observed and agreed that the second intake valve which had been dysfunctional for
some time be repaired and revamped as this would increase the amount of water that would be going
into the plots.
Farmers’ Organization
This was presented by Mr. Fukumoto and Mr. Mfula. Mr. Fukumoto introduced the concept of farmers
organization and said that there were three areas where this could be done that is in training, practice
and motivation. Under training Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be training in core capacity
where farmers will be trained in organization management leadership, participatory decision making
and conflict management. The second aspect of the training was technical capacity on how to manage
the farm which includes water resource management marketing and book keeping.
Under practice Mr. Fukumoto proposed that there will be activities such as matching meetings, making
business plans based on market research, cropping schedule, irrigation schedule and promotion plan.
After making the business plan farmers should implement the business plan while they undertake
monitoring and evaluation. The information that will be obtained from monitoring and evaluation will
be utilized as feedback into the next business plan. Under motivation Mr. Fukumoto proposed that
farmers will undertake study tours:
(g) A study tour to visit other farmer groups.
(h) Study tour to be visited by other farmer groups.
After this presentation a PRA exercise was conducted whereby farmers were requested to elicit
characteristics of what they perceived as an organized farmer group. They were further asked to rank
their group according to how much they achieved regarding these characteristics. The following were
the characteristics and how farmers ranked themselves;

Table Mulabalaba Farmers’ perceived characteristics of an organized Farmers’ Group viz-a-viz their
own ranking
Characteristic Self Ranking (Degree of Achievement)
Agree on what type of crop to grow 55%
Market research by group 80%
Group agreeing on pricing 99%
Agree on quality of produce 60%
Learn good practices from one another 75%

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Study Tour to Visit
The farmers suggested that when they visit another farmer group they would like to learn:
(n) What makes them successful
(o) How they utilize their irrigation facility
Study tour to be visited,
The farmers mentioned that when they are visited by others they would:
(l) Show them how they use organic manure
(m) Show them how we are organized
(n) Teach them how we make money even though the plots are small
The meeting ended at 13.00 with a closing prayer from one of the farmers.

E - 34
Annex F

Environment and Social Considerations

The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex F. Environment and Social Considerations

Table of Contents


Annex F. Environment and Social Considerations

F.1 Impacts and Mitigation Measures ........................................................................ F-1

F.2 Reference Environmental Objectives and their Justification ............................... F-9

F.3 Minutes of Meeting at Nega-Nega Scheme ......................................................... F-12

F.4(a) Agenda: Stakeholders Meeting on SEA Results ............................................. F-16

F.4(c) Comments and Recommendations of the Second Stakeholder Meeting......... F-17

F.5 Term of Reference for the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) ................. F-31

F.6 Costs and Schedule of Environmental Study....................................................... F-34

F.7 SAB (Striking a Balance) Project in Zambia and Malawi................................... F-36

F.8 Wetlands/Dambos, Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Use in Zambia.... F-39

List of Table
Table F1: Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures for each Scheme....................... F-50
Table F2: Impacts and Mitigation Measures for each Resource Body ......................... F-52
Table F3: Indicators of Reference Environmental Objectives...................................... F-55
Table F4: Linkages of the Main Directions of the Master Plan with Reference
Environmental Objectives ............................................................................................ F-56
Table F5: Impacts on Reference Environmental Objectives as a Result of Implication of
Main Directions of the Master Plan ............................................................................. F-61

F.1 Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

A. Positive Impacts
Socio-Economic Impact
During the site preparation phase preceding construction, a lot of skilled and unskilled labour is usually
required. In Nega-Nega, a lot of employment opportunities have been created and to some extent, the
positive benefits for the local people are being realised. This impact is considered to be significant and
During operation, the socio-economic benefits of the project include direct employment generation,
business opportunities, improved access, direct ‘spin off’ effects in property development and great
improvement in local infrastructure and social services. This is the case in all operational schemes. In
summary positive impacts include the following:-
- Improved food security;
- Improved access to social services such as school, health for families;
- Improved agriculture skills; and
- Improved standards of living for the community due to increased flow /circulation of funds.

Benefits of belonging to a scheme: A farmer at her irrigated

maize field at Clixby Scheme. The crop will be ready for sale in a
month’s time, i.e., at the time schools will re open in Zambia. It is
also a major component in the Local food basket and constitutes a
staple food for the local community.

Another benefit: A banana farmer at Kapululira Scheme

displaying ripe bananas, a major source of income for farmers
and reliable food crop for the local community.

B. Negative Impacts
(1) Impact on Soil
During the pre-construction period, site preparation/clearing is carried out, and removal of the
protective vegetation cover and disturbance to soil surface will inevitably bring about soil
destabilisation and erosion. This impact has been identified in Nega-Nega and Kanakantapa Irrigation
Schemes which are under construction.
Furthermore the site clearing and earthworks during the construction phase along with the construction
of access roads and reservoir land clearing will cause soil destabilization.
In this same phase, soil contamination will also be caused by leakages from poor handling of petroleum
products such as oil and fuel spillage during dispensing as well as improper disposal of used oils,
hydraulic fluids, and empty oil containers.

Above: Cleared land to pave way for construction of Irrigation infrastructure at Nega-Nega Irrigation
Scheme in Mazabuka.

During the operational phase, a particularly significant impact of harvesting on soil physical
characteristics is compaction resulting from a loss of soil structure. Heavy in-field haulage fleet
comprising tractors and heavy duty trucks is associated with severe soil compaction problems which are
likely to occur. This is anticipated in Manyonyo / Nega-Nega where farmers will engage in cane
growing and ferrying harvested cane from the fields, require use of tractors. This is also a probable
impact at Buleya Malima where farmers own tractors used for ferrying the harvest.
However, the soils at Buleya Malima Irrigation scheme are, according to the findings of this strategic
assessment, sandy –Loamy which are less vulnerable to compaction and compaction risks compared to
areas with rich loamy soils like the Nega – Nega soils, Clixby and Chipapa soils.
Soil compaction increases bulk density and soil strength, restricting the rooting ability of the trees
thereby affecting growth, and decreases porosity and water infiltration rate, which can negatively affect
the soil mesofauna. Soil compaction may particularly affect invertebrates in the upper strata of the soil.
The impact is considered negative in a number of irrigation schemes mentioned above.

(2) Impact on Flora and fauna

Removing the existing vegetation, during construction of access roads and setting up of irrigation
infrastructure will significantly reduce a broad range of terrestrial flora species and cause certain degree
of disturbance or ecological imbalances. The examples are rodents and insects. The effect on bird
population will be lesser as they can easily relocate to adjacent areas to set up their new residence/nests.
Although on a lower intensity and severity scale, breeding grounds for birds might have truly been
affected by cutting trees in areas where they have put up nets.
However the impact on the other animal species in the area will not be significantly affected by opening
up the area for irrigation.

(3) Impact on water Quality

As all schemes require sanitary facilities such as pit latrines, construction of sub-standard pit latrines
might contribute to groundwater contamination through seepage to groundwater.
Improper treatment of sewage could result in elevated Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (BOD) and microbiological contents of the waterways bearing in mind that most
schemes lay in ecological and hydrological sensitive areas. Most of them are along Zambia’s important
rivers such as the Zambezi and Kafue. The laboratory analysis undertaken during the study has revealed
that COD results for samples from Chipapa Irrigation Scheme have been found to be above the ECZ set
limit. Furthermore, impacts on water quality may be caused by contaminated run-off of diesel product
spillages, leakages from fuel storage areas on-site and heavy vehicles, improper disposal of used oils
and from hydraulic fluids and irrigation pumps.

Figure Spilled used oil at Kapululira Scheme pump

Similarly, easily eroded destabilized soils may be washed into surface water sources and cause siltation
and sedimentation. Activities that have been reported to have given rise to this impact include erosion
on the mountain/hilly sides of the dams/reservoirs. This impact had been identified and rated severe in
Chipapa and Nkandabwe. Considering the factors at play in the two affected schemes, Kanakantapa
Irrigation Scheme may be a victim of the same impact once fully operational. The impact is considered
significant and negative.

(4) Impact on Air Quality

During construction, generation of biomass when clearing site in newly constructed schemes is
traditionally followed by burning. Even though it is the easiest means to significantly reducing the
biomass volume, management committees running the schemes will consider Windrowing method of
land clearing. The windrow is a process whereby tree stands are felled and left in-situ to decompose
naturally or just put/thrown on the way sides of the road in order not to abrogate the Environmental
Protection and Pollution Control Act (EPPCA) of Zambia, regulations on burning. This method will
enhance the soil organic matter status, thus help to restore and improve the fertility and physical status
of soils in the schemes. Large quantities of plant nutrients are recycled in the soil through
decomposition of tree residues.
Burning of tree remains and bushes is ruled out completely to avoid setting the entire scheme on fire.
The other activity that is likely to result in air pollution is vehicular dust. This is likely to emanate from
bull dozers, tractors and other machinery.
It is anticipated that the generated dust, dispersed by the wind may affect a zone of up to a radius of
150m from the polluting source/site.
Emissions to the air in form of exhaust fumes from vehicles and machines may cause nuisance to the
closest environs
The impact is significant though minimal.
In the operational phase, impact on air quality is likely to come from increased vehicular traffic flows into
the schemes, which proportionately discharge emissions to the air. At harvest time, e.g., banana growing
schemes, there is usually a significant amount of traffic, mostly light trucks coming to buy and transport
the produce to major towns. Also loose soils on cleared areas may be blown off during strong winds and
raise dust particulate matter, which may affect the quality of the air in the area. This impact is again
significant though minimal.

(5) Impact of Deforestation

This impact was cited as major around Chipapa. It is significant.

(6) Impact on Landscape and Aesthetics

Prior to and during construction, site clearing, mainly at access road opening, and canal construction
and site setting, will comprise of activities such as under brushing and tree felling which will affect the
aesthetic beauty of the site. The scenic beauty of the areas where construction of irrigation infrastructure
will take place will definitely be distorted and the impact created is significant.

(7) Impact of Prevalence of Crop Diseases

In the operational phase, due to either lack of knowledge on the crops grown and/or the chemicals to
prevent /treat the disease, prevalence of crop diseases was reported as one of the major challenges
militating against improved crop yields and production in a number of schemes. The other probable
reason is lack of funds to buy the right chemicals. The impact was reported to be quite devastating,
significant and negative in Nkandabwe, Clixby and Chipapa irrigation schemes.

Above: Bean Rust, a difficult disease to control in Chipapa and the scheme extension officer showing
consultants an infected field

(8) Impact of Mono-cropping

In the operational phase, one of the negative impacts identified by the district agriculture offices was that
of lack of practice of crop rotation in most schemes, a practice that has affected productivity. This is
commonplace in schemes like Buleya Malima, Nkandabwe, Chipapa among others that were identified.

Table The practice is negative as it also affects the nutrient status of the soils.
Impacts on Human Settlements
Construction and Operational Phases

The problem is significant, severe and negative in ⇒ Resettlement/full compensation according to local and
Kanakantapa where 94 households are within the dam international requirements
reserve area and will have to be resettled.
Impact of Human-Animal Conflicts
Construction and Operational Phases

Most predominant problem at Kapululira Scheme, ⇒ Fence off the scheme with recommended type of fencing
elephants and hippos destroy banana crops, making farmers to prevent access by elephants and Hippos;
run at a loss and also endangering human life. These ⇒ Liaise with Zambia Wild Life Authority when coming
animals have also been responsible for damaging irrigation up with mitigation
infrastructure. It is devastating impact and negative.
Impacts on Human Settlements
Construction and Operational Phases

The problem is significant, severe and negative in ⇒ Resettlement/full compensation according to local and
Kanakantapa where 94 households are within the dam international requirements
reserve area and will have to be resettled.
Impact of Human-Animal Conflicts
Construction and Operational Phases

Most predominant problem at Kapululira Scheme, ⇒ Fence off the scheme with recommended type of fencing
elephants and hippos destroy banana crops, making farmers to prevent access by elephants and Hippos;
run at a loss and also endangering human life. These ⇒ Liaise with Zambia Wild Life Authority when coming
animals have also been responsible for damaging irrigation up with mitigation
infrastructure. It is devastating impact and negative.

One of the negative impacts identified by the district agriculture offices was that the type of irrigation
system /technology being used was not suitable in certain areas. Cases in point that were cited included
the gravitational type currently employed at Nkandabwe. This system was attributed the uneven
distribution of nutrients and water for plots located far apart; the first farm plots suffering from nutrient

deficit and the far end plots from excess of water. Other shortcomings of the system included: high
levels of salinity in the soil; loss of soils nutrients in the drains when canals are flooded; and gully
erosion becoming pronounced in the long run

(9) Impact of Malaria

In most areas, e.g., Nega-Nega Scheme, it was brought forward that the reservoirs may turn into
breeding grounds for mosquitoes and exacerbate the public health situation in the community as
currently there is only a Health Post not a clinic which is already inadequate to cater for the health
needs of local people. The same was reported in Buleya Malima.
If not adequately mitigated, the impact could be severe and negative.

(10) Impact on Cultural and Historic Sites

During the construction and operational phases, the problem is significant, severe and negative in
Kanakantapa as most community burial sites are within the dam reserve area. Furthermore,
consultations with local traditional leaders in Kanakantapa have revealed that where the river will be
dammed, is actually a traditional site for conducting rituals. Though not identified by the EIS, the site is
traditionally classified as sensitive and any encroachment of any kind is equally considered negative
and detrimental to the cultural set up. The site had been used for various rituals by the Mutakama
leadership since inception.

(11) Impact on Human Settlements

The problem is significant, severe and negative in Kanakantapa where 94 households are within the
dam reserve area and will have to be resettled.

(12) Impact on Unsustainability of Electricity Bills

Though left to sustain themselves, most schemes are unable to sustain themselves especially when it
comes to footing electricity bills. At the time of this strategic assessment, some schemes were found
either on the verge of stopping their operations or had long discontinued operations due to high,
unsustainable ZESCO electricity bills. One case in point was Ipafu which has not been operational for
the past three (3) years. The impact is negative and a defeat of the purpose for which the irrigation
schemes are created.

(13) Impact of Human-Animal Conflicts

Most predominant problem at Kapululira
Scheme, elephants and hippos destroy banana
crops, making farmers run at a loss and also
endangering human life. These animals have
also been responsible for damaging irrigation
infrastructure. It is devastating impact and
negative. Figure Irrigation infrastructure destroyed by
hippos and elephants at Kapululira Banana
Irrigation Scheme (Siavonga District).

C. Mitigation Measures
To minimize the adverse environmental impacts associated with the schemes, several mitigation
measures are proposed during site preparation, construction phase and operational phase. Table 3.7.1
gives a detailed account of these proposed measures, and Table 3.7.2 shows the measures for each of the
schemes. What follows summarizes the measures for the significant identified potential impacts to
address concerns of the communities around the project sites.
(1) High Electricity Bills
- The irrigation schemes, through their management committees, should ensure that every farmer
contributes towards the settling of bills;
- Farmers, through their district Agriculture Coordinators should be linked to lending institutions to
finance them with agro inputs;
- Introduce high value crops alongside traditional vegetables;
- All irrigation schemes need trained and experienced management and administrative staff to run the
schemes. A management consultant would also help put in place, a formidable administration, at a
fee. This should a management group/team of a successfully run Scheme;
- Irrigation schemes should be taken as business entities, hence farmers should take up farming as a
business; and
- Promote agribusiness training.
(2) Prevalence of crop diseases
- Introduce workshops/trainings in management of diseases of crops for farmers in irrigation
schemes; and
- Promote Crop diversification.
(3) Lack of understanding/knowledge of management of crops grown
- Introduce workshops/trainings in management of diseases of crops for farmers in irrigation
schemes; and
- Promote crop diversification.
(4) Seepage of water in canals and furrows
- Cementing main canals as well as furrows
(5) Siltation of reservoirs
- Dredging of reservoirs.
(6) Deforestation
- Through District Forestry Departments, afforestate affected areas;
- Sensitise communities on dangers of the practice and the legal implication.
(7) Water Quality
- Sides of rivers / stream /dams should have riparian reserves which will serve as natural filters for
any surface runoff from the cultivated areas
- Avoid disturbance of streams, water bodies, floodplains and wetlands
- Proper sitting of pit latrines at least 60m - 100m away from water bodies/logged areas;
- Good hygienic standards and proper maintenance of pit latrines
- Have in place an effective monitoring system on site during and after construction;
(8) Air Quality

- Limitation of use of fire and size of burn where possible;
- Exercise controlled and or avoid burning, e.g., Burning in wet season;
- Regular maintenance of field machinery, construction vehicles and equipment in order to reduce
emission of exhaust fumes;
(9) Malaria
- Government should be quickly move in and expand and upgrade the existing Health Post to a
(10) Cultural and Historic Sites
- Liaise closely with traditional leaders on the handling and management of the impact
- Liaise closely with the Local Authorities on what the Town and Country Planning Act dictates on
burial sites
(11) Human Settlements
- Resettlement/full compensation according to local and international requirements
(12) Human-Animal Conflicts
- Fence off the scheme with recommended type of fencing to prevent access by elephants and
- Liaise with Zambia Wild Life Authority when coming up with mitigation

F.2 Reference Environmental Objectives and their Justification

Reference environmental objectives for the Master Plan were selected based on the results of the
scoping and the current environmental situation. The selected issues are those which will most likely
have negative consequences on the environment and human health and well-being when implementing
the main directions of the Master Plan.

1) Reducing air pollution

During construction, generation of biomass when clearing site in newly constructed schemes is
traditionally followed by burning. The other activity that is likely to result in air pollution is vehicular
dust. This is likely to emanate from bull dozers, tractors and other machinery.
It is anticipated that the generated dust, dispersed by the wind may affect a zone of up to a radius of
150m from the polluting source/site.
Emissions to the air in form of exhaust fumes from vehicles and machines may cause nuisance to the
closest environs, causing atmospheric pollution, which negatively impact human health.
In the operational phase, impact on air quality is likely to come from increased vehicular traffic flows
into the schemes, which proportionately discharge emissions to the air. At harvest time, e.g., banana
growing schemes, there is usually a significant amount of traffic, mostly light trucks coming to buy and
transport the produce to major towns. Also loose soils on cleared areas may be blown off during strong
winds and raise dust particulate matter, which may affect the quality of the air in the area, which
negatively impact environment and human health.

2) Reducing water pollution

As all schemes require sanitary facilities such as pit latrines, construction of sub-standard pit latrines
might contribute to groundwater contamination through seepage to groundwater.
Improper treatment of sewage could result in elevated Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (BOD) and microbiological contents of the waterways bearing in mind that most
schemes lay in ecological and hydrological sensitive areas. Most of them are along Zambia’s important
rivers such as the Zambezi and Kafue. The laboratory analysis undertaken during the study has revealed
that COD results for samples from Chipapa Irrigation Scheme have been found to be above the ECZ set
limit. Furthermore, impacts on water quality may be caused by contaminated run-off of diesel product
spillages, leakages from fuel storage areas on-site and heavy vehicles, improper disposal of used oils
and from hydraulic fluids and irrigation pumps.
Similarly, easily eroded destabilized soils may be washed into surface water sources and cause siltation
and sedimentation. Activities that have been reported to have given rise to this impact include erosion
on the mountain/hilly sides of the dams/reservoirs. This impact had been identified and rated severe in
Chipapa and Nkandabwe. Considering the factors at play in the two affected schemes, Kanakantapa
Irrigation Scheme may be a victim of the same impact once fully operational. During agricultural
production, these substances penetrate the crops, which are eventually consumed by human populations
causing danger in human health.

3) Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora
Deforestation is cited as major negative environmental impact around Chipapa.
Removing the existing vegetation, during construction of access roads and setting up of irrigation
infrastructure will significantly reduce a broad range of terrestrial flora species and cause certain degree
of disturbance or ecological imbalances. The examples are rodents and insects. The effect on bird
population will be lesser as they can easily relocate to adjacent areas to set up their new residence/nests.
Although on a lower intensity and severity scale, breeding grounds for birds might have truly been
affected by cutting trees in areas where they have put up nets.

4) Reducing negative impact on land and soil

During the pre-construction period, site preparation/clearing is carried out, and removal of the
protective vegetation cover and disturbance to soil surface will inevitably bring about soil
destabilization and erosion. This impact has been identified in Nega-Nega and Kanakantapa Irrigation
Schemes which are under construction.
Furthermore the site clearing and earthworks during the construction phase along with the construction
of access roads and reservoir land clearing will cause soil destabilization.
In this same phase, soil contamination will also be caused by leakages from poor handling of petroleum
products such as oil and fuel spillage during dispensing as well as improper disposal of used oils,
hydraulic fluids, and empty oil containers.
During the operational phase, a particularly significant impact of harvesting on soil physical
characteristics is compaction resulting from a loss of soil structure. Heavy in-field haulage fleet
comprising tractors and heavy duty trucks is associated with severe soil compaction problems which are
likely to occur. This is anticipated in Manyonyo/Nega – Nega where farmers will engage in cane
growing and ferrying harvested cane from the fields, require use of tractors. This is also a probable
impact at Buleya Malima where farmers own tractors used for ferrying the harvest.
However, the soils at Buleya Malima Irrigation scheme are, according to the findings of this strategic
assessment, sandy –Loamy which are less vulnerable to compaction and compaction risks compared to
areas with rich loamy soils like the Nega – Nega soils, Clixby and Chipapa soils.
Soil compaction increases bulk density and soil strength, restricting the rooting ability of the trees
thereby affecting growth, and decreases porosity and water infiltration rate, which can negatively affect
the soil mesofauna. Soil compaction may particularly affect invertebrates in the upper strata of the soil.
The impact is considered negative in a number of irrigation schemes mentioned above.

5) Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria)

In most areas, e.g., Nega-Nega Scheme, it was brought forward that the reservoirs may turn into
breeding grounds for mosquitoes and exacerbate the public health situation in the community as
currently there is only a Health Post not a clinic which is already inadequate to cater for the health
needs of local people. The same was reported in Buleya Malima.
If not adequately mitigated, the impact could be severe and negative.

6) Reducing conflicts related to resettlement

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The problem is significant, severe and negative in Kanakantapa, a new development, where 94
households are within the dam reserve area and will have to be resettled.

7) Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict)

Most predominant problem at Kapululira Scheme, elephants and hippos destroy banana crops, making
farmers run at a loss and also endangering human life. These animals have also been responsible for
damaging irrigation infrastructure. It is devastating impact and negative.

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F.3 Minutes of Meeting at Nega-Nega Scheme in Mazabuka District
Acronyms Used
DACO District Agriculture Coordination Officer
ECZ Environmental Council of Zambia
HQ Head Quarters
MACO Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Meetings and Consultations Held

As part of the legal requirement and consultative process in Zambia, a number of consultations were
held with different stakeholders in Sinazongwe, Siavonga, Mazabuka, Kafue, Chingola and Chongwe

Meetings Proceedings
Mazabuka Consultation
NEGA-NEGA (Munyonyo Irrigation Scheme) Date: 16/12/2009
The team of consultants was introduced by Mr. Nonde Alex, the District Irrigation Engineer from
MACO that the team came from Lusaka to hold consultative meetings with beneficiaries of Munyonyo
Irrigation Scheme.

Mr. Maurice Lucheni, the Vice Chairman of Manyonyo water user association
He welcomed the team. He said he was standing in for the chairman and thanked them for coming.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult
Mr. Kasapo asked those that gathered if they could avail to the team with background information of
the scheme.
Mr. Simwambana Maurice, the executive secretary of Manyonyo
He said that Manyonyo irrigation scheme is in Chikankata constituency in Mazabuka District and in
Kasengo ward, in Chief Naluama’s area. He also reviewed that the scheme used to have over 6,000
hectares of land but has now reduced to just about 3,000 hectares with over 164 households, out of
which 32 are female headed households.
Mr. Mufaya L., Greenfield Consult
Asked the gathering if they are all indigenous inhabitants of Manyonyo if not were the indigenous
inhabitants relocated?
Mr. Lucheni M., vice Chairman
All the beneficiaries are locals and indigenous to this area. He said there is an insignificant number
of people who have come from other areas.
Mr. Lewis Tumbama, Greenfield Consult
Mr. Tumbama wanted to know from whether the scheme is on title or the farmers owned individual
plots or indeed it was under traditional land.
Mr. Simwambana
Responded that some farmers have title Deeds for their farm plots, while others have letters of offer
and some are still awaiting their letters of offer or Title Deeds. When pressed further by Mr.

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Tumbama as to why some farmers have title deeds or letters of offering, Mr. Simwambana said, the
process of obtaining Title deeds was cumbersome and expensive forte farmers. Mr. Simwambana
said the title deed itself cost over ZMK4, 000,000, a far-fetched-dream for most farmers, while
transport and delays in Lusaka other costs farmers cannot afford. Mr. Nonde, the District irrigation
Engineer added by saying that both the scheme and the land are still a Government property but
Government will however handover everything to the farmers once the construction of the dams and
laying of pipes is completed.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult
How long is the lease?
Mr. Simwambana
Said at the moment the lease differs from one farmer to the other. Other farmers have the 99year
lease, while the others have the 30 and the 14 year lease.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult.
Do you have any water bodies and has the scheme obtained any water rights?
Mr. Lucheni, M.
In response to the above question, Mr. Lucheni said there is only one water body in the area and this
is the Kafue River. He said it is from this same river where the scheme will be sourcing its water
Mr. Simwambana
Said everything to do with land, water rights and construction of the dam is at the moment in the
hands of the Government. However every will be handed over to the farmers once everything is
complete. As for fishing rights
Mr. Lucheni
Said it is difficult to tell whether people who are practicing fishing have fishing rights or not
because fishing is done outside the scheme area. He said at the there are no fish ponds in the scheme
area but rather fishing is done in the Kafue river and mostly illegally.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult
He asked the beneficiaries what kind of irrigation system they will be using once the scheme is fully
Mr. Nonde, The District irrigation Engineer
The irrigation system to be used at Manyonyo will be Farrow/ Surface irrigation.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult
Mr. Kasapo wanted to know if the farmers have observed any physical changes to the Environment
that have come as a result of the construction of the scheme.
Mrs. Kavota
She said she has two things;
(1) A church was demolished to pave way for a canal.
(2) The road network was severely damaged.
Mr. Lucheni
He added that the fauna has greatly been disturbed thereby displacing wild animals. He said despite
all the good scheme comes with it, the water dams pose a great danger to humans and animals if not

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fenced. The animals to pose some threat to the infrastructure too.
Mr. Simwambana
He said though they have not seen any positives at the moment, more advantages are to be seen
once the scheme is fully operational. He said since they will be able to produce through out the year,
production levels will increase thereby bringing more income to the beneficiaries.
Greenfield Consult
Mr. Lindunda inquired from the gathering if they have any mitigation measures in mind to counter
the concerns they raised?
Mr. Simwambana.
He said, to reduce the threat of drowning posed to both animals and human beings, the reservoirs/
dams should be fenced. He also said there will be a penalty fee for any farmer whose animals will
be found near these infrastructures.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult.
Mr. Tumbama wanted to know if Manyonyo water user association has any institutional structure in
Mr. Lucheni
He said there is an effective institutional structure in place which consists of the main committee,
which is the Executive and seven sub-committees. He said the Executive committee meets twice
every month. The structure is as follows;

The Executive
(1) The Chairperson
(2) The Vice-chairperson
(3) The Secretary
(4) The Vice-Secretary
(5) The Treasurer
(1) Livestock
(2) Maintenance
(3) Security
(4) Commodity
(5) Marketing
(6) Health
(7) Transport

Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult

Does the Manyonyo Water User Association receive any assistance from the Government?
Mr. Simwambana
He said as a scheme, the farmers of Manyonyo have received a lot of from the Government of
Zambia. In fact the entire irrigation scheme is a grant to the people of Manyonyo. He said besides
donating a tractor to the farmers, the Government has been providing extension services to

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Manyonyo area. He also said that the Government the only provider of social amenities such as
Schools, Rural health centers, etc.
Mr. Kasapo Pearson, Greenfield Consult.
Are there any NGOs operating in and around the scheme?
Mr. Sikajaya
There about three to four NGOs working in Manyonyo at the moment and these are;
(1) Plan-funds for a new school block and bore holes were also sunk
(2) PAF-Bore holes drilling
(3) Nakambala Parish-Home Based Care -Health matters.
Mr. Tumbama, Greenfield Consult
What will be the main crop to be grown once the scheme is fully functional?
Mr. Nonde, the District Irrigation Engineer.
The design crop for the scheme is cane sugar and as such only cane sugar will be allowed to be
grown in large scale though farmers will be allowed to grow other crops on small scale basis for
consumption as well as for selling. Mr. Nonde told the farmers to go ahead and grow their traditional
crops for this farming season. Mr. Nonde also assured the farmers that construction of the of the
irrigation system is likely to be complete by mid next year. He urged the farmers to put management
measures in place to insure success of the scheme. He advised farmers to either learn from Kaleya
small holders or indeed higher them as management consultants. On the fears of lack of room for
expansion, Mr. Nonde told not worry for now because the four [4] hectares per farmer given at the
moment is only the starting point. He said there might be an increment per farmer per year depending
on the first three harvests.
Mr. Kasapo, Greenfield Consult.
Kindly tell the condition or the availability of amenities/infrastructures.
There is one basic school and a rural health centre in the area and their condition is fair at the
moment. He said the road is a very bad state and need urgent attention.
Mr. Lucheni
Though we have a clinic in the area, it is too small to cater for the Manyonyo community. He
complained the in most cases drugs are out of stoke and patients are forced to travel long distances to
Nega- Nega rural health centre.
Mr. Simwambana.
He bemoaned the lack of infrastructure and services such as;
(1) Storage Sheds
(2) Electricity
(3) Cold rooms.

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F.4 (a) Agenda Stakeholders Meeting on SEA Results

Stakeholders’ Meeting on SEA results


Date: Friday 30 April 2010

Place: Board Room, Belvedere Lodge, Leopard’s Hill Road, Lusaka


08:30 – 08:40 Opening of the meeting Representative MACO
08:40 – 08:50 Introduction of the topic JICA Study Team
08:50 – 09:50 Presentation of the SEA results and Consultant
environmental issues raised
09: 50 – 10: 00 Snack and Tea break -
10:00 – 12:00 Discussion on the issues raised and All Participants
contributions from the floor
12: 00 – 12: 10 Closing of the meeting Representative MACO
12: 30 - Lunch -

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F.4 (c) Comments and Recommendations of the Second Stakeholders Meeting

1. Introduction
Due to the limited number of wet months in Zambia which, in the past decades had been coupled by
droughts, livelihood disruption from economic projects like the construction of the Kariba Dam and the
general emphasis on the promotion of food security, poverty reduction and economic development had
over the years prompted government and other private organizations to establish small scale irrigation
schemes countrywide especially in dry regions of the country.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MACO), in conjunction and cooperation with partners
like JICA and other donors, through the Small-Scale Irrigation Project (SIP) is and has been
implementing irrigation programmes in a number of provinces in Zambia.
The intent of the irrigation policy and strategy is to increase food security and generate household
income in the schemes in order to empower traditional farmers. In order to improve the productivity
of the small scale holders, it is imperative that a comprehensive master plan is put in place and this
environmental strategic assessment constitutes an important part of the plan.

The workshop was attended by 29 Participants drawn from MACO Headquarters, District Agriculture
Coordination Offices and Schemes that took part in the study.

2. Workshop Preceding
This section summarizes presentations that were made at the workshop. The section also summarizes
issues and questions that ensured after each presentation.

2.1 Opening Remarks

Dr. Massamba, Environment and Social Considerations Expert, the Study Team
Dr Massamba welcomed all the participants and called the meeting to order at 09:00hours. He at it was
because everybody was waiting for the Chief Organisers (MACO) to come.
He then called upon the Study Team Leader to give his remarks.
Mr. Yamamoto , Study Team leader
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m the team leader of the study team and my name is Mr.
Yamamoto first I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to all the participants here for
attending this meeting. We would like to clarity some environmental and social impacts for formulating
our master plan. This strategic environment assessment result report was done by Greenfield Consult in
December 2009. So after his presentation please we will comments and advices which we will accept
and appreciate to make the foundation of this master plan. I would like again to thank you.
Mr. H. Sichembe, Deputy Director, Technical Service Branch (TSB)
He acknowledged the presence of everyone thanked the participants for coming and apologized for
coming late and went straight to talk about the importance of Small Scale Holders in Economic
The Deputy Director said that he wanted to state that the subsector of Irrigation was one of the key

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development areas in agriculture. This country’s agriculture is mostly dependant on rain fed agriculture,
but the government has seen the potential that is in Irrigated agriculture hence the study was thought of
as one of the key driving factors that will be able to stimulate development.
He emphasized that what government wanted to see at the end of the day were actions that are practical.
These actions must be practical and should be implementable. It will mean nothing if the actions in the
master plan cannot relate and JICA would have spent tax payers money for nothing.
He urged all the participants to contribute as much as possible so that at the end of the day there is a
good Master Plan.
He re emphasized adequate participation as it was key in the ownership of the Plan which he said was
also key towards contribution to the overall development of the sector.
Lastly and behalf of the Permanent Secretary who could not be with us, Mr.Sichembe urged all present
to learn and said that learning never ends.
Dr. Massamba
Before the presentation, I would like to give a brief introduction of SEA. As you know today’s
presentation will be on the Strategic Environmental Assessment which was done by JICA, in December,
First I would like to, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MACO) and also
JICA Study Team, to thank everyone here for coming and hope that today’s meeting will help to
contribute in the direction our study will take and in promoting irrigated agriculture for Small Holders
in the country.
Dr Massamba said that he was in charge of the environmental and social considerations of the study.
To put it more clearly, environmental and social consideration means considering environment impacts
on air, water, soil, flora and fauna as well as impacts including involuntary resettlement.
SEA is an assessment being implemented at the policy and planning and program level rather than at
the project level. It refers to a range of approaches to strategic decision making to integrate
environmental concerns into policy planning, and program and to integrate the linkage with economic
The purpose of the SEA study is to clarify the probable impacts in both environmental and social terms
which are expected to arise in some of the activities related to the irrigated agriculture promotion in 4
provinces (Copperbelt, Lusaka, Southern and Central), through intensive Desk survey and
complementary field survey, as part of the Master Plan for promotion of irrigated Agriculture for
Smallholders in the Peri – Urban Areas.
He then called upon Lewis Tumbama to present the results of the SEA and urged the participants ask
questions, comment and contribute regarding the presentation.
Mr. Lewis Tumbama, Greenfield Consult
The presentation mainly looked at the impacts identified, positives and negatives, their resultant
mitigations, policy considerations and options proposed by the study Team. See attached slides for the
complete presentation.
Dr. Sugimoto, Advisor for MACO HQ from JICA
Your impacts is mainly the ones from the project to the environmental, but is there any impacts form the
environment to project, did you look at it that way, for example there might be impacts due to climate

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change, change in rainfall pattern where the surface floor has changed and it is affecting the
sustainability of the project did you look at it in that perspective?
Mr. Lewis
Although we didn’t pick up any such impacts to do with climate change, but these are issues that we
can all contribute to in this house. Climate Change impacts require specific studies into its impacts.
For instance if we look at the problem of low water levels for instance at Chipata, although of late
rainfall pattern has been such that we have experienced an increase in rainfall in the last 4 years yet the
scheme has problems of water. It is difficult to bring in issues of climatic changes.
Issues of flooding, we were told they are all as a result of the canals not being even because we never
picked up complaints from farmers that there was too much water in the past season and as a result the
whole scheme flooded.
 Mr. Sichembe
Just wanted to appreciate you for doing a recommendable job, but what I want to find out was
whether we can be advantaged with a report not just the presentation most probably in electronic format
and improve on the value of the project.
As it is there may not be the time for everyone’s input and the other thing I considered is that of
inclusion of the members of the Technical Working Group. They would need this information for
comments and also other members form MACO.
 Mr. Lewis
The document is at draft stage and your reaction and input will enhance and enrich it If it is sent to the
mentioned be seat to stakeholders. We will definitely bring the document.
Mr. Peter Chola, Department of Water Affair, Ministry of Energy and Water Development
Thank you for allowing me to participate also, we are here so that we can input to the good work the
consultants have done. As a follow up to the observation made, apart from the PowerPoint presentation
it is always good practice to give the draft in which ever form it is, which should be accompanied by the
TORs. The next time you call for such a meeting, we expect that at least two weeks before to the
meeting you give us the working document, TORs and draft report. You have done well to provide
Power Point Print outs. I want to emphases that in your presentation, there are a number of schemes you
covered and your impact analysis, however what I have seen is that in some schemes, you have
indicated the positive impacts and in some just the negatives, can we balance up. Please maintain the
uniformity throughout.
In some areas you have indicated the money spent and not the source e, so we expect in all the other
schemes to reflect that kind of information. If you can do that the better. If you fail to get that
information, the sources then indicate in the document. There was also the issue of Water Rights, some
have, and some don’t have, same as Title to land. Our policy recommendation to this is that let us make
the schemes acquire water rights and title to land.
If they have got these two pieces of instrumentals, it would allow them to go to the bank and borrow for
the development of their schemes which don’t have water right and titles. So what can we do to entice
them to get?
On the Issue of sustainability, water rights and titles are prerequisites, but apart from that use talk about
the formation of water associations, can we go beyond them and formalize them, others have become

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co-operatives and are registered as such, we can be sued and they can sue, they can be put to task.
Another issue of concern was the use of various technologies, pumps, paying of electricity bills, yes
these are challenging and what I can say which is if the co-operatives can employ scheme operators.
Preferably a mechanic so he can carry out some preventive maintenance.
It was observed, that you have lamped everything to Government. What are the things the farmers
-themselves can do?
-What are the things MACO can do for them?
-What are the things the irrigation system can do?
The issue of animal-human conflict, elephants are very strong, ZESCO have tried to control them, they
were falling pylons in the plains in western province, for those who know periperi, they say you can
plant at the edge of these schemes, and also try to find a way of terming black ants. Elephants run
away from them. In South Africa farmers have used these two methods.
Mr. Lewis
Yes on the issue of elephants we did propose to plant Chili but like I said we have to be careful and
consult the Zambia Wildlife Authority for guidance. They can advise on the kind, varieties of chili
that can be planted.
Mr. Tennyson Sikakwa, Clixbly.
Most of the issues have already been raised by Mr. Chola, but I just have one or two concerns. The
first one is, are we handing back the sheets of papers.
Mr. Lewis
Yes because you have commented on them and we need these comments.
Mr. Tennyson
What is coliforms in water? The other one is it is tricky selling at Soweto market. We find difficult
to do business. At Soweto, when you are from a farm, the only being you will know is your family.
So when you come to Soweto, you are in a sea of people and so you get intimidated, you can mention
your price which covers the cost and you expected profit, but you get intimidated by the way they do
things there. So it seems better you have a middleman there. He will want 5% of what you get.
But that’s not very good it is better you deal with the buyer; I don’t know what others think.
Mr. Peter Mwale, Environmental Engineer
Coliforms is one of the parameters we look at when analyzing the quality of water. In this case, the
quality of water used for irrigation. Coliforms are bacteria formed in water. So like the one in clixby,
we found high numbers of coliforms, looking at the site from where we collected the sample, its right
next to the summer treatment plant.
Further research revealed that the summer plant is not operational and all the stuff from Town goes
straight in the Kafue River. There might be need to revisit the site at another time of the season to see
the levels of the coliforms.
Mr. Sampa, Irrigation Engineer, MACO Sinazongwe
I’ve observed some critical misrepresentation on Buleya Malima, I’m not sure if even Buleya Malima
was visited.
Because the issue of fuel is no existent and yet it has been raised. The pumps use electricity and actually
are mounted on a platform on water.

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The other issue is of fuels around the pump house, and I am saying the pump house is for electricity. The
other issue was to do with erosion, it is also no existent, because water is pumped directly into the
reservoir and flows by gravity, so the issue is no existent in the irrigation scheme. May be the study
team did not see the right people to get correct information.
Mr. Lewis
When we visited Buleya Malima, we had a meeting with the DACO, 2-3 other offices, at district level
and we tried to catch the extension officer but the phone kept ringing. We also tried to consult with
you; you were out in the field. True there could have been a misrepresentation of facts or even crossing
with other schemes.
We however went to site and the person sited next to you who is the chairperson of the scheme was
with us. Besides photos are there for you to confirm. It might be an oversight. Maybe it’s for
another scheme but we will confirm, thank you.
Mr. Philips Simbule, Chingola
I want to make a comment on Ipafu scheme and particularly on the mitigation measures where it says
“do away with electricity propelled pumps”. I was wondering if the community said that themselves
because the history as we know it, is that there was a diesel propelled pump at first and water was going
down to the coffee fields by gravity, under Rural Investment fund, we bought a diesel propelled pump
which the farmers said was too costly to maintain, to be going into town and bring drums of diesel, so
they request for an electric pump to be set and through the coffee board and LEAF, had to make
available that electric propelled pump. So if they said again that they want to do away with this, I
think they need to come up with, like you said on another scheme. To be able to inter crop or find a
system that can allow to grow all year round crops other than just coffee, so that they can realize money
and find a way in which each farmer can contribute towards the bills. The history is that under UNIP,
they were pumped, just given, even a fuel pump was provided, so they never know of running costs.
But slowly we are trying to impart ownership.
If an electric machine that they wanted. There is already a reservoir so maybe the water can be
pumped first into the reservoir and line it with plastic to reduce seepage. The initial plan was actually
coffee growing, not that the change of the system.
Mr. Nyambe, Mujabula
I want to understand the people you interview in the community because the target was to deal with
extension officers, beneficiaries and so forth. I want to know if you included politicians and
You said lack of experience in farming Clixby, Kafue, these farmers have been on the ground since
1995 according to scheme construction and up to date they still lack experience in farmers in basic
farming, I think to make an impact on this I propose besides extension services, farmer to farmer
training, you are saying that in one scheme, there is positive farming skills. Probably introduce
farmers exchange visits.
Mr. Anderson Mutinta, MACO Siavonga
Kapulurila is located in Musaya ward not Sikoongo.

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On impacts and mitigations, I note that there is a recommendation for government to provide inputs; I
don’t know what kind of arrangements would work out? I thought we would need clarification and
modalities on how that can be done.
Looking at the age of the machinery I think replacing them would be the best.
On the reducing of the use of electricity and going into dambos and wet lands, do these places have
dambos? Electricity of course is a big issue these bills come as a result of using water for irrigating;
maybe they should be using this water on high value crops. Dambos and wetlands will have other
Mr. John Hikanyemu, MACO Kafue
What you have put on the social aspects seems to have come only from the farmers. I don’t see what
has come from the technical officers;
Because we would have looked at the grassroots commitments are the farmers contributing monthly or
depending what they have agreed, how is the maintenance there, but it’s like what is there is for the
government to do this and that, you would have taken note of what you were told at the offices. I
remember you passed through my office and I made an input on these schemes but I don’t see it here.
So its better you balance the comments, what the farmers are complaining about, what the technical
officers are saying about the farmers. In that way we would be able to come up with a balanced
On Clixby there was a complaint of draining which was also mentioned by someone. With these
farmers, the government has actually done a lot; probably it has gone out of its way to support these
farmers. There are weeklong trainings two times, one two occasions the government paid for their
electricity bills. So if you mention just one side, I know they have complaints but let’s balance thing.
Mr. Christopher Mabvuso, MACO Lusaka
On our farmers in the schemes (Clixby) much as the farming is done collectively, at the time of selling,
its like each one done market for himself. So it becomes a big problem dealing with the middle men at
Soweto market because it’s like each famer with his/her small quantity of produce to negotiate based on
that. I think it would be more desirable of people from the schemes market together as a group. But that
is the problem because even the way schemes are structured, there is no compelling the scheme to
contribute or to operate in a certain manner and that brings me to the point you raised about issuing tiles
to individual farmers in the scheme.
There have been instances where farmers in the scheme have become inactive and they don’t even want
to let go of the land in the scheme and nothing can be done to them. So they will start selling or renting
that land to anyone who wants to produce on that land. The impact of that has been the users of that
land have to recover the cost incurred. It’s an extra cost of renting that land. Maybe we should look at a
system and come up if someone is registered in a scheme; they only belong as longs as they abide to the
set principles of that scheme, in the event that a member becomes inactive, the scheme will have the
right to take that land and give it to another person. Unlike leaving the land to someone who is
unproductive. I wanted to caution on issuing titles to individual farmers in the scheme, it might work in
other instances, but it has worked against the productivity of the schemes. Then also the issue of
dredging in cases where there is siltation problem. Actually most of the places I have been to is major

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and when you talk of dredging you will dredge and keep on dredging. The other issue is to try and
address the main cause of this.
I don’t think we have a riparian management policy and if it’s there then it has not been enforced.
Much as we encourage replanting of trees but what about that production which is done in the edge of
water reservoirs, what are we doing about it. So let’s outline clearly what we can produce along these
waters. Have some enforcement of some sort.
Mr. Etambuyu Anamela, MACO Chibombo
I wish to agree with the report on the fears from Chibombo District and I also want to mention that
maybe fears are coming because we have not been meeting. We have had just one meeting, in that
meeting; the chief didn’t even want to be part of the meeting because he didn’t get the whole picture or
understand what is going to happen or how important the project is. So the suggestion is that lets have
consultative meetings with the Chibombo administration and also the chief. Maybe through the
discussions positive thing will come out and be able to convince the community and chiefdom that the
project is important and very necessary.
Mr. Boris Luchine, Manyonyo Water Users Association
We are very happy to have this kind of meeting and we are learning a lot and sharing. Mr. Chola
made a number of observations; I would like to comment on one or two. (i) where he talked about water
users associations, as the institutions which you can’t sue, or take to task, correction there, I know of
our association, we are a registered body with registrar of societies. So you can sue us and take us to
task. Yes we need to move beyond that as in our case definitely we can’t manage as farmers a scheme
of that magnitude. So of course as a result we have sort as farmers to engage management consultants.
In the form of Kaleya smallholders, a draft agreement has been written. We haven’t yet signed though.
So we appreciate. As for water rights and I think one of the basic issues about water rights is not a
cheap thing. It’s expensive in that I don’t think smallholders can afford. They are paid annually. In
our case the government paid 17 million Kwacha. Meaning that when the scheme is handled to the
farmers, to continue paying that much. We will need some mitigation from other sources. The same
goes for titles for farmers. Individual titles would like to have title to my own piece of land. In the
case of Manyonyo for a farmer to get title they need to spend about K5 million from the beginning of
the process right to the end. Very few farmers in Manyonyo have ever handed K500,000 at once so tiles
are beyond their reach.
The cost of power is expensive and already Zesco is talking of increasing tarrifs. These are the things
that those implementing these programs should take into consideration. In southern province if you
don’t own cattle means you are poor. Doesn’t matter what you own. So it’s a mindset which needs
to change. In Manyonyo we have a situation whereby infrastructure has been built, people with
animals around. They came together to complain that since the scheme comes into place, there animals
will have nowhere to graze from. They went as far as the DCs office, the town clerk, the DACO.
They are genuine fears but we try to organize how to mitigate these fears. Two years ago we took
farmers on a conducted tour of Kaleya holdings in Mazabuka and saw how farmers there fair and
making a good living out of growing sugar cane. They too own cattle but have found grazing land
somewhere outside the scheme.
Mr. Nkandu Herbert, Chipapa

F - 23
The figures on the scheme were exchanged; it’s the only other scheme with more female headed
households than any other scheme, 70 females and less male headed households. On the dredging and
siltation of the dam, we sat after your visit and reviewed what came up with other mitigation measures.
Mr. Martin Seshekanu, Department of Agriculture, MACO HQ
Regarding the birds migrating Manayongo, is it regarded as a bird sanctuary? Or could it be that they
are looking for food at the particular time. Manyonyo the issue of title I thought the group had agreed
and settled on organizing a block title that could then be utilize and could then be managed as an
enterprise as one unity. That would have helped and let the farmer, those who had titles so that they
surrender their titles so that it comes under one block. When we come up with these projects, there are
projections and economic return injection farmers must be able to pick it up on the investment that
government makes.
Every farmer business out of this investment so that the running cost can be part of what farmers could
be working on. Then the situation of kapulurila and the issue of alternative crops, the report is not
reflecting whether that was picked from farmers what do they think could be the alternative crop but
could that have market, or have they observed a particular crop that could be more marketable than the
current crop that could be more that until our farmers, despite being a group still want to do things at
individual level when it comes to marketing. When it comes to the actual preparation of land they need
the rest. But marketing is one of the key part and they better be organized. So they can have the
bargaining power and even hiring a truck to transport their produce as a group. Finally the issue of
Kanakantapa the centre had been so much of the youth, but it’s a mixed grill and you may wish to know
that a number of farms have been sold and now there are some new people who where not in the initial
group and therefore they may not have the model that was there at the start. As for as they are
concerned they have bought the land and they can do any thing they want.
Mr. Stanford Mulawa, Buleya Malima
On transport, you said the mitigation was to find a loan if you consider someone has failed to pay,
electricity bills, how can they find money to buy a vehicles?
Water bills in 3 Million ZMK. So I think MACO should come in and help to find transport. Because
that the main determining factor in selling price. When a buyer travels from Lusaka to Buleya Malima,
he will first talk of transport of the produce from Sinazongwe. Transport is a major problem in
irrigation schemes. It MACO doesn’t come to help the farmers; it will be a perpetual problem.
Mr. Martin Seshekanu
Actually farmers can sequence their crops and plant in group there are times when you with these
major buyers, they wouldn’t like to have a season when they don’t have any produce and another
season when they have a bulky and big consignment coming. They have problem in dealing with that.
So if they can organize themselves to sequence their produce, it becomes very easy so like when you
link with big buyers like Shoprite, they would like to have consistence.
Once you have a break, they will say you are not reliable; they would therefore rather go to others who
could supply them with consistence.

F - 24
Mr. George Phiri, Coordinator, Small-scale Irrigation Projects (SIP)
I like the point that was raised in the presentation on the issue that management of schemes should be
independent of the farmers themselves, so that when it comes to paying bills or collection of
contributions there would be no sacred cows, to escape paying of the bills.
That in my view point to the issue of management. Research carried out in the past on these scheme
shows that they have not performed not because the water was not flowing, the engineering has been
done very well, the market may be there but the problem is the coordination which centers on the
management of these schemes.
Yes the government has the responsibility, but much as it may have all the money, it wants see the
schemes stand on their own. So government is pumping in the money, but is it sustainable?
Government puts in money for infrastructure in the first place , the schemes we are introducing are
small companies that which the government wants to hand over to beneficiaries but the question we
are asking is that is there the capacity to handle these companies on the part of the schemes? Because all
these discussions hinge on when management will be able to make profit, marketing, collecting fees,
water charges etc. again the blame will go to the extension services in the government? We have the
DACOs here and they have capacity? We have the DACOs here and other senior people from
How about if they employed somebody to coordinate and manage and is paid by the scheme, so he
could be able to do market surveys, plan cropping, how about not only relaying on extension officer
from government?.
Why can’t the scheme employ one or two so that they can handle the marketing, the engineering and the
accounting of the scheme. Can we consider it as a step further, are these companies sustainable?
Kenya is able to export flowers, from small scale farmers every week to Europe. How do they do it?
They have employed people with offices and they are paid by the schemes to manage. South Africa can
export mangoes to Europe, how have they managed? They have employed qualified people on full time
to manage the schemes. So I wanted to bring this to your attention to think in these lines as managers of
these schemes, beneficiaries. We are trying to do that with Nega-Nega (Manyonyo)
In Kaleya we see a success story there, because they have a qualified team to manage the scheme.
This exercise of preparing a master plan is going to end up into the establishment of successful schemes
by government and co-operating partners.
May be private sector too can provide extension services , it being done by Nakambala, Kaleya and
many others, why can’t it be done also by our schemes like Chipapa? Employ one and say they will be
paying him as a group so that he organize market, he plans when and what to plant and transport the
produce to the market.
So as we look at the social and environmental concerns, let’s also looks at the management as it has
been identified as the major problem in the schemes in Zambia.
Mr. Sichembe
You indicated to us that this is a draft report and that you are sending a full document of more than 100
pages electronically, so that we can comment. There are other who are not here, who where not invited,
whose expertise maybe necessary. I also wanted to state that, that document has an explicit analysis of
the issues from the perspective of a consultant such that we are able to follow through, and eliminate

F - 25
what may not be necessary. We also want to know in the document, which document you consulted, not
necessarily the people you have consulted.
We would want you I think like data become very critical, we are not going to make informed decision
on the bases of observations.
We must have data, raw data which you have looked at and analysed whether that data in itself, taken at
that particular time is valid or should be validated.
We also need a dossier of comments, separate from that document. Now in your presentation before
ending you gave what you are calling policy consideration for operational schemes. I got confused at
one time; I didn’t know whether we are talking about these issues which I think are not related to any
We must be guided which policies as government we should be able to look at and re-examine e.g.,
NAP, EPPCA, NIP. Policy goes along with legislation aspects; show us the legal framework also. We
have now acknowledged the problems that the schemes are going through, we will need actions from
them as part of the solution for the future. In that case we want to see the legal frame too.
Also differentiate between administrative managements from actions such as strategies. The strategic
means of what you are proposing as an alternative. It will be easy now as government to look at and say
yes on this policy, these are the strategies that are actually requested to look at.
So that relevant authorities can look at and when we receive the actions in the master plan we will be
able to agree. Our ultimate output at the end of the day is the Master Plan, therefore the actions you are
proposing must be relevant to the master plan on irrigation in peri-urban focusing on environmental and
social concerns.
Thank you ladies and gentleman for this good meeting, you have given many good comments and
opinions and advice to the formation of the Master Plan, I also want to thank you all for attending.

2.2 Written Submissions From all participants

The following are the written submissions from all participants

Written Submissions from the JICA Workshop Held on 30th April, 2010 at Belvedere Lodge, Kabulonga
No. Name of Person Submitting Submission
Please include on the list the traditional leaders and political
leaders under. Approach and methodology.

Enhance farmer to farmer training in addition to extensions works

Recommend that Clixby farmers do farmer exchange visits to

Nkandabwe to gain more experience on farming.
1. N.H. Nyambe- DACO Mazabuka
Should include marketing problems.

The church was relocated and is to be reconstructed. (In Nega

On utilization of agrochemicals, include integrated pest/disease
control to mitigate issues of pest misuse. (policy consideration
for operational schemes)
Maurice Luchen- Manyonyo Water
2. It is Manyonyo Irrigation Scheme NOT Nega Nega.
Users Association (MAWAUSA)

F - 26
No. Name of Person Submitting Submission
Financial constraints on acquiring titles for majority farmers in
Social economic impacts need to be addressed further. Cattle
rearing vs Sugarcane growing.
Issue of cost of power is a big concern- ZESCO may need to give
subsidy to small scale irrigation farmers.

4 Ha of irrigated land, however each household has 10 Ha of land.

Slow implementation leads to impatience and loss of trust in the


Seepage is primary.

Ipafu Scheme started in 1968

Nangogo Annie- Extension Officer
3. Doing away electricity propelled should not be the mitigation
measure. It is better farmers start something that can help them
clear the bills. (Ipafu)
For that scheme state both positive and negative impacts of the
projects. (Chipapa)
Issues recorded not reflective of the true picture on the ground.
(Buleya Malima)
Crop rotation, Use of organic fertilizers, introduce treadle pumps
and Drum Drip irrigation. (Buleya Malima)

Issues of sustainability – water users association

Maintenance account needed

Need to formalize position of plant operatior. (nega nega)

Crop rotation in banana schemes- Furrow

4. Peter Chola

Plant legumes in between banana rolls in Kapulurila

Control human –animal conflict, apart from fencing, plant pigmy

chili plants. (Kapuluria)
Make a cooperative society at Ipafu in order to procure farming
implements and inputs.
Crop diversification away from coffee monoculture which is
vulnerable to international market climate.
Acquisition of water right for schemes that have not done so.
(policy considerations for operational schemes)
Introduce at least one commercial irrigation entity to support small
scale holders as in outgrower schemes.

Lime application should be encouraged

The catchment area of the scheme has no parts with dombos.

Tenyson Sikakwa- chairperson Clixby
Members too poor to raise money from other sources to pay
5. farmers group
electricity bills.

High value crops have been identified.

Extension services highly needed.

F - 27
No. Name of Person Submitting Submission

Training farmers in basics of farming needed.

Sprinkler design not suitable for a start.

Mitigation by group- working to connect the 200000+ litres tank to

pipes taking water to plots so that farmers can drip irrigate or flood
irrigate, i.e pump into tank, when full switch off pump and farmers
use water in the tank. This way pump shall work for 2.5 hours per
day instead of 10 hours per day.
Economic considerations should be encouraged. Farming along
slopes should even be punishable. (policy considerations)
Policy considerations

Could we consider hiring professional management services? Or

could PPP provide and answer?
Apart from Soweto market, find alternative market. E.g., Lodges
Consider engaging qualified scheme manager to be paid by
scheme. (Clixby)
6. G. Phiri
There is no need for water rights for international water course.
(Buleya Malima)
Sub-dividing farms in the process of construction after design had
been finalized. (Nega Nega)

Kapulurila is in Musaya ward and not Sikoogo.

Let there be consultative meetings between Chongwe and

chibombo to allay fears about negative impacts to upstream
stakeholders of kanakantapa Dam.
Changing the system of irrigation is important but to do away with
electricity propel pump is not the wish of the farmers. Since
initially they had diesel propelled pump.
All year round production apart from coffee will allow farmers to
Philip Simbule- DACO Chingola have income. Farmers to be encouraged to contribute towards bills.
Comments On Ipafu
A reservoir exists and furrows exist, all that is required is to
The furrow was not abandoned due to coffee; the furrow irrigation
was also used for coffee before the electric pump was installed.
For the sake of sustainability more involvement of other
stakeholders. (Ipafu)
Need for consultative meetings for Kanakantapa with Chibombo
8. E. Anamela- DACO Chibombo
and Chongwe administrations.

Discussions with the Chief would be fruitful.

The scheme has 75 female headed households and 45 male headed

Mitigations for Chipapa
Continue canal construction to reduce underground seepage.
9. Dominic M. Namanyungu- SAO Kafue
Dredging silting dam periodically.

Collaborating with farmers in raising seedling (trees).

Stanford Munakacheka- From Buleya Warehouse for fertilizer, inputs must be introduced.
Malima. Training to farmers must be conducted.
Comment on Clixby MACO must be involved in negotiating for electricity bills for

F - 28
No. Name of Person Submitting Submission
The water is pumped direct to the reservoir.
No fuel is being used.
On Buleya Malima
Canals must be revisited which were rehabilitated because they
were not done well.
On Nkandbwe
Silt come from all over the hills were people were settled.
Dredging can be possible because water comes from the ground. No
redesign because the irrigation is landlocked scheme with
traditional land around.
Kapululira irrigation Scheme is under Musaya ward not Sikoongo.
Mr. Thomas Zackaria Nyabbepo
Human and animal conflict, the best solution to this is only to
11. Kapululira
fence the scheme like Lusitu Irrigation Scheme. We need help by

means of a loan. This can help our cooperative grow.
483 hh only covers 3 villages out of 14 for the first phase that
covers 620 Ha.(Will benefit) Additional land of 1000-1500 ha will
later be put under irrigation.
Users association founded on 28/09/07 including members from
upstream. (Chibombo)
Capacity building on farmers still going on.
Gibbson Shachibala- Chairman Association not renewed from 2008 to date due to the delay and
12. kanakatapa Water users Association slow pace of the project.
We are worried that the association might be deregistered because
the penalty fee is just too high for the association about (ZMK6
000 000). Our appeal is to lobby from well wishers to come to our
Motivation needed to people on the ground doing the work for
most of the people holding offices, eg allowances, bicycles.
Salinity in irrigation practice has a cumulative tendency, thus
unless managed, may render irrigation redundant.
Banana plantation loss of soil fertility and productivity, improve
fertilizing regime and thining unwanted plants to maximize water
Sinda Mabvuso Christopher- and nutrients usage.
13. Senior Agricultural Specialist Drip efficient in terms of power however on a large scale may not
–irrigation Lusaka Province be possible. Coffee is high value crop.
so far the cheaper mode.
In some instances mono-cropping is inevitable.

Sensitization good but should be backed by laws/enforcement.

Farmers to organize themselves to produce in butches, tailored

towards consistent supplies of the produce.( Nega Nega)
For migrating birds, is the area a bird sanctuary?
Martin N. Sishekanu
14. How far from Siavonga and what could be the best marketable

crops. Was there any suggestion from farmers on kapululira?
Kanakatapa is not only for the youth but for retirees too. A number
of old settlers have sold to new comers.
Need Report and TORs for the study
Policies –NAP,NIP
Mr. H. Sichembe Change Policy Considerations to Strategic considerations.
Show Outputs, Strategic considerations in the master plan.
Indicate Documents consulted.
Attach a Dossier of comments.
Chipapa is in Malundu ward.
Herbert Nkandu- Chipapa Irrigation
Get contracts on crops to be grown. Try seed growing as an
Scheme Vice Chairperson.
16. alternative.
After dredging raise embarkment on the east and leave only 4 in
Charcles N. Simulunda- DACO
Back throw of water dammed will affect families upstream. What
17. Chongwe
benefit for upstream displaced farmers?
Comment on kanakantapa
Involve the local authorities and the District Commissioner’s
Christopher Mulala- DC’s office
18. offices together with traditional leaders for consultative meetings
to avoid the fears of the communities in chibombo District.

F - 29
No. Name of Person Submitting Submission
This year’s budget on chipapa will address some of the issues the
scheme is facing.
John Hikanyemu- DACO kafue Irrigation method may have proven unsuitable for the farmers in
• Clixby
Contributions by farmers are irregular in Clixby
Grass root commitment questionable.
Consult Chief Irrigation Engineer for policy direction, and to make
sure that the study is in line with irrigation policy and strategies
Mwase Phiri –
20. and NIP. (Methodolgy)

Is this flooding from the main canal? To what extent does it affect
the entire 10ha scheme? (on Chipapa)
There is a resident CEO in the area!! What specifically do we mean
by intensify extension?(on Chipapa)
Pollution from human activities on the river? (sewer system
nearby) (on Clixby)
Farmers were trained on how to run the irrigation system,
including irrigated agriculture in Clixby
SIP has Water Rights. International water course hence no need for
water rights. on Buleya Malima
Extension services is demand driven especially in irrigated
agriculture on Buleya Malima
The issues in Kanakantapa are discussed in the full EIA done under
SIP. The RAP was done through transparent and consultative
process involving various stakeholders in both Chongwe and
Chibombo districts.
On Buleya Malima
No such environmental issue as soil erosion.
No fuel leaks. Pumps use electricity.
Pump house in place and need no attention.
Davies Mulenga Sampa -Irrigation
Government to deliberately consider providing inputs to irrigation
Engineer Sinazongwe
scheme starting March.
On Nkandabwe
Dam too deep to be dredged. What can be dredged is the reservoir.
Nkandabwe irrigation Scheme has no title deed- it’s on customary

Mr. Martin Seshakanu, Department of Agriculture, MACO HQ

He wanted to know whether the birds migrating from Manyonyo as to whether the area is a bird
sanctuary or they are moving out because they are looking for food.

F - 30
F.5 Term of Reference for the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

1. Objective
The Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is carried out for investments or projects with a low
negative environmental impact, or for those projects for which the reference environmental objectives
of reducing the negative impacts are easily achievable as demonstrated in the Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) study undertaken in the formulation of the Master Plan/Action Plan. These include
all planned rehabilitation projects or model projects due to be implemented in the plan.
The IEE study will focus on the following 3 points:
-Description of the initial environmental conditions of the investment;
-Qualification and quantification of impacts depending on the nature of the rehabilitation work planned;
-Proposal for compensatory measures / mitigation measures and detailed estimate of the cost of the
measures taken before, during and after the start of the work.

2. Study Area
The IEE study is required to be carried out in the following four (4) models projects.
-Chipapa Model Scheme (Kafue district)
-Bwafano Model Scheme (Kalulushi district)
-Natuseko Model Scheme (Kabwe district)
-Mulabalaba Model Scheme (Kazungura district)

3. Tasks of the Consultant

3.1 Description of initial environmental conditions
The Consultant will analyze and study the following environmental components in each project site as
follows. The purpose of this study is to establish as accurately as possible a baseline of the area to be
subject to rehabilitation.
It should make it possible to assess quickly and summarize the following points in that area:
- Climatic characteristics of the area and rainfall;
- Topography, geology and soils of the area and surroundings
- Susceptibility to erosion and location of erodible areas / eroded;
- Physical characteristics of streams in the area and surroundings;
- The flow of these streams during the dry and wet seasons;
- Physical characteristics of groundwater;
- Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water quality;
- Current agricultural conditions (farm practice, yield, etc.).
- Type of and procedure for applying fertilizers and pesticides for major crops and quantities applied in
the area and surroundings;
- Current and future residual toxicity of pesticides and fertilizers in the soil and air;
- Current and future agricultural practice and future condition of application of inputs
- Current land use, legal status of land, especially in the forest area
- Quality, scarcity and vulnerability of natural vegetation and plantations;

F - 31
- Present condition of human health and type of water borne diseases
- Estimate or prediction of the number of patients after completion of the project
- Current control method proposed for these diseases
- Proximity and availability of health centers
- Knowledge of these diseases by the public
- Distribution and density of population (cities, districts ...);
- Water rights and fishing rights for the water source;
- Land tenure system
- Local traditions and norms;
- Current social problems and possible solutions
- Localization and quantification of sites of cultural and social uses (cemeteries, historical sites,
aesthetic sites, landscapes, etc.).
- Summary description of economic activity in the area of influence of the proposed investment.
3.2 Qualification and Quantification of Direct and Indirect Impacts in the Short, Medium and
Long Term
The Consultant will refine the qualitative assessment of impacts made during the SEA and quantify the
most significant impacts.
The impacts will be quantified according to the particular cross-cutting themes:
- Positive or negative,
- Direct or indirect impact,
- Reversible or irreversible impact
- Impact on the short, medium or long term
- International, national, regional or local impact
- Possible, probable or certain impact.
The causes of the impacts will be clearly identified.
The Consultant will also assess the impact of the situation "without project" and to better compare the
project situation.
3.3 Proposal for Compensatory Measures / Mitigation and Cost Assessment
The Consultant will analyze the environmental activities to be undertaken for each works site and make
recommendations on:
- Defining the organizational arrangements for compensatory measures / mitigation;
-The arrangements for monitoring the implementation of compensatory measures / mitigation measures;
-The optimum schedule of implementation of measures;
-The responsible entity for each measure;
-Detailed assessment of costs of each measure;
-A timetable for monitoring and supervision of the work
3.4 Schedule of the IEE Study
The survey is carried out by the local consultant, one environmentalist, entrusted with the study. The
term of the survey is 15 days per model project, which include the completion of a final report. The
review of the report by ECZ will take approximately 35-40 days, which represents the new time frame
necessary for review of one EPB.

F - 32
4. Report Contents
The report is structured as follows:
-Executive summary,
-Brief description of the receiving environment and the basic conditions of the environment,
-Description of the work to be undertaken,
-Analysis of project impacts (identification with the methodology and tools for identification,
-Evaluation of impact importance
-Social and environmental management plan (SEMP), including:
-Accompanying measures and strengthening the institutional framework;
-Mitigation of negative impacts and enhancing positive impacts;
-Responsibilities for implementation and monitoring;
-Monitoring and supervision plan;
-Monitoring indicators;
-Cost of implementation of SEMP
-Appendices with references, those consulted consultation reports (civil society, agencies ...),
bibliography, authors of the study, specific data.

The draft report will be provided before the completion of detailed engineering studies for the
investment considered and the finalization of the Tender Documents for the work.

F - 33
F.6 Cost and Schedule of Environmental Study
a) Cost Estimates of the Environmental Project Brief for the Rehabilitation of an Irrigation Scheme.
Unit Price Total Cost
No. FEE Description Quantity
1.0 Professional Consulting Fees

15 200 3000
1.1 Fees for Professional Staff

Sub-Total 3,000

2.0 Direst Expenses

3 nights/ days X 1
2.1 Food and Accommodation Food and lodging fees for the Consultant 50 150
This includes:
- Fuel for 1 Vehicle (Approx.1, 200km to be covered, whole exercise.
2.2 Transport Cost (Fuel ) 2 X 90litres 1.5 268
Diesel ZMK 6,999/ Litre, taking 1Litre diesel=7km for an average
Land Cruiser on High Way.) + other lubricants
F - 34

This includes:
2.3 Car rental Cost - 2 days travel back and forth from Lusaka and 3 days field survey 5 100 500
This includes:-
- Printing of 6 Copies of the Final Report. Lump-sum 300
2.4 Stationery - Binding of Reports
Sub-Total 1,218

3.0 Grand Total (ZMK) 4,218

Mode of Payments
1st Payment – 50% upon commencement;
2nd Payment – 30% upon submission of the Final Draft EPB Report to Environmental Council of Zambia for review;
3rd Payment – 20% Presentation of an approval letter from the Environmental Council of Zambia to the Client;
Note: Direct expenses are payable 100% upon commencement.50% is payable on professional fees.
b) Schedule
Time Frame

Day 10

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 40
Day 11
No Activity Description

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day ?

Day ?

Day ?

Day ?
1.0 Travel day Driving to the district and back to Lusaka.

Pay a courtesy call on the district

commissioner in the district where the
project is located.
Public Consultation with the district department
2.0 Consultations of Agriculture and Planning Unit of the
District and or Municipal Council.

Site visit
F - 35

Preparation of draft EPB Report

Preparation of the
3.0 EPB Report and
Addressing of the comments and
Submission to ECZ
submission of final draft to ECZ and
client pay up review fee.
ECZ Field Visits to site, Presentation of
Finalization of the
4.0 the Decision Letter/most likely Approval
letter from ECZ.

Acronyms Used:
1. ECZ = Environmental Council of Zambia;
2. EPB = Environmental Project Brief
1. The Review Fee to be paid to government through ECZ is approximately, ZMK 7,799,940 Million, approximately, USD equivalent USD 1,696.
2. The ECZ statutory period for approval of such projects turns now around maximum 40 days.
F.7 SAB (Striking a Balance) Project in Zambia and Malawi

1. Taking Reference on SAB Project

The SAB (Striking a Balance) project is a demonstration of the Wetlands and Poverty Reduction Project
of Wetlands International and it is carried out with financial support from Wetlands International under
its Wetlands and Poverty Reduction Project financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS).
It is a 30-month project to explore how to manage seasonal wetlands (dambos) in Zambia and Malawi
in a sustainable way.
In Malawi the local partner NGO, Malawi Enterprise Association (MALEZA), is responsible for field
implementation of the project activities in the Simlemba Traditional Authority area in Kasunga District.
There the SAB project adds to the overall on-going wetland activities of MALEZA’s Silemba
Sustainable Rural Livelihood Project (SSRLP), which began in mid-2005, and is run by MALEZA.
In Zambia, the North Luangwa Wildlife Conservation and Community Development Programme
(NLWCCDP) has been responsible for the implementation of SAB project activities in Mpika District,
Northern Province. Dambo management and extension have formed part of NLWCCDPs field activities
in its CHIMU project since 2002.
The SAB project has been undertaken at three sites in Mpika District (Zambia) and three in Simlemba
District in Malawi (location map below).

Source: SAB Project (Wetland Action, 2008)

Figure Location of Mpika (Zambia) and Simlemba (Malawi)

The project aims to support sustainable wetland management through a functional landscape approach,
including the development of functional institutions to ensure sustainable use.

2. SAB Functional Landscape Approach

This approach identifies the link between wetlands and catchments in terms of water storage and water
utilisation, and has led to the use of the functional landscape concept which recognises how facets or
different parts of the landscape or terrain are linked.

F - 36
The functional landscape approach recognises the socio-economic and environmental interconnections
between catchment and wetland use. For example, deforestation and the subsequent increase in
catchment runoff from the uplands can have a serious impact on wetlands in terms of gully formation,
erosion and water availability. Catchment rehabilitation, through afforestation initiatives, the
designation of natural vegetation buffer zones, and other soil and water conservation measures, are key
components of an integrated system of wetland management (Please refer to the functional landscape
concept illustration below).

Source: SAB Project (Wetland Action, 2008)

Figure The Functional Landscape Concept

Developing the Local Institutions and Community Bylaws

The first stage in MALEZA’s intervention has involved facilitating an election off community
representatives to a village natural resources management committee (VNRMC). Following this,
MALEZA has encouraged the development of wetland utilisation bylaws by the VNRMC. The bylaws
were also developed with the co-operation of the village headman and approved by the local traditional
authority. These bylaws were subsequently approved by the district Development Office, and the
District Forestry Office.
These bylaws differ slightly between sites, but generally include:
- Designating a five metre buffer zone from the center of the wetland (stream channel), in which no
cultivation is allowed.
- Ensuring livestock are always supervised in the wetland.
- Designating specific areas within the wetland for livestock grazing.
- Prohibiting the removal of indigenous trees from the wetland
- Allowing only people from the villages concerned access to the wetland

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- Planting of Eucalyptus trees in the wetland is prohibited.
- Limiting the area of sugar cane when water is short for much of the year.
In Mpika, ten bylaws relating to dambo utilisation were identified as having been developed by
representatives of the VNRMC, with the help of the NLWCCDP. These bylaws have been approved at
the village and then by the area chief. Within each VNRMC there is a sub-group (which usually
includes the village headman) who is responsible for enforcing the bylaws.

The bylaws include:

- Land in the uplands should not be drained within 50m of the edge of the dambo.
- Drainage and cultivation is prohibited within the dambo in the first 10m from the centre stream,
or if the dambo has a steep slope, 20 m from the centre of the stream. The rationale for this is the
maintenance of natural vegetation, to control erosion.
- No one should drain, plough or cut trees around water sources.
- Avoiding deforestation in the catchments within 50m of the dambo edge.
- Use of forest resources in the catchment is only permissible on one day per month
- Rehabilitation of forest areas if degraded (avoid use or burning).
- No late burning in the dambos or its upland fringes, burn only in June to reduce damage to the
- No one should wash upstream of water collection points or near wells or sources.
- People should use the correct types of traps or nets when catching fish.
- Goats should be put in an enclosure until 14:00hrs so that they do not wander too far and destroy
dambo crops.

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F.8 Wetlands / Dambos, Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Use in Zambia

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Under the Ramsar Convention on wetlands of international importance, a wetland is an area of marsh,
fen, peat land or water, whether artificial or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh or
barkiest of a depth of not exceeding six meters, (ECZ, 1999).

1.2 Distribution of Wetlands

Zambia has extensive and diverse wetlands of considerable local and international importance.
Wetlands habitats cover approximately 14% of the country’s surface area and include small areas of
Montana bog and wet forests, as well as extensive tracts of dambo (headwater grasslands), phragmites
and papyrus swamp, and flood plain types. Dambos are most extensive covering 10% while swamps,
marshes, and flood plains cover approximately 4% (ECZ, 1999). Zambia is considered the wettest
country in the sub-region (Southern Africa) in terms of fresh water.

Extent of Major Wetlands in Zambia

Wetland System Type Location (Province) Coverage (km2)
Bangweulu marsh and
lake Northern 11,000
System swamp
Zambezi flood
riverine flood plain Western 9,000
Central, Southern and
Kafue flats riverine flood plain 6,500
swamp and
Mweru lake Luapula 4,500
Chambeshi plains riverine flood plain Northern 3,500
Lukanga swamp and
riverine Central 2,500
swamps marsh
riverine flood plain North-Western 2,000
swamp and
Mweru Wa Ntipa riverine Northern 1,300
Dambos palustrine Plain Countrywide 75,260
Tanganyika lake Northern Littoral
Kariba lake Southern Littoral
Itezhi-tezhi lake Southern littoral

2. Methodology Used
2.1 Methodology
The methodology used involved:-
a) Literature Review:
This involved desk study and review of the available literature on wetlands and dambos in Zambia.
Further, information on wetlands and dambos on the internet was also consulted.

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3. Use and Availability of Resources in Dambos in Zambia
3.1 Agriculture
Agricultural practice in dambos is growing as it has numerous advantages over rain fed the system.
This is because water resources are available and reliable and therefore crop failure due to drought is
minimal. Dambo agriculture can be irrigated or not depending on the location (in terms of ecological
zone the area falls in). Although generally the country has a relatively moderate climate that is
determined by the humid Congo Air Mass and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) that
brings rain from October to April. It is characterized by the following seasons, winter – cool and dry
season, summer – wet and hot season. Pre-rainy season and post rain season. Winter – June to August,
summer – November to March, pre-rainy season – September to October and post rainy – April and

The rains usually begin in September and reach their intensity between December and March. The
following map helps understand the rainfall pattern in different areas.



This map is based on the 40 year period, October 1970 to September 2010

Figure Isohyetal Map for Zambia

From the map, it may be true that the wettest dambos could be concentrated Northern, Luapula,
Copperbelt and North Western part of Zambia.
Crops grown include, palm, vegetables, bananas, fruit trees, rice and sugar cane. These crops are either
grown on small, medium and to a lesser extent, large and commercial scale. For instance;
• Rice is grown by a number of small scale growers on Dambos that are located in Northern,
Western and parts of Eastern Zambia,
• Sugar Cane is mainly grown on large scale in Southern Zambia and of late, Northern / Luapula
Zambia along dambos on or off, Kafue and Kalungwishi rivers;

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• Palm oil and jatropher is currently being grown by ZAMPALM, a Subsidiary of Zambeef PLC
on the dambos located on the peripherals of the Bangweulu plains in Senior Chief Kopa’s area,
Mpika district;
• Vegetable (especially tomato, rape, onions etc) are commonplace and grown in dambos
especially those near main towns.

3.2 Wildlife and Fisheries

Among the principal resources of Dambos and or wetlands in Zambia include, Wildlife and fisheries
resources. Among the wild animals of commercial significancy are species like the black Lechwe,
Sitatunga and tsessebe for bangweulu, the kafue lechwe and Zebra are important in the kafue flats.
There is further potential for exploiting large game (buffalo and elephants), particularly in the
Bangweulu Basin although their abundance and occurrence are currently limited. Fish is another
important resource found in dambos and communities around depend on it for their livelihood.

3.3 Traditional Economic Uses

Most dambos are used for a number of traditional economic activities. These include,cattle gusbandry
and rearing mainly by the people of Southern Zambia. Cattle rearing is very key to the Southern
Province economy, as crop cultivation; transport is dependent on animal draft. Dambos continue to
provide the much needed grass for animal survival.

3.4 Traditional /Cultural Resources

Dambos and wetlands such as the Barotse Plains in Western Zambia are an important cultural resource.
The plains are used for the famous Kuomboka ceremony. The Kuomboka traditional ceremony is the
relocation of the Litunga (Lozi paramount chief) from his winter Palace in Lealui to the summer
headquarters in Limulunga.

4. Environmental Sustainability Issues of Dambos and Mitigations

Full exploitation of dambos and wetlands for economic use may result in the following impacts which
may affect the bio-physical and socio-economic environment. See the Table F1 and F2 for summary.

4.1 Bio-Physical Impacts

4.1.1 Poor Soil and Garden Preparation
Traditional land preparation practices are still common place which practices militate against
sustainable use and derivation of profits from dambo gardening and use. This involves uprooting the
grass in pieces, or turfs, with quite thick “slices” taken, with a reasonable amount of soil and the grass
root system. However, burning of this proves light and incomplete as the turfs are not fully dried and
still moist when burning begins. This leads to low amounts of ash (potash) from the burning and hence
poor yields. However, areas which receive a good burn due to the thorough drying of the grass have
high concentrations of potash and can give good yields.

4.1.2 Recommended Sustainable Use / Measure

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For sustainable use, increased profits, low fertilizer use and cost effective productivity, a new method of
soil preparation should be adopted by small scale farmers using dambos which involves cutting thin
turfs, drying them first on the ground (grass side down) and then in open and well ventilated ridges,
burning these ridges and re-ridging after burning. Overall this improves nutrient availability and
moisture retention.

Source: SAB Project (Wetland Action, 2008)

Figure Stripping turfs from a dambo to prepare a garden

This method means that communities progress from poverty and hunger by continuously replenishing
their food stocks and selling surpluses, especially in the wet season when prices are high. So far this
method is being practiced in Kabundi, Mushishe, Kaluba, Mwansabamba and Chikakala villages of
Chiefs Mukungule, Chikwanda and Mpepo in Zambia.

4.1.3 Soil Fertility, Pollution and Erosion

The Effect of Dambo Use on Fertility Sustenance
In mosts cases, depletion of soil nutrients is a potential threat for the sustainable use of Dambos, as
most Dambos are rich in organic matter and being depressions surrounded by high ground, act as
nutrient depositional areas. This makes them very fertile lands for general crop cultivation.
Observations indicate that farmers usually maintain soil fertility of their Dambos through regular
application of manure, organic debris and fertilizer. This practice has proven sustainable and no
acidification problems have been reported so far in all literature reviewed during this study. However,
micronutrient deficiencies have been reported.
Some farmers burn vegetation in Dambos during cultivation (especially on virgin land) as shown below.

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Source: SAB Project (Wetland Action, 2008)
Figure Mounding the dried turfs into ridges for burning in a dambo

Source: SAB Project (Wetland Action, 2008)

Figure Setting a ridge of turfs alight in a dambo

This is mainly done by small scale farmers because burning provides a number of benefits to small
scale dambo users as follows:
_ controls weeds as it destroys their seeds and roots,
_ sterilizes the soil killing fungus spores, bacteria and nematodes,
_ loosens the soil to improve aeration and ease root penetration, and
_ creates potash (from burnt grass and roots) which reduces the acidity levels in the sour soils and so
releases nutrients and makes them readily available to the plants.
However, on sour or acid Dambos which are deficient in basic nutrient elements, burning would further
lead to loss of nitrogen taken up and stored in plant biomass such that if nutrients are not replaced, the
Dambo would lose its fertility and become unproductive in the long-run.

4.1.4 Soil Pollution

Pollution of soils in dambos may be caused by application of certain fertilizers and other chemicals.
These chemicals may include some insecticides and fungicides.

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4.1.5 Soil Erosion
Erosion was evident in most cultivated Dambos (or parts of Dambos) that are also used for used for
grazing livestock, although to the contrary, most extensively cultivated Dambos in Zambia have
shown lower incidence of gullying. Raussen et al (1996)* confirm these findings by the evidence of
acid Dambos remaining undisturbed as they are neither used for grazing nor gardening. Further, the
main cause for gullying in Dambos appears to be deforestation of the catchment areas (refer to,
NTC/JICA 2010 SEA findings on Chipapa Scheme)
Cultivation of ridges along contours of dambos can result in gully erosion if farmers are not cautioned.
*Rawssen, T., Daka, A.E. and Bangue, L. (1996) Agroecology and Use of Dambos on the Eastern Zambian Plateau. Report of
a Field Study. Journal of Applied Irrigation Science, 31, pp.183-206.

4.1.6 Recommended Sustainable Use / Measure

• Dambos are not independent systems but are rather interconnected to the surrounding
watershed and the hydrologic cycle. Communities must be made to understand this. Their
sustainable utilization would thus largely depend on proper catchment management and water

• Conservation efforts for Dambos should therefore concentrate on the management of the whole
catchment rather than focusing on Dambos alone. The hydrology and erosion processes of
Dambos can only be understood and substantially influenced if the whole Dambo catchment
system is considered as a unit. Conservation of the catchment is however a difficult task, since
it requires a joint effort by all those farming in the watershed. Lack of social cohesion poses a
serious obstacle to success. Furthermore, not all farmers cultivating within the catchment might
have access to the Dambo and therefore will be less interested to participate in catchment
conservation unless they derive other benefits from the catchment management, e.g. sustainable
fuelwood supply. Projects for watershed management require full involvement of the
communities concerned and have to share with them responsibilities from problem
identification through planning and implementation of conservation effort.

• Erosion of the levees along rivers because of their mismanagement may have serious negative
impacts on Dambo hydrology.

• To enhance this attribute, the Dambo watersheds and margins should be well vegetated and
protected from erosion.

• Soils should be sampled at the beginning for baseline details and thereafter, timely monitored to
compare any possible changes in quality, color and chemical composition across planting

• Discourage cultivation and making of ridges along the slopes or contours of dambos through
education and sensitization.

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4.2 Impact on Surface and Ground Water
4.2.1 Pollution due to Chemical Handling and Application
Pesticides and other vector control chemicals being used by small scale farmers can result in
unsustainable use of dambos if not properly used. These can pollute water in streams and endanger
human lives.

4.2.2 Pollution due to Pesticide Use in Dambos

Although there is no available literature on dambo pollution due to pesticide use in Zambia, most
Dambo users traditionally use botanical pesticides such as pesticides and fungicides to spray on
vegetables to control pests such as aphids, red ants and red-spidermite.
Increasing use of such methods is currently noticeable due to an increase in crop diseases Contamination
of wells and streams occurs mainly as a result of incorrect handling of application equipment
(sprayers) and pesticide residues and spray drift. Some pesticides may find their way to water
sources through surface run-off to streams or wells in dambos.
Accidents with pesticide use in dambo gardens are therefore possible occurrences.

4.2.3 Cultivating near the Streams

Cultivating along the streams causes pollution of the streams as most chemical fertilisers are washed
into the streams during excessive irrigation. This also leads to siltation of the streams, drying up of the
same streams and consequently flooding of dambos. This may further result in loss of the much needed
nutrients by small scale dambo users.

4.2.4 Recommended Sustainable Use

• It is recommended that small scale farmers are made aware through sensitisation programmes,
on the best and recommended way of handling and applying chemicals,
• Timely Monitoring of the quality of water in downstream to assess conformity to ECZ
• Strengthen extension service provision to local small scale farmers using dambos,
• Increase awareness on the dangers of cultivating near the stream. Recommend cultivating 20
metres away from water courses such as streams to avoid burying them, causing flooding of
streams, dambos and loss of plant nutrients from the dambos,
• Prevention of cultivation in the upper parts of dambos from where water originates; and
• To apply the above understanding, communities should be encouraged to develop Village
Natural Resource Management Committees. These should be tasked to raise awareness of the
environmental issues related to dambo cultivation and develop and enforcing by-laws which
will help sustain this important contributor (dambo) to household well-being. Specific bylaws
should be developed and are being enforced and approved by the village headmen and local

4.2.5 Industrial Effluent

Most wetlands, especially those in or near mining towns, according to literature have a problem of

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metal retention and consequently, pollution of underground and surface water as it is clear that wetlands
are an very important and integral part of most river systems. Growing crops in such polluted soils may
result in metal accumulation in vegetables and fruits.

The other possible cause of pollution is the uncontrolled, unguided use of chemicals for different pest
and fungal control as well as fertilizers which may lead to weed growth in the nearby river.
Uncontrolled discharge of effluent from mining and other industrial houses may lead to the following:
(i) degradation, thus endangering their important role in sustaining both local communities and
ecosystems; and
(ii) The wetlands used may become storage of pollutants that may subsequently represent
an environmental liability even after active discharges through the wetlands have ceased.

4.2.6 Recommended Sustainable Use / Measure

The following measures are proposed to mitigate the impact:
• Control effluent discharge at source;
• Timely monitoring of water in affected stream, and
• Consider change of site if highly contaminated.

4.2.7 Irrigation Technology and its Influence on the Water

Without significant support from agricultural institutions, small-scale farmers have developed irrigated
cropping in Dambos for several centuries. They grow different crops (different vegetables, maize, rice
etc which is grown in the center of the Dambos especially in Western province of Zambia).
Traditionally in Zambia, small-scale farmers have utilized Dambos to grow both food and cash crops.
Dambo gardens in Zambia are called sishango among the Lozi people of Western province, dimba
among the Cewa and Fisebe among the Bisa and Lala.

Like most parts of the country, there is an excellent vegetable production by small-scale farmers in
Dambos on the banks of the Zambezi River in the Senanga district in western Zambia. The gardens in
which crops are grown are usually small (0.25 - 1.0 ha e.g., in Masaiti district, Copperbelt province
according to a study on gardens, done by Lewis Tumbama in Chief Chiwala area ,2010) and they have
had to cope with constraints such as flooding and drying of Dambos. In order to cope with flooding, in
most parts, traditional technology has involved making of ridges, mounds or banks in between trenches
or furrows in order to create drainage in the root zone. These structures vary widely in size depending
on the prevailing groundwater levels, soils and crops grown. According to a number of experts’
observation of the dambo water regimes, farmers make beds at ground level in relatively dry ambos and
raise beds to more than a meter height where waterlogged conditions prevail.

Farmers' choice of suitable crops is usually related to the more general hydrological condition in the
respective Dambo zone, whereas the height of beds is used to adapt to small-scale water variations in
the Dambo. By doing so farmers respond remarkably well and efficiently to the variations in water
levels that exist within a Dambo.

F - 46
Above picture taken during the 2010 field assessment by Lewis Tumbamba for the gardens along
Mwatishi stream in Chief Chiwala, Masaiti district (T. Lewis is a lead consultant of the topic study).

Along the Mwatishi stream, the dambos are quite wet and the height of beds shown above is a reflection
currently being used to adapt.

Most of the irrigation systems developed by small-scale farmers are based on a combination of residual
moisture, capillary rise and rope-and-bucket irrigation with water lifted from shallow wells. These
methods allow for small to medium size gardens depending on the natural conditions, availability of
dambo land and labor force.

In the southern parts of Zambia where relatively low annual rainfall totals are common, farmers may
actively irrigate crops in the rainy season, if dry spells occur.

If residual moisture in the topsoil is sufficient, a single irrigation with watering cans may be sufficient
for the seedlings to establish. Thereafter their roots will grow downwards to remain in the zone of
capillary rise an d no further irrigation may be required.
Similarly, directly sown crops, e.g. beans, may not require irrigation if planted early in the
dry season. If groundwater and capillary rise are not within the root zone of crops, especially for those
planted later in the season, they require regular watering.

In eastern Zambia about 7 mm of water was applied in a 2-day-cycle during the cooler months June-
July and double that mount during the hotter part of the dry season from August to October
(Raussen et al, 1996). During this part of the year irrigation is the most labor intensive activity in the
gardens and actually limits the extent of the area under crops unless use of labour saving technologies,
such as the treadle pump for water lifting and clay pots for subsurface drip irrigation, are employed.

Although most authors conclude that an extension of dambo cultivation will not have significant effects
on the moisture regime of the dambo if the cultivated area is less than 10% of the dambo area or 30% of

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the total catchment area, whichever is smaller, farmers who usually do not see the water tables in their
gardens affected by their neighbors' irrigation activities confirm this rather conservative estimation. In
Zambia it is observed, according to some authors that often much more than 10% of the dambo area is
irrigated without farmers realizing any effects on the groundwater table.

A further increase of the area under irrigation in dambos may be possible without threatening its water
regime through irrigation methods (such as clay pot and drip irrigation and application of mulch) that
reduce evapotranspiration.

However, the introduction of mechanized pumps (whether manual, draught or engine powered) may
pose a serious risk for the dambo water regime if irrigation water quantities are not limited to safe levels
and small scale farmers are now very interested in such labor saving equipment.

Irrigation of areas outside the dambo with water from the dambo may pose a serious threat of
groundwater depletion and should only be considered after hydrological studies have proven the
sustainability of such methods for a particular area. There are fears that over-drainage of dambo soils
may cause irreversible drying, leading to acidification and loss of organic matter and associated

4.2.8 Recommended Sustainable Use / Measure

The treadle pump development as a technology for irrigation in dambos is one such equipment which
can be used harmoniously in dambo systems as its discharge is modest (1.5 l/s) and most of the water
applied on the dambo soil either percolates back to the shallow water table or is taken up by the crop.
Treadle pumps are cheaper and affordable to a small scale dambo user and available in Zambia. They
are currently being supplied by the International Development Enterprise (IDE), a international NGO
supporting small scale farmers involved in irrigation. It is an appropriate technology.

4.3 Socio-Economic Impacts (mainly benefits concern)

Most River basins contains extensive wetlands (or “dambos”) and are used by the local communities,
with some of the main benefits accrued from doing so being: (i) a source for drinking water and water
for cattle; (ii) fishing, hunting and trapping grounds, thus forming an important source of protein; (iii)
dry season grazing for cattle; (iv) reed and other material used for house building; and (v) vegetable
gardening and other agriculture activities.
The wetlands themselves represents rich and diverse (although as yet relatively poorly studied)
ecosystems, that have an important role in maintaining the ecological and hydrological balance in the
river system. The wetlands represent secluded areas, important in the reproduction of both terrestrial
and aquatic species. Further, the areas’ low relief, coupled with the wetlands role in trapping sediment
and preventing erosion are the causes of the exceptionally clear, low turbidity water, that is carried by,
e.g., the Kafue river in its natural state.

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4.4 Archaeology and Heritage Protection
Some wetlands and dambos in Zambia are used for different cultural and traditional practices and
therefore exploiting them for economic activities would disturb the cultural setting.
Cases in point include, the famous Barotse Plains which are used for the Kuomboka Ceremony.

5. Conclusion
The cultivation of dambos in Zambia is going to increase as Farmers, like many other Zambians realise
the benefits which can be obtained and learn how their livelihoods can be enhanced. The challenge now
is to manage this through training and capacity building to improve the skills of farmers to undertake
these practices in ways which have minimal environmental impact. This requires the building up of
community institutions as local guardians of that knowledge and also as organizations which can
manage the use of land within the dambos and in their surrounding upland catchments. The future
prospects are encouraging for poverty reduction through sustainable dambo cultivation and sound land
management to create a functional and productive landscape.

This work (Wetlands / Dambos, Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Use in Zambia) was made
possible by the contribution of Lewis Tumbama, a lead consultant of Greenfield Consult, to the JICA
Study Team as a surveyor (December, 2010).

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Table F1 : Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures for each Scheme

Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures

Chipapa (Kafue District / Lusaka Province)
• Flooding: Main canal is not properly designed • Redesign & even the canals
(uneven) as a result water doesn’t reach other
plots and overflows in some places causing
• Silting: Which has reduced the capacity of the • Dredge silting dam
dam hence drying up in the hot dry season;
• Deforestation: at the source of water hence little
water to the dam • Avoid cutting down of trees
Socio-economic • Plant trees where they ve been cut
• Transport problems;
• No fence to the scheme, domestic animals • Get a loan, buy a utility vehicle.
damaging crops; • Fence the scheme.
• Prevalence of crop diseases; • Promote crop diversification
• Middle men causing problems at main markets.
• Intensify extension services
Clixby (Kafue District / Lusaka Province)
• Soil acidity • Lime application;
• High levels of coaliforms in water

• High cost of electricity. • Introduce farming in dambos
• Lack of qualified personnel to run and maintain • Every farmer to contribute;
the system. • Introduce high value crops alongside traditional
• High cost of inputs - fertilizers, chemicals. ones
• Inadequate extension services. • Train up people to maintain pumps
• Lack of experience in farming by most farmers. • Improve extension services
Most of them are retirees from other professions. • Train farmers in basics of farming
Buleya Malima (Sinazongwe District / Southern Province)
• Soil erosion caused by pressurised water from the • Level affected parts
pump and pipes;
• Loss of soil nutrients caused by continuous • Control watering, crop rotate;
• High salinity levels brought about by the • Service the pump regularly
irrigation system used • Reconstruct pump house with impervious floors,
• Fuel from the pump station pollutes the bund wall it
surrounding environment.
• High electricity bills; • Every farmer to contribute to settlement of bills;
• High running costs - repairs to machinery, pipes • Introduce high value crops along side traditional
and pumps; vegetables;
• Pests and diseases unknown to the farmers • trainings in prevention and management of
affecting crops diseases ;
• Intensify extension services
Nkandabwe (Sinazongwe District / Southern Province)
• Soil erosion; • Discourage farming along the Old Pit;
• Siltation of old pit (reservoir) due to farming • Dredge if possible & when water level is very
activities around; low
• Flooding for those farms in the lower land • Redesign irrigation system, reconstruct it in
affected parts
• Ability to meet basic needs;
• Improved incomes;
• Increased agriculture skills; • To be enhanced
• Increased access to farming inputs
Nega-Nega (Mazabuka District / Southern Province)
• Birds migrating from site due to construction • Avoid clear felling of trees;

F - 50
Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures
• Tree cutting to pave way for infrastructure; • Reduce noise to acceptable levels
• Noise from construction
machinery; Socio-economic
• One church was brought down to pave way for
the construction of irrigation canal;
• The road network was disturbed during the
construction of the canals; • Reconstruct the church
• One farmer had his farm cut into by the canal.
• Improve affected roads after ;
• Reach understanding, compensate affected farmer
Kapululira (Siavonga District / Southern Province)
• Oil leakages due to the old age of irrigation • Timely Service of pump
• Water loss/Leaking pipes cause soil erosion and • Fix, Cement mend leaking canals & pipes;
washing away of nutrients;
• Lack of crop rotation /Mon-cropping leading to • Rotate crops;
loss of soil fertility and low productivity;
• Seepages in the canals and furrows. • Cement canals and furrows.
• Low production due to lack of inputs • Through loans, GRZ to provide inputs, suckers;
(seedlings/suckers, fertilizers and chemicals); • Improve access to Microfinance firms;
• Long distance to market;
• Human-Animal conflict; • In consultation with ZAWA, fence off the scheme
• Wild animals damaging crops and infrastructure;
• Lack of fencing for the scheme.
Ipafu (Chingola District / Copperbelt Province)
• Drippers eaten by rats; • Change system to one that will allow intercropping;
• Size of the drippers makes it difficult to intercrop
as system was meant for coffee only;
• High electricity costs; • Do away electricity propelled pumps/introduce
• High transport cost to the market; high value crops;
• Poor state of the roads; • Improve roads;
• No access to loans; • Through MACO, improve members’ access to
• No farming equipment e.g. tractors fertilizer & financial loans ;
• Through MACO, operationalise scheme, procure
tractor on loan.
Kanakantapa (Chongwe District / Lusaka Province)
Key issues/impacts/Concerns arising from the
consultative meetings
Negative impacts
• 94 hh to be resettled; • Resettle all affected hh in light of local and
• No indication of alternative land for the 94 international guidelines
families; • Involve all key stakeholders from Chibombo &
• Impact on cultural and traditional resources; Chongwe Districts
• Some key stakeholders felt they needed more • Disclose to affected hh, contents of RAP
involvement in the project • Liaise with DHMTs on Malaria prevention/build
• Lack of transparency in the handling of the RAP; enough clinics
• Lack of transparency on how to mitigate affected
cultural and traditional resources.
• Restriction of movements of people within the
scheme when project is operational;
• Increased incidence of diseases like malaria;
• Drowning

Positive impacts
• Increased incomes from irrigated crops;
• Improved infrastructure e.g.roads, power;
• Increased employment opportunities;
• Enhance all positive impacts

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Table F2 : Impacts and Mitigation Measures for each Resource Body

Impacts Mitigation Measures

Impacts on Land and Soil
Site Preparation

Exposed soil from clearing is prone to erosion by water or ⇒ No clearing of steep, unstable slopes or highly erosive
wind soils;
⇒ Require control of storm water runoff and prompt re-
vegetation on disturbed areas
Construction Phase

Soil contamination due to improper storage of fuels and ⇒ Storage of potential pollutants such as fuels, and oils
poor waste effluent disposable methods shall be done on and in storage rooms with concrete and
impervious surfaces with bund walls around to prevent
soil contamination;
⇒ Where possible, installation of oil traps to collect and
recycle used oil and lubricants around storage areas

⇒ Areas requiring less clearing (grasslands) should be

Stripping soil during construction could lead to erosion and preferred for construction of irrigation infrastructure.
degradation of soil quality Clearing of trees shall be limited to the site selected for
construction of such infrastructure.

⇒ Manual site preparation preferable, depending of size of

Soil compaction could result following site preparation and
⇒ Heavy trucks and machine equipment shall have
construction activities.
permanent access roads;
⇒ Clearing and excavation of the site will be strictly
limited to the actual area of development and access to
the site in order to minimize undue destruction of the
surrounding areas of the site;
⇒ Whatever soils will be displaced during the digging of
foundations, trenches, canals soils will be re used on site
by burying holes, trenches, foundations etc
Impacts on Flora/Vegetation
Site Preparation and Construction Phase

Loss of organic matter and nutrients by removal of ⇒ Site clearing will be confined to project site.
vegetation ⇒ Tree re-planting

⇒ Limiting the area of construction activity to site

Disturbance of flora
Impacts on Water Quality
Construction Phase

Siltation of water courses due to soil erosion ⇒ Sides of rivers / stream /dams should have riparian
reserves which will serve as natural filters for any
surface runoff from the cultivated areas
⇒ Avoid disturbance of streams, water bodies, floodplains
and wetlands

⇒ Proper sitting of pit latrines at least 60m - 100m away

Groundwater contamination due to construction of from water bodies/logged areas;
sub-standard pit latrines ⇒ Good hygienic standards and proper maintenance of pit
⇒ Have in place an effective monitoring system on site
during and after construction;
Impacts on Air Quality
All Phases

Air pollution caused from burning of trees, crop remains ⇒ Limitation of use of fire and size of burn where possible;
fumes and dust from moving trucks, and bull dozers as well ⇒ Exercise controlled and or avoid burning , e.g., Burning
as site clearing may affect human, vegetation and also in wet season;

F - 52
Impacts Mitigation Measures
disturb habitats for birds and insects. ⇒ Regular maintenance of field machinery ,construction
vehicles and equipment in order to reduce emission of
exhaust fumes;
Impacts on Landscape and Aesthetics
Design Phase

Visual impact of the structures and infrastructure are not ⇒ Avoid contrasting colours;
compatible with the surrounding environment ⇒ Remove all remains of construction material and where
possible, re-profile area
Impact of Deforestation
Construction and Operational Phases

Cutting down of trees at water sources may cause soil ⇒ Afforestation

erosion which results in siltation of reservoirs ⇒ Educate communities on the dangers of the practice and
the legal implication if found.
Impacts of Loss of Irrigation Water
Operational Phase

Due to damaged irrigation infrastructure in most schemes, ⇒ Replace leaking pipes with new ones;
farmers experience tremendous loss of irrigation water ⇒ Cement damaged canals and furrows;
which turns out to be a cost, and results in low productivity ⇒ Provide technical assistance in land use planning and
due to low pressure on farm plots furthest from the intake. control to local government.
The causes are manifold and include leaking irrigation
pipes, damaged drippers due to rats, damaged canals and
furrows hence increased seepage of water and unevenness
of canals causing water to overflow. The impact is negative.
Impact of Prevalence of Crop Diseases
Operational Phase

Due to either lack of knowledge of understanding of crops ⇒ Hold timely training /workshops on crop diversification,
grown, and or chemicals to prevent /treat the disease, management and chemical use for farmers
prevalence of crop diseases was reported as one of the
major challenges militating against improved crop yields
and production in a number of schemes. The other probable
reason is lack of funds to buy the right chemicals. The
impact was reported to be quite devastating, significant and
negative in Nkandabwe, Clixby and Chipapa irrigation
Impact of Mono-Cropping
Operational Phase

One of the negative impacts identified by the district ⇒ Promote and ensure farmers practice crop diversification
agriculture offices was that of lack of practice of crop
rotation in most schemes, a practice that has affected
productivity. This is commonplace in schemes like Buleya
Malima, Nkandabwe, Chipapa among others that were
identified. The practice is negative as it also affects the
nutrient status of the soils.
Impacts on Socio-Economic Environment Benefits
Operational Phase

In summary positive impacts include the following:- ⇒ All should be enhanced.

Improved food security;

Improved access to social services such as school, health
for families;
Improved agriculture skills; and
Improved standards of living for the community due to
increased flow /circulation of funds.
Impacts of Malaria
Operational Phase

In most areas, e.g., Nega-Nega Scheme, it was brought ⇒ Government should be quickly move in and expand and
forward that the reservoirs may turn into breeding grounds upgrade the existing Health Post to a Clinic
for mosquitoes and exacerbate the public health situation in
the community as currently there is only a Health Post not a

F - 53
Impacts Mitigation Measures
clinic which is already inadequate to cater for the health
needs of local people. The same was reported in Buleya
If not adequately mitigated, the impact could be severe and
Cultural and Historic Sites
Construction and Operational Phases

The problem is significant, severe and negative in ⇒ Liaise closely with traditional leaders on the handling
Kanakantapa as most community burial sites are within the and management of the impact
dam reserve area. ⇒ Liaise closely with the Local Authorities on what the
Town and Country Planning Act dictates on burial sites
Impacts on Human Settlements
Construction and Operational Phases

The problem is significant, severe and negative in ⇒ Resettlement/full compensation according to local and
Kanakantapa where 94 households are within the dam international requirements
reserve area and will have to be resettled.
Impact of Human-Animal Conflicts
Construction and Operational Phases

Most predominant problem at Kapululira Scheme, ⇒ Fence off the scheme with recommended type of fencing
elephants and hippos destroy banana crops, making farmers to prevent access by elephants and Hippos;
run at a loss and also endangering human life. These ⇒ Liaise with Zambia Wild Life Authority when coming
animals have also been responsible for damaging irrigation up with mitigation
infrastructure. It is devastating impact and negative.

F - 54
Table F3: Indicators of Reference Environmental Objectives

1. Reducing air pollution
1.1 Decreased level of air pollution, according to MAC (Maximum Allowable Concentration)
• Nitrogen oxides
• Hydrogen oxides
• Escaping organic compounds
• Persistent organic pollutants
• Dust
2. Reducing water pollution
2.1 Decreased outflow levels:
• Decrease of total level of wastewater flow (m3/year)
• Decrease of amounts of out-flowing pollutants according to BOD (ton/ year)
2.2 Decreased level of water pollution according to MAC
• Oil products
• Heavy Metals
3. Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora
3.1 Increased surface of green areas
• Total surface of green areas, including those being restored and newly established
• Surface of green areas of common use (ha, m2/men)
• Surface of specially protected environmental lands (ha)
• Surface of forest lands (ha)
3.2 Decreased time for accessibility of green areas (min)

4. Reducing negative impact on land and soil

4.1 Decrease level of pollution with heavy metals according to ACI (Aggregate Concentration
4.2 Decrease level of pollution with radio nuclides, according to MAL (Maximum Allowable
4.3 Decreased area of highly polluted territories (ha, %)
4.4 Open soils in grassland
5. Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria)
5.1 Decreased number of population living in ecologically uncomfortable zone
5.2 Decreased number of cases of population morbidity and mortality in terms of
• Respiratory diseases (men/thousand men)
• Cardio-vascular diseases (men/thousand men)
5.3 Decrease number of people subjected to epidemics of water transmitted diseases
6. Reducing conflicts related to resettlement
6.1 Land based resettlements before development
6.2 House reconstruction before development
6.3 Restoration of community assets and services before development
6.4 Networks and community rebuilding before development
7. Mitigating biodiversity risks
7.1 Establishment of protected areas before development

F - 55
Table F4: Linkages of the main Directions of the Master Plan with Reference Environmental

For purpose of this assessment “0” will mean no linkages, “1” low link, “2” average link, “3” strong
Priority Rehabilitation Development Improvement Upgrading of Restoring and Protecting
Directions of the existing of new of agricultural farm income enhancing historical and
of the irrigation irrigation productivity of sustainability cultural
Master Plan facilities facilities smallholders of the natural heritage
mitigation of
Reference risks for
Environmental human health
Reducing air pollution 1 3 1 0 3 0

Reducing water pollution 1 3 1 0 3 0

deforestation and
1 3 1 0 3 0
destruction of fauna
and flora
Reducing negative
impact on land and 2 3 2 0 2 1
Reducing negative
impacts on human 0 2 0 0 1 0
health (Malaria)

Reducing conflicts
1 2 0 0 0 2
related to resettlement

Mitigating biodiversity
2 2 0 0 2 2

F - 56
Table F5: Impacts on Reference Environmental Objectives as a result of Implementation of main
Directions of the Master Plan

For purpose of this assessment “0” will mean no impact, “1” low impact, “2” high impact.
+and - will correspondingly mean positive and negative impacts.

1. Rehabilitation of the existing irrigation facilities

Reference environmental objective Possible environmental impact
Reducing air pollution +1
Reducing water pollution +1
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora +2
Reducing negative impact on land and soil +1
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) 0
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement 0
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) +1
2. Development of new irrigation facilities
Reducing air pollution +1
Reducing water pollution +1
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora -1
Reducing negative impact on land and soil +1
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) +11
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement +12
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) +1
3. Improvement of agricultural productivity
Reducing air pollution +1
Reducing water pollution +1
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora +1
Reducing negative impact on land and soil +1
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) 0
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement 0
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) 0
1This grade refers to the fact there is no large reservoir or dam planned
2This grade refers to the fact there is no dam construction anticipated in plan

F - 57
Table F5 (Continued): Impacts on Reference Environmental Objectives as a result of Implementation of
main Directions of the Master Plan
For purpose of this assessment “0” will mean no impact, “1” low impact, “2” high impact.
+and - will correspondingly mean positive and negative impacts.

4. Upgrading of farm income of smallholders

Reference environmental objective Possible environmental impact
Reducing air pollution 0
Reducing water pollution 0
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora 0
Reducing negative impact on land and soil 0
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) +1
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement 0
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) 0
5. Restoring and enhancing sustainability of the natural complex,
mitigation of environmental risks for human health
Reducing air pollution +1
Reducing water pollution +1
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora +1
Reducing negative impact on land and soil +1
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) +2
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement +1
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) +2
6. Protecting historical and cultural heritage
Reducing air pollution 0
Reducing water pollution 0
Preventing deforestation and destruction of fauna and flora +1
Reducing negative impact on land and soil +1
Reducing negative impacts on human health (Malaria) 0
Reducing conflicts related to resettlement +1
Mitigating biodiversity risks (human-animal conflict) +2

F - 60
Annex G

Implementation Plan
The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex G. Implementation Plan
Table of Contents
Annex G. Implementation Plan
Chapter 1 Implementation Plan
1.1 Farm Management and Cropping ............................................................... G-1
1.2 Distribution and Marketing......................................................................... G-1
1.3 Irrigation and Water Management .............................................................. G-1
1.4 Farmers’ Organizations ............................................................................... G-2
1.5 Capacity Development................................................................................ G-3

Chapter 2 Implementation Schedule

2.1 Phased Development Process ..................................................................... G-4
2.2 Master Plan Period...................................................................................... G-4
2.3 Detailed Implementation Schedule of the Action Plan ............................... G-5

Chapter 3 Project Cost

3.1 Basic Assumptions ...................................................................................... G-6
3.2 Quantitative Estimates ................................................................................ G-8
3.3 Project Cost................................................................................................. G-11
3.4 Cost for Dams and Appurtenant Structures................................................. G-11

Chapter 4 Financial Plan

4.1 Assistance by Donors.................................................................................. G-12
4.2.2 Assistance by the NGOs ............................................................................. G-12

List of Tables
Table T3.2.1 Assignment Schedule.................................................................................. G-13
Table T3.3.1 Project Cost................................................................................................. G-14
Appendix : Cost Estimate and the Basis of Multi-Purpose Shed (MPS) (G-16)
Table T4.1.1 Outlines the Overall Objectives/ Strategy of the Donors............................ G-17
Table T4.2.1 Outlines the Overall Objectives/ Strategy of the NGOs ............................. G-20

List of Figures
Fig.F2.2.1 Assumption of Consumer Price Index ........................................................ G-27
Fig. F2.3.1 Implementation Schedule of the Action Plan ............................................ G-28
Fig. F3.1.1 Assumption of Consumer Price Index ........................................................ G-29

Annex G. Implementation Plan

Chapter 1 Implementation Plan

1.1 Farm Management and Cropping
Responsible for dissemination of farm management and cropping in MACO, the Department of
Agriculture cultivation in MACO is carried out by the Crop Protection Branch and the Agricultural
Advisory Services Branch. MACO, as the core of the organization, is confined to provide an
approval on a project and also to distribute budgets. Accordingly, a local office in nature is the center
of implementation bodies. Therefore in the M/P, the front organization of the agricultural
administration namely DACO (District Agricultural Coordination Officer) has an important role.
Staffs allocated in the DACO, as well as BEO and CEO, are the main organizations to support the
farmers/the farmer’s association in a front line. Similarly, the staffs of BEO/CEO and the DACO will
be the main trainers for training the farmers/the farmer’s association. For an insufficient specialized
field, ZARI will function as a backup.

1.2 Distribution and Marketing

Responsible for distribution and marketing in MACO H/Q is the Department of Agribusiness and
Marketing, DABM). The organization is a simple and vertical division. In the Study, one (1) principal
and supporting two (2) senior officers played a role as a counterpart of the Study Team. Each
provincial agricultural office has one (1) PMDO (Provincial Marketing Development Officer), while
each district office has one (1) DMDO (District Marketing Development Officer) and one (1) assistant
DMDO. Routine work of the district officers in charge covers wide areas such as a regular collection
and report of market prices; provision of market information to farmers’ groups; marketing guidance
for farmers; distribution of inputs; etc. MACO H/Q and provincial officers support such activities of
the district officers in terms of basic planning; budget allocation; manning schedule; information
transmittance; training; etc.

After the A/P period in this project, the district officers in charge, who have been transferred
technology from experts during the A/P, are expected to transfer the same to other districts’ officers in
addition to a successive support to the model farmers’ groups. Effective harmonization of this role
with the said routine work of the district officers is required. This project is a comprehensive approach
comprising various areas such as irrigation; farm management; farmers’ organization; and marketing.
Therefore, effective organizational arrangement needs to be made for much closer linkage among
different departments concerned in MACO H/Q, in addition to formulation of cross-sectional
supporting unit within each district office.

1.3 Irrigation and Water Management

In line with a development policy of the Master plan, four sites are selected to first implement the
Action plan as a model site mainly focusing on the improvement of the farm practice, market activity,
as well.

Table 1.3.1 Selection of Rehabilitation Scheme in A/P
Selected area in A/P* Present condition, constraints and development potential
1) Small scale Unlike a lot of dams in other provinces, where intake devices were not equipped, impounding water
irrigation project for in the dam has been effectively utilized for irrigation purpose in the Kafue District, Lusaka Province
promoting brand and the vicinity area. Mranwhile, it was observed that drought occurred in three years in recent ten
crops years since 2000, thus detailed water use plan shall be established to cope with water shortage in such
○ Kafue District, a drought year. Irrigation canals have been constructing since 2000, however its coverage rate is
Lusaka Provimce still low for the time being.
From the field investigation, it indicate that the Kafue and sourronding area has a high potential of
irrigation development by a canal extension using imponding water in the dams as well as canal

2) Promoting efficient Tens of the dams were constructed in the Southern Province, mainly the Districts of Choma, Kalomo
use of existing small and Kazungula from 1990 to 2000. However intake facilities have not equipped in most of these
scale dam project dams because these dams aimed at supplying domestic and livestock water. These dams should be
○ Kazungula District utilized water to cope with current water shortage for irrigation. The dams constructed after 2000
○ Choma, have siphon type intakes, and those previously constructed have siphon type intakes.
KalomoDistricts, in Canal construction has commenced after 2000, however its coverage rate is still low for the time
the Southern being. It is highly recommended to promptly equip intake facilities and canal construction for
Province expansion of the beneficial area downstream of the dams.

3) Promoting vegetable Rich aquifers composed of permeable sandy materials lies in the shallow depth in the surounding area
complex project of the center of the Chongwe District and the northen area of the Kabwe District. The rain water
○ Kabwe District, penetrates into the aquifers and slowly flows down towards lower area, that forms dambo area. The
Central Province groundwater surface is locally 0.5 to 1.0 m below the ground surface even in the dry season. The
farmers utilize groundwater for irrigation using buckets and treadle pumps. Thye area called dambo
has high potential of irrigation development.
In addition, gravity irrigation schem is also located in the area. As the area has high accessibility to
the Kafue market, so intercropping of staple crop in the upland and high value vegetable cultivation
in damob area in the both wet and dry seasons leads to high farm income.
Since no guideline was established for the use of the dambo area, environmental assessment should
be conducted to anticipate future impact by the irrigation development in the dambo area.
Government should direct irrigation development policy to mitigate environmental negative impact
for the dambo use, especially in the local and remoted rural areas.

4) Promoted vegetable The Cooperbely Provinve is located at the most upstream of the Kafue river, and is blessed with
complex project water source with sufficient rainfall, thus the Province has high irrigation potential using surface
○ Kalulushi District, water. On contrary to the situation, few irrigation system was developed. Communal irrigation
Copperbelt Province system was not developed and most of framers individually do irrigation activities with a use of
buckets and treadle pumps.
The small tributaries of the Kafue river run in the area and the fertile river desposits were developed
along these small tributaries. The shallow groundwater is in the deposits and it similarly forms a
dambo. Shallow groundwater is available until the middle to end of the dry season. Development
of the communal irrigation systems with simple weir construction rapidly rises agricultural
productobity together with enhancement of the farmers’ organizations activities.
It is also notified that agricultural land shall be properly maintained to avoid surface erosion due to a
severe rainfall intensity in the area. A collective irrigated agriculture promises high profitable
production with suitable farming practice and on-farm planning in the both wet and dry seasons.

Note: *1 Title of the selected area for A/P corresponds to” model plan” in the Action plan.

1.4 Farmers’ Organizations

In terms of strengthening farmers’ organization during the implementation of the Project, the
implementing body will be CEO/BEO, DACO officers. It is expected that they will be trained as a
trainer to provide farmers of the targeted area technical training for conducting commercial farming. It

is also expected that they manage information of farmers and traders and conduct activities to
establish linkage between farmers and markets. Especially, officers of Department of Cooperative,
such as Cooperative Inspector and District Cooperative Officer, will be a centre of the activities of the
Project because appropriate management of Cooperative is a key factor to conduct successful
commercial farming. The Table bellow shows proposed implementation body and main activities in
terms of strengthening farmers’ organization.

Table 1.4.1 Proposed Implementation Body and Role of Activities for Farmers’ Organizations
Implementation Body Main Activities

CEO/BEO, DACO officers - To be a trainer for farmers’ training.

- To conduct monitoring and evaluation of farmers’ business plan.
- To manage information of farmers and markets to be used for marketing
of commercial farming.
- To conduct activities to link farmers and traders, such as matching
- To conduct Study Tour, etc

1.5 Capacity Development

During implementation of the Project, capacity development will be done targeting DACO officers
and farmers’ representative through trainers’ training. Implementation Body of the capacity
development will be DACO/MACO officers who have knowledge and skill to be a trainer for trainers’
training. Experienced NGO officers who have ability are also expected to involve the Project to be a
trainer. Assumed implementation body and main activities are listed bellow.

Table 1.5.1 Proposed Implementation Body and Role of Activities for Capacity Building

Implementation Body Main Activities

DACO/ MACO experts, NGO - To be a trainer of trainers’ training.

experts - To make training curriculum and prepare training materials.
- To observe farmers’ training and give trainers necessary advise, etc.

Chapter 2 Implementation Schedule

2.1 Phased Development Process

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the smallholders in this study area have the potential for
development, but also face many constraints. Farming in existing small-scale irrigation schemes is not
necessarily managed efficiently, and for them to be used to their full development potential, they must
switch from their current model of externally dependent operation of irrigation zones to sustainable
irrigated agriculture on a business footing. There are issues to be dealt with, such as lack of
experience in joint(or cooperative) maintenance and management of irrigation facilities, the
acquisition and improvement of basic business skills for the operation and management of farmer’s
organizations, and reform of perceptions, and it will also be necessary to build a system to provide
support in these areas. To that end the Master Plan will be drawn up as indicated in Irrigation Policy
and Strategy (2004), containing the following elements in a process of phased implementation:

1) Building the necessary environment in the initial phase for improving market access,
including empowerment of agricultural organizations, preparation of beneficiary participatory
plans and the preparation, dissemination and reception of information, and the establishment
of an outreach unit.
2) Based on the status of these improvements, implement measures to improve existing and
informal irrigation zones.
3) Monitor and evaluate activities in existing zones and then draw on the lessons learnt to
prepare and implement a plan including measures for extension to similar zones and
expansion of scale etc.
4) Prepare and implement a project plan for new zones, based on the experience gained.

2.2 Master Plan Period

Master Plan Period (10 years): 2012-2020

• Initial phase (4 years): Action Plan phase (implementation of pilot projects)

 Capacity building
 Establishment of a support unit (within DACO)
 Preparation of a participatory plan
 Small-scale investment and implementation
 Monitoring and evaluation of pilot projects
 Compilation of pilot project results into a technical package
• Intermediate phase (3 years): Extension to similar zones and expansion
 Extension to other zones and size expansion, using the technical package (investment
and implementation)
 Monitoring and evaluation

 Planning of new zones and acquisition of funding
 Implementation in new zones, monitoring and evaluation
• Final phase (2 years): Autonomous phase
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Collation of lessons learned

2.3 Detailed Implementation Schedule of the Action Plan

Detailed implementation schedule of the Initial phase (4 years), i.e., Action Plan phase is fugured in
Fig. 2.3.1. The schedule is provided in each proposed action plan program, i.e., 1) Farm
management and cropping, 2) Distribution and marketing, 3) Irrigation and water management,
4) Farmers’ organization and 5) Capacity development.

Implementation schedule of the Master plan and Action plan is indicated in Fig. F2.2.1 and
Fig. F2.3.1, respectively.

Chapter 3 Project Cost

3.1 Basic Assumptions

As explained in Sub-chapter 2.2 Master plan period, the Master plan is divided into three (3) phases.
In the initial phase of the Master plan, Action plan is implemented mainly in the selected model sites,
1) Bwafwano irrigation scheme, 2) Natuseko irrigation scheme, 3) Chipapa irrigation scheme and
4) Mulabalaba irrigation scheme in different zones. In the following two phases, intermediate and
final phases, other irrigation schemes are selected to extend irrigation agriculture in the Study area
with applying the lessons of the Action plan in the four model sites to further development plan.
The project cost is estimated in each project component based on the following conditions:

1) Equipment and material costs were surveyed in the Study period of December 2010.

2) The exchange rate used in the estimates is as follows:

US$1.00=ZMK4,700 (ZMK1.00=J¥0.017) as of December 2010

3) Price contingency is included in the unit price of employment cost of local government staff
and remuneration cost for international and local experts, as well as transportation cost and
other labor costs.

4) Conditions of cost estimates of the rehabilitation/ construction work for the irrigation
facilities are specified in Annex D Extensive Work.

Project cost is comprised of following items:

1) Remuneration cost
Remuneration cost is composed of the international and local experts in monthly contract

a) International experts : ZMK70 million per month (US$15,000)

b) Local experts : ZMK30 million per month

2) Employment cost of the Government

Cost for Government employers is estimated as remuneration for the technical assistance
rendered by the project. The cost is by monthly basis.
a) Engineer, senior specialists : ZMK7 million per month
b) Technical officer, extension officer : ZMK3 million per month

3) Operation cost
Operation cost is composed of, 1) seminar, training and study tour (cost for lecturer, venue,
transportation of participants, etc.), 2) site trip of government staff and experts (cost for
transportation and accommodation/ daily allowance, etc), as well. The following are unit

price of the operation cost:
a) Seminar : ZMK3 million per holding (30 participants)
b) Training : ZMK2 million per holding (30 participants)
c) Study tour : ZMK10 million per holding (30 participants)

4) Project input equipment and materials

Project input materials are 1) farm inputs such as fertilizer, seeds, insecticide, farming tools,
etc.), 2) expense for project monitoring materials, as well.

5) Construction cost
Construction cost includes 1) multi-purpose sheds for distribution and marketing and
2) rehabilitation/ construction cost of the irrigation facilities.

6) Administration cost
Administration cost shall be estimated for project management and financial control as well
as personal management. The cost is five (5) percent of the employment cost of the
Government (see 2) above)

7) Transportation machinery and consumable materials

The following are estimated for smooth project implementation:
a) Vehicles (4x4 pick up) : ZMK150 million per vehicle
(Two (2) vehicle at project office, four (4) vehicle
in Provincial offices)
b) Motor bicycle (off-road type) : ZMK15 million per bike (one bike per site)
c) Fuel for transportation : ZMK2 million per site

8) Office equipment
a) Computer : ZMK7 million per computer
b) Printer : ZMK2 million per printer
c) Copy machine : ZMK25 million per machine
d) Consumable material : 15 % of equipment cost

9) Physical contingency
The physical contingency is exclusive in the estimate.

10) Price contingency

The price contingency of five (5) percent through the Mater plan period is included in the
estimate. Contingency of 5% is assumed according to the recent price cost fluctuation. (see
Fig. F3.1.1.

3.2 Quantitative Estimates

(1) Assignment schedule

Annual assignment schedule of the foreign/ local experts and government staff is estimated as shown
in Table 3.2.1 considering work items of specified field of the Master plan component.
Following table shows the total assignment schedule of each component for the Mater plan period of
nine (9) years.

Table 3.2.2 Total Assignment Schedule for the Master Plan Period
1. Farm Management and Cropping
1.1 Foreign expert 28
1.2 Local expert (Soil, contract farming) 25
1.3 Agricultural officer 144
1.4 Extension officer 280
2. Distribution and Marketing
2.1 Foreign expert 33
2.2 Local expert 57
2.3 DMDO 164
2.4 Assistant DMDO 280
3. Irrigation and Water Management
3.1 Foreign expert 3.5
3.2 Local expert 6.5
3.3 Irrigation engineer 33
3.4 Irrigation technical officer 99
4. Farmers' Organization
4.1 Foreign expert 24.5
4.2 Local expert 2.5
4.3 Cooperative Officer 136
4.4 Extension officer 376
5. Capacity Development
5.1 Foreign expert 14
5.2 Local expert 6
5.3 Irrigation engineer 40
5.4 Irrigation technical officer 90

Total 1. Foreign expert 103

2. Local expert 97
3. Senior officer, irrigation engineer 517
4. Assistant officer, technical officer 1,125
Total 1+2+3+4+5 1,842
Note: M/M schedule of 5. Capacity Development is estimated for irrigation and water management
component. Those for other component are included in each proposed component.

(2) Operation plans during the Master plan period
Table 3.2.3 shows fluency of the seminar opening, training program and study tour during the Action
plan stage.

Table 3.2.3 Operation Plan in Master Plan Period

Operation Plan Initial Phase (A/P stage) Intermediate and final phase

1. Seminar (Provincial level) (Total 4 schemes) (Total 21schemes)

1) Farm management and cropping • 1 times per annum at • 1 time per annum at
4 Provincial offices 4 Provincial offices

2) Distribution and marketing • Co-session with 1) Farm • Co-session with 1) Farm

management and cropping management and cropping

3) Irrigation and water management • 1 time per annum at • 1 time per annum at
4 Provincial offices 4 Provincial offices

4) Farmers’ organization • 1 time per annum at • 1 time per annum at

4 Provincial offices 4 Provincial offices

5) Capacity development • Co-session with 4) • Co-session with 4)

Farmers’ organization Farmers’ organization

2. Training (Scheme level)

1) Farm management and cropping • 1 time per annum for each • 1 time per annum for each
scheme scheme

2) Distribution and marketing • 1 time per annum for each • 1 time per annum for each
scheme scheme
Matching meeting is held 2
times per annum for 4
proposed schemes.

3) Irrigation and water management • 1 time per annum for each • 1 time per annum for each
scheme scheme

4) Farmers’ organization • 1 time per annum for each • 1 time per annum for each
scheme scheme

5) Capacity development • 1 time per annum at • 1 time per annum at

4 Provincial offices 4 Provincial offices

3. Study tour (Scheme level)

1) Farm management and cropping • 1 time per annum for • 1 time per annum by
4 proposed schemes representatives from the
2) Distribution and marketing
several schemes.
3) Irrigation and water management Total 4 times per annum
4) Farmers’ organization

5) Capacity development

(4) Project input materials
The following materials are input for farming management and cropping component:

Table 3.2.4 Input Materials for Farming and Cropping

1. Seed Super marmande, etc.
2. Seed Mony maker, rodade
3. Base fertilizer D Comp, Urea, P. Chloride
4. Herbicide Tillam 6E
5. Insecticide Malathion
6. Fungicide Dithane

Table 3.2.5 Input for Farming and Cropping

1. Casual labor
2. Tractor Hire base
3. Oxen cart
4. Fuel and repair cost
5. Transport and packing materials Truck, carton box, plastic bag, etc.

(5) Construction works

Details of the rehabilitation/ construction works are shown in Annex D Extensive Works.

(6) Transportation vehicles and consumable materials

Transportation vehicles are procured for each District office during the Master plan period.

Table 3.2.6 Procurement of the Transportation Machinery

Initial Phase (A/P stage) Intermediate and final phase

1. 4x4 vehicle • 2 vehicles in the project office

2. 4x4 pick-up truck • 4 trucks for the district offices • Additional 10 trucks for the
where proposed 4 schemes are selected district offices

3. Motor bike • 4 bikes for the district offices • Additional 20 bikes for the
where proposed 4 schemes are selected district offices
located Motor bike is used in the project site.
Motor bike is used in the project site.

G - 10
(7) Office equipment
Following office equipment is procured for each Central and District office during the Master plan

Table 3.2.7 Procurement of the Transportation Machinery

Initial Phase (A/P stage) Intermediate and final phase

1. Computer • 1 computers in the Project office • Total 10 computers in selected

• Total 4 computers in 4 District District offices


2. Printer • 1 printer for each office (Total 5 • 1 printer for each office (Total 10
printers) printers)

3. Copy machine • 1 copy machine for Project office • 1 printer for each office (Total 5
machines for Province and
District offices)

3.3 Project Cost

Project cost is roughly estimated as shown in Table 3.3.1 according to the basic assumption of the cost
estimates and quantitative estimates.

Total project cost is estimated at ZMK51,464 million for the Mater plan period with its breakdown of
ZMK19,124 million in the initial phase (4-year Action plan stage) and ZMK32,340 million in the
intermediate and final phase (5-year) including price escalation rate of 5 % per annum.
Project cost is shown in Table 3.3.1 in detail.
(Detailed cost estimates of the irrigation facilities, dam and its appurtenant structures are shown in
Chapter 3, Annex D Extensive Work)

3.4 Cost for Dams and Appurtenant Structures

In addition to the project cost for the Master plan, rehabilitation cost for dams and their appurtenant
structures is roughly estimated as shown in Annex D Extensive Work.

Since severe damages of the spillway will reduce dam safety after several years, it is strongly
recommended to mitigate the damages of spillway, such as severe erosion of the spillway canal
surface and sidewalls.
The total cost is estimated at about 28,118 million including 15% of physical and price contingencies.

G - 11
Chapter 4 Financial Plan
4.1 Assistance by Donors
Table T4.2.1 indicates outlines the overall objectives/strategy of the donors.

4.2 Assistance by the NGOs

Table T4.2.2 indicates outlines the overall objectives/strategy of the donors.

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Table T3.2.1 Assignment Schedule (Unit: Man-Month)
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
1. Farm Management and Cropping
1.1 Foreign expert 11 8 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 28
1.2 Local expert (Soil, contract farming) 5 4 3 0 3 3 3 2 2 25
1.3 Agricultural officer 14 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 144
1.4 Extension officer 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 280
2. Distribution and Marketing
2.1 Foreign expert 9 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 33
2.2 Local expert 10 9 9 8 5 5 5 3 3 57
2.3 DMDO 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 164
2.4 Assistant DMDO 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40 280
3. Irrigation and Water Management
3.1 Foreign expert 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.5
3.2 Local expert 2.5 0.5 1 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 6.5
3.3 Irrigation engineer 3 2 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 33
3.4 Irrigation technical officer 12 6 2 4 15 15 15 15 15 99
G - 13

4. Farmers' Organization
4.1 Foreign expert 10 5.5 5.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 24.5
4.2 Local expert 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5
4.3 Cooperative Officer 11 8 8 9 20 20 20 20 20 136
4.4 Extension officer 48 48 48 32 40 40 40 40 40 376
5. Capacity Development
5.1 Foreign expert 3.5 5 3 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 14
5.2 Local expert 2 1.5 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 6
5.3 Irrigation engineer 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 40
5.4 Irrigation technical officer 10 11 11 8 10 10 10 10 10 90

Total 1. Foreign expert 37 26.5 20.5 19 0 0 0 0 0 103

2. Local expert 22 15 15 11 8 8 8 5 5 97
3. Senior officer, irrigation engineer 48 40 40 39 70 70 70 70 70 517
4. Assistant officer, technical officer 110 105 101 84 145 145 145 145 145 1,125
Total 1+2+3+4+5 217 186.5 176.5 153 223 223 223 220 220 1,842
Note: M/M schedule of 5. Capacity Development is estimated for irrigation and water management component. Those for other component are included in each proposed component.
Table T3.3.1 Project Cost (Unit: ZMK million)
Phases Initial phase (4-year) Intermediate and final phase (5-year) Total Year 2012
2013 2014 2015 Sub-Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Sub-Total
Master plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Employment cost
1.1 International experts 2,590 1,855 1,435 1,330 7,210 7,210
1.2 Local experts 660 450 450 330 1,890 240 240 240 150 150 1,020 2,910
1.3 Senior officer, irrigation engineer 336 280 280 273 1,169 490 490 490 490 490 2,450 3,619
1.4 Assistant officer, technical officer 330 315 303 252 1,200 435 435 435 435 435 2,175 3,375

Sub-Total 1. 3,916 2,900 2,468 2,185 11,469 1,165 1,165 1,165 1,075 1,075 5,645 17,114

2. Operation cost
2.1 Sminar opening 27 27 27 27 108 27 27 27 27 27 135 243
2.2 Training and matching meeting 56 56 56 56 224 40 40 40 40 40 200 424
2.3 Study tour 40 40 40 40 160 40 40 40 40 40 200 360
G - 14

Sub-Total 2. 123 123 123 123 492 107 107 107 107 107 535 1,027

3. Project input equipment and materials

3.1 Farm input 40 40 40 40 160 200 200 200 200 200 1,000 1,160
3.2 Seminar, training tools 20 20 20 20 80 100 100 100 100 100 500 580

Sub-Total 3. 60 60 60 60 240 300 300 300 300 300 1,500 1,740

4. Rehabilitation/ Construction cost

4.1 Multi-purpose sheds 278 278 278
4.2 Irrigation facilities*1 3,446 3,446 2,553 2,553 2,553 2,553 2,553 12,765 16,211

Sub-Total 4. 3,446 278 3,724 2,553 2,553 2,553 2,553 2,553 12,765 16,489

5. Administration cost *2 20 18 17 16 71 28 28 28 28 28 140 211

Sub-Total 5. 20 18 17 16 71 28 28 28 28 28 140 211

Phases Initial phase (4-year) Intermediate and final phase (5-year) Total
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Sub-Total 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Sub-Total
Master plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

6. Transportation machinery
and consumable materials A/P M/P
6.1 Vehicles (4x4) 2 300 300
6.2 Pickup trucks (4x4) 4 10 480 480 1,200 1,200 1,680
6.3 Motor bike 4 20 60 60 300 300 360
6.4 Fuel and maintenance cost 44 44 44 44 176 59 59 59 59 59 295 471

Sub-Total 6. 884 44 44 44 1,016 1,559 59 59 59 59 1,795 2,811

7. Office equipment A/P M/P

7.1 Computer 5 10 35 35 70 70 105
7.2 Printer 5 10 10 10 20 20 30
7.3 Copy machine 1 5 25 25 125 125 150
G - 15

7.4 Maintenance of equipment 11 11 11 11 44 102 102 102 102 102 510 554

Sub-Total 7. 81 11 11 11 114 317 102 102 102 102 725 839

Total Project Cost 8,530 3,434 2,723 2,439 17,126 6,029 4,314 4,314 4,224 4,224 23,105 40,231

Note: *1 Rehabilitation cost of irrigation facilities excludes physical and price contingency of 15%. Cost of 20 proposed schemes includes these contingency.
Breakdown of cost for irrigation facilities is shown in Annex D.
Cost of 20 schemes constructed in the intermediate and final phase of the Master plan is equaly disbursed in its 5-year period.
*2 Administration cost is estimated by equation of: Employment cost of Government staff (1.3+1.4) x 3%
Physical contingency is excluded in the project cost except irrigation construction cost.
Price contingency is assumed at 5%.
Appendix : Cost Estimate and the Basis of Multi-Purpose Shed (MPS)

Multi-Purpose Shed (MPS)

1) For three (3) sites (Kabwe district/ Natuseko irrigation scheme; Kafue district/ Chipapa
irrigation scheme; and Kazungula district/ Mulabalaba irrigation scheme):

Size and cost of each one (1) site:

Whole floor area: 120 m2
Construction cost: ZMK 28,700,000.-

2) For one (1) site (Kalulushi district/ Bwafano irrigation scheme):

Size and cost:
Whole floor area: 220 m2
Construction cost: ZMK 52,700,000.-

♦Cost estimate is made as of September 2010, at the exchange rate of 4,991 ZMK/US$ and
0.017 JP¥/ZMK.
♦Internal facilities are included.
♦Preparation of land, electric power and water are not included.
♦Investment for construction is assumed to be made over 3 years for completion of MPS
(1st year: 70%/ 2nd year: 15%/ 3rd year: 15%)

G - 16
Table T4.1.1 Outlines the Overall Objectives/ Strategy of the Donors
Donor Objectives/Strategy

1. AfDB - African Development Bank AfDB aims for poverty reduction through the promotion of sustainable growth
and productivity grow and strive to operate with country ownership and
participatory approaches in project management. Projects belong to the
Borrower, and the Bank Group acts simply as a facilitator
2. Australian Government According to website although Australia funds no programmes directely in
Zambia, Australia channels food aid through WFP and FAO
3. Belgium Government Currently, there is no funding in the agriculture sector
4. British Government The British Government through its Department of International Development
(DFID) aims to eradicate the world of extreme poverty
5. Canadian Government Although this is an important donor in the country, Canada is currently not
involved in the agriculture sector. They are mostly involved in the health
6. Chinese Government China is not currently assisting Zambia in agriculture, although they have done a
lot of investment in the country
7. Danish Government The Royal Danish Embassy has a country framework annual budget of
approximately US $32million. The environmental grant (Special Environment
Assistance SEA) NRM is part of the frame. This grant is 'renewed'
regularly.Pt. Grants given are approximately 40 million DKK (approximately
US $7million for the period 2004-2007) for a five year period. Note
organisations like MS receive their funding directly from the Danish
Government and not through the Royal Danish Embassy in Zambia
8. Egyptian Government The Egyptian Government aims at co-operating with Zambia in mitigation of
food deficiency and self support in prisons through agriculture.
9. EU - Delegation of the European The EU's Development mission is to help to reduce and ultimately to eradicate
Commission of Zambia poverty in developing countries and to promote sustainable development,
democracy, peace and security. The country strategy is focused on Transport,
Institutional Development and Capacity Building together with Macroeconomic
support and capacity building for economic governance. Non-focal areas are
health and education. The EU support the Government to redefine its role and
purpose as the country move towards a better functioning market economy
10. Finnish Government The Finnish Government Policy (2007-) main goal is to eradicate poverty and
promote sustainable development in line with the MDGs. The Finnish Rural
Development Strategy supports the Finnish Development

Policy overall goal to eradicate extreme poverty from the world. Strategy spells
outs the principles, priorities amd channels for Finnish Rural Development
support. The guilding priciples are: Support for national ownership and
enabling political and economic operating enviornment; Support for
representation of the poor; Supprt for rural livelihoods; Support for sustainable
use of natural resources; Women's empowerment; Support for research,
extension and services; Attention international operating environment, trade
negotiating and policy planning capacity, Finland's focal ares in rural
development, guided by partner countries' national development programmes
and prioroties, are: Support national strategies and support for administative and
institutional actors required in the development; and implementationof these
strategies in the field of rural development, Support for the livelihood
improvement of the local poor, especially rural women, and conomically
sustainable productive and income-generating act
11. FAO - Food and Agriculture FAO's mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agriculture productivity,
Organisation better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world

G - 17
Donor Objectives/Strategy

12. GTZ - German Technical GTZ support the project called "The empowerment of small scale farmers
Co-operation of Zambia involved in animal husbandry and cropping in Southern Priovince. This
project was phased out.

13. IFAD - International Fund for The country strategic opportunities paper (COSOP) approved in April 2004 is
Agricultural Development the basic policy document informing IFAD support to Zambia. The first
stategic thrust of the COSOP is to promote smallholder commercilization,
including the establishment of equitable links between smallholders and
agribusiness and improving access to rural financial services. The second
thrust ia to assist the more isolated rural populations in raising their productivity,
food production and income levels by expanding the outreach and relevance of
services and investmants to the poorest productive rural households, including
women - headed and HIV/AIDS - affected households.
14. Embassy of Japan In Zambia, Japanese Government places emphasis on rural development as a
way to achieve poverty reduction, considering the fact that approximately 70%
of the poor resides in the rural area of the country. Particular attention is paid
to assistance to enhancing agricultural productivity, such as constructionof
irrigation, promotion of livestock production, introducing of agricultural
production enhancement techniques, and so on. In addtion, assistance is
rendered in participatory rural development and capacity development at the
local level for development plan formulation and implementation in order to
contribute to sustainable rural development.
Japan's )DA to Zambia is currently provided in various forms: grands, technical
cooperation, and through funding to international organisations. Embassy of
Japan mainly handles grants, including small scale grants to NGOs . Other
form of ODA notable in Zambia in the Agriculture sector is through technical
cooperation by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
15. JICA - Japan International coopeation One of JICA's "priority areas " of cooperation with Zambia, related to
Agency agriculture development is Assistance for Poverty Alleviation with the main
focus on Rural Development . Under this priority area, JICA has two key
programme ares; namely, (i) the Programe to support Rural Development and
(ii) Food security Program. Support to agriculture is also rendered through
another "priority area" of cooperation, namel. the Assistance for Industial
development toward Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth. Falling
under this priority area is the program for Expansion of agricultural production.
Projects are implemented under this framework of coopeation between the
Governments of the Republic of Zambia and Japan.
17. Libya Libya has shown strong interest in helping Zambia in agriculture, but
negotiations are on going.
18. Netherlands Government Private sector development Strategic goal: by 2008 enhanced enabling
environment for private sector driven growth, especially in the agriculture
sector. Note SNV funded directly from the Netherlands Government and not
through the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands in Zambia.
19. Norwegian Government to contribute to enhancing food security and sustainable environment in relation
to management of agro-ecosystems.
20. SIDA - Swedish Internation the overall goal of swedish development cooperation is to creat opportunities for
Development Agency poor people to improve their living conditions through support to the
implementation of Zambia's fith National Development plan, with a specific
sector forcus on health, agriculture and energy. Continued emphasis is given to
democratic development and the respect for human rights, via support to civil
society and through mainstreaming into the focus sectors.
The specific goal of the cooperative for agriculture sector is to contribute to an
increased number of small-scale farmers participating in economic development
as economic actors.

G - 18
Donor Objectives/Strategy

21 USAID - United states Agency for The objectives is to increase private sector competitiveness in Agriculture.
International Development
1) Focusing investments on increased acess to export Markets, 2) increasing
productivity through the adoption of improved production and value-addition
technologies, 3) more responsive financial and business development services,
4) the strengthening of Zambia public and private sector institutions and, 5) the
adoption of more business-friendly policies
22. WFP - World Food Programme The Food for Assests/Triaining (FFA/T) component of CP 10157.0 and PRRO
10310 are in line with Strategic Priority No 2, "protect livelihoods in crisis
situationand enhance resilience to shocks'. Project activities contribute to
millenium Development Doal No. 1 "eradicating extreme poverty and hunger",
by providing short-term food assistance to vulnurable households, while helping
households create sustainable assets or empowerment through training
opportunities. WEP activities in Zambia involve primarily relief and recovery
and development aimed at protecting and improving livelihoods, including
HIV/AIDS affected households. The agency arrived in Zambia in 1967 when
the Government of Zambia requested help with the large influx of regugees
fleeing war in Angola. In more recent times the agency has been assisting with
food shortages caused by erratic weather, high and
HIV/AIDS - a deadly combination that is creating obstacles to long-term
national development.
23. World Bank Working for a free of poverty. Our mission is to help developing countries and
their people reach the goals by working with our partners to alliviate porverty.
To do that we concentrate on building the climate for investment, jobs and
sustainable growth, so that economies will grow, and by investing in and
empowering poor people to participate in development. The World Bank
builds capacity, contribute to infrastructure, financial system and combating
Source: JICA Zambia Office

G - 19
Table T4.2.1 Outlines the Overall Objectives/ Strategy of the NGOs
1. Name Africare (since 1971)
2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source Africare- Zambia, Plot 78/100 off Lake Road, P.O Box 33921, Lusaka, Zambia.
Tel: (0211) 264406/ 265845, Fax: (0211) 264453
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.africare.org/our-work/where-we-work/zambia/index.php
4. Past support activities i) Provided resources for knowledge based services and capital investments through
innovative marketing, technical and managerial interventions that benefit small scale
farmers to improve productivity, quality and efficiency in the agriculture value chains;
ii) Improved the growth and competiveness of Agricultural businesses and small holder
farmers through the promotion of innovative business linkages.
iii) Promoted innovative technologies and market based solutions for various sectors in the
agricultural value chain.
activities Africare has been trying out to establish joint-contribution system (set certain monthly
contribution amount by each joint group) for micro-credit among several farmers’ groups
in rural areas. The organization is dealing with not only the system set-up but also providing
these farmers’ groups many opportunities to have technical assistances in food processing
(cassava), production of soybean milk, plant-extracted oil etc followed by value-addition
skills and related knowledge at filed level. This approach may provide the farmers to
challenge in starting their own enterprises in future with utilization of the rural credit system.
Whereas in crop production area, Africare is stressing on promotion of organic livestock
manures / composts use for cropping, early-planting methods within conservation farming,
introduction of improved technology for upgraded quality of groundnuts (Eastern Province)
and support of “key farmers” for promoting quality seed production etc. Other than this,
Africare is collaborating with USAID for technical assistance in water-saving-irrigation
technologies (drip irrigation etc) for smallholders in area where lands are susceptible for
drought and other natural disasters.
5. Selected • Choma District Dairy Cooperative Union; Project: Dairy Processing
Interventions • Ubuchi Enterprise; Project: Quality honey promotion and production
• Crop Serve (Zambia); Project: Appropriate herbicides usage for small scale farmers
• Calsap Supplies; Project: Poultry marketing
• PRUSA Producers; Project: Soya drinks
• Eastern Province Farmers’ Cooperatives Ltd; Project: Aflatoxin free groundnuts
• Central Growers Association; Project: Tobacco rocket barn promotion
• Zambia Small Scale Growers; Project: Hass Avocado export marketing
• Southern Bio Power; Project: Jatrop ha – Bio Fuel
• Croppack Agro Services; Project: Agro input rural marketing
• Sylva Food Solutions; Project: Traditional soup mixes production
• Farmers & Builders Supplies; Project: Appropriate irrigation for small holders
• Rift Valley Tropicals; Project: Cage Fish Farming

1. Name Plan Zambia / Plan International

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source Plan, P/Bag 518X Ridgeway, Plot 87A, Kabulonga Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia
URL: http://plan-international.org/where-we-work/africa/zambia
4. Past support activities i) Develop and improve sustainable agricultural activities to avoid food shortages
ii) Improve nutrition through crop diversification and better farming techniques
iii) Enhance income by identifying and promoting opportunities for rural enterprise
iv) Build the capacity of community based organizations and farmer interest groups for post
harvest activities

G - 20
5. Current support ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM (currently renamed as “FOOD SECURITY
The program has been implemented in Mazabuka District, Chibombo District (Kanakantapa
area), Mansa area and Eastern Province. The program targets on smallholders (rural youth
generation) and covers several individual activity such as; fresh-vegetable production with
provision of micro-irrigation tools (units of treadle pumps), quality seed production, crop
diversification, fish-culture, conservation farming (CF) practice and promotion with CFU
(Conservation Farming Unit) of ZNFU, promotion of small-scale livestock business (goats)
etc. Main concept of these activities is always rural economic activation throughout
motivating youth generation, who are regarded as talented main work-force, in isolated rural
areas. Awareness for self-reliance and appreciation of indigenous natural resources (land and
water) by young generation, i.e., human resource in future, is invaluable for the activities
being implemented by this international NGO. Plan Zambia currently undertakes and
implements a comprehensive program funded by EU; entitles as “Integrated Agricultural
Development Program”. The program includes five basic activities including; fish-culture,
technical assistance for small-scale irrigation, small-scale livestock (goats) breeding etc,
crop diversification for increase of nutrition-uptake by rural inhabitants and conservation
farming. Minimum three programs of the total five programs are expected for
per-smallholder to work on under the support by Plan Zambia. Youth empowerment is in its

1. Name International Development Enterprises (IDE) (since 1981)

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source International Development Enterprises In Zambia
Plot No. 1800 Nchenja Road, Northmead, P.O Box 32341, Lusaka, Zambia
URL: (home) http://www.ideorg.org,
(case-study in Zambia) http://www.ide-uk.org/IDE_Case_studies4.html,
(blog) http://blog.ideorg.org/category/zambia/
4. Activities IDE is a social enterprise organization (headquarters in USA) and has country programs over
Asian and African countries. IDE has worked to reduce poverty in these countries by helping
the rural poor increase their agricultural productivity, income and job-creation. From this
experience, IDE has developed a unique market-oriented approach for rural economic
IDE is also well recognized for its field-based activities to provide smallholder farmers with
agricultural support services (eg. innovative practices of technologies for small-scale
irrigation associated with other fields). The innovative technologies include pump units
(treadle pump and rope pump), irrigation kit / system (drip and sprinkle) and water storage
systems etc. All of these products are developed for cost-effectiveness and sustainable-use
by smallholders. Treadle pumps, MOSI-O-TUNYA Pumps, are currently utilized by many
smallholders (micro-irrigators) widely over the presenting study area in Zambia (e.g. Kabwe
and Kazungula Districts).
5. PRISM PRISM is a set of tools that are used to develop an understanding of the unique situation of
the rural poor and to create sustainable solutions to rural poverty. PRISM creates sustainable
opportunities through market-oriented interventions by:
- Creating networks of small enterprises to provide agricultural supplies needed by poor
- Working with farmers to improve small farm productivity
- Linking small farm families to markets for effective and sustainable poverty reduction
- Small-holder focus
- Make markets serve the poor
- Improve water control and use to enable more small-holders to participate
- Listen and learn, then implement

G - 21
- Sustainable resource management
- Market research for market-led production
- Pro-poor technology innovation and marketing
- Opportunistic approach: identifying untapped, underutilized and/or poorly utilized
resources to benefit the smallholder
- Water approach: examining untapped, underutilized or inefficiently used water resources
in areas where irrigation or improved irrigation practices can benefit the smallholder
- Market approach: searching for crops that many small holders can produce and sell for
profit. This approach involves understanding market demand and what small holders can
produce to meet market demands.
- Combination approach: Establishing supply chains for micro-irrigation and agriculture
inputs together with technical support, quality control and training of dealers and sub
dealers to provide effective services to farmers.
Demand creation through social mobilization and through the provision of technical
assistance to small holders willing to adopt new ideas.
Market development through the establishment of collection centers for small holder
produce and through workshops to link traders to the collection centers.
Linking farmers to micro credit sources
Training farmers in green house management so that farmers can produce off season in order
to obtain the highest possible price.
Post harvest processing of small holder produce.

1. Name Micro Bankers Trust (since 1996)

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source Micro Bankers Trust
57 Zambezi Road, Roma Township, P.O Box 51122, Lusaka, Zambia
Email: [email protected]
URL : (not available)
4. Introduction Micro Bankers was formed by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services
in collaboration with the European Union as a non-profit making Zambian organization. It
was established out of the need for creating an institution to champion the provision of
alternative financial services for the vulnerable and viable population in Zambia with special
emphasis to women. It was established predominantly for those who do not have access to
loans from formal financial institutions to borrow for enterprise development, with the
assumption that financial provision would lead to poverty reduction among the poor.
The Agriculture Equipment Loans is a combination of 2 loan products i.e. Irrigation
Equipment and the Power Tiller products with the support of MACO. The client must
reside at the farm. For irrigation loans there should be a borehole on the farm.
These loans are primarily for small scale farmers engaged in rearing of small livestock
for on business lines. These include poultry rearing and piggery.
The Dairy Loan product is primarily a credit line for Dairy animals that are accessed by
targeted groups. The loan shall finance the purchase of dairy animals and a limited
amount will meet the cost of the starter medication kits, milk bucket and transportation
cost not exceeding 20% of the cost of the animal.

G - 22
1. Name ELIF/ IFC COMESA SME Tool Kit Project
2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source COMESA ZAMBIA SME TOOLKIT PROJECT, COMESA Secretariat , Banking Hall,
P.O Box 30051, Lusaka, Zambia
URL: www.zamcom.smetoolkit.otg
4. Introduction Elif business solutions is an ICT based enterprises development support agency or
institution through the promotion of multi-stakeholder partnership with CBOs, NGOs with
public and private sector support, while on the other hand involving the local and
international cooperating partners/funding agencies. Now partnering with IFC and COMESA
(Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) to promote training of SMEs and
business development service providers in new sustainable business management practices
through the SME toolkit.
5. Objectives To allow BDS providers to provide support, advise and follow on training to their clients
using the toolkit.
Provide hands on training in selected areas to business owners and managers
Determine additions that should be made to the toolkit to make it more useful and relevant to
local businesses.
Promote capacity building in new sustainable business management practices for SMEs.
To promote the awareness on carbon finance and CDM programs and BDS services with
possible financing opportunities or options.

1. Name MM Consultancy (since 2005)

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source MM Consultancy, Kulima Tower, 6th floor Tyecorp Office, Lusaka Zambia.
URL : (not available)
4. Introduction MM consultancy is headed by Ms Maureen Musabula who has vast experience in the field of
Agro-Training in rural areas having worked for Village Industry Service where she was
Hammer mill programme coordinator.
Areas of Specialty
- Agro Entrepreneurship
- Marketing and Market Linkages
- Leadership Training
- Rural women Agro based entrepreneurship
- Training in the 7 major local languages of Zambia

1. Name Care International, Zambia (since 1992)

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source URL: http://www.care.org/careswork/countryprofiles/108.asp
4. Activities Agriculture
Care International (hereafter as CARE) responded to the food crisis in 2005 by
distributing food and helping farmers to improve their crops to make them more
The focus for CARE in Zambia has been on helping farmers get the most out of their
land by improving agricultural techniques and ensuring they are able to use their land as
effectively as possible, without reducing its fertility.
They are also helping people to set up small businesses by giving them small loans.
Microfinance helps whole communities out of poverty
Affordable financial services are central to addressing poverty. Microfinance services
help the poorest earn a living, grow their businesses and create new jobs, pulling whole
communities out of poverty.
CARE’s programmes work hard to ensure that poor people across the world have access to
the financial tools and training they need to help lift themselves out of poverty.
CARE has been working on microfinance for more than two decades and currently has 131
microfinance projects in 39 countries, helping poor people to increase their incomes and
make their futures more secure.

G - 23
CARE works with local community groups around the world, helping them organise and
finance their own Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs). VSLAs are groups
formed by communities that begin by pooling the savings of those involved and ultimately
use these savings to make loans to individual members.
CARE receives support from a number of financial institutions for their work in
microfinance. In one initiative Barclays, CARE and Plan International have joined together
to improve the quality of life for over 500,000 people across Africa, Asia and South America
through microfinance.

1. Name World Vision, Zambia (since 1981)

2. Type of NGO International
3. Contact / Source URL: http://www.worldvision.org/content.nsf/learn/world-vision-zambia
4. Introduction World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children,
families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes
of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race,
ethnicity, or gender.
World Vision’s history in Zambia
In 1981, World Vision began its work in Zambia by hosting a Christian Council conference
in Livingstone. In addition to evangelistic and leadership efforts, sponsorship was initiated to
provide assistance for 900 children.
In 1989, World Vision’s project for Zambia Flood Relief assisted 65,000 people affected by
nearly a month of torrential rains and flooding. Victims received food, blankets, medicine,
and insecticides to combat malaria.
5. Key projects World Vision helps farmers increase their productivity by facilitating procurement of locally
adapted seeds and tools, teaching them improved agricultural practices, and training them on
improved post-harvest storage and processing techniques. Rural families need easy access to
markets to profit from their increased farm production, but they are hindered by lack of
information and poor infrastructure. World Vision helps farmers organize themselves into
cooperatives, access credit and other financial services, and learn how to succeed in markets
so they can graduate from subsistence to commercial farming.
World Vision ensures the long-term impact of its interventions, both through training and by
assisting farmers to protect and conserve their natural resources, as well as to restore already
degraded areas. Farmers learn to prevent erosion, rebuild the fertility of their soil, use water
more efficiently, and preserve the biodiversity of their farms and the surrounding landscape
Collaborations and Partnerships
World Vision intentionally works through alliances and collaborative partnerships with non-
profit organizations, universities, research organizations, and private sector companies to
magnify the impact of its agricultural development and environmental protection efforts.
The organization holds partnerships also with MACO and ZNFU in some areas. Financial
resources are provided by the U.S. government, major foundations, and many private groups
and individual donors, large and small. In country wide project with relation to agricultural
field, Food Vouchers Program is now under implementation (maize mill-mill, plan oil, beans
and soap are included items). “Food security” and “sustainable land use” are keywords for
the activities and indispensable in Zambia.

The JICA Study Team has shared information with some of above listed NGOs for overall project
objectives and outlines coupled with detailed Action Plan components, in the period of November to
December 2010. The information contented is derived originally either from visiting interview /
hearing or source of their supplemental matters issued officially (includes web contents and
brochures). The web source contents have been last verified in December, 2010.

G - 24
Fiscal year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Components 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Initial phase: 4 years Intermediate phase: 3 years Final phase: 2 years
1. Preparation for the Pilot Projects
2. Irrigated agriculture
Soil improvement
Strategic cultivation
Improvement of farming
3. Distribution and Marketing
Promotion of
Collective Marketing
Strengthening of
Practical Marketing Skill
Technology Transfer by OJT
4. Irrigation and water
Rehabilitation of existing
irrigation schemes
G - 26

Acceleration of surface
water use
Proper water use
5. Strengthening of farmers’
Enhancement of market
Support of farmers’ groups
Strengthening of water
users associations
6. Capacity building of farmers and
Government officials
Capacity building of
Improvement of extension
Irrigation, water
7. Monitoring and Evaluation
8. Reports

Fig.F2.2.1 Project Implementation Schedule

Initial Priod of M/P (Action Plan Period) Intermediate Period of
M /P
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Accumulated month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Wet season

1. Preparation of Pilot Projects

1.1 Set up of PMC
1.2 Formation of Supporting Units
1.3 Detail implementation Plan of PPs
2. Farm Management and Cropping
2.1 Promoting vegetable complex
2.1.1 Participatory market research
2.1.2 Cropping calendar formulation
2.1.3 Production skills
2.1.4 Business plan preparation
2.2 Strategic planting
2.2.1 Crop planting in high season
G - 27

2.2.2 Contract planting plan

2.2.3 Matching meeting
2.3 Improvement of farming
2.3.1 Bokashi preparation
2.3.2 Dissemination of Bokashi
3. Marketing
3.1 Preparatory work
3.1.1 Baseline survey
3.1.2 Basic planning
3.2 Promotion of collective marketing
3.2.1 Preparation
3.2.2 Construction of the shed
3.2.3 Establishment of the system
3.2.4 Implementation
3.3 Strengthening of marketing skill
3.3.1 Production / selling
3.3.2 Planning / verification
3.4 Technology transfer through OJT
3.4.1 Collective marketing
3.4.2 Marketing skill

Fig. F2.3.1 Implementation Schedule of the Action Plan (1/2)

Initial Priod of M/P (Action Plan Period) Intermediate Period of
M /P
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Accumulated month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
4. Irrigation and Water Management
4.1 Rehabilitation works
4.1.1 Bwafwano
4.1.2 Natuseko
4.1.3 Chipapa
4.1.4 Mulabalaba
4.2 Water management
4.2.1 T raining (OJT )
5. Farmers' Organization
5.1 Enhancing market activities
5.1.1 Farmer's training
5.1.2 Conduct business plan
5.1.3 Study tour
5.2 Support of farmers' groups
G - 28

5.2.1 Collecting and managing information

5.3 Strengthening WUAs
5.3.1 Establishment of WUAs
5.3.2 T raining of WUAs
6. Capacity Building
6.1 Capacity building of farmers' groups
6.1.1 T rainers' training
6.2 Extension services
6.3 Irrigation / water management
6.3.1 Participatory management
6.3.2 Planning of the project
6.3.3 Construction management
6.3.4 Operation and maintenance
6.3.5 Monitoring and evaluation
6.3.6 Environmental issues
6.3.7 System design process
7. Monitoring and evaluation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8. Reports
8.1 Monthly report * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8.2 Evaluation report for pilot projects
8.3 Deatil implementation plan for later half of the M/P

Fig. F2.3.1 Implementation Schedule of the Action Plan (2/2)

Source: TradingEconomics.com

Fig. 3.1.1 (1) Inflation, Consumer Prices

Change of Inflation Rate (1980 – 2010)

Unit: %

Zambia Tanzania South Africa

Source: http://ecodb.net/country/ZM/imf_inflation.html

Fig.F3.1.1 (2) Change of Inflation Rate of Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa

G - 29
Annex H

General Aspects of the Model Sites for Action Plan

The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex H. General Aspects of the Model Sites for Action Plan

Table of Contents


Annex H. General Aspects of the Model Sites for Action Plan

H.1 Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme, Kalulushi District / Copperbelt Province ............. H-1

H.2 Natuseko Irrigation Area, Kabwe District / Central Province............................... H-4

H.3 Chipapa Irrigation Scheme, Kafue District / Lusaka Province ............................. H-7

H.4 Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme, Kazungula District / Southern Province ............. H-10

H.1 Bwafwano Irrigation Scheme, Kalulushi District / Copperbelt Province

Basic Information
Name of Agricultural Block Mwambashi
Name of Agricultural Camp Ichimpe
No of farmers' groups in the area 3 groups; Bulimi (B), Tiwonge (Tw), Tusheni (Ts)
No of membership for each group B: 60, Tw: 40, Ts: 76
Actual no of farmers participating 176
Sum of gardens under irrigation (m ) 440,000
Unit garden allocated per member (m ) 2,500 on average
Unit garden under rainy season (m ) 2,000 on average
Unit garden under irrigation (m ) 2,500 on average
Remarks -
Source : DACO and farmers' groups

General Aspect of the Area

Bwafwano community falls under Ichimpe camp in
Mwambashi Block 8 km to the East of Kalulushi
town centre. The area is easily accessible via
Kalulushi-Chingola Road which is, however, in poor
condition. The irrigation area covers an area of
approximately 0.375 km2. Demographically, Ichimpe
has a total population of 3,764 comprising of 749
households. Due to its gentle undulation, the major
land use for the area is agricultural and agro-forestry.
Bwafwano area. Source: Google Earth (earth.google.co.jp, date
Farmers grow different crops, both rain fed and last verified 21 December, 2010).

irrigated. Maize is the major crop grown in rain season, while farmers grow a variety of irrigated
vegetables in the dry season; these include tomato, baby marrow, carrots, green beans, cabbage, okra,
onion etc. There are also vast plantations of pine under the custody of Zambia Forestry and Forest
Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) and a few small scale mines. The land is utilized mostly for gardens
with a source of water mainly from stream and dug up wells to irrigate their crops.

Bwafwano area lies on the eastern part of the Boma at an altitude of between 1225-1250 m above sea
level. The land is generally flat but tends to undulate eastwards making it suitable for canal irrigation as
water freely flows from the source to the gardens without any inducement. In addition, they are not
prone to excessive erosion because of the favourable topography.
The area is on a low lying zone extending from Mwambashi River, a tributary of the Kafue River,
characterized by dambo black alluvial soils which are mainly waterlogged during the rainy season.
However, the soils have particularly proven to be suitable for different crop cultivation, including Maize
(staple), sweet potatoes and vegetables.

Ecological Conditions
The area has vegetation typical of a dambo area characterized by mainly dambo grass comprising, typha,
sedges, reeds, short shrubs and a few trees scattered mostly of Acacia. On the western side, 200-500 m
from irrigation scheme, is a residential area where people who utilize the area stay while the northern
side has a plantation of pines which serves as a wind breaker, making the area a beautiful site. The
plantation is Ichimpe Forest Reserve Number 8.
The source of water is mainly from two perennial streams merging to form Kafikondo Stream. A
supplemental water body is a tailings dam (Mindro pond / reservoir) for the mines whose discharge is
harnessed via a canal for irrigation but tends to reduce flow and or dry up between September-
November just before rains start. In addition the area has great potential in underground water;
hence shallow wells are dug for consumption and irrigation purposes when water supply becomes
Due to the flatness of the land, the available water resources are quite supportive to irrigation
agriculture when properly utilized.

Agronomic Conditions
Kalulushi district lies in Agro-Ecological Zone III receiving annual rainfall of about 1341mm for the
period spanning for about 160 days, starting from November to February. The average drought period in
each rain season is about 2.5 days.
The rain fed crops are mainly maize, cassava, and sweet potatoes; while vegetables such as cabbages,
carrots, baby marrow, tomatoes, onion, okra and green beans are grown under irrigation.

Other Unique Features

The area is typical of a peri-urban area accessible through a tarred road which links it to Kitwe,
Chingola and Mufurila posing a huge market demand for vegetables. More than 80% of the total
population of the province settle in urban area whereas potentials for farm land, water resource and
marketing are not fully utilized.
Major Markets for Fresh Vegetables produced by the Areal Smallholders
Chisokone market (Kitwe), local markets in Kalulushi, Sabina (Kalulushi), to other district (e.g.
Chililabombwe), and to Kasumbalesa (Zambia - DR. Congo boarder).

Figures of the Site

(see the following pages)

Mindro pond located nearby Bwafwano irrigation area. Part Channel of the stream flowing along farm area and feeder
of storage water within the pond will flow into regional road. The photo indicates that flow volume appears less
stream as overflow discharge after leveling-up of water under dry season although base-flow is kept somewhat
under rainy season. constant. The stream is important surface water source.

Shallow well also exists within the garden. Farmers A member of the farmers’ group is inletting water from
prepared the well as the last resort to surpass insufficient secondary canal (earthen) for flood irrigation over a small-
water availability for irrigation. Shallow ground water level plot.
remains under rainy season.

The long side of a rectangle shape plot along with Plots are well established (zoned) and prepared by the
secondary canal. Irrigation is well managed by utilizing farmers’ group. Unit plot size is 100 x 12 m2, approximately.
gravitational flow of channel with slight land inclination.

H.2 Natuseko Irrigation Area, Kabwe District / Central Province

Basic Information
Name of Agricultural Block Waya
Name of Agricultural Camp Natuseko
No of farmers' groups in the area 2 groups; Moto Moto A (M-A), Moto Moto B (M-B)
No of membership for each group M-A : 40 (M 21, F 19)*, M-B : 36 (M 23, F 13)
Actual no of farmers participating M-A : 40 (M 21, F 19), M-B : 36 (M 23, F 13)
Sum of gardens under irrigation (m ) M-A : 300,000, M-B : 295,000
Unit garden allocated per member (m ) M-A : 15,000, M-B : 12,500
Unit garden under rainy season (m ) 15,000 on average
Unit garden under irrigation (m ) 7,500 on average
Remarks There are more irrigable lands whose owners are ready
to join the scheme.
Source : DACO and farmers' groups * (M , F ) denotes individual number for Male and Female.

General Aspect of the Area

The population of Natuseko irrigation scheme is
approximately 640 with a total number of 80
households. The area in question is a dambo
mainly utilized by the local authority on the
eastern part as discharge ponds for sewerage
dispose. Mainly the land is utilized for gardening
with a source of water mainly from stream and
dug up wells to irrigate their crops. The crops
grown are mainly vegetables, sweet potatoes and
Natuseko area. Source: Google Earth (earth.google.co.jp, date last
sugar canes. Therefore the main industry is verified 21 December, 2010).

The area is on a low lying zone characterized by dambo black alluvial soils which are mainly
waterlogged during the rainy season. There are no trees except the dambo grass which characterized the
area. The area has a gentle slope with a stretch from the south eastern to the north western point. On the
eastern part of the area is residential homes where the people who utilize the area come from.

Ecological Conditions
The area is mainly dambo whose vegetation type is mainly grass, river reeds and the surrounding area is
characterized by short shrubs of trees especially on the western part of the stream.
The source of water is mainly from the stream. The stream is more utilized during the dry season for
irrigation. Water sources are also from the shallow wells within the dambo area. The remarkable site
specific wild nature is that the area is a wet land in the sense that it is a source of both surface and


Agronomic Conditions
Natuseko lies in the Zone Ⅱof the Agro-Ecological Region meaning that it receives an annual rainfall
range 800 to 1,000 mm per annum.
The rain fed crops are mainly maize, sugar cane and rice at a small scale level; while vegetables such as
cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, okra and green beans are grown under irrigation.

Other Unique Features

The area stretches along the railway on the western and a residential compound on the eastern side can
easily be accessed from main road (Great North Road) through a gravel road. On the northern side of
the site are tall silos used mainly for grain.
Major Markets for Fresh Vegetables produced by the Areal Smallholders
Kasanda market, New Kasanda market, Nakoli market and Ngonga market etc in Kabwe township area.

Figures of the Site

Stream area (on the left side) and gardens for the farmers’ Lima-scale garden with upland residential area in distance.
groups. The area is characterized by dambo utilization. Unit plot size in the area varies, however, revealed less than 1
lima (2,500 m2) according to field interviews to the farmers’

Part of the gardens of the irrigation site are located on The garden located on site with shallow ground-water-level.
lower part and are characterized by dambo black alluvial The photo shows crop plants in initial stage on ridge prepared
soils for water logging condition.

Shallow well constructed nearby cabbage garden (winter Members of the farmers’ group in Natuseko. Some bicycles
dry season). Farmers utilize treadle pumps for up-taking seen are well utilized as transportation for shipping their
water from well to their gardens. fresh vegetables to markets.

H.3 Chipapa Irrigation Scheme, Kafue District / Lusaka Province

Basic Information
Name of Agricultural Block Chipapa
Name of Agricultural Camp Chipapa
No of farmers' groups in the area 1 groups; Chipapa Dam Garden Committee
No of membership for each group 120
Actual no of farmers participating 120
Sum of gardens under irrigation (m ) 100,000
Unit garden allocated per member (m ) 250 on average
Unit garden under rainy season (m ) 250 on average
Unit garden under irrigation (m ) 250 on average
Remarks Some farmers have more than 1 plot.
Source : DACO and farmers' groups

General Aspect of the Area

The area covers three villagers namely Mwando,
Chityoltyolo and Mulendema with population of
850, 700 and 800, respectively. The number of
households participating in irrigation at Chipapa
irrigation scheme is 120. Agriculture is the mainstay
activity for the community and 10 ha scheme area is
used for gardening during the post rainy season only.
Crops grown are tomatoes, green beans, onion,
Chipapa area. Source: Google Earth (earth.google.co.jp, date last
green maize, and water for irrigation is from verified 21 December, 2010).

Chipapa Dam located 400 m away. Water from the dam is released by means of an outlet pipe up to the
distribution box after which it is conveyed to the field via a canal network system.

The garden area is low lying, with a relatively flat and gently sloping land that is susceptible to partial
logging during the rain season. The dam is mainly recharged by an ephemeral stream that conveys
runoff water from the bordering mountain ranges located on the southern, eastern and northern sides.
The community farmers, as cooperative members, are settled around the scheme land to the south, west
and north of the dam.

Ecological Conditions
The area lies in agro-ecological zone Ⅱ with average rainfall ranging between 800 to 1,000 mm. The
gardening area is a dambo. On the borders and up to the mountain ranges that is grass and three
vegetation cover. Deforestation for the purpose of charcoal burning is rampant and this has reduced the
vegetation thickness.
The water source is Chipapa dam fed by an ephemeral stream carrying runoff water from the

surrounding mountains which form the catchment.
Rain-fed crops on the upland are maize, sweet potatoes, groundnuts and a little sorghum,

Agronomic Conditions
Irrigation of crop is by furrow and flooding. The soils are clayey and thus allowing growing of leafy
and fruit vegetables than root crops. The cropping pattern follows the seasons; the garden is grown to
vegetables during the dry season whereas maize is grown during the rainy season.

Other Unique Features

The areas are accessed by a 7 km gravel road off Kafue-Lusaka Road in Chilanga. Along the way and
up to the rail line crossing are smallholder farmers who practice mixed farming. Crossing over the
railway, the area reaches traditional land with traditional farmers. Community-support services are
provided by area staff under MACO for community development, veterinary, education, health
including the local court and religious organization.
Major Markets for Fresh Vegetables produced by the Areal Smallholders
Targeting market for Chipapa area is dominantly the Soweto Market in center of Lusaka city area.
Farmers in the community utilize public transportation (mini bus) for shipping their produces to the
market. The produces are also (re) distributed over major town markets in Lusaka.

Figures of the Site

Feeder road connecting Kafue road (principal road) and Canal with lining and gardens of the irrigation scheme.
Chipapa community. The road is currently under Gardens are well managed by participants of the irrigation
rehabilitation work (November, 2010). The areas are scheme (i.e., farmers’ group). Unit plot size is 10 x 10 m2,
accessed by a 7 km gravel road off the principal road. approximately.

Water flowing into a secondary canal (earthen) from a
Dam bank and water body (dry season in November).
principal canal. All of the plots under the scheme appreciate
Water level comes to deplete though still remains to supply
irrigation system under the same manner for its good
water to the garden.

Cattle manure is under the process of decomposition on Establishment of green beans over the plots (winter season in
ground. Farmers co-utilize these manures for their garden July). These green beans will be harvested and shipped to
to improved soil fertility. Soweto market in Lusaka.

H.4 Mulabalaba Irrigation Scheme, Kazungula District / Southern Province

Basic Information
Name of Agricultural Block Musokotwane
Name of Agricultural Camp Kabuyo
No of farmers' groups in the area 3 groups; Mukamba (M), Tulime (T), Sima Sikabwe (S)
No of membership for each group M: 125, T: 65, S: 65
Actual no of farmers participating M:29(M 18, F 11) *, T:19(M 13, F 6), S:16(M 8, F 8)
Sum of gardens under irrigation (m ) 160,000
Unit garden allocated per member (m ) 2,500 on average
Unit garden under rainy season (m ) 2,500 on average
Unit garden under irrigation (m ) 2,500 on average
Remarks There are 84 plots and the scheme has room to expand
(100,000 m2) with the available water from the dam.
Source : DACO and farmers' groups * (M , F ) denotes individual number for Male and Female.

General Aspect of the Area

The population of Mulabalaba irrigation
scheme is approximately 600 with a total
number of 132 households in 3 villages
of Mulabalaba, Sikabwe and Likunyi.
The operation area is utilized mainly by
the local people for agricultural
production. In addition, the surrounding
anthills (termite mounds with large-scale
basal diameter, height and high
population density) have been used for
Mulabalaba area. Source: Google Earth (earth.google.co.jp, date last verified
molding of pan bricks. The land is used 21 December, 2010).

mostly for gardening with the water source mainly from the dam. The agricultural camp is 43 km from
the block office in Musokotwane. Further point is 18 km from camp office. The dam is built on
Nampongo stream which takes water into Ngwezi River. All of these streams belong to Zambezu River

The area is located on plateau covered with sandy-sandy loam soils. Rainfall range between 600-700
mm. Vegetation is characterized by Miombo woodlands. The Ngwezi River passes north of the camp
with Zimba hills to the north. The place is inhibited by the Toka people living in scattered settlements.
The main occupation is crop production and grazing (cattle and goats). Infrastructure development in
the area includes a new rehabilitated Zimba Livingstone roads and electricity in the area. The area has
severe soil erosion problems due to adulating terrain and thus high erodibility under intensive rains
(short period with relatively high rainfall intensity) of dry seasons.

H - 10
Ecological Conditions
Mulabalaba area is mainly characterized by some savanna grassland and scattered shrubs.
The source of water is from the dam which is more utilized during the dry season and the dam even in
the worst drought experience in the past 10 years has never dried up.

Agronomic Conditions
The area lies in Zone 1 of Agro-Ecological Region of Zambia meaning that it receives an annual rainfall
range of 600 to 700 mm per annum.
Major rain fed crops are maize, groundnuts, cotton and sweet potatoes at a small scale, whilst
vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, eggplants, green pepper and green maize are grown
under irrigation.

Other Unique Features

Mulabalaba scheme can be accessed from the South East by the newly rehabilitated Zimba Livingstone
road and graded feeder road which was used by the contractor to get water from the dam. There is
electricity about 6 km from Kabuyu Basic School. There are 3 hand pumps, equipped for groundwater
uplifting, and located over beneficiary area of the dam.
Major Markets for Fresh Vegetables produced by the Areal Smallholders
Maramba main market and Mbita market in Livingstone township area. There is also an opportunity for
cross-boarder trading via exporters of Kazungula border market (Botswana etc) or selling to the buyers
(Mo-Business etc.) from Livingstone city. It is well recognized that the area holds favored marketing
potential for tourist facilities such as hotels, lodges and motels.

Figures of the Site

Overview of the dam (dry season). Dam was constructed by Members of the farmers’ group are inspecting inlet of pipes,
damming up a stream flowing in the area. which are connected to a siphoning box on the bank.

H - 11
View of garden area from the bank side. Canal conveys Some gardens located nearby water source (within catchment
water up-taken by siphon system to gardens in downstream area) need micro-irrigation method; i.e., treadle pump use for
direction. irrigation.

Typical arrangement of gardens cropped with cabbage. It Major market in Livingstone (Maramba main market in
should be noted that the garden seen in photo is located on township area). The farmers’ groups in Mulabalaba also ship
upper position than principal canal and therefore needs their fresh vegetables to this market while they are shipping
man-power irrigation (i.e. treadle pump use) for inletting seeking for different marketing channels currently.
water from the canal. Unit plot size is less than 1/2 Lima
(1,250 m2) though it varies by and large.

H - 12
Annex I

Manual for GIS Operation

The Master Plan for Promotion of Irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders
in the Peri-Urban Areas in the Republic of Zambia
Final Report
Annex I. Manual for GIS Operation

Table of Contents


Annex I. Manual for GIS Operation

Chapter 1 Raster Data Editing
1. Geometric correction of raster data ...................................................................... I-1
2. Input and Editing of Vector Data .......................................................................... I-8
(1) Start of edit.................................................................................................. I-8
(2) Establish snapping ...................................................................................... I-9
(3) Edit of point ................................................................................................ I-10
(4) Edit of line .................................................................................................. I-14
(5) Edit of polygon ........................................................................................... I-17

Chapter 2 Edit of Attribution

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... I-19
2. Display of Attribute data....................................................................................... I-20
(1) Display of “Tools” bar ................................................................................ I-20
(2) Display of Attribution ................................................................................. I-21
(3) Attribution of meteorological and hydrological data base.......................... I-25
(4) Attribution of farming and marketing information ..................................... I-29
3. Input and editing of the attribute data................................................................... I-30
1) “Edit” button ............................................................................................... I-30 2)
“Save” button .............................................................................................. I-31 3)
“Undo” button............................................................................................. I-32 4)
Confirmation of editing .............................................................................. I-33
5) Input and editing of the rainfall and run-off data........................................ I-34
6) Input and editing of the irrigation data ....................................................... I-36
7) Input and editing of production data ........................................................... I-38
4. Print of irrigation data........................................................................................... I-39
(1) Display of print data ................................................................................... I-39
(2) Print of all data............................................................................................ I-39
(3) Print............................................................................................................. I-40

Forbidden clause ................................................................................................................... I-41

I. Geometric correction of raster data

1. Geometric correction of raster data

Method of Geo coded that designate coordination on scanned map

(1) Geo coded

1 Confirm spherical projection of map, and establish projection by “Coordinate System” in
“Data Frame properties” of GIS. (ex. Arc 1950 UTM Zone 35 below)

2. Add image file into Arc Map. When message “Would you like to create pyramid?”, select “Yes”
or “No”.

3. If message below is displayed, click “OK”, and close dialog box.

4. Click “Georeferencing” in “Toolbars”, “View” to dispaly geo-reference tool bar

5. Select raster data that corrected.
(Figure below shows 25 SD-35-10 Busangaswamp.tif)

6. Display raster data by either method below:

a. Right Click on displayed data in Layers of Display, and select “Zoom To Layer”.

b. Select “Fit To Display” in “Georeferencing” in “Georeferencing” tool.

7. Provide coordination into map

a. Click “Add Control points”, and click upper corner of map.

Continuously, right click and select “Input X and Y”.

b. Input coordination

c. Same procedure as 2. is carried out for other points. Minimum 4 points shall be select in
raster data, but not localized.

8. Save image by “Ractify” command. Check box of “Auto Adjust” at that time.

Indicate save

Indicate file format style

In this case, Image format

2. Input and Editing of Vector Data
Features (point, line, polygon) is edited using “Editor” tool on Arc Map.

When “Editor” toolbar is not displayed, add on Arc Map by click

“Editor tool bar” button.

(1)Start of edit
1. Select “Editor” →”Start Editing”

2. When map is composed of several data sets, selection prompt in data sets are displayed,
then select data sets.


(2) Establish snapping
1. Open snap window from “Editor” → “Snapping”.

2. Check “Vertex” that snapping is set effective.

3. Put check on “Edit sketch verticcs” in lower column (establishment of snapped portion)
4. Close snap window.

(3) Edit of point

Select layer from “Target” in “Edit” toolbar.


1. New establishment of point

a. Turn “Task” to “Create new feature” in “Editor” toolbar

b. Selection of sketch tool:

Select “Sketch Tool” from tool palette on “Editor” toolbar.

I - 10
c. Put point by left click.

2. Erase and move of point

a. Click “Edit Tool”.

b. For erase, select point by left click, and “delete” by right click.
c. Drag when move.

I - 11
3. Editing of point attribution
Here it is subject to “Geographic Name” layer
Add location, river name, etc. on point attribution input in “Geographic Name”.

a. Right click on “Geographic Name” layer of “Table of content” to select “Open Attribute table”.
(Attribute Table is opened.)

b. Click by “Edit Tool” where be corrected.

I - 12
c. Since column is colored in blue when point is selected, input title in
“name” field.

Input in this column

I - 13
(4) Edit of line
Select layer from “Target” in “Editor” toolbar.


1. New line
a. Turn “task” to “Create new feature” in “Editor” toolbar.
b. Select “Sketch Tool” of tool palette on “Editor” toolbar.

c. Input line of feature by left click.

I - 14
d. Select “Finish Sketch” after open dialog by right click after end point of line is
Or double click of end point.

Right click →Finish Sketch

Double click

2. Edit line style

a. Click “Edit Tool”

b. Click Arrow symbol, and select “Modify Feature”.

I - 15
c. When click target line, edit becomes possible.

Put pointer on corrected

portion, right click →erase

3. Erase and move of line

a. Click arrow symbol in “Task”, and select “reshape Feature”.

b. When erase, click “Delete” after selection of line subject to erase.

c. When move, just drag.

I - 16
(5) Edit of polygon
Select layer subject to edit from “Target” in “Edit” toolbar.


1. New polygon input

a. Turn “Task” to “Create new feature” in “Editor” toolbar.
b. Select “Sketch Tool” from tool palette on “Editor” toolbar.

c. Create polygon by left click.

d. “ Finish Sketch” is selected by right

click to finish polygon.
Double click on end portion.

I - 17
Put pointer on corrected portion, right click

Put pointer on corrected

portion, right click

2. Reshape of polygon: see (4) line edit

3. Erase and move of polygon: see (4) line edit, 3. reshape

of line

I - 18
Chapter 2 Edit of Attribution
1. Introduction

First set hyperlink information of the ArcMap.

(1) Open (data.mxd) from ArcMap.

(2) Select “Domument Properties” from (File) menu.

(3) Input Absolute pass (ex. F: /emp_db) of (emp_db) which is the save-folder of MS Access
data base in “Hyperlink bas information”

I - 19
2. Display of Attribute data

(1) Display of “Tools” bar

To display “Tools” bar, check “Tools” in “status Bar” in “View” menu in the ArcMap.

I - 20
(2) Display of Attribution
1) Select “Identity” in “Tools” bar.

I - 21
2) Click a figure which attribution shall be referred.

Click a figure which attribution shall be referred.

Display of
polygon data

I - 22
3) Click MS Access data base name in “DB” in “Identity” dialog.

4) MS Access is booted and Explorer is displayed.

Example of Camp
information data

I - 23
5) Input value of (OBJECTID) in “OBJECTID” in “Identity” dialog and click (Search).

6) Search result is displayed below.

I - 24
(3) Attribution of meteorological and hydrological data base
Display of research and attribution is similar to other data bases. Meteorological and hydrological
data base can be presented by graph,

1) When click “View Precipitation Data” of the meteorological data base, rainfall amount is
indicated. Similarly
when click “View Hydrological Data” of the meteorological data base, run-off data are indicated.

I - 25
Display of
rainfall data

I - 26
Displzy of hydro-
logical data base

I - 27
(2) Graph is indicated when click “Graph”

Graph of specified year is

indicated when check the
“year”. Graph of average of
observation period in
indicated when check (All).

I - 28
(4) Attribution of farming and marketing information

Production data are graphically indicated for farming and marketing information.

I - 29
3. Input and editing of the attribute data
Input and editing is possible for figures which are already input.

1) “Edit” button

I - 30
2) “Save” button
“Save” button is operational when “Edit” button has been clicked (“Editing” mode). “Save “button is
clicked for saving during editing.

I - 31
3) “Undo” button

When click “Undo” button, data are re-edited, however after saving (click “Edit”), editing is invalid.

I - 32
4) Confirmation of editing

When input data are changed during editing work, Indicator at left-up is changed for user’s reference.

I - 33
5) Input and editing of the rainfall and run-off data

Note: Indicated value in

“View” shall be input in
(OBJECTID) column.

I - 34
Month is input using “Pull
down” menu.

When click “Refresh”, data

editing becomes effective in

I - 35
6) Input and editing of the irrigation data
Two photographs are input in an irrigation site. Click folder icon and select photograph with absolute
pass in “Picture1” and “Picture 2”, respectively.

I - 36
Click “Open” after
selection of target file.

Absolute pass
is indicated.

I - 37
7) Input and editing of production data
The following are remarkable points of farming and marketing information

Produce is selected not more than seven (7) kinds.

When erase “row”, both (Crop) and (Production) shall be erased.
“Undo” is not d in the file.

I - 38
4. Print of irrigation data
(1) Display of print data
When click “View Current Report”, report in specified page is indicated.

(2) Print of all data

When click “View All Report”, all sheets are indicated.

Display all
print data

Display specified
sheet print data

I - 39
(3) Print
Right – click in the report, and select “Print”.

I - 40
Forbidden clause
The following are forbidden without permission.
- Erase of Table Query form of MS Access
- Change name of Table Query form of MS Access
- Change of definition of Table Query form of MS Access

Since MS Access data base includes figure data, any changes above may cause invalidity of attribution and
also display of figures.

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