Meng 2011

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Kinematics Analysis and Simulation of

Quadruped Robot

Ni Meng Wang Xiaodong

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering
Beihang University Beihang University
Beijing, China Beijing, China
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—This paper firstly introduces the formation of of different simulation results rapidly[3]. Matlab also provides
coordinate system linkage of quadruped robot; consequently, the plug-ins for simulation of kinematics analysis like Simulink
homogeneous transformationmatrix of every coordinate system and SimMechanics, the parametric simulation model of robot
linkage is computed. Then, the forward and inverse kinematics can be built on the toolbox of Simulink and SimMechanics,
equations of quadruped robot are formulated. Finally, using then we can analyze the influence of leg parameters on robot
SolidWorks Motion to simulate and analysis the kinematics motion performance[4]. Besides, virtual prototyping
characteristics of 3-D model of robot. technology is another suitable way for kinematics analysis, it
provides users with friendly interface, allowing users to do
Keywords—quadruped robot, kinematics analysis, simulation
motion simulations on various kinematics problems of
I. INTRODUCTION mechanical system right after the design of solid 3-D model
was done without leaving the CAD environment. Solidworks,
Quadruped robot is flexible in movement and adaptive in
a well-known 3-D modeling software, contains its own
terrain application. In addition, it has vast application in
plug-in COSMOS Motion for kinematics analysis[5].
military, civil, resource exploration, geography adventure and
so on[1]. More and more scientists are researching on This paper firstly introduces the formation of coordinate
quadruped robot recently. system linkage of quadruped robot; consequently, the
homogeneous transformation matrix of every coordinate
To realize robot automatic control, one should first do the
system linkage is computed. Then, the forward and inverse
kinematic analysis of robot. Generally, there are two main
kinematics equations of quadruped robot are formulated.
problems in robot kinematics research. The first one is to
Finally, using SolidWorks Motion to simulate and analysis the
assign joint degrees to specific robot, calculate the position
kinematics characteristics of 3-D model of robot.
and gesture of terminal actuator, which is called forward
kinematics analysis. The other one is to calculate all the II. FORWARD KINEMATICS ANALYSIS
corresponding joint angles of robot given position of terminal
Mechanical structure of quadruped robot been researched
actuator and gesture of robot, which is called reverse
in this paper mainly consists two parts: body and legs. The
kinematics analysis[2]. There are many ways to analysis and
body is a rigid box, the four legs symmetrically distribute
simulate kinematics characters of robot. The sophisticated
along the body, and each leg has the same structure. The legs
simulation software ADAMS is convenient in mechanical
are composed of a series of rigid body (linkage) connected by
system simulation. It provides truly simulation of
rotating joints. There are three joints of each leg which are
object-motion process, and can analyze and compare a variety
horizontal hip joint, vertical hip joint and knee joint. The

978-1-4244- 8452-2/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE FPM 2011

structure of quadruped robot is shown in figure 1, the specific
C R C0 P0C  I 3×3 P0C  R C0 0 
T0 =  0 1 = 0 (1)
1   0 1 
structure of the leg is shown in figure 2.
œ଴ Š‘”‹œ‘–ƒŽŠ‹’œଵ
›଴ šଵ
vertical hip ›ଶ
œଶ šଶ

knee ›ଷ
Figure 1. The structure of quadruped robot
šଷ calf

foot ›ସ
œସ šସ

Figure 3. The coordinate system for each linkage

In this formulation, ଴େ  is the coordinate value of the

origin point of coordinate system {c} in coordinate system
{0}. େ଴ is the rotation matrix between coordinate system {c}
and coordinate system {0}. Using –”ƒ•൫଴େ ൯ as a
transformation matrix and ”‘–ሺǡ Ʌሻ as a rotation matrix[6], so:

Figure 2. The structure of robot leg C I 3×3 P0C 

trans ( P0 ) =  0 (2)
Horizontal hip joint is driven by rotating motor, the
rotating angle isߠଵ . The vertical hip and knee joints are driven
R (k , θ ) 0
by separate hydraulic cylinder, the rotating angles rot ( k , θ ) = (3)
 0 1 
areߠଶ ,ߠଷ respectively.

In order to measure the position and gesture relation ሺǡ Ʌሻ is rotation operator, which stands for the
between every linkage, a coordinate system is built on every orientation matrix of coordinate system {c} after the rotation
linkage. The position and gesture of terminal actuator in basic of degree Ʌ around the axis k (x or y or z) of coordinate
coordinate system is determined by the corresponding system {0}[6].Therefore, changes between any two coordinate
relations between every coordinate system[6]. systems can be achieved in terms of several translation and
rotation transformations. The derivation of a homogeneous
Firstly, we should build coordinate system of the linkages.
transformation matrix between two adjacent coordinate
This paper basically applies D-H method to build robot
systems is as follows:
linkage coordinate system. The coordinate system for each
linkage is shown in figure 3.

The homogeneous transformation matrix of coordinate

systemis଴େ :

1 o
A0 = trans(a, b, c) rot(y, 90 ) Py = l3 s1c23 + l2 s1c2 + l1 s1 + b (7)

0 0 1 a
0 1 0 b Pz = −l3c1c23 − l2 c1c2 − l1c1 + c (8)
 −1 0 0 c
 Where •୧୨ ൌ •‹Ʌ୧ …‘•Ʌ୨ ൅ …‘•Ʌ୧ •‹Ʌ୨ , …୧୨ ൌ …‘•Ʌ୧ …‘•Ʌ୨ െ
 0 0 0 1 
•‹Ʌ୧ •‹Ʌ୨ (i=1,2,3)DŽR is foot gesture matrix in coordinate
2 o system {0}. ୶ ,୷ ,୸ are the coordinate value of foot in x, y, z
A1 = rot ( z , θ1 ) trans(l1 , 0, 0) rot( x , 90 )
axis of coordinate system {0} respectively.
c1 0 s1 l1c1 
= 1 
0 1 0 0
 The analysis of forward kinematics problem can be used to
 0 0 0 1  determine whether the motion of robot meets with the
requirements, it can also be used as preparation for the
A2 = rot ( z , θ 2 ) trans(l2 , 0, 0) analysis of reverse kinematics problem. The discussion of
c2 − s2 0 l2 c2  reverse kinematics problem can verify whether the robot can
 s c2 0 l2 s2  achieve the desired gesture and position or not. Moreover,
= 2 
0 0 1 0
 when the robot’s pose control and trajectory planning is
 0 0 0 1  implemented, which means the foot’s position and orientation
has been told, it can be used to find the joint rotation angles to
A3 = rot ( z , θ 3 ) trans(l3 , 0, 0)
drive the motor of each joint in order to meet the desired
c3 − s3 0 l3c3  position and orientation of foot. Therefore, reverse kinematics
 s c3 0 l3 s3  analysis is essential to robot motion control system[7].
= 3 
0 0 1 0
 The forward kinematics equations of quadruped robot legs
 0 0 0 1 
are established in previous chapter. Now, the position and
Where •୧ ൌ •‹Ʌ୧ ǡ …୧ ൌ …‘•Ʌ୧ (i=1,2,3), the location of the gesture of legs ଴ସ and structural parameters of each linkage
origin point of coordinate system {1} is (a, b, c) in coordinate Žଵ ǡ Žଶ ǡ Žଷ are given. The goal is to calculate Ʌଵ ,Ʌଶ ǡ ƒ†Ʌଷ .
system {0}. Žଵ  is the linkage length between hip horizontal ିଵ ିଵ
଴ସ ൌ ଵ଴ ଶଵ ଷଶ ସଷ, after left multiplication ଶଵ ଵ଴ :
joint and hip vertical joint. Žଶ ǡ Žଷ are lengths of thigh and
calf respectively. 2 −1 1 −1 4 3 4
A1 A0 T0 =A2 A3
Therefore, the transformation matrix ଴ସ of foot
After expansion, take the third row and fourth column of
coordinate system {4} relative to basic coordinate system {0}
matrix from both sides of equation:
can be calculated as:
s1 ( − Pz + c ) − c1 ( Py − b ) = 0
4 1 2 3 4 R P 
T0 =A0 A1 A2 A3 = (4)
 0 1 
Py − b
tan θ1 =
After calculation, the result is: − Pz + c

 s c23 0  Therefore,
R =  s1c23 − s1c23 −c1  (5)
Py − b
 − c1c23 −c1s23 − s1  θ1 = tan (9)
− Pz + c

Px = l3 s23 + l2 s2 + a (6) Similarly:

−1 2 −1 1 −1 4 4 stays in their uniform speed respectively. The results of
A2 A1
A0 T0 =A3
simulation are shown in figure 4 to 6.
Take the first and second row of fourth column of matrix
from both sides of equation: 390

c2 D + s2 ( Px − a ) − l2 = l3c3 365

− s2 D + c2 ( Px − a) = l3c3


Where D = c1 ( − Pz + c ) + s1 ( Py − b ) − l1 .

Equations are solved as follows:

−1 E −1 D 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
θ 2 = tan − tan (10) time(sec)
2 2
4l2 [ D + ( Px − a )] − E
2 2 Px − a 
Figure 4. The displacement of foot along the X-axis of basic coordinate
2 2 2 2
Where E = D + ( Px − a ) + l2 − l3 . system

When E ≠ 0 , -0

2 2 2
−1 ± 4l2 l3 − E -44
θ 3 = tan (11)
Py (mm) -89
2 2 2
−1 ± 4l2 l3 − E D
θ 3 = tan + 180 (12) -178
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
When E = 0 , θ 3 =90 .
Figure 5. The displacement of foot along the Y-axis of basic coordinate
SolidWorks Motion is a CAE software plug-in of
SolidWorks, which provides users with friendly interface,
allowing users to do motion simulations on various kinematics
Pz (mm)

problems of mechanical system right after the design of solid -705

3-D model was done without leaving the CAD environment[8].

In this paper, a simulation of trajectory on one of the
quadruped robot’s leg has been done to verify the kinematic -746
equations been calculated in the previous chapters. 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00

Firstly, the 3-D model of quadruped robot has been
Figure 6. The displacement of foot along the Z-axis of basic coordinate
designed in SolidWorks, some of the design parameters system
areŽଵ ൌ ͹Ͳǡ Žଶ ൌ ͵͸Ͳǡ Žଷ ൌ ͵ͳͷ. Trajectory of the
Then calculate the position of robot feet based on
robot’s leg is set as follow: the rotating angle of horizontal hip
theoretical formulas derived in the above chapters. As the
joint is Ʌଵ ൌ െͳͷι, the rotating angle of vertical hip joint is
rotation of each joint stays in an uniform speed respectively,
Ʌଶ ൌ െ͵Ͳι, the rotating angle of knee joint is Ʌଷ ൌ Ͷͷι.
the relationships between rotation angle of each joint and
The simulation lasts for 5 seconds, the rotation of each joint

time is: ଵ ൌ െ͵– , ଶ ൌ െ͸– , ଷ ൌ ͻ– ( Ͳ ൑ – ൑ ͷ ); the
location of the origin point of coordinate system {1} is given
as (390, 0, 0) in coordinate system {0}, so:

Px = l3 s23 + l2 s2 + a
= 315 sin 3t − 360 sin 6t + 390

Py = l3 s1c23 + l2 s1c2 + l1s1 + b

= −315 sin 3t cos 3t − 360 sin 3t cos 6t − 70 sin 3t

Pz = −l3c1c23 − l2 c1c2 − l1c1 + c

= −315 cos 3t − 360 cos 3t cos 6t − 70 cos 3t Figure 9. The displacement of foot along the Z-axis of basic coordinate
Then we can draw graphics using Matlab, the graphics are
showing in figure 7 to 9: V. CONCLUSION
The kinematics analysis of quadruped robot is the basic of
space planning, motion control and optimal design. The CAE
software SolidWorks Motion for kinematics simulation not
only shows the actual movement of robot, but also provides
real-time analysis of the joint variables, which lays foundation
for following-up motion control.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support from

the Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory
and Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on
Figure 7. The displacement of foot along the X-axis of basic coordinate
system Aero Electromechanical System Integration.

[1] Yu Lianqing, “Mechanism Analysis and Gait Research on the
Quadruped Imitating a Horse,” Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
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[2] Chen Xuedong, Sun Lin, and Jia Wenchuan, “Motion Planning and
Control of Multilegged Walking Robots,” Huazhong University Press,
June 2006.
[3] Gao Dahua, Hu Xiaobing, “The Analysis of Kinematic Simulation of
6-DOF Articulated Carrier Robot Based on ADAMS,” Modern design
and advanced manufacturing technology, January 2010.
[4] Dong Jinbo, “Research of Single Leg Kinematic Simulation of the Biped
Robot Based on Matlab,” Science Technology and Engineering, vol.11,
NO.3, Jan 2011.
[5] Duan Jianmin, Liu Lei, “Kinematics simulation of six degree of freedom
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Figure 8. The displacement of foot along the Y-axis of basic coordinate Manufacture, Jan 2011.
[6] He Wei, “Robot Dynamics and Control,” Higher Education Press,
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[7] Li Tuanjie, “Robotics,” Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Oct
[8] Wu Gaoyang, Ren Guoquan, Hu Renxi, “SolidWorks 2010: from novice
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[9] Jiang Hong, Lv Lifeng, Wei Zheng, “SolidWorks: Dynamic illustration
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the simulation results consistent with the theoretical resultsˈwhich

improves that the kinematics analysis in this paper is correct.


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