Techniques and Method of Reading

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Assignment # 01

Techniques and methods of reading

Course code: 111
Registration no: UW-022-089
Submitted By: LAIBA RAFI
Submitted To: SADIA SAFDAR
Semester: BS CS 1ST (B)
Techniques and method of reading

Reading is a great habit that can change human life significantly. It can entertain
us; amuse us and enrich us with knowledge and experiences narrated. There
exist some reading techniques, which if mastered at a growing stage can help
us, be better and far more comprehensive readers.

The followings are seven styles/techniques of reading used in different


1. Reading Technique-Scanning:
2. Scanning through the text is a reading strategy that is used for getting
some specific points by looking at the whole text.
3. For highlighting the important points of a book the readers can skim
through the summary or the preface or the beginning and end chapters
of that book.

4. This technique is used for looking up a name from the telephone


2. Reading Technique–Skimming:

This reading technique is used for getting the gist of the whole text lead. We
generally use this technique at the time of reading a newspaper or magazine.

Under this technique, we read quickly to get the main points and skip over the

It is useful in getting a preview of a passage before reading it in detail or reviving

understandings of a passage after reading it in detail.

3. Active Reading Style

Active reading aims to get an in-depth understanding of the text. Under this
technique, the reader actively involved with the text while reading it.
Getting in-depth knowledge of the text at hand is not possible by reading to
skim through or scan through the text.

5. Detailed Reading
This technique is used for extracting information accurately from the whole text. Under
this technique, we read every word for understanding the meaning of the text.

In this careful reading, we can skim the text first for getting a general idea and then go
back to read in detail. We can use a dictionary to find the meaning of every unfamiliar

6. Speed Reading

Speed-reading is actually a combination of various reading methods.

The aim of speed-reading is basically to increase the reading speed without

compromising the understanding of the text reading. Some of the strategies used in
speed reading are as follows:

• Identifying words without focusing on each letter;

• Not to sounding-out all words;
• Not sub-vocalizing some phrases;
• Spending less time on some phrases than others;
• Skimming small sections.
6. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation

This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in his book How to
Read a Book.

This reading technique is mainly applicable to non-fiction writing. This technique suggests
reading as per the three following patterns:

• Studying the structure of the work;

• Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of inference;
• Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions.

7. Reading Techniques: Survey-Question-Read-Recite-

This method aims to facilitate a clear understanding of the text that the reader
would be able to teach whatever he has learned during the process of reading.

The process involves five different steps, which are as follows:

• Survey
The survey involves getting a quick idea of the whole writing piece. For
example, reading the introduction or summary of a book will be enough
to get an idea of that book.
• Question
We are not just reading the words or looking at the words but are actually
trying to make out the underlying meaning of the text. So we should
prepare questions in our mind and look for the answers while reading the
• Read
The reader should read selectively if they are looking for any specific.
• Recite
The reader should answer the questions in his own words using only the
keywords that are required to sum up the complete idea.
• Review
The reader should review the entire things in his mind.
Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of individuals are built.
As we know the paramount importance of reading, it is given the top priority in
primary education.

Many believe that reading is a true measure of a person’s success in academics.

Most of the subjects taught to us are based on a simple concept – read,
understand, analyze, synthesize, and get information.

• The most productive reading techniques are SQ3R, skimming,

scanning, active reading, detailed reading, speed reading, and
Structure-Proposition-Evaluation reading.
• Reading techniques are approaches to reading that you can employ
to become a better and more accomplished reader. The techniques
will help you read faster, understand what you read better, and
remember what you read better.

1. SQ3R Technique

SQ3R is named after its 5 steps – Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and
Review. The reading technique is great for comprehension and memory.

2. Skimming:

Skimming is a reading technique used to get the main gist of a material. It’s all about
going through a chunk of text quickly and less about comprehension.

4. Active Reading:
Active reading is a technique that aids both comprehension and retention. It
involves engaging with the reading material when reading it so that you’ll
understand it and evaluate it based on your needs.

5. Detailed Reading:
Detailed reading is a technique that involves carefully reading and analyzing every
word for a deeper understanding of the material. Detailed reading is used to extract
accurate information from a material.

6. Speed Reading:
Speed reading is a technique that helps you read faster without compromising
comprehension or retention.

7. Structure-Proposition-Evaluation Reading:
This is an excellent reading technique for non-fiction, often called the SPE technique.
It involves three steps.

• Find the structure of the text. This is simply studying the layout of the text.
You can do this by looking at the table of contents or the headings and
subheadings in the text.
• Find the author-made propositions. In each section of the text, find the
logical relationships between the author’s propositions. That is, determine
how the statements relate to one another.
• Evaluate the final arguments and conclusions. Look at the text’s
conclusions and determine whether the statements of the texts lead to that

Types of skills of reading for effective communication:

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body,” said English author Joseph Addison.

The comparison couldn’t be more fitting. Just as you need exercise to build your physical
strength, you need to read to build your mental muscles.

People read for a variety of reasons—to pass time, to seek answers, or to clear their

Different Types Of Reading

It’s important to know the different types of reading skills to make the most of what you
are reading. You may reading a novel written by Haruki Murakami or a business report
from work. If you’re reading for university, it takes a lot more patience, attention to detail
and note-taking. You need to first understand the types of reading there are and then
make a case for what you enjoy the most.
Here are some of the most common types of reading you’ll encounter during your life:

1. Extensive Reading:
Extensive reading is one of the methods of reading that people use for relaxation and
pleasure. Adopt this method when the purpose is to enjoy the reading experience. It
places no burden upon the reader and due to its indulgent nature, it is seldom used if
the text isn’t enjoyable.

This is one of the methods of reading that occurs naturally. It’s how you’ve read as a
child and while growing up.

This method of reading helps you understand words in context and enriches your
2. Intensive Reading:
Among the different types of reading skills, intensive reading is used when you want
to read carefully by paying complete attention to understand every word of the text. It
is where you would examine and decipher each unfamiliar word or expression.

3. Scanning:
Imagine if you went to the Louvre museum only to see the Mona Lisa. You’d quickly
walk through all the corridors and rooms merely glancing at the walls until you found
it. Scanning is quite similar to that.

It is one of those kinds of reading where you read to search for a particular piece of
information. Your eyes quickly skim over the sentences until you find it.

4. Skimming:
Through this method, you try to understand the text in short. Though one saves a lot
of time through this method, one will gain only a shallow understanding of the text.

Skimming is a great way to get a broad idea of the topic being discussed. This method
is generally used to judge whether the information is useful or not.

A good example of this is picking up a magazine and flipping through the pages. You
take in only the headings or the pictures to get a broad idea of what the magazine

5. Detailed Reading:

Among the different types of reading strategies, critical reading has a special place.
Here, the facts and information are tested for accuracy. You take a look at the ideas
mentioned and analyze them until you reach a conclusion.

You would have to apply your critical faculties when using this method. Critical reading
is often used when reading the news on social media, watching controversial
advertisements, or reading periodicals.
To harness the full potential of your reading habit, sign up for Harappa
Education’s Reading Deeply course. Learn how to improve comprehension and read for
deeper understanding. Sign up now and make the most of everything you read.

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