Maslows Hierarchy Assignment Sbu 295

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs : Motivating Employees

Dr. Giunta
SBU 295.01 Human Resources/Personnel
Nov 21, 2021
Team Pro Hiring Group: Angelos, Brice, Fletcher, Kassady, McKenzie and Wasilios.

Motivating Employees (Choose one need and then write about what the positive and
negative motivators were for it in the simulation)

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a framework for understanding what motivates

people.* According to his theory, basic physical needs must be satisfied first, then the
need for safety, followed by a sense of belonging, esteem, and finally, self-actualization.
In this assignment you will consider both positive and negative motivators for each level
of needs.

Complete the following table using decisions that are part of HRManagement, as well as
other employee motivators that are not included in the simulation.
Need Positive motivators Negative motivators
Physical needs Giving the employees a good Not giving enough benefits
salary/wage in order for them to the employees which
to be able to obtain the needs would make them unable to
of shelter, food, water, give to their families and
clothing etc. thereby will be unhappy
and unconcentrated at their
Safety and security Programs that teach the Having a high turnover will
employees about how to be chaotic as more
prevent /decrease accidents untrained employees will
and how to increase safety be hired for the company
in order to be more careful who will be uneducated on
and clear on the tasks that the programs that are given
are given to the employees for the safety and security
by their employers. measures.
Belonging Employee participation will Without a proper employee
increase the belonging as orientation and training, the
the employees are going to employee will not feel at
feel more important since home and could make a
they will be discussing decision of leaving the
what could be the right company since it is not a
option for the decision in good fit for them.
the company.
Esteem Performance appraisals will Not promoting employees
make the employee's self- will make them doubt
esteem grow immensely as themselves and thereby
they will be rewarded for also unhappy as some
their performance. employees will not be able
Furthermore, it will also to understand why the
boost their motivation to company did not promote
work harder. them and instead hired
someone else. Therefore,
promotion within the
company is of big
Self- Actualization Giving the employees a Hiring and promoting from
good training to ensure that the outside instead of the
they are clear on what to do company's own employees,
and feel that they are fully will create a bad image as
accepted to the company, the employees will think
will unlock the full that the company does not
potential of the employees. believe in the abilities of
their own employees and
thereby decrease

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