Passive Voice

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At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:

a. identify the voice of the verb in each sentence;

b. appreciate the lesson by showing active participation of the students towards the lesson; and
c. rewrite sentences from active to passive voice and vise versa.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : Tenses of Verbs in Passive Voice(Pp. 393)

b. Materials : Printed materials
c. Reference : English in Perspective 7

III. Procedure

Teacher's task Student's task

A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation

Before we start our discussion, we are going to

have a short game entitled " Number Substitution
Cypher ".This is a game,therefor the winner will
receive a reward (Snack). Listen for the mechanics.

I'am going to show you numbers then all you have

to do is to substitute those numbers with its
corresponding letters from our roman alphabet, do
you understand?

Yes ma'am!

20 5 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 ( The students will do the activity.)

4 9 9 5 8 20 1 1 1 1 22 1
1 1 1 1 22 4 9 9 5 8
4 6 9 9 T N S S O V R
The words that you formed from 22 1 1 1 1 1 22 22 1
the game is our topic for today. 5 4 6 9 9 5

C. Review N P S S V V O

How can you identify whether a sentence is an

active voice or passive voice?
Ma'am, a sentence is an active voice if the subject
of a sentence is the doer of the action while in
passive voice, the subject in a sentence is the
receiver of the action.
Very good! Read the examples on the board.
1. The students are taught by the professor.

2. The professor teaches the students.

Thank you! Now, identify which among the 2
sentences is in the active voice and passive voice.

Ma'am the 1st sentence is the passive voice and

the 2nd one is the active voice.
Very good!

D. Discussion

Going back to our topic, when using the passive

voice of verbs, there are 2 rules yo be followed,
kindly read the first one on the board class!
1. Use the form of the verb "to be" + the "past
participle of a transitive verb".

In order for you to understand, everyone read the

example on the board.
My mother was invited for siesta after lunch.
What verb to be is used in the sentence?
Was, ma'am!
How about the transitive verb?
Invited, ma'am!
Is the transitive verb in its past participle?
Yes, ma'am!

Okey, let's move with the second rule. Kindly read

2. To indicate time, the tense of a passive verb is
determined by the tense of the helping verb be.
Thank you! Let's have an example, kindly read! Remember that the past participle does not
What is the helping verb be in the sentence and
what is its tense? My mother is being invited by the host for siesta.

Very good class! So does it mean that the tense of Ma'am the helping verb be used in the sentence is
the passive voice is in the present progressive being and its tense is in present progressive.
Yes ma'am!
That's right! Because that is what the rule says.
How about the transitive verb, does its form
changed? No ma'am! It is still in its past participle form.
That's right! Do you have any questions about the None ma'am!
2 rules that we discussed?

That's good to hear! Now, I'm going to show you a

table that shows the form of the verb "invite" in
passive voice with the different tenses of verbs. It
will also serve as your guide in writing and
determining the tenses of verbs in passive voice.

Tenses of Verbs Form of the Verb "invite" in

Passive Voice

Present is/are invited

Past was/were invited

Future will be invited

Present Perfect has/have been invited

Past Perfect had been invited

Future Perfect will have been invited

Present is/are being invited


Past Progressive was/were being invited

E. Generalization Tenses of Verbs in Passive Voice, ma'am!

What is our topic once again?

Correct! How many rules do you have to follow 2 ma'am!

under Tenses of Verbs in Passive Voice?
1.Use the form of the verb "to be" + the "past
Would you mind to enumerate them class? participle of a transitive verb".

2.To indicate time, the tense of a passive verb is

determined by the tense of the helping verb be.
Remember that the past participle does not

Very Good! Do you have any questions or

clarifications regarding our topic class? Non ma'am!

F. Application:

Look at the picture and write 5 sentences to

describe what is happening in this scene.
Underline the verb in each of your sentences and (Students will do the activity and each are
tell whether it is an active or passive verb. Then expected to have varied answers.)
rewrite the same sentence into its opposite voice.
Write it on a 1 whole sheet of pad paper.
IV. Evaluation:

Instruction: At the back of your paper, rewrite these following sentences from active voice to passive
voice or vise versa.

1. I was made to lie on the floor of our sala after lunch by my mother.

2. We were forced to sleep by my mother.

3. Mother darned old dresses, read an awit, or hummed a cradle song in tagalog to us.

4. She always reminded us about siesta.

5. The pillows were picked up by my sister.

6. The mats were laid down by my mother.

7. Mother prepared food for the guests.

8. The guests brought sweets for the party.

9. The guests ate the feast.

10. My parents hosted a lunch party for friends.

Expected answers:

1. My mother made me lie on the bare floor of our sala after lunch.

2. My mother forced us to sleep.

3. During our siesta, old dresses is being darned, an awit is being read,or a cradle song is being
hummed in tagalog to us by our mother.

4. We are being reminded always about siesta by our mother.

5. My sister picked up the pillows.

6. My father laid down the mats.

7. Food was prepared for the guests by my mother.

8. Sweets were brought for the party by the guests.

9. The feast was eaten by the guests.

10. A lunch party for my friends was hosted by my parents.

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