Oral Presentation - Discrimination

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Oral presentation

Hello, today i will talk about five topics related to discrimination in the workplace:
-What´s discrimination in the workplace?; -Types of discrimination in the
workplace; -How to identify discrimination in the workplace; -How to file a
discrimination complaint; -Initiatives to promote a healthy work environment.

So, what´s discrimination in the workplace? Discrimination in the workplace

happens when a person or a group of people is treated unfairly or unequally
because of their specific characteristics. These protected characteristics include
race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs,
or national origin. This can happen between coworkers, with job applicants, or
between employees and their employers. Whether on purpose or by accident,
discrimination, regardless of intention, is illegal.

There are various kinds of workplace discrimation, which generally center around
the above protected characteristics. These include: 1- Race discrimination (based
on the skin color mostly); 2- Religious discrimination (relying on religious beliefs
and practices); 3- Disability discrimination (qualified job candidates that are
undervalued because of their physical disabilities); 4- Pregnancy discrimination
(parents are fired or have pay reduce because are expecting a child); 5- Age
discrimination (specifying age preference in job descriptions or internships); 6-
Sex and gender discrimination (specify preference for a particular sex of gender in
a job posting); 7- LGBTQ+ discrimination (deny employmenty based on sexual
orientation or gender identify).

Recognizing discrimination in the workplace is tricky. It’s the kind of thing that you
might feel before you’re able to pinpoint it — and even more time may pass
before you’re able to document and prove it. However, the case that could be
made that repeated “harmless, unintentional” behavior is, at some point, no
longer unintentional. Here are a few subtle examples of discrimination in the
workplace: 1- Lack of diversity; 2- Retaliation; 3- Offensive comments or
language; 4- Innapropriate questions/ personal questions.

If you feel that in your workplace some of the behaviors mentionated before are
evident, here´s a step-by-step guide to how to escalate your complaint to the right
agency: 1- Collect information; 2- Document your experience (contain a brief
account of what happened); 3- Submit your information (submit your completed
account of the incident to the organization that you choose).

To finish this apresentation im going to talk about the last topic, and maybe the
most important one. You won’t get the benefits of diversity in the workplace if
your environment is scaring away people that think, act, and look differently. So
you need to create a healthy, welcoming workplace, using four initiatives: 1- Look
at your hiring practices (represent diversity among the panel of interviewers and
ask for help in sourcing candidates from different backgrounds); 2- Hire a DEI
officer (can advise you on how to create a more welcoming workplace); 3- Reward
and promote people who deserve it (recognizing people who do excellent work);
4- Invest in training (coaching is proven to help with both compassion and
communication skills).

I hope you all like it and reflect a little about the things i just said.

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