Top 10 'Craziest' Mental Disorders

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Top 10 ‘Craziest’ Mental Disorders  62


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Throughout history, mental disorders noticed that you're
been regarded using
with fear, anand
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last century, mainstream society still has a relatively uninformed and biased
view against individuals with mental disorders.  This is particularly harmful
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because every year up to ¼ of Americans t the criteria for being mentally ill.

Media has done its best to show us the crazywithout

Continue sides supporting
of the mentally ill, but
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crazy is crazy?  If ¼ of the population is “crazy”, how dangerous is society?  This
list counts down the most life-interfering disorders, and explores how the
individuals t into our life.

Note: There are many other disorders, some similar to the disorders
mentioned.  All information is received from the American Psychiatric
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Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
Edition, Text Revision”.  Subscribe on YouTube

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For more information about Mental Health please visit Formerly known as the National Mental Health
Association, they also have a crisis line 1-800-273-TALK that you can call if you,
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a friend, or a love one is going through a tough time.

10. Type One Bipolar Disorder

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What It Is

Bipolar disorder has been talked about a lot.  It has received vast media
coverage and most individuals have at least a general idea of what it is.  Bipolar
disorder makes an individual switch between two main moods: mania
(emotions like happiness and anger) and depression (emotions like sadness
and guilt).  Unlike the media interpretation, Bipolar disorder’s mood swings
actually take a long time.  Each swing lasts about a week on average, with a
few days’ transition in between.  Bipolar has been known to cause psychosis in If you see this plant in your backyard,
burn it immediately!
some patients, but for the most part it manifests in irrational actions,
heightened emotions, and lack of sleep during mania; and tiredness, aches, and
lethargy during depression.  Patients often have very little self control and are
at the mercy of their moods.

How It Fits

2.6% of the adult population is bipolar.  The disorder is genetic, and is generally "Crazy Move" Seduces 93.1% Of Women
(Psychologists Shocked)
easy to treat with medications.  In some cases therapy isn’t needed.  The
biggest risk is unmedicated patients, who are often a harm to themselves
(unmedicated bipolar disorder has a 25% suicide rate) and sometimes to those
around them.

9. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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OCD is another widely known disorder, but few understand it.  Firstly, OCD isn’t
an obsession with cleanliness.  It can manifest in being clean, but that’s only
one aspect.  Obsessive-Compulsive patients are often plagued with recurring
thoughts, worries, and fears that can only be relieved by repeating tasks
(cleaning, touching surfaces, making noises, etc.)  Obsessive-Compulsive
individuals can realize their fears are unreasonable, but the anxiety will keep
mounting unless they relieve them by their repetitive tasks.
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1% of adults have OCD.  Psychiatrists haven’t gured out the cause of OCD yet,
some think it may be caused by environments, others by chemicals in the
brain.  The treatment varies per patient, but is generally manageable through
psychotherapy and certain medications.  OCD patients are not really dangerous
to others, but their lives can be di cult and their behaviors may seem odd.

8. Factitious Disorder Top 10 Greatest Guitar Players (Famous

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Factitious Disorder is an obsession with being sick.  Unlike hypochondria, in

which patients actually think they are ill, individuals with Factitious Disorder
intentionally make themselves sick or play sick for attention.  They often tell
elaborate stories about medical complications, visit hospitals, tamper with their
medications, and in ict harm upon themselves for attention.

How It Fits
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by Gregory Myers | under Misc

Factitious Disorder is rare in adults, and occurs in less than .5% of the
population.  The disorder stems from past trauma.  There is no cure or
treatment for the disorder, though psychotherapy can be effective in limiting the SPONSOR ADS (MID)

behavior.  Most individuals with the disorder are not receptive to treatment.

7. Schizoaffective Disorder

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What It Is

Schizoaffective Disorder is a bizarre combination of severe Bipolar Disorder

and mild Schizophrenia.  Patients will have manic and depressive mood swings,
and, as a third swing, will lose touch with reality.  Most often, Schizoaffective
patients will experience low emotional responses in the third, psychotic phase. 
They can become delusional, and sometimes may hallucinate.  The psychotic Dead Simple Trick Brings Any Battery
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swing is mild in comparison to most psychotic disorders, however, and can Again)
often go unnoticed, leading to a misdiagnosis of severe Type One Bipolar.

How It Fits


.5% of Americans have Schizoaffective Disorder.  Psychiatrists believe the
disorder is genetic and chemical.  The disorder is relatively easy to treat with
combinations of medicines.  Most people with the disorder can function
Josip Broz ‘Tito’ Biography: Too Tough for
normally in society as long as they are medicated.  Like Bipolar Disorder, Stalin

Schizoaffective Disorder has a very high suicide rate when untreated. Sun Tzu Biography: The Art of War

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6. Depersonalization Disorder Unbreakable Soldier

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What It Is

Depersonalization Disorder gives individuals a sense that they are not in their
body.  Individuals will feel like they aren’t their physical self, or that their life is
some sort of movie or dream.  They struggle to form connections with people
because they don’t feel as if anything is real.  They have the ability to logically
know they are ill, but cannot shake the feeling of detachment.

How It Fits

Depersonalization is also very rare, effecting less than .5% of the population.  It
is caused by traumatic events.  The reason depersonalization is so “crazy” is
because there are no treatments.  No medications are effective on the disorder,
and psychotherapy seems to only help some patients, but not all.  Some people
will feel detached from reality for the rest of their life after a traumatic event.

5. Trichotillomania

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What It Is

Possibly one of the most physically disruptive disorders, Trichotillomania is an

obsession with pulling out hair.  Individuals with this disorder will constantly
pull out body hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.   Patients get overwhelming urges
to pull at their hair, only reaching relief when they’ve done it.  Individuals will go
to great lengths to hide their bald spots, but for some the disorder becomes too
bad to cover up.

How It Fits

Trichotillomania is also very rare.  No one knows what causes it, but it is
possible to overcome through psychotherapy.  Some cases bene t from
medication.  People who have the disorder may be feared because of their
appearance, and it’s not uncommon for them to be featured on daytime talk

4. Speci c Phobia

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What It Is

It seems strange that Phobias rank so high up on the list, but they are where
they are because they can be so interfering with lives.  Most people think a
phobia is just an unease or mild fear of an object; actually, a phobia is an
unmanageable terror of everyday things.  There are many subcategories and
speci c names for different Phobias, but they all fall under the same disorder. 
Phobic individuals will go to extreme lengths to avoid their unreasonable fears. 
They can experience physical symptoms such as racing pulses and strained
breathing if exposed to their fear.

How It Fits

Phobias are incredibly common, effecting 8.7% of people.  They are caused by
traumatic childhood events- most of the time patients can’t remember the
event.  The most common techniques for treating phobias are exposure
therapy (in which the patient must confront their fear slowly and with the
guidance of a psychiatric professional) and hypnotherapy (which helps patients
to remember the cause of the fear).  Patients are able to recover, and even
untreated patients may blend in to normal society.

3. Antisocial Personality Disorder


What It Is

Amongst the most basic, common, but dangerous disorders, antisocial disorder
is also known as sociopathy and psychopathy.  Individuals with this disorder
either have no empathy, leading to no morals, or no emotion at all.  The ones
who have emotion, but no empathy, are extremely dangerous.  They make
excellent liars, are often charismatic, and feel no remorse for any harm they
cause anyone.  Their brains simply can’t make the connections to evoke
empathy.  Because of this, they can do terrible things without a care.  As you
might imagine, most Antisocial patients become involved in crime.  A majority
of serial killers have been diagnosed with this disorder.   Some individuals,
especially the emotionless ones, are able to t in to society without causing any
harm, but can never relate to people on the same level normal individuals can.

How It Fits

1% of Americans have Antisocial Personality Disorder, but only 50% are

treated.  A majority of people with the disorder end up involved in crime.  There
is no cure for the disorder, and the only treatment for it is to teach the patients
to act normal, although they’ll still never be able to grasp ethics or even

2. Dissociative Identity Disorder

DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder 1of2

What It Is

DID, formerly Multiple Personality Disorder, is a very severe disorder caused by

severe trauma.  An individual with this disorder will split his/her personality into
two or three different identities and cycle between them.  A 50 year old man
may think he’s a 6 year old girl, and spend his time playing with dolls and
wearing dresses.  This disorder has also had a lot of media coverage but is very
misunderstood.  Individuals with this disorder rarely take on more than three
identities, and it’s almost impossible to make them aware that they have it. 
They cannot live normal lives because they may switch identities at any point,
sometimes staying an identity for years, sometimes for hours.

How It Fits

This disorder is also very rare.  It can only be found in about .1% of Americans. 
There are no medications to x the disorder, but hypnotherapy can be useful in
merging the identities.  Patients cannot live in normal society unless they have
gone through extensive therapy and their identities have been merged. 
Otherwise, they live in psychiatric institutions or they are constantly cared for by
family and friends.

1. Schizophrenia

The real story of Schizophrenia

What It Is

Schizophrenia, in short, is a loss of reality.  Symptoms include inappropriate (or

few) emotions, paranoia, obsession with media, false beliefs about the body,
beliefs of being famous or powerful, auditory and visual hallucinations, and
catatonia (a completely unaware and unresponsive state).  Unmedicated
schizophrenics can’t tell what is in their head and what is real, leading them to
act strangely.  There are different levels in the loss of reality, some are able to
function normally for short periods of time.

How It Fits

For such a severe disorder, a giant 1% of Americans have it.  This means that
for every 100 people, one is schizophrenic.  Schizophrenia is very genetic, and
is often treatable with medication.  Most medicated Schizophrenics are able to
function completely normally, as long as they take medication every day.  The
disorder will never go away and skipping just one day of medication can
jeopardize the patient’s sanity.  The crime rates of schizophrenics are actually
not as high as other disorders, but the individuals are much more troubled and
much farther from reality.

By Alexandria V. Resnica.

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HEMANT KAKODIA on April 28, 2014 5:55 pm

Hi, I am Hemant Kakodia from India. I was suffering from OCD for years. I used
to do things repeatedly for number of time. I used to wash hands multiple time
even after knowing i have already washed that. I was under medication and
that worked for sometime but after leaving medication, there was mental
effect as medicines were strong. After this, with time, it went off and now i am
OCD free but sometimes i do wash hands multiple time but not like old time. If
anyone is suffering from this, then will power is required to vanish this.

TORI on June 9, 2014 9:09 pm

I think this list is way off topic. “Craziest” Mental Disorders? These are not
them. I found a list that is full of way more rare, and way more bizarre

10. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an

abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or
even voluntary compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in
which the hostage has been placed.

9. Lima Syndrome – The exact opposite of Stockholm syndrome – this is

where the hostage takers become more sympathetic to the plights and needs
of the hostages.

8. Diogenes Syndrome – a condition characterised by extreme self neglect,

reclusive tendencies, and compulsive hoarding, sometimes of animals. It is
found mainly in old people and is associated with senile breakdown.

7. Paris Syndrome – a condition exclusive to Japanese tourists and nationals,

which causes them to have a mental breakdown while in the famous city. Of
the millions of Japanese tourists that visit the city every year, around a dozen
suffer this illness and have to be returned to their home country. The condition
is basically a severe form of ‘culture shock’.

6. Stendhal Syndrome – a psychosomatic illness that causes rapid heartbeat,

dizziness, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to
art, usually when the art is particularly ‘beautiful’ or a large amount of art is in a
single place.

5. Jerusalem Syndrome – the name given to a group of mental phenomena

involving the presence of either religiously themed obsessive ideas, delusions
or other psychosis-like experiences that are triggered by, or lead to, a visit to
the city of Jerusalem.

4. Capgras Delusion – a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional

belief that an acquaintance, usually a spouse or other close family member,
has been replaced by an identical looking impostor.

3. Fregoli Delusion – The exact opposite of the Capgras delusion – the Fregoli
delusion is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that
different people are in fact a single person who changes appearance or is in

2. Cotard Delusion – a rare psychiatric disorder in which a person holds a

delusional belief that he or she is dead, does not exist, is putrefying or has lost
their blood or internal organs. Rarely, it can include delusions of immortality.

1. Reduplicative Paramnesia – the delusional belief that a place or location

has been duplicated, existing in two or more places simultaneously, or that it
has been ‘relocated’ to another site. For example, a person may believe that
they are in fact not in the hospital to which they were admitted, but an
identical-looking hospital in a different part of the country, despite this being
obviously false

Now tell me these aren’t more “Crazy” then the list provided. Now, I am not
saying the listed mental disorders are not “crazy” , they de nitely are, but the
ones I listed are much more rare and to me, WAY more intriguing. In fact, I
couldn’t really nd a satisfactory documentary on any of these, and I’m all
about documentaries.
If anyone is aware of some awesome documentary on ANY of these mental
disorders please let me know!
To me, these are way more interesting, and rare which is why I think the
provided list is kind of boring. Although Dissociative Identity Disorder is
probably the most interesting on this list, I would much more enjoy a list of the
ones I listed and see some videos of actual patients.
So as I said, if anyone knows of some videos on any of these, please let me
know! I’d love to learn more about these rare diseases.

HMMMM on October 29, 2014 1:52 am

I had to go back up top to see if Alexandia wrote this article. Nope. Ok just

L (JUST USING AN INITIAL) on February 8, 2015 11:02 am

I have been diagnosed with a few of these things, of them being Antisocial
Personality Disorder, BiPolar, OCD, Schizophrenia, I got rid of my
Trichotillomania, and I have a phobia of myself that is literally ruining my life. I
feel bad for the people who have mental illnesses, because it sucks.

JEWELZ on April 8, 2015 3:54 pm

I have a question about antisocial personality disorder if anyone has any

accurate information or comments I would appreciate your input as I know
nothing about it other than the symptoms.
I would like to know if a person can be like 25% apd ? Does that make sense?
In other words they may not have it as bad as what a serial killer would have it
but a lesser level of it so that one person might feel a bit more real emotion
than another with apd. And is this an inherited trait or disorder or is it a learned
one or a defense mechanism or what? What do u do for people that have just a
touch of it if thats even a possibility? Thank u all for any information on the
subject. I truly need to know the correct answers. Respectfully, Jewelz

NOAH on March 21, 2016 7:53 pm

This article is inaccurate and offensive. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed.

EMMANUEL on September 27, 2016 2:03 am

This is inaccurate and very stupid man. Don’t trust this list for shit.

ALEX on October 5, 2017 10:46 pm

I have like two of these disorders and my sister has like one

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