Jupyter Notebook Quick Guide

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Jupyter Notebook Quick Guide

1. Opening a Jupyter notebook

Once you login to the Halstead cluster following the instructions in “Accessing Purdue
Computing Resources Using Thinlinc”, you will follow these steps to open Jupyter Notebook.
1) Open a terminal window by clicking Applications -> Terminal Emulator

2) In the terminal window that appears, type “startnode” to open a session on a back-end
compute node. If this succeeds, you will see the prompt is highlighted with a green
background. Upper/lower case matters under Linux, so always match the case shown:
3) Next, you will type “jupyter notebook” (all lower case) to start the notebook. A lot of
text will scroll by, including some serious sounding error messages that can be safely
ignored. It may look something like this:

Then a Firefox window will appear that is running the Jupyter Notebook. It will look
something like this:

All of your work with Jupyter Notebook will be done in this Firefox browser. We still
need the black Terminal window (don’t close it!) but we won’t be actively typing in it.
In the Jupyter notebook window, under the “Files” tab you’ll see a file structure. You will
navigate through this to get to the Jupyter notebooks that will guide you through your course
materials. All course materials are in the folder called “bigcare”, so you will eventually click on
this folder and various subfolders to access the coursework for this workshop.

Jupyter notebooks have the file extension “.ipynb”. Clicking on files ending with “.ipynb” opens
the notebook.

2. Saving a Jupter notebook

As you go through the course you may not complete a whole Jupyter notebook in one sitting.
As a result, you will want save your edits to avoid losing any edits you’ve made.

Saving your edits is simple. There is a disk icon in the upper left of the Jupyter tool bar. Click the
save icon and your notebook edits are saved.

It’s important to realize that you will only be saving edits you’ve made to the text sections and
to the coding windows. You will NOT be saving the results of running the code. In a section
below we’ll explain how you re-execute the code you’re run so that you can continue through
the notebook.

3. Closing a Jupyter notebook

Step 1: Close the notebook tab in Firefox
Step 2: In the tab that remains, switch from the “Files” subtab to the “Running” subtab
Step 3: Find your notebook and click the “Shut down”
Step 4: When the notebook stops running, close Firefox
Step 5: Click on the “Terminal” window that opened when you started Jupyter notebooks
Step 6: Press the buttons “Ctrl” and “c” twice, quickly. (If you take too long between the two
times, you’ll be asked if you want to “Shut down this notebook server? y(n)”. You can enter “y”
and this will close the terminal and Jupyter.
4. Continuing a Saved Jupyter notebook
When you save a Jupyter notebook, it will save the edits you made to the text windows and the
code windows. However, it will NOT save the results of running each code block. As a result, if
you try to start back where you left off immediately, you won’t be successful (i.e. the code in
the middle of the notebook depends upon the results from the code you ran above it – like
loading the packages and microarray data).

To restore the progress you’ve previously made by re-executing the code above it:
Step 1: Go to the coding window where you left off and click your cursor into it. You’ll see that
the section in the Table of Contents is highlighted in yellow – showing you where you are in the
full flow of the course.
Step 2: Go to the “Cell” drop-down menu and choose “Run All Above”. This will run all of the
coding blocks that preceded the coding block that you’re currently in. As those sections run, the
section title in the Table of Contents will be highlighted in red. After all of the sections have run,
only the section you started in will be highlighted in yellow.

Note: In longer notebooks it may take a while for the code to re-run when you are down
towards the bottom of the notebook.
5. Editing the Text in a Jupyter notebook
As you go through the notebooks, you can edit the text windows to add your own notes or

Double clicking any text box activates it so that you can type in the window. The editing of
these windows is done with “Markdown”. If you want special formatting, you need to refer to
the Markdown Cheatsheet (https://jupyter-

Hit the “run” button in the toolbar to complete your editing.

6. Editing the R code in a Jupyter notebook

All of the code in our Jupyter notebooks will be written so that it works. To fully understand
how to code in R you will need to take a formal R coding class. However, as you complete the
notebooks we will ask you to experiment and see how changing the R code changes the output.
Instructions in the notebooks should be clear but if you have questions about this, contact us
on the Piazza course site.

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