Anton Feels Lucky To Be Alive

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Anton feels lucky to be alive.

Because right now, he is seeing a UFO with his very own

eyes. He couldn’t believe it either, but the UFO is clearly there, floating in the night sky.
It all started about an hour ago. Anton heard his mom calling his name downstair.
“Yes mom!” He shouted annoyingly.
“Can you go to the grocery store!” His mom replied.
Of course, of all the time his mom could have ask him for help, it was when he was
playing his favorite game. ‘How annoying’, he thought, pausing the game and left his
room. Mom gave him a list of what to buy and wished him good luck. Aton reluctantly
took his bike and rode to nearest grocery store.
Normally, he would ride through the main road, it’s safer that way. But the main road is
also busier and much slower to get through. This is why, Anton had a perfect idea, he
would take another route, a road that has been abandoned for so long. Many people said a
lot of weird phenomenons have happened there, but Anton didn’t care, he just wanted to
get back to his game. Halfway through the abandon road, he heard weird noises. It was
already pretty dark so Anton was understandably scared, to calm himself down, he started
looking around.
‘See! There’s nothing’, he thought, ‘I’m just paranoid’.
Suddenly, there was light… from the sky. He slowly looked up and there it was: A
shinning disk on the night sky, a UFO! And that’s the complicated situation Anton is
currently in. He’s still in shocked from what’s before his eyes, a rotating disk floating on
the sky with flickering lights, emitting some kind of weird sounds. It’s similar to a car
engine but scarier, like a thunderous roar from a beast. Thousand thoughts running
through his mind: Is this real? Will people believe what he’s seeing? Will he be abducted
by alien? From the light beam emitted beneath the UFO, two figures slowly descend.
Anton finally recovers from his shock and quickly hides into a rock nearby, pulling out
his phone and try to capture this wild event. The two aliens seem to be researching the
material nearby the road. They seem to have much bigger heads than humans and they
have some kind of tentacles for hands and legs. Anton’s heart was beating so fast he feels
like hit would jump out of his chest, he tries to hold the phone as still as possible but his
hands are shaking too much, he worried the footage my not be clear enough for evidence.
After a while, the taller alien puts down some kind of device, seems like it’s some kind of
radar to scan something. Suddenly, the two aliens look over Anton hiding place, he’s
been spotted! It was definitely some kind of radar device, Anton feels a shiver down his
spine. The two aliens begin to pull out some kind of guns, lazer guns! And they are
shooting Anton! He quickly hops on his bike and pushes the pedal, he pushes each pedal
like his life depends on it, and it’s true! As far as he can tell, he might never see the light
of day if he can’t escape those aliens! The roaring sound of the UFO is getting quieter
and quieter. Before he could know it, Anton already ran all the way back to his home. He
looks at the time, it’s already over 10:00PM. Anton breathes a sigh of relief. He still
hasn’t buy anything on his grocery list and might be scored by his mom, but he doesn’t
care, he was about to die! He promises himself to never come back to that abandoned
road again.
The following week, Anton decided to report this unbelievable event to the police. They
was reasonably skeptical with the footage he showed but still agreed to checked the
abandoned road out. Obviously the UFO had long gone by the time the police came,
except for a circular burnt marks under the place where the UFO light beam once emitted,
nothing of interests were ever found. To this day, Anton still believe in the thing he saw.

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