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Vipassana Newsletter

In te tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, as taught by S. N. Goenka

Vol. 32, No. 09, 10 Sept, 2022. A monthly publication of the Vipassana Research Institute
Website: www.vridhamma.org International website: www.dhamma.org
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Words of Dhamma
Vācānurakkhī manasā susaṅvuto, Guarded in speech,well-restrained in mind,
kāyena ca nākusalaṅ kayirā; you should do nothing unskillful in body.
Ete tayo kammapathe visodhaye, Purify these three ways of action, and
ārādhaye maggamisippaveditaṅ. attain the path made known by the Great Sage.
– Dhammapadapāli 281, Maggavaggo.

Excerpts from Letters Written to Babu Bhaiya

In order to keep his Teacher Sayagyi U Ba Khin informed about Roma roma kirataga huā, ṛṇa na cukāyā jāya;
the ten-day Vipassana courses being held in India, the following Dukhiyana bāṭūṅ dharama sukha, yaha hī eka upāya.
letter, written over 50 years ago by Respected Goenkaji to his elder
brother Babulal, or Babu Bhaiya as he was called, illustrates how My teacher may you be victorious; Compassionate one may
camps were conducted in those days with great equanimity and you be victorious. You gave me such a jewel of Dhamma which has
loving-kindness as he guided meditation students how to walk on been so beneficial to me.
the path of Dhamma. Every fibre of my body is grateful, I cannot repay the debt.
To distribute the benefit of Dhamma to the suffering people is the
On Respected Goenkaji’s 9th death anniversary, may we only way.
be inspired by his efforts. Let us also take part in this service of
Dhamma-dāna in some way by helping as many as we can taste How can I ever repay his immeasurable debt? I have been
the nectar of Dhamma while helping to repay our own debt to our so enriched with the Dhamma treasure that I have received
Dhamma father, Goenkaji. — Editor from him, so prosperous that my abundance has no limits. How
generously and freely I distribute every ounce of this priceless
The Way to Become Free of Debt to the Teacher Dhamma jewel; yet my abundance, rather than diminishing,
Pathshala- Bagaha, (Bodhgaya, Bihar) grows – Dhammadānaṃ, sabbadānaṃ jinati (Dhamma donation
12th Dec, 1970 is the highest donation of all).
Babu Bhaiya, Pranam The money spent on social causes like schools, hospitals,
temples, pilgrim rest-houses, libraries, etc. while in Burma will
Prior to attaining enlightenment (sammā-sambodhi), certainly bring us good merits. But now the dāna of this unlimited
Siddhattha Gotama, who had renounced all for his ascetic practice Dhamma treasure that I am distributing on behalf of the entire
(tapas), must have certainly wandered in various areas around the family, as a representative of Resp. Gurudev, its incalculable and
town of Gaya, Bihar. Here in this desolate forest region, a remote joyous outcome cannot be measured by any yardstick. It is but the
school, Samanvaya Vidyapith, Bagaha, is where our 23rd course is immense good karma of the entire family. Not only just me, but
being held. It is located about 27 miles (43 kms) from Bodh Gaya, the whole family is indebted to Sayagyi U Ba Khin.
and we can easily imagine samaṇa Siddattha passing through
here while immersed in his tapas. It is possible that after attaining How can any disciple become free from the debt of the Guru?
enlightenment, he may have passed this way on alms-round Mother, father, and teacher – all three debts are incalculable, and
and even stayed for a while. This is perhaps the reason why the it is not easy to become free of them. Lord Buddha has shown the
atmosphere here is redolent with Dhamma vibrations (dhamma- way to become free of at least the debt of the father and mother –
dhātu) even today. that if they have not surrendered to the triple gems, then help them
do so. If they are not established in sīla (morality), then help them
The meditation course here concluded in the evening very to do so; if they are not established in samādhi (mastery over the
successfully, and the heart was filled with joy. While sharing merits mind), then again help them do so and if they are not established
with all beings, I remembered Resp. Gurudev (Sayagyi U Ba Khin) in paññā (wisdom, insight), then to help them do so as well. If
with deep gratitude. That warm remembrance lingers in my heart, they have not tasted the ambrosia of Nibbāna (liberation), then
which pulsates with these feelings as I offer all my merits – lead them to it. This is the only way to become free of these debts.
Jaya jaya jaya gurudevajū, jaya jaya kṛpānidhāna; But as for the Guru, the Dhamma Teacher is surrendered to the
Dharama ratana aisā diyā, huā parama kalyāṇa. triple gems, well established in sīla and samādhi as well as paññā
2 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 32, No. 09, 10 September, 2022. Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
and knows liberation too. Then, what more can one do to become could turn this land into a flourishing settlement, then he would
free of debt? have more money in his treasury than what Dwarkoji had received
As I see it, there is but one way out. The Dhamma Teacher, from foreign lands. But he could not turn this land into a settlement,
one’s Guru, replete with insight, wisdom, and a heart melting with nor would he have ever been able to do so. This is so true.
compassion, makes a sacred wish for the welfare of the people and Today, this 70-acre land now has swaying fields of grains.
opens the door to their well-being by bringing more and more Many fruit-bearing trees have been planted, which will mature in
people on the path of Dhamma. And if we participate in fulfilling a few years. A number of large ponds and wells have been dug for
his exalted goal, then, filled with sympathetic joy, we help multiply farming. A deep tube-well is soon to be drilled, and a well kept
the merits, thus becoming free of that immense debt, even if only cowshed is also in use. But most of all, this ashram is a jungle home
partially. to children, where two children from each surrounding village are
If I work even partially in this direction, my heart naturally being nurtured with the intent that these children, upon growing
begins to fill with dhammic joy. I make you and all others in the up, will return to their villages and not only live an ideal life, but be
family a part of this meritorious joy, which only increases my able to guide their village kin. There is a strong possibility that this
own merits and joy. In this mammoth and meritorious task, I, dream will become a reality.
with Resp. Gurudev and Ma Sayama, include not just you and the Nearly all of the children have been taken from the poorest of
family, but I share the merits with all the Dhamma families at the poor families. Most of them are from homes that don’t have food
meditation centre. I am suffused with joy at this. grains for nearly four to six months out of a year. They survive on
The full moon is shining in the clear, silent sky, and I can see jungle leaves; this is certainly no exaggeration. This is the poorest
very few stars. The moon is spreading its blessed light everywhere. region of India and the life that these children are currently leading
The atmosphere all around fills me with tremulous joy. It seems in the ashram is totally novel for them. During the entire day, two
like every particle all around is filled with beatitude. If I can hours are kept aside for studies and the rest of the time they are kept
personify this, then I can say that the congregation of devas in the occupied with some work. Working is the chief purpose of studying.
sky is redolent with joy as every heart bursts with the victory of It has been to the great misfortune of India that the education
Dhamma. In such a state, no one can remain untouched by the systems here have kept students away from work. Laborious tasks
bliss of Dhamma. have been considered as low, not something to value.
As I mentioned, this camp is being held outside of Bodh Gaya This is why, if electrical cables in a house are damaged,
in a desolate, uninhabited forest region. About 70 acres of this the youngster at home who has studied electrical engineering
jungle were given by the head of a religious sect to Shri Dwarko cannot repair the cable but, of course, can write a research paper
Sundarani of Samanvaya Ashram, to bring this land up and serve on it. The theoretical aspect always takes precedence here, and
the poor people of the region. Dwarkoji had the land cleared of the practical aspect remains lacking. This has become a habit.
wild bush and, having built a few small dwellings, he enrolled two Though fundamental knowledge and wisdom were regarded in
poor children each from 50 surrounding villages, establishing an philosophy as a means ‘to see’, ‘to realise’, in reality, all of the
ashram and a school. emphasis remained on hair-splitting of theoretical and intellectual
philosophical aspects, getting stuck in excessive details.
Some years ago, during a severe famine here in Bihar that had
persisted for two years, Samanvaya Ashram had given substantial Who knows how many expositions and commentaries must
aid and assistance. Many people and organisations from all over have appeared about equanimity and detachment as found in the
the world have generously donated money and materials to the Gita? Indeed, this remains a widely discussed book throughout
ashram. They saw that this was one organisation whose members the world due to its high and noble principles. But nobody was
served very selflessly. Many foreigners started to come merely concerned with the practice of how to remain detached and
to see how they served. In this way, the Bodh Gaya Samanvaya equanimous from a pragmatic viewpoint. At best, they remained
Ashram became a pilgrim spot. Since then, hundreds of foreigners stuck with their eyes clearly focused on divine intervention. Even
have come here each year with the intention of serving, many of now, I encounter mostly these kinds of people who only want to
whom stay for days or months. Many foreign organisations also know what I teach and what my philosophy is. And once they
send their young members here for training. know, they feel they have learnt the subject. They feel liberated
simply by knowing about it intellectually.
Many foreigners who arrive, upon seeing the pitiable
conditions of the poor here and the way they are being served, also It is peculiar the way in which knowledge has been defined.
make financial donations according to their means. Hence, Shri Whether the said knowledge has become part of our lives or not is,
Dwarkoji had no financial difficulties in establishing the school in unfortunately, not a matter of concern. But by the mere learning
this desolate jungle. But money alone, of course, is not sufficient. of its existence and its basic principles, the purpose of knowledge
The work of such organisations is taken forward by those who is felt to have been achieved. What I mean here is that in nearly
serve selflessly. Where honest work is being done, with the folded every field, the pragmatic aspect has remained wanting while the
hands of the donors, the means follow. theoretical aspect has been strong. Hence, even the meaning of
children’s education remained this – to know something, not to
As I was saying, while the school in the Bagaha forest region also do something. Contrary to this tendency, here education is
became established with financial assistance from foreigners, being imparted to do something, to act, since this alone is of use,
the contribution of the hard-working, selfless volunteers of the and is truly to be praised.
Samanvaya Ashram, on the other hand, was no less important.
Indeed, the credit here should go more to the latter. The religious Progress of meditators at the Samanvaya Vidyapith
head who had given this desolate land parcel to Dwarkoji as a Dwarkoji feels that the basic foundation of these children
donation, used to have difficulty even paying the annual tax on this should have a spiritual dimension, and hence he is trying to impart
land as it generated no income. He used to say that if money alone its basics right from the beginning. In order that this knowledge
“Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 32, No. 09, 10 September, 2022. Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023 3
should be at a practical level rather than a mere theoretical one, he joins a course that he has organised at his own place, meditation
decided to hold the camp. progress is hindered as attention is constantly drawn to the course
Due to my experience of some previous camps where a few arrangements; he is so immersed in his surroundings that thousands
children had been taken, and the difficulties faced by other meditators of things draw his attention unconsciously. Living like a renunciate,
because of it made me reluctant, I felt it would be burdensome to having left home for 10 days seems like a necessary precondition.
teach meditation to 25 ten-year-old children. Yet I agreed to this This man also faced difficulties with the camp being at his place. But
programme, and so prepared myself for a new experience and I was surprised to see how he was able to dive deep in the Ganges of
research into a new dimension of teaching. And truly, it was indeed Dhamma by the end of the course. Other adults too, like him, to a
a new experience for me. Children are unsteady like monkeys, and more or less degree, achieved the state of total dissolution (bhaṅga).
what else could have been expected? To sit quiet and unmoving was There was a Muslim boy, who I had counted as an adult though he
against their nature, and to practise getting the mind to focus was a was only about 15 or 16 years old, who experienced the arising and
distant reality due to their pranks, frolics, and indiscipline. When I passing away of sensations the same as the children. The keenest
gave them a vow of silence for a day or even half a day, it was a shock among all was a teacher, Shri Sitaramdas, who teaches yoga and is
for them and I saw their entire bodies turn ‘verbal’. also the naturopath of the ashram.
A bhikkhu at a camp in Delhi once commented that I All were deeply satisfied with the camp. Dwarkoji found
constantly had to deal with so many meditators in the camps, yet a base for the purpose of his organisation’s long-term goals as
I didn’t get irritated. Foreign students also said that we sit in your well as his ultimate destination. Hence, he entreated that I must
courses repeatedly in order to get just a shred of the kind of peace hold camps in the various ashrams of the Sarvodaya organisation
you have. But coming here, I knew these children would put me so that the selfless workers of the local areas could satiate their
to the test, and this camp truly served as a training ground for me. thirst for spiritual aspiration and gain moral strength for their
One child, and then another two children, had to be disciplined wholesome goals of serving humanity.
for excessive talking by asking them to leave the group and stand I have been entreated by the Sarvodaya organisation to hold
facing the wall. But even then, I continued to check myself to see camps in Indore, Jaipur, and Wardha centres, and now Dwarko
whether I had compassion towards them or not. Perhaps this was bhai is requesting me to hold one camp in the month of May in
the reason that these restless children were able to take Vipassana Uttarkashi for the main organisers of the Sarvodaya movement.
on the fifth day, and awareness ‘awakened’ in the bodies of every Besides, he wants to organise a Dhamma talk on the occasion of
one of them, and thereafter they all began to sit in adhiṭṭhāna for Buddha's birth anniversary during their Annual Convention in
an hour each time. A child or two may have shifted slightly on Bangalore. I don’t like the idea of speeches, though they certainly
their seats, but that was all. Watching their progress, the eleven inspire new aspirants. But the idea of a camp for these Sarvodaya
adults present were not only surprised but also inspired. They too people certainly strikes a note, time permitting. With pure
had very good success. With the exception of one elderly German Dhamma, a new dimension will open up for human welfare.
woman, they all reached subtle levels of meditation. But rather than dwell on making long-term plans with the far
After the Delhi camp, Bhikkhu Mahendra travelled with the off future in mind, it's better to focus on the present and gather
Vietnamese bhikkhu to Bodh Gaya and then went with Dwarkoji strength to well execute the camps that I have committed to and
to see his forest school. He then asked to be able to remain there which have already been planned and organised. Resp. Gurudev
until the camp commenced. Dwarkoji had decided that no one and Ma Sayama’s dhammic blessings work like incomparable
outside of the school would be taken for the camp, but he gave medicine for me. Whatever is happening here is certainly beyond
permission to this bhikkhu, and he benefited very much. By the my capacity. Resp. Gurudev and those in this tradition, Resp.
8th or 9th day, he experienced a kind of calm and peace that he had Saya Thetgyi and Ledi Sayadaw, and all other Dhamma Teachers
never experienced before. He was overwhelmed, and said he had all the way to the Most Compassionate One, the Buddha, are
realised the fruits of his 25 years of being a recluse. It was a moment instrumental in restoring the flow of the Ganges of Dhamma in
of joyous contentment for him. Certainly it was not nibbanic peace, India. I see the seed of the giant tree of Dhamma sprouting in the
yet it was the beatific state of a purified mind. He carries within camp held in this desolate forest land of Bagaha.
him deep reverence and saddhā for Resp. Sayagyi, and he made an This was my stance while travelling throughout India; I had
earnest request that whenever I write him a letter, I must pay his not come here to increase the number of Bauddhas (Buddhists),
respects, so that he can avail of his special mettā bhāvana. nor was it my mission. My one and only wish is that people learn
Of the few adult meditators here who had joined the camp, to walk the sacred path of sīla, samādhi and paññā; they can
there was one female teacher, the rest being men, the chief one then call themselves Sanatani, Arya Samaji, Sikh, Jain, Muslim,
amongst them being Dwarkoji himself. After Mahatma Gandhi's Christian, or whatever they want. It will be most unfortunate if the
death, he was appointed head secretary of the Sarvodaya Samaj, entire land of India begins to call itself Bauddha but not one of its
an organisation founded by Shri Vinoba Bhave, having been in residents gets established in sīla, samādhi or paññā. Alternatively,
full accord with the late leader's ideas. He was also the head of the even if no one in this land calls himself a Bauddha, it will be good
Samanvaya Ashram in Bodh Gaya. He holds the leading position fortune if all the countrymen become established in sīla, samādhi
amongst the followers of the Sarvodaya movement in India. The and paññā; this will be the ultimate success of my dream.
camp that was held in Bodh Gaya the last time became possible These thoughts of mine, and consequently the work that is
only due to his enthusiastic support. Three workers from his being done, are in line with the thought processes of these Sarvodaya
ashram had participated then and were fully satisfied. For the last people. Let us see how these high-minded people accept it.
few months, he himself had been eager to join a camp but could
not due to some reason or another. This time he did, as the camp Yours,
was held in his own school. Satya Narayan Goenka
From my past experience, I have seen that when someone
4 “Vipassana Newsletter” Vol. 32, No. 09, 10 September, 2022. Regd. No. 49916/90; P. Regn No. NSK/RNP-232/2021-2023
Future Course Schedule and Applications One-Day Mega Courses at Global
Information on future Courses is available on the internet.
All types of bookings are currently available online only as per the
Vipassana Pagoda, Gorai, Mumbai
Government’s new rules due to Covid-19. Applications will not (1) Sunday– 9th October, 2022, Sharada-Pūrṇimā
be accepted on paper. Therefore, you are requested to check the plus Pujya Goenkaji’s Death Anniversary.
following link and apply online directly for your appropriate course (2) Sunday– 15th January, 2023, Mataji’s and
or for dhamma service at Dhammagiri: Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s Death Anniversary.
https://www.dhamma.org/en/schedules/schgiri (3) Sunday– 07th May, 2023 Buddha Purnima,
Please apply similarly as per the schedule of other centres. Here (4) Sunday– 02nd July, 2023 Ashadha-Pūrṇimā
is the link for all Indian centres:
(Dhammacakkappavattana day)
New VRI website for applying for courses: https://schedule. (5) Sunday– 1st October, 2023 Sharada-Pūrṇimā
vridhamma.org/ and for worldwise courses: www.dhamma.org plus Pujya Goenkaji’s Death Anniversary.
In addition there are Daily One-Day Courses being held in
the Pagoda for Vipassana Students. Please follow the link to
New Appointments 5. Mr. Amit Saxena, Pune join and take advantage of the immense benefit of meditating
Assistant Teachers 6. Mrs. Priti Dhande, Pune in a large group. Contact: 022 50427500 (Board Lines) Mob.
1. Shri Anant Naik, Palghar 7. Mr. Manish Mineeyar, Pune +91 8291894644 (from 11 am to 5 pm ). Online registration:
2. Shri Krishnan and Mrs. 8. Mr. Tejas Nilkanth Patil, Pune
9. Mr. Virbhadra Shankar Swami, http://oneday.globalpagoda.org/register Email: oneday@
3. Lakshmi Kannan, Chennai
4. Shri Gajendra Sharma, Vadodara Pune globalpagoda.org
5. Shri Pradeep Waghmare, Pune. 10. Mrs. Mahananda S. Hinge, Pune (Pl. bring a bottle so you can fill it with drinking water at GVP.)
11. Mrs. Lalita Prakash Bansode,
Children Course Teachers Bhusawal Dhammalaya Stay during Mega Courses:-–Meditators
1. Mr. Umeshchandra Bhuyan, 12. Mr. Prakash Suresh Bansode, can stay at Dhammalaya during mega courses and avail
Cuttack Odisha Bhusawal maximum benefit. Please contact 022 50427599 or email- info.
2. Mrs. Jayashree Bhuyan, Cuttack 13. Miss. Nirmala Uttam Sonawane, [email protected];
Odisha Bhusawal
For any other information for One day or Mega courses you
3. Mr. Srinibas swain, Bhubaneswar 14. Mrs. Sangita A. Adakmol,
4. Mrs. Samita Swain, Bhubaneswar Bhusawal may contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Bar̤e bhāgya se mukti kā, pāyā pantha mahāna; Dharma jage to sukha jage, dukkha ukhar̤atā jāya;
Bhava-bhaya vyākula jīva kā, huā parama kalyāṇa. Tṛṣṇā kī tar̤apana miṭe, tṛpti sudhā rasa pāya.
To my great fortune, I found the exalted path If Dharma awakens then happiness awakens and the
of liberation; And this fearful and anxious person miseries get uprooted; Dissolving the restless yearn-
attained unsurpassed welfare. ing of desires, the elixir of contentment is achieved.
Saba māṭī kī putaliyāṅ, mileṅ rākha yā reta; Prajñā śīla samādhi hī, śuddha dharma kā sāra;
Sātha cale basa dharama hī, puṇya loka sukha heta. Kāyā vāṇī citta ke, sudhareṅ saba vyavahāra.
All are but figures in the soil, turning into ash or Wisdom, morality, and mastery of the mind are the
dust; Only Dhamma accompanies one towards the essence of pure Dhamma; through these the con-
joyous land of meritorious perfection. duct of the body, speech and mind improve.

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Edited and published by R.P. Yadav for VRI, Igatpuri-422 403 and printed at Apollo Printing Press, 259, SICOF Ltd., 69 MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007.

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