Information Systems-Baseball

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Baseball Report

Table of Contents

Purpose of the Analysis----------------------------------------------------------------------

Policy Implications for Baseball----------------------------------------------------------

Proposal of the Baseball--------------------------------------------------------------------



Games are the part of a life in which there are certain games that involves the
participants to play in which baseball is one of the important game in which it is based
on the batting and balling that plays the game with opposing team members to attack in
which players take the runs by doing batting as well as the fielding. Moreover, as this
game continue with the fielding which is also known as the pitcher that throws the ball
where as another player tries to bat in a team. However, the concept of the game starts
from the country United States in the year of 1700 and the year 1800. As the game is
invented by the owner Abner as many of the players all over the world participate in this
game. Moreover, in the United States this game is also known as national pass time.
However, the follow members of the baseball game are so many in the United States.
However, in this game four bases are there in which the base creates the field of a
diamond which starts from the base as it is also known as the home plate. The home
plate is defined as a name of pentagon which is basically the shape of with the five
sides indeed the base which is on third consist of with the left side in the field whereas
the home plate plays as well. As the game is about the innings in which all the baseball
players are professionals with the innings in which the base ballers are perfect.
However, in every inning base baller have the innings as overall in this game there are
almost nine innings, moreover, as each team member have the turns to bat and ball
whereas, the other team defense from the other team in which the team has a target to
make at least three players out from the team (Light, 2016) .As, this game is different
from the other games as this game have certain techniques in which very few of the
players in the worldwide have a knowledge about it. However, after the innings that
complete the nine where there are most of the runs the team wins the game. However,
if any of the team completes with the same numbers the team plays with more innings
as in the initial of every game in the baseball the pitches come from the home team
whereas rest of the players visits the batting as there is only one player that bat in one
time. Moreover, the most important player in this game of baseball is the pitcher and the
batter. As, the role play of the pitcher is to throw the ball towards the home plate.
However, the player pitcher throws the ball to the home plate as it throws the ball to hit
and if the player throws the ball with a direct hit then it becomes a strike zone.
Purpose of the Analysis

In this report the purpose of the analysis is to check the years the baseball players
perform year to year 2017 and 2018 respectively. In the year of 2017 there are certain
team members play the baseball game in which the names of the teams are the Angels,
Astros, Athletics, Blue Jays, Braves, Brewers, cardinals, Cubs, Diamond backs,
Dodgers, Giants, Indian, Mariners, marlins, Mets, national, oriols, Padres, Phillies,
Pirates, rangers, rays, Red socks, Red, sockies, Royal, Tiger, Twin, White sox, yankies
as these are the players play very well in the year of 2017. However, there are two
leagues American League and National League. Most of the players perform in this
match in which the average age of the player is thirty-one. However, the number of the
plate as a player in this season is the Abreju player which plays very well in all over the
match as in other words the times player come for the batting. Whereas, the player
Adamsla also plays very well in which the player belongs to the Braves as the number
of bats is done from this player is 109 as well as on base percentage is 40 and the
batting average is 30:30. However, in the Al league the number of runs player score is
the Judgeaa in which his position is outfielder as the base percentage is 102and his
average age is 31 moreover, the number of times the better struck out is 127 and his
batting average is 77:77. However, the another player in the number of batting the
player is in this season is the gordode01 from the team Marlins as the number of runs
he play is 114 and the number of three base hits he do is 9 which is one of the good
tribute to the team as the team members plays very well. As compare to the year of
2018 the players play very well in the year of 2018 as their average total base is 86 as
compare to the year 2017which is 75 as a total base and the OPS is the players ability
in which it is shown in the year of 2018 that the players play very well in the year of
2018. In the year of 2018 certain bases are there in which player plays the baseball
which includes the first base, outfielder, second base, short stop and the third base.
Moreover, in the year of 2018 the players perform very well in which Beltrad is one of
them in the players list in all both leagues. In this match the number of plate for the
player in this season is Lindor in which the position of the player is Short stop as there
base percentage is 108 and the player total base is 181 as the player batting average is
189:661 and according to the number of at bats in this season is the player Turnetr who
is from the team National as it plays also very well in all the matches of the year of 2018
as his position is short stop and the ability of his player is 28 which is in the average not
good and not bad. Moreover, as his player runs the total scores 103 which is one of the
good position he raises on whereas, the other player in the number of hits this season
are the players Freem and Merri which are the best players as the base percentage of
these players are 99 and 73 respectively and there OPS is 30 for both the players
however the players batting average is 191:618 and 24:79 respectively.

Moreover, the number of times the player struck are the two hundred and seventeen
players which get stuck in it. According to the year to year offensive performance by the
players are well play in the year of 2018 as compare to the year of 2017.

As there are certain positions of every player which includes the best players in the year
of 2018 as compare to the other players in the year of 2017.

In the year of 2017 team Angels also plays very well as their team members shows the
good efforts in playing the game the team members age is in between thirty as the
Chalhoko is the player who gives 120% as a baseand his batting average is 139:139
whereas the sugging percentage in the form of average is 120:569. However, the other
players also play very well in the team in the league of AL as in this team Escobuy also
plays very well in the team as his position is the third base and the slugging percentage
is 89:350. In the team of Astros Reddijo gives the best efforts in the team with base
percentage of 137 as well as the batting average is 50:50. However, in the team of
Athelete the player Daviskh is the only player in the play which scores good in the
match with the great efforts as the batting average is 70:70 and the slugging ratio of the
player is 97:566. Moreover, the players in this team give the best effort. However, in the
BlueJays team Pillake is one of the members that gives best effort in this game which
shows the incredible efforts as the base percent is 134 whereas the batting average is
150:150 and the slugging of the percentage is 134;587. Moreover, in the year of 2018
the team Twins also gives magnificent performance in which Keplema the player is one
which gives best effort in the team as a batting average of 17:76 and the slugging
percentage is 115:532 in which the position of the player is First base. However, in the
other team the efforts of the players are also recommendable in the position which
consider and gives baseball the best opportunity and the efforts to provide the young
players to come forward to the team and as the young players in this team motivate and
tries to give best efforts in the baseball game. Tiger team also plays best efforts in the
baseball game.

Policy Implications for Base ball

As doing the comparison the baseball players must be good in the strikes to perform
well in the upcoming years as the players play good in the year of 2018 as compare to
the year of 2017. Moreover, the player of a baseball must be sign in the year of 19 not
much old as in both the years of 2017 and 2018 the average age is consider 31 as
those players who plays in the age of 18 and also experience of about five years can
play the baseball game as most of the players in these era working and playing the
match as well (Tsukamoto, Yamashita, Kida, and Shindome, Mizuno Corp, 2019).

Proposal of the Baseball

For winning the baseball game it is necessary that the two players make an attack to
the other team and the experience of the player also matters as the last innings of the
game in between the batting and the fielding must be good of the players as it adds the
scores to win the game. However, the game is played between the two players.
However, the statistics gives the point as a home run and the pitching gives the three
points of it. However, there are certain rules in the baseball in the rule of MLB it is not
directly address that carry the first base, as the ruke don’t discuss the offensive and
interference in this game. However, the other runner in the total base takes the time as
there is no actual interference as a runner. As the player are the best player who get the
response (Rottenberg, 1956). Moreover, being as a pitcher the player as a pitcher wins
the match when the player breaks the record and starts the pitcher in at least of the five
innings. However, the strategy in the baseball is different from the other games with a
bat and a ball and gloves having nine players in the team. As the members of the team
with the alternate players gives the batters and fielders as an offense which hits each
other to get the winning position.

In this report the baseball game show that the player of the year 2018 plays very well as
compare to the year of 2017 in which players are not able to give the best because of
some lacking player make in the batting as well as in the other aspects.

Rottenberg, S., 1956. The baseball players' labor market. Journal of political

economy, 64(3), pp.242-258.

Tsukamoto, M., Yamashita, Y., Kida, T. and Shindome, K., Mizuno Corp,
2019. Baseball or softball bat with modified restitution characteristics. U.S.
Patent 10,195,504.

Light, J.F., 2016. The cultural encyclopedia of baseball. McFarland.

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