Assignment Bbed4103

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MATRICULATION NO : 860910465190002
IDENTITY CARD NO. : 860910465190
TELEPHONE NO. : 0199399978
E-MAIL : [email protected]

LAPASAR - Online B2B procurement platform that allows companies to purchase supplies
for their businesses via a system that acts very much like a ‘add-to-cart and checkout’ service
used in B2C marketplaces.
Convenience is a much sought-after commodity in business dealings. Every party wants to be
able to perform tasks quickly and simply, without any hiccups.
This is especially true when it comes to buying and selling in large quantities; no one enjoys
having to visit multiple vendors, deal with payment gateways, and face the possibility of a
purchase gone wrong.
LAPASAR aims to solve this problem in the B2B sector by promising businesses the benefit
of saving time and cost through an online procurement system that makes it easy to buy in
Founded in 2016 and operational since 2017, Lapasar is the brainchild of 28-year-old Thinesh
Kumar—a Business and Human Resource Management graduate with experience running a
medical device distribution—and a team of four other friends brought along from his
previous business.
In 2018, LAPASAR started out as a B2B platform in the corporate segment. Their clients
such as Telekom Malaysia, PETRONAS or Tenaga Nasional Berhad buy items for their daily
operational needs (e.g. laptops, projectors, office furniture, etc) from LAPASAR platform.
In 2020 the B2B platform was extended to serve Mom and Pop stores, whereby shops order
their supplies (e.g. Milo, Nescafe, Red Bull, etc) via pp/platform. Today, the FMCG
Wholesale Segment is the key pillar of LAPASAR’s business and growth. LAPASAR aim to
onboard 100,000+ Mom and Pop Stores and restaurants across Malaysia onto Mobile App
and make customer daily ordering of stocks as easy and simple as Shopee or Lazada has
made the experience in the consumer E-Commerce space.
It all began when Thinesh participated in a tender for his medical device business in 2016. He
found that the tender itself already had a pre-determined winner, effectively reducing the
business opportunities for all other participants to nothing. In 2017, the team built a prototype
for their platform and proceeded to change and improve it based on their collaborations with
30 companies to identify the pain points that were present in corporate procurement. By
August 2017, the first version of was born.


Definition of digital marketing; it is a form of marketing a product or service using digital

channels to reach consumers. Its main objective is to promote the brand through various
forms of digital media.
Digital marketing goes beyond internet marketing because it includes channels that do not
require the use of the internet. It includes mobile phone (SMS and MMS), social media
marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing, and any other digital media.
Most experts believe that 'digital' is not a common marketing channel. It requires a new
approach to marketing and a new understanding of customer behaviour. For example, it
requires companies to analyze and measure the value of app downloads on mobile devices
such as tweets on Twitter, likes on Facebook and so on.
Users no longer receive content while sitting idly. They now receive content or
advertisements while performing various tasks. Overall, we are missing out on a lot because
we are constantly staring at our phones. we are distracted by notifications and the phone's
battery also has difficulty continuing the level of use of our phone. All of this creates huge
challenges for businesses of all sizes around the world.
What if we had an accurate consumer market database for our product or service? For
example, a hijab business, with digital marketing, can gather consumer prospects with the
criteria of women aged 18-40, Muslims, and those who love fashion. You can use this
database to offer through e-mails or advertisements very effective and efficient in digital
marketing activities.
After determining the goals, which is to analyze them to implement the most effective and
efficient digital marketing system. Using multiple types of tools as analytics pages to measure
ads, user behaviour, and including ad budget usage, so that they truly match marketing goals.
Such as Google Analytics, Search Console, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Insight and

Digital Marketing Media Used for Business

1. Website
For a long time, websites have been the choice of many people for ease of accessing
information, speed of data exchange, product distribution, online buying and selling place,
and promotional media. We can start using digital marketing by creating a proper business
The cost of creating a website is relatively cheap to build a business when compared to the
cost of opening a store or a live office. If there are already stores and offices with additional
websites, the results will be better

2. Content Marketing
Content means content on digital media, such as articles on websites, posts and captions on
Facebook and Instagram, including videos on YouTube, websites and social media. Of
course, the type that has marketing value is able to attract attention, either to increase brand
awareness or to get sales from content marketing

3. Social Media
Social networking media is very busy used by hundreds of millions of people around the
world. A place to interact without being limited by space and time. Social media services
already offer very cheap advertising space, for example, such as advertising on Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are the most used online media for people
looking for information. Search engines can be used to find the right customers according to
what they are looking for using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We can create a lot of
SEO-optimized content to get a lot of website visitors who can become potential customers.

5. Google Ads (Search Engine Marketing)

A special place to advertise from Google, among others. Search Engine Marketing Ads that
appear on the top page of Google searches Display Network banner ads that appear on
websites and blogs that are full of visitors. Youtube Ads, if you often see ads on Youtube,
this is a video ad service from Google. You can learn more in the Google Ads Guidelines

6. Email Marketing
If we ever receive an email containing a promotion from an online service or store, for
example, that is the use of email as marketing. Almost all internet users already have an
active email that can potentially be used as a tool to offer products or services. By using e-
mail, you can't send it, but you can use a database of customers, that is, people who are
interested in your business.


Digital marketing is the use of the Internet to reach consumers. Today, it has become one of
the new norms to attract audience and drive online traffic, ultimately increasing business.
Let's look at some statistics:
There were 26.69 million internet users in Malaysia in January 2020; The number of internet
users in Malaysia increased by 919 thousand (+ 3.6%) from 2019 and 2020; Internet
penetration in Malaysia reached 83% in January 2020.
These statistics show how powerful the internet is today. Digital marketing most often occurs
on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Based on
Simon Kemp (2019), the most active social media platforms in Malaysia are listed as below:
YouTube 93%
WhatsApp 91%
Facebook 91%
Instagram 70%
FB Messenger 64%
WeChat 47%
Twitter 44%
LinkedIn 29%
Skype 26%
Pinterest 25%

However, always remember that different platforms are for different purposes. You should
not target communication apps like Messenger, WhatsApp or WeChat for marketing
purposes. This application only serves as an additional platform for communication or as
customer service.
In a nutshell, Lapasar is a one-stop platform for companies to purchase their office and
business needs through a system that acts like a B2C “add-to-cart and checkout” service.
LAPASAR also provides businesses with procurement features to help companies establish
governance within their respective procurement departments to up efficiency and
On the front end, the service will act as a B2B marketplace where businesses can buy
anything from pantry supplies to IT equipment, with LAPASAR promising businesses a
quick and easy procurement process in contrast to the bureaucratic and complicated processes
associated with more traditional forms of procurement.
This also helps qualified vendors get the business they deserve, as opposed to them losing out
in predetermined tenders. Delving deeper into the service, users will find a backend that will
allow them to set customised workflows for their respective offices and departments via
features such as Audit Logs, Vendor Management and Report Generation.
On that note, LAPASAR aims to “bring at least 50% of the country’s large corporations onto by 2020. Buyers will get to use the LAPASAR service for free, and will find
the reduced time taken to make purchases (from more than a week down to a day) along with
the cost effectiveness of using the platform huge draws.

• System is free for use and no installation cost or set up
• Reduce operational cost; in line with RP2
• Competitive Pricing as sellers compete for price

• Reduce Time Spent on Indirect

• Buyers can spend more time on
strategic roles
• Average 32 hours per month is
released per BSO
• Improve Procurement Cycle Time Text
 Order process: (from 5 
1 days)
 Delivery ↓ 90% Visibility
Cycle time
(from 60 → 1 - 6 days).

• Empower user to do their own

• Vast choice of vendors and purchasing
products • Pre negotiated rates
• 3,416 sellers all over the country • Safe environment with proper
with 151,032 products and varies workflow
in 30 categories available online

Increase Visibility on low value purchase, with

proper workflow and audit management

For now, LAPASAR has implemented several digital marketing measures as stated before
such as:-

1. Website -
2. Content Marketing - LinkedIn
3. Social Media -

LAPASAR aims more at the credibility that is spread through the performance and
effectiveness of the system developed by them in order to create business stability. Among
other things implemented by LAPASAR is to develop business and services through
companies such as TNB, PETRONAS and others.
The displayed results are organized and competitive and directed towards the company's


The main reason digital marketing has become so popular is because, regardless of the sector
or what your business is, you may or may not realize that the competition in your industry is
fierce. However, if you harness the power of digital technology in the right way, you will be
able to overcome the complexities and grow your business. Therefore, these are some things
that can be taken by SMEs to take advantage of digital power to engage and influence society
more effectively.
As a digital marketer, or digital marketing agency, using digital is no longer an option, but an
obligation. What is the problem with digital strategy? In fact, the digital world has no
shortage as it is a stepping stone for traders to gain many customers. But, of course, like any
strategy that is developed, if you are not wise to manage it well and efficiently, it will not
bear fruit.
In the end, having your own website is not an obligation, as it depends on your activities and
products. With going digital, it's about having a digital world along with good content that
you can deliver. Let's take the example of social media, although an active and professional
social media presence is only a small part of the digital transformation process.
For now, most LAPASAR strategies focus only on products. Among the improvements that
can be implemented by LAPASAR are:-

1. Installation service
2. Cleaning service
3. Transportation services such as taxis, buses, airplanes, trains
4. Accommodation service
5. Laundry service
6. Wet products such as meat and vegetables
7. Repair service
8. Solar

With the expansion of services like this, LAPASAR can provide many options to vendors to
join LAPASAR and further develop LAPASAR's needs other than simply providing
products. In addition, LAPASAR should venture into other fields by using the digital
platform now to a different level including:

1. Entering advertising in google ads. (SEM)

2. Upload more advertisements to mass media and other electronic media such as
newspapers, magazines, television.
3. Sponsoring any mass media institution such as radio and concerts. Although the value that
will be released is relatively high, but the impact on customers is to build confidence that
LAPASAR has now made an increase in business scope to unexpected areas. This can be
used as a medium of recognition for other large companies interested in LAPASAR's
4. Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing or paid marketing is a marketing method that drives traffic
to your website by paying an ad publisher every time your ad is clicked.
Among PPC ad publishers such as Google Ads and Bings Ads. This digital marketing
strategy places your ad at the top or edge of Google or Bings search results.

Every time an internet user clicks on the ad, you will be charged by the ad publisher based on
the keyword price you bid. Keywords that have a lot of searches are worth more than
keywords that get less searches.
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a commission-based digital marketing strategy. The company will give
a commission to a third party (affiliate) who brings traffic that makes a purchase of a product
or service through the link shared by the affiliate.
If you make a sale, you will be paid a commission. Otherwise, no payment. Affiliate income
is uncertain. To get a lot of commission, you need to bring high traffic to the affiliate link.
The trick is to share quality content. You can enter affiliate links on websites, blogs, social
media, or YouTube.


There are many categories of Digital Marketing in the market. However, you don't have to
apply all of them. As I suggest in this article, the selection depends on your objectives, the
resources you have, the business background, who your target customers are and the
marketing budget you allocate.
Digital marketing can be implemented by all types of businesses in any industry. However,
the digital marketing strategy needs to be adapted to your business and audience. Not all
digital marketing strategies need to be done by you.
You also need to study who your audience is and which channel they are always on. Then,
choose the digital marketing strategy that best suits your business to attract customers.
If you are a small trader or a new business, you are not encouraged to do it yourself. This is
because, you need to focus on other important aspects of your business. You are also not
advised to hire employees solely to implement Digital Marketing, as it will increase the
company's operating costs. Ideally, leave this task to those who are already skilled like a
Digital Marketing agency or a freelancer. It is more economical and able to give a better
Digital marketing is a marketing tactic that uses the Internet as a pillar to find, expand and
strengthen the market. It can be done via computer, tablet or even smartphone. There are
many Digital Marketing tactics available in the market. For example; Social Media
Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), paid advertising such as Google Ads,
Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, Email Marketing, Website Marketing, Content Marketing and

But the question that traders often ask is "is it necessary for us to use all the marketing tactics
as above?". The answer depends on the 5 questions below:-
1. What are the real objectives you want to achieve through digital marketing
2. Do you have enough resources?
3. What is your business background?
4. Where are your target customers?
5. How much budget do you allocate for marketing?

We can see that LAPASAR has applied a method that is suitable with the B2B concept that
has opened up space for small companies to do business on their platform in addition to
giving many options to customers in using a comprehensive and constantly updated system.



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