Functions of HRM.

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Functions of HRM

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Functions of HRM


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the administration and management of

employees with the gist of achieving a cohesive working relationship as well as gaining requisite

skills that are in line with the goals, values, and vision of the organization. Human resource roles

and functions have experienced significant changes in the contemporary era that have affected

their mode of operation. Key policies and strategies, such as functional strategies, have built a

triumphant implementation of the critical organizational processes (Armstrong, 2012). This

alludes to the reality of how the HRM functions, together with corporate strategy, have been

aligned. HRM plays an essential role in facilitating and improving employee performance by

providing a conducive working environment and the provision of various job-related

opportunities for employees. These opportunities will enable employees to participate in

organizational decision making and planning processes. In the modern business environment,

most of the primary HRM activities are established towards developing leaders with the ability to

perform better and enhance employee motivation.

Recent years trends have seen significant traction in the more sweeping HRM operations.

The new technological advancements are prime primarily in areas of electronic transmission and

dissemination of information in businesses. Satellite transmission, computerized networking

systems, fax machines, and other related devices have necessitated a change in business

interactions. For instance, telecommuting has been rampant amongst employees in recent days

prompting HRM to come up with formidable guidelines to cater to that group of employees

(Beardwell & Claydon, 2014). Organizational changes have also swayed the human resource

structure by scraping off old trends and forcing organizations to readjust, reinvent, and reboot to

the new norms in HRM. 


Performance Management 

Performance management is a vast area and a more complicated function of HRM since it

encloses various activities such as continuous progress review, goal setting, and periodic

communication, generation of feedback, and career coaching. This helps to improve job

performance, implementation of employee programs, and rewarding any forms of achievement.

Generally, performance management starts when a new candidate joins the organization and

concludes on an occasion when the employees terminates or quits the organization.

Alternatively, performance management can be defined as a system that involves improving an

organization's overall performance through the improvement of an individual's performance.

According to Armstrong (2012), performance management can be classified as both an

integrated and strategic approach that ensures deliverance of best results in an organization

through performance enhancement and an enforcement tool of the team and individual abilities. 

Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection

The HRM entails comprehensive forecasting and strategy formulation to ensure a staffing

process that would benefit the company. An exhaustive staffing process is significant in

providing the right candidates to walk with the company to meet its mission and vision.

According to Bratton & Gold (2017), recruitment is defined as "the process of attracting

individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate qualifications, to apply

for jobs with an organization." It is critical to note that employers should openly advertise the

available job position in a transparent job seekers platform in the recruitment process. This will

ensure that there's an equitable selection of candidates as well as deter any form of

discrimination amongst applicants. In most cases, during the selection process, the hiring

managers are mandated to peruse through the resumes to shortlist candidates that have met the

minimum threshold set. However, the recruitment process may vary from company to company

since some may opt to use referrals, hiring agencies, whereas some may outsource via digital


Human resources are undisputedly essential in planning, recruitment in addition to the

selection process. Its core responsibility demands appropriate decision making and strategy

implementation while recruiting qualified candidates into the organization. HRM also involves

scrutinizing and assessing the company's needs and determining the company's human resource

needs because of its strategic objectives. It is the hiring managers' responsibility to develop a

formidable job description that highlights the skills, academic qualifications, tasks, and any other

relevant information to have a myriad of applicants. However, it is critical to note that internal

and external applicants may apply for the job position. HRM should therefore make the positions

open for all candidates minus any age, race, or any physical impairment discriminations.

Human Resources Development

           Human resource development offers an embodiment of training frameworks aimed at

aiding employees to flourish their skills, knowledge, and abilities, which, in the long run,

improves the performance and effectiveness of the organization. Human resource development

mainly focuses on developing a hybrid workforce that can offer exceptional services to its

clientele. There is an opportunity both internally and externally for organizations to expand their

human resource development. The application of human resource development can either be

formal or informal, depending on the company's needs and strategic goals (Beardwell &

Claydon, 2014). The informal human resource development would include honing by managers,

employee mentorship programs, as well as collaboration with experienced colleagues. On the

other hand, the formalized human resource development entails in-classroom training programs,

planned changes in the organization's organogram, and internal consultancy programs.

Organizations that understand the weight of human resource development and apply all the

above parameters in their operations often achieve tremendous results.

The enforcement of human resource development steers employees' ability to amplify

their skills, motivate employees, and retain staff. The reception of training programs from the

organization would enable them to attain the loyalty and work diligently to keep the

organization's name and success. Besides, human resource development provides a platform for

identifying and placing employees for their future career advancements. A highly trained

workforce is highly motivated since employees are geared towards excellence; hence, they will

perform well. Therefore, human resource development is critical in cultivating a motivated labor

force leading to the success of most organizations that have fully enforced it.

Compensation and Benefits

A myriad of companies aspire to hire the most qualified and experienced employees and

keep them loyal and productive to the organization. However, the performance management

system's effectiveness alongside compensation and benefits acts as a potent tool in developing,

retaining talented employees and attracting potential job prospects. Most employees are lured to

apply for specific jobs owing to the compensation and benefits packages offered. Immense

interest is evident in jobs that have a well-formulated compensation and benefits package.

However, it should be noted that organization compensation should be done appropriately to


prevent adverse effects. Compensation should never be based on guessing but should always be

based on a clear and broad foundation of facts. 

Besides, data ready for assessment includes factors such as the organization position

against the market since it relates to wage rates, compensation policy, and the available resources

that the organization possesses, which can reward employees. Implementing a pay for the

performance program in an organization serves the best in implementing the organizational talent

strategy. When employees of an organization are recognized for the work performed through an

increase in compensation, they are more likely to continue working for long and for the of

improvement of the organization. It is prudent to note that benefits can include healthcare

benefits, retirement securities, FMLA, life insurance policies, bonuses, sick leave and annual

leave pay, dental insurance, amongst many other benefits (Bratton & Gold, 2017). 

Employment and Labor Laws and Regulations. 

           Employment and labor relations laws exist to deter employers from exercising unfair

treatment and discrimination amongst employees. Its creation is meant to foster equity and

transparency in the employer-employee relationship. Regulations on working hours are one of

the HRM functions that aids in monitoring employees' work for benefits, calculate extra working

hours, and code of breaks. A wide range of employment laws has been enacted to cater for

regulations against racial discrimination, age, sex, disability, pregnancy, and other natural

creations. For instance, an employee cannot be deprived of an employment position due to their

religious affiliation. The HRM provisions should be flexible to cater for appropriate

requirements that would accommodate all employees. However, companies do not have to

modify the accommodation of employee needs if they feel that the needs of the organization are

affected. At this impasse, the HRM department will need to intervene to mitigate infringement of

the employee rights and the company interests. It is the HRM department's responsibility to work

in synergy with employees to make sure that there is a solid bond between the employer and the

employees. Comprehensive knowledge and understanding in labor laws and other statutory

regulations are requisite in the HRM department since it will help the company evade hefty court

fines, mitigate an array of complaints in tandem with the Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission (EEOC), and endless court battles that would accrue a reputational effect to the

organization (Armstrong, 2012). 

Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to

effective training and development

The millennial generation constitutes a considerable number of the present-day workforce

since it entails lifelong learners. This explains why employment opportunities are crucial to them

as such opportunities form their career path. Organizations should heavily invest in training and

developing skills for the millennial generation since they are young and vibrant. Consequently,

organizations that fail to offer such platforms risk stunting the millennial employees'

development hence might end up recruiting other more experienced and expensive employees

(Bratton & Gold ,2017). A pellucid performance management system is essential in making it

easier for HRM personnel to instill a learning and development culture. 

Effective performance management systems can be harnessed through monitoring

progress and setting achievable objectives to employees. It is key for HRM professionals to note

that employees are self-motivated to perform as per their prescribed in their job description as

long they are offered all the relevant performance tools. Performance management systems offer

a rationale for creating benchmarks and developing employee talents while working for the

organization. As asserted by Armstrong (2012), this approach grants HRM the capacity to track

development traction amongst the employees. Besides, it guides employers on relevant steps to

take in assessing the employee and business needs.

Also, HRM can promote training and development by providing round the clock

feedback on appropriate performance and how to enhance it. Employees are able to grow based

on the feedback they receive by focusing on their strengths, improving on their areas of

weakness, and being open-minded to available opportunities. Feedback improves the

effectiveness of communication between the employer and employees, which in the long run,

infuses a positive, working relationship between them.

Besides, performance management systems permit setting strategic goals and also

development of skills that are in a row with the company's goals. The employees who are

destined to succeed must set S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, developing)

goals towards making their dreams a success (Beardwell & Claydon, 2014). S.M.A.R.T goals are

necessary in improving employee productivity by focusing on their strengths. Human resource

managers can therefore rally employees to work with their immediate managers and set

achievable goals for their career development. In the long run, this will enable the employee's

managers to identify professional gaps and center on training and developing the millennial


Explain how an effective performance management system along with compensation and

benefits can attract, develop, and retain talented employees.

Monitoring, planning, development, and rewarding productivity have been repeatedly

singled out as vital factors for prosperity. Therefore, most employee retention mechanisms are

vested on quality of performance as bestowed by the performance management system.

Consequently, an effective management system fosters recognition of employees' exceptional


employers and gives room for employers to retain and improve the employee (Beardwell &

Claydon, 2014). In most cases, employees are fascinated by working for companies with

satisfactory management systems because their key performance indicators are stipulated. This

curtails ambiguity in the definition of roles between the employer and the employees. 

Brilliant employers visualize rewarding systems as an indispensable part of their hiring

and management attempts. Such employers view rewarding as essential in motivating employees

as well as giving them room to perform exceptionally in their next success. HRM uses rewarding

as a way to coax employees to remain loyal and competitive in their roles. Besides, rewarding

uproots innovativeness amongst employees, which in the long run, aligns with the organizational

strategic advantage hence forcing the organization to retain the employee.

Analyze employment and labor laws and regulations that impact these areas of HRM listed

above and the relationships between employees and employers

The EEOC offers enforcement measures on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, that offers

prohibition clauses on discrimination based on nationality, religion, race, and sex

(Armstrong ,2012). In most cases, some employees are hired based on the relationship instead of

meeting the requirements for the advertised job. If flagged, the instance can attract the legislative

attention of the EEOC, which can accrue detrimental repercussions to the organization. Human

resource managers have the responsibility of ensuring that there is a fair working environment

amongst all employees. Therefore, it is essential to avert discrimination in organizations as such

hostilities interfere with the general effectiveness of organizations. Therefore, the HRM

department is a vital constituent in aiding the company maintains its reputation as it harbors the

mutuality between the employer and the employee. 


The integration of all the HRM functions enables nurture employee behavior as well as

leads to optimization of the organizational conduct. While conducting employee performance

appraisals, employers must apply non-discriminative laws. Such laws would deter employers

from abusing the employees' employment rights and call for decision-making based on putting

performance of the employee rather than their physical being.  

Non-discrimination laws also curb unlawful loss of jobs amongst employees resulting

from discrimination from the employer. A physically impaired person who has shown interest in

undertaking a job should be given equal rights like any other applicant. These laws stimulate

employer-employee relationship by focusing on justice and fairness while working for mutual


Explain how the functions of HRM work together in order to optimize the organizational

and employee behavior.

Subject to planning, recruitment, and the selection role in HRM, the organization is able

to get a skilled workforce that enables it attain its objectives. Most organizations succeed

because their relevance and sufficiency affiliation is channeled towards talent development and

retention. The recruitment and selection process is therefore critical as the criterion used is

motivated to getting the right type of employee to help the company achieve its aspirations.

HRM planning hones employee behavior by realigning the company's strategic plan reinvesting

on how to help the organization achieve its goals. 

The performance management system encompasses various actions that ensure the

process remains cyclical and continuous. These actions include developing clear job descriptions

and performance plans, consisting of key performance indicators and result areas. The selection

of qualified people through the implementation of the relevant selection process plays a vital role

in building the performance management system. It is always crucial that the approach contain

negotiating requirements and, more so, performance standards that can be used to measure the

result and productivity against set goals (Bratton & Gold ,2017). HR must provide unlimited

coaching and feedback to employees, especially at the time of performance delivery. This will

help identify the training and development needs by measuring the outcomes gained against the

set standards and implements real programs that can help in improvement. Additionally, the

performance management system provides career development assistance and detailed guidance

to employees.

Competitive salaries and other employee benefits also play a critical role in maintaining a

healthy workforce. Most employees are extremely productive if they are well rewarded by their

employers. Compensation and other benefits aids retain talents in the now competitive market

since the morale of employees is boosted in such environments. Additionally, strict adherence

with employment and labor laws also helps retain employees as well as maintain the reputation

of the company.


To sum up, human resource managers are essential people in an organization because

they are accountable for ensuring that the employees' needs are met. HRM department is a vital

office responsible for planning, recruiting, and selecting the best people to fit on available job

vacancies. Additionally, HRM ensures that individual rights' legalities are respected and develop

the skills of teamwork on employees to ensure diversity at work. It is important to note that

organizations need to build a competitive ground in recruitment cases to get a person of top

talent. Due to enormous changes that continue to happen in the field of human resource, business

needs to improve labor relations through actions such as ensuring that every employee is covered

with the best and affordable insurance cover and making sure that the needs of employees are

adhered to every time, both in the present and in the future.



Armstrong, M. (2012). A handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page


Beardwell, J., & Claydon, T. (Eds.). (2014). Human resource management: A contemporary

approach. Pearson Education.

Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

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