Santos Et Al. (2022)

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IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium

IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas

October 16-19, 2022

Soil-structure interaction influence on shallow foundations design

on rocky mass in a reinforced concrete building

Y.R.P. Santos
Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
B.C.F. Rocha
UNINASSAU, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil
M.A. Lima
UNINASSAU, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil
P.D.L. Nascimento
UNINASSAU, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil
M.M.M. Meneses
UNINASSAU, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil

Soil-structure interaction (SSI) has mechanisms that allow analyzing the structural performance
of a building, considering its foundation, its superstructure and as singularities of the terrain on
which it will be built as a single system. The present study aims to carry out the redesign foun-
dations project of a reinforced concrete building (tower "A"), consisting of 22 pillars, with iso-
lated and associated footings foundations on a rock mass of granitic composition and RQD pre-
dominantly higher than 75%, considering this interaction, based on the redistribution of efforts
between the pillars of the structure, verifying its influence on the geometry and consumption of
materials in the design of its foundation elements. After redesign, the results obtained revealed
that there was no significant change in foundation geometry, as well as in the consumption of
concrete comparing the projects with and without SSI. For steel consumption, the results
showed an increase in the steel area of the associated footings SPA-07/13 and SPA-10/16 and
the isolated footings SPA-15 and SPA-20; while the SPA-01 and SPA-21 isolated footings ob-
tained a certain decrease in this material. It is concluded that, for this project, the soil-structure
interaction did not have a significant influence on the observed points, due to the low efforts re-
distribution on the analyzed pillars, which was reflected in the maintenance of dimensions and
quantity of materials in almost all of the foundation elements studied.
Keywords: Soil-Structure interaction, Shallow foundations, Redesign, Rocky mass foudations.


Buildings can have shallow and deep foundations, and have the function of supporting all
loads from the structure, safely meeting requests. Foundation system depends on the project re-
quests and the study of the subsoil is considered fundamental, as it provides a range of infor-
mation necessary to avoid failures in the design. According to Brito (1987), foundations with
well-designed projects have a final cost of 3% to 10% of the total value of the building, and
when poorly designed, they can cost 5 to 10 times more than what had been established.
The design of foundations of a building is usually carried out separately from the structural
design, in this way it is common for the designer to analyze the behavior of the foundation con-
sidering non-displaceable supports, that is, disregarding the soil-structure interaction. The soil-
structure interaction is the method that analyzes the soil mass together with the infrastructure
and the superstructure as a single system, applying the analysis model proposed by Winkler
(1867) that represents the foundation elements with elastic supports (springs). This mechanism
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

leads to a more real estimation of the structure's behavior and, therefore, the importance of con-
sidering the soil-structure interaction (SSI) is highlighted.
Studies presented by Meyerhof (1953), Morris (1966), Lee & Brown (1972), and Poulos
(1975) proposed SSI analysis, verifying factors such as construction processes, floor numbers,
construction sequence, building shape and other effects related to soil/rock and structure behav-
ior. Gusmão (1990) reported that the performance of a building is managed by the conditioned
rigidity of the effects of the soil-structure interaction and Colares (2006) presented in his study
that considering the mechanisms of the soil-structure interaction causes a redistribution of the
forces acting on the structural elements, causing the uniformity of settlements. In this way,
when considering the SSI, it is possible to develop more efficient and adequate projects.
Savaris et al. (2011), Santos (2016) and Santos et al. (2021) analyzing real cases of buildings
through monitored settlements, also showed that, the settlements measurement along diferente
construction stages enables to observe loads redistribution between central and the edge reinfor-
ced concrete columns.
This study was been prepared in order to report the changes in the design of the foundations
of the analyzed building considering the SSI, being carried out the redesign of the footings ac-
cording to the new calculated loads and also making a comparison between the geometry and
the amount of materials for the resized elements.


The construction analyzed in this study is a multi-story residential building called tower "A",
which is part of a two-tower complex located on Adjar da Silva Casé Avenue, Indianópolis, city
of Caruaru-PE. The building consists of a ground floor, two mezzanines that serve as parking,
32 slabs-floor where the apartments are located, in addition to the roof and attic floors. Accord-
ing to Santos (2018), all structure was been designed in reinforced concrete, according NBR
6118 (2003).
The city of Caruaru-PE is located on the Borborema plateau and presents terrains with more
resistant characteristics, with the presence of rocks. Eight mixed-type drilling holes were carried
out, with SPT (Standard Penetration Test) and rotating drilling, in order to know the terrain of
the project site, totaling 8 drilling holes that revealed a superficial layer of sandy soil with boul-
ders, followed by from the presence of cataclasite with little altered granitic composition (Figure
1), whose RQD (rock quality designation) indicates values predominantly higher than 75%,
classifying them as good to excellent, average simple compressive strength of 110.90 MPa and
absence of water level up to the investigated average depth, which was around 10 meters in rela-
tion to the ground level.

Figure 1. Granitic rock sample obtained by the subsoil investigation (Santos, 2018).
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

As a result of the characteristics presented by the terrain after the surveys, with favorable
strength properties, the project was been developed using shallow foundations, consisting of 18
isolated footings and 2 associated footings, represented in the projection plan of the footings
with the location of the pillars as shown in Figure 2, as well as the drilling holes carried out for
the subsoil investigation. The original footing projects were been designed for an allowable
bearing capacity of 800 kPa, with a 30% increase in this stress (920 KPa), as defined by NBR
6122 (2019), a standard taken as a basis for the design and execution of foundations.


SM-01 SM-03


SPA7/13 SPA10/16

21,00 m


SM-04 SM-06


Figure 2. Projection plan and location of drill holes, original pillars and footings (Santos, 2018).


3.1 Redesign of foundation system

An analysis of the structural behavior was carried out considering the mechanisms of soil-
structure interaction in the analyzed building, in a study developed by Santos (2018), based on a
monitoring of settlements carried out during its construction. The CAD/TQS® software was
been used to carry out the structural modeling of the building, considering the information about
the materials used in the construction, in order to obtain a more faithful result of the entire struc-
tural part, considering two scenarios: the first, considering the non-displaceable supports, and
the second, considering the building with its displaceable supports, represented by stiffness
spring coefficients “K”, obtained by the ratio between the total efforts and the settlements suf-
fered by each of the foundation elements in the final stage of the construction.

3.1.1 Determination of loads (efforts) and bending moments

The design was carried out based on the efforts acting on the 22 pillars of the “A” tower, ac-
cording to Santos (2018), resulting from the design considering the real loads acting on the
structure that were determined with and without soil-structure interaction effect, being analyzed
only the stage end of the construction, with all loads already applied to the structure and consid-
ering bending moments acting on each foundation element. The loads on the pillars are shown
in Table 1, while the bending moments acting in the x and y directions of the foundations can be
seen in Table 2. For this study, an allowable bearing capacity of 920 kPa was adopted for all
footings, based on the information present in the original construction project report. The safety
factor adopted was FS= 3.0 for shallow foundations based on rock ground.
In order to compare the effects of this interaction, this redesign determined the new dimen-
sions of the footings, considering the modeling after using the real information of the building
elements with the non-displaceable supports, without SSI, and with the displaceable supports,
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

with SSI effects. The model used to calculate foundation elements was based on NBR 6118

Table 1. Loads (efforts) (kN) on pillars without and with SSI.

Pillar No SSI (kN) With SSI (kN) Diference (%)
P-01 6897.41 6509.92 -5.62
P-02 11,755.32 11,717.06 -0.33
P-03 12,461,64 12,409.65 -0.42
P-04 11,623.87 11,563.05 -0.52
P-05 6564.85 6458.90 -1.61
P-06 7036.71 7006.30 -0.43
P-07 10,129.81 10,077.81 0.51
P-08 12,076.11 12,012.35 -0.53
P-09 11,196.15 11,302.10 0.95
P-10 9422.51 10,096.45 7.15
P-11 7711.64 7703.79 -0.10
P-12 7293.74 7288.83 -0.07
P-13 10,695.84 10,588.91 -1.00
P-14 11,870.10 11,907.38 0.31
P-15 11,077.45 11,679.79 5.44
P-16 8619.07 7831.32 -9,14
P-17 8549.42 8527.83 -0.25
P-18 7268.23 7248.61 -0.27
P-19 12,894.26 12,879.55 -0.11
P-20 12,856.99 13,120.88 2.05
P-21 12,743.19 12,054.53 -5.40
P-22 7288.83 7603.73 4.32

Table 2. Bending Moments (kN.m) without and with SSI.

Pillar No SSI With SSI
Mx (kN.m) My (kN.m) Mx (kN.m) My (kN.m)
P-01 27.09 -544.61 25.57 -514.00
P-02 -37.82 -1221.91 -37.70 -1217.87
P-03 -28.92 -1307.90 -28.80 -1302.40
P-04 40.08 -1127.86 39.87 -1121.99
P-05 -36.83 -457.38 -36.23 -450.02
P-06 -409.59 -84.47 -407.83 -84.10
P-07 -788.13 -92.44 -784.11 -91.97
P-08 -744.15 85.55 -740.21 85.09
P-09 -689.36 78.05 -695.91 78.79
P-10 -730.84 -77.25 -783.10 -82.77
P-11 -477.72 -82.53 -477.24 -82.45
P-12 -394.80 91.91 -394.53 91.84
P-13 -777.76 105.20 -769.99 104.14
P-14 -691.08 -74.49 -693.22 -74.72
P-15 -644.36 -70.12 -679.41 -73.94
P-16 -628.32 80.35 -570.89 73.01
P-17 -490.58 99.82 -489.35 99.57
P-18 -30.13 534.77 -30.05 533.32
P-19 -34.09 1266.58 -34.05 1265.19
P-20 -29.01 1263.97 -29.60 1289.88
P-21 39.84 1183.98 37.69 1120.04
P-22 21.25 479.03 22.17 499.72
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

3.1.2 Steel sizing of footings

The steel calculation was carried out according to the original project for bending efforts, which
guides the use of CA-50 steel and C45 concrete in the foundation design. The sizing of the foot-
ings was been prepared according to recommendations of NBR 6118 (2014), which does not de-
fine a specific minimum bending reinforcement for footings.

3.1.3 Geometry and concrete sizing of footings

The concrete volume of the footings, with and without SSI, was been calculated through the
volumes of the element geometry (base + pyramid trunk), being for the base the formula for cal-
culating the volume of the parallelepiped according to Equation 1 (having as base the dimen-
sions A and B (length and width of the base, respectively) and its total height (H 0), and for the
pyramid trunk the formula presented in Equation 2, where H represents the total height, H 0 rep-
resents the height of the vertical face of the trunk of the pyramid, with ap as the largest dimen-
sion of the pillar and bp as the smallest dimension of the pillar.

Vb  A.B.H 0 (1)

Ht  H 0
Vt  .[( A.B)  (ap.bp )  ( A.B).(ap.bp )] (2)

3.2 Comparative analyzes considering soil-structure interaction

The SSI effects on the foundation elements was been considered, in order to verify the changes
caused in their geometries, which consists in the alteration of the dimensions of their base and
their height. The consumption of materials for the realization of the project was also analyzed,
focusing on the quantity of steel and concrete necessary for the execution of the elements.


4.1 SSI influence on footings geometry

As a result of the new loads acting on each pillar, it was found, according to Table 3, that the
changes were considerably low for each of them. When comparing the two situations, it is ob-
served that the highest percentages of load alteration occur in pillars P-16, P-10 and P-01 re-
For the P-10 pillar, there was an increase of 7.15%, which was offset by the load relief that
occurred in the P-16 (-9.14%), with the loads from these two pillars being unloaded under an as-
sociated footing. The third highest percentage of load change under a footing occurred in col-
umn P-01, where there was a decrease of -5.62%, followed by the P-15 pillar (increase of
5.44%). The same was observed comparing the values of bending moments acting between the
The redesign was carried out in both situations to analyze the differences, resulting in the di-
mensions of Table 3, showing the footings dimensions without SSI and Table 4 showing the
dimensions after SSI considerations.
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

Table 3. Footings dimensions without SSI.

Sapata A (m) B (m) Asap (m²) H0 (m) H1 (m) Ht (m)
SPA-01 2.55 3.45 8.80 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-02 3.35 4.50 15.08 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-03 3.45 4.60 15.87 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-04 3.35 4.45 14.91 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-05 2.50 3.40 8.50 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-06 4.05 2.20 8.91 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-07/13 4.85 4.75 23.04 0.45 0.80 1.25
SPA-08 5.10 3.05 15.56 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-09 4.95 2.90 14.36 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-10/16 4.50 4.45 20.03 0.40 0.80 1.20
SPA-11 4.25 2.35 9.99 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-12 4.10 2.25 9.23 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-14 5.05 3.00 15.15 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-15 4.90 2.90 13.63 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-17 4.40 2.50 11.00 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-18 2.65 3.55 9.41 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-19 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-20 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-21 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-22 2.65 3.55 9.41 0.35 0.65 1.00

Table 4. Footings dimensions with SSI.

Sapata A (m) B (m) Asap (m²) H0 (m) H1 (m) Ht (m)
SPA-01 2.55 3.45 8.80 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-02 3.35 4.50 15.08 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-03 3.45 4.60 15.87 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-04 3.35 4.45 14.91 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-05 2.50 3.40 8.50 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-06 4.05 2.20 8.91 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-07/13 4.85 4.75 23.04 0.45 0.80 1.25
SPA-08 5.10 3.05 15.56 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-09 4.95 2.90 14.36 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-10/16 4.50 4.45 20.03 0.40 0.80 1.20
SPA-11 4.25 2.35 9.99 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-12 4.10 2.25 9.23 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-14 5.05 3.00 15.15 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-15 5.00 3.00 15.00 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-17 4.40 2.50 11.00 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-18 2.65 3.55 9.41 0.35 0.65 1.00
SPA-19 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-20 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-21 3.50 4.65 16.28 0.40 0.70 1.10
SPA-22 2.65 3.55 9.41 0.35 0.65 1.00

It can be observed in the tables presented that there was no change in the geometry of most of
the footings, with only a change in the geometry of the SPA-15, which resulted in an increase of
10 cm in the dimensions “A” and “B”. In both cases, the total footing heights (Ht) remained the
same, as well as H0 and H1. The redistribution of loads observed in the pillars P-01, P-10 and
P-16 did not influence on footings geometry.
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

Figure 3 illustrates a comparison of the geometries when overlaying the projections of the
footings dimensioned with SSI, in green dashed lines and without SSI, in solid blue lines,
showing the only change in relation to the size change of the shoes, seen in SPA-15, where there
was an increase of 10 cm for each direction (Lx and Ly) – A and B, after SSI effects.

37 m

21 m

Detail A
(Dimensions change of SPA-15 after SSI)

Figure 3. Overlaying the projections and detailing the change in the dimension of the SPA-15.

4.2 SSI influence of Concrete and steel consumption

4.2.1 Steel consumption
The calculation of the steel areas of the footings was been based on the CEB-70 method and ac-
cording to the results obtained in Table 5, which presents a comparison between the steel areas
after the redesign. It can be seen from the values shown in Table 5 that some footings showed
changes in the steel areas after SSI. In the SPA-01 and SPA-21, for example, there was a de-
crease in steel after the soil-structure interaction (350.13 cm² to 330.52 cm² for SPA-01 and
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

562.71 cm² to 532.30 cm² for SPA-21), because when considering the SSI, the pillars P-01 and
P-21 obtained load relief, with this, there is a relief in the footing request, requiring less steel ar-
ea to supply the bending forces acting on the elements.

Table 5. Resulting total steel areas in cm².

Footing No SSI (cm²) With SSI (cm²)
SPA-01 350.13 330.52
SPA-02 534.94 533.38
SPA-03 546.75 544.66
SPA-04 1026.35 1021.16
SPA-05 161.66 159.11
SPA-06 134.57 134.03
SPA-07/13 591.96 610.88
SPA-08 974.67 969.69
SPA-09 813.09 820.92
SPA-10/16 493.53 511.03
SPA-11 170.88 170.77
SPA-12 323.58 310.04
SPA-14 442.89 444.43
SPA-15 383.74 435.94
SPA-17 463.96 462.86
SPA-18 401.93 400.92
SPA-19 1153.02 1151.90
SPA-20 1149.64 1173.44
SPA-21 562.71 532.30
SPA-22 199.21 207.81

As for the SPA-15, S-20 and associated SPA-07/13 and SPA-10/16 shoes (the latter, from
493.53 cm² to 511.03 cm²), there was an increase in loads, resulting in an increase in steel areas,
because, with the increase of the acting forces, a larger area of steel is necessary to support the
bending forces acting on these elements. The SPA-01 was been detailed for two analyses, with-
out SSI and with SSI, in order to illustrate the little change in steel consumption. The choice of
the SPA-01 shoe was due to the fact that it had the greatest load reduction. The required anchor-
age length for the footings was calculated for concrete with a strength of 45 MPa (C-45). Gaug-
es of 20 mm and 22 mm were considered for the dimensioning for the steel and hook in the rein-
forcements. Figure 4 represents SPA-01 without SSI and Figure 5 represents SPA-01 after SSI.

Figure 4. Steel details (cm) for SPA-01 without SSI.

IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

Figure 5. Steel details (cm) for SPA-01 with SSI.

4.2.2 Concrete consumption

To verify concrete consumption in each foundation elements, Table 8 shows the values obtained
in m³ for a comparison of the volume of concrete of the footings for the two analyses, with and
without SSI.

Table 6. Concrete volume in m³ of each footing Without and with SSI.

Footing No SSI (cm²) With SSI (cm²)
SPA-01 5.29 5.29
SPA-02 9.11 9.11
SPA-03 10.68 10.68
SPA-04 9.02 9.02
SPA-05 5.12 5.12
SPA-06 5.48 5.48
SPA-07/13 24.52 24.52
SPA-08 9.46 9.46
SPA-09 8.75 8.75
SPA-10/16 20.65 20.65
SPA-11 6.11 6.11
SPA-12 5.67 5.67
SPA-14 9.22 9.22
SPA-15 8.67 9.13
SPA-17 6.70 6.70
SPA-18 5.65 5.65
SPA-19 10.94 10.94
SPA-20 10.94 10.94
SPA-21 10.94 10.94
SPA-22 5.65 5.65

The results in Table 8 show that only the SPA-15 had an increase in material consumption
(from 8.67 m³ to 9.13 m³) due to the increase in its geometry. For the other elements the con-
sumption remained stable for the analysis without interaction and with the interaction. This con-
tinuity is justified for the two analyses, since the total heights (Ht) and also H0 and H1 of these
footings did not change.


The redesign results showed that there was no significant change in the geometry of the foot-
ings, where only the SPA-15 footing showed an increase in its section (with an increase of 10
IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium
IX Simposio Latinoamericano de Mecánica de Rocas
October 16-19, 2022

cm in the two dimensions “A” and “B”), as well as also in the consumption of concrete compar-
ing the projects with and without considering the soil-structure interaction.
For steel consumption, the results showed that there was an increase in the steel area of the
associated footings SPA-07/13 and SPA-10/16 and the isolated footings SPA-15 and SPA-20;
however, SPA-01 and SPA-21 elements had a certain decrease in this material. It is concluded,
for this project, that the soil-structure interaction had no significant influence on the observed
points, due to the low change in the redistribution of loads acting on the analyzed pillars consid-
ering the interaction, which was been reflected in the maintenance of dimensions and volume of
materials in almost all of the verified foundation elements. From the results presented, the ana-
lyzes for the building were satisfactory when considering the interaction, making it evident that
the new loads do not harm the structural elements of the dimensioned project without consider-
ing the soil-structure interaction.


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