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Work Integrated Learning Programmes

Prepare for career in Data Science with the M.Tech. Data Science and Engineering is a
most comprehensive Master’s degree four-semester programme designed for
programme in Data Science & Engineering working professionals that helps learners build
without taking a break from your career. mathematical and engineering skills required
to advance their career as a Data Scientist or
Data Engineer.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 01

 The programme is offered by BITS Pilani,  Tools & Technologies covered include
a top-ranked institution, recently Apache Spark, Apache Storm for Big Data
announced as an Institution of Eminence Systems/ Real time Processing, Tableau
by MHRD, Govt. of India. for data visualization, Tensorflow for Deep
Learning and various packages within
 The programme is of four semesters, and Python for data processing, machine
can be pursued without a career break. learning and data visualization.

 Classes will be conducted by BITS Pilani  The programme emphasizes on

faculty over weekends through live online experiential learning through Simulations,
sessions. Online Labs, Case Studies, Group
Discussions, Assignments and Project
 The curriculum covers areas that prepare work.
you for most lucrative careers in the space
of Data Science, Data Engineering and  Dissertation/ Project Work in the final
Advanced Analytics. It helps learners semester enables learners to apply
master critical skills such as Mathematical concepts and techniques learnt during the
modeling, Machine learning, Artificial programme.
Intelligence, Product development and
scripting languages.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 02



 Classroom sessions in this
programme will be conducted The programme emphasises on
through live online sessions which Experiential Learning that allows learners
can be accessed by the learners to apply concepts learnt in classroom in
from any location using a computer simulated and real work situations. This is
and a high-speed internet achieved through Simulations, Online
connection. Labs, Case Studies, Group Discussions,
and Assignments, etc.
 Classes will be conducted by BITS
Pilani faculty over weekends. A Some or all of the following would be
typical weekend classroom session utilised across the programme:
per subject is of 1.5-2 hours
duration. Since students typically Apache Spark, Apache Storm for
pursue 4 courses in a semester, Big Data Systems/ Real time
they will be expected to attend Processing; Tableau for data
approximately 4 classroom visualisation; Tensorflow for Deep
sessions over a weekend. Learning; Various Packages within
Python for data processing, machine
 These classroom sessions will be learning, data visualization etc.
typically scheduled over 16
weekends per semester.

 The schedule of the classroom

sessions, will be announced at the
beginning of each semester.
The schedule of the classroom sessions,
will be announced at the beginning of PROJECT WORK
each semester. During the final semester participants carryout
a semester-long intensive project work applying
the various concepts learnt throughout the
program guided by the organisation mentor
and supervisor. Participants are provided access
to virtual labs where applicable, and faculty
expertise to support the project work.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 03

The learners’ performance is assessed
continuously throughout the semester using
various tools such as quiz, assignments,
mid-semester and comprehensive exams. The
assessment results are shared with the learners
to improve their performance.
Each course will entail a minimum of 1
Assignment/ Quiz, a Mid-semester exam and a
final Comprehensive exam. Your semester
calendar will clearly indicate the dates of the
Mid-semester and Comprehensive exam.
Typically, a Mid-semester or Comprehensive
examination for a course is for 2-3 hours
duration. The examinations are typically
conducted over a weekend, i.e. Saturday and
Sunday. These exams will be conducted either at
the learners' office premises, or at another
suitable location. Details regarding the exam
location will be communicated at the beginning
of the semester.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 04

Minimum eligibility to apply - Employed
professionals holding B.E. / B.Tech. / MCA /
M.Sc. or equivalent with at least 60%
aggregate marks or more in their qualifying
exam, and minimum two years of relevant work
experience within HCL are eligible to apply.
Applicants should possess basic programming
knowledge and adequate background in FEE STRUCTURE
The following fees schedule is applicable for
candidates seeking new admission during the
academic year 2021-22

Application Fees
(one time) :INR 1,500
Admission Fees
(one time) :INR 16,500
Semester Fees
(per semester) :INR 57,750

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 05

The programme features 12 courses between
Semester 1-3, and a Dissertation in Semester 4.
All the courses will be offered using live online mode.

First Semester
Data Mining
Mathematical Foundations for Data
Data Structures and Algorithms Design Fourth Semester
Computer Organization and Systems

Second Semester Electives

Introduction to Statistical Methods Deep Learning

Introduction to Data Science Natural Language Processing
Elective 1 Artificial and Computational Intelligence
Elective 2 Data Visualisation & Interpretation
Graphs - Algorithms & Mining
Optimization Methods for Analytics
Third Semester
Big Data Systems
Elective 3 Information Retrieval
Elective 4 Probabilistic Graphical Models
Elective 5 Data Warehousing
Elective 6 Systems for Data Analytics
Ethics for Data Science
Machine Learning
Distributed Data System
Stream Processing & Analytics

Electives finally offered will be at the discretion of the BITS Pilani, and will be decided in consultation with HCL.
Offered electives will be made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 06

 Introduction to Data Science  Systems for Data Analytics
Learn about the need for data science, Learn about fundamentals of data
with emphasis on data; Visualization and engineering; Basics of systems and
ethics aspects involved in data science techniques for data processing - comprising
and engineering processes; Various of relevant database, cloud computing and
applications of data science distributed computing concepts
 Mathematical Foundations  Data Mining
for Data Science
Learn about data pre-processing &
Learn about concepts in linear algebra cleaning; Association rule mining,
and use it as a platform to model physical classification, clustering techniques
problems; Analytical and numerical
 Machine Learning
solutions of linear equations; Mathematical
structures, concepts and notations used in Learn about basic concepts and
discrete mathematics techniques of Machine Learning; Using
recent machine learning software for
 Introduction to Statistical Methods
solving practical problems; How to do
Learn about basic and some advanced independent study and research in the field
concepts of probability and statistics; of Machine Learning
Concepts of statistics in solving problems
 Data Visualization
arising in data science
Learn about design principles, human
 Data Structures and Algorithms Design
perception and effective story telling with
Learn about applications of basic and data; Modern visualization tools and
advanced data structures & algorithms; techniques.
How to determine the space and time
 Ethics for Data Science
complexities of various algorithms;
Identifying and choosing the relevant data Learn about the need for data ethics;
structures and algorithms for a given Challenges of data privacy; Data policies
problem and justifying the time and space for maintaining the privacy of data; Data
complexities involved Privacy.
 Computer Organization & Software  Graphs - Algorithms and Mining
Learn about concepts of graph theory
Learn about computer organization, so as to understand; How graph theory
architecture aspects and operating system concepts are used in different contexts,
concepts; Advanced systems and ranging from puzzles and games to social
techniques used for data processing. sciences/ engineering/ computer science;
Model problems in real world using graphs;
Applying mining algorithms to get
information from graph structures

Electives finally offered will be at the discretion of the BITS Pilani, and will be decided in consultation with HCL.
Offered electives will be made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester.

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 07

 Optimization Methods for Analytics  Natural Language Processing
Learn about applying linear programming Learn about natural language processing
techniques to complex business problems techniques such Parts-of-Speech tagging,
across various functional areas including syntactic and semantic modelling of
finance, economics, operations, marketing languages
and decision making; Implementing
 Artificial Intelligence
optimization techniques to business and
industrial problems Learn about classic AI Techniques
 Big Data Systems  Real time analytics
Learn about concepts related to big data Learn about Processing frameworks for
and its processing; Applying the concepts real time analytics, and Analytics
of storage, retrieval, interfaces and techniques for real time streaming data
processing frameworks to a given problem
 Probabilistic Graphical Models
and design solutions for the same by
choosing the relevant ones Learn about representation, learning and
reasoning techniques for graphical models
 Advanced Topics in Data Processing
 Data Warehousing
Learn about advanced strategies for data
processing; The relationship between the Learn about concepts needed to design,
scale of data and the systems used to develop, and maintain a data warehouse;
process it; The importance of scalability of End user access tools like OLAP and
algorithms as the size of datasets increase reporting
 Information Retrieval
Learn about structure and organization of
various components of an IR system;
Information representation models, term
scoring mechanisms, etc. in the complete
search system; Architecture of search
engines, crawlers and the web search;
Cross lingual retrieval and multimedia
information retrieval
 Deep Learning
Learn about deep learning techniques,
constructing deep network structures
specific to applications and tuning for

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 08

 Create your login at the Online Application
Center by entering your official HCL Email
ID only and create a password of your
choice. Once your login has been created,
you can anytime access the Online
Application Center using your official email
ID and password
 Begin by clicking on Step 1 - ‘Fill/ Edit and
Submit Application Form’. This will enable  Upon receipt of your Application Form and
you to select the programme of your all other enclosures, the Admissions Cell
choice. After you have chosen your will scrutinise them for completeness,
programme, you will be asked to fill your accuracy and eligibility
details in an online form. You must fill all
 Admission Cell will intimate selected
details and press ‘Submit’ button given at
candidates by email within two weeks of
the bottom of the form
submission of application with all
 Now, click on 'Pay Application Fee’ to pay supporting documents. The selection
INR 1,500/- using Netbanking/ Debit Card/ status can also be checked by logging in
Credit Card to the Online Application Centre
 Finally, click on 'Upload & Submit All
Required Documents’. This will allow you
to upload one-by-one all the mandatory
supporting documents such academic
certificates and transcripts, photograph,
etc. and complete the application process.
Acceptable file formats for uploading these
documents are .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, .ZIP
and .JPEG

M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 09

Ever since it was declared as a Deemed to be University in of work integration of the education is achieved, and thus the
1964, BITS Pilani has been offering higher education WILP are very distinct in philosophy and pedagogy from
programmes in science and technology, and has earned an open, distance learning programmes. Though it is incorrect
enviable reputation for its innovations in this sphere. The and improper, at times the WILP are compared to ODL
Work Integrated Learning Programmes (WILP) of BITS Pilani programmes. Accordingly, it has been our constant
constitutes a unique set of educational offerings for working endeavor to engage with the regulator, and provide all
professionals. These programmes, which BITS began to necessary information about these programmes.
offer in 1979, have, over the years, evolved along the lines
envisaged in the National Policy on Education, 1986. The WILP have been well received, and accepted by
industry, because of the high quality of the programmes in
The WILP are rigorous higher education programmes in terms of the curriculum and the instruction, and also
technology areas, designed keeping the evolving needs of because of the high degree of work integration, which results
industry in view, and meant for working professionals in their not only in up gradation of knowledge, but also in up skilling,
respective domains. The very intent is to deliver the and productivity increase.
education at the workplace, in order that the greatest degree


M.Tech. Data Science & Engineering +91-80-48767777 10

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