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Bugging-Part 1

After reading the text quickly then put in one of the following titles for each
section in the boxes provided.

1 Encryption technology
2 Listening devices
3 Undetectable

"Technological advances, particularly in the fields of power supply and

miniaturisation, mean that its now possible to bug almost anywhere and
anything," says Charles Shoebridge, a former counter-terrorism intelligence
officer. "Similar advances have enormously improved anti-bugging capabilities
too, and an enormous effort has gone into making communications secure -
particularly those of governments and even large commercial organisations.
"However, if security is absolutely critical, it will always pay to assume that
a conversation is at least capable of being monitored."

Mobile phones

According to security experts, the most common listening device remains the
electronic bug. But government agencies such as the CIA and MI5 have far more
advanced systems at their disposal.
Powerful uni-directional microphones can pick up conversations through open
windows .If the window is closed, radio waves or a laser beam can be bounced off
the glass. The vibrations detected can be translated into speech.
But potentially the most powerful tool for the modern spy is the mobile phone.
Mobiles that double as listening devices can be bought over the internet.


But today's spies are also able to convert conventional phones into bugs without
the owners' knowledge.
Mobiles communicate with their base station on a frequency separate from the one
used for talking. If you have details of the frequencies and encryption codes
being used you can overhear what is being said in the immediate vicinity of
any phone in the network.
According to some reports, intelligence services do not even need to obtain
permission from the networks to get their hands on the codes.
So, if it is switched on, a mobile sitting on the desk of a politician or
businessman can act as a powerful, undetectable bug.
The technology also exists to convert land line telephones into covert listening

Encryption technology

According to one security expert, telephone systems are often fitted with "back
doors" enabling them to be activated at a later date to pick up sounds even when
the receiver is down.
Telephone conversations are also routinely intercepted by spy satellites. The
potency of key word recognition technology is often overstated, but it is still
used to scan millions of conversations a day for potentially juicy information.
Encryption devices, which clip on to the base of mobile phones and scramble the
voice data being sent from your phone, are available.
But those listening in may well be able to crack the codes.
Intelligence is constant battle between the bugger and the bugged, says Michael
Marks, of surveillance-equipment supplier Spymaster, and "at the moment the
buggers probably have the upper hand".
Mr Marks' advice to anyone who thinks they may be under surveillance is to
ensure their office is swept regularly for bugs, buy an encrypted phone and make
sure no one in a meeting has a mobile phone on them.
Bugging-Part 2
After reading the text quickly then put in one of the following titles for each
section in the boxes provided.

1 Step by step
2 In the tent
3 The big outdoors

Inside the tent

Another way of making sure you are not being bugged is to use a Faraday cage or
shielded tent, which prevents radio waves entering or leaving.
Mobile phone calls are impossible from inside the tent, but no-one will be able
to listen to your conversations using bugs or radio wave listening devices.
It will also prevent anyone intercepting radio emissions from computers,
preventing them from seeing what you have on screen.
"[A Faraday cage] will stop you doing anything other than having a conversation.
It is a very crude, but very secure, way of talking," says Michael Marks.
A more sophisticated - and expensive - method is to build a "clean room", of the
type used by the military, to shield radio waves and electromagnetic signals.

Simple steps

But the hardest part, according to counter-surveillance consultant William

Parsons, is trying to convince diplomats and politicians that there is a threat.
"They think you are trying to cramp their style. Talking is what they do.
"The fact that someone might be listening doesn't actually come into their mind.
It is not something that they actually comprehend."
There are a few simple steps anyone can take, Mr Parsons says, to throw would-be
eavesdroppers off the scent. Don't hold sensitive conversations in your office
or boardroom. Or rather, give anyone listening enough to think they are getting
the full picture and then save anything truly top secret for conversations in
unusual locations, such as the basement.
It is better to use the office phone for secret conversations, Mr Parsons says,
rather than a home phone, because with 20 or more lines leaving most buildings
they are much harder to bug.

The big outdoors

In fact, the only way to truly guarantee privacy, according to most security
experts, is to take a walk in the park.
Charles Shoebridge says: "It remains the case today as it has always been, that
probably the best way to avoid being eavesdropped is to pass information during
a long, unpredictable and unannounced walk in the big outdoors.
"Word of mouth is always preferable to any form of electronic communication -
assuming the information's recipient is entirely trustworthy, of course."
Story adapted from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2004/03/02
Read the first four paragraphs

Are the following statements true or false? Tick the

appropriate box.
True False
More sophisticated technology means that bugging is possible anywhere.

Governments have spent very little money on anti-bugging devices.

The only bugging device is the electronic one.

It is possible to listen to a conversation through a closed window.

It is difficult to buy a mobile that works as a bug.

A mobile phone owner would be aware if his conversations were being listened to.

Intelligence services usually need permission to get network codes

If your mobile is turned on it can be used as a bug.

Land lines are safe from bugging.

Encryption devices are 100% foolproof.


What is the most common listening bug?

Give examples of what the more sophisticated bugs can do

What are the dangers of mobile phones?

How do they work as bugs?

How do spy satellites listen into conversations?

If you have an encryption device on your phone is it safe?

If not ,why?

What advice does the expert give to ensure privacy?

Questions Part 2

How does a Faraday cage work?

Do mobile phones work inside them?

Are these tents secure?

Are there any alternatives?

Do diplomats consider the danger of being over heard? Why? Why not?

What precautions can diplomats take?

What is the advantage of a land line?

According to the experts what is the safest way to hold a truly private conversation?


Having read the text do you think we have any privacy Why? Why not?
What implications does this have for privacy laws?
Can you think of anyways our privacy can be invaded?

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