SRS - Resume Builder

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A SRS Report



A Resume Builder & analysis system

Submitted for fulfillment of award of

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering


Avani Singh,

Anurag Kushwaha,

Ayushi Saxena,

Avindra Singh
Under the Guidance of

Ms. Anuradha Taluja


YEAR: 2022-2023
Index Table

1.0 Introduction
● 1.1 Purpose
● 1.2 Scope
● 1.3 Abbreviations
● 1.4 References
● 1.5 Technologies
● 1.6 Overview

2.0 Overall Description

● 2.1 System Environment:
● 2.2 Functional Requirements Specification
● 2.3 User Characteristics
● 2.4 Non-Functional Requirements
3.0. Requirement Specifications
● 3.1 External Interface Requirements:
- 3.1.1 Software Interface
- 3.1.2 Hardware Interface
- 3.1.3 Communication Interface
● 3.2 Functional Requirements:
- 3.2.1 Use Case: Log in
- 3.2.2 Use Case: Sign up
- 3.2.3 Use Case: Create account Description
- 3.2.4 Use Case: Edit Profile
- 3.2.5 Use Case: Update Profile
- 3.2.6 Use Case: Change Password
- 3.2.7 Use Case: Delete Account
- 3.2.8 Use Case: Photograph
- 3.2.9 Use Case: Change photo
- 3.2.10 Use Case: Remove photo
- 3.2.11 Use Case: View resume
- 3.2.12 Use Case: Create resume
- 3.2.13 Use Case: Application
- 3.2.14 Use Case: Color Choice
- 3.2.15 Use Case: Tips
- 3.2.16 Use Case: Themes
- 3.2.17 Use Case: Change Themes
- 3.2.18 Use Case: Set theme
- 3.2.19 Use Case: Update Resume
- 3.2.20 Use Case: Create Resume
- 3.2.21 Use Case: Style
- 3.2.22 Use Case: Display info
- 3.2.23 Use Case: Manage System
- 3.2.24 Use Case: Download resume pdf
● 3.3 Detailed Non-Functional Requirements
- 3.3.1 Logical Structure of the Data
- 3.3.2 Security
List of Figures:

I. 2.1 User Flow Diagram

II. 3.2.1 Use Case: Log in
III. 3.2.2 Use Case: Sign up
IV. 3.2.3 Use Case: Create account Description
V. 3.2.4 Use Case: Edit Profile
VI. 3.2.5 Use Case: Update Profile
VII. 3.2.6 Use Case: Change Password
VIII. 3.2.8 Use Case: Photograph
IX. 3.2.9 Use Case: Change photo
X. 3.2.10 Use Case: Remove photo
XI. 3.2.11 Use Case: View resume
XII. 3.2.12 Use Case: Create resume
XIII. 3.2.14 Use Case: Color Choice
XIV. 3.2.15 Use Case: Tips
XV. 3.2.16 Use Case: Themes
XVI. 3.2.17 Use Case: Change Themes
XVII. 3.2.18 Use Case: Set theme
XVIII. 3.2.19 Use Case: Update Resume
XIX. 3.2.20 Use Case: Create Resume
XX. 3.2.21 Use Case: Style
XXI. 3.2.22 Use Case: Display info
XXII. 3.2.23 Use Case: Manage System
XXIII. 3.2.24 Use Case: Download resume pdf
XXIV. 3.3.1 Logical Structure of the Data
1.0 Introduction:

1.1 Purpose: Feature-rich resume builder is used for automating the process of Resume
Writing. This would be facilitating the employees to make and print their resumes in a proper
format. In addition, it will be facilitating the user to analyze their resume and get insights to
improve their resume. Also it is going to help them compare their resume with the company's
requirements and accordingly make changes to their resume.

1.2 Scope:

1. Create different system users and assign different roles with related permissions.
2. Manage all the account details such as user name, phone numbers, address ,websites,
email addresses of all the users from one central location.
3. Track all the users and their contact details.
4. Maintain history of each user and their related information .
5. Users can select the format of their resume from the given templates.
6. Users can update or edit their resume.
7. Users can take a print of their resume.
8. Interface for filling up the information like Skill sets, Training and Visa Details.
9. Compare resumes with various companies.
10. Users can utilize various applications on one platform.
11. User authentication

1.3 Abbreviations:

1. FRRB: Feature-rich resume builder 4

2. SRS: software requirement specification.
3. WWW: world wide web
4. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
5. CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
6. REST: representational state transfer
7. API: Application Programming Interface
8. SQL: Structured Query Language
9. XML: extended markup language
10. SOA: service oriented architecture
11. WAS: Web sphere application server
12. UML: unified modeling language

1.4 References:

1. IEEE SRS Format

2. Problem Definition (Provided by IBM)

1.5 Technologies:

2. CSS
3. javascript
4. Python
5. React
6. NLP
7. Flask
9. SQL Database
10. Rational: Design Tool
11. UML: design tool
12. e-Forms
13. Web 2.0
14. Web-services

1.6 Overview:

SRS will include two sections:

● Overall Description will describe major components of the system, interconnection and
external interfaces.
● Specific Requirements will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and
2.0. Overall Description

2.1 System Environment:

The Resume Builder System has a single active actor only.The user accesses the Online
Resume Builder through the Internet. The user creates an account on the website and signs in
to their account to access the entire system directly.
2.2 Functional Requirements Specification

This section outlines the use cases of the user of the Resume Builder Website.

1. Completing, editing, adding, and deleting different fields in the resume

2. Downloading and printing the resume
3. Displaying the resume’s completion progress
4. Selecting different color themes
5. Selecting different templates
6. Dynamic change of position of field of resume
7. Enhance and dynamic resume editor
8. Analyzing the resumes
9. Comparison of resume with different companies requirements
10. Giving feedbacks to improve the resume

The different functional use cases are described in section 3.2.

2.3 User Characteristics

The user is expected to be Internet literate and be able to use a search engine. The
main screen of the Online Resume Builder Website will have the resume editor screen to
customize the resume according to his/her requirements.
The user is expected to be Windows literate and to be able to use buttons, text fields,
tabs, pull-down menus, and similar tools.
Every user should be comfortable working with computers and net browsing. He must
have basic knowledge of English too.

2.4 Non-Functional Requirements

● Have hours of operation that are 24 x 7 : Because the system can be an automated
process, it can stay open for 24 hours a day. If the base is now the entire world,staying
open 24 hours a day becomes critical. System is required to be available 24X7 so UPS
support must be on the server site for at least 8 hours in case of power failure
● Reduce the cost of a sales transaction : To the extent that one can automate the
sales process through this system, one can start to reduce the cost of that sales
transaction. This is particularly true of mundane sales transactions where the customer
knows what they want.
● Make the existing Website more dynamic in nature : Many early Web
implementations consisted of static HTML pages. This becomes very difficult to manage
if the number of pages gets too large. An effective system should be largely dynamic
taking advantage of technology that automates this process rather than relying on
manual processes. Application should serve dynamic user based customized web pages
to its clients from server.
● Tie the existing Website into existing enterprise systems: Any existing Website
that relies on the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be
improved. Most of the business data in the world today exists in enterprise servers that
can be connected to the Web servers to make this process far more effective.
● Provide good performance and the ability to scale the server : The Web
Application Server should provide good performance and the ability to manage
performance with techniques, such as support for caching, clustering, and load
● Providing session management capability: Web application developers should not
spend valuable time worrying about how to maintain sessions within the application. The
Web Application Server should provide these services.
3.0. Requirement Specifications:

3.1 External Interface Requirements

3.1.1 Software Interface:

● Client on Internet: Web Browser, Operating System (any)

● Client on Intranet: Client Software, Web Browser, Operating System (any)
● Web Server: WAS, Operating System (any) Database Server: DB2, Operating System
● Development End: Frontend(HTML,CSS ,React),Backend(JS, Flask , Python, NLP,
REST API, SQL,Web Server).

3.1.2 Hardware Interface:

● Client side: Any intel processor or snapdragon processor(mobile), RAM 64 MB ,Disk

space 1 GB
● Server Side: 1GHz processor,512 MB RAM, 2GB Disk Space

3.1.3 Communication Interface:

● Clients on the Internet will be using the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

● Clients on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

3.2 Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Log in
Name of use case: Login user

Description: Accessing the user account


- There should be an existing account of the user

- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- user details are entered

- authentication is provided by the administrator
- corresponding output if the entries made by the user are correct

Alternate flow of events: None,

Post Condition: None.

3.2.2 Sign up

Name of use case: Sign up

Description: Creating a user account


- Knowledge about the website

- Existing database ready to accept the details of the user

- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- user details are entered

- storage of information to the database

Alternate flow of events: None,

Post Condition: None.

3.2.3 Create account Description

Name of use case: Create account

Description: Creating a user account


- Knowledge about the website

- Existing database ready to accept the details of the user ? Administrator is

already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- user details are entered

- storage of information to the database

Alternate flow of events: None

Post Condition: None.

3.2.4 Edit Profile

Name of use case: Edit profile

Description: Making changes to the current profile

- There should be an existing profile
- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- Changes to the existing profile

- Displaying the changed profile

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.5 Update Profile

Name of use case: Update profile

Description: Additions to the existing profile


- There should be an existing profile ? Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- Add on to the existing profile

- Displaying the changed profile Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.6 Change Password

Name of use case: Change password

Description: Creating a new password

- There should be an existing password

- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- Entering the existing password
- Entering the new password

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.7 Delete Account

Name of use case: Delete account

Deleting the existing account


- There should be an existing account

- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- Accessing the details from the database

- Removal of all the details from the database

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.8 Photograph

Name of use case: Photograph

Description: Attachment of the user's photograph to the profile


- Administrator is already logged in.

- Normal flow of events:

- Providing the path of the photograph

- Attachment of the photograph

Alternate flow of events: None. Post Condition: None.

3.2.9 Change photo

Name of use case: Change photo

Description: Altering the existing photo


- Administrator is already logged in.

- There should be an existing photo Normal flow of events:
- Removing the existing photo
- Attaching the new photo

Alternate flow of events: None. Post Condition: None.

3.2.10 Remove photo

Name of use case: Remove photo

Description: Deleting the existing photo


- There should be an existing photo in the database

- Administrator is already logged in.

Normal flow of events:

- Accessing the existing photo
- Removing the existing photo

Alternate flow of events: None,

Post Condition: None

3.2.11 View resume

Name of use case: View resume

Description: Actual view of the resume


- Administrator is already logged in.

- Already existing resumes of the users

Normal flow of events: .

- Select the user name
- Permission from the administrator for viewing

Alternate flow of events: None,

Post Condition: None.

3.2.12 Create resume

Name of use case: Create resume

Description: Addition of all the details


- Accumulating each and every detail of the user at one place

- Administrator is already logged in

Normal flow of events:

- User sign in

- Creation of resume as per the user's choice

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None

3.2.13 Application

Name of use case: Application

Description: Provide the user with functionalities


- There should be an existing profile for the user Normal flow of events:

- User logging in

- Accessing all the pre existing functionalities

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.14 Color Choice

Name of use case: Color Choice

Description: Provides the functionality of color choice of resume

- User should be logged in

Normal flow of events:

User logging in

Selection of a particular color from the given list

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None,

3.2.15 Tips

Name of use case: user tips

Description: Provide user friendly tips


- User must be signed in

- Administrator must be logged in

Normal flow of events:

- User logging in
- Popping user friendly tips Alternate flow of events: None,

Post Condition: None

3.2.16 Themes

Name of use case: Themes

Description: Getting the different ideas or giving the choices for selecting the different


- User should be logged in

- Administrator should be logged in Normal flow of events:

Normal flow of events:

- User logging in

- Selecting the appropriate theme

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None

3.2.17 Change Themes

Name of use case: Change themes

Description: Replacing the current theme by selected one


- User should be logged in

Normal flow of events:

- User logging in

- Selecting a specific theme from the given choices

- Replacing the current theme by the selected one

Alternate flow of events: None

Post Condition: None

3.2.18 Set theme

Name of use case: Set theme

Description: sets the current theme


- User should be logged in Normal flow of events:

- User logging in

Setting up the selected theme

Alternate flow of events: None

Post Condition: None

3.2.19 Update Resume

Name of use case: Update resume

Description: Addition of new information:


- Administrator should be logged in ? User should be logged in

- There should be an existing resume

Normal flow of events: User logging in.

• Opening the existing resume Addition of information

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.20 Create Resume

Name of use case: Create resume

Description: Making a resume


- Administrator should be logged in

- User should be logged in

Normal flow of events:

- User logging in
- Creation of the resume
Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.21 Style

Name of use case: Style of resume

Description: Type of resume that has to be built


- User should be logged in

- Normal flow of events:

- User logging in

- Selection of style
Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.22 Display info

Name of use case: Display info

- Authentication provided by the administrator, whether the user exists or not

- Administrator must be logged in

Normal flow of events:
- User logging in
- Authentication provided by the administrator

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.23 Manage System

Name of use case: Manage system

Description: Performing all user related jobs ? Existing user account ? Administrator
must be logged in


Normal flow of events:

• User logging in
• Administrator revokes all the features

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.

3.2.24 Download resume pdf

Name of use case: Download resume pdf

Description: Download the resume from online website to local storage is pdf form

Normal flow of events:

• User logging in
• Administrator revokes all the features

Alternate flow of events: None.

Post Condition: None.
3.3 Detailed Non-Functional Requirements
3.3.1 Logical Structure of the Data
3.3.2 Security
The server on which the Online Resume Builder resides will have its own security to
prevent unauthorized write/delete access.Login and password is used for identification of users
The users are authorized and are given their personal accounts to edit their resume and
thus can only be accessed by the authorized users only.
There is no special protection built into this system other than to provide the user with
write access to the Online Resume builder to generate a resume.

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