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Many people are familiar with the concept of “work-life balance”- the ongoing struggle

to keep a healthy split between times spent on your professional time. For grad students who

work full-time, it’s more accurate to talk about “work-study-life balance.” And that’s a mouthful;

it’s even more of a handful. While it is technically possible to work full-time while studying

full-time, it can be a bit like fighting a two-front war- both areas important and require constant

attention, and ignoring either is something you do at your own peril- and meanwhile, you can

ever forget your obligations on the “home front” either.

Parents work hard to give the best for their children. The government offers programs

and solutions for the benefit and development of the people. And as an individual, students have

responsibility to help themselves and be beneficial to others. Working students are those

individuals who find ways to make things possible for them and to others.

Student’s jobs have become a sort of trend among students around the world, who want

to work while studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is “Earn and Learn” policy. Other

reasons why student jobs are popular among students is they help to cope up with the constant

increase in tuition fees, and a way to afford further educations.

The problem has been developed with the question as to have the corresponding

workloads and required working hours of working students affect their academic performance.

Working in full time while attending school creates time shortages and the students requires

highly developed time management skill in order to handle school and work.

The research aims to provide encouragement and motivation to all students especially

those financially distressed to pursue and finish a college degree in order to become competitive
in the future and be able to realize their goals and aspirations. It may also provide learning’s,

experiences and information to other students who are not working.

This study deals with the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Selected

Working Students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Santa Rosa Campus. The

problem is what factors that working students affect their academic performance. And one of the

negative effects typically arise because hours spent at work take time away from studying which

may lead to lower grades and less attractive post college opportunities. And one of the choices to

address and act on the problem is to balance work and study to help them succeed in college.

This study serves as the basis to discover other factors to enhance student’s performance.

There are some obvious advantage to this work approach, from finishing school more

quickly to maintain the current job and the associated income and benefits. Just be aware that by

choosing to study and work full-time, you are essentially signing themselves up for a few very

hectic years. Students should be very clear about the reasons to be a full-time student and

worker. Working full-time while also studying full-time clearly requires a lot of effort. Putting so

much of their mental and physical energy into this uneasy arrangement can quickly leave that

feeling fatigued, stressed, or both. While many grad students and workers routinely feel tired and

stressed by their work, as a full-time student-worker you will likely encounter stress and fatigue

levels well beyond those of most of your colleagues. Perhaps for the first time in their life,

students may find themselves planning and accounting for every day, from the few hours you can

block off for sleep to the 45 minutes of their commute their lunch break (both may become extra

time for studying).

Working full time allows them to maintain your job and salary associated benefits while

also progressing in their studies. Students may rely on their job for their own or for family’s

health insurance or students may need the income for full time work to support themselves and

still be able to afford grad school. Maybe students truly enjoy their job and know that staying

involved there is part of their overall life trajectory just their degree is. Continuing to work full-

time while commencing grad school may even have additional benefits, such as a chance to

apply classroom learning in work settings and vice versa.

A part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-

time job. Workers are considered to be part time if they commonly work fewer than 30 or 35

hours per week. There are many reasons for working part time, including the desire to do so,

having one’s hours cut back by an employer and being unable to find a full-time job.

This study will help to determine the Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of

Selected Working Students.



Working while studying is driven fundamentally by budgetary need: to cover setbacks in

different types of understudy bolster; to top up salary to give a superior understudy

understanding, or to help towards future objectives. It additionally empowers understudies to

share the duty regarding meeting the expenses of their examination, furnishes them with a

feeling of monetary autonomy, and creates abilities in overseeing accounts. This new work
expands on discoveries from the SIES to pick up a more profound comprehension of the

motivations to work, the nature of work undertaken, and the difficulties and advantages of

working while studying in higher education (HE) (Williams, 2014). A study led by Endsleigh

(2015), showed that eight out of ten (77%) understudies are now working part-time to help them

in their financial needs in school. Being a working student is stressful most likely in balancing

your social life, time for family, school, and work. Figuring out how to manage the pressure that

pursues with being a working undergrad, and ensuring you have no less than one night off a

week, can bring down your stress levels ten times (Mitchell, 2016). Filipino students are still able

to support themselves financially through working although they have financial problems.

According to The Working Student (2016), to set down the job options of Filipino working

students namely online jobs, paid corporate internship, fast-food crew, and school jobs. Filipino

students are struggling because they have to meet the standards in their work so that they will not

lose their job and maintain academic performance so that they will not get a failing grade.

Around 216,000 understudies in the Philippines are right now juggling school and work, the

most recent information from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). About 8% out of

the total number of college students in the Philippines is a working student (ABS-CBN News,

2010). According to CHED (2010), only half of the employed students can finish college, as

many cannot concentrate on their studies, while others have poor health, and other give up

because of financial problem. In Davao Region, the low rates of the study accomplishments are

the central concern of the Department of Education (DepEd). The study of Ramento (2011),

states that the low educational attainments of the students in the City of Davao were due to a low

salary which leads the students to combine working and studying. Thus, the students that have

financial problems are spending more time working than studying, and because of this, they
attained poor grade and poor performance in school. According to the findings of the study

conducted by Williams (2014), the reasons why students work is due to budgetary need, meet a

quick or basic necessity, and to help the understudies in their future objectives. This was

supported by the study of Furr and Elling (2002), where the reason why the students work part-

time is due to financial problem. Aside from these reasons, there were also consequences of

working while studying and that is according to the findings of the study of Darolia (2014),

where understudies take fewer attributes in school because of work duties. As a result, the

students' lost confidence to enroll and are dropping out and started to find a stable job. The U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013), found 34.1 percent of high school students that graduated

between January and October 2013 are now part of the workforce. Researches about working

students are mostly conducted at universities in developed countries, but those researches lack

knowledge about how working students face their everyday lives and how they conquer every

problem they encounter. According to the study of Ruhm (1997), it is necessary to understand

the effects of working students in society because as the rate of working student reached an

abnormal state, job-hiring started to show the negative impacts that were attributed to it since it

lessens instructive fulfillment and scholarly execution particularly among youthful laborers

without school training. On the other hand, if working at a young age proves to be a favorable

aspect of the economy. Then the high rate of working student could add to profit gaps observed

later in life. Since there are many possible conclusions, the researchers have to see the lapses of

this work so that the researcher will be able to explore the experiences of the working students

and to be able to understand fully what a working student is. This study explores how the student

creates ways to maximize their time in working and in studying. The said study also aims to

investigate and identify students' experiences while working. They are starting at how difficult
their situation. Next, the problems they encounter. Then, how they deal and cope with such

difficulties. Finally, to provide a solution that might help the working students shortly.



Education is an important means by which an organized society achieves stability and prosperity.

Through the process of Education, the citizens are imbued with proper attitudes, values and

aspirations, necessary to gain knowledge and skills that will help them achieve maximum self

realization. Our own Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) has recognized the

crucial importance of Education when it stated in the preface to the official EDCOM report:

“Education is essential to our life as a nation. This is the truism that bears endless repetition”

As stated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Section I that : “The State shall

protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take

appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all”.

Professional educators know very well that the word “Learning” implies both teaching and

learning. It is the process of facilitating learning, Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits

of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching,

training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but

learners may also educate themselves in a process called autodidactic learning. Any experience

that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.
Education is commonly and formally divided into stages such as preschool, primary

school, secondary school and then college, university or apprenticeship. The methodology of

teaching is called pedagogy.

Working students are those students who work outside the school and having a

school responsibility too. Students have so many reasons to work outside at home. One of these

is that they want to help their parents in earning money to meet the needs of their family. These

may include their everyday needs such as food, shelter, clothing and education. Others want to

work because they feel bored at home and by means of working they will able to amuse

themselves. Somehow the others work’s for their personal interests. That is they want to use

what they have acquired in school and feel fulfilled just to apply whatever knowledge they have

gained in the past. Money or financial gain is not the main issue but simply expression of self-


Students who are engaged in a job have to carry out their duties and

responsibilities both as students and worker in order to maintain school and company

relationships Student who had stayed at home with their parents were often eager to get any job.

Some really needed extra income and others wanted to re-establish communication skills with

adults and have something to make them busy. The successful working students have examined

their goals and priorities before they entered into the field of work.

The researcher pushed to conduct this study because of his curiosity on how

working students cope their school duties and responsibilities while having a part-time job.



Two in one pertains to an individual who do works at the same time while Working

student is a student who is permitted to work while studying for them to pay their own expenses.

They are those individuals who find ways to support themselves, to help their parents to cope

with the constant rise of tuition fees, and a way to fulfill their needs while studying. Having a job

while studying is very hard but it is a big help for a student specially those who has a parent that

can not support them financially because of the most famous problem of our country which is

poverty. (Furr and Elling,2000) says that there are many reasons why students take a part-time

job. First, financial problems become mostly reasons of some students forced to take part time


Over the years, the concept of "Work-study balance" has been on going struggle for

working students. While there can be a number of factors. Involved, financial crisis is the

primary resson why students take part-time job or full time jobs. (Nucum, 2018)

Evidently, being a working student has a lot of responsibilities. They face a lot of

struggles that sometimes makes them think about giving up, so it clearly requires a lot of effort

and investing so much of their mental and physical energy that can swiftly make them fatigue,

stressed or both. Concerning academic outcome, (Becker,1965) points out negative effect on the

academic performance of student who jointly work and study since working might affect the

time dedicated to academic learning and activities. There's a negative impact of employment
activies during universities on academic performance due to the trade-off between the time

dedicated to study and working. (Becker,1965)

(Busha,2012), (Dustmann and Vansuest,2007), (Kalenkoski and Pabilonia,2010).

Nonetheleds, students who are invovled in working activities while in college might not

necessarily have a lower academic performance than full-time student if they are able to

efficiently organize their time allocation.

In particular, (Triventi, Darolia, and Body,2014) have focused on the relevance of work

intensity on academic performance, showing that a negative impact is found when students are

employed on full-time jobs,while past-time jobs do not seem to have significant impact on

academic performance.

Moreover, an individual who can manage to perform two works at the same time is a

responsible and very hard-working person. Because in doing this, they are already making

themselves ready to face the harder struggles that they may face after graduating.

However, if a working student can already manage to perform two works at the same day, they

will be able to adjust, adapt, and cope with the struggles.

Mostly, those working students are the one who easily find work after graduating because they

already have experience. They are already productive, well-trained workers and they are what

companies are looking for nowadays.. (Spence,1973) stated that students work experience can be

seem as a strong signal og work motivation due to the effort and combining work and study.
(Granovetter,1973) and (Coleman,1988) predicts students better employment outcomes at career

entry due to the linkages students are albe to generate while working. Nonetheless, the same

work experience can be seem as a signal of students liquidity constrant, especially when the

performed work is not related to the field of education, where might affect latef student's

employability. (Arrow, 1973)

Internationally, working students varies different eras. They can have lack of sleep or the feeling

of exhaustion everyday. It really depends on how they manages time. Some working students

work everyday, every hour, and came home at night. Some students work after school day. The

way a person manages time differs the different struggles. (Jewell,2014)

In the Philippines, the number of working students is high and according to Polytechnic

University research paper one of the negative effect typically arise because hours spent at work

take away from studying which may lead to lower grades and less attractive post college


In locality, working students are very common nowadays and they say that time management is

their number one problem. The kind of responsibility a working student have is not easy but it is

a big help for them to be productive and professional someday.

This research has enlighten and made people aware about the working students aand how to deal

with them while pursuing their studies.



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