Mobilett Plus

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MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E

Wiring Diagram

From serial No. MOBILETT Plus; 2050

MOBILETT Plus E; 10 001

Register 7
RX RE- English
Replaces: RX R8- 05.96
2 X037E
Table of content

Table of content

Survey ....................... .......................................................................3

Block diagram systemcable-fuses ............
...................................................................... 20
List of boards I Measunng points ............... ...................................................................... 40

Functional diagrams
Power supply..........................................................
Control system (DI) .....................................................................................................110
Display and user bmons (D3).........................................................................................120
Capacitor charger and capaciror bank (D7) 130
lnverter and high tension transformer (D13) ............................................................. 140
k v and mA diagrams 1...........................................141
Anode rotation (D4)......................................................................................................... 150
Filament hetaing (D4) ................................................................................................... 160
Turnplale control (D4) .................................................................................................. 170
Lamp control (134) ........................................................................................................... 180

Siemens-Elema SPS-U€ RX R8-215.051 .O1 .W.M MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna, Sweden 64 12 345
X037E 3
. - Survey

> e
Notes on block diagram
m e Mock diagram suppcrts tmubleshooting on board level. no1 on component Ievel.

The function on D l . control board. described in sheet wiih number above 110shom the common funciion of hard and
The circuits are only models and do no1necessarily exist physiially.

mwer IWl


MOBlLETl Plus (4x1
MOBlLEn Plus E (3X)
M1 w. 130

U101 BOA

Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE215. MOBILEiT Plus I Plus E

Solna. Sweden 64 1 2 345

. --~. . -~ ~ .
Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX R&215051.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus1 Plus E
Solna, Sweden 64 12 345
X037E 40
List of boards 1 Measuring points
~ i sot
t boards

pan No Type No On r h w t
bi ~ontrolboard 6167022 x037E 20. 100. 110. 120.130.
140. 150,IM). 170.180
'D3 D i l a y board 6167170 X037E 20.100.110. 120.180
jn4) Rolation. ¡"verter, íilament. 6077106 X037E 20.
-. 150.
iamp and (urnplale board ' 1 1 1170. 180

l.7" .M
Icapacitor charger ' 16077247 1X037E )
[r- SUPP~Y'
. -
I. 1"-
16077353 3;(w/C Lu. iw.
r a n 8-.
*cn *cn
8-0 I
(DI 3) 1 HT-inverter e
1 ~ ~ 1 2 7IX037E
0 1
.Complete unii wiih heat rink
Measuring points (except power)

1) 100VDCRET and 6OVDCRET mean Ihe 'GND'side o1 lhe

specfied supply votiage

Solna, Sweden
1O0 X037E
Power supply
1 2 5


4 -

, e


- -
, ,

5 I /_>

mvoiLci i rius I PlUS E

Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX R8-215-051 .O1 64 12 345
Solna, Sweden
7 110
. Control system
1 2 3 4 5
( 4
ROT --

t O
- ,...+15Vca
. R E S F ~ - ~ ~I ~ I I - I
GND 1 11 2 I GND

*N -8
r '7

L 4.

> C o r o

Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE-215- MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E
Solna, Sweden 64 12 345
- - --

Display and user buttons
1 2 3 4 S 1



Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE215- M 12 345
Solna. Cweden

Capacitar charger and capacitor bank

t i 1
2 3 4 5 1

Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE21.5-051.01.W.02 MOBILETT Plus I Plus E
Solna. Sweden 64 12 345
MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E
Siernens-Elerna SPS-UE RX R8-21W 5 64 12 345
So:na. Sweden

.- - ~

kv and mA diagrams

Exarnple: Exposure results 90kV 2.0mAs measured on D I

Calculating mAs
m& = cunenl x exporure time
WL. s o n &x 0 . ~ 6 =s 2.0m&

NW me sgnal m m i n r lrgh Im-

guancy 2 m O WZsm can -use
ranyiling pmDlams (Aliating En&)
MAPOS (1V 100rnA)

HTPOS (1V * 1OkV) HTPOSWNEG i4.5-(-4.5) r 9 V

9v S 9mv



- HTD (1V = 40kV)

0.25V a 1OkV


Siernens-Elema SPS-VE RX RE215. MOBILETT Plus I PlUS E

Solna. Sweden 64 1 2 345
Anode rotation
4 S
1! 1 2 3

MOBlLEn Plus / Plus E

Siemens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE215-
64 12 345
Solna. Sweden
X037E 160
Filament heating
1 2 3 4
5 1

, ---

1 1
Siernens-Elema SPS-UE RX R8215-051 .01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus1 Plus E
Solna. Sweden 64 12 345
Siernens-Elema SPS-UE RX RE215- M o s l L m PIUS 1 plus E
Solna, Sweden - . 12
M . - 345
Larnp control

Siernens-Eterna SPS-UE RX RE-215- MOBlLElT Plus I Plus E
Solna, Sweden 64 12 345


Service Instructions
From serial No. MOBILETT Plus; 2050
MOBILETT Plus E; 10 001

Register: 5
RX R8-215- English
Replaces: RX R8-215- 03.96

~ e . . ~ . ~ . ~ r n . \ o r r a , o * g . n g, ."snag. bsn.n.9 .no F.OO"W, .,a <,w"v m"4osn.a. A. tqnu mw

VC. ,"a r l n nnam n r n ;a*"# r,r.,*cnarwrtr.Jcr 24. to*.* .inn.. l o r m a or am^. T a s trot. l a s r r n
suncen maen m01 m!.* I . Srwasn.nm A. co.lroo =-to nc.slnr \o* t-namr txos ~l c . l m o l
Service Instructions ..
Specially marked text .............................................................................
Symbols ...................................................................................................
Documents required: ..............................................................................
Equipment required: ............................................................................... 5
Lubrication: .............................................................................................
1 Safety during service ................................................................
1.1 Safety Notes ........................................................................... 6
1.2 Protective measures for work on the capacitor bank ............ 6
2 Trouble shooting ........................................................................... 8
2.1 Display messages .................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Monitoring the kV- and mA-controls ........................ 22
2.1.2 List of displayed messages ...................................... 23
2.1.3 List of messages logged in the error history memory . 23
2.2 Trouble-shooting chart ......................................................... 24
2.2 Trouble-shooting instructions ............................................... 26
2.3 Service programs ................................................................. 27
2.3.1 Entering service mode ............................................. 27
2.3.2 Selecting test programs with the kV+/- buttons ....... 27
2.3.3 Error messages in service mode ............................. 27
2.3.4 List of test programs available in service mode ....... 28 PO1 .Filament test ........................................... 28 PO2 .Rotationtest .................... . . . .............2 8 -
PO3 Capacitor bank and charging test ............29 PO4 - Display. led and buuer test ....................30 PO5 -"Automaticvmaintenance test ................. 30 PO6 .Capacitor formation .................................31 PO7 .Read-out filament values ........................ 31 PO8 .Display the message history ...................32 PO9 .Clear the message history ......................32 PI0 .Fast adaptation ....................................... 32 PI1 )atterytest .................................33 P12 and single tank test....................33 P13 .~nvsnarrest ............................................ 34 Pi4 .Number of kV steps and upper kV lim%...34 PI5 .Upper mAs limil....................................... 35 PI6 .Showthe exposure counter .................... 35
2.4 Error diagnosis HT and single tank ...................................... 36
2.4.1 Tests and measurements in the high voltage circuit 36
2.4.2 Malfunction in the inverter or single tank ................. 37
2.5 Capacitor bank ................................................................. 48
2.6 Replacement of the backup battery ..................................... 52

S~emens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8. MOBILET Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 3

3 Exchange and repairs on the c o l l i m a t ~...................................

r 54
3.1 Replacing the collimator lamp ..............................................54
3.2 Exchanging the collimator ..............58
4 Mechanics ...................................................................................
4.1 Adjustment of the arm system ............................................ 62
4.2 Exchange of the spring pack ...............................................66
4.3 Adjustment and replacement of the turn plate ..................... 71
4.4 Replacement of the single tank 74
4.5 Replacement of the arm cable harness ............................. 77
4.6 Adjustment of the handlparking brake ................................. 81
4.7 Exchange of the supporting wheels ..................................... 84
4.8 Replacing the friction linings ................................................ 85
4.8.1 Replacing the horizontal friction lining .....................85
4.8.2 Replacing the vertical friction linings ........................ 86 Parallelism ........................................................ 89 Balance ............................................................. 91 Adjustment of the friction linings ....................... 92

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
4 Service Instructions
Service lnstructions for

Training of fieldservice engineers

Due to the technology, used in this equipment, the setup, sewice and
maintenance is only allowed to be performed by a fieldsewiceengineer
with a Work Permit for MOBILETT PluslPlusE.

Specially marked text

- Warning is used to indicate the presence of hazard which can cause
personal injury or death.
CAUTION Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which can cause
damage to the equipment
. . if this is used im~rooerh.
, . .
/ Notice is used to clarify the handling or indicate ways to avoid predictable

** Checks and adjustments requirin X ray to be switched on are marked
with the radiation-warning symbo? -

9 The symbol means dangerous voltage.

The symbol means attention, consult the documentation.

5 The symbol means less or equal to ...

6 Checks marked with this symbol are to beentered into the test certificate
at the end of these instructions!

@ Some parts of these instructions are only required in the USA. These parts
are marked with this symbol. I

The sections marked with this symbol are also avalable in a Siemens I
educational videotape which can be ordered from Siemens customer

Solna. Sweden
SPS-MK FIX R8-215- MOBILElT Plus IPlus E
63 99 203
~ 3
Service Instructions 5

Documents required:
Startup and Adjustment Instructions RX R8-215-033..
Maintenance Instructions RX R8-215-101..
Wiring Diagram X037E
Description of Function RX R8-215-044

Equipment required:
NOTE Tools and facilities needed are specified in respectively section. Read
through the actual instruction and bring then the parts necessary.
The tools and measuring equipment, except for standard installation- and
service tools, are specified and listed in ARTD Part 3.
- Standard service tools
Digital meter
2 channel storage oscilloscope, accuracy k2.5 %
Torque wrench, 1 Nm 3 Nm-
Adjusting gauge 68 47 842 X021E
Lux meter
Other equipment required:
Pulley block

Shell grease 1344 LIEP2 or Shell Calithia EPT2 63 39 723
Shell Tonna oil TX 32-68 60 94 403

INOTE The safety notes "Manipulation and storage of electrostatically endan-

gered components" TI 219; RAO-000.012.19 ... I

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061 .01.03.02 MOBILE17 Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
6 Service Instructions
> '

1. Safety during service

1 .I Safety Notes
When performing work and tests, the following must be observed:
- the product specific safety notes contained in the document,
- the safety notes RAO-000-012.40...... (T1216).
- and the general safety notes contained in Register 2 of the TI binder I
ARTD Part 2 (CD ROM).

. Checks and adjustments that must be carried

. out with radiation
switched on are marked with the symbol i + -
When performing work procedures which are marked with this sym-
bol, radiation protective clothing must be worn

Connect the MOBILE77 Plus /Plus E only to a receptaclelsocket outlet

meeting the standards of VDE 0107 or usual local standards.
Before removing or inserting PC boards, switch off the generator; in doing
so, 0 b s e ~ e
the ESD regulations.

1.2 Protective measures for work on the capacitor bank

There is danger of electrical shock, which can have lethal consequences.
Therefore, th? following must be observed:
bank shall be considered as charged until the operation
section have been performed.

Never perforin work inside the housing

when the capacitor bank is charged or
being charged.
. Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
Dischargs capacitor bank with S10
(D7), see fig. 1.
Wait for 5 minutes before removing
the left, ri~lhtand front covers.
Measure esidual voltage at measur-
ing points CAPPOS and CAPNEG.
The voltage must be less than 10 V, ~ 11~ .
see fig. 2.

Siemens-Elema SPS-IVIK RX R8-215- MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E 3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

If the voltage is measured to 0 V, the meas-

CAPNEG could be damaged. In this case

point a - f must be followed to avoid person-
al injury.
a Connect the power plug.
b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the
voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is
e if there is no reading onthe measuring
device, disconnect the power plug and check the measuring device.

Solna, Sweden I
Service Instructions
2. Trouble shooting
2.1 Display messages
Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason
messages operation

Err 3' During exposure lnter~ptedexposure

because of over
- Only with "Err 3".
Check the filament heating value for
vonage >142 kV the selected kV, see section "PO7 -
Read-out f~lamentvalues form battery
backed RAM". Compare the value
with the value in the delivery protocol.
If the d~fferenceis large, make a new
adaptation, see section "PI0 - Fast
adaptation': a
"Err 3 in combination with: -
"Err 21" & "En 2 2 . Check the mea-
suring point "FIL-VAL" on D l , see
page 160" and page 110".

"CAL 13". Check the 60 V-supply

vonage on D4. see page 160".

Err 4. During exposure Measured kV value The deviation can depend on the adapta-
deviates more than
5 kV from selected kV. .
Measure the kV curve at mesuring
point "HTPEAK", see page 140".
Compare measured curve with the
reference wNe. see page 141".

At a lame deviation:
Check the filament value, see section
"PO7 - Read-out filament values form
banery backed RAM': and compare -
with the values in the delivery proto-

- If the difference is large a new adap-

tation is needed, see section "Pi0 -
Fast adaptation':

See also section "Error diagnosis HT

and single tank':

- Check the connection Kg between D l

and H1 (single tank) and the connec-
tion between D l and D l 3 (K8). see
page 140"
See section 2.1 .I
" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILEV Plus 1 Plus E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Disptayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation

Err 5
' During exposure No X-ray tube current. The check starts 0.8 rns after the expo-
The measured tube sure is started and ends at the end of the
current c 5 mA exposure. During faulty conditions the
("MAPOS" < 50 mV). exposure is nomally interrupted earlier by
"Err 3" or "Err 2 3 .

Ifthe message appear in connection with

service or maintenance on the generator,
afaulty connection can be the cause.

. Check the connections K6411 and

K6412 on D l 3 and the K64 connection
to the single tank, see page 140".

- Check cables K9 and K8, see page


. Check main fuse U101, see page


- Check the trigger pulses INV A and

INV B to the inverter, page 140".

Check the capacitance in the capaci-

tor bank, see section "PO3 Capacitor
bank and charging test".

- Check the current to the single tank '

and compare it wfih the curves in
section "Error diagnosis H T and
single tank':

* See section 2.1.1

" Wiring diagram X037E

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus / Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions ,

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

rnhssages operation

Err 6 During preparation The rotating-anode At preparation; The anode is accelerated

or exposure frequency is too low, during 2 s, the speed is measured. Ifthe
4 4 2 Hz. rotation is too slow, a new acceleration
will be done and also another test. If the
\, ."

rotation still is too slow or the anode
looses speed, a message will be dis-
!\c \\? ' .
y I played.
<,\d, Demount K64 page 140" during the next
2;: test.
Press the exposure handle to the first
step (preparation) and listen fl the
rotating anode moves during prepara-
tion, see page 150".
Check that following supply voltages
are present on D4, +I 00 V, + I 5 V,

+5 V DC, see page 15W'.

- Check that the trigger pulses are
present at "ROT"; when the anode is
accelerated. see page 150".
- Check that the measuring signals
"ROT-VAL" on D4 and "ROT" on D l
are OK, see page 150".
Turn off the unit and remove K61.
Measure the stator winding in the .
power plug.
,i ~61:3-18=8 n
K61:l-2 = 5 R

CAL 7 During exposure The exposure time is

too long.
Max. time is calculated according to
following akernatives: :?
Maximum exposure time 2 s
m e exposure is normally interrupted
earlier by "Err 5".
Check the capacitance in the capaci-
tor bank, see section "PO3 - Capacitor
bank and charging test':
Check the filament heating, see
section "PO1 - Filament test".
Check the tube current in measuring
point "MASPOS" on D l , see page
140 and 141.
- Check the current to the single tank.
see section 'Error diagnosis HT and
" Wiring diagram X037E.. single rank'

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RB-215- MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E 3

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 11

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation

Err 9 During exposure When measuring the Normally the kV value is Symmetric
kV value, a too large around ground. The permitted deviation
high tension asymrne- is +19.5 kV. This corresponds to HTD
try is detected. being 2.5 W0.5 V

. Interruption in the measuring cabling

or defective single tank.

- Check the the measuring cabling K9

between D l and the single tank, see
page 140".

- Check the current to the single tank,

see section " E m r diagnosis HT and
single tank':

. Measure the signal HTD on D l and

compare it with notes and curves on
page 140 and 141".

USE 10 Generator ON
The message
The measured single-
tank temperature is
. The generator is too heavily used and
needs to cool off or the generator has
does not interrupt above 55% or below been stored in a too cool room and
a running exposu- 15°C. needs be warmed up before use.
- Too high or too low environmental

. Ifthe single tank is < 50% check the

circuit that measures the temperature.
see page 140", contact Kg.

CAL 12 During preparation The stored filament . Check the voltage in the backup
values from the adap- battery. see page 110". The battery
tation is lost. shall have a voltage >2.8 L

- Check that the battery jumper is

securly attached, see page 110**

. Make a new adaptation, see section

"PI0 - Fast adaptation".

" Wiring diagram X037E,

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation
- -

CAL 13 Generator ON The voltage supply Check fuse U6 on 08, see page
(60 V DC) to the 160".
filament circuit is
beyond its limits. - Check the filament supply voltage
+60 V DC. see page 160".

CAL 14 Generator ON The vonage in the Check the voltage level in the capaci-
capacitor bank ex- tor bank, see page 130". Measure at
ceeds 360 V measuring points "CAPPOS" and
"CAPNEG" on 07.
- Check fl LED V12 on 0 7 is lit, see
page 130.'. Check all supply voltage
on D7.
It the voltage is close to 360 V it can
depend on the charger on D7. If the
transistor in the Buck-converter is
short-circuited, the current will flow
until fuse U8 on 08 blows. Change
the charger unit D7, ii there is a fault
it will result in overvoltage.

The user has kept the exposure

USE 15 During preparation The exposure switch
has been in prepara- release switch in preparation posttion
tion position longer longer than 10 s after the "Ready" .
liaht indicator has indicated that the
Dre~arationis ready (anode deed is
If the faun returns continuously, check
the exposure release handle, see
page 140'*.
Err 16 Generator 01.1 The capacitors are
charged too rapidly
- Check the capacitance in the capaci- -
tor bank, see section "PO3 - Capacitor
(>7V!s) bank and charging test':
Too low capacitance depends on that
one or mare capacitor rows are
disconnected. At an internal fault in a
capacitor, the whole row is disconnec-
ted by a fuse, see page 130'* and
section '"Capacitorbank".
If the fault appears after w o k in the
capacitor bank, it can depend on that
the internal residuary voltage in the
modules was too high when they
were connected to each other. It
resulted in blown fuses, see page
" Wiring diagram X037E. 130".

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E -J

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation
Generator ON The capacitors are Check that S10 on D7 is switched off.
Err 17
charged too slowly
( s 1.4 VIS)
- If the fault appears after work in the
capacilor bank, check cabling and the
connections to the capacitor bank,
see page 130".

Check fuse U8 on D8 and fuse U1 on


- Check the capacitance in the capaci-

tor bank, see section "PO3 - Capacitor
bank and charging test':

Internal short-circuiting in a capacitor

or in the capacitor bank, see section
CaDacitor bank':

Err 18 Generator ON.

The change in "Onage
level in the capacitor
. Check that SlO on D7 is switched off.
The kV value is
changed by the
bank takest00 long
time (>0.5 s/V). See
. Check a any capacitor in the capaci-
tor bank is defective. All energy is
kV+ or kV- bunon
also "En 17". consumed by the defective capacitor,
see section " Capacitor bank.

Check the signals "CHARGE-HIGH",

"CHARGE-LOW", see page 130".
Check fuse U1 on D7, US and U8 on
D8 and resistors RlOO and R101.

" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Eiema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILElT Plus IPlus E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of cause Possible reason

messages operation

CAL 19 Generator ON, but The leakage current in The measurement is made during
before the r a d y the capacitor bank is charging at 150 V DC where the charging
ligM indicator lights too large. is inter~pted during 5 s. If the voitage
UP. drops more than 1.6 V, a message will
be displayed. See also "Err 17".

In those cases the generator have

been out of operation for a couple of
months, the leakage current in the
capacitors is increasing. Use the
formation program P06, see section
"PO6 - Capacitor formation".

- If the unit has been in regulary use &a,

before this message, the fault can
depend on an increas~ngleakage
- v
cunent or a damaged capacitor, see
section "Capacitor bank':

- Check the capacitance in the capaci-

tor bank, see section "PO3- Capacitor
bank and charging test". See also
page 130".

USE 20 During exposure The exposure release The user has released the switch by.
switch has been mistake.
released during the
exposure. The exposu- A defective contact in the exposure
re is therefore manual- release cablelhandle. Check the
ly inten~pted. function in the exposure release
handle and the :onnections k l l and
k l , see page 1r 0".

'^ Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus / Plus E -I

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

DisplAyed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation

Err 21 Generator 0 The measured value of "FIL-VAL" on D l shall be within 0.16 -

the stand by filament 2.5 V when the filament is in stand by
current is beyond its mode.
. Check the supply voilages on D4.
4 0 V, c15 V and +5 V, see page

. Check the pulses in the measuring

point "FIL" on 04. see page 160".

. Check the value in "FIL-VAL" on Dl,

see page 160".

- Check the connection between D4

and the filament transformer, see
page 160.'.

If the level of the exposure filament shall

Err 22 Preparation The expasurelprepara- be OK ,it must be stabilized within 3 s.
tion filament current is
not stabile. - Check the tensions on 04, +60 V,
+15 V and +5 V. see page 160".

- Check the connection between D4

and the filament transformer (K60), '
see page 160".

. Check the trigger pulses in the

measuring poi?t "FIC' on D4, see
page 160".

- Check the val.le in "FIL-VAL" on D l .

The value mu ;t be stabile in standby
filament and cfter change-over to
preparation filament it must stabilize

- See also section "PO1 - Filament


" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK FIX RE21 5- MOBILETT Plus i Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason
messaaes operation

Err 23 During exposure The HT inverter has When the HT inverter lias been interrup-
been interrupted ted more than 3 times, the exposure will
several times, e.g. be interrupted.
over currents.
Faulty inverterlinvetter control

Check the inverter ~:urrent,see

section "Enor diagrosis HTand
single tank': See also section "PI2 -
Inverter and single tank test" and
" P i 3 - Inverter test':

The X-ray tube have had several

arcings during the exposure. If the
2 9
first exposure alter R long interval is 1
an exposure with high kV values, tube "
arcs can happen. The unit has to be
started with several exposures with
high mAs value. The kV values is
selected from 40 kV to be increased
to 133 kV. See also section "'Error
diagnosis HT and single tank".

USE 24 During exposure The last selected kV

andlor mAs value is
. The X-ray tube have had several
short tube arcings, which has caused
lost. The lost value has a temporary disturbance of the control
been replaced with system.
40 kV and 0.5 mAs.
. Check the voltage ir the backup
battery >2.8 V, see page 110".

Check that the battery jumper is

mounted, see page 110". J

At frequent reappearing faun the

single tank must be checked accor-
ding to section "Error diagnosis H T
and single tank". If the function of the
single tank is without remarks and the
backup battery with the battery
jumper is correct, replace D l , see
page 110and140".

" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215-061 .01 ,133.02 MOBILElT Plus IPlus E 3

Solna. Sweden , 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation

USE 25 Generator ON The calculated load of The value is lost from CMOS memory.
the anode target has See also CAL 31.
been lost.
. Check all supply voltages on D l , see
page 110".

Check that the battery jumper is

properly mounted and that the volta-
gein the backup battery > 2.8 V, see
page 110".

A tube arcing has caused a temporary

disturbance of the control system.

At frequent reappealing faults the

single tank must be checked acccor-
ding to section "Error diagnosis HT,
slngle tank': If the function of the
single tank is without remarks, repla-
ce D l , see page 110 and 140".

CAL 26 Generator ON The CMOS memory Check all supply voltages on D l , see
can neither be read or page 110".
. Check the voltage in the backup
battery (22.8V) and the battery

jumper, see page 110".

- If all supply voltages are present, the

faun will probably bc internal on Dl.
At repeated "CAL 215" or when the
message can not br, acknowledged
by pressirig kV+ or .;witching the unit
OFF and ON, repla :e D l .

" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus IPlus E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions ,
Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason
messaqes operation

CAL 27 Generator ON Faun in ROM memory.

Check sum is not
. Check that ail supply voltage; on Dl
are present, see page 11 0 .'
during starlup
The ROM circuits where the Jrogram
is stored is defective or wron3 pro-
gram is installed. Replace th,? softwa-
re. circuits 172. 166 and 174 o i Dl,
see page 11 0".

. I f the fault occurs again after

exchanging the circuits 172, 166 and
174. replace Dl.

CAL 28 Generator ON Afault during program Check that all supply voltages on Dl -
during starlup execution has been are present, see page 11 0".
detected. The program
is inter~pted. - At repeated or remaining "CAL 28":
The ROM circuits where the program
is stored may be defective. Peplace
the software, circuits 172, 166 and 174
on Dl.see page 11 0".

- If the fault still excist after the ROM

circuits are replaced, change Dl.

- Note the reason and the message

"CAL 28" on the sewice protocol.

CAL 29 Generator ON The single tank is not - The single tank is missing or is not
correctly connected correctly connected to the cable
harness. 9
- Check that connection K9 on Dl is

Check for a possible damage in the

main cable harness between Dl and
the single tank. Measure Kg: 13-4 and
move the arm and single tank while
the connections are measured. See
page 140". If damage is detected.
replace the main cable harness (both
cables), see section "Replacement of
the arm cable harness':

" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Eiema SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden €3 99 203
Service Instructions
Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason
messages operation
The part of CMOS The pre-programmed values are rf pla-
USE 30 Generator ON
memory where the ced with MOBILETT Plus standarc
customers limits of kV values. See also "CAL 31".
and mAs values are
stored is erased.
. Check the supply vonage on D I , see
page 110".
. Check that the voltage in the b ~ k u p
battery is > 2.8 V and that the battery
jumper is connected. see page 110".
- If the message appeared once a can
depend on a tube arc which has
disturbed the system. At repeated
"USE 3 0 the single tank must be
checked according lo Error diagnosis
HT and single tank. In those cases
the function of the single tank is OK
and "USE 3 0 appears several times,
replace D l .
If necessary, reinstall the customer limits
of kV and mAs values, see section "P14
- Number of kV steps and upper 1:V limit
and PI5 Upper mAs limit"

CAL 31 Generator ON The vonage in the - The battery is worn out.

is below 2.8 V. On - The battery jumper J1 on D l is lost or
has bad connection.
- To change a battery, see replacement
of backup battery.

Err 32
Not used

'^ Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBlLElT PIUS i PIUS E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions ~,
Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason
niessages operation

Err 33
The message is
Generator ON Temporary signal faun
during the program
. Less than three "Err 3 3 messages
can be ignored. At reapeted "Err 3 3
not shown to the execution. messages, please make a rapport
operator. This- containing the customer address. the
message can complaint and a description of the
only be read out office worrl. The rapport can be sent
from the messa- to:
ge history, P08.
TDRX Erlangen
The message i s
only for the
- Acknowledge and clear the message
history. The unit can be used as
development. normal ii the message does not
appear frequently.

E n 34 Generator ON The number of messa- A number of messages is lost and is not

The message is ges is beyond the shown to the user. All messages are
not shown to the maximum l i m t saved in the error message histoty.
operator. This
message can Use section "PO8 - Display the mes-
only be read out sage history8'andread and note the
from the messa- messages that are in the error mes-
ge history. P08. sage history memory. Study the
message list and try to make a
distinction of which module, board
etc.that generated the messages.

Err 35 Generator ON Temporany faun in the Check the supply vokages on D l , see
program execution, page 110".
which was corrected
by the "watch dog". . if the message appeared once it can
depend on a tube arc that disturbed 7
the pmgram execution. At repeated -
" E r r 3 5 the single tank must be
checked according to "Error diagnosis
HT and single tank': in those cases
the function of the single tank is OK
and "Err 35" appears several times.
replace D l .

" Wiring diagram X037E.

S~emens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE21 5061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus I Plus E 3

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of cause Possible reason

messages operation
The inverter has been If the inverter has been stopped more
Err 36 Generator ON
stopped one time, e.g. than 3 times, the exposure will be inter-
The message is
overcurrent. rupted and the Err 23 message is shown
not shown to the
operator. This on the display.
message can
Check the inverter current, see
only be read out
section "Error diagnosis HT and
from the messa-
single tank". See also section "Pi3
ge history, P08.
lnvelter test".

. The X-ray tube have had several

arcings during the exposure. If the
first exposure after a long interval is
an exposure wRh high kV values, tube
arcs can happen. The unit has to be
started with several exposures with
high mAs value. The kV values is
selected from 40 kV to be increased
to 133 kV. See also "Error diagnosis
HT and single tank".

Err 37 Generator ON, m e error message . Check the supply vonage on D l , see
The message is history is lost. It is page 110".
not shown to the
operator. This
indicated with 0's and
"Err 37".
. Check that the voltage in the backup
batte~yis > 2.8 V and that the b a n e j
message can
jumper is connected, see page 110".
only be read out
from the messa-
ge history, P08. If the message appeared once it can
depend on a tube arc which has
distufbed the program. At repeated
"Err 37"the single tank must be
checked according to section "Enor
diagnosis HT and single tank". In
those cases the function of the single
tank is OK and "USE 37" appears
several times, replace D l .

Err 38 Generator ON The faun statistics is See "Err 37". If "Err 38" is the Only
The message is lost. message in the history memory, it Will
not shown to the not be necessary t o replace D l . These
operator. This statistics are only used in the factory.
niessage can
only be read out
from the messa-
ge history. P08.

" Wiring diagram X037E.

Siemens-Elama SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILET Plus IPIUS E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
22 Service Instructions

Displayed Mode of Cause Possible reason

messages operation

PC NodE The switch S:l on This mode is only used for factory
board Dl is set in the purpose. To quit this mode; put switch
wrong position. S1:2 in OFF position.

2.1 .I Monitoring the kV- a n d mA-controls

Note o n Err 3, Err 4 and Err 5:
Under the following conditions, the corresponding Err.. message is signal-
kV OVP 142kV

- t


within f5kVfrom the kV

mA correct selecfedaflerO.8msfmm

NOTE A change in heating value may be due to the following causes:

1. d~easurementerror in the kV measuring circuit .- ,.
a, too high + kVaaU, value results in increased heating value (positive
b. too low + kV
,", value results in decreased heating value (negative
2. Change in generator output
This may occur when exchanging the inverter or the single tank. In any
case, the filament data must be readjusted (section "Service program,
PI0 and P07') and recorded (filament data table in "Checklist, protocol
for preventive maintenance including DHHS requirements').
a. If the generator output is increased, this results in an increase in
heating value.
b. If the generator output decreases, the heating value will be decreased.
Any change of the tube current invokes a change in exposure time (mAs = i x t)!

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
- ~

2.1.2. List of displayed messages

Err 3 Over voltage >I42 kV

Err 4 Bad kV regulation
Err 5 No X-ray tube current
Err 6 Too slow anode speed
CAL 7 Too long exposure time
- --
Err 9 High-tension asymmetry
USE 10 Single tank >55O or <15'C, measured at the location of
the temperature sensor
- -
CAL 12 Values in CMOS memory lost
CAL 13 The filament supply voltage, 60 V DC to D4 is missing
CAL 14 Over voltage in the capacitor bank (>360 V)
USE 15 Preparation state, held by the user > I 0 s.
Err 16 Too fast charging of the capacitors
Err 17 Too slow charging of the capacitors
Err 18 Too slow charging of the capacitor voltage
CAL 19 Leakage current too high in the capacitor
USE 20 Exposure release switch is released,during exposure
Err 21 The stand-by filament current is not correct
Err 22 The exposure filament current is not correct
Err 23 >3 times over-current pulses in the main inverter during
the exposure
USE 24 The choosen kV and mAs value is lost
USE 25 The calculated anode load is lost, wait before continuing
CAL 26 Error in RAM
CAL 27 Error in ROM
CAL 28 Error in the operating system
CAL 29 No single tank connected or a fault in the connection
USE 30 The custormer values stored in CMOS memory ist lost
CAL 31 Backup battery >2.8 V. Replace
- -
Err 34 Message buffer overflow
Err 35 The watchdog was activated

2.1.3 List of messages logged in the error history memory

Err 33 Signal fault during program execution

Err 36 Over-current pulse in the HT-inverter '
Err 37 The error history is lost
Err 38 The error statistic is lost

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R&215061.01.03.02 MOBlLEll Plus IPIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
24 Service Instructions ,;:,.......... .
.. .

22 Trouble-shootingchart
This chart shows the sequence from the start of the generator, the exposu-
re and ends with the developed X-ray film. Potential errors are mentioned
in the function box. Further hints that can be helpful during the trouble
shooting are listed under A-E in section "Trouble-shooting instructions':

Power plug inserted

MOBILET Plus and

Voltage supply
Program run, see
section "PO4 - Display,
led, buzzer test"

Bunon function

Defective lamp
lamp can be
Lamp bunon

can be activated1 D
Turn plate buttons
Defective magnet

d ; e a d y lighb71 Load
'ndicator is 0 Dis~lavedmessage not
,\ / I acknowledged "

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215.061 .01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus / Plus E J

Solna, Sweden 63 99 263
Service Instructions 25

A7rk> Exposure release switch.

cables and connections

(see Po2 - Rotation test)

Err 6

<", s27' EXP. No v Displayed i s ... p

b > Dmessage l a y message
e d

<> High voltage

"Exposure" NO
D Displayed message


Exposure time
Heating value

Plus 1 Plus E

s27 is the exposure release switch. First step = PREP, second step = EXP

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE21.5- MOBILEll PIUS / PIUS E

63 99 203
Solna, Sweden
26 Service Instructions

2.2 Trouble-shootinginstructions
A . Look for a small red light to the right at the kV display. The light indica-
tes that the program is in the startup phase.

If there is neither a small red !ight nor text on the display, it indicates
that the voltage supply is missing. Check the mains connection and the
main fuses, see wiring diagram, page 20, K6.

Test the voltage supply to the CPU board and the display board, see
wiring diagram X037E, page 110, and 120.

Check that all connectors on D8, D l and D3 are connected.

- Check that the reset LED on D l does not light, see wiring diagram,
page 110, V33. If it is continously lit, there will be an error on board -

Check the voltage supply on D l and D3, see wiring diagram, page 110
and 120.

B . Check button functions, see wiring diagram, page 120 and 180.

C . Press the collimator lamp button and listen for a "click" from LR1, see
wiring diagram, page 180.

If no "click" is heard, check the voltage supply on D4.

Check the measuring point "LAMPON". If there is no signal, check k5,

kg, k3 and k2.

If a "click " is heard, check the voltag? supply in the lamp bracket, see
MOBILEi7 Plus only
wiring diagram, page 180.
D Press the turn plate button and checl' if a "click" is heard from MRI anc.
MR2, sea wiring diagram , page 170..If a "click" is heard, check the
voltage in K68:l-2 and compare it with the given referenses in the
wiring diagram. Check also the resistance in the turn-plate magnet, see
wiring diagram, page 170.

If no "click" is heard, check the voltage supply on D4 and mesuring

points "PIVOTON" and "PIVOTHOLC". If there are no signals check k l ,
k5 and the buttons.

E After exposures with high mAs values, the ready light indicator makes
a delay before it lights. The delay is nade to distribute the temperature
in the anode target sufficiently and to allow time for the capacitor bank
to be charged. During startup it can t ~ k e up to 90 s before the ready
light indicator lights. A message will t e displayed if the ready light
indicator does not light up.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R6-215061.01.03.02 MOBlLET Plus I Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 27

2.3 ' Service programs

2.3.1 Entering service mode

- Remove the top cover.

To activate the sewice program, put the switch into service position (S1:l -
>ON, on board Dl). This will display the program version:
kV mAs
vEr x.x = Version x.x (depends on software version installed)
Service mode is left by putting the switch to the operating position (S1:l ->
OFF on board Dl). Any eyecuting program will then be aborted.

2.3.2 Selecting test programs with the kV+I- buttons

There are 16 different test programs available. The display shows the
program number in the kV window, the mAs display will be dark. Example,
program 12.
kV mAs
Pressing the "kV+"button will display the next test program. When the last
test program is displayed, pressing the "kV+" button will show the program
version again and so on. Pressing the "kV-" button will display the previous
test program. The lamp button has a toggling function and is used both to
start and stop the displayed test program. Example after the lamp button .
has been pressed the formation of the capacitor bank starts and following
is shown on the display:
kV mAs
Ht tESt = High tension test
The test program is stopped by pressing the lamp button a second time.
Example after the lamp button is pressed: ,
kV mAs
P I 2 StoP
The program P12 has stopped and it is possible to choose a new service
program with the kV+/-" buttons or start P I 2 with the lamp button.

2.3.3 Error messages in service mode

Messages appearing in service mode, except in "Fast adaptation" are only

displayed, they are not logged in the history memory.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILETT Plus i Plus E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions ,

23.4 List o f test programs available i n service m o d e -
PO1 Filament test

(Wiring diagram X037E, page 160)

The program starts with 5 seconds in standby filament heating and conti-
nues with 12 seconds with exposure filament heating. During the test
"FIL-VAL" is checked and must be stable anc within the limits. During the
test the display shows:

kV mAs
FIL tESt = Filament test

If an error is detected the test program will be abofled, a message beep

will be signalled and a message will be dispiated:

kV mAs
PO1 Err22 = Filament preparation error
PO1 Err13 = Filament supply error

If the test is successfully finished the display will show:

kV mAs
PO1 PASS = Filament test in program POI.

Duration: Max. 20 seconds. -
PO2 Rotation test

'" - IY8 - '" (Wiring diagram X037E, page 150)

Accelerate the anode with a 150 Hz current during two seconds. After this
first acceleration the speed is measured and d necessary a second acce-
leration of two seconds is done. When the correct speed is reached the
anode will rotate freely for 10 seconds before it is braked during 7 seconds
to standstill. Two attempts to accelerate the anode are made before an
error message is given. When the test is activated the display shall show:

kV mAs
Rot tESt = Rotation test

After acceleration, the display shows the actual rotation frequency:

kV mAs
Rot 143 = Rotation speed 143 Hz. Normal value 149 Hz.
Min. value 142 Hz.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus I Plus E

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Service Instructions
- -

If an error is detected, the test program will be aborted, a message beep

will be signalled and a message will be displayed:

kV mAs
PO2 Err 6 = Rot~tionerror

If the test is successfully finished the display shows:

kV mAs
PO2 PASS = Ro'ation test passed in program P02.

2.3.4-3 -
PO3 Capacitor bank and charging test

(Wiring diagram X037E, page 130)

When the test is started the display will show:

kV mAs
CAP tESt = Capacitor test

During the test, the capacitor voltage is displayed except when the capaci-
tance is shown. The capacitor will first be charged to 350 V, then dischar-
ged to 229 V.

kV mAs
CAP 350 = 350 Volt

This voltage will be held for 5 seconds before it is restored to 350 V.

During the test is the voltage in the capacitor bank shown, except when
the capacitance is displayed:

kV mAs
CAP 0.31 F = Capacitance 0.31 Farad

If an error is detected the test program will be aborted, a message beep

will be signalled and a message will be displayed:

kV mAs
PO3 Err"xx" = See actual "xx" in separate displayed message list.

If the test is passed the display will show:

kV mAs

Duration: Approx. 1.5 minutes,

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus IPlus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
3 -
PO4 Display, l e d a n d buzzer test

(Wiring diagram X037E, page 120)

When the test starts the display goes blank. Then the outmost character
becomes on in a sequence. The following characters are lit in the same
way until all segments are on. The ready and exposure LED lights up after
each other and the tests ends with an exposure beep. After a short time
the sequence is reoeated once. Leaving the test with the lamp button
results in that the display goes back to PO4 mode again. PO5 - "Automatic" malntenance test

The test is a summary of tests made in test program PO1 to P04.

These tests will, once started, run without further commands. During the
test shali the display be observed. If there are errors detected during the e
tests, PO5 is interrupted, a message will be displayed and a message 2

beep will be heard. The following describes the test sequence:

A. (P04)Display test. Visually check that the display and the LEDs lights
and listen that the buzzer sounds.

B. (PO1)Filament test. If the test is successfully finished a message will

be shown during 4 seconds:
FIL PASS = The filament part of the test is passed.

C. (P02)Rotation test. During the test is the actual rotation frequency

displayed. If the test is successfully finished a message will be
shown during 4 seconds:

rot PASS = The rotation part of the test is passed.

D. (P03)Capacitor bank and charging test. During the test is the actual
voltage in the capacitor bank displayed. If the test is success- -A-

fully finished a message will be shown during 4 seconds:

CAP PASS =The capacitor part of the test is passed.

END.If the test B-D are successfully finished the program will be stopped
and thr display will show:

PO5 PASS = The automatic part (A not included) of the tests are

If there have been an error during the test, PO5 is stopped and the
display will show:

PO5 Error xx = The test result is "not valid . See individual test

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8215061.01.03.02 MOBlLElT Plus 1 Plus E 3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 31

2.314.6 -
PO6 Capacitor formation
(Wiring diagram X037E, page 130)
This program is used only if the unit has been 3ut of operation for a couple
of months or if some capacitors are replaced. . h e capacitors are slowly
charged to 353 V in a controlled sequence. The test program starts with
kV rnAs
CAP For = Capacitor formation prograrl
After a short while, starts the program to dispkiy the actual voltage in the
capacitor bank :
kV mAs
CAP 150 = 150 Volt.
Approximately every sixth minute the voltage values is increased. The
charging sequence is increased as follows:
150-250-299-325-337-345-348-351-353 V. At the 353 V level the charging
will continue for another 48 minutes to decrease and stabilize the capaci-
tors internal leakage current. If an error is detected during the formation
program, the program is aborted. When the program is aborted there is a
message beep and a message will be displaysd:
kV rnAs
PO6 ErrPxx" = See actual "xx" in separate message list.
If the formation is successfully finished the display will show:
kV mAs
PO6 PASS = Capacitor formation completed.
Duration: Approximately 100 minutes. PO7 - Read-out filament values

The kV-values are displayed in the "kV" field. The corresponding filament
values are displayed in the "mAs" field. Pressing the "kV +" button will
display the next higher kV and corresponding filament value and vice
verse with "kV -".
The program starts at 40 kV in the table containing the filament values.
The program shows only the selected number of kV steps (25 or 49 for
MOBILElT Plus and 24 or 47 for MOBILETT Plus E).
The kV is changed in steps by briefly depressing the "kV + or kV -" but-
tons. By keeping the buttons pressed, the kV value will be continuously
stepped up or down.
The generators filament values is self adjusted to produce a kV value with
minized deviation. When the software has optimized a filament value for a
specific kV value is indicated with the letter "A" in the rightmost position on
the mAs display.

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Service Instructions
7. -
PO8 Display the message history

The history contains two parts, the first is the appearance number and the
second the actual message. The appearance number will be displayed in
the " k V field. The corresponding message will be displayed in the "mAs"
field. Pressing the "kV +" button will display the next higher number and
corresponding message and vice verse with "kV -".The program starts
with showing the latest message in the history. If there are no messages
the display will show:
kV mAs
0 Error = Message history empty
The latest message has the highest number, for example:
CALI3 =There are total 20 new messages, number 20 is "CAL 13'. *a

IMPORTANT! Note all messages in the Fhecklist ,protocol for preventive maintenance
including DHHS requirements.
To leave P08, use the "lamp" button. -
PO9 Clear the message history

Note: When this program is performed, the history will be cleared and empty.
Use program PO8 and note all messages before using program P09.

Activate the program with the "lamp" button. The display shows:
kV mAs
To clear the message history, press the "mAs +" button for 5 seconds. The
program confirms during four seconds that the clearing is done:
kV mAs
0 Error = Message history empty
After the message the program is aborted. -
P I 0 Fast adaptation
The program is used after an exchange of the singe tank or after a loss of
the values stored in the memory. The user have to make a number of
exposures. From these exposures the generator calculates and stores the
optimized filament values for each kV value.
After the program is activated the user have to press the exposure button
every time the ready light indicator lights. The program starts from a low kV
value and when the actual value is stable, it increases to the next kV

S~ernens-Elerna SPS-MK RX RE215461.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203

3 Service Instructions

Example: kV mAs
40 Ad Pr = Generator in adaptation mode

During the adaptation some messages may appear, most of these can be
ignored since the generator has incorrect filament values. However, check
every message against the message list, and confirm them by pressing the
"kV +"button. When the generator is ready with an adaptation on a kV
value, it continues to the next value. When the adaptation is finished, the
program will stop and the display will show:

kV mAs
P I 0 PASS = Adaptation program completed. 1 -
PI1 Backup baffery test

(Wiring diagram X037E, page 110)

After activating the program, it will display the battery voltage:

kV rnAs
bAt 3.2 = 3.2 Volt

When the battery voltage is <2.8V the battery needs to be replaced. See
section Replacement of backup battery".

After 5 seconds the program will be aborted. If the battery voltage is to

low, there will be a message displayed and a message beep.

If the battery voltage is OK, the display will show:

kV mAs
P 11 PASS = Battery OK PI2 - Inverter and single tank test.

(Wiring diagram X037E, page 140)

The program is activated with the "lamp" button. Wait for the ready light
indicator. Wllen the "exposure" switch is pressed the test program makes
an "exposur$ without filament heating and rotation. The "exposure" will be
approximately on 90 kV and and the duration is 10 ms.
During the test the display shows:

kV rnAs
Ht tESt = High tension test

To repeat the "exposure" just press the button a second time. The test can

,, Siemens-Elerna
Solna. Sweden
be stopped by the lamp button.

SPS-MK FIX RE-215- MOBlLETT Plus i Plus E

63 99 203
Service Instructions

NOTE During the "exposure" the inverter pulses are fixed and no kV regulation is
active. The capacitor bank has a reduced voltage level during the test. The
voltage is reduced to 150 V during the test. P13 -Inverter test

(Wirino diaaram X037E. Daae 140)

NOTE When the test is started, i t will take approximately 5 minutes to reduce the
voltage In the capacitor bank. The ready light indicator indicates when the
unit is ready for test.

The main purpose with the test is to check the gate pulses on the transis-
tors in the main inverter. Each time the exposure button is pressed the +
program runs the main inverter for 10 ms. During the test there is no
filament heating or rotation activated and the voltage in the capacitor bank
is < I 0 V. the display shows the following:

kV rnAs
Inv tESt = inverter test

The test is stopped with the lamp button -
P I 4 Number of k V steps and upper kVlimit

The program consists of two part, the first part is to select the number of
kV steps and the second part to select a kV limit. When the first part is
finished, the second starts automatically.
The first part, selecting the number of steps:
The program makes is possible to choose between a fixed number of 25
or 49 steps for MOBlLE77Plus and 24 or 47 steps for MOBILE77Plus E.
The number of steps correspond to Siemens point scale with integer 1
points or half integer. The factory setting is 25 steps for MOBILE77
Plus and 24 steps for MOBILE77 Plus E . To change or check the valid
setting, activate the program with the lamp button.

The display shows the selected number of kV steps, change with kV + or -


. Example: kV
StEPS = 25 kV steps selected
Pressing the lamp button stores the currently displayed values and acti-
vates the second part.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILET Plus 1 Plus E -3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

The second part of PI4 is the selection of upper kV limit:

The display shows the selected highest available kV (min. 40 and max.
133 kV), change with kV + or - buttons.
Example: kV mAs
133 SEt = kV values up to 133 kV is ;~llowed.

Pressing the lamp button stores the currentl!, displayed values and also
leaves the program P14.

check that the choosen values correspond to the wanted after

leaving the service program. PI5 - Upper mAs limit

-0 The program makes it possible to set upper mAs limit. The available range
is 0.5 - 200 mAs for MOBILETT Plus and 0.5 - 100 for MOBILETT Plus E.
The maximum mAs value is depending on the actual kV but can be limited
further. Selecting a mAs limit, results in that all earlier available higher mAs
values will be blocked and vice versa.

To change or check the highest avilable mAs, activate the program with
the lamp button.

The display shows the selected mAs limit, change with rnAs + or mAs -
Example: kV mAs
SEt 100 =The mAs value is limited to 100 mAs

Pressing the lamp button stores the currentiy displayed values and leaves
PIS. -
P16 Show the exposure counter

The program is activated by the lamp button and shows the actual number
of exposures.
Example 1: kV mAs
599 = The number of exposures is 599.

I Example 2: kV mAs
1 15055 = the number of exposures is 115.055.

Leave the program by pressing the lamp button.

I NOTE The exposure counter can not be cleared b y any service programThe
value is stored in the CMOS memory. If the backup battery is worn out the I
value might be lost.

Siernens-Elerna SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILETT Plus /Plus E

,Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
36 Service Instructions

2.4 Error diagnosis HT and single tank

2.4.1 Tests and measurements in the high voltage circuit

- Connect the oscilloscope measurement cables to the measuring points
HTPOS and HTNEG or HT on Dl.
Adjust the trigger point to the falling edge of the high voltage curve and
set the time to 20 - 50 msIDIV.
- If the high voltage can not be displayed, check the tube current in
measuring point MAPOS on D l . Check the inverter current with a
external current transformer.
Measure HTPOS and HTNEG on D l . Record the fall times (90 - 10 % '3
of HT), high tension levels and ifthe exposure was interrupted prema- ,
turely. Compare with fig. 7 "HT signal, inverter and single tank normal:
Measure the inverter current by means of an external current transfor-
merand HT. Compare with fig. 6 "HTPEAK and inverter current, inverter
and single tank normal':
In case of error, compare the oscillogram with fig 6. "HTPEAK and
inverter current, inverter and single tank normal':

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8215061.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

2.4.2 Malfunction in the inverter or single tank

The following procedure will help you to determine whether the problem is
caused by the inverter or the single tank.
The current flow between the inverter and the single tank must b e
approx. symmetrical. M this i s not the case, the inverter will be deft!c-
Meas~rethe resistance between K631POS and K6411 or K6412 or K631
NEG and K6411 or K6412. The value must be larger than 0.5 MR. If the
values is less than 100 R, the inverter will be defective (transistors in ths
modules are destroyed).

Measuring the falling edge of the high voitage (in the measurement point HT on D l board)

Short falling edge (approx. 50 ps)
Long falling edge (approx. 2 ms)
(Tube arcing)

Measuring the inverter current

(Separate current transformer

I Asymmetrical inverter current e.g., one-

*idad or one half.wave significantly
lower (din. >50%1. or no current can be
I Symmetrical current and current
>300 A. See figs. 8 and 9.

Inverter or cable K64

Observe: The inverter current is always measured with a separate current transfor-
mer between inverter and single tank. The procedure is descriebed in the
training video.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBlLElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 93 203
38 Service Instructions .-,

Faulty Image

Inverter current normal

I Possible causes

Defective tube
I what
Replace single tank
HT+ discharges Defective high voltage capacitor (+)
Arcing to ground on plus side

lnverter current normal Defective tube Replace single tank

High speed HT- discharges Defective high voltage capacitor (-)
Defective filament transformer
Defective insulation on the wires to

Figures 12 and 13
the cathode
Arcing to ground on minus side
d '

lnverter current normal Defective tube Replace single tank

High speed HT+ and HT- Defective high voltage capacitor (-)
discharges Arcing between plus and minus side

Figure 11

Abnormal inverter current; e.g. Defective high voltage transformer Replace single tank
triangle shaped HT- discharges Defective diode stick
Defective tube

Figures 14 and 16

Abnormal inverter current; e.g.

Defective inverter Replace inverter

Figure 15

Very small tube current Connection K6411 and K6412 Connect K6411 and
(Normal inverter current) reversed on the way between K6412 properly.
(Err 5) D l 3 and single tank.

Full output voltage not Defective high voltage transformer Replace single tank
@tained afler adaptation

Rapid series of voltage peaks Arcing in HT measurement resistor Replace single tank
(increasing voltage) or series resistor

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R6-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILET Plus 1 Plus E

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Service instructions 39


2Ous/di v
Exposure values: 90 kV 2.0 mAs, "HTPEAK"20 kV/div, Inverter current 100 Aldiv

Fig. 6, "HTPEAK" and inverter current, inverter and single tank normal


Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
40 Service Instructions z..:...?)


HT on


Exposure values: 40 kV 5 mAs, HT 8 kV/div (200 rn~luiv),I,nve,a,.s ing,elan 100 Aldiv
(only the end of the exposure is shown).

Fig. 7. HT and lnvener current, Inverter and single tank normal

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus I Plus E .J

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 41

Fig. 8. HTand inverter current, inverter and single tank normal

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX ~8-215- MOBILETT Plus / PIUS E

! Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
42 Service Instructions

HT on

/dl v


Exposure values: 133 kV 5 mAs, HT 40 kVldiv (1 Vldiv), linvensr-snplerank

I00 Ndiv
(only the end of the exposure is shown).

Fig. 9. HT and inverter current, inverter and single tank normal

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Service Instructions 43

Exposure values: 133 kV 5 mAs, HTPOS & HTNEG 2 Vldiv, 20 kvldiv., 200 p l d i v
(only the Gnd of the exposure is shown).

Fig. 10. HT-signal, inverter and single tank normal

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061 .01.03.02 MOBILE'TT PIUS I PIUS E

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Service Instructions



r " ' ] 1I

1 iI


20 U s f d i v
Exposure values: 133 kV 5 mAs, HTPOS & HTNEG 2 Vldiv, 20 kvldiv., 20 pldiv
(only the end of the exposure is shown).

Fig. 11. HT-signal, Arcing between plus and minus side (Defective tube)
Replace single tank.

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Service Instructions 45



Exposure values: 133 kV 5 mAs, HTPOS & HTNEG 2 Vldiv, LO kvldiv., 100 psldiv

Fig. 12. HT-signal, high speed HTNEG discharges

(Defective tube, filament transformer, wires to the .,athode).

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILETl Plus 1 PIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
46 Service Instructions :.3

I " " " ' 1 " " - - - - 7



3 4
CHI : 20 rnvldiv, (100 Ndiv), 10 pldiv (Inverter current) 1 CH2: 500 mvldiv, 2 0 kVIdiv (HTj-

Fig. 13. Hlgh speed HT discharges (Defective tube, transformer, capacltor)

C H I : Inverter current 50 Ndiv., 10 psldiv.

Fig. 14. Abnormal inverter current (Defective single tank)

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK FIX RE-215061 .01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus I Plus E 3

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Service Instructions 47


current .

CHI: Inverter current 50 Afdiv., 20 psldiv.

Fig. 15. Abnonnal inverter current (Defective inverter)

C H I : 1 Vldiv, 4 0 kvldiv., 20 psldiv (HT) I CH2: 100 Afdiv. (Ir.verter current)

Fig. 16. Abnormal inverter current (Defective inverter)

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Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
48 Service Instructions

2.6 Capacitor bank

Malfunctions detected by the generator:

Too high leakage current
The leakage current increases when the capacitor tank has been unloa-
ded for a long time. The generator shows a message on the display.
Perform a formation according to section "PO6 - Capacitor formation".

Too low capacitance

If there is malfunction in a capacitor, the internal row fuse will blow and the
capacitor row will be disconnected. Depending on tt.e tolerance in the
capacitors, the generator will show a message on the display. If there is a
b~g positive tolerance in the capacitors, the rest of the capacitor bank will -3

be able to keep the total capacitance above the bottom limit when the
message is displayed. Both the capacitor and the fuse must be replaced
according to the following.
- Switch of the generator and disconnect the power plug.
WARNING: There can still be dangerous residual voltage in the capacitor bank.
Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7), see fig.17.
Wait for 5 minutes before removing the left, right and rear covers.
Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG, the voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig.18. If the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be dama-
ged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury. .q


Fig. 17
Fig. 18
, ,
Siemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX RE21 5061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E
Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 49

a Connect the power plug.

b Connect the measuring device.
c Switch on S10 on D7. :heck that the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reasding n
, the measuring device, disconnct the power
plug and check the measuring device.

Measure the voltage b?tween + and- bars, the voltage must be less
than 10 V.


+ bar fposl

Fig. 20. MOBILETT Plus E

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILElT PIUS 1 PIUS E

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Service Instructions

Remove the main bars (4), see fig. 21 for MOBlLETTPlus and fig 22 for

Fig. 21. MOBILEl7PIus

Fig. 22. MOBILE77 Plus E
Loosen the screws which keeps the capacitor module in place and
remove thc, module.
I 1
WARNING There can be redisual voltage up to 353 VDC. Use insulated tools and do
not touch bars that can be under tension, see fig. 23.
Remove cap and foam rubber from the capacitor module.
Mesure the voltage in all capacitor rows and check that the voltage
level is the same as on the main bar < I 0 V DC. If a row has a different
voltage from the rest, the fuse will probably have blown. Discharge that
row with R103, see fig. 24.

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Service Instructions 51

Check ail rubber membranes through the inspection holes at the top of
the capacitors. If there are cracks or holes in the membrane, the capa-
citor must be replaced.

WARNING Make sure that the potentialdifference between capacitor rows or betweerr
capacitor modules isn? higher than 2 V, before inserting a new capacitor or
a new fuse.
If a the fault cannot be visually found, perform point A - D in the row with a
faulty fuse.
A Remove the fuse and + bar in the faulty row. Wait for 5 minutes.
B Mesure the voltage in all capacitors in that row. The defective capacitor
has lower voltage than the rest.
C Replace both the defective capacitor and the fuse in the faulty row.
D If the fuse has blown and no defective capacitor is found, replace all
capacitors and the fuse in the faulty row. 1
If no m a l f ~ n c t i ~can
~ ~ be
n detected, remount the module and check the
remaining modules according to the instructions above. Start with point

"Remove cap...".
Remount the main bars, connections and the semi-protection.
All screws and nuts on the upper side of the capacitor module shall be
tightened with a torque of 3 Nm and all screws and nuts on the under
side shall be tightened with a torque of 1 Nm.
Remount the left and right and rear covers.

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52 Service Instructions

Connect the power plug and switch off S10 on D7,

- Switch on S1:l on D l .
Read the information about the formation program PO6 in section "PO6
- Capacitor formation" if you have exchanged one or more capacitors.

Switch on the mains switch.

Perform a formation with program P06.
- Switch off S1:l on D l .
Remount the top cover.

2.6 Replacement of the backup battery

A The backup battery can be changed without turning off the unit. Make sure
that the board does not get short circuited and that the soldering iron isn't
connected with mains while soldering.
- Read out exposure counter, see section "P16 - Show the exposure
Read out mAs limit, see section " P15 - Upper mAs limit':
Read out kV step and limit, see section "PI4 Number of kVsteps and
upper k V limit".
Loosen the screws to the top cover and remove it.
Loosen the screws and remove the aluminum plate.
Locate the battery, see wiring diagram, page 110.
Make prescribed precautions to avoid damage depending of static
Remove the battery jumper.
Unsolder the battery and join the new battery by soldering. ""0>
Remount the battery jumper.
Remount the aluminum plate.
Switch off the unit for 20 s.
Switch on the unit and check that no display messages are shown. If
an Err or CAL message is present, continue as follows:
Change to service mode by switching ON S1:l on D l .
Make the adaptation according to section "PlO - Fast adaptation".
Set the selected mAs limit, see section " P15 - Upper mAs limit:

Set the selected kV step and limit, see section "PI4 - Number of k V
steps and upper k V limit':

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Service Instructions 53

Read out exposure counter, see section "PI6 - Show the exposure
Switch off S1:l on Dl.
. Remount the top cover.

I Backup battery I
Fig. 25

Make an exposure of 90 kV, 10 mAs to check that everything is working.

S~ernens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203

Service Instructions

3. Exchange and repairs on the collimator

3.1 Replacing the collimator lamp

Equipment required: Lux meter

There is danger of electrical shock, which can have lethal consequences,
Therefore, the following must be observed:

NOTE The capacitor pack can still be charged.

Never perform work inside the housing when the capacitor bank is
charged or being charged.
. Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10
(D7), see fig. 26.
Wait for 5 minutes before removing
the left, right and front covers.
Measure residual voltage at measur-
ing points, CAPPOS and CAPNEG.
The voltage must be less than 10 V,
see fig. 27.
If the voltage is measured to 0 V, the
measuring device could be faulty or
the cables between the capacitor
bank and ,)APPOS, CAPNEG could
be damag,,?d.In this case point a - e ;T
must be fc llowed to avoid personal
injury. ,

a Connect the power plug.

b connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that
the voltlge is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the
voltage is decreasing.
f If there is no reading on the meas-
uring d~:vice,disconnect the power 27
plug anJ check the measuring

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RP-215-061 .01.05..02 MOBILE77 Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 55

Remove the cover ( I ) by unscrewing the screws (4 ) marked with "A",

see fig. 28. Turn the collimator around so that the lamp housing is in
front of the opening of the removed cover.

Fig. 28 A

Remove the protective plate (2), which covers the collimator lamp, by
loosening, do not remove, the screws "B" one turn. Do not touch the
"C","D","E" screws, see fig. 29.

(Fig. 29 D
Remove the defective lamp and replace it with a new lamp, see fig. 30.
Do not touch the bulb with bare fingers.
(See "List of spare parts':)
Remount the protection plate, tighten the screws "6".

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK FIX R8-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBlLEll Plus : Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
56 Service Instructions

3,l .I Checking the light intensity

Equipment required: Lux meter
When a light localizer is used to define the X-ray field, it shal provide an
average illumination of not less than 180 lux at 100 centimet13rs.The
average illumination shall be based upon measurements ma'je in the
approximate center of each quadrant of the light field, see fit. 31.

Fig. 31

3.1.2 L i g h t field relative to the X-ray field

Equipment required: Cassette, X-ray film and coins.

Load a 35x35 cm (14"x14") cassette with film.
Put the cassette on a table or a similar repository.
Set a SID of I 0 0 cm (39") . Use the measuring tape.
Switch on the light localizer and align the cassette. Now, collimate the
light field to 25x25 cm (lO"x10").

Fig. 32

Mark the four corners with coins and mark one of the comers with two
coins, see fig. 32.
Set 52 kV, 2.0 mAs on the control panel.

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Service Instructions 57

v-v CAUTION Radiation protection

Trigger an exposure.
- Process the film and measure the deviation b e t ~ e e nthe light field and
the X-ray field. Permissible deviation +I .7 % of SID, see fig. 33.

r l t C 51.7%
- s 1.7 %
3lD = Source-image
- - A Light field

X-ray field

Fig. 33
. If the deviation is more than 1.7 %, adjust with :he screws marked C
and D, see fig. 29, to move the light field closer to the X-ray field.
Repeat the check with a new exposure.
If necessary, adjust again until the deviation between the light field and
the X-ray field meet the requirements.
Remount the cover 1, see fig. 28.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILETr Plus / Plus E

Solna, ,Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
3.2 Exchanging the collimator

Equipment required: Rope.

Switch off the unit and disconnect the power plug
Turn the single tank so that the collimator is facing upwards,
se fig. 34.
Secure the arm and the single tank with a :ope, see fig. 34.
Remove the covers "A" and "8".
- Remove the collimator cover "C".

Disconnect the cable to the connection terminal board "D",

see fig. 35.
Remove the collimator by loosening the four screws "E",
see fig. 36. Take care of the nut washers.
Mount the new collimator. Center the rotary-flange so the screws "E"
are centered in their scores before tighten them.
- Connect the wires to the connection terminal board "D".
- Remount the collimator cover "C"

Slernens-Elerna SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILETT Plus I Plus E 3

S0lna. Sweden 63 99 203

7 Service Instructions 59

Fig. 36

NOTE When exchanging the collimator, the new collimator shall be positioned
and adjusted so that light field and X-ray field correspond. The adjustment
shall be performedby moving the whole collimator, not only by changing
the position of the collimator bulb.

3.2.1 Checking the light intensity

Equipment required: Lux meter
When a light localizer is used to define the X-ray field, it shall provide an
average illumination of not less than 180 lux at 100 centimeters. The
average illumination shall be based upon measurements made in the
approximate center of each quadrant of the light field, see fig. 37.
If the illumination is less than 180 lux, check the lamp supply, see wiring
diagram X037E, page 180.

Fig. 37

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Solna.. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

3,Z.Z Light field relative to the X-ray field

Equipment required: Cassette, X-ray film and coins.

. Load a 35x35 cm (14"x14") cassette with film.
Put the cassette on a table or a similar repository.
Set a SID of 100 cm (39") . Use the measuring tape.
Switch on the mains switch.
Switch on the light localizer and align the cassette. Now, collimate the
light field to 25x25 cm (1O"xlOM).
- Mark the four corners with coins and mark one of the corners with two
coins, see fig. 38.

Fig. 38
Set 52 kV, 2.0 mAs on the control panel.

v CAUTION Radiation protection


Trigger an exposure. $3)

Process the film and measure the deviation.
Permissible deviation 51.7 %, see fig. 39.

B_tD ~ 1 . 7 %
SID = Source-Image
-- - Light field
x-ray field

Fig. 39

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Service Instructions 61

If the deviation is greater, loosen the Allen screws "Em'

somewhat, and
move the rotary-flange to desired position. Tighten the screws "E", see
fig. 40.

I Rotary flange
Repeat the checking procedure and adjustment of the rotary flange
position until the light field to X-ray field is within the.tolerance.
Remount the covers "A" and " B .

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
4.. Mechanics

4.1 Adjustment of the arm system

Equipment required: Large caliper and a rope. If the parallelism shall be adjusted a ceiling
support is required.

1 NOTE The capacitor bank can stiII be charged.

Never perform work inside the housing when the capacitor bank is

charged or being charged.
Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7), see fig. 41.
Wait for 5 minutes before removing the left, right and front covers.
Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG. The voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig. 42. If the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be dam-
aged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury.


Fig. 42
a Connect the pewer plug.
b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device.

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SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILETT Plus / Plus E
63 99 203

Service Instructions 63

4.1 .I Parallelism
The parallelism adjustment y,,, ;I!.\,
affects both the maximum -9 \

height and the balance and

must therefore be made before
any other adjustment of the
arm system.
Remove all arm and link
covers, so that the adjust-
ment rod will be visible, see
fig. 43.
- The adjustment rod must
always be parallel with the
arm. Measure in both ends
of the upper arm according
to fig. 43. Also measure the
arm in deflected position
and in retracted position.
The measures must not deviate
more than 0.6 mm.

Danger of personal injury!

Make sure the visible part of the
thread between the link and the key
grip at the adjustment rod always is
less than 25 mm, see fig. 45. If the
visible part of the adjustment rod is
longer than stated, the single tank
and the arm might fall down.

If any adjustment is needed, the single
tank shall be secured in its uppermost
position with a ceiling support, see fig.
.44. After the single tank has been
secured, the two nuts can be loosened

and the adjustment rod can be turned.
Lock the rod with the nuts and
repeat the control of the parallelism
until it is within the limit. 0.6 mm.

Fig. 45

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061.01.03.02 MOBlLElT PIUS / PIUS E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
64 Service Instructions
4.1.2 Balance

Remove the plas ic plugs, which covers the friction linings, in the col-
. Loosen the friction lining through the holes in the column, see fig. 46
and the lining in tfie lower link, see fig. 47.
. Check that the arm system does not drop or raise in any position. If
that is the case:
- Adjust the arm system with the adjustment screw, see fig. 48, until it is
in a good balance in all positions. If the arm drops the screw must be
tightened and if il raises the screw must be loosened.

. For upper a m stability
~ i g46 Fig. 47 For lower a m stab'lity

4.1.3 Adjustment of the friction linings

Upper arm If the upper arm does not keep
its position the adjustment of
the friction lining can be done
through the holes in the cover,
see fig. 46.
Loosen the screws totally
with a 4 mm Allen wrench.
Retighten the screws until
there are no play.
Tighten the screws parallel
until the upper arm keeps its
position but it shall still be
easy to move.

Solna, Sweden
Fig. 48
RX R8-215061.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus / Plus E
63 99 203

Service Instructions 65

Lower arm If the lower arm does not keep its position an adjustment must be done,
see fig. 47.
Loosen ihe screw totally.
Retightei the screws until Mere are no play.
Tighten .he screw until the lower arm keeps its position but it shall still
be easy to move.
Remourt the cover.

Supporting fork movement

If the suppcrting fork does not keeps its position an adjustment must be
done, see fig. 49.
Loosen the screw totally.
. Retighten the screw until
there are no play.
Tighten the screw until
the supporting fork
keeps its position.

Single tank movement

If the single tank rotates to easily or does not keep its positicn in the
suppbrting fork:
Remove the caps on
the supporting fork.
. Tighten or loosen the
friction adjustment
(one on each side of
the fork), see fig. 50.

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Service Instructions
3 *

. . Collimator movement

Remove the I
collimator cover.
Adjust the
collimator move-
ment resistance
with screw (1),
see fig. 51.
Remount all

Fig. 51 -

4.2 Exchange of the spring pack

Equipment required: 2 pieces of wood (50x70~500mm), rope, ceiling support and a protec-
tive mat.

NOTE We recommend that two service engineers make this exchange.

Never perform work inside the housing when the capacitor bank is
charged or being charged. :?
Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10
(D7), see fig. 52.
Wait for 5 minutes before removing
the left, right and front covers.

. I
Fig. 52

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus / Plus E 3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 67

Measure residual voltage at measur-

ing points. CAPPOS and CAPNEG.
Th,? voltage must be less than 10 V,
see fig. 53. If the voltage is measured
to 1V, the measuring device could be
f a ~ l t yor the cables between the
capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAP-
NEG could be damaged. In this case
po nt a e must be followed to avoid
pesonal injury.
a Connect the power plug.
b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that
the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device.
. Observe safety precautions, see chapter 'Safety during service':
- Blr~ckthe rear wheels and pull the parking brake.
Jack up and block the unit securly 5 cm above the floor. It must be
made properly otherwise the unit might fall down.
Remove the upper column cover by removing the transport handle and
the lower column cover by lifting it upwards.
Raise the single tank to maximum height and secure it with a ceiling
support, see fig. 54.

NOTE The rneans of attach-

ment shaN make a
weight of 100 kg. At an
exchange of the spring
pack all weight will be
put on the ceiling attach-

important Do not stand under the

single tank or the arm -
system during the work
that follows.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RS-215-061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus i Plus E

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68 Service Instructions
Remove the tilt bar, see fig. 55.
. Remove the supporting wheels,
placed behind the tilt bar.
. Put the protective mat under
the unit to protect the floor from


MOBILETT Plus only I

Disconnect all cables, ground connection and K68,

according to fig. 56.
Remove the locking rings.
Remove the bearing rings.
Remove the shafl

Fig. 56
Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus IPlus E
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Service Instructions

WARNING Watch your fingers during the following instructions.


Loosen the adjustment screw so that the spring pack is loosened and
the nearest part of the spring pack falls down, see fig, 57.

WARNING If the spring pack does not fall down, there is remaining spring p o ~ e r .
Check if the single tank is in its uppermost position, if not raise thr, single
tank to this position. Check also if the adjustment screw is properlv un-
screwd. Do not use any force to get the spring pack down.

Loosen the two large Allen screws (2) and (3) on the end of ths spring
pack. The whole spring pack will then fall down on the floor.

' Recess
Flg. 57
Remove the spring pask.
Mount the new spring pack with the two Allen screws (2) and (3) on the
end of the spring pack.
Lift up the spring pack in the front end and check through the hole for
the adjustment screw that the froniof the spring pack with recess is
Mount the adjustment screw and tighten as much as the spring pack is
kept in position.
Tighten the screws (2) and (3).
Tighten the adjustment screw until the arm and single tank can keep
their uppermost position with the force in the spring pack.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
70 Service Instructions 3,

M O B I L E T Plus only

The mounting of the turn plate is carried out in reverse order.

Remount the turn plate.
. Remount the shafts.
Remount the bearing rings.
- Remount the locking rings.
- Connect the ground cable and K68.

Remount the supporting wheels, placed behind the tilt bar.

Remount the tilt bar.
Remove the ceiling support carefully and check that the single tank
remains in the uppermost position by it self. If not, tighten the adjust- -
ment screw.
Put the a n into parking position.
Bring the unit down and unblock the rear wheels.
Check the arm and single tank movement. If necessary adjust accord-
ing to section "Adjustmentof the arm system':
Remount all coven except the top cover.
Set switch S10 in ON position to charge the capacitor bank.
Remount top cover.
Check the function of the turn plate and the unit by making one expo-

S~emens-Elema SPS-MK AX RE-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E

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Service Instructions 71

MOBILETT Plus only


14.3 Adjustment and replacement of the turn plate

Equipment required: 2 pieces of wood (50x70~500mm)

The turn plate mechanism must be removed at both adjustment and re-
Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
- Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7), see fig. 58.
. Wait for 5 minutes before removing the lefl, right and front covers.
- Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG. The voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig. 59. If the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be dam-
aged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury.

Fig. 59

a Connect the power plug.

b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device.
Observe safety precautions, see chapter "Safety during service':

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus I Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
MOBILE77 Plus only I

I '
Remove the tilt bar, see fig. 60
Remove the supporting wheels, placed behind the tilt bar.



Jack up and block the unit securly 5 cm above the floor. It must be
made properly otherwise the unit might fall down.
Disconnect all cables, ground connection and K68,
according to fig. 61.

Slemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX R8-215061 .01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus 1 Plus E L>

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 73

. Remove the locking rings.

Remove the bearing rings.
. Remove the shaft
- Let the turn plate down and remove it.

. Check all springs for damage and proper attachment, see fig. 62.
Check that the measure between the link and the magnet housing is
49.7 mm. Adjust if necessaly.
The attachment of a new or checked turn plate is carried out in reverse
. Remount the turn plate.
. Remount the shafts.
Remount the bearing rings.
Remount the locking rings.
Connect the ground cable and K68.
Remount the supporting wheels, placed behind the tilt bar.
- Remount the tilt bar.
I Remount the side covers and the rear cover.
Set switch S10 in ON position to charge the capacitor bank.
Remount the top cover.
Connect the unit to the mains and switch it on.
Check the function of the turn plate by pressing one of the turn plate
buttons and turning the unit. Check also that the turn plate returns to
parking position when the button is pressed a second time.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus / Plus E

Solna. Swede? 63 99 203
74 Service Instructions

4.4 Replacement of the single tank

Equipment required: Rope

A - Position the unit with the single tank resting on a table, see fig. 63.

Block the rear wheels and pull the park-

'ing brake.
. Disconnect the power plug.
. Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7),
see fig. 64.
. Wait for 5 minutes before removing the
left, right and front covers.
Measure residual voltage at measuring
points, CAPPOS and CAPNEG. The
voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig.
65. If the voltage is measured to 0 V, the
measuring device could be faulty or the
cables between the capacitor bank and
CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be damaged.
In this case point a - e must be followed
to avoid personal injury.
a Connect the power plug.
b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the
voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage
is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring
device, disconnect the power plug and
Fig. 65
check the measuring device.

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Service Instructions 75

Remove the spring tension by unscrewing the adjustment screw, see fig. 66

Remove all collimator covers and grounding cables.

-, Disconnect all cables to the collimator.

. Remove the collimator.

Disconnect all electrical connections to the single tank.
Remove the screws and nuts (4) bolts placed in the ends of the axis of.

Fig. 67
Lift up the supporting fork and remove the single tank. Do not turn the
fork around. The new single tank has to be mounted in the same way
as the old one.
Replace the locking nuts with new nuts enclosed with the new single
Mount the four screws according to fig. 67.
Connect all electrical connections according to fig. 68.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILElT Plus I PIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
76 Service Instructions '1

WH = White
VT = vioiet
OG = Orange
Fig. 68 BN = Brown

S~emens-Elerna SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILET Plus / Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 77

. Mount the collimator.

Tighten the adjustment screw, see fig. 66, so that the single tank is in
Set switch S10 in OFF position.
Check the light field relative to the X-ray field according to adequate
parts of section "Replacement of collimator':
. Remount all covers on the single tank.
Adjust the adjustment screw so the single tan%is in balance. If any
problem occur, see section 'Hdjustment of arm System".
Use the service program "PI6 - Show the exposure counter" and
record the values of the exposure counter in the seivice protocol and in
the unit documentation.
Use the service program "PI0 - Fast adaptation" to adjust the filament
values to the new single tank.
. Remount the rest of the covers.

4.5 Replacement of the arm cable harness

Equipment required: Rope

Position the unit with the single tank resting on a table and secure the
single tank with a rope to the handle, see fig. 69.

Remove the covers "A" and "B".

Remove the collimator cover "C"
Disconnect the power plug.

Siemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX R&215061.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus / Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
Remove the top cover.
Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7),see fig. 70.
- Wait for 5 minutes before removing the left, right and front covers
Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG. The voltage must be less than 1O V, see fig. 71. If the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be dam-
aged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury.


Fig. 71

a Connect the power plug.

b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device. .d

Slemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R&215061.01.03.02 MOBILEST Plus / Plus E 3

Soina. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 79

Remove the all arm covers and the column covers.

Reduce the power in the spring pack by loosening the adjustment
screw, placed above the tilt bar.
Unscrew all cabels to the collimator.
Remove the collimator.
Unscrew all electrical connections to the single tank.

WARNING Danger of personal injury! Check that the arm is properly secured to the
foot with a rope, otherwise the arm can strike out uncontrollable when the
fork and single tank are removed.

Remove the supporting hub in the axis of rotation at the supporting

. Remove all cabel clamps and cable straps on the arm and the chassis.
- Disconnect the single tank and the fork from the arm.
Take the fork apart so that the cables can be removed.
Demount the cables, see fig. 72.

Fig. 72
The attachment of the new arm cable harness is carried out in reverse
. Connect all wires on the single tank according to fig. 73

Siernens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215-061 .01.03.02 M O B I L E n Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
80 Service Instructions ,

WH = White
M = violet
OG = Orange
BN = Bmwn
- Mount the collimator and its wires, but only cover "C".
- Connect all connections and remount all cable clamps and new straps.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBILETT Plus I Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 81

NOTE The cabel shall not be stretched to much with the clamps at the means of
attachment. There must be enough slack so that the cabel is not stretched
by the mechanical movements.

. Set S10 in OFF position.

Remount all covers except the single tanks covers " A and "B"
Make sure that the attachments between the supporting fork and the
arm is tightened.
Remove the rope between the handle and the foot while keeping the
single tank on the table.
Tighten the adjustment screw until the single tank and arm are in
balance, see section 'XAdjustment of arm system':
. Check the light field relative to the X-ray field according to adequate
park of section "Replacement of collimator':
Remount the remaining covers.

4.6 Adjustment of the handlparking brake

Equipment required: Dynamometer
Disconnect the unit from the wall outlet.
Block up the unit on both sides with 5x5 cm pieces of wood. The
wheels must be able to rotate independently.
Unscrew the screw and remove the rear wheel.
Check the brake linings. If the brake linings are less than 1 m , they
must be replaced, see fig. 74.
Remove the old lining by loosening screw ( I ) , see fig. 74.

Fig. 74

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82 Service Instructions

Check that the lining is turned the right way when replaced.
if the braking linings meets the requirements and the unit still lacks braking
power. Check the tension of the brake wire.
- Disconnect the power plug.
Remove the top cover.
- Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7), see fig. 75.
- Wait for 5 minutes before removing the left, right and front covers.
- Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG. The voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig. 76. if the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be darn-
aged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury.

Fig. 75
Fig. 76
a Connect t h power
~ plug.
b Connect the measuring device <m
c Switch on S'10 on D7. Check that the voltage is increasing. ~/

d Switch off 310. Check that the voltage is decreasing,

e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device.

Siernens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE215061.01.03.02 MOBILETT Plus IPlus E 3

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Service Instructions 83

Remove the side and rear covers.

- Lock the brake. It should not be possible to move the unit with normal
hand effort. A slight skip is acceptable when using larger force, larger
than 350 N
Measure the power required for lifting the brake handle to locked
position with a dynamometer. If the power is not between 100 and 120
N an adjustment must be done.
. Loosen the wire locking screws (2) in unloaded position, see fig. 77.
- Stretch the wire and fasten it with the screws when required brake
power is obtained.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK FIX Rtl-215- MOBILET PlUS / PIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
84 Service Instructions ci3 .

4.7 Exchange of the supporting wheels

Equipment required: 1 pieces of wood 5 0 x 7 0 ~ 5 0 0mm)

Block up one side of the unit with a piece of wood.
Secure the rear wheels from moving.
Remove locking ring through the hole in the tilt bar, see fig. 78.


Fig. 78

Remove the wheel shaft so that the supporting wheels can be re-
Mount new supporting wheels and secur the shaft with the locking ring.
Check that the,wheels moves easily.
Remove the wooden piece and let the unit down.

Siemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX RE-215061.01.03.02 MOBILElT Plus / Plus E 3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203

Service Instructions

4.8 Replacing the friction linings

4.8.1 Replacing the horizontal friction lining
. Remove the link covers.
Remove the screw and the washer,
. Replace the horizontal friction lining.
Remount the screw and the washer, see fig 79. Secure the screw mith
. Adjust the vertical friction linings, see section '%Adjustment of the friction
- Remount all covers

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILElT Plus / PIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions
48.2 Replacing t h e vertical friction linings

Equipment required: Large caliper and a rope. If the parallelism shall be adjusted a ceiling
support is required.
Raise the single tank to maximum height and secure it with a ceiling
support, see fig. 80.

NOTE The means of attachment shall make a weight of 100 kg. At an exchange
of the spring pack all weight will be put on the ceiling attachment.

Important: Do not stand under,the single tank or the arm system during the work that

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RE-215- MOBILET Plus I Plus E 3

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 87

Remove the top cover.

Discharge capacitor bank with S10 (D7),see fig. 81
Wait for 5 minutes before removing the left, right and front covers.
- Measure residual voltage at measuring points, CAPPOS and CAP-
NEG. The voltage must be less than 10 V, see fig. 82. If the voltage is
measured to 0 V, the measuring device could be faulty or the cables
between the capacitor bank and CAPPOS, CAPNEG could be dam-
aged. In this case point a - e must be followed to avoid personal injury.

Fig. 81

Fig. 82
a Connect the power plug.
b Connect the measuring device
c Switch on S10 on D7. Check that the voltage is increasing.
d Switch off S10. Check that the voltage is decreasing.
e If there is no reading on the measuring device, disconnect the power
plug and check the measuring device.

Loosen the adjustment

screw so that the a n force
is gone but the spring pack
is still kept in position, see
fig. 83, Do not let the spring
pack fall down.

Fig. 83

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Soina. Sweden 63 99 203
88 Service Instructions

Remove screw and washer from the upper counter bearing.

Fig. 84

. Remove the friction linings.

Mount the new friction linings according to fig. 85 or fig. 86. There are
two different vertical friction linings. Both equally suited for the unit.

Remount the upper counter bearing.

Tighten the the screws.
Check that there isn't any braking action on the counter bearings.
Check that the brake blocks are parallell.
Tighten the adjustment screw. Make sure that there is force in the
spring pack before releasing the ceiling support.
Mount the rear, lefl right and front covers.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX [email protected] M O B I L E T Plus 1 Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions 89 Parallelism

The parallelism adjustment affects both the maximum height and the
balance and must therefore be made before any other adjustment of the
arm system.
- Remove all arm and link covers, so that the adjustment rod will be
visible, see fig. 87.
The adjustment rod must always be parallel with the arm. Measure in
both ends of the upper arm according to fig. 87. Also measure the arm
in deflected position and in retracted position. The measures must not
deviate more than 0.6 mm.

1 I
Fig. 87

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Solna, Sweden 63 99 203
90 Service Instructions

Danger of personal injury!

Make sure th,?visible part of the thread between the link and the key
grip at the ad'ustment rod always is less than 25 mm, see fig. 89. If the
visible part 01 the adjustment rod is longer than stated, the single tank
and the arm rnight fall down.
If any adjustmen' Is needed, the single tank shaN be secured in its upper-
most position wit.? a ceiling support, see fig. 88. After the single tank has
been secured, the two nuts can be loosened and the adjustment rod can
be turned.
Lock the rod with the nuts and repeat the control of Me parallelism until
it is within the limit. 0.6 mm.

Fig. 88 Fig. 89

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX R6-215- MOBILETT Plus I Plus E

Solna. Sweden 63 99 203

Service Instructions 91
' -1 Balance

. Remove the plastic plugs, which covers the friction linings, in the col-

- Loosen the friction lining through the holes in the column, see fig. 90
and the lining in the lower link, see fig. 91.
- Check that the arm system does not drop or raise in any position. If
that is the case:
Adjust the arm system with the adjustment screw, see fig. 92, until it is
in a good balance in all positions. If the arm drops the screw must be
tiahtened and if it raises the screw must be loosened.

Fig. 92

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92 Service Instructions 3 . Adjustment of the friction linings

Upper arm If the upper arm does not keep its pos~tionthe adjustment of the friction
lining can be done through the holes ir the cover, see fig. 90.
Loosen the screws totally with a 4 inm Allen wrench.
Retighten the screws until there an! no play.
Tighten the screws parallel until thf upper arm keeps its position but it
shall still be easy to move.

Lower arm If the lower arm does not keep its position an adjustment must be done,
see fig. 91. @
Loosen the screw totally.
- Retighten the screws until there are no play.

Tighten the screw until the lower arm keeps its position but it shall still
be easy to move.
Remount the cover.

Supporting fork movement

If the supporting fork does not keeps its position an adjustment must be
done, see fig. 93.
Loosen the screw totally.
Retighten the screw until there are no play.
Tighten the screw until the supporling fork keeps its position.

Siemens-Elema SPS-MK RX RR-215061.01.03.02 MOBILEll Plus 1 Plus E

! Solna. Sweden 63 99 203
Service Instructions

Single tank movement

If thc single tank rotates to easy or does not keep its position in the sup-
porti i g fork:
. Fiemove the caps on the supporting fork.
lighten or loosen the friction adjustment (one on each side of the fork),
see fig. 94.

Siemens-Elerna SPS-MK RX R8-215- MOBlLElT PIUS IPIUS E

Solna, Sweden 63 99 203

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