FS Chapter 6 Lesson 1to4 Answered

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Lesson Establishment of Learning Environments That Are Responsive to Community Contexts

Community is considered an important resource for learning. This lesson will help you demonstrate
how the learning environment can be a source of information that is responsive to the community contexts.
The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. analyze how the learning environment can affect student learning;
2. observe how to create a culturally responsive learning environment; and
3. observe how teachers contextualize teaching and learning activities.

Education Theory

As the African proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child." For every learning institution, there
is a community with prevailing culture that influences the learning environment. Bickford and Wright (2018)
define community as the social context of the students and their environment that consists of people with a
common purpose, shared values, and agreement on learning goals.
Community can be considered a great source of knowledge; therefore, it is important to understand
its role in engaging teachers and students in learning. Meaningful learning happens in an environment that
adapts to the context of the community. Hence, learning environment must be responsive to the community
context that requires an understanding of cultural beliefs and practices, languages, history, race, ethnicity,
and perspectives from different cultural backgrounds.
The following are suggested strategies to foster a learning environment that is responsive to
community context:
1. establishment of a school-community partnership to foster positive relationship and to explore
common goals that may improve school programs and policies as well as the community;
2. promotion of cultural and traditional activities to increase the teacher's cultural awareness and to
preserve local traditions, beliefs, and values;
3. utilization of culturally responsive teaching approaches to integrate teaching and learning practices
that are within the experience and cultural frame of students; and
4. contextualization and localization of learning content and materials to create a relevant and
meaningful learning experience for the students.


A. Conduct a survey in school. Gather the following information.

Name of School: Lanao School of Science and Technology Inc.
Address: Abaga, Lala, Lanao del Norte
Date: September 28, 2021

 Provide a brief historical background and demographic profile of the school. Complete the
following information.

Date Established:
Total Number of Students: 971
Total Number of Teachers: 81
Race / Ethnicity of Students and Teachers: Filipino
Religion: CATHOLIC

 Describe the physical and psychological environment of the school:

The physical and psychological environment of the school was conducive for learning. The
rooms were very clean as well as the chairs were properly arranged according to its proper
distance. To sum up it all, their school was very particular with cleanliness.

 Provide a brief historical background and demographic profile of the community. Complete
the following information:

Date Established:
Estimated Total Population:
Race / Ethnicity:
Major Source of Income:

 Describe the physical and psychological environment of the community:

 Identify cultural and traditional practices/beliefs within the community.

B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. Does the school have active school-community partnership?

2. Who are involved in the school - community partnership?

The teacher, the students and the people in the community.

3. Does the school engage members of the community in school activities?


4. What are the school programs/projects supported by the community?

Gulayan sa Paaralan,

5. What are the activities conducted by the school to raise cultural sensitivity and awareness?

6. Does the school have community extension programs?

7. What are the programs/projects extended by the school to the community?
Community clean-up , Out reached program ,

8. Are the teachers aware of the background of the community where the school is located?

9. How does the school promote contextualization and localization to its teachers?


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How does community affect the learning environment?

2. How important is curriculum contextualization and localization of lessons and learning materials?

3. What strategies are you going to use in order create a culturally-responsive learning environment?

4. How will you use the data you have gathered from the preliminary activity?


Complete the following:

1. I realized that,

2. I believe that,

3. I feel that,

4. When I become a teacher, I will

Lesson 2 Engagement of Parents and the Wider Community in the Educative Process
The school-community partnership plays a very important role in developing and implementing
school policies, programs, and projects. This lesson will help you understand the importance of building
relationship with parents/guardians and the wider community to facilitate involvement in the educative
process. The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. observe how teachers collaborate with parents and members of the community;
2. observe how teachers organize a parent-teacher association (PTA) meeting;
3. observe how teachers deal with parents in addressing various issues and concerns; and
4. analyze how parents and the wider community affect the educative process.
Education Theory

A 21st century learning environment both gives and gets support from families and the local
community ("Partnership for 21st Century" n.d.). In the Philippines, the partnership between teachers and
parents is established through the organization of a parent teachers association (PTA). A PTA is organized
to provide a forum to discuss issues and solutions relating to the total school program, and ensure full
cooperation of parents in the implementation of such program. It is also organized to encourage
coordination with members of the community to address relevant concerns and provide support to the
school for the promotion of common interest (DepEd2009).
According to George Lucas Foundation (cited in "Partnership for 21st Century" n.d.), strong home-
school connections result in the following outcomes:
 children do better in school when their parents are involved in their education;
 after-school learning opportunities promote student achievement;
 community youth development programs spur academic development; and
 school that integrates community services reduces risk and promotes resilience in children.
Teachers should build a good relationship with parents and the wider community to improve the
learning environment. They must be equipped with necessary competency in dealing with stakeholders to
implement properly the school's program and facilitate the discussion on issues and concerns relating to
the students' academic performance.


A. Interview the principal. Ask the following questions:

1. Are teachers and parents aware of the DepEd Order No. 54, series of 2009?

2. Does the school have an active PTA?


3. How often does the PTA meet?

Thrice in a year
4. What are usual issues and concerns raised by stakeholders during PTA meetings?

The usual issues and concerns raised by stakeholders during PTA meetings was the aid of child
learning during this pandemic time.
5. Are the issues and concerns raised during PTS meeting/s properly addressed?
6. yes

7. Does the school engage parents and members of the community in the implementation of school
8. yes

9. Do parents and members of the community provide full support to school programs and activities?
10. yes

11. Describe the relationship of teachers with parents and members of the community.
Teachers and parents were having a harmonious relationship to each other. Whatever program in the
school the parents and the people of the community were very supportive same with the teacher also.

B. Request permission to observe a PTA meeting. Ask permission to record the proceedings. Prepare
highlights of proceedings from the meeting using the following format.
Name of school:
Title of the meeting:
Venue of the meeting:
Date of the meeting:
Time of the meeting:

Call to Order:

Agenda Discussion Actions take/agreement

Other comments and observations:

C. Ask help from your cooperating teacher. Identify school programs/activities that need support from
parents and community members.

School programs/activities Date Venue


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What are the benefits of engaging parents and members of community in the implementation of
school programs?

2. Identify strategies that promote positive relationship with parents and members of the community
including mechanism to ensure their full support to school programs.

3. What have you learned from observing a PTA meeting?


Complete the following:

1. I realized that,
2. I believe that,
3. I feel that,
4. When I become a teacher, I will

Lesson 3 Professional Ethics

Professional ethics serves as a guide in practicing one's profession. It encompasses personal and
professional standards of behavior. This lesson will help you demonstrate an awareness of the existing laws
and regulations that apply to the teaching profession. It will help you understand the responsibilities
specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. observe how the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is being practiced;
2. analyze the importance of the Code of Ethics to teachers and students; and
3. analyze the professional and social accountability of teachers.

Education Theory

The kind of teacher you are and the way that you portray yourself matters a lot to your employer,
the community, and the stakeholders. As role models, teachers are expected to embody good ethics, which
is a fundamental requirement of a profession. Good ethics is based on moral principles and appropriate
conduct that one should observe as a professional.
Pursuant to Section 6 of RA 7836, the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers was promulgated
by virtue of PRC Board Resolution No. 435, series of 1997. In accordance with the preamble of the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers, teachers are referred to as duly licensed professionals who possess
dignity and high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their
noble profession. They strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles,
standards, and values (PRC 1997).
The Code of Ethics covers all public and private school teachers in basic education, technical-
vocational education, as well as non-formal education. It articulates the professional accountability and
responsibility of teachers with the state, the community, the teaching profession, the higher authorities in
the profession, the learners, the parents, the business, and as a person.
Relatively, this set of ethical standards also serves as sufficient ground for the imposition against
the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of revocation of teacher's license or suspension from
the practice of profession (PRC 2015). The teacher as a model should religiously practice the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers to set a good example not only to the students but most especially in the
teaching profession and the community they serve.


A. Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a faculty manual? yes

2. Does the faculty manual reflect the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? yes
3. Are there provisions in the manual regarding disciplinary actions or sanctions for misbehaviour,
misconduct, or unethical practices of teachers? yes

4. Does the school provide trainings or re-orientation for teachers regarding the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers? yes

B. Request a copy of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Provide a summary of each article.
Write down your answer on the left column. (2 column)

Articles Summary
Article II: The Teacher and The State
Article III: The Teacher and The Community
Article IV: A Teacher and The Profession
Article V: The Teachers and The Profession
Article VI: The Teacher and Higher Authorities in
the Professions
Article VII: School Officials, Teachers, and Other
Article VIII: The Teachers and Learners
Article IX: The Teachers and Parents
Article X: The Teacher and Business
Article XI: The Teacher as a Person

C. Review the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Identify which of the ethical standards promotes
the enhancement of the teachers' competency- in terms of the following:




D. Observe the teachers. Describe how they act professionally within the school premises. Write down your
observation below.

The teachers were really well trained. They were imposing a role model behavior towards their students.
They followed the rules in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.


A. Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of the Code of Ethics to teachers?

2. How does the Code of Ethics influence the personal life of a teacher?
3. How does the Code of Ethics influence a teacher's competence?

4. In what aspect does the teacher need improvement?

5. How will you promote the Code of Ethics to fellow teachers?

B. Write an essay about the characteristics of an ideal teacher.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that,
2. I believe that,
3. I feel that,
4. When I become a teacher, I will

Lesson 4 School Policies and Procedures

School policies and procedures serve as the operational guidelines of a school. This lesson will
help you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of school policies and procedures to foster
harmonious relationship with the wider school community. The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. analyze the importance of school policies and procedures;
2. observe how school policies and procedures are implemented; and
3. analyze how school policies and procedures are developed.

Education Theory

The whole operation of a school lies in school policies and procedures. The school administrator
and teachers should be guided with the school's policies and ad hereto the procedures and guidelines for
the successful implementation of school programs and projects.
School policies and procedures help schools in establishing rules and guidelines in the operation
and implementation of school programs and projects. It upholds the school's vision, mission, goals and
objectives that serve as a guide for school administrators, teachers, and students in their everyday life on
campus. School policies define the processes within the school including the interaction among the school,
learners, parents, and members of the wider community.
Some of the important factors considered in establishing a school policy are the provision for the following:
1. safety and security;
2. use of school facilities and equipment;
3. admission and retention;
4. graduation;
5. teaching and learning;
6. grading system;
7. school fees;
8. school uniforms;
9. educational trips;
10. medical and dental services;
11. guidance and counselling;
12. students with additional needs;
13. disciplinary actions;
14. administrative sanctions;
15. faculty development;
16. human resource;
17. quality assurance;
18. community linkage;
19. gender and development; and
20. academic records.
School policies and procedures are developed at the institutional level. However, for private schools in
basic education, a set of minimum requirements is provide din the manual of regulations for private basic
education per DepEd Order No. 88, series of 2010, for their compliance. The manual of regulation serves
as a guide for private schools in basic education in implementing their programs to ensure that the
implementation anchored in the mandate of the DepEd.


A. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. Does the school have policies and procedures?
2. When did the school establish these policies and procedures?
3. Who were involved in the crafting of the school policies and procedures?
4. Are the provisions of these policies and procedures in accordance with DepEd policies?
5. Does the school conduct consultation with parents prior to the approval and implementation of the
school policies and procedures?
6. Does the school implement the school policies and procedures?
7. Are the teachers aware all of the school policies and procedures?
8. Do school officials, teachers, and staff adhere to the school policies and procedures?
9. Are students and parents aware of the school policies?
10. Does the school conduct annual

B. Request help from your cooperating teacher. Explain the procedure on how school policies are
C. Request a copy of the school policies and procedures. Identify the important provisions specified in the

Other comments and observations:


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of School policies and procedures to teachers and students?
2. What is the most important aspect to consider when developing a school policy?
3. What is the importance of stakeholders' consultation when formulating a policy?
4. In the event that a problem occurs in the absence of school policy, what should a teacher do to
address the problem?
5. What are the things that the school needs to improve?


Complete the following:

1. I realized that,
2. I believe that,
3. I feel that,
4. When I become a teacher, I will

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