Ananda Dhea

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ISSN 2810-0182 (Online)

ACITYA WISESA (Journal of Multidisciplinary Research)

Vol. 1, Issue.2, 2022


A Literature Review

Ananda Dhea Soraya 1*, Iwan Dewanto2, Winny Setyonugroho 3

Master of Hospital Administration, Post-Graduate Program
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]


The implementation of hospital information systems and electronic medical records can
improve health care services in hospitals, but there are still many things that inhibits its
user acceptance. The purpose of this study is to find out things that can support the
acceptance of hospital information systems and medical records by electronic users and
their obstacles. Methods:This is a literature review research and uses the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) methods.Relevant
articles were obtained from PubMed in 1982 to June 2021. Articles were selected if they
met the criteria in the form of discussing the acceptance of hospital information systems
in the form of electronic medical records in hospitals. Results: A total of 1535 articles
were obtained from PubMed. The same article was deleted with Zotero's delete duplicate
feature and manually with the results of 215 relevant articles, 89 articles were selected
through abstract reading and 22 articles were obtained for full text reading.A total of 21
journals were analyzed in this review. Factors that affect the acceptance of hospital
information systems and electronic medical records are perceived usefulness, perceived
ease of use, human-related factors, demographics and the human environment,
technological factors, organizational and organizational environmental factors, effort
expectancy and performance expectancy. Conclusion: Implementation of information
systems and electronic medical records can be maximized by increasing user acceptance
of the system so that health services can be provided optimally.

Keywords: Hospital information system, Behaviour, Acceptance.

Electronic Medical Record…


One of the hospital’s strategy in carrying out its duties as a service provider
for the community is using an information system, so that patient’s data can be
properly recorded and documented. Some of the information systems that have
been widely used in various hospitals are electronic office systems (e-office),
electronic medical records (ERM) and others. There are several important roles of
information systems namely: supporting the health care service in hospitals,
supporting hospital management in decision making and supporting various
strategies for competitive advantage (Kisdianata et al., 2016). The role of the
Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) in managing hospital data is
actually quite large and complex, both for patient medical data and administrative
data owned by hospitals. So that if it is managed conventionally, it has the
potential to cause duplication of data, resulting in the increasing of data storage
capacity. Data that is not integrated can cause ‘out of sync’ in each part and cause
the presentation of information that is late and less reliable. This finally will lead
to human error. Out of sync data entry for the same patient or item will complicate
data processing and often result in significant material losses for hospitals.
(Handiwidjojo, 2009).

Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number

269 of 2008 article 2 states that a medical record is required to be made in writing,
complete and clear or can be made in written form or in electronic form.
Electronic medical records are files that contain all patient history. Records that
must be written by a doctor or dentist and made electronically or digitally. A good
medical record file can describe a good and valid health report. The role of
medical records are important as a collector, processor, and a presentation of
health information, which can be done manually or electronically
(Nuryati&Widayanti, 2015). The electronic medical record computerized system
is expected to assist hospital management in documenting several things such as
doctor’s visits and the accuracy of providing care, so that it is expected to save
time, cost, avoid duplication, shorten processing time, and provide effective and
efficient services. There are several factors that influence the success of the
electronic medical record implementation process such as thorough planning,
dedicated team members and support from facility management, funders and
computer system developers (Mashoka et al., 2019).

The successful application of electronic medical records in several

developing countries has several obstacles, including those caused by limited
resources, lack of necessary information technology support and stakeholder
awareness to move in the implementation of the new system. In conducting an
electronic medical records (ERM) readiness assessment, 3 basic requirements are
needed, including: architectural readiness, infrastructure readiness and process

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readiness. The four main things in conducting an electronic medical record

readiness assessment are: organizational culture, management and leadership,
operational readiness and technical readiness (Ajami et al., 2011).

Evaluation of information systems is an effort to find out the conditions that

occur in the field from the implementation of information systems. With this
valuation, it is hoped that there will be a target in the implementation of
information system activities so that later it can be known and also corrected in its
application (Purwandi, 2018). There are many models that can be used to evaluate
an information system. One of the usual and frequently used models in the
evaluation of information systems is the Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use
Of The Technology (UTAUT) which is based on previous technology acceptance
models such as Theory of Reason Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior,
Task Technology Fit Theory, and especially the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM). TAM, which was first introduced by Fred D. Davis in 1986, is an
adaptation of TRA which was made specifically for modeling user acceptance of
information systems. (Dillon, 2006). The purpose of this article review is to
describe things that can support the acceptance of electronic medical records by
users and the obstacles in using electronic medical records.


This study uses a literature review method and the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) method, this method
is carried out systematically by following the correct stages or research
protocols.The literature obtained in this study was sourced from an electronic
database, namely PubMed ( The article
search method uses advanced search so that the search is more focused with
search keywords in the form of: "hospital information system" and "behavior".
After deleting the same journal, the title and abstract were identified. Research
journals deemed eligible for full-text screening were taken for full review. The
inclusion criteria of this study were: English-language articles, published in 1982
to June 2021 and articles. published internationally, articles that discuss the
hospital information system in the form of electronic medical records and
conducted at the hospital. An ethical review was not required for this study. The
following is a list of searches on PUBMED along with the PRISMA diagram:

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Table 1. Data-Based Search System


At the start of the search we found 1553 articles from PubMed. Checking
the same article was carried out using Zotero's delete duplicate feature and
manually with the result did not find the same article. There are 215 articles left
after reading the relevant titles, 89 articles were selected through abstract reading
and 22 articles were obtained for full text reading of the article. A total of 21
research articles were taken for analysis regarding user acceptance of the
implementation of technology, especially electronic medical records in hospitals.
All research journals described in table 1. User acceptance of electronic medical
records and hospital information systems was measured using different
questionnaires so that the factors that influenced acceptance were also found to be
different. In this study, the factors that affect acceptance are grouped into several
groups, namely: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, human-related
factors, demographics and the human environment, technological factors,
organizational and organizational environmental factors, effort expectancy and
performance expectancy.

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Perceived usefulness was found to be the factor influencing the acceptance

of hospital information systems by its users. It was found in research conducted
(Nadri et al., 2018), (Barzekar et al., 2019), (Alipour et al., 2019), (Abdekhoda et
al., ., 2019), (Hwang et al., 2019), (Thit et al., 2020), (Omar et al., 2017), (Elahi et
al., 2020), (Jauk et al., 2021) and (Litwin et al., 2018). Perceived ease of use were
found to be a factor influencing the acceptance of hospital information systems by
users, found in research conducted (Nadri et al., 2018), (Barzekar et al., 2019),
(Alipour et al., 2019), (Thit et al., 2019). al., 2020), (Abdekhoda et al., 2019),
(Omar et al., 2017), (Elahi et al., 2020) and (Jauk et al., 2021).

Perceived usefulness is the user's belief that technology can improve his
work performance in health facilities, while the perception of user’s convenience
is defined as the system used by the user can be used easily. Research conducted
at the Zahedan University Hospital of Medical Sciences on hospital information
system users using a new validated questionnaire obtained the results of perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use affecting the acceptance of hospital
information systems (Alipour et al., 2019). The same thing was also found where
the acceptance of the Electronic Prescribing Decision Support Systems (EPDSS)
which is an application or digital drug prescribing system was carried out on
paediatricians at Karolinska University Hospital using semi structured interview
questions based on the Extended Technology Acceptance Model 2, namely
perceptions of usefulness and perception of user’s convenience ( Omar et al.,
2017). The results above are in line with a review of articles discussing the
acceptance of electronic medical records. We found that factors in the form of
perception of user’s convenience, perceived usefulness, behavioural intentions to
use and actual use are interconnected and affect the acceptance of medical records
(Putri &Sevtiyani, 2020).

Factors related to humans, demographics and the human environment were

found in the research conducted (Abdekhoda et al., 2019),(Nadri et al., 2018),
(Alipour et al., 2019),(Ahmadian et al., 2017),( Ahmed et al., 2020), (Hwang et
al., 2019), (Darby et al., 2019), (Singh et al., 2020) and (Bourla et al., 2020). A
study was found to explore the acceptance of smartphone-based ecological
momentary assessment (EMA) applications, computerized adaptive testing (CAT)
and connected wristband based digital phenotyping (CW) in France. As much as
24.6% of respondents in the 26–30 year age group were the most reluctant to use
the system (p = 0.032), regarding the reliability of the system 25.4% of the 31-35
year old group believed that the device was reliable (p < 0.001) and regarding the
impact on the therapeutic relationship, the 18-25 year old group believed that this
device could inhibit the therapeutic relationship, while the 31-35 year old and
over 40 year old group believed otherwise (p = 0.007). Factors that affect the CW
device are gender and age. Around 51.9% of women and 33.3% of men believed
that the device could be a barrier to the therapeutic relationship, while 38.1% of

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men thought that it could be useful (p < 0.001), regarding usability, 18.5% of the
group over 40 years of age stated that they would use the device (p < 0.05) and
30.9% of participants in the 31-35 year age group considered that the potential use
for psychiatrists was high (p = 0.022) (Bourla et al., 2020). Gender was also found
to be a factor influencing both perceived usefulness and perception of user’s
convenience, which is an indirect factor that influences doctors in using electronic
medical records (Hwang et al., 2019).

Technological factors were found in research conducted by (Alipour et al.,

2019), (Sheikhtaheri et al., 2020), (Ahmadian et al., 2017), (Abdekhoda et al.,
2019), (Ahmed et al., 2020),(Darby et al., 2019),(Singh et al., 2020) and (Wang et
al., 2020). Research on the different challenges and barriers to the use of hospital
information systems in hospitals in Kerman, Iran, states that the hardware factor is
an obstacle to the use of hospital information systems. Nurses who have
experience using hospital information systems will be more interested and
motivated to use hospital information systems (Ahmadian et al., 2017).
Information quality, service quality and system quality significantly increase
nurse satisfaction with hospital information systems. Nurse satisfaction with
hospital information systems and the use of hospital information systems can
directly improve individual performance when using hospital information systems
(Sheikhtaheri et al., 2020).

Organizational factors and organizational environment were found in

research conducted by (Ahmadian et al., 2017), (Alipour et al., 2019), (Barzekar
et al., 2019), (Abdekhoda et al., 2019), (Ahmed et al., al., 2020), (Jahanbakhsh et
al., 2017) and (Wang et al., 2020). Organizational factors and organizational
environment were found to play an important role in influencing the acceptance of
hospital information systems. In a study in Iran using a combination of TOE
(technology, organization and environment)–TAM (technology acceptance
model) on 237 health workers, the results of adaptation of the use of electronic
medical records were influenced by perceived ease of use which were directly
influenced by organizational factors such as: organizational competence,
management support, training and education and technological factors such as
relative advantage, compatibility and complexity while the perceived usefulness is
influenced by organizational factors in the form of management support and
technological factors such as relative advantage, compatibility and complexity
(Abdekhoda et al., 2019). In another study, there is a relationship between the
attitude of the manager who is the decision maker in the hospital organization to
the implementation of electronic medical records on commitment. The positive
attitude and high commitment of hospital managers to the implementation of the
system can improve the quality of health services, patient safety, speed of service
delivery and reduction of patient costs (Jahanbakhsh et al., 2017).

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Effort expectancy and performance expectancy were found in research

conducted by (Sheikhtaheri et al., 2020) and (Ahmed et al., 2020). Research
conducted on 173 nurses regarding the implementation and effects of hospital
information systems on nurse performance using a questionnaire compiled from a
combination of the unified theory of acceptance and use technology (UTAUT)
model and the Delone& McLean model. The results stated that effort expectancy
and expectancy performance affect nurses' willingness in using hospital
information systems (Sheikhtaheri et al., 2020). Similar to the results above, a
study that explored the capabilities and factors that influence the use of electronic
medical records in referral hospitals in Ethiopia for 420 health workers using the
unified theory of acceptance and use technology 2 (UTAUT2) method obtained
the results of expectancy performance and effort expectancy are factors that
influence the desire of health workers to use electronic medical records (Ahmed et
al., 2020). Effort expectancy and performance expectancy that affect acceptance
are in accordance with UTAUT theory where these variables affect user
acceptance of technology (Williams et al., 2015).

Several obstacles in the acceptance of the system were also found in the
review of this article in the form of anxiety about computers, transition costs, the
fear of not feeling useful, increasing the workload and lacking facilities and
training. Anxiety about computers (computer anxiety) has a negative effect on
perceptions of usefulness and perceived ease of use so that it can reduce users'
motivation to accept existing technology (Barzekar et al., 2019). A literature
review states that computer anxiety can be corrected depending on the cause.
When anxiety is caused by psychological factors, it is necessary to change
individual technological attitudes and beliefs. In the case where the cause is lack
of knowledge about computers, training can be given about computers and if the
cause of anxiety is due to operational factors then extra time can be given to add
experience and to get used to the system (Chien, 2008). The negative perception
that arose at the beginning of the use of Computerized Provider Order Entry
(CPOE) in pediatric tertiary hospitals in Australia was due to ignorance of the
system. In this study, it was found that over time users became more proficient
and efficient in using the CPOE system so that the additional perceived security
benefits became clear (Baysari et al., 2018). Transition costs are also known to
have a significant relationship with refusal to use electronic medical records, in
this study the transition costs can be reduced by minimizing the number of
updates and changes to electronic medical records and testing updates properly to
solve problems before updating electronic medical records is implemented.
(Darby et al., 2019).

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A system that is deemed useless was found in research on electronic

medical record users where employees who work as office workers tend to have
low interest in implementing electronic medical records when compared to
clinical workers because the use of the system is not felt to be beneficial for office
workers directly (Thit et al. al., 2020). The use of The Public Private Interface–
Electronic Patient Record (PPI-ePR) encountered problems due to feasibility
issues and unclear benefits, complicated registration procedures, worried about
the additional workload of transferring data from paper records to computers,
considered electronic medical records a waste of time, perceived use of the system
does not help clinical work and does not provide significant benefits (Wang et al.,
2020). Another study that discussed electronic medical records found that some
health workers felt uncomfortable using electronic medical records in front of
patients and made double work when filling out electronic medical records and
paper medical records, only wanting to use electronic medical records if
previously training and the availability of supporting infrastructure was available.
Other obstacles include lack of incentives, electricity problems, internet
connection problems and limited computer capabilities for users. Financial
support and training are known to support the use of electronic medical records.
Participants have expectations that electronic medical records can improve
performance, are easy to use and have enough electronic devices. Participants also
recommended increasing awareness about electronic medical records for health
workers who have a negative response to electronic medical records (Ahmed et
al., 2020). Effort expectancy and expectancy performance that affect acceptance
are in accordance with UTAUT theory where these variables affect user
acceptance of technology (Williams et al., 2015).


In this study, only one journal search source was used, namely Pubmed.

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Things that can be an obstacle in receiving electronic medical records and

hospital information systems are workers who experience computer anxiety, the
feeling of lacking in benefit in office workers, low education and work
experience, problems in the initial model of the system, slow systems, and the
lack of understanding about the legality of the information system used. Several
things support the acceptance of hospital information systems are the benefits felt
by user, perceived ease of use, human-related factors, technological factors and
organizational factors, monetary incentives and attitudes in using EMR. Gender is
an indirect factor in perceived ease of use. Training and support from the
information technology department as well as involving users in the system
formation process.


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