AM Lecture 1

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Lecture 1.

Introduction to Modern Macroeconomics &

Math note

Benedetto Molinari

Universidad de Málaga

Advanced Macroeconomics

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Microeconomics: Studies the individual behavior of agents or single

markets (e.g. optimal behavior of a firm, orange market).
Macroeconomics: Studies the economy at the aggregate level. It
implies studying more than one agent or one market at the time (and
their interactions!)
Inside Macroeconomics we have two focuses:
Economic growth (long run)
Business cycle fluctuations (short run)

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Key concepts: Microfoundation of Macroeconomics. Both ”micro”

and ”macro” are consistent applications of the neoclassical theory.
General Equilibrium:
Economic agents are rational and optimizers given their
endowments, preferences, and technology.
Economic agents’ decisions are mutually compatible.

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Schools of economic thought:

1 Classical (Ibn-Khaldun, Ricardo,...): No distinction between
”micro” and ”macro”.
2 Ramsey (1928): Dynamic Optimization.
3 Keynes (1936): The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money: Breakdown between microeconomics and macroeconomics.
4 1940-1970: Neoclassical synthesis (IS-LM).
5 70s: Rational expectations.
6 1982: Real Business Cycle (RBC) theory (Dynamic Stochastic
General Equilibrium, DSGE, model): Return to Ramsey (1928).
7 Today: Extensions around the neoclassical DSGE model, introducing
New Keynesian elements.

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Importance of time (t).

Relationship among economic variables depends on the timing.
Not all economic variables move at the same speed. For instance,
output moves slowly, whereas other variables, as the exchange rate
adjusts instantaneously.
Continuous time versus discrete time.

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Concept of model: Street map, ...
A macroeconomic model can be described as a system of differential
equations. Those equations include a number of dynamic relationship
among a set of endogenous variables Xt ∈ R n and a set of exogenous
variables Zt ∈ R m .
Similar to the model for a physic system, but with an important
difference: The behavior of the economic variables depends on
expectations about the future derived from human thought.

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1. Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics

Key concept: Endogenous versus exogenous variables:

Martian attack to the Earth.
Price level.
Interest rate.
An earthquake.
Exchange rate.
Capital stock.
Tax rate.

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

General model economy:

Xt = Et [F (Xt +1 , Zt , ut )]

Zt = G (Zt −1 , vt )
where Xt is a vector of endogenous variables, Zt is a vector of exogenous
variables, Et is the expectation operator, and ut and vt are i.i.d. random

F : Economic Theory.
G : Economic Policy.
Solution: A sequence of probability distributions.

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Simplifying the general model.

First step: eliminate the economic policy rules (G = 0):

Xt = Et [F (Xt +1 , Zt , ut )]

Second step: eliminate uncertainty (ut = 0):

Xt = [F (Xt +1 , Zt )]

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Continuous time. The above model can we written as a system of

differential equations

Ẋt = F (Xt , Zt ) (1)

Ẋt = (2)

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

It is easier to work with logarithms:

xt = ln Xt (3)

This way the time derivative is equivalent to the growth rate of the
d ln Xt Ẋ
ẋt = = dt = t (4)
dt Xt Xt

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Discrete time. The above model can we written as a system of difference


∆Xt = F (Xt , Zt ) (5)

∆Xt = Xt +1 − Xt (6)

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

It is easier to work with logarithms:

xt = ln Xt (7)

This way the time derivative is equivalent to the growth rate of the
Xt + 1
∆xt = xt +1 − xt = ln Xt +1 − ln Xt = ln (8)
Xt + 1 − Xt Xt + 1 − Xt
= ln 1 + ≃ (9)
Xt Xt

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Definition of Equilibrium: Steady State:

x =⇒ ẋt = f (xt , zt ) = 0 =⇒ f (x, zt ) = 0 (10)

Looking for a vector of zeros of dimension n. The differential equations
system can we written as:

ẋt = Axt + Bzt (11)

where A is a matrix n × n, B is a matrix n × m and zt is a vector of
endogenous variables m × 1.

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

In order to do graphical representations, we will work with system of two

differential equations. Therefore n = 2.
ẋ1,t x1,t
=A + Bzt (12)
ẋ2,t x2,t
a11 a12
A= (13)
a21 a22

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Computing the Steady State:

ẋ1,t 0 x̄1,t
= =⇒ A = −Bzt (14)
ẋ2,t 0 x̄2,t
= −A−1 Bzt (15)

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations


Det [A − λI ] = 0 (16)

a11 a12 λ 0
Det − =0 (17)
a21 a22 0 λ

λ2 − (a11 + a22 )λ + (a11 a22 − a12 a21 ) = 0 (18)

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

(a11 + a22 ) ±(a11 + a22 )2 − 4(a11 a22 − a12 a21 )
λ1,2 = (19)
Three alternative solutions. In continuous time:
Eigenvalues Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
λ1 <0 <0 >0
λ2 <0 >0 >0

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

Case 1 (λ1 < 0, λ2 < 0): Global stability. All dynamic paths tend to
the Steady State.
Case 2 (λ1 < 0, λ2 > 0): Saddle point. Some dynamic trajectories
tend to the Steady State but other trajectories move away from the
Steady State.
Case 3 (λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0): Global instability. All trajectories move
away from the Steady State.

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations
Case 1: (λ1 < 0, λ2 < 0)


❅ ✿ ❍❍

✘✘ ❍

❅ ✠ ❅
✻ ❅❘

• •

✒ ❅

❅ ✠

❍❍ ✠

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations
Case 2 (λ1 < 0, λ2 > 0)


✠ ❅

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations
Case 3: (λ1 > 0, λ2 > 0)

✟ ❍
✟ ❍❥

❅ ✒
❅ PP
✻ ❅
• • ❅❘

❅ ❍

❍❍ ✛ ✠
✠ ❅❘

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

In order to solve the model numerically, we will work with system of two
difference equations.
∆x1,t x1,t
=A + Bzt (20)
∆x2,t x2,t
a11 a12
A= (21)
a21 a22

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2. Differential equations, difference equations, and
dynamic systems of equations

(a11 + a22 ) ±(a11 + a22 )2 − 4(a11 a22 − a12 a21 )
λ1,2 = (22)
Three alternative solutions. In discrete time:
Eigenvalues (Modulus) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
λ1 + 1 <1 <1 >1
λ2 + 1 <1 >1 >1

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