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Business Environment – Conceptual Framework and Polices

Article · March 2018

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Vedamani Basil Hans

SAEC, Mangalore


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Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018




Businesses do not operate in a vacuum; they operate in an environment. In this lesson, you will learn about the business
environment, including what makes it up. The objectives of this paper are to develop ability to understand and scan business
environment in order to analyse opportunities and take decisions under uncertainty; and to study the nature, scope and
importance of business environment. Business environment is dynamic concept or a phenomenon what with emerging trends in
business ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, consumer citizenship etc. Every from/manager should have
a strong conceptual and policy framework to support development and use of business and environmental information in

Keywords: Analysis, Business, Environment, Polices, Scanning

Introduction should have a strong conceptual and policy framework to
support development and use of business and
‘Business and society should be setting higher horizons
environmental information (e.g. geo-spatial data) in
when considering ethical values in business. Society
decision-making. The framework would help identify
should not opt out from setting the framework within
business/environmental values, goals and priorities on a
which business operates. Business would then be set free
geographical basis at various spatial scales. According to
to generate surpluses and dispose of them within that
Miller and Redding, ‘In any field of study or activity,
framework, in the best possible ethical taste of human
including financial accounting, there are a number of
relations’ - Peter Miles.
reasons for developing a conceptual framework, which is a
The formula for business success requires two elements – collection of broad rules, guidelines, accepted truths, and
the individual and the environment. Business means an other basic ideas about the field.1
economic activity of generating income through buying
and selling, manufacturing and rendering auxiliary
Approaches to and Factors of Business
services to trade. The term “Environment” refers to Traditional managerial models typically assume that
anything which surrounds a system. Therefore Business managers, instead of maximising profit, maximise a simple
Environment means the surroundings (including human objective utility function (this may include salary, perks,
beings) in which business exists. security, power, prestige) subject to an arbitrarily given
profit constraint (profit satisficing). The behavioural
Every business operates in a particular environment and
each business unit has its own environment. A change in approach, as developed in particular by Richard Cyert and
James G. March of the Carnegie School places emphasis on
environment presents opportunity to some and threats to
explaining how decisions are taken within the firm, and
others. Business environment is defined as the
combination of internal and external factors that influence goes well beyond neo-classical economics. Much of this
a company’s operating situation, including employees, depended on Herbert A. Simon’s work in the 1950s
concerning behaviour in situations of uncertainty, which
customers, management, supply and demand and business
argued that ‘people possess limited cognitive ability and so
regulations. The business environment can include factors
such as: clients and suppliers; its competition, and owners; can exercise only ‘bounded rationality’ when making
decisions in complex, uncertain situations’. Recently,
improvements in technology; laws and government
Yochai Benkler further questioned the rigid distinction
activities; and market, social and economic trends. Another
expert has defines business environment as ‘the forces, between firms and markets based on the increasing
salience of “commons-based peer production” systems
factors and institutions with which the businessman has to
such as open source software (e.g. Linux), Wikipedia,
deal with to achieve its objectives’.
Creative Commons, etc.
Thus, Business Environment is the sum total of all external
Many factors influence the firm in inclusive and integrated
and internal factors that influence or affect a business
business. This happens in a continuum of clusters. For
together. Business environment being a dynamic
concept or a phenomenon what with emerging trends in instance, a healthy and safety regulation is an external
factor that influences the internal environment of business
business ethics, corporate social responsibility, corporate
operations. You should keep in mind that external factors
governance, consumer citizenship etc. every firm/manager


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
and internal factors could influence each other and work and other stakeholders.3 The value system and
beyond your control. External factors are often called ethical standards are also among the factors
external constraints. Let us take a look at some key evaluated by many companies in the selection of
environmental factors. the suppliers, distributors, collaborators etc.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) emerges
(A) External Factors
from this system.
1. Political factors are governmental activities and
2. Organisational Direction: - It can also be called
political conditions that may affect your business.
as “company leadership”. The role of company
Examples include laws, regulations, tariffs and
leadership – along with internal power
other trade barriers, war, and social unrest. For
relationship (i.e. management structure) – is an
example, a change in legislation such as the
important internal business factor. Your
smoking ban indirectly affects pubs and
leadership style and the styles of other company
management impact organisational culture. The
2. Economic Factors (a) Macroeconomic factors i.e.
positive or negative nature, level of
factors that affect the entire economy, not just
family-friendliness, effectiveness of
your business. Examples include things like
communication and value of employees are
interest rates, unemployment rates, currency
cultural implications that result from leadership
exchange rates, consumer confidence, consumer
approaches. Companies often provide formal
discretionary income, consumer savings rates,
structure or direction with mission and vision
recessions, and depressions; and
statements. These forward-looking statements
(b) Microeconomic factors i.e. factors that can provide the business for company decisions and
affect your business, such as market size, demand, activities.
supply, relationships with suppliers and your
3. Mission and Objectives: - This factor is known as
distribution chain, such as retail stores that sell
the “Vision and Mission” of the company. The
your products, and the number and strength of
mission and objectives of the company guide the
your competition.
business domain of the company, and its
3. Social factors are basically sociological factors priorities, directions of development, business
related to general society and social relations that philosophy, business policy etc. Ranbaxy’s thrust
affect your business. Social factors include social in to the foreign markets and development have
movements, such as environmental movements, been driven by its mission “to become a research
as well as changes in fashion and consumer based international pharmaceutical company.”
preferences. For example, clothing fashions Arvind Mills’ mission – “to achieve global
change with the season, and there is a current dominance in select businesses built around our
trend towards green construction and organic core competencies through continuous product
foods. and technical innovation, customer orientation
4. Technological factors are technological and focus on cost effectiveness” – has driven its
innovations that can either benefit or hurt your future development strategy including the
business. Some technological innovations can portfolio strategy, and indicated the thrusts
increase your productivity and profit margins, required in the functional areas to help achieve
such as computer software and automated the mission.
production. On the other hand, some technological
4. Management Structure and Nature: - Structure
innovations pose an existential threat to a
is the manner or hierarchical relationship in which
business, such as Internet streaming challenging
the tasks and sub-tasks of the organisation are
the DVD rental business.
related. The organisational structure, the
Thus, external factors are factors which are beyond the composition of the Board of Directors,
control of the business: (STEP) – social, Technological, professionalization of management etc., are
Economic and Political Changes in the macro environment. important factors influencing business decisions.
Some management structures and styles delay
(B) Internal Factors
decision making while some others facilitate quick
The internal business environment includes factors within decision-making. The Board of Directors being the
the organisation that impact the approach and success of highest decision making body which sets the
your operations. They are as follows. direction for the development of the organisation
1. Organisational Culture: - This factor is also and which oversees the performance of the
referred to as “value system”. It is the framework organisation, so the quality of the board is very
of values2, vision, norms, and customs shared by critical factor for the development and
the members of an organisation. Your business performance of the company.
culture affects how the employees in your 5. Human Resources: - The characteristics of the
business interact with each other, its customers, human resource like skill, quality, morale,


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
commitment, attitude etc., could contribute to the sourcing in India, aircraft engineering, plastic etc.
strength and weaknesses of an organisation. Some
 Meeting Competition: It helps the firms to
organisations find it difficult to carry out
analyse the competitors’ strategies and formulate
restructuring or modernisation because of
their own strategies accordingly. Competition
resistance by employees whereas they are
becomes meaningful where there is
smoothly done in some others. Human Resource
competitiveness. Strategists can gather qualitative
Management (HRM) has become more relevant in
information regarding business environment and
business management together with business
utilising them in formulating effective plants. For
intelligence and business ethics.
example: ITC Hotels foresaw bright opportunities
6. Miscellaneous factors: - Other common internal in the travel and tourism industry and started
factors fall into several categories, including (a) building hotels in India and abroad.
firm’s business intelligence, (b) company’s brand
 Identifying Firm’s Strength and Weakness:
image and brand equity4 etc.
Business environment helps to identify the
In conclusion, we may state that – individual strengths and weaknesses in view of
The internal environment = RESOURCES & LEADERSHIP the technological and global developments. SWOT
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
The external environment = GENERAL & COMPETITIVE
analysis is integral to a firm’s potential and
Features of Business Environment performance. Business Environments provide
constraints as well as opportunities for the
The characteristics of business environment are –
businessperson. For example, the regulation such
 The environment of business is not a ‘one’ thing; it as MRTP Act and wealth restriction put
is totality of forces or factors, some specific, constraints on the businessperson. On the other
some general, yet co-related hand, the liberalisation policies, import relaxation
policies bring opportunities for the
 The business environment is dynamic in nature,
which means, it keeps on changing.
 The changes in business environment are Dimensions of Business Environment
unpredictable. It is very difficult to predict the Business environment is not one-dimensional. There are
exact nature of future happenings and the changes five dimensions of business environment. They are: (i)
in economic and social environment revenue, (ii) cost, (iii) assets and liabilities, and (iv)
 Business Environment differs from place to place,
region to region and country to country. Political 1. Revenue: -business revenue depends on several
conditions in India differ from those in Pakistan. factors, such as pricing power, competition and
Taste and values cherished by people in India and product quality. A business with a reputation for
China vary considerably. high-quality products may have pricing power,
which means that it may be able to increase
Thus, business environment is complex, dynamic,
selling prices to offset increases in raw material
relative and multifaceted. It has far-reaching impact on
costs and wages. The competitive environment
organisations in that the growth and profitability of an
can affect revenue in two ways: First, a small
organisation depends critically on the environment in
business may not be able to increase prices if it is
which it exists; may be an opportunity or a threat. For
in a very competitive market; second, a business
example, the liberalisation in 1991 opened lot of
may have to change its product mix and product
opportunities for companies like Hindustan Uniliver,
designs to respond to the competition.
which took the advantage to acquire companies like
Lakme, TOMCO, and KISSAN etc. 2. Cost: Cost and revenue are important dimensions
because they determine profitability. During
Importance of Business Environment economic downturns, businesses reduce costs to
 Image Building: Environmental understanding maintain profitability. During periods of strong
helps the business organisations in improving economic growth, a small business may
their image (reputation) by showing their experience increases in input costs, such as raw
sensitivity to the environment within which they materials prices and wages. However, during
are working. For example, in view of the shortage economic downturns, input cost pressures may
of power, many companies have set up Captive ease as businesses scale back manufacturing
Power Plants (CPP) in their factories to meet their operations and lay off staff. Supply contracts may
own requirement of power. Similarly, GE is said to also affect cost. For example, if a restaurant owner
be image conscious. It divested its computer and can negotiate discount prices for flour and eggs,
air-conditioning business because they could not operating costs would drop and profits would rise.
attain 1st or 2nd position in the business as per 3. Asset & Liabilities: Assets include cash and
their policy. Now they are snickering to out


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
inventory, while liabilities include short-term and search and scanning; spying; and forecasting and formal
long-term debt. Small businesses that have too studies. Environmental analysis will help the firm to
much debt may lose operational flexibility because understand what is happening both inside and outside the
of interest expenses, especially in a period of organisation and to increase the probability that the
rising rates. Although significant cash balance acts organisational strategies developed will appropriately
as a safety cushion during downturns, companies reflect the organisational environment. Even when the
with too much inventory and accounts receivable required information is out there (somewhere!), it may not
may risk cash flow shortfalls. become readily available. Search and scanning, therefore,
are needed to identify the sources of information and the
4. Strategy: - Successful businesses anticipate and
embrace change. They know how to balance methods to manage the available information – ranging
from clipping service (e.g. scan newspapers) to
day-to-day operational management with
management information system (MIS),
long-term strategic thinking, which includes
forming partnerships and exploring mergers to Environmental scanning is necessary because there are
grow market share. Strategic management also rapid changes taking place in the environment that has a
involves communicating plans and expectations to great impact on the working of the business firm. Analysis
stakeholders, especially during uncertain of business environment helps to identify strength
economic times. weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is
necessary for the survival and growth of every business
5. Stakeholders: - Stakeholders are another
enterprise. It is important due to the following reasons.
important dimension of the business
environment. In addition to the founders, 1. Identification of strength:
suppliers, customers and employees, public
Strength of the business firm means capacity of the firm to
companies must deal with boards of directors,
gain advantage over its competitors. Analysis of internal
investors, stock market analysts, business
business environment helps to identify strength of the
reporters, and regulatory authorities. firm. After identifying the strength, the firm must try to
Environmental Scanning of Business consolidate or maximise its strength by further
improvement in its existing plans, policies and resources.
Environmental scanning refers to careful monitoring of
an organisation's internal and external environments for 2. Identification of weakness:
detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that Weakness of the firm means limitations of the firm.
may influence its current and future plans. In Monitoring internal environment helps to identify not only
comparison, surveillance is confined to a the strength but also the weakness of the firm. A firm may
specific objective or a narrow sector. When a firm be strong in certain areas but may be weak in some other
undertakes the monitoring, assessing and forecasting of areas. For further growth and expansion, the weakness
business environment it is called as environmental should be identified so as to correct them as soon as
scanning of business. possible.
Environmental scanning is a process of gathering, 3. Identification of opportunities:
analysing, and dispensing information for tactical or
strategic purposes. The environmental scanning process Environmental analyses helps to identify the opportunities
entails obtaining both factual and subjective information in the market. The firm should make every possible effort
on the business environments in which a company is to grab the opportunities as and when they come.
operating or considering entering 4. Identification of threat:
Chun Wei Choo, Faculty of Information Studies, University Business is subject to threat from competitors and various
of Toronto, Canada writes, “Environmental scanning is the factors. Environmental analyses help them to identify
acquisition and use of information about events, trends, threat from the external environment. Early identification
and relationships in an organisation's external of threat is always beneficial as it helps to diffuse off some
environment, the knowledge of which would assist threat.
management in planning the organisation's future course
of action”. 5. Optimum use of resources:

Thus, environmental scanning means viewing the Proper environmental assessment helps to make optimum
(business) world by undirected viewing or conditioned utilisation of scare human, natural and capital resources.
viewing or informal searching or formal searching. In Systematic analyses of business environment helps the
simple, it means methods of gathering the relevant firm to reduce wastage and make optimum use of available
information for appraising the environment. resources, without understanding the internal and
external environment resources cannot be used in an
Need for and Importance of Scanning of Business effective manner.
William Glueck mentions four techniques for 6. Survival and growth:
environmental analysis verbal and written information;
Systematic analyses of business environment help the firm


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
to maximise their strength, minimise the weakness, grab activities.
the opportunities and diffuse threats. This enables the firm
2. Ad hoc Approach:
to survive and grow in the competitive business world.
Using this approach, an organisation may conduct
7. To plan long-term business strategy:
special surveys and studies to deal with specific
A business organisation has short term and long-term environmental issues from time to time. Such
objectives. Proper analyses of environmental factors help studies may be conducted, for instance, when
the business firm to frame plans and policies that could organisation has to undertake special projects,
help in easy accomplishment of those organisational evaluate existing strategy or devise new
objectives. Without undertaking environmental scanning, strategies. Changes and unforeseen developments
the firm cannot develop a strategy for business success. may be investigated with regard to their impact
on the organisation.
8. Environmental scanning aids decision-making:
3. Processed-form Approach:
Decision-making is a process of selecting the best
alternative from among various available alternatives. An For adopting this approach, the organisation uses
environmental analysis is an extremely important tool in information in a processed form available from
understanding and decision-making in all situation of the different sources both inside and outside the
business. Success of the firm depends upon the precise organisation. When an organisation uses
decision making ability. Study of environmental analyses information supplied by government agencies or
enables the firm to select the best option for the success private institutions, it uses secondary sources of
and growth of the firm. data and the information is available in processed
Objectives and Goal of Environmental Scanning
The main objectives are –
The popular techniques of environmental scanning
 detecting scientific, technical, economic, social,
and political trends and events important to the (1) SWOT Analysis (2) QUEST Analysis (3)
institution, PESTLE Analysis (4) Industry Analysis and (5)
Competitor Analysis
 defining the potential threats, opportunities, or
changes for the institution implied by those trends SWOT ANALYSIS:
and events, In this technique firm will study its strengths and
 promoting a future orientation in the thinking of weaknesses in terms of finance, intellectual capital,
management and staff, and location etc., and opportunities and threats like takeovers
and mergers, market trends, strategic alliances, global
 alerting management and staff to trends that are recession, entry of rival firms, legal reforms etc.
converging, diverging, speeding up, slowing down,
or interacting QUEST ANALYSIS:
The goal of environmental scanning is to alert QUEST stands for Quick Environmental Scanning
decision-makers to potentially significant external changes Technique. It is a four step process which uses scenario –
before they crystallize so that decision-makers have writing for scanning the environment and identify the
sufficient lead-time to react to the change. strategic options. The Four steps involved in applying this
technique are –
Approaches to and Techniques of Environmental
i. Observe and identify the major trend and events
Scanning and Monitoring
in the industry,
Experts have suggested three approaches, which could be
ii. Speculate on the major events or issues that
adopted for, sort out information for environmental
might affect your organisation,
scanning. They are as follows.
iii. Prepare a Report containing summary findings
1. Systematic Approach:
and their implications and 3-5 scenarios related to
Under this approach, information for the themes or issues, and
environmental scanning is collected
iv. Review the report and come out with feasible
systematically. Information related to markets and
strategic options to deal with the evolving
customers, changes in legislation and regulations
environment of business.
that have a direct impact on an organisation’s
activities, government policy statements PESTLE ANALYSIS:
pertaining the organisation’s business and
PESTLE analysis involves identifying the political,
industry, etc., could be collected continuous
economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and
updating such information is necessary not only
environmental influences of an organisation or policy in
for strategic management but also for operational
the past, and how they might do so in future. PESTLE


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
should be done before SWOT not after. If education and  Difficulty of interpreting the information – source,
demographics are added to PESTLE it becomes STEEPLED. relevance and reliability
INDUSTRY ANALYSIS:  Negative impact of scanning on organisation –
making you defensive
An industry is a group of firms producing a
similar product or service.  The thinning of interprovincial trade barriers –
An examination of the important stakeholders’ global presence of people (Diaspora) and products
group in a particular corporation’s task
 The on-going challenge of building confidence in
environment is a part of industry analysis. A
corporate governance – from government
corporation is most concerned with the intensity
regulation to self-regulation5
of competition within its industry. The level of
this intensity is determined by basic competitive  Fast obsolescence of technology: need to know
forces. In scanning its industry, the corporation technology of tomorrow (e.g. advances in
must assess the importance to its success of each nanotechnology)
of the six forces. Example: - Is Pepsi Cola a
 Changing Values, Culture and Systems. For
substitute for Coca-Cola? At face value many
instance, one expert explains, “Feminism today is
would say that they could be substitutes for one
like fluoride; we scarcely notice that we have it.”
another because they are both cola drinks.
In money market, we have new intermediaries
However, after industry analysis you will know
like the Business Correspondents. In music and
that these two drinks are not substitutes of one
dance generation has changed from big band
another, but are rather two brands of the same
(1920s), rock & roll (40s-60s) to rap (60s-70s) to
product. Utilising an industry analysis will help
hip hop of today, still in between we have some
you to go beyond the obvious when considering
contemporary and some (con)fusion!
the critical components within an industry.
 High level of instability. Market stability is
COMPETETITOR ANALYSIS: threatened by short product life cycles, short
A competitive analysis involves looking at those that product design cycles, new technologies, frequent
compete in with you (firm) in your market place entry by unexpected outsiders, repositioning by
(industry), and using information about your competitors incumbents and tactical redefinition market
to identify where your strengths are relative to those boundaries as divers industries merge
competitors. One of the principles for becoming Thus, environmental scanning is a useful and
competitive is to leverage your strengths with respect to difficult exercise at the same time. You may call it
competitors, and minimise your weaknesses with respect environmental scanning or environmental monitoring and
to competitors. Competitor analysis in marketing and assessment, the practice has come to stay. Modern
strategic management is an assessment of the strengths businesses have embarked upon strategic environmental
and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This assessment (SEA) that takes them beyond decision-making
analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic to appraisal and futuristic integration.
context to identify opportunities and threats. For this, you
must have your competitor’s profile! A competitive Economic Environment of Business
analysis is useful, not only where companies compete for Economic environment is a very important component of a
the dollars of consumers (e.g. in the retail arena, or business environment.Business is a n economic
restaurants or hotels), but can also apply to non-profit and activity. Business environment can be defined as “the
charitable organisations. While it's a different kind of forces, factors and institutions with which the
competition, these kinds of organisations compete for businessman has to deal with to achieve its objectives”. In
volunteers, donations and so on, even if the intent is quite general, we can say that business environment is the
different. Clearly most non-profits don't want to damage surroundings in which business exists. The business
their "competitors" (other non-profits also doing good environment consists of economic environment and
works), but they do need to consider that there is a form of non-economic environment
competition in play
The economic environment of business refers to the
Barriers to Environmental scanning economic factors or forces that shape and influence
Even when we are in the middle of the GPS (Global business. According to Mohinder Kumar Sharma, the
Positioning System) revolution, environmental scanning of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of
business is not so easy. Some of the limitations or material products in a society forms the economic
challenges faced in environmental scanning are – environment of that society.
 Huge volume of information to be dealt with The economic environment contains three important elements or
(information overload!) forces viz. Economic Conditions, (2) Economic Policies, and (3)
Economic Systems. The elements are explained below.
 Some missing information, increased oversight
and litigation 1. Economic Conditions


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
The existing economic conditions and the development 3. Economic Systems
and level of business are interrelated. The economic
An economic system (or mode of production) is
conditions of a nation refer to a set of economic factors
a system of production and exchange of goods and
that have great influence on business organisations and
services as well as allocation of resources in a society. It
their operations. These include size, composition and
includes the combination of the various institutions,
growth of gross domestic product, and per capita
agencies, entities (or even sectors as described by some
income; markets for goods and services; availability of
authors) and consumers that comprise the economic
capital, and foreign exchange reserves; growth of foreign
structure of a given community. A related concept is
trade; strength of capital market; productivity of factors
the mode of production. The world economy is primarily
and factor rewards; structure of banking and finance;
governed by three types of economic systems, viz., (i)
impact of business cycle; role of entrepreneurship etc. All
Capitalist economy; (ii) Socialist economy (e.g. the former
these help in improving the pace of economic growth. For
USSR); and (iii) Mixed economy. In a capitalist economy
example, the recessionary phase of business cycle curtails
(e.g. USA), there is economic liberty and free (private)
employment, production and profits in business and
enterprise. In a socialist economy, there is state (public)
marketers must react in order to revive and boost
control of economic resources and planning. India has
consumer confidence and business performance. Thus, the
adopted the mixed economy system, which implies
importance of economic conditions for a business is
co-existence of public sector (state planning), and private
related with the business opportunities and expectations.
sector (corporate governance). After the initiation of
2. Economic Policies economic reforms and very recently, however, the
Planning Commission has been dismantled and in its place
All business activities and operations are directly
influenced by the economic policies framed by the the NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) has
be set up by the Union Government. This is in keeping
government from time to time. Some of the important
with the market mantra or the philosophy of liberalisation,
economic policies are: (i) Industrial policy (ii) Fiscal policy
(iii) Monetary policy (iv) Foreign investment policy globalisation and privatisation (LPG). At the same time,
there is a growing trend of public-private partnership
(v)Export-Import policy (Exim policy).
(PPP) in businesses.
The government keeps on changing these policies from
time to time in view of the developments taking place in Economic system followed in a country has a lot of
influence in determining economic environment. If it is a
the economic scenario, political expediency and the
capitalist economy, market mechanism process would be
changing requirement. Every business firm has to function
strictly within the policy framework and respond to the the chief deciding factor about quality, quantity, price of a
product. A socialist economy would go in for mass
changes therein.
consumption products. In a mixed economy, however,
(i) Industrial policy: - The Industrial policy of the there are all sorts of features, viz., features of market
government covers all those principles, policies, economy as well as socialistic outlook.
rules, regulations and procedures, which direct
and control the industrial enterprises of the Thus, it is undeniable that individual business enterprise
has very limited option to have a proactive role in
country and shape the pattern of industrial
determining its environment but they may form trade
development (e.g. SEZ Policy)
associations like CII, FICCI, and ASSOCHAM to exert their
(ii) Fiscal policy: - It includes government policy in influence on changing government policies or bringing the
respect of public expenditure, taxation, public policies in their favour.
debt, and fiscal management (e.g. deficit
financing). Conclusion
(iii) Monetary policy: - It includes all those activities The significance of economic environment of business –
and interventions that aim at smooth supply of theoretically and practically – is manifold. It tells the
credit to the business and a boost to trade and business manager what are the factors that she can control
industry (e.g. RBI policy of SLR) and what he has no control over. In modern businesses,
internal mercerization is a fast changing paradigm.
(iv) Foreign investment policy: - This policy aims at Therefore, the firm manager has to always analyse the
regulating the inflow of foreign investment in economic environment. Heavy investments and keen
various sectors for speeding up industrial competition necessitates the knowledge of economic
development and take advantage of the modern environment of business. Since firm has to interact with
technology (e.g. FDI policy, FEMA etc.) society and policy-makers on a day-to-day basis, it has to
(v) Export–Import policy (EXIM policy): - It aims at be thorough with all policies, practices affecting business.
increasing exports and bridging the gap between Only then firms can make better decisions in time and
expert and import. Through this policy, the space for a sustainable business.
government announces various duties/levies. The ABOUT THE AUTHOR
focus now-a-days lies on removing barriers and
controls and lowering the custom duties. Dr. V.B. Hans (Associate Professor of Economics) has been


Research Paper E-ISSN NO : 2455-295X | VOLUME : 4 | ISSUE : 3 | MARCH 2018
teaching at the St Aloysius Institutions, Mangalore for the organisation, business policies and practices. After
past 32 years. He has produced seven MPhils (Kannada the EID Parry group was taken over by the Murugappa
University, Hampi, Karnataka) and two PhDs (Christ group, one of the most profitable businesses (liquor) of
University, Bangalore). Dr Hans has published six books the ailing Parry group was sold off, as the
and 165 research articles, besides presenting 70 papers in
liquor-business did not fit into the value system of the
national and international conferences. He is on the
editorial board of 17 Journals and is a member in several Murugappa group.
academic bodies in India and abroad. 4. Brand Equity' means the value premium that a
Dr Hans is a Google Scholar who has adopted a company realises from a product with a recognisable
transdisciplinary approach in his works. His forthcoming name as compared to its generic equivalent.
papers are “Water Management in Agriculture: Issues and Companies can create brand equity for their products
Strategies in India” (International Journal of Development by making them memorable, easily recognisable and
and Sustainability, Japan), “Digital Empowerment and superior in quality and reliability.
Inclusive Growth” (Tumkur University, Karnataka), and
“Human Rights Justice and Peace – Christian Perspective” 5. An industry attempts to police itself. The best-known
Serampore University, West Bengal). self-regulatory group is the Better Business Bureau
1. Cherulinam, Francis (2012), Business Environment:
Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
21st Revised Edition, 2012.
2. Sharma, Mohinder Kumar (1989), Business
Environment in India, Commonwealth Publishers, New
Delhi, 1st Edition.
3. Hans V. Basil (2016). Role of Role and
Responsibilities of Managerial Economists:
Empowering Business through Methodology and
Strategy. Nitte Management Review, 10(2), December
2016, pp. 27-43
4. Hans V. Basil (2017, August 13).Linking Business to
Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of ethics.
Paper present at the 2nd International Conference on
Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and
Management (ESM-17, Indian Federation of United
Nations Associations (IFUNA), New Delhi (India)
5. National Service Centre for Environmental
Publications (NSCEP), Conceptual Framework to
Support Development and Use of Environmental
Information in Decision-making. Available at
https://nepis.epa.gov (accessed March 16, 2018).
1. See B.W. Miller and R. Redding, The FASB: The
People, the Process and the Politics, Irwin Inc., USA,
2. A value is an enduring preference as a mode of
conduct or an end state. The value system of the
founding fathers of the organisation has a lasting
impact on it.
3. The value system of the founders and those at the
helm of the affairs has important bearing on the choice
of business, the mission and objectives of the


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