STE Manual

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Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 01
Title of Experiment Design test cases for purchase order management based on system specification.

Test Test case Actual input Expected output Actual output Status
case name

TC_01 Username Enter Username = It should accept the It accepted the pass
" abcde123" username username

TC_02 Username Enter Username = It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
"abcde" username username
TC_03 Username Enter Username = It should accept the It accepted the pass
"abcdef1234567 89 username username
TC_04 Username Enter Username = It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept pass
"abcdefg12345678 9" username the username
TC_05 Username Enter Username = " It should accept the It accepted the pass
abcde@123" username username
TC_06 Username Enter username It should accept the It accepted the pass
="abcde123" username username

TC_07 Username Enter username It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
="123abcde" username username

TC_08 Username Enter username It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
="abcde 123" username username
TC_09 Password Enter password It should accept the It accepted the pass
="accept12 password password
TC_10 Password Enter password It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
= "accept" password password
TC_11 Password Enter It should accept the It accepted the pass
password="accept @1" password password
TC_12 Password Enter password="copy It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
paste" password password
TC_13 Password Enter password="acc1 It shouldn’t accept the It didn’t accept the pass
2" password password
TC_14 Submit 1) Username="ab cde It should proceed to It proceeded to pass
123". next page next page
Password="ac cept
Click on Submit button
TC_15 Submit Username="abcd e123". It shouldn’t proceed to It didn’t proceed to pass
Password="acc ept ". next page next page
Click on
Submit button.
TC_16 Submit Username="ab cde ". It shouldn’t proceed to It didn’t proceed to pass
Password="afv k uh". next page next page
Click on
Submit button.
TC_17 Submit Username= " nvgg". It shouldn’t proceed to It didn’t proceed to pass
Password="hvs gu gs". next page next page
Click on Submit button.
TC_18 Clear Username="ab cde123". It should clear the It cleared username pass
Password="acc ept123". username and and password
Click on Clear button. password
TC_19 Clear Username="". It should clear the It cleared username pass
Password="". username and and password
Click on Clear button. password
2. Test cases for purchase order system.

Test Test Actual input Expected Actual Status

case case result Output
ID Name

Name of Name of product = It should display the It displays the

TC_01 product "Camera", Click on availability of the availability of the pass
search button. product. product.
Name of Name of product = It should display the It displays the
TC_02 product "Bikes", Click on availability of the availability of the pass
search product. product.
Name of Name of product = It should display the It displays the
TC_03 product "Toolkit", Click on unavailability of the unavailability of the pass
search button. product. product.
Product Product=Enter Initial It should display all It displays all
TC_04 (Drop letter of "C" product starting with product with initial pass
Down) letter "C" letter "C"
Product Product=Enter Initial It should display all It displays all
TC_05 (Drop letter of "A" product starting with product with initial pass
Down) letter "A" letter "A"
Product It should prompt for It prompts an invalid
TC_06 (Drop Product = Enter any invalid message. message pass
Down) number
Itshouldcheckthe It checks the
TC_07 Quantity Enter a number availability, and inform availability and pass
user inform user.
TC_08 Quantity Enter an alphabet It should prompt an It prompts an invalid pass
invalid message message
TC_09 addthe 1) Select product. It should add the Itisaddingtheproduct pass
product 2)Click on add product
add the It should prompt the It is promptingthe
TC_10 product 1) Click on add message of “First messageof“First pass
product. select product" select product"
1) Select the product
TC_11 remove from the purchase list It should remove the It is removingthe pass
the click on remove product product
product product button.
It should prompt the It is prompting
TC_12 remove 1) Click on remove message of “First the message pass
the product button. select product"

TC_13 review 1) Select the It should review the It is reviewing the pass
product product.2) Click on product product
review product
It should prompt the It is prompting
TC_14 review 1)click on review message of “First the message pass
product product button select product"
1)Select the product.
TC_15 Submit 2)Enter the quantity. It should generate It is generating the pass
3) Add the order id order id
4) Click on submit
1)click on submit It should prompt the
TC_16 Submit button message of “Fill the it is prompting the pass
details". message
Practical Related Question

1) What are the objectives of software testing?


The objectives of software testing are as follows:

1. Finding Errors
- Testing is process of executing a program with an intention of finding an error.
2. Creating good test cases
- A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding yet undiscovered error.

3. Quality Improvement
- Defects are fixed by developer, so quality is improved

4. Satisfying customer requirements:

- Testing demonstrates customer that software works properly as per specification.

2) How can we design test cases from requirements?

Anwer: For designing test cases, a tester who is performing test cases needs a
software requirement specification to design test cases.
3) Static vs dynamic testing

Static Testing Dynamic Testing

Testing is done without executing the Testing is done by executing the

program program

This testing does verification process Dynamic testing does validation


Static testing gives assessment of code Dynamic testing finds bugs in the
and documentation software application

Static testing involves checklist and Dynamic testing involves test cases for
process to be followed. execution.

It is performed in the early stage of the It is performed at the later stage of the
software development. software development.

Cost of fixing bug is low Cost of fixing is high

Example : Inspection, walkthrough Example : Boundary value analysis

,Equivalence Partitioning
1.Identify the situation when to start and stop software testing.

When to start ?
1. Testing starts from requirement phase and continues till the end of
SDLC(software development lifecycle)

2. SDLC testing can be started from requirement gathering phase and last till
the development of the software.

3. however it also depends on the development model that is being used for
ex. in waterfall model testing is conducted in testing is performance at the
end of every increment

4. testing is done in difficult form at every phase of SDLC like during

requirement gathering phase, the analysis and verification of requirement are
also considered as testing.

When to stop?
1. Unlike when to start testing , it is difficult to determine when to stop.
testing is never ending process, and no one can say that any software is
100% tested.
following other aspect which should be considered to stop the testing

A. Testing deadline

B. Completion of test case execution , all requirement coverage or code

Coverage has been achieved

C. Bug rate falls below a certain level and no high priority bugs are found

D. Management Decision

3.In white box testing identify the parameters to verify

Ans. In White box testing the parameters to verify are:

a. statement/line coverage
b. branch coverage

c. condition coverage

d. function coverage.

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 02
Title of Experiment Design test cases for purchase order management based on system specification.

Q. Design Test Case for Inventory Management System based on System


Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Actual Status

Case ID Name Output Output

TC_01 Mobile Mobile Number = It should not It is not pass

Number "abcdefghij" accept the data. accepting
the data.

TC_02 Mobile Mobile Number It should accept It is pass

Number ="1234567890" thedata. accepting
the data.

TC_03 Email Email Address = It should not It is not pass

Address "[email protected] accept the data. accepting
m" the data.

TC_04 Email Email Address It should accept It is pass

Address ="[email protected] thedata. accepting
om" the data.
TC_05 Quantity Quantity = "ab" It should not It is not pass
accept the data. accepting
the data.

TC_06 Quantity Quantity = "05'" It should accept It is pass

the data. accepting
the data.

TC_07 Email Email Address It should not It is not pass

Address ="abc@pqrs" accept the data. accepting
the data.

TC_08 Mobile Mobile Number = It should not It is not pass

Number "123456780" accept the data. accepting
the data.

TC_09 Quantity Quantity = "123" It should not It is not pass

accept the data. accepting
the data.

TC_10 Quantity Quantity = "0" It should not It is not pass

accept the data. accepting
the data.
Practical Related Question

1) What are major system specifications of Inventory Management System?

Answer: The major inventory management system specifications involve
providing a way to store, organize, manage and analyze inventory data. Systems
requirements include:

 An easy-to-use interface that doesn’t require advanced training, support

or documentation.
 Automation for eliminating manual processes of business functions
related to inventorxy management.
 A reliable, secure database that provides accurate, real-time data.
 Performance that enables fast, actionable inventory monitoring and
 The ability for administrators to easily add software modules with
minimal configuration so that the system is scalable.
 Software integrations and automated features that minimize manual
inventory updates or inputs.

2) What are the functions of Inventory Management System?

Answer: Following are the functions of inventory management system:


 Improved Productivity and Efficiency

 Avoid Stock-outs and Over-stock
 Quality Management
 Improved Profitability
 Forecasting and planning
 Balanced Supply and Demand
 Inventory Reports
 Inventory Tracking

3) Give the significance of Inventory Management System as per Business

 Inventory management can make or break a business. Inventory is often
the largest item in the current assets category on a balance sheet. Issues
with inventory can contribute to business losses, even failures.
 Proper management of the supply chain, on the other hand, can allow a
business to thrive.
 Good inventory management strikes a balance between the amount of
inventory coming in and going out. It controls the timing and costs of
non-capitalized assets and stock items, allowing a business to reach
optimal profitability

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 03
Title of Experiment Design test cases for a Calculator to verify its function.

Q. Design test cases for a Calculator to verify its function.

Test Test Case Name Actual Input Expected Actual Output Stat
Case Output us

TC_01 Number Input "123467891234567 Take input Takes input Pass

" Successfully Successfully
TC_02 Number Input "123467891234567 Do not take Does not take Pass
891234" input input

TC_03 Arithmetic Add " 50 + 50 " " = 100 " " = 100 " Pass
TC_04 Arithmetic Add " 0 + 0 " "=0" "=0" Pass
TC_05 Arithmetic Add " "= "= Pass
operation 123456789123456 1,23,45,67,89,12 1,23,45,67,89,12
(Addition) 7+ ,34,567 " ,34,567 "
TC_06 Arithmetic Sub " 50 - 50 " "=0" "=0" Pass
TC_07 Arithmetic Mul " 50 * 50 " " = 2500 " " = 2500 " Pass
TC_08 Arithmetic Mul " 50 * 0" "=0" "=0" Pass
TC_09 Arithmetic Div " 50 / 50 " "1" "1" Pass
TC_10 Arithmetic Div " 0 /5 0 " "0" "0" Pass
TC_11 Arithmetic Div " 50 / 0 " Display "Cannot Displays "Cannot Pass
operation Divide By Zero" Divide By Zero"

TC_12 Scientific " sin 90 " "1" "1" Pass

operation (Sin)
TC_13 Scientific " cos 0 " "1" "1" Pass
operation (Cos)
TC_14 Scientific " tan 45 " "1" "1" Pass
operation (Tan)
TC_15 Scientific "π" " " Pass
operation (π) 3.14159265359 3.14159265359
" "

TC_16 Negative and " 2 + 2 + (-2) +(-2) " "0" "0" Pass
TC_17 Negative and " 2 - 2 - (-2) " "2" "2" Pass
TC_18 Negative and "-2-2" " -4 " " -4 " Pass
TC_19 Negative and " 2 - 2 - (-2) " "2" "2" Pass

TC_20 Logarithm " Log2 8 " "3" "3" Pass

TC_21 Trigonometry " sin 0 + cos 90 " "1" "1" Pass
TC_22 Trigonometry " sin 90 + cos 0" "1" "1" Pass
TC_23 Trigonometry " sin 0 + tan 0 " "0" "0" Pass
TC_25 Trigonometry " cos 0 + tan 0 " "1" "1" Pass
Practical Related Questions
1. State key factors to be tested in black box testing

Answer: The key features to be tested in Black Box Testing are as follows:

 Requirements
 Boundary Value Analysis
 User Documentation
 Decision table
 Equivalence Partitioning.

2. What are the sources of knowledge for Black box testing?

Answer: The sources of knowledge for Black Box Testing are as follows:

 User Requirements
 System Requirement Specification
 Design Documentation

3. State advantages and disadvantages of Black Box testing.

Answer: Advantages of Black Box Testing:

 Well suited and efficient for large code segments.

 Code access is not required.

 Clearly separates user's perspective from the developer's perspective

through visibly defined roles
 Large numbers of moderately skilled testers can test the application with
no knowledge of implementation, programming language, or operating
Disadvantages of Black Box Testing:
 Limited coverage, since only a selected number of test scenarios is actually
 Inefficient testing, due to the fact that the tester only has limited
knowledge about an application.
 Blind coverage, since the tester cannot target specific code segments or
errorprone areas
 Blind coverage, since the tester cannot target specific code segments or
error prone areas

Subject: Software Testing (STE) Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO51-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 04
Title of Experiment Test various functionality of railway reservation system.

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Actual Output Status

Case Name Output
TC_01 Username " Username = It should accept It accepted the Pass
tanmay6626 " the data data
TC_02 Password " Password It should accept It accepted the Pass
=Tanmay6626 " the data data
TC_03 Confirm " Confirm Password = It should accept It accepted the Pass
Password Tanmay6626 " the data data
TC_04 First Name " First Name = TanmayIt should accept It accepted the Pass
" the data data
TC_05 Middle " Middle Name It should accept It accepted the Pass
Name =Rajesh " the data data
TC_06 Last Name " Last Name = Thakur It should accept It accepted the Pass
" the data data
TC_07 Date of " Date of Birth = It should accept It accepted the Pass
Birth 11/12/2000 " the data data
TC_08 Gender Click on Male It should accept It accepted the Pass
the data data
TC_09 Mobile " Mobile Number = It should accept It accepted the Pass
Number 9821006626 " the data data
TC_10 Email ID " Email ID = It should accept It accepted the Pass
[email protected] the data data
TC_11 Next Button Click on Next Button It should go to It is going to Pass
and fill all details next page of next page of
Registration and Registration and
Send OTP on sends OTP on
Mail ID and Mail ID and
Phone Number Phone Number

TC_12 Username " Username = It should accept It accepted the Pass

Page | 1
tanmay6626 " the data data
TC_13 Password " Password It should accept It accepted the Pass
=Tanmay6626 " the data data
TC_14 Login Click on Login Button It should go to It is going to Pass
Button next page and next page and
ask for OTP asking for OTP
TC_15 Mobile OTP " Mobile OTP = It should accept It accepted the Pass
269591" the data data
TC_16 Email OTP " Email OTP = 956438 It should accept It accepted the Pass
" the data data
TC_17 Verify User Click on Verify User It should It is prompting Pass
prompt Congratulation’s
Congratulation’s dialog box
dialog box and logged in
log in
TC_18 Plan my Click on Plan my It should go to It is going to Pass
Journey Journey next page next page
TC_19 From Click on From Button It should go to It is going to Pass
Button next page and next page and
show Search Showing search
Station station

TC_20 Search " Search Station = It should accept It accepted the Pass
Station Mumbai Central the data and go data and going
(MMCT) " to (Search to (Search
Station) section Station) section
TC_21 Search " Search Station = It should accept It accepted the Pass
Station Delhi (DLI) " the data and go data and going
to Plan my to Plan my
Journey page Journey page
TC_22 Date Click on First date It should show a It is showing the Pass
section and click on calendar calendar
select Date
TC_23 Date Click on second date It should show a It is showing the Pass
section and click on calendar calendar
select date
TC_24 Search Train Click on Search Train It should go to It is going to Pass
Button Button next page and next page and
show all showing all
available train available train
TC_25 Train Select any available It should It is showing Pass
selection train and select availability of availability of
Sleeper coach seats and book seats and book
now option now option
TC_26 Class Select any suitable It should go to It is going to Pass
selection class and Click Book next page and next page and
now get confirmation getting
Page | 2
of booking from conformation
user from user

TC_27 Add Click on Add It should go to It is going to Pass

Passenger Passenger Button next page next page
TC_28 Name " Name = Tanmay " It should accept It accepted the Pass
the data data
TC_29 Age " Age Between 05 to It should accept It accepted the Pass
Between 05 125 = 18 " the data data
to 125
TC_30 Gender Click on Male It should accept It accepted the Pass
the data data
TC_31 Select Birth " Select Birth It should accept It accepted the Pass
Preference Preference = SIDE the data data
TC_32 Select " Select Concession It should accept It accepted the Pass
Concession Type = General " the data data
TC_33 Done Click on Done It should go to It is going to Pass
confirmation confirmation
page page
TC_34 Edit Click on passenger It should go to It is going to Pass
Passenger edit page edit page
TC_35 Age " Age Between 05 to It should accept It is showing Pass
Between 05 125 = 65 " the data and Option for
to 125 show Option for Senior Citizen
Senior Citizen Concession
TC_36 Option for Select any Concession It should accept It is accepting Pass
Senior type the data the data

Page | 3
Practical Related Questions

1. Give significance of testing in railway reservation system.

The significance of testing in railway reservation are as follows:

a) Testing determines the quality of software after a programmer develops

it. Quality needs to be maintained throughout the day.
b) It is also essential to make sure about customer’s reliability &
c) Railway Reservation System is going to be used by many people, so
quality and integrity both matters.
d) To maintain both quality and integrity, testing plays an important role.
e) Testing is also done to fix bugs and errors occurred during development

2. What are different test methodologies that shall be applied while testing
railway reservation system? Justify.

Testing methodologies are divided into two parts:

a) Functional Testing: It involves testing the applications against the
business requirements. Functional testing involves following:
1. Unit testing
2. Integration testing
3. System Testing
4. Acceptance Testing
b) Non-Functional Testing: It involves testing methods incorporate all
test types of methods that focus on operational aspects of a piece of
software. Non-functional testing includes following methods of
1. Performance
2. Security
3. Usability
4. Compatibility

Both types of testing ensure the quality of software.

Page | 4
3. Give the significance of system testing in railway reservation system.

a) System testing is important part in software testing.

b) System testing means testing the software as whole.
c) System testing is done in railway reservations system to check
whether it meets system / specified business requirements or not.
d) System testing helps to minimize troubleshooting and support calls
after deployments.

Page | 5

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 05
Title of Experiment Validate login procedure for E-Commerce application

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Acutal Output Statu
Case Name s
TC_01 Mobile Mobile Number Invalid Mobile Invalid Mobile Pass
Number = "abcd" Number Number
TC_02 Mobile Mobile Number Invalid Mobile Invalid Mobile Pass
Number = "123" Number Number
TC_03 Mobile Mobile Number Invalid Mobile Invalid Mobile Pass
Number = "' .';''/ " Number Number
TC_04 Mobile Mobile Number Invalid Mobile Invalid Mobile Pass
Number = "9372973" Number Number
TC_05 Mobile Mobile Number Valid Mobile Valid Mobile Pass
Number = Number Number
Registration "9372973077"

TC_05 OTP 1 Invalid OTP Invalid OTP Pass

TC_06 OTP 123 Invalid OTP Invalid OTP Pass
TC_07 OTP '.';''/ Invalid OTP Invalid OTP Pass
TC_08 OTP 123456789 Invalid OTP Invalid OTP Pass
TC_09 OTP abcd Invalid OTP Invalid OTP Pass
TC_10 OTP 3720 Valid OTP Valid OTP Pass

TC_10 Search Bar Search Bar = Could not find any Could not find any Pass
"12345678" matches matches
TC_11 Search Bar Search Bar = Could not find any Could not find any Pass
"@,./;'[]" matches matches
TC_12 Search Bar Search Bar = Should not search Does not search Pass
"Blank Space" anything anything
TC_13 Search Bar Search Bar = Display all the Displays all the items Pass
"a" items containing containing letter 'a'
letter 'a'
TC_14 Search Bar Search Bar = Display all the Display all the shirts Pass
"Shirt" shirts

TC_14 Filter Filter = "Men" Display all the men Displays all the men Pass
relaed items relaed items
TC_15 Filter Filter = Display all the Displays all the Pass
"Categories = Tshirts Tshirts
TC_16 Filter Filter = Display no output Displays no output Pass
"Categories =
TC_17 Filter Filter = Display no output Displays no output Pass
"Categories =
Practical Related Questions
1. What are the security threats for E-Commerce Systems?

Answer: The various security threats for an E-Commerce System are as follows:

 Electronic payments system: In e-cash, we stored financial information on

the computer, electronic device or on the internet which is vulnerable to
the hackers
 The Risk of Tax Evasion: The problem with electronic systems is that they
don't provide cleanly into this paradigm. It makes the process of tax
collection very frustrating for the Internal Revenue Service. It is at the
business's choice to disclose payments received or made via electronic
payment systems. The IRS has no way to know that it is telling the truth or
not that makes it easy to evade taxation.
 Denial of service attacks: A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) is a
security attack in which the attacker takes action that prevents the
legitimate (correct) users from accessing the electronic devices.
 The Risk of Payment Conflicts: In electronic payment systems, the
payments are handled by an automated electronic system, not by humans.
The system is prone to errors when it handles large amounts of payments
on a frequent basis with more than one recipients involved.

2. List various authentication protocols that can be used in providing security for
E-Commerce System

Answer: various authentication protocols that can be used in providing security

for E-Commerce System are as follows:

 Password Authentication Protocol (PAP): It is essentially a routine log in

process that requires a username and password combination to access a
given system, which validates the provided credentials.
 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP): CHAP is an identity
verification protocol that verifies a user to a given network with a higher
standard of encryption using a three-way exchange of a “secret.”
 Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP): This protocol supports many
types of authentication, from one-time passwords to smart cards. When
used for wireless communications, EAP is the highest level of security as it
allows a given access point and remote device to perform mutual
authentication with built-in encryption

3. Describe various encryption techniques that can be used to provide storing

login credentials.

Answer: Various encryption techniques that can be used to provide storing login
credentials are as follows:

 Triple DES – Replaces Data encryption standard(DES) algorithm, uses 3

individual keys with 56 bit.TripleDES is an advanced DES form that applies
the DES cipher algorithm thrice to all the data blocks. They are used to
encrypt ATM PINs, etc.
 RSA: Public encryption algorithm to protect the data over the internet. It is
an asymmetric key encryption algorithm which uses public and private
keys. RSA is an algorithm based on the factorization of the product of two
prime numbers. If the receiver knows these numbers only then, he/she can
decrypt the message. RSA finds its applications in digital signatures but is
often slow when a large volume of data is to be encrypted.
 Blowfish: It splits the message into 64 bits and encrypts them, is used in
certain payment gateways. It is fast, effective and flexible. Blowfish finds its
application in embedded systems and has been deemed as reasonably
 Twofish: Keys in this algorithm are 256 bits in length and it is a symmetric
key encryption technique. Twofish is still in use by many file and folder
encryption software solutions. It is a license-free technique to encrypt 128
bits of a data block, it also always encrypts data in rounds of 16, which
makes it slower.
 AES: Advanced encryption standard, trusted by many standard
organizations. It can encrypt 128 bit, 192 bit as well as 256-bit. AES is a
symmetric encryption algorithm that is mostly in use today. AES is used for
both rest data as well as at transit.

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 06
Title of Experiment Testing Functionality of Web page

Practical Related Questions

1. Give significance of performance and stress testing for web applications.
Significance of Performance testing in web application:

 Developers do performance testing for web application projects to assess

the overall speed, stability, and scalability of the project.
 Project teams implement performance testing to ensure the final build
meets the expectations of an end user and helps a business achieve its
 As a result of a testing session, companies might end up with a list of
mismatches between expected and actual performance.
 Having a deeper insight into the weaker point of an app helps during fine-
tuning and brings more substance to the decision-making process.

Significance of Stress testing in web application:

 Stress testing helps teams define issues that only become visible under
peak load conditions.
 During this type of system validation, QA specialists simulate loads that
exceed reasonable estimates to test the performance of web application.
 Stress testing prepares the maintenance team for extreme situations and
helps establish triggers of system shutdown for proactive management.
 Stress tests can also help you uncover the following:
 Synchronization and timing bugs
 Interlock problems
 Priority problems
 Resource loss bugs
 Memory leaks
 Data loss & corruption

2. What is the necessity of configuration testing? Describe various configurations

that are required to be considered while performing website testing.
Answer: The objective of configuration testing is:

 To determine whether the software application fulfils the configurability

 To identify the defects that were not efficiently found during different
testing processes.
 To determine an optimal configuration of the application under test.
 To do analyse of the performance of software application by changing the
hardware and software resources.
 To do analyse of the system efficiency based on the prioritization.
 To verify the degree of ease to how the bugs are reproducible irrespective
of the configuration changes.

Various Configurations that are required to be considered while performing

website testing:
 Operating System Configuration:
Win XP, Win 7 32/64 bit, Win 8 32/64 bit, Win 10 etc.
 Database Configuration:
Oracle, DB2, MySql, MSSQL Server, Sybase etc.
 Browser Configuration:
IE 8, IE 9, FF 16.0, Chrome, Microsoft Edge etc.
3. Describe various security testing to be performed for web application. Give
its importance
 Vulnerability Scanning: This is done through automated software to scan a
system against known vulnerability signatures.
 Security Scanning: It involves identifying network and system weaknesses,
and later provides solutions for reducing these risks. This scanning can be
performed for both Manual and Automated scanning.
 Penetration testing: This kind of testing simulates an attack from a
malicious hacker. This testing involves analysis of a particular system to
check for potential vulnerabilities to an external hacking attempt.
 Risk Assessment: This testing involves analysis of security risks observed in
the organization. Risks are classified as Low, Medium and High. This testing
recommends controls and measures to reduce the risk.
 Security Auditing: This is an internal inspection of Applications and
Operating systems for security flaws. An audit can also be done via line by
line inspection of code
 Ethical hacking: It’s hacking an Organization Software systems. Unlike
malicious hackers, who steal for their own gains, the intent is to expose
security flaws in the system.
 Posture Assessment: This combines Security scanning, Ethical Hacking and
Risk Assessments to show an overall security posture of an organization.

1. Prepare the test case to test your college website for any 5 links.
2. Execute the above test case created in question 1 by performing appropriate
operations and verify result.

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Acutal Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Academics Computer Computer Compute r
Engineering Engineering page Engineering page Pas
TC_02 Home > Click on First It should redirect to It redirects to First Pass
Computer Year Syllabus First Year Syllabus Year Syllabus page
Engineering page
> First Year
TC_03 Home > Click on Second It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Computer Year Syllabus Second Year Second Year Syllabus
Engineering Syllabus page page
> Second
TC_04 Home > Click on Third It should redirect to It should redirect to Pass
Computer Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus
Engineering page page
> Third Year
TC_05 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Academics Electrical Electrical Electrical
Engineering Engineering page Engineering page
TC_06 Home > Click on First It should redirect to It redirects to First Pass
Electrical Year Syllabus First Year Syllabus Year Syllabus page
Engineering page
> First Year
TC_07 Home > Click on Second It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Electrical Year Syllabus Second Year Second Year Syllabus
Engineering Syllabus page page
> Second
TC_07 Home > Click on Third It should redirect to It should redirect to Pass
Electrical Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus
Engineering page page
> Third Year
TC_08 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Academics Information Information Information
Technology Technology page Technology page
TC_09 Home > Click on First It should redirect to It redirects to First Pass
Information Year Syllabus First Year Syllabus Year Syllabus page
Technology page
> First Year
TC_10 Home > Click on Second It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Information Year Syllabus Second Year Second Year Syllabus
Technology Syllabus page page
> Second
TC_11 Home > Click on Third It should redirect to It should redirect to Pass
Information Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus Third Year Syllabus
Technology page page
> Third Year
TC_12 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Student Life Student Life Student Life page Student Life page
TC_13 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Placement Placement Placement page Placement Page
TC_14 Home > Click on Online It should redirect to It redirects to Online Pass
Online Payment Online Payment Payment Page
Payment page
TC_15 Home > Click on Latest It should redirect to It redirects to Latest Pass
Latest Updates Latest Updates Updates Page
Updates page
TC_16 Home Click on Project It should redirect to It redirects to Project Pass
>Project Outline Project Outline Outline Page
Outline page page
TC_17 Home > Click on Who It should redirect to It redirects to Who Pass
Who are we are we Who are we page are we Page
TC_18 Home > Click on Alumni It should redirect to It redirects to Alumni Pass
Alumni page Alumni page Page
TC_19 Home > Click on It should redirect to It redirects to Pass
Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us page Contact Us Page
TC_20 Home > Click on Notice It should redirect to It redirects to Notice Pass
Notice Board Notice Board page Board Page
Board page

3. Prepare test case for any website which sends OTP on your email address/
mobile number.
Test case for any GitHub Sign up

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Acutal Output Statu
Case Name s
TC_0 Email anuragDubey Should not allow Does not Pass
1 Email allow Email
TC_0 Email 451224 Should not allow Does not Pass
2 Email allow Email
TC_0 Email [email protected] Should allow Email Does allow Pass
3 m Email
TC_0 Usernam anruag Display ‘Not Displays ‘Not Pass
4 e available’ available’
TC_0 Usernam 1224 Display ‘Username Displays Pass
5 e should include ‘Username
alphabets, should
numbers’ include
TC_0 Usernam anruag=3933 Should allow Does allow Pass
6 e username username
TC_0 Password 1234 Display ‘Enter Displays Pass
7 strong password’ ‘Enter strong
TC_0 Password password@123 Should allow Does allow Pass
7 password password
TC_0 Continue Click on Continue Should accept all Does accept Pass
8 the data and all the data
redirect to email and redirect
verification page to email
TC_0 OTP 0000 Display ‘Invalid Displays Pass
9 OTP’ ‘Invalid OTP’
TC_1 OTP 5461 Should redirect to Does redirect Pass
0 home page of to home page
github of github

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 07
Title of Experiment Design test case for control and decision making statements.

Practical Related Questions

1. State different ways to test the decision and control statements.
Answer: The different ways to test the decision and control statements are
 Branch coverage -It attempts to cover all paths (True and false) in the
Software code.
 Condition coverage - It attempts to cover branches with Boolean
expression in software code

2. For any decision statement what will be the possible outcomes while writing
the test cases.
Answer: Whenever there are two or more possible exits from the statement
like an IF statement, a DO-WHILE or a CASE statement it is known as decision
because in all these statements there are two outcomes, either TRUE or FALSE.
Alternatively, you can say that control statement IF has been evaluated both to
3. Can we test the relational operator? Validate your answer with
Answer: Yes, we can test the relational operators.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter first number: ");

int a = sc.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter second number: ");

int b = sc.nextInt();

if (a > b) {
System.out.println(a + " is greater than " + b);
} else {
System.out.println(b + " is greater than " + a);


Test case:

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Actual Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 Greater a = 10 20 is greater than 20 is greater than Pass
than b = 20 10 10
TC_02 Greater a = 30 30 is greater than 30 is greater than Pass
than b = 20 20 20

1. Generate the test case to check the program written for Even and Odd


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter a number: ");

double a = sc.nextDouble();

if (a % 2 == 0) {
System.out.println(a + " is an Even Number");
} else {
System.out.println(a + " is an Odd Number ");


Test case:

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Actual Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 Even or Odd Enter a 12 is an Even 12 is an Even Pass
number:12 Number Number
TC_02 Even or Odd Enter a 13 is an Odd 13 is an Odd Pass
number: 13 Number Number
2. Execute above test case in Question 1 by entering following inputs and
verify results.
Input – 4, 7, 2.5, 8.1

Test case:

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Actual Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 Even or Odd Enter a 4 is an Even 4 is an Even Pass
number:4 Number Number
TC_02 Even or Odd Enter a 7 is an Odd 7 is an Odd Pass
number: 7 Number Number
TC_03 Even or Odd Enter a 2.5 is an Odd 2.5 is an Odd Pass
number: 2.5 Number Number
TC_04 Even or Odd Enter a 8 is an Even 8 is an Even Pass
number: 8 Number Number
TC_05 Even or Odd Enter a 1 is an Odd 1 is an Odd Pass
number: 1 Number Number

3. Generate the test case to check the program written for printing the day of
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter a number: ");

int weekday = sc.nextInt();

switch (weekday) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
System.out.println("Please enter weekday number between 1-


Test case:

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Actual Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 Day of Enter a Monday Monday Pass
week number: 1
TC_02 Day of Enter a Tuesday Tuesday Pass
week number: 2
TC_03 Day of Enter a Wednesday Wednesday Pass
week number: 3
TC_04 Day of Enter a Thursday Thursday Pass
week number: 4
TC_05 Day of Enter a Friday Friday Pass
week number: 5
TC_06 Day of Enter a Saturday Saturday Pass
week number: 6
TC_07 Day of Enter a Sunday Sunday Pass
week number: 7
TC_08 Day of Enter a Please enter Please enter Pass
week number: 0 weekday weekday number
number between between 1-7.
TC_09 Day of Enter a Please enter Please enter Pass
week number: b weekday weekday number
number between between 1-7.
TC_010 Day of Enter a Please enter Please enter Pass
week number: # weekday weekday number
number between between 1-7.
4. Create the test cases for following algorithm and write the ‘Expected
Outcome’ and ‘Actual Outcome’ in following table by executing the code.


void main() {
int length;
int count;
printf("Enter Length: ");
scanf("%d", &length);

printf("Enter Count: ");

scanf("%d", &count);

while(count <= 6) {
if (length >= 100){
length = length - 2;
} else {
length = count * length;
count = count + 1;

printf("Lenght = %d", length);


Test case:
Test Count Length Expected Output Actual Output
1 5 101 594 594
2 5 99 493 493
3 7 99 99 99
4 0 0 0 0

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 08
Title of Experiment Prepare Test plan for an identified Mobile Application

Practical Related Questions

1. On which basis the Test Approach is decided for any application?
Answer: A test approach is the test strategy implementation of a project,
defines how testing would be carried out. Test approach has two techniques:
 Proactive - An approach in which the test design process is initiated as
early as possible in order to find and fix the defects before the build is
 Reactive - An approach in which the testing is not started until after
design and coding are completed.

2. Define the Test Management

 Test Management is a process of managing the testing activities in order
to ensure high quality and high-end testing of the software application.
 The method consists of organizing, controlling, ensuring traceability and
visibility of the testing process in order to deliver the high quality
software application.
3. State the use of Test Case Specification. Enlist the Test Case
Specification Identifiers.
Use of Test Case Specification:
It specifies the purpose of a specific test, identifies the required
inputs and expected results, provides step-by-step procedures
for executing the test, and outlines the pass/fail criteria for
determining acceptance.

Test Case Specification Identifiers:

 Test Case Objectives: Purpose of the test
 Test Items: Items (e.g., requirement specifications, design
specifications, code, etc.) required to run a particular test case.
This should be provided in "Notes” or “Attachment” feature. It
describes the features and conditions required for testing.
 Input Specifications: Description of what is required (step-by-
step) to execute the test case (e.g., input files, values that must be
entered into a field, etc.). This should be provided in “Action”
 Output Specifications: Description of what the system should
look like after the test case is run. This should be provided in the
“Expected Results” field.
 Environmental Needs: Description of any special environmental
needs. This includes system architectures, Hardware & Software
tools, records or files, interfaces, etc
4. Enlist the parameters that should be considered while preparing Test
Summary Report.
 Test summary report is a document which contains summary of
test activities and final test results. After the testing cycle it is very
important that you communicate the test results and findings to
the project stakeholders.
 So that decisions can be made for the software release i.e. .If
further testing is required and we need to delay the release.
 Test summary report will be different for different kind of testing.
 It should include relevant metrics and details regarding the
software testing process, such as test case adequacy, cost of
finding defects, test case effectiveness, test efficiency, rework &
review efforts ratio, etc.
 In addition to test coverage and unresolved defects test summary
reports should also contain test strategy, test objectives and
overall result of test effort

1. Prepare test plan along with the test case to check the any
chatting application.
2. Prepare the test summary report for the application used in Quest
Test Plan
Swiggy Version 3.77.1

Version: 1.0

Created: 19/11/2021
Last Updated: 19/11/2021

Revision and Signoff Sheet

Document History

Version Date Author Description of Change

1 1/11/2021 Anurag Dubey Draft

2 1/11/2021 Vinay Savla Draft

3 12/11/2021 Sahil Makhijani Draft - Reviewed
4 12/11/2021 Kuber Dhure Draft - Reviewed

Approvers List
Approver / Approval /
Name Role
Reviewer Review Date
Vijay Patil Project Manager
Supriya Kadam Test Lead
Meenakshi Khamkar Test Lead
Anurag Dubey Technical Lead

Reference Documents -
Version Date Document Name
1.0 WHATSAPP Version
Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................9
1.1. Purpose...............................................................................................................9
1.2. Project Overview ...............................................................................................9
1.3. Audience ............................................................................................................9
2. TEST STRATEGY.....................................................................................................10
2.1. Test Objectives.................................................................................................10
2.2. Test Assumptions .............................................................................................10
2.3. Test Principles ..................................................................................................11
2.4. Data Approach .................................................................................................12
2.5. Scope and Levels of Testing ............................................................................12
2.5.1. Exploratory ..........................................................................................12
2.5.2. Functional Test.....................................................................................12
TEST ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .....................................................12
TEST DELIVERABLES .....................................................................13
MILESTONE LIST .............................................................................13
2.5.3. User Acceptance Test (UAT)...............................................................14
TEST DELIVERABLES .....................................................................14
2.6. Test Effort Estimate .........................................................................................14
3. EXECUTION STRATEGY .......................................................................................15
3.1. Entry and Exit Criteria .....................................................................................15
3.2. Test Cycles .......................................................................................................16
3.3. Validation and Defect Management ................................................................16
3.4. Test Metrics .....................................................................................................17
3.5. Defect tracking & Reporting ............................................................................18
4. TEST MANAGEMENT PROCESS ..........................................................................18
4.1. Test Management Tool ....................................................................................18
4.2. Test Design Process .........................................................................................19
4.3. Test Execution Process ....................................................................................20
4.4. Test Risks and Mitigation Factors ...................................................................22
4.1. Communications Plan and Team Roster ..........................................................22
4.2. Role Expectations ............................................................................................22
4.2.1. Project Management ............................................................................23
4.2.2. Test Planning (Test Lead) ....................................................................23
4.2.3. Test Team.............................................................................................23
4.2.4. Test Lead ..............................................................................................23
4.2.5. Development Team ..............................................................................23
5. TEST ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................24

1.1. Purpose

This test plan describes the testing approach and overall framework that will drive the testing of
the WHATSAPP application. The document introduces:

 Test Strategy: rules the test will be based on, including the givens of the project (e.g.:
start / end dates, objectives, assumptions); description of the process to set up a valid
test (e.g.: entry / exit criteria, creation of test cases, specific tasks to perform,
scheduling, data strategy).
 Execution Strategy: describes how the test will be performed and process to identify
and report defects, and to fix and implement fixes.
 Test Management: process to handle the logistics of the test and all the events that
come up during execution (e.g.: communications, escalation procedures, risk and
mitigation, team roster)

1.2. Project Overview

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform instant messaging application that allows iPhone,

BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia smartphone users to exchange text, image,
video and audio messages for free. WhatsApp is especially popular with end users who do not
have unlimited text messaging.


 Project team members perform tasks specified in this document, and provide input
and recommendations on this document.
 Project Manager Plans for the testing activities in the overall project schedule,
reviews the document, tracks the performance of the test according to the task herein
specified, approves the document and is accountable for the results.
 The stakeholders’ representatives and participants (individuals as identified by the
PM or Leads) may take part in the UAT test to ensure the business is aligned with
the results of the test.
 Technical Team ensures that the test plan and deliverables are in line with the design,
provides the environment for testing and follows the procedures related to the fixes
of defects.
 Business analysts will provide their inputs on functional changes.

2.1. Test Objectives

The objective of the test is to verify that the functionality of WHATSAPP works according to the

The test will execute and verify the test scripts, identify, fix and retest all high and medium
severity defects per the entrance criteria, prioritize lower severity defects for future fixing.

The final product of the test is twofold:

 A production-ready software;
 A set of stable test scripts that can be reused for Functional and UAT test execution.

2.2. Test Assumptions

Key Assumptions

 Production like data required and be available in the system prior to start of
Functional Testing


 Exploratory Testing would be carried out once the build is ready for testing
 Performance testing is not considered for this estimation.
 All the defects would come along with a snapshot JPEG format
 The Test Team will be provided with access to Test environment via VPN
 The Test Team assumes all necessary inputs required during Test design and
execution will be supported by Development/BUSINESS ANALYSTs
 Test case design activities will be performed by QC Group
 Test environment and preparation activities will be owned by Dev Team
 Dev team will provide Defect fix plans based on the Defect meetings during each
cycle to plan. The same will be informed to Test team prior to start of Defect fix
 BUSINESS ANALYST will review and sign-off all Test cases prepared by Test
Team prior to start of Test execution
 The defects will be tracked through BUGZILLA only. Any defect fixes planned will
be shared with Test Team prior to applying the fixes on the Test environment
 Project Manager/BUSINESS ANALYST will review and sign-off all test
 The project will provide test planning, test design and test execution support
 Test team will manage the testing effort with close coordination with Project
 Project team has the knowledge and experience necessary, or has received adequate
training in the system, the project and the testing processes.
 There is no environment downtime during test due to outages or defect fixes.
 The system will be treated as a black box; if the information shows correctly online
and in the reports, it will be assumed that the database is working properly.

Functional Testing
 During Functional testing, testing team will use preloaded data which is available
on the system at the time of execution
 The Test Team will be perform Functional testing only on WHATSAPP


 UAT test execution will be performed by end users (L1, L2 and L3) and QC Group
will provide their support on creating UAT script.

2.3. Test Principles

 Testing will be focused on meeting the business objectives, cost efficiency, and
 There will be common, consistent procedures for all teams supporting testing
 Testing processes will be well defined, yet flexible, with the ability to change as
 Testing activities will build upon previous stages to avoid redundancy or duplication
of effort.
 Testing environment and data will emulate a production environment as much as
 Testing will be a repeatable, quantifiable, and measurable activity.
 Testing will be divided into distinct phases, each with clearly defined objectives and
 There will be entrance and exit criteria.
2.4. Data Approach

 In functional testing, WHATSAPP will contain pre-loaded test data and which is used
for testing activities.

2.5. Scope and Levels of Testing

2.5.1. Exploratory

PURPOSE: the purpose of this test is to make sure critical defects are removed
before the next levels of testing can start.

SCOPE: First level navigation, dealer and admin modules

TESTERS: Testing team.

METHOD: this exploratory testing is carried out in the application without

any test scripts and documentation

TIMING: at the beginning of each cycle.

2.5.2. Functional Test

PURPOSE: Functional testing will be performed to check the functions of

application. The functional testing is carried out by feeding the input and
validates the output from the application.

Scope: The below excel sheet details about the scope of Functional test. Note:
The scope is high level due to changes in the requirement.

TESTERS: Testing Team.

METHOD: The test will be performed according to Functional scripts, which

are stored in Selenium.

TIMING: After Exploratory test is completed.


1. Approved Functional Specification document, Use case documents must
be available prior to start of Test design phase.
2. Test cases approved and signed-off prior to start of Test execution
3. Development completed, unit tested with pass status and results shared to
Testing team to avoid duplicate defects
4. Test environment with application installed, configured and ready to use
Sign-off Readiness

•Approved Functional Specification Document •Development completed & unit tested

•Approved Use cases •Application deployed and system ready for
•Approved Test cases testing on Test environment
•Production like data is available to test all
•Defect fixes planned based on Defect triage
(Unit Testing) and evaluation criteria


Sr.No. Deliverable Name Author Reviewer

Project Manager/
1. Test Plan Test Lead Business

2. Functional Test Cases Test Team
Analyst’s Sign off

Test Lead/
Logging Defects in
3. Test Team Programming

Test Team/ Test Test Lead/ Project

4. Daily/weekly status report
Lead Manager

5. Test Closure report Test Lead Project Manager

The milestone list is tentative and may change due to below reasons

a) Any issues in the System environment readiness

b) Any change in scope/addition in scope
c) Any other dependency that impacts efforts and timelines
2.5.3. User Acceptance Test (UAT)

PURPOSE: this test focuses on validating the business logic. It allows the end
users to complete one final review of the system prior to deployment.

TESTERS: the UAT is performed by the end users (L1, L2 and L3).

METHOD: Since the business users are the most indicated to provide input
around business needs and how the system adapts to them, it may happen that
the users do some validation not contained in the scripts. Test team write the
UAT test cases based on the inputs from End user (L1, L2 and L3 users) and
Business Analyst’s.

TIMING: After all other levels of testing (Exploratory and Functional) are
done. Only after this test is completed the product can be released to


Sr.No. Deliverable Name Author Reviewer

1. UAT Test Cases Test Team Analyst’s Sign

2.6. Test Effort Estimate

This document lists out all the activities that have to be performed by the QC team and estimates
how many man-hours each activity is going to take.

New_Detailed DRFT
Test estimate v1.xlsx

3.1. Entry and Exit Criteria

 The entry criteria refer to the desirable conditions in order to start test execution;
only the migration of the code and fixes need to be assessed at the end of each cycle.
 The exit criteria are the desirable conditions that need to be met in order proceed
with the implementation.
 Entry and exit criteria are flexible benchmarks. If they are not met, the test team will
assess the risk, identify mitigation actions and provide a recommendation. All this
is input to the project manager for a final “go-no go” decision.
 Entry criteria to start the execution phase of the test: the activities listed in the Test
Planning section of the schedule are 100% completed.
 Entry criteria to start each cycle: the activities listed in the Test Execution section of
the schedule are 100% completed at each cycle.

Test Technical
Exit Criteria Notes
Team Team

100% Test Scripts executed

95% pass rate of Test Scripts

No open Critical and High severity


95% of Medium severity defects have

been closed

All remaining defects are either cancelled

or documented as Change Requests for a
future release

All expected and actual results are

captured and documented with the test

All test metrics collected based on reports


All defects logged in BUGZILLA

Test Closure Memo completed and
signed off

Test environment cleanup completed and

a new back up of the environment

3.2. Test Cycles

o There will be two cycles for functional testing. Each cycle will execute all the
o The objective of the first cycle is to identify any blocking, critical defects, and
most of the high defects. It is expected to use some work-around in order to get
to all the scripts.
o The objective of the second cycle is to identify remaining high and medium
defects, remove the work-around from the first cycle, correct gaps in the scripts
and obtain performance results.
 UAT test will consist of one cycle.

3.3. Validation and Defect Management

 It is expected that the testers execute all the scripts in each of the cycles described
above. However it is recognized that the testers could also do additional testing if
they identify a possible gap in the scripts. This is especially relevant in the second
cycle, when the Business analyst’s join the TCOE in the execution of the test, since
the BUSINESS ANALYSTs have a deeper knowledge of the business processes. If
a gap is identified, the scripts and traceability matrix will be updated and then a
defect logged against the scripts.
 The defects will be tracked through BUGZILLA only. The technical team will
gather information on a daily basis from BUGZILLA, and request additional details
from the Defect Coordinator. The technical team will work on fixes.
 It is the responsibility of the tester to open the defects, link them to the corresponding
script, assign an initial severity and status, retest and close the defect; it is the
responsibility of the Defect Manager to review the severity of the defects and
facilitate with the technical team the fix and its implementation, communicate with
testers when the test can continue or should be halt, request the tester to retest, and
modify status as the defect progresses through the cycle; it is the responsibility of
the technical team to review BUGZILLA on a daily basis, ask for details if
necessary, fix the defect, communicate to the Defect Manager the fix is done,
implement the solution per the Defect Manager request.
Defects found during the Testing will be categorized according to the bug-reporting tool
“BUGZILLA” and the categories are:

Severity Impact
1 (Critical)  This bug is critical enough to crash the system, cause file
corruption, or cause potential data loss
 It causes an abnormal return to the operating system (crash or a
system failure message appears).
 It causes the application to hang and requires re-booting the
2 (High)  It causes a lack of vital program functionality with workaround.

3 (Medium)  This Bug will degrade the quality of the System. However there is
an intelligent workaround for achieving the desired functionality -
for example through another screen.
 This bug prevents other areas of the product from being tested.
However other areas can be independently tested.
4 (Low)  There is an insufficient or unclear error message, which has
minimum impact on product use.
5(Cosmetic)  There is an insufficient or unclear error message that has no impact
on product use.

3.4. Test Metrics

Test metrics to measure the progress and level of success of the test will be developed and shared
with the project manager for approval. The below are some of the metrics

Report Description Frequency

Test To report on % complete, % Pass, % Fail Weekly / Daily

preparation (optional)
& Defects severity wise Status – Open, closed, any
Execution other Status

Daily To report on Pass, Fail, Total defects, highlight Daily

execution Showstopper/ Critical defects

Project Project driven reporting (As requested by PM) Weekly – If project
Weekly team needs weekly
Status update apart from
report daily and there is
template available
with project team to

3.5. Defect tracking & Reporting -

Following flowchart depicts Defect Tracking Process:


4.1. Test Management Tool

QA Manager Lifecycle Management is the tool used for Test Management. All
testing artifacts such as Test cases, test results are updated in the qaManager
Lifecycle Management.
 Project specific folder structure will be created in qaManager to manage the
status of this project.
 Each resource in the Testing team will be provided with Read/Write access to
add/modify Test cases in qaManager.
 During the Test Design phase, all test cases are written directly into
qaManager. Any change to the test case will be directly updated in the
 Each Tester will directly access their respective assigned test cases and update
the status of each executed step in qaManager directly.
 Any defect encountered will be raised in BUGZILLA linking to the particular
Test case/test step.
 During Defect fix testing, defects are re-assigned back to the tester to verify
the defect fix. The tester verifies the defect fix and updates the status directly
 Various reports can be generated from BUGZILLA to provide status of Test
execution. For example, Status report of Test cases executed, Passed, Failed,
No. of open defects, Severity wise defects etc.

4.2. Test Design Process

Establishing Incorporating
Understanding Traceability Preparation of Peer Review of Review
Requirements Matrix in Test cases Test cases comments in
qaManager test cases

 The tester will understand each requirement and prepare corresponding

test case to ensure all requirements are covered.
 Each Test case will be mapped to Use cases to Requirements as part of
Traceability matrix.
 Each of the Test cases will undergo review by the BUSINESS ANALYST
and the review defects are captured and shared to the Test team. The
testers will rework on the review defects and finally obtain approval and
 During the preparation phase, tester will use the prototype, use case and
functional specification to write step by step test cases.
 Testers will maintain a clarification Tracker sheet and same will be shared
periodically with the Requirements team and accordingly the test case will
be updated. The clarifications may sometimes lead to Change Requests or
not in scope or detailing implicit requirements.
 Sign-off for the test cases would be communicates through mail by
Business Analyst’s.
 Any subsequent changes to the test case if any will be directly updated in

4.3. Test Execution Process

Raise defects for Participate in

Execute each of Mark Status as Send the daily Complete the
the failed test Defect Triage
the test step in Pass/Fail in status report to test execution of
cases in cycle and explain
test case qaManager Test Lead all the test cases
qaManager the defects

 Once all Test cases are approved and the test environment is ready for
testing, tester will start an exploratory test of the application to ensure the
application is stable for testing.
 Each Tester is assigned Test cases directly in qaManager.
 Testers to ensure necessary access to the testing environment, BUGZILLA
for updating test status and raise defects. If any issues, will be escalated to
the Test Lead and in turn to the Project Manager as escalation.
 If any showstopper during exploratory testing will be escalated to the
respective development team for fixes.
 Each tester performs step by step execution and updates the executions
status. The tester enters Pass or Fail Status for each of the step directly in
 Tester will prepare a Run chart with day-wise execution details
 If any failures, defect will be raised as per severity guidelines in
BUGZILLA tool detailing steps to simulate along with screenshots if
 Daily Test execution status as well as Defect status will be reported to all
 Testing team will participate in defect triage meetings in order to ensure
all test cases are executed with either pass/fail category.
 If there are any defects that are not part of steps but could be outside the
test steps, such defects need to be captured in BUGZILLA and map it
Risk Prob. Impact Mitigation Plan

SCHEDULE  The testing team can control the

Testing schedule is tight. If the preparation tasks (in advance) and
start of the testing is delayed due the early communication with
to design tasks, the test cannot be High High involved parties.
extended beyond the UAT  Some buffer has been added to the
scheduled start date. schedule for contingencies, although
not as much as best practices advise.
RESOURCES Holidays and vacation have been
Not enough resources, resources estimated and built into the schedule;
on boarding too late (process High deviations from the estimation could
takes around 15 days. derive in delays in the testing.

DEFECTS Defect management plan is in place to

Defects are found at a late stage ensure prompt communication and fixing
of the cycle or at a late cycle; of issues.
defects discovered late are most
likely be due to unclear High
specifications and are time
consuming to resolve.

SCOPE Scope is well defined but the changes are

Scope completely defined Medium in the functionality are not yet finalized
or keep on changing.
Natural disasters Teams and responsibilities have been
spread to two different geographic areas.
In a catastrophic event in one of the
Low Medium
areas, there will resources in the other
areas needed to continue (although at a
slower pace) the testing activities.
Non-availability of Independent Due to non-availability of the
Test environment and Mediu environment, the schedule gets impacted
accessibility m and will lead to delayed start of Test
Delayed Testing Due To new During testing, there is a good chance
Issues that some “new” defects may be
identified and may become an issue that
High will take time to resolve.
There are defects that can be raised
during testing because of unclear
document specification. These defects
can yield to an issue that will need time
to be resolved.
If these issues become showstoppers, it
will greatly impact on the overall project
If new defects are discovered, the defect
management and issue management
procedures are in place to immediately
provide a resolution.
 against the test case level or at the specific step that issue was encountered
after confirming with Test Lead.
 This process is repeated until all test cases are executed fully with
Pass/Fail status.
 During the subsequent cycle, any defects fixed applied will be tested and
results will be updated in BUGZILLA during the cycle.

As per Process, final sign-off or project completion process will be followed

4.4. Test Risks and Mitigation Factors

4.1. Communications Plan and Team Roster

4.2. Role Expectations

The following list defines in general terms the expectations related to the roles directly involved
in the management, planning or execution of the test for the project.

S Roles Name
1. Project Manager Vijay Patil
2. Test Lead Vinay Savla
3. Business Analyst Arfia Shaikh
4. Development Lead Sahil Makhijani
5. Testing Team Kuber Dhure
6. Development Team Devesh Vengurlakar
7. Technical Lead Anurag Dubey
4.2.1. Project Management

 Project Manager: reviews the content of the Test Plan, Test Strategy and
Test Estimates signs off on it.

4.2.2. Test Planning (Test Lead)

 Ensure entrance criteria are used as input before start the execution.
 Develop test plan and the guidelines to create test conditions, test cases,
expected results and execution scripts.
 Provide guidelines on how to manage defects.
 Attend status meetings in person or via the conference call line.
 Communicate to the test team any changes that need to be made to the test
deliverables or application and when they will be completed.
 Provide on premise or telecommute support.
 Provide functional (Business Analysts) and technical team to test team
personnel (if needed).

4.2.3. Test Team

 Develop test conditions, test cases, expected results, and execution scripts.
 Perform execution and validation.
 Identify, document and prioritize defects according to the guidance
provided by the Test lead.
 Re-test after software modifications have been made according to the
 Prepare testing metrics and provide regular status.

4.2.4. Test Lead

 Acknowledge the completion of a section within a cycle.

 Give the OK to start next level of testing.
 Facilitate defect communications between testing team and technical /
development team.

4.2.5. Development Team

 Review testing deliverables (test plan, cases, scripts, expected results, etc.)
and provide timely feedback.
 Assist in the validation of results (if requested).
 Support the development and testing processes being used to support the
 Certify correct components have been delivered to the test environment at
the points specified in the testing schedule.
 Keep project team and leadership informed of potential software delivery
date slips based on the current schedule.
 Define processes/tools to facilitate the initial and ongoing migration of
 Conduct first line investigation into execution discrepancies and assist test
executors in creation of accurate defects.
 Implement fixes to defects according to schedule.


The following mobile operating systems are supported:

 iOS 9.0 to iOS 11.0

 Android 4.3 to 9.0

Hardware Requirements for Mobile Testing

The following hardware is required to support mobile testing:


 Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz or AMD equivalent


 Cloud or Remote Mobile Tests: 4GB

 Local Simulators: 8GB


The Names and Titles of all persons who must approve this plan.

Name: Vijay Patil

Role: Project Manager

Date: 14/11/21


Name: Supriya Kadam

Role: Test Lead

Date: 14/11/19
3. Prepare test plan for any food application with test cases.
Test Plan
Swiggy Version 3.77.1

Version: 1.0
Created: 14/11/2021
Last Updated: 14/11/2021
Revision and Signoff Sheet
Document History

Version Date Author Description of Change

1 1/11/2021 Anurag Dubey Draft

2 1/11/2021 Vinay Savla Draft

3 12/11/2021 Sahil Makhijani Draft - Reviewed
4 12/11/2021 Kuber Dhure Draft - Reviewed

Approvers List
Approver / Approval /
Name Role
Reviewer Review Date
Vijay Patil Project Manager
Supriya Kadam Test Lead
Meenakshi Khamkar Test Lead
Anurag Dubety Technical Lead

Reference Documents -
Version Date Document Name
VERSION 3.77.1
Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................9
1.1. Purpose...............................................................................................................9
1.2. Project Overview ...............................................................................................9
1.3. Audience ............................................................................................................9
2. TEST STRATEGY.....................................................................................................10
2.1. Test Objectives.................................................................................................10
2.2. Test Assumptions .............................................................................................10
2.3. Test Principles ..................................................................................................11
2.4. Data Approach .................................................................................................12
2.5. Scope and Levels of Testing ............................................................................12
2.5.1. Exploratory ..........................................................................................12
2.5.2. Functional Test.....................................................................................12
TEST ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA .....................................................12
TEST DELIVERABLES .....................................................................13
MILESTONE LIST .............................................................................13
2.5.3. User Acceptance Test (UAT)...............................................................14
TEST DELIVERABLES .....................................................................14
2.6. Test Effort Estimate .........................................................................................14
3. EXECUTION STRATEGY .......................................................................................15
3.1. Entry and Exit Criteria .....................................................................................15
3.2. Test Cycles .......................................................................................................16
3.3. Validation and Defect Management ................................................................16
3.4. Test Metrics .....................................................................................................17
3.5. Defect tracking & Reporting ............................................................................18
4. TEST MANAGEMENT PROCESS ..........................................................................18
4.1. Test Management Tool ....................................................................................18
4.2. Test Design Process .........................................................................................19
4.3. Test Execution Process ....................................................................................20
4.4. Test Risks and Mitigation Factors ...................................................................22
4.1. Communications Plan and Team Roster ..........................................................22
4.2. Role Expectations ............................................................................................22
4.2.1. Project Management ............................................................................23
4.2.2. Test Planning (Test Lead) ....................................................................23
4.2.3. Test Team.............................................................................................23
4.2.4. Test Lead ..............................................................................................23
4.2.5. Development Team ..............................................................................23
5. TEST ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................24

7.1. Purpose

This test plan describes the testing approach and overall framework that will drive the testing of
the SWIGGY application. The document introduces:

 Test Strategy: rules the test will be based on, including the givens of the project (e.g.:
start / end dates, objectives, assumptions); description of the process to set up a valid
test (e.g.: entry / exit criteria, creation of test cases, specific tasks to perform,
scheduling, data strategy).
 Execution Strategy: describes how the test will be performed and process to identify
and report defects, and to fix and implement fixes.
 Test Management: process to handle the logistics of the test and all the events that
come up during execution (e.g.: communications, escalation procedures, risk and
mitigation, team roster)

7.2. Project Overview

Swiggy Online food delivery application a cross-platform instant food ordering application
that allows iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia smartphone users to
order food from any restaurants online. Swiggy is especially popular with end users for
ordering of food and also tacks the food making and delivery process online.


 Project team members perform tasks specified in this document, and provide input
and recommendations on this document.
 Project Manager Plans for the testing activities in the overall project schedule,
reviews the document, tracks the performance of the test according to the task herein
specified, approves the document and is accountable for the results.
 The stakeholders’ representatives and participants (individuals as identified by the
PMO Leads) may take part in the UAT test to ensure the business is aligned with the
results of the test.
 Technical Team ensures that the test plan and deliverables are in line with the design,
provides the environment for testing and follows the procedures related to the fixes
of defects.
 Business analysts will provide their inputs on functional changes.

8.1. Test Objectives

The objective of the test is to verify that the functionality of SWIGGY works according to the

The test will execute and verify the test scripts, identify, fix and retest all high and medium
severity defects per the entrance criteria, prioritize lower severity defects for future fixing.

The final product of the test is twofold:

 A production-ready software;
 A set of stable test scripts that can be reused for Functional and UAT test execution.

8.2. Test Assumptions

Key Assumptions

 Production like data required and be available in the system prior to start of
Functional Testing


 Exploratory Testing would be carried out once the build is ready for testing
 Performance testing is not considered for this estimation.
 All the defects would come along with a snapshot JPEG format
 The Test Team will be provided with access to Test environment via VPN
 The Test Team assumes all necessary inputs required during Test design and
execution will be supported by Development/BUSINESS ANALYSTs
 Test case design activities will be performed by QA Group
 Test environment and preparation activities will be owned by Dev Team
 Dev team will provide Defect fix plans based on the Defect meetings during each
cycle to plan. The same will be informed to Test team prior to start of Defect fix
 BUSINESS ANALYST will review and sign-off all Test cases prepared by Test
Team prior to start of Test execution
 The defects will be tracked through BUGZILLA only. Any defect fixes planned will
be shared with Test Team prior to applying the fixes on the Test environment
 Project Manager/BUSINESS ANALYST will review and sign-off all test
 The project will provide test planning, test design and test execution support
 Test team will manage the testing effort with close coordination with Project
 Project team has the knowledge and experience necessary, or has received adequate
training in the system, the project and the testing processes.
 There is no environment downtime during test due to outages or defect fixes.
 The system will be treated as a black box; if the information shows correctly online
and in the reports, it will be assumed that the database is working properly.

Functional Testing
 During Functional testing, testing team will use preloaded data which is available
on the system at the time of execution
 The Test Team will be perform Functional testing only on SWIGGY


 UAT test execution will be performed by end users (L1, L2 and L3) and QA Group
will provide their support on creating UAT script.

8.3. Test Principles

 Testing will be focused on meeting the business objectives, cost efficiency, and
 There will be common, consistent procedures for all teams supporting testing
 Testing processes will be well defined, yet flexible, with the ability to change as
 Testing activities will build upon previous stages to avoid redundancy or duplication
of effort.
 Testing environment and data will emulate a production environment as much as
 Testing will be a repeatable, quantifiable, and measurable activity.
 Testing will be divided into distinct phases, each with clearly defined objectives and
 There will be entrance and exit criteria.
8.4. Data Approach

 In functional testing, SWIGGY will contain pre-loaded test data and which is used for
testing activities.

8.5. Scope and Levels of Testing

8.5.1. Exploratory

PURPOSE: the purpose of this test is to make sure critical defects are removed
before the next levels of testing can start.

SCOPE: First level navigation, dealer and admin modules

TESTERS: Testing team.

METHOD: this exploratory testing is carried out in the application without

any test scripts and documentation

TIMING: at the beginning of each cycle.

8.5.2. Functional Test

PURPOSE: Functional testing will be performed to check the functions of

application. The functional testing is carried out by feeding the input and
validates the output from the application.

Scope: The below excel sheet details about the scope of Functional test. Note:
The scope is high level due to changes in the requirement.

TESTERS: Testing Team.

METHOD: The test will be performed according to Functional scripts, which

are stored in Selenium.

TIMING: After Exploratory test is completed.


5. Approved Functional Specification document, Use case documents must
be available prior to start of Test design phase.
6. Test cases approved and signed-off prior to start of Test execution
7. Development completed, unit tested with pass status and results shared to
Testing team to avoid duplicate defects
8. Test environment with application installed, configured and ready to use
Sign-off Readiness

•Approved Functional Specification Document •Development completed & unit tested

•Approved Use cases •Application deployed and system ready for
•Approved Test cases testing on Test environment
•Production like data is available to test all
•Defect fixes planned based on Defect triage
(Unit Testing) and evaluation criteria


S.No. Deliverable Name Author Reviewer

1. Test Plan Test Lead Project Manager/

Business Analyst’s

2. Functional Test Cases Test Team Business Analyst’s

Sign off

3. Logging Defects in Test Team Test Lead/

BUGZILLA Programming

(4. Daily/weekly status report Test Team/ Test Test Lead/ Project
Lead Manager

5. Test Closure report Test Lead Project Manager

The milestone list is tentative and may change due to below reasons

d) Any issues in the System environment readiness

e) Any change in scope/addition in scope
f) Any other dependency that impacts efforts and timelines

8.5.3. User Acceptance Test (UAT)

PURPOSE: this test focuses on validating the business logic. It allows the end
users to complete one final review of the system prior to deployment.
TESTERS: the UAT is performed by the end users (L1, L2 and L3).

METHOD: Since the business users are the most indicated to provide input
around business needs and how the system adapts to them, it may happen that
the users do some validation not contained in the scripts. Test team write the
UAT test cases based on the inputs from End user (L1,L2 and L3 users) and
Business Analyst’s.

TIMING: After all other levels of testing (Exploratory and Functional) are
done. Only after this test is completed the product can be released to


S.No. Deliverable Name Author Reviewer

1. UAT Test Cases Test Team Business

Analyst’s Sign off

8.6. Test Effort Estimate

This document lists out all the activities that have to be performed by the QA team and estimates
how many man-hours each activity is going to take.

New_Detailed DRFT
Test estimate v1.xlsx


9.1. Entry and Exit Criteria

 The entry criteria refer to the desirable conditions in order to start test execution;
only the migration of the code and fixes need to be assessed at the end of each cycle.
 The exit criteria are the desirable conditions that need to be met in order proceed
with the implementation.
 Entry and exit criteria are flexible benchmarks. If they are not met, the test team will
assess the risk, identify mitigation actions and provide a recommendation. All this
is input to the project manager for a final “go-no go” decision.
 Entry criteria to start the execution phase of the test: the activities listed in the Test
Planning section of the schedule are 100% completed.
 Entry criteria to start each cycle: the activities listed in the Test Execution section of
the schedule are 100% completed at each cycle.

Test Technical
Exit Criteria Notes
Team Team

100% Test Scripts executed

95% pass rate of Test Scripts

No open Critical and High severity


95% of Medium severity defects have

been closed

All remaining defects are either cancelled

or documented as Change Requests for a
future release

All expected and actual results are

captured and documented with the test

All test metrics collected based on reports


All defects logged in BUGZILLA

Test Closure Memo completed and

signed off

Test environment cleanup completed and

a new back up of the environment
9.2. Test Cycles

o There will be two cycles for functional testing. Each cycle will execute all the
scripts .
o The objective of the first cycle is to identify any blocking, critical defects, and
most of the high defects. It is expected to use some work-around in order to get
to all the scripts.
o The objective of the second cycle is to identify remaining high and medium
defects, remove the work-around from the first cycle, correct gaps in the scripts
and obtain performance results.
 UAT test will consist of one cycle.

9.3. Validation and Defect Management

 It is expected that the testers execute all the scripts in each of the cycles described
above. However it is recognized that the testers could also do additional testing if
they identify a possible gap in the scripts. This is especially relevant in the second
cycle, when the Business analyst’s join the TCOE in the execution of the test, since
the BUSINESS ANALYSTs have a deeper knowledge of the business processes. If
a gap is identified, the scripts and traceability matrix will be updated and then a
defect logged against the scripts.
 The defects will be tracked through BUGZILLA only. The technical team will
gather information on a daily basis from BUGZILLA, and request additional details
from the Defect Coordinator. The technical team will work on fixes.
 It is the responsibility of the tester to open the defects, link them to the corresponding
script, assign an initial severity and status, retest and close the defect; it is the
responsibility of the Defect Manager to review the severity of the defects and
facilitate with the technical team the fix and its implementation, communicate with
testers when the test can continue or should be halt, request the tester to retest, and
modify status as the defect progresses through the cycle; it is the responsibility of
the technical team to review BUGZILLA on a daily basis, ask for details if
necessary, fix the defect, communicate to the Defect Manager the fix is done,
implement the solution per the Defect Manager request.

Defects found during the Testing will be categorized according to the bug-reporting tool
“BUGZILLA” and the categories are:

Severity Impact
1 (Critical)  This bug is critical enough to crash the system, cause file
corruption, or cause potential data loss
 It causes an abnormal return to the operating system (crash or a
system failure message appears).
 It causes the application to hang and requires re-booting the
2 (High)  It causes a lack of vital program functionality with workaround.

3 (Medium)  This Bug will degrade the quality of the System. However there is
an intelligent workaround for achieving the desired functionality -
for example through another screen.
 This bug prevents other areas of the product from being tested.
However other areas can be independently tested.
4 (Low)  There is an insufficient or unclear error message, which has
minimum impact on product use.
5(Cosmetic)  There is an insufficient or unclear error message that has no impact
on product use.

9.4. Test Metrics

Test metrics to measure the progress and level of success of the test will be developed and shared
with the project manager for approval. The below are some of the metrics

Report Description Frequency

Test To report on % complete, % Pass, % Fail Weekly / Daily

preparation (optional)
& Defects severity wise Status – Open, closed, any
Execution other Status

Daily To report on Pass, Fail, Total defects, highlight Daily

execution Showstopper/ Critical defects


Project Project driven reporting (As requested by PM) Weekly – If project

Weekly team needs weekly
Status update apart from
report daily and there is
template available
with project team to
9.5. Defect tracking & Reporting -

Following flowchart depicts Defect Tracking Process:


10.1. Test Management Tool

qaManager Lifecycle Management is the tool used for Test Management. All
testing artifacts such as Test cases, test results are updated in the qaManager
Lifecycle Management.
 Project specific folder structure will be created in qaManager to manage the
status of this project.
 Each resource in the Testing team will be provided with Read/Write access to
add/modify Test cases in qaManager.
 During the Test Design phase, all test cases are written directly into
qaManager. Any change to the test case will be directly updated in the
 Each Tester will directly access their respective assigned test cases and update
the status of each executed step in qaManager directly.
 Any defect encountered will be raised in BUGZILLA linking to the particular
Test case/test step.
 During Defect fix testing, defects are re-assigned back to the tester to verify
the defect fix. The tester verifies the defect fix and updates the status directly
 Various reports can be generated from BUGZILLA to provide status of Test
execution. For example, Status report of Test cases executed, Passed, Failed,
No. of open defects, Severity wise defects etc.

10.2. Test Design Process

Establishing Incorporating
Understanding Traceability Preparation of Peer Review of Review
Requirements Matrix in Test cases Test cases comments in
qaManager test cases

 The tester will understand each requirement and prepare corresponding

test case to ensure all requirements are covered.
 Each Test case will be mapped to Use cases to Requirements as part of
Traceability matrix.
 Each of the Test cases will undergo review by the BUSINESS ANALYST
and the review defects are captured and shared to the Test team. The
testers will rework on the review defects and finally obtain approval and
 During the preparation phase, tester will use the prototype, use case and
functional specification to write step by step test cases.
 Testers will maintain a clarification Tracker sheet and same will be shared
periodically with the Requirements team and accordingly the test case will
be updated. The clarifications may sometimes lead to Change Requests or
not in scope or detailing implicit requirements.
 Sign-off for the test cases would be communicates through mail by
Business Analyst’s.
 Any subsequent changes to the test case if any will be directly updated in
10.3. Test Execution Process

Raise defects for Participate in

Execute each of Mark Status as Send the daily Complete the
the failed test Defect Triage
the test step in Pass/Fail in status report to test execution of
cases in cycle and explain
test case qaManager Test Lead all the test cases
qaManager the defects

 Once all Test cases are approved and the test environment is ready for
testing, tester will start a exploratory test of the application to ensure the
application is stable for testing.
 Each Tester is assigned Test cases directly in qaManager.
 Testers to ensure necessary access to the testing environment, BUGZILLA
for updating test status and raise defects. If any issues, will be escalated to
the Test Lead and in turn to the Project Manager as escalation.
 If any showstopper during exploratory testing will be escalated to the
respective development team for fixes.
 Each tester performs step by step execution and updates the executions
status. The tester enters Pass or Fail Status for each of the step directly in
 Tester will prepare a Run chart with day-wise execution details
 If any failures, defect will be raised as per severity guidelines in
BUGZILLA tool detailing steps to simulate along with screenshots if
 Daily Test execution status as well as Defect status will be reported to all
 Testing team will participate in defect triage meetings in order to ensure
all test cases are executed with either pass/fail category.
 If there are any defects that are not part of steps but could be outside the
test steps, such defects need to be captured in BUGZILLA and map it
against the test case level or at the specific step that issue was encountered
after confirming with Test Lead.
 This process is repeated until all test cases are executed fully with
Pass/Fail status.
 During the subsequent cycle, any defects fixed applied will be tested and
results will be updated in BUGZILLA during the cycle.
As per Process, final sign-off or project completion process will be followed

10.4. Test Risks and Mitigation Factors

Risk Prob. Impact Mitigation Plan

SCHEDULE  The testing team can control

Testing schedule is tight. If the the preparation tasks (in
start of the testing is delayed due advance) and the early
to design tasks, the test cannot be communication with involved
extended beyond the UAT High High parties.
scheduled start date.  Some buffer has been added
to the schedule for
contingencies, although not as
much as best practices advise.
RESOURCES Holidays and vacation have been
Not enough resources, resources estimated and built into the
on boarding too late (process High schedule; deviations from the
takes around 15 days. estimation could derive in delays
in the testing.
DEFECTS Defect management plan is in
Defects are found at a late stage place to ensure prompt
of the cycle or at a late cycle; communication and fixing of
defects discovered late are most issues.
likely be due to unclear High
specifications and are time
consuming to resolve.

SCOPE Scope is well defined but the

Scope completely defined Mediu changes are in the functionality
m are not yet finalized or keep on
Natural disasters Teams and responsibilities have
been spread to two different
geographic areas. In a
catastrophic event in one of the
Low Medium
areas, there will resources in the
other areas needed to continue
(although at a slower pace) the
testing activities.
Risk Prob. Impact Mitigation Plan

Non-availability of Independent Due to non availability of the

Test environment and Mediu environment, the schedule gets
accessibility m impacted and will lead to delayed
start of Test execution.
Delayed Testing Due To new During testing, there is a good
Issues chance that some “new” defects
may be identified and may
become an issue that will take
time to resolve.
There are defects that can be
raised during testing because of
unclear document specification.
These defects can yield to an
Mediu issue that will need time to be
m resolved.
If these issues become
showstoppers, it will greatly
impact on the overall project
If new defects are discovered, the
defect management and issue
management procedures are in
place to immediately provide a

10.5. Communications Plan and Team Roster

10.6. Role Expectations

The following list defines in general terms the expectations related to the roles directly involved
in the management, planning or execution of the test for the project.

S Roles Name
1. Project Manager Vijay Patil
2. Test Lead Vinay Savla
3. Business Analyst Arfia Shaikh
4. Development Lead Sahil Makhijani
S Roles Name
5. Testing Team Vinay Savla
6. Development Team Devesh Vengurlekar
7. Technical Lead Anurag Dubey

10.6.1. Project Management

 Project Manager: reviews the content of the Test Plan, Test Strategy and
Test Estimates signs off on it.

10.6.2. Test Planning (Test Lead)

 Ensure entrance criteria are used as input before start the execution.
 Develop test plan and the guidelines to create test conditions, test cases,
expected results and execution scripts.
 Provide guidelines on how to manage defects.
 Attend status meetings in person or via the conference call line.
 Communicate to the test team any changes that need to be made to the test
deliverables or application and when they will be completed.
 Provide on premise or telecommute support.
 Provide functional (Business Analysts) and technical team to test team
personnel (if needed).

10.6.3. Test Team

 Develop test conditions, test cases, expected results, and execution scripts.
 Perform execution and validation.
 Identify, document and prioritize defects according to the guidance
provided by the Test lead.
 Re-test after software modifications have been made according to the
 Prepare testing metrics and provide regular status.

10.6.4. Test Lead

 Acknowledge the completion of a section within a cycle.

 Give the OK to start next level of testing.
 Facilitate defect communications between testing team and technical /
development team.

10.6.5. Development Team

 Review testing deliverables (test plan, cases, scripts, expected results, etc.)
and provide timely feedback.
 Assist in the validation of results (if requested).
 Support the development and testing processes being used to support the
 Certify correct components have been delivered to the test environment at
the points specified in the testing schedule.
 Keep project team and leadership informed of potential software delivery
date slips based on the current schedule.
 Define processes/tools to facilitate the initial and ongoing migration of
 Conduct first line investigation into execution discrepancies and assist test
executors in creation of accurate defects.
 Implement fixes to defects according to schedule.


The following mobile operating systems are supported:

 iOS 9.0 to iOS 11.0

 Android 4.3 to 9.0

Hardware Requirements for Mobile Testing

The following hardware is required to support mobile testing:


 Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz or AMD equivalent


 Cloud or Remote Mobile Tests: 4GB

 Local Simulators: 8GB

The Names and Titles of all persons who must approve this plan.


Name: Vijay Patil

Role: Project Manager

Date: 14/11/21


Name: Supriya Kadam

Role: Test Lead

Date: 14/11/21

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 10
Title of Experiment Generate Defect report for Library Management System.

Practical Related Questions

1. Compare Defect, Error and failure.

Compariso Defect Error Failure

n basis

Definition The Defect is the An Error is a If the software

difference between mistake made in has lots of
the actual the code; that's defects, it leads to
outcomes and why we cannot failure or causes
expected outputs. execute or failure.
compile code.

Raised by The Testers identif The Developers The failure finds

y the defect. And it and automation by the manual
was also solved by test test engineer
the developer in engineers raise through
the development the error. the development
phase or stage. cycle.
Different Different type of Different type of -----
types Defects are as Error is as
follows: below:
Based on priority: o Syntactic
o High Error
o Medium o User
o Low interface
And based on the error
severity: o Flow control
o Critical error
o Major o Error
o Minor handling
o Trivial error
o Calculation
o Hardware
o Testing Error

Reasons The below reason The reasons for Following are

behind leads to having some of the most
the defects: an error are as important
Giving incorrect follows: reasons behind
and wrong inputs. Errors in the the failure:
Dilemmas and code. Environmental
errors in the The Mistake of condition
outside behavior some values. System usage
and inside If a developer is Users
structure and unable to Human error
design. compile or run a
An error in coding program
or logic affects the successfully.
software and Confusions and
causes it to issues in
breakdown or the programming.
failure. Invalid login,
loop, and syntax.
between actual
and expected
Blunders in
design or
Misperception in
requirements of
the application.

Way to With the help of Below are ways The way to

prevent the the following, we to prevent prevent failure ar
reasons can prevent the Errors: e as follows:
the Defects: Enhance the Confirm re-
Implementing software quality testing.
several innovative with system Review the
programming review and requirements and
methods. programming. revisit the
Use of primary and Detect the issues specifications.
correct software and prepare a Implement
development suitable current protective
techniques. mitigation plan. techniques.
Peer review Validate the Categorize and
It is executing fixes and verify evaluate errors
consistent code their quality and and issues.
reviews to evaluate precision.
its quality and

2. Describe different status of Defects.

 New: When a new defect is logged and posted for the first time. It is
assigned a status as NEW.
 Assigned: Once the bug is posted by the tester, the lead of the tester
approves the bug and assigns the bug to the developer team
 Open: The developer starts analyzing and works on the defect fix
 Fixed: When a developer makes a necessary code change and verifies the
change, he or she can make bug status as “Fixed.”
 Pending retest: Once the defect is fixed the developer gives a particular
code for retesting the code to the tester. Since the software testing remains
pending from the testers end, the status assigned is “pending retest.”
 Verified: The tester re-tests the bug after it got fixed by the developer. If
there is no bug detected in the software, then the bug is fixed and the
status assigned is “verified.”
 Reopen: If the bug persists even after the developer has fixed the bug, the
tester changes the status to “reopened”. Once again the bug goes through
the life cycle.
 Closed: If the bug is no longer exists then tester assigns the status
 Duplicate: If the defect is repeated twice or the defect corresponds to the
same concept of the bug, the status is changed to “duplicate.”
 Rejected: If the developer feels the defect is not a genuine defect then it
changes the defect to “rejected.”
 Deferred: If the present bug is not of a prime priority and if it is expected to
get fixed in the next release, then status “Deferred” is assigned to such
 Not a bug: If it does not affect the functionality of the application then the
status assigned to a bug is “Not a bug”.

3. Describe various defects reporting process with example.

Answer: Defect reporting process in Medium Scale Organization is:

Defect reporting process in Large Scale Organization is:


1. Generate online library management system with the help of following

website. Perform at least 4 tests for same. Prepare defect report for library
management system

Test Test Case Name Actual Input Expected Actual Output Statu
Case Output s
TC_0 Home > Features Click on Features It should It redirects to Pass
1 redirect to features page
features page

TC_0 Home > Plans Click on Plans It should t redirects to Pass

2 redirect to Plans page
Plans page
TC_0 Home > Upgrade Click on Upgrade It should It redirects to Pass
3 redirect to Upgrade page
Upgrade page
TC_0 Home > Articles lick on Articles It should It redirects to Pass
4 redirect to Articles page
Articles page

TC_0 Home > Discover Click on Discover It should It redirects to Pass

5 redirect to Discover pag
Discover page

TC_0 Home > FAQ's Click on FAQ's It should It redirects to Pass

6 redirect to FAQ's page
FAQ's page

TC_0 Home > Create Free Click on Create Free It should It redirects to Pass
7 Library Library redirect to Create New
Create New Library page
Library page

TC_0 Home > Create Free Library Nickname = It should It accepts the Pass
8 Library "VPLib" accept the data

TC_0 Home > Create Free Library Name = It should It accepts the Pass
9 Library "Vidyalankar accept the data
Polytechnic Library" data
TC_1 Home > Create Free Library Type = "College It should It accepts the Pass
0 Library library" accept the data

TC_1 Home > Create Free Library Library Email = It should It accepts the Pass
1 Library "[email protected] accept the data
" data

TC_1 Home > Create Free Library Password = It should It accepts the Pass
2 Library "vplib@03" accept the data

TC_1 Home > Create Free Confirm Password = It should It accepts the Pass
3 Library "vplib@03" accept the data

TC_1 Home > Create Free Country = "India" It should It accepts the Pass
4 Library accept the data

TC_1 Home > Create Free Click on I agree, please It should It creates a Pass
5 Library create my library create a Librar

Defect Report:
ID Def_01
Project Librarika
Release v1.0
Module Home Page>Image in div
Detected V1.1
Summary First image not found
Descriptio The First image in the sequence is not found.
Steps to 1) Open the website
Replicate 2) Scroll down till the parallax ends
Actual It does not display the logo of a particular college.
Expected It should display the image of some college logo.

Remarks Causes inconvenience to the user.

Defect Low
Defect Low
Reported Anurag Dubey
Assigned Supriya Angne
Status Assigned

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 11
Title of Experiment Validating Defect report for ATM Machine.

Practical Related Questions

1. Define Defect Deduction Percentage.
Answer: Defect Deduction Percentage: The number of defects found by a test
phase, divided by the number found by that test phase and any other means

2. Describe Defect Reporting Process.


 Defect Reporting in software testing is a process in which test managers

prepare and send the defect report to the management team for feedback
on defect management process and defects’ status.
 Then the management team checks the defect report and sends feedback
or provides further support if needed.
 Defect reporting helps to better communicate, track and explain defects in
 The management board has right to know the defect status.
 They must understand the defect management process to support you in
this project.
 Therefore, you must report them the current defect situation to get
feedback from them.
3. Describe Defect Report Template.
ID Unique identifier given to the defect. (Usually Automated)

Project Project name.

Product Product name.

Release Version Release version of the product. (e.g. 1.2.3)

Module Specific module of the product where the defect was detected.

Detected Build Build version of the product where the defect was detected
Version (e.g.

Summary Summary of the defect. Keep this clear and concise

Description Detailed description of the defect. Describe as much as

possible but without repeating anything or using complex
words. Keep it simple but comprehensive.

Steps to Step by step description of the way to reproduce the defect.

Replicate Number the steps.

Actual Result The actual result you received when you followed the steps.

Expected The expected results.


Attachments Attach any additional information like screenshots and logs.

Remarks Any additional comments on the defect.

ID Unique identifier given to the defect. (Usually Automated)

Defect Severity Severity of the Defect.

Defect Priority Priority of the Defect.

Reported By The name of the person who reported the defect.

Assigned To The name of the person that is assigned to analyze/fix the


Status The

Fixed Build Build version of the product where the defect was fixed (e.g.

1. Use ATM machine system simulator with the help of following website.
Perform at given task and generate test case. Prepare defect report for ATM
machine system.
i. Enter Pin number of 4 digits.
ii. Select Amount to be withdrawn.
iii. In other functions, Check for Balance on Screen
iv. In other functions, Print Mini Statement
v. Verify functionality of Change Pin number.
vi. Verify withdrawal of amount excess of 5000.

Test Case:
Test Test Case Name Actual Input Expected Actual Output Status
Case Output
TC_01 Pin Number Enter 4 digit pin-1234 It should It accepts the Pass
accept the pin pin and
and proceed proceeds to the
to the main main page

TC_02 Withdraw Select amount - 2000 It should It is Pass

withdraw the withdrawing
money the money

TC_03 Balance on screen Select Balance on It should It is displaying Pass

screen in other display the the balance on
functions screen balance on screen
screen balance
on screen

TC_04 Mini Statement Select mini statement It should print It is printing the Pass
in Other functions the mini mini statement
TC_05 Change Pin Select Change Pin in It should ask It is asking for Pass
other functions for the new the new pin
pin and and changed It
change it with with the old
the old one. one.

TC_06 Withdrawal Select Cash It should allow It is not Pass

withdrawal option the user to displaying the
select option to select
denomination denomination
of 5000. of 5000.
Defect Report
ID Def_01
Project Cash Simulator Cash (ATM)
Release v1.0
Module Home Page> Our Programs > Digital Inclusion tools
Detected V1.1
Summary Limited denomination options in cash withdrawal function, restricting cash withdrawal
only till 3000.
Descriptio No option of withdrawing of amount excess of 3000
Steps to 1) Open the website
Replicate 2) Select our programs
3) Proceed to Digital Inclusion tools and select cash
machine simulator (ATM)
4) Select language and skip to simulator
5) Enter the card
6) Select the account type
7) Go to Other functions and select cash withdrawal
Actual It has displaying limited options of denominations in cash withdrawal option.
Expected It should add more options in denominations in withdrawal function or it should take
Results amount input from the user.

Remarks Causes inconvenience to the user in terms of limited cash withdrawal options.
Defect High
Defect High
Reported Anurag Dubey
Assigned Supriya Angne
Status Assigned

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 12
Title of Experiment Executing Test Case to Generate Defect Report for Login.

Practical Related Questions

1. What is the significance of encryption while saving password in database?
 Encryption scrambles your password so it's unreadable and/or unusable
by hackers.
 That simple step protects your password while it's sitting in a database,
and it offers more protection as your password zooms across the

2. Give the significance of POST method while performing operations on web

 POST is a request method supported by HTTP used by the World Wide
 By design, the POST request method requests that a web server accept
the data enclosed in the body of the request message, most likely for
storing it.
 It is often used when uploading a file or when submitting a completed
web form.
3. Define step to write a defect report for given application
Answer: `
1. State the platform version.
2. Login and examine data.
3. List any non-standard configuration setting with values.
4. State the workflow direction through application.
5. Research to narrow down the root cause and get beyond the defect
 Define who, what, where, when and how you got found the defect.
 Scan error logs.
 Execute database queries.
6. Add support documentation:
 Screenshots.
 Stop recording files.
 Video.
 Database query results.
7. Format all texts for reliability of easy understanding. Stick to known familiar

1. Use Login system simulator with the help of following website. Perform given
task and generate test case. Prepare defect report for Login system.
 Task
1. Enter invalid user name.
2. Enter invalid password.
3. Enter password with only 3 characters.
4. Enter user name as "invitado" and password as "hgm2015".

Test Test Case Actual Input Expected Output Acutal Output Status
Case Name
TC_01 To enter Enter It should not It does not accept Pass
invalid username as accept invalid username and
username “abcdefg” username. throws a message
saying “Please
enter correct
username and
TC_02 To enter Enter It should not It does not accept Pass
invalid password as accept invalid the password and
password “pass@45” password. throws message
“Please enter
correct username
and password”.
TC_03 To enter Enter It should not It does not accept Pass
password password accept three password and
with three with three character invalid throws message
characters characters as password. saying “Please
only “abc” enter correct
username and
TC_04 To test Enter It should accept It accepts valid Pass
whether it username as valid username and
accepts “invitado” usernameand password and
valid and password password throws message
username as saying “Valid
and “hgm2015” please wait”

2. Consider any web base system which provides login procedure. Perform
following tests for same. Prepare defect report for Login System.
 Task
1. Verify forgot password link.
2. Test user name as "STEPR" and password as "STEPR".
 Verify captcha for given system
Test case for any GitHub Sign up
Test Test Case Name Actual Input Expected Output Acutal Output Statu
Case s
TC_0 To test forgot Clink on It should send Forgot Pass
1 password link forgot forgot password password link
password link link to is received
and enter registered email and on
registered address which clicking the
email. will allow you link leads you
to create a new to a site where
password you enter your
new password
and on
password is
TC_0 Functionality Checks It should check It is checking Pass
2 of close button functionality functionality of functionality
of close close button. of close
button. button.
TC_0 To test In username It should not It shows an Pass
3 username as enter”STEPR accept message
“STEPR” and ” and username and saying
password as password password. “password
“STEPR” as”STEPR” length should
be 6 to 126
TC_0 To verfiy the Displayed It should not It does not Pass
4 captcha for the captcha is accept wrong accept the
given system “5Bn35” and captcha captcha and it
entered is shows the
“5Bn30” message as
captcha” and a
new captcha is
now placed
TC_0 To verfiy the Displayed It should not It accepts Pass
5 captcha for the captcha is accept wrong captcha and it
given system “2A031” and captcha proceeds
entered is further to next
“2A031” details.

Subject: Software Testing Subject Code: 22518

Semester: 5 Course: CO5I-A
Laboratory No: Name of Subject Teacher: Supriya Angne
Name of Student: Anurag Dubey Roll Id: 19203A0013

Experiment No: 14
Title of Experiment Design and run test cases for MS Word application using an
automation tool

Practical Related Questions

1. Compare any two software testing tools used in automation testing.
Katalon Selenium TestComplete UFT (QTP)

Test Cross- Cross- Windows Windows

developme platform platform
nt platform
Application Web and Web apps Windows Windows
under test mobile desktop, web, desktop, web,
apps mobile apps mobile apps
Scripting Java/Groov Java, C#, JavaScript, VBScript
languages y Perl, Python, Python,
JavaScript, VBScript,
Ruby, PHP JScript, Delphi,
C++, and C#
Programmi Not Advanced Not required. Not required.
ng skills required. skills needed Recommended Recommended
Recommen to integrate for advanced for advanced
ded for various tools test scripts test scripts
test scripts
Learning Medium High Medium Medium
Ease of Easy to set Require Easy to setup Easy to setup
installation up and run installing and run and run
and use and
various tools
Script Quick Slow Quick Quick
Object Built-in XPath, UI Built-in object Built-in object
storage object Maps repository, repository,
and repository, detecting smart object
maintenan XPath, common detection and
ce object re- objects correction
Image- Built-in Require Built-in support Built-in
based support installing support,
testing additional image-based
libraries object
Continuous Popular CI Various CI Various CI tools Various CI
integration tools (e.g. tools (e.g. (e.g. Jenkins, HP tools (e.g.
s Jenkins, Jenkins, Quality Center) Jenkins, HP
Teamcity) Cruise Quality Center)
Product Ticketing Open source Dedicated staff, Dedicated
support support, community community staff,
community community
License Freeware Open source Proprietary Proprietary
type (Apache 2.0)
Cost Free Free License and License and
maintenance maintenance
fees fees

2. List some advantages and disadvantages of Automation testing.

Advantages of Automated Testing:
1. Automated testing improves the coverage of testing as automated
execution of test cases is faster than manual execution.
2. Automated testing reduces the dependability of testing on the availability
of the test engineers.
3. Automated testing provides round the clock coverage as automated tests
can be run all time in 24*7 environment.
4. Automated testing takes far less resources in execution as compared to
manual testing.
5. It helps to train the test engineers to increase their knowledge by
producing a repository of different tests.

Disadvantages of Automated Testing:

1. Automated testing is very much expensive than the manual testing.
2. It also becomes inconvenient and burdensome as to decide who would
automate and who would train.
3. It has limited to some organisations as many organisations not prefer test
4. Automated testing would also require additionally trained and skilled
5. Automated testing only removes the mechanical execution of testing
process, but creation of test cases still required testing professionals.

3. Enlist the different factors which are determining the effectiveness of

Automation testing.
1. Build a dedicated team
Test automation is a dedicated and focused activity to consider, and cannot
be mixed. So, it is important to bring a dedicated team on board for the
2. Selecting the tool
It is important to select a tool that is compatible with the organization and
the people who would be involved in the process.
3. Finding the right tool is just the beginning
The tool cannot be implemented everywhere, as it might not cover every
scenario. But if blended with the right strategy and skill sets, the tool will
provide the expected results.
4. Blend every aspect together for desired results
It is advisable to begin the automation process by creating the test case in a
manual format - collect all the requirements and testing data to build the
automation plan.
5. Know your software/application
This will help implement the tool effectively and enable the right third-
party integrations. This will ensure effective automation even in the future.
Moreover, it will help identify any possible defects, memory leaks,
performance issues, scalability issues, and more.
6. Automation cannot be done for everything
You will have to loop in and recruit the right processes that can meet the
desired goals.
4. State some good coding practices while automation.
Answer: `

1. Always use test design patterns and principles

2. Never use Thread.sleep() unless there are specific test requirements
3. Do not run ALL tests across ALL target browsers
4. Separate your tests from your test automation framework
5. Make your test automation framework portable
6. Name your tests wisely
7. Use soft assertions if you need to make a list of related checks on the same
web page
8. Take screenshots for failure investigation
9. Make tests simpler instead of adding comments
10.Follow the “green tests run” policy
11.Use data-driven instead of repeated tests
12.All tests should be independent
13.Setup detailed automation tests reporting

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