IronMan 240
This Owner’s Manual is designed to help you get the most out of your
Hobart products. Please take time to read the Safety Precautions.
They will help you protect yourself against potential hazards on the
worksite. We’ve made installation and operation quick and easy. With
Hobart, you can count on years of reliable service with proper
From Miller t
maintenance. And if for some reason the unit needs repair, there’s a
Troubleshooting section that will help you figure out what the problem
is. The parts list will then help you to decide the exact part you may
need to fix the problem. Warranty and service information for your
particular model are also provided.
OM-284833 Page 1
HOT PARTS can burn. WELDING can cause fire or
� Do not touch hot parts bare handed. explosion.
� Allow cooling period before working on equipment. Welding on closed containers, such as tanks,
� To handle hot parts, use proper tools and/or wear drums, or pipes, can cause them to blow up.
heavy, insulated welding gloves and clothing to Sparks can fly off from the welding arc. The flying
prevent burns. sparks, hot workpiece, and hot equipment can cause fires and burns.
Accidental contact of electrode to metal objects can cause sparks, ex-
plosion, overheating, or fire. Check and be sure the area is safe be-
FLYING METAL OR DIRT can injure fore doing any welding.
� Remove all flammables within 35 ft (10.7 m) of the welding arc. If
� Welding, chipping, wire brushing, and grinding this is not possible, tightly cover them with approved covers.
cause sparks and flying metal. As welds cool, they
can throw off slag. � Do not weld where flying sparks can strike flammable material.
� Wear approved safety glasses with side shields even under your � Protect yourself and others from flying sparks and hot metal.
welding helmet.
� Be alert that welding sparks and hot materials from welding can
easily go through small cracks and openings to adjacent areas.
� Watch for fire, and keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
� Be aware that welding on a ceiling, floor, bulkhead, or partition can
Welding produces fumes and gases. Breathing cause fire on the hidden side.
these fumes and gases can be hazardous to your
� Do not cut or weld on tire rims or wheels. Tires can explode if
heated. Repaired rims and wheels can fail. See OSHA 29 CFR
� Keep your head out of the fumes. Do not breathe the fumes. 1910.177 listed in Safety Standards.
� Ventilate the work area and/or use local forced ventilation at the � Do not weld on containers that have held combustibles, or on
arc to remove welding fumes and gases. The recommended way closed containers such as tanks, drums, or pipes unless they are
to determine adequate ventilation is to sample for the composition properly prepared according to AWS F4.1 (see Safety Standards).
and quantity of fumes and gases to which personnel are exposed. � Do not weld where the atmosphere can contain flammable dust,
� If ventilation is poor, wear an approved air-supplied respirator. gas, or liquid vapors (such as gasoline).
� Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the � Connect work cable to the work as close to the welding area as
manufacturer’s instructions for adhesives, coatings, cleaners, con- practical to prevent welding current from traveling long, possibly
sumables, coolants, degreasers, fluxes, and metals. unknown paths and causing electric shock, sparks, and fire
� Work in a confined space only if it is well ventilated, or while wear- hazards.
ing an air-supplied respirator. Always have a trained watchperson
� Do not use welder to thaw frozen pipes.
nearby. Welding fumes and gases can displace air and lower the
oxygen level causing injury or death. Be sure the breathing air is � Remove stick electrode from holder or cut off welding wire at con-
safe. tact tip when not in use.
� Do not weld in locations near degreasing, cleaning, or spraying � Wear body protection made from leather or flame-resistant cloth-
operations. The heat and rays of the arc can react with vapors to ing (FRC). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leath-
form highly toxic and irritating gases. er gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes, and a cap.
� Do not weld on coated metals, such as galvanized, lead, or cadmi- � Remove any combustibles, such as a butane lighter or matches,
um plated steel, unless the coating is removed from the weld area, from your person before doing any welding.
the area is well ventilated, and while wearing an air-supplied respi-
rator. The coatings and any metals containing these elements can � After completion of work, inspect area to ensure it is free of sparks,
give off toxic fumes if welded. glowing embers, and flames.
� Use only correct fuses or circuit breakers. Do not oversize or by-
BUILDUP OF GAS can injure or kill. pass them.
� Follow requirements in OSHA 1910.252 (a) (2) (iv) and NFPA 51B
� Shut off compressed gas supply when not in use. for hot work and have a fire watcher and extinguisher nearby.
� Always ventilate confined spaces or use approved � Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the
air-supplied respirator. manufacturer’s instructions for adhesives, coatings, cleaners, con-
sumables, coolants, degreasers, fluxes, and metals.
ARC RAYS can burn eyes and skin.
Arc rays from the welding process produce intense NOISE can damage hearing.
visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays
Noise from some processes or equipment can
that can burn eyes and skin. Sparks fly off from the
damage hearing.
� Wear an approved welding helmet fitted with a proper shade of fil- � Wear approved ear protection if noise level is high.
ter lenses to protect your face and eyes from arc rays and sparks
when welding or watching (see ANSI Z49.1 and Z87.1 listed in ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS
Safety Standards). (EMF) can affect Implanted Medical
� Wear approved safety glasses with side shields under your Devices.
� Use protective screens or barriers to protect others from flash, � Wearers of Pacemakers and other Implanted Med-
glare, and sparks; warn others not to watch the arc. ical Devices should keep away.
� Wear body protection made from leather or flame-resistant cloth- � Implanted Medical Device wearers should consult their doctor and
ing (FRC). Body protection includes oil-free clothing such as leath- the device manufacturer before going near arc welding, spot weld-
er gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high shoes, and a cap. ing, gouging, plasma arc cutting, or induction heating operations.
OM-284833 Page 2
� Never weld on a pressurized cylinder—explosion will result.
CYLINDERS can explode if
damaged. � Use only correct compressed gas cylinders, regulators, hoses,
and fittings designed for the specific application; maintain them
Compressed gas cylinders contain gas under high and associated parts in good condition.
pressure. If damaged, a cylinder can explode. � Turn face away from valve outlet when opening cylinder valve. Do
Since gas cylinders are normally part of the weld- not stand in front of or behind the regulator when opening the
ing process, be sure to treat them carefully. valve.
� Protect compressed gas cylinders from excessive heat, mechani- � Keep protective cap in place over valve except when cylinder is in
cal shocks, physical damage, slag, open flames, sparks, and arcs. use or connected for use.
� Install cylinders in an upright position by securing to a stationary � Use the proper equipment, correct procedures, and sufficient
support or cylinder rack to prevent falling or tipping. number of persons to lift, move, and transport cylinders.
� Keep cylinders away from any welding or other electrical circuits. � Read and follow instructions on compressed gas cylinders, asso-
� Never drape a welding torch over a gas cylinder. ciated equipment, and Compressed Gas Association (CGA) publi-
� Never allow a welding electrode to touch any cylinder. cation P-1 listed in Safety Standards.
OM-284833 Page 3
� To reduce possible interference, keep weld cables as short as
ARC WELDING can cause possible, close together, and down low, such as on the floor.
interference. � Locate welding operation 100 meters from any sensitive electronic
� Electromagnetic energy can interfere with sensitive equipment.
electronic equipment such as microprocessors, � Be sure this welding machine is installed and grounded according
computers, and computer-driven equipment such to this manual.
as robots. � If interference still occurs, the user must take extra measures such
� Be sure all equipment in the welding area is electromagnetically as moving the welding machine, using shielded cables, using line
compatible. filters, or shielding the work area.
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, CSA Standard SOM 2022–01
W117.2 from Canadian Standards Association. Website: www.
OM-284833 Page 4
Pour écarter les risques de blessure pour vous-même et pour autrui — lire, appliquer et ranger en lieu sûr ces consignes relatives
aux précautions de sécurité et au mode opératoire.
OM-284833 Page 5
� S’assurer que tous les panneaux et couvercles sont correctement
en place.
risquent de provoquer des blessures
� Fixer le câble de retour de façon à obtenir un bon contact métal-
métal avec la pièce à souder ou la table de travail, le plus près ou même la mort.
possible de la soudure. � Fermer l’alimentation du gaz comprimé en cas de
� Isoler la pince de masse quand pas mis à la pièce pour éviter le non utilisation.
contact avec tout objet métallique. � Veiller toujours à bien aérer les espaces confinés ou se servir d’un
� Ne pas raccorder plus d’une électrode ou plus d’un câble de respirateur d’adduction d’air homologué.
masse à une même borne de sortie de soudage. Débrancher le
câble pour le procédé non utilisé. LES RAYONS DE L’ARC peuvent
� Utiliser une protection différentielle lors de l’utilisation d’un équipe- provoquer des brûlures dans les
ment auxiliaire dans des endroits humides ou mouillés. yeux et sur la peau.
Le rayonnement de l’arc du procédé de soudage
LES PIÈCES CHAUDES peuvent génère des rayons visibles et invisibles intenses
provoquer des brûlures. (ultraviolets et infrarouges) susceptibles de provoquer des brûlures
dans les yeux et sur la peau. Des étincelles sont projetées pendant le
� Ne pas toucher des parties chaudes à mains nues.
� Prévoir une période de refroidissement avant de
travailler à l’équipement. � Porter un casque de soudage approuvé muni de verres filtrants
approprié pour protéger visage et yeux pendant le soudage (voir
� Ne pas toucher aux pièces chaudes, utiliser les outils recomman-
ANSI Z49.1 et Z87.1 énuméré dans les normes de sécurité).
dés et porter des gants de soudage et des vêtements épais pour
éviter les brûlures. � Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux même sous
votre casque.
DES PIECES DE METAL ou DES � Avoir recours à des écrans protecteurs ou à des rideaux pour pro-
téger les autres contre les rayonnements les éblouissements et
SALETES peuvent provoquer des les étincelles ; prévenir toute personne sur les lieux de ne pas re-
blessures dans les yeux. garder l’arc.
� Le soudage, l’écaillement, le passage de la pièce � Porter une protection corporelle en cuir ou des vêtements ignifu-
à la brosse en fil de fer, et le meulage génèrent ges (FRC). La protection du corps comporte des vêtements sans
des étincelles et des particules métalliques volantes. Pendant la huile, comme des gants de cuir, une chemise solide, des panta-
période de refroidissement des soudures, elles risquent de proje- lons sans revers, des chaussures hautes et une casquette.
ter du laitier.
� Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux ou un écran LE SOUDAGE peut provoquer un
facial. incendie ou une explosion.
Le soudage effectué sur des conteneurs fermés
LES FUMÉES ET LES GAZ peuvent tels que des réservoirs, tambours ou des conduites
être dangereux. peut provoquer leur éclatement. Des étincelles
peuvent être projetées de l’arc de soudure. La projection d’étincelles,
Le soudage génère des fumées et des gaz. Leur des pièces chaudes et des équipements chauds peut provoquer des
inhalation peut être dangereux pour votre santé. incendies et des brûlures. Le contact accidentel de l’électrode avec
des objets métalliques peut provoquer des étincelles, une explosion,
� Eloigner votre tête des fumées. Ne pas respirer les fumées. un surchauffement ou un incendie. Avant de commencer le soudage,
� À l’intérieur, ventiler la zone et/ou utiliser une ventilation forcée au vérifier et s’assurer que l’endroit ne présente pas de danger.
niveau de l’arc pour l’évacuation des fumées et des gaz de sou-
dage. Pour déterminer la bonne ventilation, il est recommandé de � Déplacer toutes les substances inflammables à une distance de
procéder à un prélèvement pour la composition et la quantité de 10,7 m de l’arc de soudage. En cas d’impossibilité les recouvrir
fumées et de gaz auxquelles est exposé le personnel. soigneusement avec des protections homologués.
� Si la ventilation est médiocre, porter un respirateur anti-vapeurs � Ne pas souder dans un endroit là où des étincelles peuvent tom-
approuvé. ber sur des substances inflammables.
� Se protéger et d’autres personnes de la projection d’étincelles et
� Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les ins-
de métal chaud.
tructions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements,
les nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidisse- � Des étincelles et des matériaux chauds du soudage peuvent faci-
ment, les dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux. lement passer dans d’autres zones en traversant de petites fissu-
res et des ouvertures.
� Travailler dans un espace fermé seulement s’il est bien ventilé ou
en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Demander toujours � Surveiller tout déclenchement d’incendie et tenir un extincteur à
à un surveillant dûment formé de se tenir à proximité. Des fumées proximité.
et des gaz de soudage peuvent déplacer l’air et abaisser le niveau � Le soudage effectué sur un plafond, plancher, paroi ou séparation
d’oxygène provoquant des blessures ou des accidents mortels. peut déclencher un incendie de l’autre côté.
S’assurer que l’air de respiration ne présente aucun danger. � Ne pas couper ou souder des jantes ou des roues. Les pneus peu-
� Ne pas souder dans des endroits situés à proximité d’opérations vent exploser s’ils sont chauffés. Les jantes et les roues réparées
de dégraissage, de nettoyage ou de pulvérisation. La chaleur et peuvent défaillir. Voir OSHA 29 CFR 1910.177 énuméré dans les
les rayons de l’arc peuvent réagir en présence de vapeurs et for- normes de sécurité.
mer des gaz hautement toxiques et irritants. � Ne pas effectuer le soudage sur des conteneurs fermés tels que
� Ne pas souder des métaux munis d’un revêtement, tels que l’acier des réservoirs, tambours, ou conduites, à moins qu’ils n’aient été
galvanisé, plaqué en plomb ou au cadmium à moins que le revête- préparés correctement conformément à AWS F4.1 (voir les Nor-
ment n’ait été enlevé dans la zone de soudure, que l’endroit soit mes de Sécurité).
bien ventilé, et en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Les � Ne pas souder là où l’air ambiant pourrait contenir des poussières,
revêtements et tous les métaux renfermant ces éléments peuvent gaz ou émanations inflammables (vapeur d’essence, par
dégager des fumées toxiques en cas de soudage. exemple).
OM-284833 Page 6
� Brancher le câble de masse sur la pièce le plus près possible de � Les porteurs d’implants médicaux doivent consulter leur médecin
la zone de soudage pour éviter le transport du courant sur une lon- et le fabricant du dispositif avant de s’approcher de la zone où se
gue distance par des chemins inconnus éventuels en provoquant déroule du soudage à l’arc, du soudage par points, du gougeage,
des risques d’électrocution, d’étincelles et d’incendie. de la découpe plasma ou une opération de chauffage par
� Ne pas utiliser le poste de soudage pour dégeler des conduites
Si des BOUTEILLES sont
� En cas de non utilisation, enlever la baguette d’électrode du porte-
électrode ou couper le fil à la pointe de contact. endommagées, elles pourront
� Porter une protection corporelle en cuir ou des vêtements ignifu-
ges (FRC). La protection du corps comporte des vêtements sans Des bouteilles de gaz comprimé protecteur
huile, comme des gants de cuir, une chemise solide, des panta- contiennent du gaz sous haute pression. Si une
lons sans revers, des chaussures hautes et une casquette. bouteille est endommagée, elle peut exploser. Du fait que les bouteil-
� Avant de souder, retirer toute substance combustible de vos po- les de gaz font normalement partie du procédé de soudage, les mani-
ches telles qu’un allumeur au butane ou des allumettes. puler avec précaution.
� Une fois le travail achevé, assurez-vous qu’il ne reste aucune � Protéger les bouteilles de gaz comprimé d’une chaleur excessive,
trace d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes. des chocs mécaniques, des dommages physiques, du laitier, des
flammes ouvertes, des étincelles et des arcs.
� Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe-circuits appropriés.
Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter. � Placer les bouteilles debout en les fixant dans un support station-
naire ou dans un porte-bouteilles pour les empêcher de tomber ou
� Suivre les recommandations dans OSHA 1910.252 (a) (2) (iv) et de se renverser.
NFPA 51B pour les travaux à chaud et avoir de la surveillance et
un extincteur à proximité. � Tenir les bouteilles éloignées des circuits de soudage ou autres
circuits électriques.
� Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les ins- � Ne jamais placer une torche de soudage sur une bouteille à gaz.
tructions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements,
les nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidisse- � Une électrode de soudage ne doit jamais entrer en contact avec
ment, les dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux. une bouteille.
� Ne jamais souder une bouteille pressurisée - risque d’explosion.
Le BRUIT peut endommager l’ouïe. � Utiliser seulement des bouteilles de gaz comprimé, régulateurs,
tuyaux et raccords convenables pour cette application spécifique;
Le bruit des processus et des équipements peut les maintenir ainsi que les éléments associés en bon état.
affecter l’ouïe. � Tourner le dos à la sortie de vanne lors de l’ouverture de la vanne
de la bouteille. Ne pas se tenir devant ou derrière lerégulateur lors
� Porter des protections approuvées pour les oreilles de l’ouverture de la vanne.
si le niveau sonore est trop élevé.
� Maintenir le chapeau de protection sur la soupape, sauf en cas
d’utilisation ou de branchement de la bouteille.
Les CHAMPS � Utilisez les équipements corrects, les bonnes procédures et suffi-
ÉLECTROMAGNÉTIQUES (CEM) samment de personnes pour soulever, déplacer et transporter les
peuvent affecter les implants bouteilles.
médicaux. � Lire et suivre les instructions sur les bouteilles de gaz comprimé,
l’équipement connexe et le dépliant P-1 de la CGA (Compressed
� Les porteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques et autres Gas Association) mentionné dans les principales normes de
implants médicaux doivent rester à distance. sécurité.
OM-284833 Page 7
� Affûter l'électrode au tungstène uniquement à la meuleuse dotée
de protecteurs. Cette manœuvre est à exécuter dans un endroit
sûr lorsque l'on porte l'équipement homologué de protection du vi- � Lire et appliquer les instructions sur les étiquettes
sage, des mains et du corps. et le Mode d’emploi avant l’installation, l’utilisation
� Les étincelles risquent de causer un incendie - éloigner toute sub- ou l’entretien de l’appareil. Lire les informations de
stance inflammable. sécurité au début du manuel et dans chaque
LES CHARGES � N’utiliser que des pièces de remplacement provenant du fabricant.
ÉLECTROSTATIQUES peuvent � Effectuer l’installation, l’entretien et toute intervention selon les
manuels d’utilisateurs, les normes nationales, provinciales et de
endommager les circuits imprimés. l’industrie, ainsi que les codes municipaux.
� Établir la connexion avec la barrette de terre
AVANT de manipuler des cartes ou des pièces. LE RAYONNEMENT HAUTE
� Utiliser des pochettes et des boîtes antistatiques pour stocker, dé- FRÉQUENCE (H.F.) risque de
placer ou expédier des cartes de circuits imprimes. provoquer des interférences.
� Le rayonnement haute fréquence (H. F.) peut pro-
Les PIÈCES MOBILES peuvent voquer des interférences avec les équipements de
causer des blessures. radio-navigation et de communication, les services de sécurité et
les ordinateurs.
� Ne pas s’approcher des organes mobiles.
� Demander seulement à des personnes qualifiées familiarisées
� Ne pas s’approcher des points de coincement tels avec des équipements électroniques de faire fonctionner
que des rouleaux de commande. l’installation.
� L’utilisateur est tenu de faire corriger rapidement par un électricien
LES FILS DE SOUDAGE peuvent qualifié les interférences résultant de l’installation.
provoquer des blessures. � Si le FCC signale des interférences, arrêter immédiatement
� Ne pas appuyer sur la gachette avant d’en avoir
reçu l’instruction. � Effectuer régulièrement le contrôle et l’entretien de l’installation.
� Maintenir soigneusement fermés les portes et les panneaux des
� Ne pas diriger le pistolet vers soi, d’autres person-
sources de haute fréquence, maintenir les éclateurs à une dis-
nes ou toute pièce mécanique en engageant le fil de soudage.
tance correcte et utiliser une terre et un blindage pour réduire les
interférences éventuelles.
provoquer des blessures. LE SOUDAGE À L’ARC risque de
� Ne pas utiliser l’appareil de soudage pour charger provoquer des interférences.
des batteries ou faire démarrer des véhicules à � L’énergie électromagnétique risque de provoquer
l’aide de câbles de démarrage, sauf si l’appareil des interférences pour l’équipement électronique
dispose d’une fonctionnalité de charge de batterie destinée à cet sensible tel que les ordinateurs et l’équipement
usage. commandé par ordinateur tel que les robots.
� Veiller à ce que tout l’équipement de la zone de soudage soit
Les PIÈCES MOBILES peuvent compatible électromagnétiquement.
causer des blessures. � Pour réduire la possibilité d’interférence, maintenir les câbles de
soudage aussi courts que possible, les grouper, et les poser aussi
� S’abstenir de toucher des organes mobiles tels bas que possible (ex. par terre).
que des ventilateurs.
� Veiller à souder à une distance de 100 mètres de tout équipement
� Maintenir fermés et verrouillés les portes, pan- électronique sensible.
neaux, recouvrements et dispositifs de protection.
� Veiller à ce que ce poste de soudage soit posé et mis à la terre
� Lorsque cela est nécessaire pour des travaux d’entretien et de dé- conformément à ce mode d’emploi.
pannage, faire retirer les portes, panneaux, recouvrements ou dis- � En cas d’interférences après avoir pris les mesures précédentes,
positifs de protection uniquement par du personnel qualifié. il incombe à l’utilisateur de prendre des mesures supplémentaires
� Remettre les portes, panneaux, recouvrements ou dispositifs de telles que le déplacement du poste, l’utilisation de câbles blindés,
protection quand l’entretien est terminé et avant de rebrancher l’a- l’utilisation de filtres de ligne ou la pose de protecteurs dans la
limentation électrique. zone de travail.
OM-284833 Page 8
2-4. Proposition californienne 65 Avertissements
AVERTISSEMENT – Ce produit peut vous exposer à des pro- Pour plus d’informations, consulter
duits chimiques tels que le plomb, reconnus par l’État de
Californie comme cancérigènes et sources de malforma-
tions ou d’autres troubles de la reproduction.
Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, CSA Standard SOM_fre 2022–01
W117.2 from Canadian Standards Association. Website: www.
OM-284833 Page 9
� Complete Parts List is available at
3-1. Additional Safety Symbol Definitions
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the
OM-284833 Page 10
� Complete Parts List is available at
3-2. Miscellaneous Symbols And Definitions
Shielded Metal
Positive Arc Welding
Gas Tungsten Arc
oltage Input Lift-Arc Operation
e Connection Pulsed
OM-284833 Page 11
� Complete Parts List is available at
4-1. Serial Number And Rating Label Location
The serial number and rating information for this product is located on the back of unit. Use rating label to determine input power requirements
and/or rated output. For future reference, write serial number in space provided on back cover of this manual.
IP Rating
This equipment is designed for indoor use and is not intended to be used or stored outside.
B. Temperature Specifications
OM-284833 Page 12
� Complete Parts List is available at
4-6. Duty Cycle And Overheating
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8090 100
0 A or V
Minutes Reduce Duty Cycle
OM-284833 Page 13
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-1. Selecting A Location
OM-284833 Page 14
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-2. Selecting Cable Sizes*
NOTICE – The Total Cable Length in Weld Circuit (see table below) is the combined length of both weld cables. For example, if the power source
is 100 ft (30 m) from the workpiece, the total cable length in the weld circuit is 200 ft (2 cables x 100 ft). Use the 200 ft (60 m) column to determine
cable size.
Weld Cable Size** and Total Cable (Copper) Length in Weld Circuit Not Exceeding***
350 ft 400 ft
100 ft (30 m) or Less 150 ft (45 m) 200 ft (60 m) 250 ft (70 m) 300 ft (90 m)
(105 m) (120 m)
10 - 60% 60 - 100%
Duty Cycle Duty Cycle 10 - 100% Duty Cycle AWG (mm2)
AWG (mm2) AWG (mm2)
100 4 (20) 4 (20) 4 (20) 3 (30) 2 (35) 1 (50) 1/0 (60) 1/0 (60)
150 3 (30) 3 (30) 2 (35) 1 (50) 1/0 (60) 2/0 (70) 3/0 (95) 3/0 (95)
200 3 (30) 2 (35) 1 (50) 1/0 (60) 2/0 (70) 3/0 (95) 4/0 (120) 4/0 (120)
250 2 (35) 1 (50) 1/0 (60) 2/0 (70) 3/0 (95) 4/0 (120) 2x2/0 (2x70) 2x2/0 (2x70)
300 1 (50) 1/0 (60) 2/0 (70) 3/0 (95) 4/0 (120) 2x2/0 (2x70) 2x3/0 (2x95) 2x3/0 (2x95)
350 1/0 (60) 2/0 (70) 3/0 (95) 4/0 (120) 2x2/0 (2x70) 2x3/0 (2x95) 2x3/0 (2x95)
* This chart is a general guideline and may not suit all applications. If cable overheats, use next size larger cable.
**Weld cable size (AWG) is based on either a 4 volts or less drop or a current density of at least 300 circular mils per ampere.
( ) = mm2 for metric use.
***For distances longer than those shown in this guide, see AWS Fact Sheet No. 39, Welding Cables, available from the American Welding
Society at Complete Parts List available at
1 2
Turn off power before connecting
to weld output terminals.
Failure to properly connect weld
cables may cause excessive heat
and start a fire, or damage your
6 machine.
OM-284833 Page 15
workclamp wirecutter frontcutter
A complete Parts List is available at
Installing Work Cable And Clamp� Complete Parts List is available at
5-4. Installing Work Cable And Clamp
3/4 in.
ps head wrench crescent wrench
greasegun filterwrench
OM-284833 Page 5
OM-284833 Page 16
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-5. Connecting MIG Gun/Spool Gun to IronMan 240
1 MIG Gun
2 Spool Gun
3 Drive Assembly
4 Gun End
5 Gun Securing Knob
5 3 4
5 3 4
OM-284833 Page 17
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-6. Setting Gun Polarity For Wire Type
1 Cap
2 Cylinder Valve
7 Flow Adjust
OM-284833 Page 18
flashlight ruler
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-8. Installing Wire Spool And Adjusting Hub Tension
1 Spindle
2 Remove these components from spindle.
Installing 1 Or 2 lb Wire Spool 3 Order two additional 5/8 washers Part
1 No. 605941
4 Install these components onto spindle.
5 Order additional spring Part No. 186437
OM-284833 Page 19
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-9. Positioning Jumper Links
Open door.
284705- A
2 Jumper Link Label
Philips Screwdriver #1
d philips head wrench crescent wrench
3/8 in.
h nutdriver
OM-284833 Page 20
Complete Parts List is available at
A complete Parts List is available at
5-11. Connecting Input Power
2-7. Connecting Input Power
7 L2
L2 L1
240 VAC, 1
Installation must meet all National 2 Receptacle [NEMA Type 6-50R (Cus- Connect green or green/yellow grounding
and Local Codes — have only quali- tomer Supplied)] conductor to disconnect device grounding
fied persons make this installation. terminal first.
3 Input Power Cord
Disconnect and lockout/tagout input Connect input conductors L1 and L2 to dis-
power before connecting input con- Connect directly to line disconnect device if connect device line terminals.
ductors from unit. Follow estab- hard wiring is required.
lished procedures regarding the
9 Over-Current Protection
installation and removal of lockout/ 4 Disconnect Device (switch shown in the
tagout devices. OFF position) Select type and size of over-current protec-
Always connect green or green/yel- tion using Electrical Service Guide (fused
low conductor to supply grounding 5 Disconnect Device Grounding Terminal
disconnect switch shown).
terminal first, and never to a line 6 Disconnect Device Line Terminals
terminal. Connect plug to receptacle if hard wiring
See rating label on unit and check input volt- 7 Green Or Green/Yellow Grounding method is not used.
age available at site. Conductor
Close and secure door on disconnect de-
8 Black And White Input Conductor (L1 vice. Follow established lockout/tagout pro-
1 Plug (NEMA Type 6–50P) And L2) cedures to put unit in service.
OM-284833 Page 21
OM-284833 Page 9
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-12. Threading Welding Wire
pliers needlenose
workclamp 1 Wire Spool
wirecutter frontcutter Step 2. Pull andknife steelbrush Step 5. Removenutdriver
hold wire; cut off end. gun nozzle and contact tip.
2 Welding Wire chippinghammer
3 Inlet Wire Guide � Hold wire tightly to keep it from
Step 6. Turn power on.
4 Pressure Adjustment Knob Step 7. Press gun trigger until wire comes
Step 3. Push wire through guides into gun; out of gun. Reinstall contact tip and nozzle.
5 Drive Roll
continue to hold wire.
6 Outlet Wire Guide Step 8. Feed wire onto a non-conductive
Step 4. Close and tighten pressure assem- surface (e.g. wood) to check drive roll pres-
7 Gun Conduit Cable
bly, and let go of wire. sure. Tighten knob enough to prevent
Lay gun cable out straight. slipping.
Step 1. Open pressure assembly.
Use pressure indicator
drive roll pressure.
to set a desired
workclamp light-duty workclamp wirecutter
Step 9. Cut off wire. Close and latch door.
greasegun filterwrench
OM-284833 Page 22
OM-284833 Page 23
� Complete Parts List is available at
5-13. Weld Parameters
OM-284833 Page 24
� Complete Parts List is available at
OM-284833 Page 25
� Complete Parts List is available at
6-1. Controls
1 2
OM-284833 Page 13
OM-284833 Page 26
Complete Parts List is available at
� Complete Parts List is available at
7-1. Routine Maintenance
7-3. Changing Drive Roll&TROUBLESHOOTING
and Wire Inlet Guide
1 Securing Screw
2 Inlet Wire Guide
3 Drive Roll
The drive roll consists of two different sized
grooves. The stamped markings on the end
surface of the drive roll refers to the groove
on the opposite side of the drive roll. The
1 groove closest to the motor shaft is the prop-
er groove to thread (see Section 5-12).
7/16 in.
philips head wrench crescent wrench
OM-284833 Page 27
OM-278215 Page 33
� Complete Parts List is available at
7-4. Aligning Drive Rolls and Wire Guide
Ref. 800412-A
pliers needlenose knife steelbrush nutdriver
7-5. Jog Mode
When using the internal motor, if the trigger is held for more than 3 seconds without striking an arc, the unit will automatically shut off weld power
and shielding gas, but will feed wire continuously at the preset wire feed speed for up to 20 feet (6.1 m). Once 20 feet (6.1 m) of wire is delivered,
a trigger error will occur until trigger is released. When using a spoolgun , if the trigger is held for 3 seconds without striking an arc the unit will au-
tomatically shut off weld power and shielding gas, but will feed wire continuously at the preset wire feed speed for up to 10 seconds. After 10 sec-
onds, a trigger error will occur until the trigger is released.
7-6. solderironLight
Diagnostic stripcrimp heavy-duty workclamp light-duty workclamp wirecutter frontcutter
The Diagnostic light provides diagnostic modes to help troubleshoot various malfunctions with the unit.
OM-284833 Page 28
� Complete Parts List is available at
7-7. Troubleshooting
Trouble Remedy
No weld output; wire does not feed. Secure power cord plug in receptacle (see Section 5-11).
Check and replace power switch if necessary.
Replace building line fuse or reset circuit breaker if open (see Section 5-11).
Secure gun plug in receptacle or repair leads, or replace trigger switch (see welding gun Owner's
No weld output; wire feeds. Connect work clamp to get good metal to metal contact.
Replace contact tip (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Check connections at output terminals of welder.
Low weld output. Connect unit to proper input voltage or check for low line voltage (see Section 5-11).
Low, high, or erratic wire speed. Adjust front panel settings (see Section 6-1).
Change to correct size drive roll (see Section 7-3).
Adjust drive roll pressure (see Section 5-12).
Replace inlet guide, contact tip, and/or liner if necessary (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Wire Drive/Gun Trouble Remedy
Wire feeding stops during welding. Straighten gun cable and/or replace damaged parts (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Adjust drive roll pressure (see Section 5-12).
Readjust hub tension (see Section 5–8).
Replace contact tip if blocked (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Clean or replace wire inlet guide or liner if dirty or plugged (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Replace drive roll if worn or slipping (see Section 7–3).
Secure gun plug in receptacle or repair leads, or replace trigger switch (see welding gun Owner's
Check and clear any restrictions at drive assembly and liner (see welding gun Owner's Manual).
Have nearest Factory Authorized Service Agent check drive motor.
OM-284833 Page 29
OM-284833 Page 30
OM-284833 Page 31
9-1. Typical GMAW (MIG) Process Connections
7 3
Weld current can damage electronic 1 Wire Feeder/Welding Power Source 5 Gas
parts in vehicles. Disconnect both 2 Gun 4
6 Shielding Gas
battery cables before welding on a 3
vehicle. Place work clamp as close 3 Workpiece
7 Regulator/Flowmeter
to the weld as possible. 4 Work Clamp
9-2. 1
Typical GMAW (MIG) Process Control
1/16 in. Settings
(0.0625 in.)
3 4 4 Select Voltage
OM-284833 Page 32
Wire Size Amperage Range Recommended Wire Feed Speed Wire Feed Speed *
0.023 in. (0.58 mm) 30-90 A 3.5 in. (89 mm) per amp 3.5 x 62.5 A = 219 ipm (5.56 mpm)
0.030 in. (0.76 mm) 40-145 A 2 in. (51 mm) per amp 2 x 62.5 A = 125 ipm (3.19 mpm)
0.035 in. (0.89 mm) 50-180 A 1.6 in. (41 mm) per amp 1.6 x 62.5 A = 100 ipm (2.56 mpm)
*62.5 A based on 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) material thickness. ipm = inches per minute; mpm = meters per minute
� Welding wire is energized when gun
trigger is pressed. Before lowering hel-
met and pressing trigger, be sure wire
is no more than 1/2 in. (13 mm) past
3 end of nozzle, and tip of wire is posi-
2 tioned correctly on seam.
1 Hold Gun and Control Gun Trigger
2 Workpiece
3 Work Clamp
4 Electrode Extension (Stickout)
Solid Wire – 3/8 to 1/2 in. (9 to 13 mm)
4 5 Cradle Gun and Rest Hand on
6 Groove Welds 7 6 7
0°-15° 45° 0°-15° 6 End View Of Work Angle
7 Side View Of Gun Angle
6 7 6 7
90° 0°-15° 45° 0°-15°
90° 90°
Fillet Welds
OM-4419 Page 1
6 7
45° 0°-15°
OM-284833 Page 33
9-4. Conditions That Affect Weld Bead Shape
Gun Angles and Weld Bead Profiles
10° 1 � Weld bead shape depends on gun an-
gle, direction of travel, electrode exten-
sion (stickout), travel speed, thickness
10° of base metal, wire feed speed (weld
1 10° current), and voltage.
1 Push
1 10° 2 Perpendicular
1 3 Drag
2 10° 3
4 Short
5 Normal
2 3
6 Long
2 3 7 Slow
2 3 8 Normal
9 Fast
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
Gun Travel Speed
4 5 6
7 8 9
7 8 9
7 8 9
7 8 9
OM-284833 Page 34
9-5. Gun Movement During Welding
� Normally, a single stringer bead is sat-
isfactory for most narrow groove weld
1 joints; however, for wide groove weld
2 2 joints or bridging across gaps, a weave
1 1 bead or multiple stringer beads works
1 Stringer Bead - Steady Movement Along
2 Weave Bead - Side To Side Movement
Along Seam
3 3 3 Weave Patterns
2 3 4
1 1 Fine Spatter
2 2 3 4 3 4
1 1 2 Uniform Bead
3 Moderate Crater During Welding
Weld a new bead or layer for each 1/8 in.
5 (3.2 mm) thickness in metals being welded.
4 No Overlap
5 Good Penetration into Base Metal
OM-284833 Page 35
9-8. Troubleshooting – Excessive Spatter
Excessive Spatter - scattering of molten metal particles that cool to solid form near weld bead.
Porosity - small cavities or holes resulting from gas pockets in weld metal.
Excessive Penetration - weld metal melting through base metal and hanging underneath
OM-284833 Page 36
9-11. Troubleshooting – Lack Of Penetration
Lack Of Penetration - shallow fusion between weld metal and base metal.
Incomplete Fusion - failure of weld metal to fuse completely with base metal or a preceeding
weld bead.
Burn-Through - weld metal melting completely through base metal resulting in holes where no
metal remains.
Waviness Of Bead - weld metal that is not parallel and does not cover joint formed by base
OM-284833 Page 37
9-15. Troubleshooting – Distortion
Distortion - contraction of weld metal during welding that forces base metal to move.
Illustration: Base metal moves in the direction of the weld bead.
Short Cir-
Gas Short Cir- Spray Arc GMAW-P Short Cir-
Spray Arc GMAW-P cuiting Spray Arc GMAW-P
cuiting Stainless Stainless cuiting
Steel Steel Stainless Aluminum Aluminum
Steel Steel Steel Aluminum
All All All All
Positions Positions Positions Positions
Argon + 1% Flat & Hori- All Flat & Hori-
O2 zontal Fillet Positions zontal Fillet
Argon + 2% Flat & Hori- All Flat & Hori-
O2 zontal Fillet Positions zontal Fillet
Argon + 5% Flat & Hori- All
CO2 zontal Fillet Positions
Argon + Flat & Hori- All All
10% CO2 zontal Fillet Positions Positions
Argon + All
25% CO2 Positions
Argon + All
50% CO2 Positions
Argon + All
Helium Positions*
90% HE +
7-1/2% AR All
+ 2-1/2% Positions
65% AR +
33% HE +
2% CO2
* Heavy Thicknesses
OM-284833 Page 38
9-17. Troubleshooting Guide For Semiautomatic Welding Equipment
Problem Probable Cause Remedy
Wire feed motor operates, but wire does not Too little pressure on wire feed rolls. Increase pressure setting on wire feed rolls.
Incorrect wire feed rolls. Check size stamped on wire feed rolls, re-
place to match wire size and type if
Wire spool brake pressure too high. Decrease brake pressure on wire spool.
Restriction in the gun and/or assembly. Check and replace cable, gun, and contact
tip if damaged. Check size of contact tip and
cable liner, replace if necessary.
Wire curling up in front of the wire feed rolls Too much pressure on wire feed rolls. Decrease pressure setting on wire feed rolls.
(bird nesting).
Incorrect cable liner or gun contact tip size. Check size of contact tip and check cable lin-
er length and diameter, replace if necessary.
Gun end not inserted into drive housing Loosen gun securing bolt in drive housing
properly. and push gun end into housing just enough
so it does not touch wire feed rolls.
Dirty or damaged (kinked) liner. Replace liner.
Wire feeds, but no gas flows (GMAW). Gas cylinder empty. Replace empty gas cylinder.
Gas nozzle plugged. Clean or replace gas nozzle.
Gas cylinder valve not open or flowmeter not Open gas valve at cylinder and adjust flow
adjusted. rate.
Restriction in gas line. Check gas hose between flowmeter and wire
feeder, and gas hose in gun and cable
Loose or broken wires to gas solenoid. Have Factory Authorized Service Agent re-
pair wiring.
Gas solenoid valve not operating. Have Factory Authorized Service Agent re-
place gas solenoid valve.
Incorrect primary voltage connected to weld- Check primary voltage and relink welding
ing power source. power source for correct voltage.
Welding arc not stable. Wire slipping in drive rolls. Adjust pressure setting on wire feed rolls. Re-
place worn drive rolls if necessary.
Wrong size gun liner or contact tip. Match liner and contact tip to wire size and
Incorrect voltage setting for selected wire Readjust welding parameters.
feed speed on welding power source.
Loose connections at the gun weld cable or Check and tighten all connections.
work cable.
Gun in poor shape or loose connection inside Repair or replace gun as necessary.
OM-284833 Page 39
� Complete Parts List is available at
10-1. Drive Roll And Wire Guide Kits
Base selection of drive rolls upon the following recommended usages:
6 V-Grooved rolls for hard wire (solid steel and metal cored).
7 U-Grooved rolls for soft and soft shelled cored wires (aluminum).
8 U-Cogged rolls for extremely soft shelled wires (usually hard surfacing types).
9 V-Knurled rolls for hard shelled cored wires (flux cored).
10 Drive roll types may be mixed to suit particular requirements (example: V-Knurled roll in combination with U-Grooved).
OM-284833 Page 40
Effective January 1, 2022
5/3/1 WARRANTY applies to all Hobart welding equipment, plasma cutters and spot welders with a serial num-
ber preface of NC or newer.
This limited warranty supersedes all previous Hobart warranties and is exclusive with no other guarantees or
warranties expressed or implied.
Hobart products are serviced by Hobart or Miller Authorized Service Agencies.
LIMITED WARRANTY - Subject to the terms and � Field Options (NOTE: Field options are cov- Hobart’s/Miller’s written approval. Return shipment
conditions below, Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, dba Ho- ered for the remaining warranty period of the shall be at customer’s risk and expense.
bart Welding Products, Appleton, Wisconsin, war- product they are installed in, or for a minimum
rants to its original retail purchaser that new of one year — whichever is greater.) The above remedies are F. O. B. Appleton, WI, or
Hobart equipment sold after the effective date of � HF Units Hobart’s/Miller’s authorized service facility. Trans-
this limited warranty is free of defects in material portation and freight are the customer’s responsi-
and workmanship at the time it is shipped. THIS � MIG Flowgauge Regulators (No Labor) bility. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,
� Replacement Parts (No labor) - 90 days RECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR
Within the warranty periods listed below, Hobart/ � Running Gear/Trailers CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING
Miller will repair or replace any warranted parts or LOSS OF PROFIT) REGARDLESS OF THE LE-
� Spoolguns
components that fail due to such defects in materi- GAL THEORY. ANY WARRANTY NOT PRO-
al or workmanship. Hobart/Miller must be notified VIDED HEREIN AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY,
4 6 Months — Parts
in writing within thirty (30) days of such defect or GUARANTY, OR REPRESENTATION, INCLUD-
failure, at which time Hobart/Miller will provide in- ING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANT-
� 12 Volt Automotive-Style Batteries
structions on the warranty claim procedures to be ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR
followed. Notifications submitted as online war- PURPOSE, ARE EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED
5 Engines and tires are warranted separately by
ranty claims must provide detailed descriptions of BY HOBART/MILLER.
the manufacturer.
the fault and troubleshooting steps taken to diag-
nose failed parts. Warranty claims that lack the re- Some US states do not allow limiting the duration
Hobart’s 5/3/1 Limited Warranty shall not apply to:
quired information as defined in the Miller Service of an implied warranty or the exclusion of certain
Operation Guide (SOG) may be denied by Miller. damages, so the above limitations may not apply
1. Consumable components; such as contact
to you. This warranty provides specific legal rights,
tips, cutting nozzles, contactors, brushes,
Hobart/Miller shall honor warranty claims on war- and other rights may be available depending on
relays, work station table tops and welding
ranted equipment listed below in the event of a de- your state. In Canada, some provinces provide ad-
curtains, or parts that fail due to normal
fect within the warranty coverage time periods ditional warranties or remedies, and to the extent
wear. (Exception: brushes and relays are
listed below. Warranty time periods start on the de- the law prohibits their waiver, the limitations set out
covered on all engine-driven products.)
livery date of the equipment to the original retail above may not apply. This Limited Warranty pro-
purchaser, or 12 months after the equipment is 2. Items furnished by Hobart/Miller, but manufac- vides specific legal rights, and other rights may be
shipped to a US or Canada distributor, or 18 tured by others, such as engines or trade ac- available, but may vary by province.
months after the equipment is shipped to an inter- cessories. These items are covered by the
national distributor, whichever occurs first. manufacturer’s warranty, if any.
3. Equipment that has been modified by any party Warranty Questions?
1 5 Years — Parts and Labor other than Hobart/Miller, or equipment that has
been improperly installed, improperly operated
� Original Main Power Rectifiers only to include or misused based upon industry standards, or
Call 1-800-332-3281
SCRs, diodes, and discrete rectifier modules
in non-inverter products
equipment which has not had reasonable and 8 AM – 5 PM EST
necessary maintenance, or equipment which
� Reactors has been used for operation outside of the Service
� Stabilizers specifications for the equipment.
� Transformers 4. Defects caused by accident, unauthorized re- You always get the fast, reliable response you
pair, or improper testing. need. Most replacement parts can be in your
2 3 Years — Parts and Labor Unless Specified hands in 24 hours.
MAINTENANCE OF WELDING EQUIPMENT. Need fast answers to the tough welding ques-
� PC Boards tions? Contact your distributor or call 1-800-
� Rotors, Stators and Brushes The exclusive remedies for warranty claims are, at 332-3281. The expertise of the distributor and
� Solenoid Valves Hobart’s/Miller’s option, either: (1) repair; or (2) re- Hobart is there to help you, every step of the
� Switches and Controls placement; or, if approved in writing by Hobart/Mill- way.
er, (3) the pre-approved cost of repair or
3 1 Year — Parts and Labor Unless Specified(90 replacement at an authorized Hobart/Miller service Assistance
days for industrial use) station; or (4) payment of or credit for the purchase
price (less reasonable depreciation based upon Visit the Hobart website:
� Accessories (Kits) use). Products may not be returned without
Owner’s Record
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Thank you for purchasing Hobart. Our trained technical support team is dedicated to your
satisfaction. For questions regarding performance, operation, or service, contact us!
Resources Available
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Call 1-800-332-3281