SMD Desoldering

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A No-Special-Tools SMD

Desoldering Technique
You don’t need a fancy fabrication shop to get
surface-mount devices off the board. Figure 1 — A small piece of bus wire is
used to transfer heat to both sides of the
component at the same time.
Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ

hile modifying a commercial 23 GHz action to flick the component away from its
assembly for ham radio use on the mounting pads.
24 GHz band, I had to remove and Next, a length of solder wicking is used
replace several small surface-mount devices to remove excess solder from the board, as
(SMDs). Although several techniques have shown in Figures 3 and 4. The flux can also
been described to remove an SMD from cir- be removed with some alcohol and a little
cuit boards, I have developed a way to remove scrubbing.
these tiny parts without any special tools or a The removed chip resistors ended up
need for a second soldering iron. In addition, stuck to the 20 gauge bus wire. Although
this technique does not destroy the component a bit discolored, these little bits can also be
or the circuit board. cleaned up with solder wick and alcohol, and
be reused in another project. Of course, the
Flood, Float and Flick little chip resistors are cheap enough to go Figure 2 — As the component heats and
into the trash bin (the hazardous waste bin). solder begins to reflow, quickly add more
I call this the flood, float and flick (F3 for solder to flood the component area. The
short) technique: The component and board If the component were more valuable, such as component will float and you can flick the
are heated, and as the solder begins to melt, a PIN diode or a transistor, however, it would iron tip to push the component off of its pads.
more solder is added to the area, flooding the be worth saving.
component area. Then, a flick of the iron tip
moves the part so that it can be picked up with SMT is Here to Stay
a pair of tweezers. I use a standard Weller This is another chapter in the don’t be
WTCPT soldering iron, with an 800° screw- afraid to use surface-mount components
driver tip for all work. story. As electronic products get more com-
The main idea is to heat all sides of the plex and component densities increase, SMT
component at the same time, so that the is the only way to go. Experimenters must
device can be picked up and removed from practice using (and repairing) this construc-
the circuit board. Since surface-mount com- tion method, and become comfortable with
ponents are so small, it may be possible to use using these types of components.
a large chisel-point soldering iron tip to heat By the way, the 24 GHz project I am
both sides of the component. referring to is discussed on a Yahoo! interest
The general concept is based on the old group site started by Frank Kelly, WB6CWN,
trick of wrapping a piece of solid copper wire of the San Bernardino Microwave Society Figure 3 — Remove the excess solder
around a soldering iron tip, to solder small (SBMS).1 and flux from the board with solder wick.
components. In this technique, a small piece Additional scrubbing with a swab and alcohol will remove the flux residue.
of 20 gauge tinned bus wire is used to trans-
fer heat to both sides of an SMD resistor, as
shown in Figure 1. In this photo you can see ARRL Life Member and Amateur Extra class
licensee Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ, is employed
that a component has already been removed,
by M/A-COM Technology Solutions in Torrance,
using this technique. California, and has been a ham since 1976. His
Although I have not tried this, it should be most memorable ham radio experience was
possible to shape the wire into a small circle, working in the press room at the NASA Johnson
rectangle or square to remove other compo- Space Center (Mission Control, Houston)
nents, such as SOT-223 packaged transistors during the 1983 Owen Garriott, W5LFL,
or SMT DIP packaged devices. operation aboard STS-9/SpaceLab-1. You can
reach Wayne at 16428 Camino Canada Ln,
Making it Happen Huntington Beach, CA 92649 or at kh6kine@
Refer to Figure 2. As the leads heat and
the solder re-flows, quickly add more sol-
Figure 4 — The board should look like
der to flood the area. I use Kester rosin-core this. Two 0603 size resistors have been
solder, in a 63/37 (tin/lead) alloy. The com- removed, and the cleaned board is ready
ponent will float, and you can use a wiping to receive two new resistors.
August 2009 41

YOSHIDA.indd 41 6/23/2009 12:45:07 PM

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