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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,029,605 B2

Bodie et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 4, 2011
(54) SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Cameron Bodie, Moose Jaw (CA); U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
Donald Grant Vass, Regina (CA); 4,311,494. A 1, 1982 Conner et al. .................. 55,394
Jonathan Robert Carteri, Regina (CA) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(73) Assignee: Brandt Industries Ltd., Regina, CA 2230741 3, 1998
Saskatchewan (CA) CA 2 307 O55 10, 2001
CA 2243 798 3, 2004
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this * cited by examiner
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 232 days. Primary Examiner — Robert A Hopkins
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Woodard Emhardt Moriarty
(21) Appl. No.: 12/392,639 McNett & Henry LLP
(22) Filed: Feb. 25, 2009 (57) ABSTRACT
(65) Prior Publication Data An apparatus for effecting separation of particles from a
mixture of particles and gas, the apparatus comprises: a hous
US 2010/0212499 A1 Aug. 26, 2010 ing that defines therethrough a channel; an inlet in said hous
ing to admit the mixture of particles and gas into the channel;
(51) Int. C. a deflector in the channel; and a gas outlet port Substantially
BOID 45/00 (2006.01) parallel to a longitudinal axis of the channel and downstream
(52) U.S. Cl. ................ 95/267: 55/396; 55/414: 55/439; of the deflector; wherein the deflector is shaped to direct the
55/457 particles past the gas outlet port. A method of separation is
(58) Field of Classification Search .................... 55/396, also disclosed.
55/413, 414,437, 439, 457; 95/267
See application file for complete search history. 19 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
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U.S. Patent Oct. 4, 2011 Sheet 2 of 6 US 8,029,605 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 4, 2011 Sheet 3 of 6 US 8,029,605 B2

§14:34 07
U.S. Patent Oct. 4, 2011 Sheet 4 of 6 US 8,029,605 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 4, 2011 Sheet 5 of 6 US 8,029,605 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 4, 2011 Sheet 6 of 6 US 8,029,605 B2



F.G. 6
US 8,029,605 B2
1. 2
SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY In some embodiments the gas outlet port is spaced about 5
to 7 inches from a downstream end of the deflector.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION In some embodiments the particles are cereal grain, oil
seed or pulse crop particles.
This application relates to particle handling and, in particu In some embodiments the apparatus further comprising a
lar, to an apparatus for separating particles, such as cereal vacuum generator for drawing the combination of particles
grains, oil seeds and pulse crops, from a mixture of particles and gas into the channel and for drawing the gas out through
and gas. the gas outlet port.
Another aspect of the invention relates to a method for
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION separating particles from a mixture of particles and gas com
prising: drawing the mixture into a channel in a downstream
When commodities such as cereal grains, oil seeds and direction; directing the flow of the particles downstream past
pulse crops are harvested, they are often stored in large Stor a gas outlet in the channel, the gas outlet being open in an
age bins, such as silos, to await transportation to market. 15 upstream direction; drawing the gas out through the gas out
Typically, the transportation is by truck. In order to transfer let.
the particles or grains of the commodity from a silo, in which In some embodiments the gas outlet is centrally located in
it is stored, into a truck, which will transport the grain to the channel and directing the flow of particles comprises
market, a grain vacuum may be used. directing the flow of particles radially outwards.
An inlet end of the grain vacuum has a hose that is inserted In some embodiments drawing the gas through the gas
into the silo. An outlet end of the grain vacuum is connected outlet comprises guiding the gas radially inwardly towards
to a grain transport system, such as an auger. The vacuum is the gas outlet.
turned on to generate a vacuum to pull the grain from the silo A further aspect of the invention relates to a separator for
into the hose. The operation of the vacuum causes both grain use in the separation of particles from a mixture of particles
and air to be pulled into the hose and into the grain vacuum. It 25 and gas, the separator comprising: a deflector at a first end
is desirable to send only the grain and not the air to the grain shaped to deflect the particles radially outwardly; and a guide
transport means. To do this, a separation of the air from the at a second end shaped to guide the gas inwardly.
grain within the grain vacuum is required. In some embodiments the deflector increases in diameterin
One means of effecting the separation of the grain and air a direction from the first end to the second end.
is to use a separator assembly with an inner Surface shape that 30
In some embodiments the guide decreases in diameter in a
draws the air off in a direction perpendicular to the direction direction from the first end to the second end.
of flow of the mixture of grain and air. Such a separator, In some embodiments the deflector and guide comprise a
however, has significant manufacturing cost. single component.
A further aspect of the invention relates to a grain vacuum
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 35 comprising a vacuum generator and the separator assembly
described above.
Anaspect of the invention relates to an apparatus for effect
ing separation of particles from a mixture of particles and gas, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the apparatus comprising: a housing that defines therethrough
a channel; an inlet in said housing to admit the mixture of 40 Embodiments of the invention will now be described with
particles and gas into the channel; a deflector in the channel; reference to the attached drawings in which:
and a gas outlet port in the channel and downstream of the FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a grain vacuum according to
deflector, wherein the gas outlet port is open in an upstream an embodiment of the invention;
direction and the deflector is shaped to direct the particles FIG. 2 is a top view of the grain vacuum of FIG. 1;
downstream in the channel past the gas outlet port. 45 FIG.3 is a cross-sectional view of the grain vacuum of FIG.
In some embodiments the apparatus further comprises a 2 taken along line AA;
guide in the channel downstream of the deflector and the FIG. 4 is an enlarged view of detail B from FIG. 3;
guide is shaped to direct the gas to the gas outlet port. FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a structure for use with the
In some embodiments the deflector is shaped to deflect the embodiment of FIG. 1; and
particles outwardly. 50 FIG. 6 is a perspective view of detail C from FIG. 2.
In some embodiments the deflector gradually increases in
diameter in the downstream direction. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
In some embodiments a longitudinal axis of the deflector EMBODIMENTS
extends substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
channel. 55 This invention relates to an assembly for separating par
In some embodiments the guide gradually decreases in ticles, such as particles of grain, from a combination of par
diameter in the downstream direction. ticles and gas. The gas may be air. The assembly can form part
In some embodiments the deflector is suspended in the of a grain vacuum for transporting grain from a storage bin,
channel. Such as a silo, to a transportation container, such as the back
In some embodiments the sides of the deflector are conical 60 of a truck.
and define an angle of approximately 12° to 30° from the The apparatus includes a channel into which the combina
longitudinal axis of the channel. tion of particles and gas will be drawn from an inlet. A
In some embodiments a longitudinal axis of the deflector deflector is located in the channel. The apparatus includes a
and the gas outlet port are substantially coaxial with the gas outlet port in the channel downstream from the deflector.
longitudinal axis of the channel. 65 The gas outlet port is open in an upstream direction. The
In some embodiments the gas outlet port comprises a tube deflector is shaped to direct the particles downstream past the
projecting into the chamber. gas outlet port. There may also be a guide located in the
US 8,029,605 B2
3 4
channel downstream of the deflector and upstream of the gas so that the orientation of the portion of the conduit 32 which
outlet port. If present, the guide is shaped to help to direct the is external to the body 12 is at right angles to the portion of the
gas to the gas outlet port. conduit 32 which is internal to the body 12.
Turning to the figures in detail, FIG. 1 shows an isometric An inlet end 34 of the conduit 32 of this example is located
view of an exemplary grain vacuum 10. The grain vacuum 10, adjacent to the end of the guide portion 28 of the separator 24.
of this example, has a body 12, an inlet 14 at one end of the In this embodiment, the inlet end 34 is straight and the diam
body and an outlet 16 at an opposite end. The grain vacuum 10 eter of the inlet end is smaller than the maximum diameter of
also includes a fan assembly 18 for generating a vacuum. the separator 24. In this embodiment, the separator 24 has a
The grain vacuum 10 of this embodiment includes a sepa length of 20 inches and a maximum diameter of 10.5 inches
rator assembly 20, as shown in FIGS. 2 to 4. The separator 10
and the inlet end 34 of the conduit has a diameter of 8 to 10
assembly 20 is positioned in this embodiment adjacent the inches. However, the size of the conduit may be larger or
inlet end 14 of the grain vacuum 10. In other embodiments, Smaller than the maximum diameter of the separator 24 and
the separator assembly may be further downstream. The body
12 of the grain vacuum 10 is a housing which defines a configuration of the conduit 32 between the inlet end 34 and
channel 22. In other embodiments, the channel 22 may be 15 the vacuum generator may vary. The inlet end 34 of the
formed by a separate element inside the body 12. conduit 32 may, for example, be flared rather than straight.
In this embodiment, a separator 24 consists of a deflector In this embodiment, the separator 24 is Suspended by a
portion 26 and a guide portion 28. The diameter of the deflec shaft 25 which extents out from the conduit 32. The shaft 25
tor portion 26 in this example gradually increases from the may be bolted to the separator 24. The separator 24 and the
inlet end direction towards the outlet end direction along its opening of the conduit 32 in this example are centred in the
longitudinal axis. The diameter of the guide portion 28 gradu channel 22 along alongitudinal axis of the channel. However,
ally decreases from the inlet end direction towards the outlet the separator 24 may be otherwise positioned in the channel,
end or downstream direction along its longitudinal axis. In for example, it may be slightly offset from centre as long as
this embodiment the separator is symmetrical about its lon the position of the separator 24 effects the separation as
gitudinal axis. The deflector portion 26 is conical and the 25 described further below.
guide portion 28 has a truncated conical shape. The conical The shaft 25, by which the separator 24 is suspended, is
shapes that define the deflector portion 26 and the guide connected to the conduit 32. In this embodiment, three spokes
portion 28 are oriented in opposite directions and Smoothly 35 are equally distributed around the conduit and the shaft 25
flow from one to the other. is suspended from the point of intersection of the spokes
In this embodiment the angle C. of the deflector 26 to its 30 along the central axis of the conduit 32 as best seen in FIG. 6.
longitudinal axis may be about 12° to 30° and may be 18 and The opening of inlet end 34 of the conduit 32 is substan
the angle B of the guide portion 28 to its longitudinal axis may tially co-axial with longitudinal axis of the channel 22 and the
be about 34°. The relative angles and the shapes of the deflec longitudinal axis of the separator 24 in this embodiment.
torportion 26 and the guide portion 28 may be varied as long These various components need not be co-axial. However, the
as they function as a separator. For example, the sides of the 35 efficiency of the separator may be higher if the inlet end 34 of
deflector portion 26 may have a concave or a convex rather the conduit 32 is substantially parallel to and co-axial with the
than a straight shape and the guide portion 28 may be semi longitudinal axis of the channel and the separator 24 and the
spherical. conduit 32 are no more than /4 to /2 inch off axis from each
Additionally, the separator 24 need not be completely sym other.
metrical around its longitudinal axis. For example, the angle 40 In this embodiment, the inlet end 34 is spaced from the
from the longitudinal axis on the top portion may be different downstream end of the deflector 26 by a dimension X which
from the angle of the bottom portion to compensate for the is approximately 5 to 7 inches.
effects of gravity. Also, the deflector portion 26 and the guide The fan assembly 18 also includes an air outlet 36 through
portion 28 may be separate components, rather than forming which air that travels through the conduit 32 may exit the
a single component may be spaced apart. The guide portion 45 grain vacuum 10. A conventional fan 37 may be utilized for
may also be eliminated Such that the separator 24 comprises this purpose.
only the deflector portion 26. An auger 38 or other grain transport means may be pro
The separator 24 is located in the channel 22. In this vided in the channel downstream of the inlet end 34 of the
embodiment, the inlet end 30 of the separator 24 is aligned conduit 32. As best seen in FIG. 3, in this embodiment, the
with the inlet to the channel 22. Again, this positioning may 50 auger 38 is positioned at an upward angle along an upwardly
be varied. The inlet end 30 of the separator 24 may extend out angled outlet end 39 of the body 12 then through an auger
of the channel 22 or may be set back further into the channel housing 41 to the outlet end 16 of the grain vacuum 10. In this
22. Although the figures depict the tip of the cone of the embodiment, the auger 38 is positioned entirely downstream
deflector portion 26 Separately, this in merely a manufactur of the separator assembly 20. The auger may include an air
ing option and not essential to the invention. The leading or 55 lock or other means at the outlet end 16 to prevent air from
inlet end 30 of the separator may also be other shapes includ coming in from the outlet end 16.
ing rounded or flattened. A bottom side 42 of the body 12 of the grain vacuum 10 in
As can be seen from FIGS. 3 and 4, the sides of the channel this example is downwardly angled Such that any grain that
22 need not track the shape of the separator 24. The shape of falls against the bottom side 42 will be directed to the auger 38
the channel need only allow the particles and gas to flow as 60 as explained in further detail below. In other embodiments,
directed by the deflector 26 and the guide 28. the bottom may, for example, be flat and the auger positioned
The fan assembly 18 is provided to generate the vacuum to horizontally.
pull grain and air into the grain vacuum. As best seen in FIGS. In this embodiment, the body portion of the separator
2 and 6, a conduit 32 which may, for example, be a pipe, assembly 20 is provided with a hinge 43 to allow the separator
connects from the fan assembly 18 which is external to the 65 assembly 20 to be opened by rotating the upstream end of the
body 12 to the interior of body 12 and into the channel 22. In separator assembly 20 about the hinge 43. This allows easy
this embodiment, the conduit 32 has a rounded elbow section access to the interior of the body 12 to, for example, replace
US 8,029,605 B2
5 6
the separator 24 with a differently sized or shaped separator wherein the deflector is suspended in the channel without
24 for use in different operating conditions or grain types. substantially obstructing the channel around the deflec
The flow of the gas and particles through the separator tOr.
assembly 20 is illustrated in FIG. 4. The separator assembly 2. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a guide in
20 is divided here into an inlet section 20a, a deflector section 5 the channel downstream of the deflector and wherein the
20b, and a guide section 20c. In the inlet section 20a, a guide is shaped to direct the gas to the gas outlet port.
combination of air 46 and grain 44 are drawn into the inlet 14 3. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the deflector is shaped
of the grain vacuum 10 by operation of the fan assembly 18. to deflect the particles outwardly.
This mixture is drawn axially in a downstream direction along 4. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the deflector gradually
the channel 22 until this mixture contacts the separator 24. In 10 increases in diameter in the downstream direction.
section 20b, the vacuum continues to pull the air and grain in 5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein a longitudinal axis of
a downstream direction of the channel 22 but because the the deflector extends substantially parallel to the longitudinal
separator 24 is in the way, the air and grain will accelerate up axis of the channel.
the sides of the separator 24 along the deflector 26. 6. The apparatus of claim 2 wherein the guide gradually
When the air and grain reaches the end of the deflector 26 15 decreases in diameter in the downstream direction.
and moves into section 20c, the momentum of the heavier 7. The apparatus of claim 2 wherein the deflector and the
grain particles will cause them to continue along outwardly in guide comprise a single component.
the direction defined by the deflector 26 past the inlet end 34. 8. The apparatus of claim 5 wherein sides of the deflector
The air being lighter will be pulled by the fan suction on a path are conical and define an angle of approximately 12 to 30°
defined by the shape of the separator 24. The air will therefore from the longitudinal axis of the channel.
follow the inwardly shaped guide portion 28, if present, and 9. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein a longitudinal axis of
proceed out through the conduit 32 and out through the air the deflector and the gas outlet port are Substantially coaxial
outlet 36. Even if the guide portion 28 is not present, the fan with the longitudinal axis of the channel.
suction will draw the air out through the conduit 32. The inlet 10. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the gas outlet port
end 34 is therefore the outlet port of the air from the channel 25 comprises a tube projecting into the chamber.
22. The grain, once it passes the inlet end 34 of the conduit 32 11. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the gas outlet port is
will lose its momentum and fall to the bottom of the body 12 spaced about 5 to 7 inches from a downstream end of the
where it will land either on the bottom side 42 and slide into deflector.
the auger 38 or land directly on the auger 38. The auger 38 12. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the particles are
once powered will rotate to move the grain outwardly through 30 cereal grain, oil seed or pulse crop particles.
the outlet 16. 13. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a vacuum
In some embodiments, internal to the conduit 32, there may generator for drawing the combination of particles and gas
be spiralling channels defined to minimize dead air spots. into the channel and for drawing the gas out through the gas
This may be achieved, for example, by including a structure outlet port.
70, such as shown in FIGS.5 and 6, internal to the conduit 32. 35 14. A grain vacuum comprising a vacuum generator and the
The structure 70 has a number of webs 72, eight are shown in separator assembly of claim 1.
this embodiment, which are connected along the axis 74 of 15. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the deflector is sus
the conduit 32 and extend to the wall of the conduit 32. These pended in the channel from the downstream end of the deflec
webs spiral Such that eight spiralling channels are defined tOr.
within the conduit 32. 40 16. The apparatus of claim 15 wherein the deflector is
It will be appreciated other means of handling the grain suspended in the channel by a member that extends out from
once separated from the air may be used. the gas outlet port.
Similarly, other means of generating a vacuum may be used 17. A method for separating particles from a mixture of
and the separator may be used with the other machinery. particles and gas comprising:
The separator assembly may be used to separate other 45 drawing the mixture into a channel in a downstream direc
granular particles and gases of differing mass. tion;
Numerous modifications and variations of the present directing the flow of the particles along a deflector down
invention are possible in light of the above teachings. It is stream past a gas outlet in the channel, the gas outlet
therefore to be understood that within the scope of the being open in an upstream direction;
appended claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise 50 drawing the gas out through the gas outlet;
than as specifically described herein. wherein the deflector is suspended in the channel without
We claim: substantially obstructing the channel around the deflec
1. An apparatus for effecting separation of particles from a tOr.
mixture of particles and gas, the apparatus comprising: 18. The method of claim 17 wherein the gas outlet is
a housing that defines therethrough a channel; 55 centrally located in the channel and directing the flow of
an inlet in said housing to admit the mixture of particles and particles comprises directing the flow of particles radially
gas into the channel; outwards.
a deflector in the channel; 19. The method of claim 17 wherein drawing the gas
and a gas outlet port in the channel and downstream of the through the gas outlet comprises guiding the gas radially
deflector; 60 inwardly towards the gas outlet.
wherein the gas outlet port is open in an upstream direction
and the deflector is shaped to direct the particles down
stream in the channel past the gas outlet port; and

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