SA3 Shrine of The Demon Lord Vorcas

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Advanced Dungeon Module SA3
D&D Game Shrine of the Demon Lord Vorcas
By Joe Conaway

Can your party survive the terror of a Demon’s temple? Have the cultists
returned? Were they always here? Are they trying to summon a Demon
Lord to our plane? Only brave adventurers need bother for work like this
is not for the faint of heart.
This hidden temple was submerged until apostates of Vorcas, with assistance of potions, made it to the
floodgate controls. Using the floodgates they removed most of the water from the temple. The caverns
still have knee deep water in them. This imposes a -2 to AC to the PCs as they are not used to fighting in
water. This does not apply to the Mariner class. The main temple area has ankle deep water at the highest
level of water. This allows the sea demons move freely about the temple.

The walls are covered with tapestries depicting sacrifices and dark rituals all dedicated to Vorcas. The
temple is lighted throughout with stones of continual light in blue, green and aqua crystals to provoke a
feeling of being underwater.

The temple is guarded by a very violent demon warrior and her two sea demon “attendants” who
alternately try to keep people from bothering her, or purposefully push her into a rage themselves when
they become bored. They in turn are catered to by the cultists in the temple, there are currently 20 Infernal
Devotees, 5 Infernal Priests and 2 Red Jade Templars in the temple.

The Temple

One of the cultists is actually a Lighthouse Keeper that was working undercover in the cult when they
suddenly came here. He was unable to contact anyone and s unaware of the Lighthouse Keeper in

All the know for sure is that it is a repository of knowledge and proports to be unaligned and open to
anyone for use. The reality is the leader of the Lighthouse formed a secret society to preserve knowledge
and insure it is not used for evil. These people are referred to as Lighthouse Keepers. One is in the town
of Seameet and another is in the temple. The Keeper did not know the cultists were headed here and was
unable to contact other Keepers. He has kept a journal of the cults activities and people they have met
with. He hid it under the rocks to hide it from prying eyes. He is one of the Devotees. Another Devotee
got suspicious and followed the Keeper to this spot. He did not see what the Keeper was doing, but he
reported it. The priest was sent to search the area and see what was going on. They did not find the
journal and the priest thinks this is a petty squabble that elevated to high, he was planning on punishing
the Devotee the gave the tip by giving him to one of the demons to eat.

On the map there are Xs with nothing else. These Xs represent planned encounters the party will have
with the temple’s inhabitants. The encounter will consist of the following:

2 Infernal Devotees HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1
XP: 10

1 Infernal Priest HD: 2 (d6) AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP:
100 Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.

How the encounter is handled is up to the DM, if the party is being stealthy these groups can ruin that,
also both groups will need to roll for surprise. If the party allows any of the three to escape he will bring
back the rest of the devotees, two priests and one red jade templar.
Below the Temple of Vorcas is describe in detail. Text in quotes is to be read to the PC. Occassinaly there
will be information in the description for the DM only. This done with text in parenthesis and highlighted
in yellow, like so (text). This is information should not be read aloud. The use – followed by text and
ending with another – followed by a name indicates the person is saying this to the PCs, it should be read
to the PCs as if from the name after the second – were speaking. (DMs do your best to sound different, we
got faith in ya).

Random Encounters

Roll for random encounters as you see fit. Because of the size of the complex, planned encounters and
number of inhabitants a roll of 1 on a d10 leads to an encounter. If an encounter is called for roll on the
following table:
Roll Encounter
1 4 Devotees
2 Infernal Priest
3 Priest and Red Jade Templar
4 Red Jade Templar

If the party encounters any of the above be sure to subtract them from the totals.

Infernal Devotee HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1 XP: 10
Infernal Priest HD: 2 (d6) AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP: 100
Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.
Red Jade Templar HD: 5 AC: 3 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d8/Sword (15) Save As: Fighter 5 XP: 200
➢ The Assensing of Good (By concentrating for 1 round, the Templar can detect good as per the clerical
spell. Note that the holy symbol of the Templar must be held and presented for this power to function.
The duration of the effect is equal to the Templar’s time of concentration, performing no additional
actions beyond walking (and not speaking).
➢ Aura of Protection (The Templar permanently emanates a protection from evil 10’ radius aura, in a
manner similar to the cleric spell. The aura functions even if the Templar is unconscious or vanquished,
until death. All allies and companions within the 10’ radius will also benefit from the aura’s effects. Even
a dispel magic spell can only disrupt the aura for a single melee round, at most.)
➢ Battle Mastery (3/2 (3 attacks every 2 rounds)
➢ Grace and Wrath of the Gods of Hell (After many crusades and triumphs against Law and Order,
high-level Templars are visited in devout meditation by the creatures, imps, minor demon, or Lesser
Demon who serve the Evil patron demon lord.
The result of this visionary contact is a revelatory awakening, in which the Templar champion is granted
divine powers by the deity and its messengers. Therefore, beginning at experience level 9 – following a
profound vision during the night immediately after completing training for level 9 – Templars are capable
of casting clerical spells.)
➢ Knightly Training Discipline (Templars of experience levels 1 through 5 can train under an
appropriately-leveled Templar or Templar; those of levels 6+ can train themselves)
➢ Laying on Hands (Once every 24 hours, the Templar can lay on hands, magically causing minor
wounds. The use of his power requires a holy symbol. The power will not cause diseases, blindness,
deafness, poisoning, or other debilitations; it will only deal damage. The Templar can use this power on
anyone who is touched for 1 melee round.
The amount of damage is up to 2 points of damage per level of the Templar. A zero-level Templar can
only cause 2 hit points; a level 10 Templar can cause 20 hit points. Points cannot be “saved” for multiple
uses; the daily healing is an all-or-nothing affair.)
➢ Mantle of the Immoral (Templars have a +2 bonus to all saving throw rolls, regardless of type.)
➢ Merciless Onslaught (When facing minor foes in melee, the Templar’s superior mastery allows him
or her to attack a number of times per round equal to his or her experience level. In other words, a level 5
Templar would be able to attack 5 times per round, but only against minor foes. An attack against another
type of foe would fall under the Battle Mastery advantage instead, as described prior.
The onslaught fighting technique can only be used in melee, not with ranged attacks.
Minor creatures are level 0 characters such as normal men and men-at-arms, and also any monsters with
fewer than 1 full hit die (1D8). Monsters with HD 1/8 (1 hp), 1/4 (1-2 hp), 1/2 (1-4 hp), 1/2+1 (2-5 hp),
1D6 (1-6 hp), or HD 1-1 (1-7 hp) are considered minor creatures. This classification includes bats, giant
rats, goblins, kobolds, rats, and so forth.)
➢ Putrefying Touch (Once or more every 7 days, the Templar can magically cause any disease, as the
clerical spell. The Templar can infect anyone. The use of a holy symbol is required. This power requires 1
full turn of concentration, and therefore cannot be used in combat. It will immediately cause any effect
that is not on the “exceptions list”, as noted in the Vessel of Purity advantage section (hereafter).
The number of times this ability can be used, per week, is dependent upon the Templar experience level
as follows: levels 0 to 5, 1 time/week; levels 6 to 10, 2 times/week; levels 11 to 15, 3 times/week; and so
➢ Command the Undead (At experience level 3, the Templar acquires the ability to command the
undead as a level 1 cleric. With each further experience level, the Templar’s level of power in this regard
increases by 1. Therefore, a level 13 Templar is equivalent to a level 11 cleric. The holy symbol is
➢ Vessel of Immorality (A Templar is immune to all non-magical diseases (up to and including bubonic
plague, leprosy, and parasitic infections), along with most monstrous or magical disease-like effects
(including giant leech contagion, giant tick bites, rat bites, tentacle beast strikes, and the cause disease
spell). There are some important exceptions to this general immunity, however.

1. “You have entered one of the many sea caves along Seameet’s coast, as the tide has gone out it has
revealed a tunnel opening leading down. The tunnel offers up only darkness and the drip of water as to
clues to where it leads. Above the entrance is a strange carving of a stylized octopus inset in an aqua
stone. As you glance about you notice the floor is now of cut stone not the water smoothed rock of the
rest of the cave.”

The symbol is for Vorcas, unless one of the PCs has infernal lore of some kind they will not be able to
identify the symbol. This cavern is the entrance to Vorcas temple. The temple has remained hidden for so
long the inhabitants no longer post guards at the entrance. If the party proceeds through the tunnel go to
1a, if they don’t, get a new party.

1a. “As you exit the tunnel you find your self back in a cavern tunnel. Strange blue and green lights
bounce of the walls, you are memorized by the lights for moment, but only a moment, as you feel a cold
wetness creeping up your legs towards your knees. (pause a bit here, maybe roll some dice) You realize
you are standing knee deep in water. The water is cool but not unbearably so, you were just shocked by
its presence. The tunnel branches off to your left and right”
Going to the left leads to area 2 and the entrance to the temple itself. Heading left leads to a planned

Planned Encounter

A trio is here replacing a damaged crystal on one of the lights.

The group will have their backs to the party as long as the party has been reasonably quiet. If not, they
will be waiting in ambush calling for a surprise roll by the party. The two devotees will attack any
identifiable priest first followed by any spell casters. The priest will attempt to cause wounds on the
strongest looking party member. The cultists wear blue robes cuffed with red, there robes continue to a
pointed hood. Their faces are covered by a mask with demonic markings on it.

If the party does come upon them with their backs turned it will the trio’s time to roll surprise. They will
follow the same strategy as above when attacking,

2 Infernal Devotees HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1
XP: 10

1 Infernal Priest HD: 2 (d6) AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP:
100 Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.

2. “You have slogged down the tunnel coming to an open cavern. As you enter the cavern you see a set of
large doors to you right and it looks as if the tunnel may continue on past this cavern.”

If the party goes to the doors – “You walk up a set of stairs and the
water drains off of you. You find yourself in water that barley covers
your boots. The doors in front of you appear distorted by the
cavern’s bizarre lights, the look as if they are made out of sea oral,
with tarnished brass handles. The doors also bear the same stylized
octopus as over the tunnel that led you down here.”

The doors are closed but not locked. If the doors are opened, thanks
to their porous nature, they move easily through any water. The
doors lead to area 5.

If the party continues across the cavern and into the tunnel they will
come to another planned encounter.

Planned Encounter

In this encounter the cultists will be walking toward the party. If the
party rolls a Perception check at -3 due to the echoey nature of the
cavern. If one of the PCs succeeds, they will hear the cultists
slogging through the water toward them. The party may set an
ambush to surprise the cultists as they exit the tunnel, walk toward
them or just wait for the cultists to come to them.
If the party does not detect the group the will directly into each other, causing both to roll for surprise. If
not surprised the priest will yell “Intruders” and they will attack. If the party wins, well, they were put he
to be killed by the party.

If neither fails the priest will do as above. In melee the two devotees will attack the heaviest armored
member of the party will the priest attacks other priest and then spell casters.

Infernal Devotees (2) HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1
XP: 10

Infernal Priest HD: 2d6 AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP: 100
Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.

3. “The tunnel you have followed has come to it’s inevitable end. A solid rock wall greets you here, some
rock has been chipped off the wall as if someone was looking to see if the tunnel continued.”

There is nothing of value here, the tunnel just ends.

4. “The room you have entered has a broken statue to your left, the identifying features have been
smashed beyond recognition. The floor of the room drops off into knee deep water and it appears a chest
is in the water. Brightly colored coral grows from the wall and floor of the cavern section.”

There is a chest in the water. Anyone that steps in front of the chest triggers a trap. A PC that can detect
traps will have to specify they are putting their head underwater to look. If they don’t, they will have no
chance to find the trap. The pressure plate in front of the chest activates a dart trap.

The three darts fired by this trap cause 1d3 damage and are coated in Type A contact poison. In addition
to the arrow damage, each victim must save vs. poison at +4 or suffer an additional 15 poison damage.
Each arrow requires a separate saving throw. It will reload and be ready to fire each time some steps in
front of the chest. The chest contains 2d4 x 1,000 gold pieces

5. “You have entered a large room, The floor is a mosaic using blue tiles set in aqua rock, of the stylized
octopus. There are 4 fountains, 2 on the east and west walls. Your footsteps echo eerily no matter how
hard you try to be quiet. An ominous presence seems to swirl around the room. Chills run up and down
your spines. A set if blue coral doors are in the north and south walls.”

Roll for a random encounter, a roll of 1 on a d6 leads to an encounter. If an encounter is called for roll on
the following table:

Roll Encounter
1 4 Devotees
2 Infernal Priest
3 Priest and Red Jade Templar
4 Red Jade Templar

If the party encounters any of the above be sure to subtract them from the totals.

Infernal Devotee HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1 XP: 10
Infernal Priest HD: 2 (d6) AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP: 100
Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.
Red Jade Templar HD: 5 AC: 3 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d8/Sword (15) Save As: Fighter 5 XP: 200
➢ The Assensing of Good (By concentrating for 1 round, the Templar can detect good as per the clerical
spell. Note that the holy symbol of the Templar must be held and presented for this power to function.
The duration of the effect is equal to the Templar’s time of concentration, performing no additional
actions beyond walking (and not speaking).
➢ Aura of Protection (The Templar permanently emanates a protection from evil 10’ radius aura, in a
manner similar to the cleric spell. The aura functions even if the Templar is unconscious or vanquished,
until death. All allies and companions within the 10’ radius will also benefit from the aura’s effects. Even
a dispel magic spell can only disrupt the aura for a single melee round, at most.)
➢ Battle Mastery (3/2 (3 attacks every 2 rounds)
➢ Grace and Wrath of the Gods of Hell (After many crusades and triumphs against Law and Order,
high-level Templars are visited in devout meditation by the creatures, imps, minor demon, or Lesser
Demon who serve the Evil patron demon lord.
The result of this visionary contact is a revelatory awakening, in which the Templar champion is granted
divine powers by the deity and its messengers. Therefore, beginning at experience level 9 – following a
profound vision during the night immediately after completing training for level 9 – Templars are capable
of casting clerical spells.)
➢ Knightly Training Discipline (Templars of experience levels 1 through 5 can train under an
appropriately-leveled Templar or Templar; those of levels 6+ can train themselves)
➢ Laying on Hands (Once every 24 hours, the Templar can lay on hands, magically causing minor
wounds. The use of his power requires a holy symbol. The power will not cause diseases, blindness,
deafness, poisoning, or other debilitations; it will only deal damage. The Templar can use this power on
anyone who is touched for 1 melee round.
The amount of damage is up to 2 points of damage per level of the Templar. A zero-level Templar can
only cause 2 hit points; a level 10 Templar can cause 20 hit points. Points cannot be “saved” for multiple
uses; the daily healing is an all-or-nothing affair.)
➢ Mantle of the Immoral (Templars have a +2 bonus to all saving throw rolls, regardless of type.)
➢ Merciless Onslaught (When facing minor foes in melee, the Templar’s superior mastery allows him
or her to attack a number of times per round equal to his or her experience level. In other words, a level 5
Templar would be able to attack 5 times per round, but only against minor foes. An attack against another
type of foe would fall under the Battle Mastery advantage instead, as described prior.
The onslaught fighting technique can only be used in melee, not with ranged attacks.
Minor creatures are level 0 characters such as normal men and men-at-arms, and also any monsters with
fewer than 1 full hit die (1D8). Monsters with HD 1/8 (1 hp), 1/4 (1-2 hp), 1/2 (1-4 hp), 1/2+1 (2-5 hp),
1D6 (1-6 hp), or HD 1-1 (1-7 hp) are considered minor creatures. This classification includes bats, giant
rats, goblins, kobolds, rats, and so forth.)
➢ Putrefying Touch (Once or more every 7 days, the Templar can magically cause any disease, as the
clerical spell. The Templar can infect anyone. The use of a holy symbol is required. This power requires 1
full turn of concentration, and therefore cannot be used in combat. It will immediately cause any effect
that is not on the “exceptions list”, as noted in the Vessel of Purity advantage section (hereafter).
The number of times this ability can be used, per week, is dependent upon the Templar experience level
as follows: levels 0 to 5, 1 time/week; levels 6 to 10, 2 times/week; levels 11 to 15, 3 times/week; and so
➢ Command the Undead (At experience level 3, the Templar acquires the ability to command the
undead as a level 1 cleric. With each further experience level, the Templar’s level of power in this regard
increases by 1. Therefore, a level 13 Templar is equivalent to a level 11 cleric. The holy symbol is
➢ Vessel of Immorality (A Templar is immune to all non-magical diseases (up to and including bubonic
plague, leprosy, and parasitic infections), along with most monstrous or magical disease-like effects
(including giant leech contagion, giant tick bites, rat bites, tentacle beast strikes, and the cause disease
spell). There are some important exceptions to this general immunity, however.

6 “This a slightly raised platform requiring you to step up. There is no water on the floor for once. Stone
benches are along the wall and images of demons torturing people are etched into the wall.”

This is a meditative alcove for the devout to reflect on the teaching of the Cult of Vorcas.

7 “The door in front of you is closed and appears to be in good condition. (It is unlocked). Now that the
door is open you find yourself facing a man in red platemail armor, it has an almost jade like quality to it.
He is standing in front of a door with his sword drawn, point to the floor. You cannot see his face due to
the helmet. As he sees you he lifts his sword in a salute and takes up an attack position as he moves
toward you.”

This is a red jade templar, one of the militant arm of those that worship the Demon Lords and Demon
Rulers. They are empowered by the dark magics of the Demons Lords and Rulers. HE is on guard duty,
some of the cult’s treasure is stored in the rom behind him. He will not sound an alarm as calling for help
would besmirch his honor. He is a dangerous opponent and will fight smartly not just rushing in sword

Red Jade Templar HD: 5 AC: 3 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d8/Sword (15) Save As: Fighter 5 XP: 200
➢ The Assensing of Good (By concentrating for 1 round, the Templar can detect good as per the clerical
spell. Note that the holy symbol of the Templar must be held and presented for this power to function.
The duration of the effect is equal to the Templar’s time of concentration, performing no additional
actions beyond walking (and not speaking).
➢ Aura of Protection (The Templar permanently emanates a protection from evil 10’ radius aura, in a
manner similar to the cleric spell. The aura functions even if the Templar is unconscious or vanquished,
until death. All allies and companions within the 10’ radius will also benefit from the aura’s effects. Even
a dispel magic spell can only disrupt the aura for a single melee round, at most.)
➢ Battle Mastery (3/2 (3 attacks every 2 rounds)
➢ Grace and Wrath of the Gods of Hell (After many crusades and triumphs against Law and Order,
high-level Templars are visited in devout meditation by the creatures, imps, minor demon, or Lesser
Demon who serve the Evil patron demon lord.
The result of this visionary contact is a revelatory awakening, in which the Templar champion is granted
divine powers by the deity and its messengers. Therefore, beginning at experience level 9 – following a
profound vision during the night immediately after completing training for level 9 – Templars are capable
of casting clerical spells.)
➢ Knightly Training Discipline (Templars of experience levels 1 through 5 can train under an
appropriately-leveled Templar or Templar; those of levels 6+ can train themselves)
➢ Laying on Hands (Once every 24 hours, the Templar can lay on hands, magically causing minor
wounds. The use of his power requires a holy symbol. The power will not cause diseases, blindness,
deafness, poisoning, or other debilitations; it will only deal damage. The Templar can use this power on
anyone who is touched for 1 melee round.
The amount of damage is up to 2 points of damage per level of the Templar. A zero-level Templar can
only cause 2 hit points; a level 10 Templar can cause 20 hit points. Points cannot be “saved” for multiple
uses; the daily healing is an all-or-nothing affair.)
➢ Mantle of the Immoral (Templars have a +2 bonus to all saving throw rolls, regardless of type.)
➢ Merciless Onslaught (When facing minor foes in melee, the Templar’s superior mastery allows him
or her to attack a number of times per round equal to his or her experience level. In other words, a level 5
Templar would be able to attack 5 times per round, but only against minor foes. An attack against another
type of foe would fall under the Battle Mastery advantage instead, as described prior.
The onslaught fighting technique can only be used in melee, not with ranged attacks.
Minor creatures are level 0 characters such as normal men and men-at-arms, and also any monsters with
fewer than 1 full hit die (1D8). Monsters with HD 1/8 (1 hp), 1/4 (1-2 hp), 1/2 (1-4 hp), 1/2+1 (2-5 hp),
1D6 (1-6 hp), or HD 1-1 (1-7 hp) are considered minor creatures. This classification includes bats, giant
rats, goblins, kobolds, rats, and so forth.)
➢ Putrefying Touch (Once or more every 7 days, the Templar can magically cause any disease, as the
clerical spell. The Templar can infect anyone. The use of a holy symbol is required. This power requires 1
full turn of concentration, and therefore cannot be used in combat. It will immediately cause any effect
that is not on the “exceptions list”, as noted in the Vessel of Purity advantage section (hereafter).
The number of times this ability can be used, per week, is dependent upon the Templar experience level
as follows: levels 0 to 5, 1 time/week; levels 6 to 10, 2 times/week; levels 11 to 15, 3 times/week; and so
➢ Command the Undead (At experience level 3, the Templar acquires the ability to command the
undead as a level 1 cleric. With each further experience level, the Templar’s level of power in this regard
increases by 1. Therefore, a level 13 Templar is equivalent to a level 11 cleric. The holy symbol is
➢ Vessel of Immorality (A Templar is immune to all non-magical diseases (up to and including bubonic
plague, leprosy, and parasitic infections), along with most monstrous or magical disease-like effects
(including giant leech contagion, giant tick bites, rat bites, tentacle beast strikes, and the cause disease
spell). There are some important exceptions to this general immunity, however.

Planned Encounter
“As you walk down the tunnel slogging through the knee-deep water, you see the largest clam you have
ever seen at least 6 feet in diameter. It is cranked open and you see a large pearl resting on the clam’s
foot. The iridescent pearl seems to beckon you, asking you to pick it up.”

If anyone tries to grab the pearl the giant slams shut trapping whatever was reaching for the pearl.

Giant Clam (1) HD 6d8; HP 48; AC 0; THAC0 14; # of Atks 1; Damage 1d6; Special Clamp, after the
initial damage of 1d6 the clam will cause 1d4 damage per round, only releasing when slain. IF a rope or
other instrument is used to try and retrieve the pearl it must roll a save versus crushing or be broken. The
pearl is a large pearl valued at 500 gs.

8 “You have come to another dead end; a small circular type cavern is here. A strange pedestal extends
from the floor. It is crafted of a strange blue-green metal, with a strange webbed hand print depression
carved in to the metal.”

The purpose of this pedestal is lost to time. Maybe the demon warrior knows what its for but she isn’t
talking. The pedestal is made of vartium, this metal’s value of about seven times that of pure gold and it
has an inherent 60% magic resistance. The pedestal is about 4s inches tall and weighs about 27 pounds.
To remove from the floor would take about 2 hours with the proper tools, three times that without them.
It will also make a helluva of a racket drawing all sorts of attention

9 “You have entered a square room from a door in the east wall, another door is in the south wall. Instead
of the normal lighting in the rest of the complex, 4 urns burn with blue flames casting strange shadows on
the wall. Ahead of you, you see the rough walls of the stone tunnels and stairs leading down into the
water. If you listen you can hear dripping water and perhaps, is that…… voices? Echoing from the

The stairs down lead into knee-deep water, the crystal lights return as the lighting. After a short walk the
party comes to a t intersection heading north and south. South leads to area 8 and north lead to a planned
encounter and area 16.

Planned Encounter

This is another run in with a group of cultists. These are coming back from area 17. They are alert but
speaking amongst themselves. They will hear the party coming and the two groups will meet, nowing
about the other. No surprise roll needed for either group. The cultists will scream “For Vorcas” and
charge the group entering melee with anyone in front of them.

Infernal Devotees (2) HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1
XP: 10

Infernal Priest HD: 2d6 AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2 XP: 100
Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.

10 “You have entered large room that narrows as it goes from north to south, there are doors in all four
walls. A ten-foot ring lines the room and there is a ladder down from the ring into a large pool of water.
The doors to the north are partially submerged in this pool. The light is cast about reflecting off the water
the illusion of being underwater is even stronger here. There are larger drawings on the wall here, they
depict a black skinned, 3 pupilless sea green eyed creature with webbed, 8 taloned feet and clawed hands,
and 3 shark like fins vertically down its back. It has a shark like head with a mouth bright red inside,
green teeth (like emerald), and red slash gills on his neck. It has a long whip like stingray tail with a red
sting. The eyes of the carvings look down on you from the domed ceiling, the chill you felt when you
entered the room with carved octopus, returns. With it is an intense feeling like you don’t belong here,
like you have transgressed on unholy ground.”

The door in the east wall leads to area 11

The door in the south wall leads to area 5
The door in the west wall leads to area 9
The door in the north wall leads to area 14 “These doors are large and made of some sea-green metal,
they are closed and a huge carving of a smooth black skinned, sea green eyed (3 pupilless) creature with
webbed, 8 taloned feet and clawed hands, and 3 shark like fins vertically down its back. It has a
shark like head with a mouth bright red inside, green teeth (like emerald), and red slash gills (4
per side) on his neck. He has a long 12’ whip like stingray tail (red sting), and stands towering over other

11 “This room has sleeping blankets crammed together on the floor, cultist robes are hanging from
makeshift hooks on the wall. There are 4 Devotees asleep here, there are not wearing robes or masks.
They appear normal, two men and one woman.”
Obviously, this is where the devotees sleep. This is a moral test for your party. Do they kill the Devotees
in their sleep (murder)? or, do they wake them up and take them prisoner (the Good thing to do)? If your
party kills them in their sleep, all members that participated in the killing have their alignment shift one
place to evil, those that did nothing shift their alignment one place to Neutral, those that actively tried to
stop it have their alignment remain the same.

Infernal Devotees (3) HD: 1 AC: 9 Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 9 Atk: 1d4/Dagger (20) Save As: Fighter 1
XP: 10

Door in east wall leads to area 12

Door in South wall leads to are 6
Door in the west wall leads to area 10

12 “Having past through the outer chamber and dealing with the devotees sleeping there you have opened
the door you eyes are assaulted by blasphemous images of demons and sea creatures and people. The
non-demons seem to twist and writhe along the walls, rending the bodies of their victims until they are
unrecognizable and eat them.”

How the party handled the devotees in area 11 influences what the two priests in this room are doing. If
the party was quiet: “One robed man sits at a desk while another is asleep in a bed, of which there are 5 in
this room and two desks.”

The party killed the devotees quietly, as above.

The party attacked the sleeping devotees making noise: “The room is empty, there appears to be 5 beds
and two desks in the room. It is lit by the same blue and green crystals as everywhere else.” Upon
entering the first character must roll surprise. The two priests are hiding to either side of the door and will
grab the first person to enter the room casting Cause Wounds simultaneously. If the PC is surprised adjust
their AC accordingly, if not they get their full AC.

Infernal Priest (2) HD: 2d6 AC: 5 Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: 10 Atk: 1d6/Mace (20) Save As: Cleric 2
XP: 100 Note: Can cast Cause Light Wounds twice per day.

Regardless of how the priests react this is clear cut for the PCs. These priests have given themselves over
completely to the evil of Vorcas. Killing them presents no quandary for the party. A search of this room
(1-2 on a d6) reveals two copies written in the tongue of the Nefarians, the name of the race humans call
demons, the Book of Vorcas. There is also a book that details how months ago this group discovered this
unholy sight and how they used the floodgate controls to lower the water and that they were greeted by
physical vassals of Lord Vorcas. They do not say they are two Sea Demons and a Demon Warrior. If the
reader succeeds in an Intelligence check they find a hidden word in the book. It is in Nefarian and is
ngeemuyi (ˈᵑgeːmuji) which means open in Nefarian. This is the command word for the floodgates in
room 13.

13 “This room smells of oil and water. A large metal device is in front of you, jagged wheels and chains
intertwine with the chains going into the ceiling and disappearing. Six stout wooden logs stick out from
the device in a circle. The wood looks newer than the chains and wheels, as does the bronze caps on the

This is the floodgate is through this that the cultists drained the temple. To use the floodgate
controls the command word most be spoken and then a minimum of 4 people of at least 16 strength must
use the logs to turn the wheel and wind in the chains. This lifts the large dome in area 14, draining the rest
of the complex. The command is in a journal in room 12. Draining the water immediately alerts everyone
in the complex to where the PCs are and that they are up to no good. Whatever remains of the cultists and
sea demons will rush to the floodgate control room as will the Demon Warrior. The party has 3 rounds
before the warrior arrives and the rest will be there two rounds after that. If the party does not leave the
room quickly, they will be trapped in the room with frightenly evil beings.

14 “This room is dominated by a huge metal dome filling most of this room, while sitting only just above
the water line. Chains run from the rim of the dome into the ceiling and disappear. There are two ladders
here, one on the east (NE) wall and one on the west (SW) wall. They go up, out of the water, to ledges,
you can’t see past that. A matching set of doors from area 10, the carving here is exactly the same as that
in area 10 in every way.

This is the last stop for the party before things get hairy for the PCs. Once they enter area 18 they will
find all the remaining cultists, sea demons, red jade templars and the demon warrior in this room. The
PCs will need to be ready for this fight. They will need weapons that can affect the demons, without them
it will be a TPK the first demon they face.

Ladder on east wall leads to area 13

Ladder on west wall leads to area 15
Door in north wall leads to area 18 “The door

15 “After opening the door, the room you are viewing has wooden crates staked along the wall and the
floor. The boxes are neatly arraigned and appear new. The room is filled with these crates making
walking difficult.”

This is a store room for the cultists. The boxes contain food and other supplies for the cultists. This
includes but is not limited to: robes, masks, food, water and sandals. Nothing else is in the room.

16 “You have come to the entrance of a tunnel leading to a different part of the complex. You can easily
fit in the tunnel in a single file line. You are still wading through knee deep water.”

16a “You exit the tunnel and are in a short cavern that leads to cracked stairs leading out of the water.”

17 “Pieces of metal and scraps of metal litter the ground. Water drips off the wall in condensation. The
water dripping echoes throughout the chamber.”

The reason the group of cultists were coming from when the party encountered them. A search of the
room, a 1 on a d8, will let the party find something. Underneath a cracked stone is a scroll tube.

The tube is sealed in wax with the symbol of a lighthouse, its beacon-light glowing. This is the symbol for
the Lighthouse. The party will have heard rumors of the Lighthouse. All the know for sure is that it is a
repository of knowledge and proports to be unaligned and open to anyone for use. The reality is the
leader of the Lighthouse formed a secret society to preserve knowledge and insure it is not used for evil.
These people are referred to as Lighthouse Keepers. One is in the town of Seameet and another is in the
temple. The Keeper did not know the cultists were headed here and was unable to contact other Keepers.
He has kept a journal of the cults activities and people they have met with. He hid it under the rocks to
hide it from prying eyes. He is one of the Devotees. Another Devotee got suspicious and followed the
Keeper to this spot. He did not see what the Keeper was doing, but he reported it. The priest was sent to
search the area and see what was going on. They did not find the journal and the priest thinks this is a
petty squabble that elevated to high, he was planning on punishing the Devotee the gave the tip by giving
him to one of the demons to eat.

The Devotee will reveal himself to the party if feasible. If not, he is willing to sacrifice his life to the party
in hopes they will stop the cult.

Trokalikos of Laroun
History: Trokalikos, born 50 years ago, is a scholar of the city of X. Ten years ago, inspired by a whisper in his ear
from the X, he set out from his Milenian city and travelled north crossing X. Beyond, he found the Lighthouse, the
hidden scholar's civilization, and happily joined its order. In the years since, he has travelled the world, learning
much of its doings, and always bringing knowledge back to the Lighthouse.

Personality: Trokalikos is not the Stereotypical absent-minded scholar. He has a keen intelligence and perception of
what is going on around him, and an appreciation of life in all its forms. He readily adapts to new cultures as travels,
experiencing every new custom he can.

Combat Notes: Normal Man; AC 9; hp 4; MV 120' (9·(90'}; #AT 1 dagger; Dmg ld4; Save NM; ML4; Al LG; S9;
I16, Wl3, D10, Co 10, Ch 13. Languages: Milenian, Neathar, Azcan, Tanagoro, elvish. General Skills: Disguise (I).
Knowledge (of Hollow World geography, I) , Mapping (I), Navigation (I), Riding (horses, D).

“You push the door open and find yourself in a massive room, the Temple Proper. The feeling of being
underwater is stifling here that you actually gasp for breath momentarily. Your eyes are then drawn to a
massive statue of the creature pictured on the wall (Vorcas). However, the statues differs from the
carvings. The smooth black skin is shiny and wet looking, the 3 pupilless sea green eyes sparkle as if gem
stones, the 8 feet and hands have talons and claw that gleam in the light, the 3 shark like fins vertically
down its back shine darker than the body. The mouth looks as if filled with blood and the green teeth
refract the light like prisms, the red slash gills (4 per side) on its neck gleam as if wet and the long 12’
whip like stingray tail has red sting that gleams and sparkles as if covered in something. The statue towers
over everything at 18’ tall.

You are hit full force by the weight of the statue’s sparkling eyes as a wave of otherness slams into you.
You feeling as if you are spiraling through a vortex of space…and…time. Your mind feels as if it is
pulled apart ever so briefly. You scream as the wave pounds through you.
(Roll a saving throw vs. Spells at -3. A failed roll results in the character falling to the ground screaming,
hands clapped to their ears and eyes almost popping from their head. This lasts for 1d4 rounds. Those that
make their save shake off the wave. If any of the PCs fail their saving throw go to a below. If all save
continue reading)

As you pull your eyes away from the statue you see the walls are covered with pictures of the statue
around the room and up into the domed ceiling. Interspaced between that being are human and…things
cavorting in hideous fashion. Your eyes feel assaulted and nausea overcomes you.
(Immediate CON check at -2 or vomit uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds. If CON check is failed go to a
below. If all save continue reading)

You have shaken off the statue and the nausea, and glare about looing or someone to pay for the assault
upon you. You now see between the legs of the statue is a throne, a throne that appears as if a black and
purple shell opened into the throne. Seated on the throne is obviously female, her armor looks more lie
something found in a brothel, poking out from her long white hair are horns, her ears are pointed and her
long, pale legs are sheathed in knee high boots topped with straps going up her thighs. A large great axe
leans against the throne to her right and a large shield rest against the throne on the left. To either side of
the are two creatures rising from out of a crouch. They are 7’ to 9’ tall, fishlike humanoids, with deep
emerald skin, iridescent dorsal spines, and webbing between claws and toes, they have 2 huge, pupilless,
unblinking white eyes.

(We know come to a place where the DM has hopefully been keeping track of how many of the cultists
and red jade templars have been killed. Whatever of their number is left is here. The following description
will need to have the numbers inserted by the DM. If there are no cultists left then skip this part.
“Arranged before the throne, blocking your way are ______ blue robed and masked cultist(s) with
______ priest(s) and ______ red jade templar(s), ready to kill you for their holy ones.”)

a. “All or some of you have fallen to the ground screaming, hands clapped to your ears and eyes
almost popping from your head. Flashes of light behind your eyes blind you as the pain knifes
through your head.”
The PCs are incapable of action for however long they rolled. The bad guys will take 1 round to
reach the PCs and then they may attack the PCs. The PCs get their full AC because of the
flopping round. This may end the adventure; the Cultists may take them prisoner instead. If they
are taken prisoner, they will wake up in an emptied room 15, stripped of all fear, arms and armor.
Their shoes have even been taken.
b. “All or some of you are vomiting up everything you have eaten for a week…was that a lung?...
The sounds of your heaving echo throughout the chamber in a cacophony of shame and
The PCs that failed their save may take no action but vomiting for however many rounds they
rolled. It will take 1 round for the cultists to reach the PCs and then they may attack the PCs. The
PCs that are vomiting lose any DEX bonus or any other bonus to the AC that relies on the PC
being able to do more than retch.. This may end the adventure; the Cultists may take them
prisoner instead. If they are taken prisoner, they will wake up in an emptied room 15, stripped of
all fear, arms and armor. Their shoes have even been taken.
The statue has some major differences as far as what it is made of: the body is solid obsidian, the 3
pupilless sea green eyes are made of chalcedony with webbed, the 8 taloned feet and clawed hand have
white topaz claws, and the 3 shark like fins vertically down its back are jet. It’s shark like head has mouth
lined with rubies, emerald teeth, and red slash gills of inset rubies on his neck. It has a long whip like
stingray tail ending in a ruby stinger.

While this represents a huge treasure for any party, if they desecrate the carving in any way, they
are cursed by Vorcas in the form of Blood Poisoning: Bacterial infection from wounds. Victims suffer
high fever, chills and shivering, rapid breathing and headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, low blood
pressure and possible loss of consciousness. Because of the incubation period the players may not even
know they have been cursed.
Incubation: 1d20+2 days Damage: 1d4 Dex, 1d6 Con Cure: Remove Curse
19 “The door opens to a clean but empty room with stairs leading down into a tunnel. As you continue to
walk down the tunnel you notice you are getting wetter, wit a start you see the water is rising, soon it is
up to your waist, then chest, if you continue further you fear you will be submerged.”

PCs that become submerged are subject to the drowning rules below


Treading water

A character does not need to know how to swim in order to tread water. An unencumbered character can
tread water for 10 minutes for every point of strength they possess. This is cut in half for moderately
encumbered characters (which includes those wearing non-metal armor by default) and reduced to a
quarter for heavily encumbered characters (including those wearing metal amor by default). After that,
the character must make a STR check every 10 minutes to keep their head above water.

Holding Your Breath

A normal character, with a few seconds of preparation to fill their lungs, can hold their breath underwater
for 30 seconds per point of constitution. If they were unable to fill their lungs, this time is cut in half. If
they are they are engaged in any sort of strenuous activity (other than swimming of course) such as
combat, this time limit is also halved (both penalties are cumulative and should be rounded down). At the
end of that time, the character must make a CON check every minute with a +2 cumulative penalty for
every minute thereafter. Failing a CON check means the character has drowned.

20 - 21 “Your head breaks the surface and you breath in the air deeply. You can tell there is a gradual
incline as you move, more and more of you are free of the water. You see regular torches in sconces on
the walls. The chest is rather long, a lot longer than it is tall. It sits in the middle of a glowing circle of
runes carved into the stone, a large padlock secures the lid to the body.”

The chest contains the treasure of the temple, it is locked and trapped, actually its got a double secret trap.

Trap 1 Flaming Circle: The first trap is the circle itself. When activated, only being INSIDE the circle
protects one from the ensuing blast. Within 15 seconds of entering the room a raging inferno of Silver
Fire erupts in the room, damaging all occupants not inside the glowing circle of runes. Those outside the
circle must save vs. spells or take 2d10+10 initial fire damage and save takes 1d10 fire damage.

Trap 2, Acid Spray: The lock is trapped with a bladder that shoots out acid if not disarmed. To disarm the
thief must roll both a Locate and Deactivate, successfully. If the trap is activated the party will take 1d6
points of damage and any item that it facing the chest (armor, shield weapon, staff, etc.) must save vs.
acid or be destroyed. The 1d6 damage ill continue until the PCs wash if in water, if only there was a large
pool of water nearby…wait…how did we get here again?

Treasure: huge moonstone 1,000 gs, very small topaz 50 gs, average coral 100 gs, small peridot 100 gs,
large amber 500 gs, golden belt 1,300 gs, ivory and silver ring 600 gs, platinum crown 1,700 gs, gold and
gem medallion 6,000 gs, and an ivory and silver anklet 100 gs.

Three Magic Items

Hood of the Executioner: A black hood, with a peaked top and eye slits, guarantees anonymity while
killing someone. Even if there are witnesses, the identity of the wearer or any information about him will
be instantly forgotten. Saving throw?

Chameleon: This great sword +2 looks like a nondescript weapon and if seen lying on the ground, will
resemble its background so completely that it is nearly invisible. This ability is extended to the wielder.
Likewise, the personality of the wielder changes to meet the circumstances and the temperament of
others, thus if the user were to be surrounded by goblins, they would take him for one of their own clan.
This blade does not, however,, endow the user with the language knowledge. Treat as a Robe of Blending

Amulet of the Ten Bees: This round amulet has ten very lifelike bees attached to its front in a pleasing
pattern. Upon command, the bees will fly off of the amulet and attack one target, or as many as specified,
up to 10. They attack by getting into armor, under robes, in helms, etc. They have 1 hit point and if killed,
return to the amulet. They sting for 1-6 points and will continually do so until dead. The bees are able to
penetrate armor up to leather and ALL magical bracers, robes, etc. treating all as A.C. 10. Usable twice
per day.
Two Potions.

1. Pop grit (2 Doses): Pop grit consists of honeycombed capsules of calcium. These produce a
popping sound audible for 60 feet if they are crushed. The grit is normally used in perimeter or
passage defence, or by those wishing to create a distraction. One use of grit can cover a 10′ X 10′
2. Icing fluid (5 Doses): Icing fluid is a two-part mixture dissolved in liquid. One part of the mixture
stabilizes the fluid at a temperature above freezing, allowing it to initially act like a liquid. This substance
evaporates quickly when exposed to air, allowing the second part, a quick cooling agent, to activate. Active
icing fluid freezes in a matter of seconds. It can be used to coat an area in ice, freeze a target, or freeze a

One use will cover a circular area 40′ in diameter. Any moving creature in the area must make a successful
DEX check at –4 or lose balance. Any stationary creature must save versus spell or be frozen to the ground
(STR check to free each foot). A direct hit of icing fluid on a creature will cause 2d6+2 pts of damage,
possibly more on water-or fire-based creatures (at the DM’s discretion). One use of icing fluid will freeze
approximately 5 gallons of liquid at room temperature, or drop 1 gallon from the boiling point to room
temperature. It may form an ice bridge over liquid if enough uses are available. It is possible to hurl a
container at a target’s feet and freeze them to the ground and do damage.

Paozubra, Demon Warrior (Fourth Circle): HD 9d10+9, HP 99, THAC0 11, AC -1, # of Att. 2,
Damage 2d6/2d6 +3, Special +2 or better weapon to hit, Size M, XP 2,000 Fear Factor 0

Demon Powers

 Plane Shift-Demons have the ability to travel between the planes at will. While operating on the plane
prime, of course, demons must observe the Compact unless summoned to the plane prime against their will.
 Alter Self-Demons have the ability to alter their own appearances at will, a power that comes in handy
when tempting mortals.
 Detect Alignment-Demons can detect alignment at a range of 12" at will.
 Protection from Good 10' Radius-This magical ward emanates from all demons.
 Immunity-All demons are completely immune to poison and disease.
 Darkness Vision-Demons can see in the dark as well as they can see in the light. This ability has nothing to
do with the infra-red spectrum and is not affected by heat sources.
 Temptation-Demons have the power to tempt mortals into sin. Basically, this magical ability allows a
demon to magically manifest any circumstances it needs in order to propagate the sin it represents. A
demon of gluttony, for instance, can magically locate a monstrous quantity of food or a barrel of wine
whenever he needs one to assist him in tempting some mortal. Although the exact limits of this ability are
up to the Gamemaster, greater demons can obviously accomplish a great deal more than lesser demons.
 Possession-Demons have the ability to possess any mortal within a range of 6." Once possessed, the mortal
loses physical control of his or her body to the demon. Demons possessing mortals have access to all their
victim's thoughts and memories and may still use all their own powers (as well as those of the target) while
occupying the mortal body. Mortals targeted for possession can resist with a successful save vs. magic. If a
possession attempt fails, the demon who made the attempt cannot try to possess that particular mortal for a
period of five days.
o Once a mortal is possessed, the only way to free him or her from diabolical influence is to
successfully perform an exorcism or to convince the demon to leave voluntarily. (To exorcise a
demon, a priest must successfully turn "special" undead, a priest of Skill 12 or higher must remove
curse, or an appropriate character must abjure, banish, dispel evil, or dismiss the demon).
 In accordance with the Compact, demons can only attempt to possess those mortals who agree to make
themselves willing targets, though many demons are adept at tricking mortals into granting such
permission. Demons who are unwillingly summoned to the plane prime, of course, may possess mortals
with no restrictions.
 Demons hear everything within 120’ regardless of obstruction.
 Demons have saving rolls equal to double their hit dice, on the most favorable table (i.e., a 6 dice Demon
rolls like a 12 dice monster).
 Lesser Demons roll hit dice points on d10s.
 Demons cannot be frightened, and usually attack everything on sight (90% chance), including others of
their own kind (75% chance).
 Demons never check morale


HD: 8d10 (80)
AC: 0
Speed: 6” (36” in water)
DEX: 13 to 16
Number: d8
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Fear Factor: 0
Attacks: 2 claws for 2d10 each and 1 bite for d8 plus 4d6 points of venom which paralyzes all but
Elves and undead, which it dissolves at 2d8 points per melee turn or by weapon

Looks: Being 7’ to 9’ tall, fishlike humanoids, with deep emerald skin, iridescent dorsal spines, and
webbing between claws and toes, Sea Demons have 2 huge, pupilless, unblinking white eyes.

Notes: Totally immune to poison, acid, paralysis, and confusion, Sea demons take half damage from cold,
but lightning and sonic attacks do 50% more damage than normal. On dry land, they lose - 1 from all
attributes every 6 melee turns until unconscious. They are frequently accompanied by sharks, schools of
barracuda, or other nasty sea creatures. They love emeralds so much that they will do anything in order to
get them. Their favorite food is Mermaid meat. Sea Demons frequently use magic of up to third level.
Demon Powers

 Plane Shift-Demons have the ability to travel between the planes at will. While operating on the plane
prime, of course, demons must observe the Compact unless summoned to the plane prime against their will.
 Alter Self-Demons have the ability to alter their own appearances at will, a power that comes in handy
when tempting mortals.
 Detect Alignment-Demons can detect alignment at a range of 12" at will.
 Protection from Good 10' Radius-This magical ward emanates from all demons.
 Immunity-All demons are completely immune to poison and disease.
 Darkness Vision-Demons can see in the dark as well as they can see in the light. This ability has nothing to
do with the infra-red spectrum and is not affected by heat sources.
 Temptation-Demons have the power to tempt mortals into sin. Basically, this magical ability allows a
demon to magically manifest any circumstances it needs in order to propagate the sin it represents. A
demon of gluttony, for instance, can magically locate a monstrous quantity of food or a barrel of wine
whenever he needs one to assist him in tempting some mortal. Although the exact limits of this ability are
up to the Gamemaster, greater demons can obviously accomplish a great deal more than lesser demons.
 Possession-Demons have the ability to possess any mortal within a range of 6." Once possessed, the mortal
loses physical control of his or her body to the demon. Demons possessing mortals have access to all their
victim's thoughts and memories and may still use all their own powers (as well as those of the target) while
occupying the mortal body. Mortals targeted for possession can resist with a successful save vs. magic. If a
possession attempt fails, the demon who made the attempt cannot try to possess that particular mortal for a
period of five days.
o Once a mortal is possessed, the only way to free him or her from diabolical influence is to
successfully perform an exorcism or to convince the demon to leave voluntarily. (To exorcise a
demon, a priest must successfully turn "special" undead, a priest of Skill 12 or higher must remove
curse, or an appropriate character must abjure, banish, dispel evil, or dismiss the demon).
 In accordance with the Compact, demons can only attempt to possess those mortals who agree to make
themselves willing targets, though many demons are adept at tricking mortals into granting such
permission. Demons who are unwillingly summoned to the plane prime, of course, may possess mortals
with no restrictions.
 Demons hear everything within 120’ regardless of obstruction.
 Demons have saving rolls equal to double their hit dice, on the most favorable table (i.e., a 6 dice Demon
rolls like a 12 dice monster).
 Lesser Demons roll hit dice points on d10s.
 Demons cannot be frightened, and usually attack everything on sight (90% chance), including others of
their own kind (75% chance).
 Demons never check morale

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