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memorial in the Stoa Poecile (or ``Pictured Porch'') at Athens.

entered from the east coast, and Stanley himself went first to

Philip deemed it proper to make no further inquiries. Alva,

will set at defiance all dictionaries and academic rules.

father. Other celebrated amnesties are that proclaimed by Napoleon

of the mainland, two groups--.-(1) Kodiak, whose largest

one, that at Enkomi, near the site of Salamis, has yielded

time. The periodic fluctuations in the level of Lake Tanganyika

under this title as if just emerged from the sea and in the

affinities. In iii. 14, 15, indeed, he is degraded into a

we see at once the connexion between agrarian legislation

the mean winter temperature falls below 42 deg. F.; and to produce

by affidavits, e.g. for discovery of documents, hence

pluralist. He regularly spent a large income in charity,

remaining an order, has ceased to be essentially a clerical

C6H4 + NH2R;

history, geography, mathematics and French. In 1703 Alexius

He died at Upsala in 1837. In addition to various botanical

(Mfumbiro) . 14,6833 Mweru . . . . 3000

the department is mountainous, its loftiest point being the

The hieromnemones were formally superior, but because of the

societies, such as the Osterreichische Alpen-Zeitung

state, and the speaker and members of the House of Commons

Barbary, and by the French conquest of Egypt in 1798,

fleet at Salamis, and was (460 B.C.) defeated and slain

with the terms of a vow he had made when praying for a

Ersteigung des Gletschers des Jungfrau-Berges (1828); H.

Milan, and on the 25th of February he ascended in it from

uncertain. The arguments on the whole are in favour of

nomenclature, the two names revert to two different centres

cinnamon oil. It is prepared by oxidizing cinnamyl alcohol, or

it became the recognized vehicle for all great poetry, and

century onwards, its bishops, the first of whom appears

Publicani (q.v..) And the same explanation would apply to

region. In graminiferous forms the latter becomes a

introducing great complication, which would place any coherent

enactments of Christian emperors. The pagan party was led

not give, as in the case of the other orders, any form for

Cambridge. Herkomer's portrait is in Pembroke College; and

1869, further additions being made in 1884. An upper storey

His pictures are distinguished by their close adherence to

favourite study, having initiated the Numismatic Journal in

See F. A. von Langenn, Herzog Albrecht der Beherzte,

uniformity. It is divided longitudinally into an outer zone

m. per hour. The existing Federal navy of 1861 already

Habibullah his consent to any addition to or variation of

manhood. He was left in the hands of reactionary boyars

and joins the Tarim. It belongs to the series of oases

ABERNETHY, JOHN (1764-1831), English surgeon, grandson of

miles across, in which flows the western Banas. It rises

holding from ten to twenty tons. Here it is further boiled

chief governor of a community of monks, called also in the

The HUALLAGA (also known as the Guallaga and Rio de los

advertisements on their own property but only such as concern

sides, have cut their way to the surrounding lowlands. Some

at the Hague on the 7th of May 1669, to which Spain acceded.

with five toes each, and supported massive pillar-like

read from the initial or final letters of the lines. His

Massachusetts. In moral effect the battle proved anything

its support was L. 4000 per annum, and the foundation admitted

ALCAMO, a town of Sicily, in the province of Trapani, 24

anodes waste at the same rate at which metal is deposited. The

Brazil and Uruguay contain a crop of amethyst-crystals in the

Political Economy; J. S. Mill, Political Economy; J. R.

the mound area, which extends also into Canada along the

date the supply of rural labour exceeded the demand. A

The balloon proved itself very valuable during the siege of

beginning. If the land taken from wheat had been cropped with

time during Edward VI.'s reign, and was commissioned by

is well known, but these are chiefly house-insects.

class apprentices, and are given six months' instruction at a

Rawdon, whom Cornwallis had left in that field. In his main

contents of the graves which lay just inside the gate (see

the French army, to deliver Jem to Charles and to give him

knowledge of such constructions, their date cannot certainly be

In spite of the great improvements effected during recent

750,000. The province includes the khanates of Kunduz, Tashkurgan,

``the strong Horus.'' Herodotus mentions the temple dedicated

ALMELO, a town in the province of Overysel, Holland, 12 m. by

power. But this very long period falls into two divisions.

being ruled by ancient lines of kings. In Argolis Proetus

his success by founding in the university an Adams prize, to

supreme value of the navy for national and imperial welfare.

Scaletta Pass (Davos to Scanfs), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,593

been settled in Algeria. Some are supposed to have fled

of Book-keeping's Antiquity,'' the author states, on the

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