Relative Clauses

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* We use relative clauses to give extra information about something/ someone or to

identify which particular thing/ person we are talking about.
Relative pronoun Example
- Which (for things and animals) - The book which I liked was the detective
- Who (for people) - The girl who is wearing a blue shirt is Mai.
- Whom (for people as the object of the - That’s the boy whom we saw at school
relative clause) yesterday.
- When (for time) - Do you remember the day when we first
met, darling?
- Where (for places) - This is a place where they filmed Star
- Why (for reason)
- That’s a reason why he failed
- Whose (for possession)
- That’s a man whose dog we found
- That (for people, things, animals and
- Where’s letter that came yesterday?
The people that I spoke to were very helpful.
We moved here the year that my uncle died.

I. Circle the correct word. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. That’s the boy (who/ whom/ that) is bilingual in English and Vietnamese.
2. This is the room (which/ who/ where) we are having an English lesson this evening.
3. The girl (who/ whose/ which) father is my English teacher is reasonably good at English.
4. Do you remember the year (where/ when/ that) we started to learn English?
5. The teacher (whom/which/who) you met yesterday is fluent in both English and French.
6. That’s the reason (where/ when/ why) his English is a bit rusty.
II. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using a relative clause.
1. My friend plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.
- My friend who plays the guitar has just released a CD.
2. Parts of the palace are open to the public. It is where the queen lives.
- Parts of the palace where the queen lives are open to the public.
3. English has borrowed many words. They come from other languages.
- English has borrowed many words which come from other languages.
4. I moved to a new school. English is taught by native teachers there.
- I moved to a new school where English is taught by native teachers.
5. The new girl in our class is reasonably good at English. Her name is Mi.
- The new girl in our class, whose name is Mi, is reasonably good at English.
III. Combine each pair of sentences to make a complete sentence, using a suitable relative
1. Last holiday we stayed in a resort. Mi recommended it to us.
- . Last holiday we stayed in a resort which Mi recommended to us.
2. Some people talk too loudly in public places. I don’t like them.
- I don’t like people who talk too loudly in publics places.
3. The dishes are so hot. My mother has cooked them.
- The dishes which my mother has cooked are so hot.
4. Last year I visited a small town. They filmed The Little Girl there.
- Last year I visited a small town where they filmed The Little Girl there.
5. Ms Mai was my teacher. I will never forget her.
- Ms Mai was my teacher who I will never forget her.
IV. Make one sentence from two. Use “who/ that/ which”
1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
- A girl who injured in the accident is now in hospital.
2. A waitress served us. She was impolite and impatient.
- A waitress who served us was impolite and impatient.
3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
- A building which was destroyed in the fire, has now been rebuilt
4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.
- The people who/that were arrested have now been released.
5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
- A bus which goes to the airport runs every half hour

who runs away from home

which were on the wall

which cannot be explained

who stole my car
which gives you the meaning of words
who invented the telephone
which can support life

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