Ie Q2
Ie Q2
Ie Q2
3. The quality of discussion and business strategies development for a business model canvas do
not depend on the quality of input from customers
a. True
b. False
6. Fixed Menu Pricing and Dynamic Pricing are two different pricing mechanism that need to be
defined in what stage of the canvas
a. Channels
b. Revenue streams
c. Key resources
d. Customer segments
11. True or false, taking into account the look and feel of a product and its presentation is a user-
experience design?
a. True
b. False
12. These are the customer jobs in which customers seek emotional state,such as feeling good,
secure, having peace of mind, etc.
a. Functional jobs
b. Social Jobs - ito ba? Kasi emotional job is social job daw,,,
c. Personal Jobs
d. Support Jobs
13. Which of the following key building blocks of the Business Model Canvas matches “Things to
a. Key resources
b. Key activities
c. Key partners
d. All of the above
16. Business model is defined as the logic by which a company or enterprise sustains itself
a. True
b. False
17. What element of user experience design would be the design strategy fall under
a. Information Architecture
b. Experience strategy (not sure)
c. User research
d. Interaction design
21. In this part of the business model canvas, you need to identify the biggest issues faced by
customers from your Customer Segment and the existing alternatives to solve them.
a. Purpose
b. Problem
c. Uniques VAlue Propositions
d. Unfair advantage
22. The unique set of benefits the product provides and why a customer should consider buying
your product, is called:
23. Customer segments refer to the target people and/or organizations you are offering value
a. True
b. False
26. The medium through which an organization provides its value proposition to its customer
segment is known as:
a. Key resources
b. Customer segments
c. Customer relationships
d. Channel
27.Value is provided to various elements such as, newness, performance, customization,
reliability in getting the job done, design, brand, price cost reduction, risk reduction,
accessibility and convenience
a. True
b. False (value proposition dapat)
29. When you intend to eliminate or reduce specific things that annoy your customer before,
during, and after completing their jobs, you are creating
a. Relevance
b. Customer gains
c. Gain creators
d. Pain relievers
30. None
31.Why is knowing what alternatives already exist in the market place important?
a. So we can design a marketing campaign putting down the competition
b. So we can see what problems have and have not been resolved by the competition
c. So we can keep customers from buying from other places
d. So we can better identify our target market
32. Why is addressing cost structure one of the final things to consider on the business model
a. Startup businesses must stay in the business for several years before they can accurately
determine their financial position
b. A business cannot determine the cost until it has assessed specific customer demands
c. Identifying the cost structure in a business model is optional and tacked onto the end if
d. In order to grow, startup businesses should always try to be the lowest cost provider in
their niche or field
33. None
34. Which of the following key building blocks of the Business Model canvas matches “Assets”?
a. Key Partners
b. Key resources
c. Key Activities
d. All of the Above
35. They describe an important issue your customers are trying to solve (taks, problems, or
needs to satisfy)
a. Value Proposition
b. Customer Jobs
c. Customer Gains
d. Customer Pains
36. Ture or False, The inability to raise funds is an example of a threat to the business model
from the demand side?
a. True
b. False
37. The Value Proposition CAnvas considers mainly two blocks: Value Proposition and
Customer Segment
a. True
b. False
38.The network of suppliers and partners who complement each other in helping the company
create its value proposition are called:
a. Customer segments
b. Key partners
c. Key resources
d. None of the options
39.Companies can learn to empathize with customers in design thinking through all of these
options EXCEPT which?
a. Questionnaires
b. Focus groups
c. Social media
d. Making assumptions
40. In this step of the empathy map creation, you need to define who are your customers and
your beneficiaries:
a. Humanizing
b. Validating
c. Segmenting
d. Empathizing
42. When defining a problem, your problem statement should include an alternative.
a. True
b. False
43. In this part of the Value Proposition Canvas, you list all the things your value proposition is
built around.
a. Pain relievers
b. Products and services
c. Customer jobs
d. Customer gains
45. The business models define the different groups of people or organizations you aim to reach
and serve.
a. True
b. False