Floodplains Chapter 02

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Westward Waters

Watch a small snowmelt

sliding its gloss down a snowgum’s trunk

it becomes the Murray,

a ditch draining across an old sea-floor,
falling a man’s height in a day’s march

a plain whose patterns were immense

gridded to one mile blocks,
bend after bend, the pure snow-melt
snaking and queueing its way round mallee dunes,
dirtied where a spring of salt wells milkily in
from salt lakes buried in the old sea sands

past clear lakes of ribbon grass

that nourish duck and perch
—or turned to mud-swill by the carp;
the river-bends, brown water loop upon loop
swirling or sullenly back-eddying,


under the ageing grey-box forests,

a possum meal snoring in each trunk
past the old peppermint alleys
planted when anything foreign was better

past paddocks that try to sweep over dunes

and end in a blown red curl of sand
—sewered, re-filtered, re-returned
to the great red-gum parks, salt-swallowers,

passing Willandra’s tributary that never delivers,

Mungo with its dry fish-bones
and saltbush like glaucous seaweed waving
translucent in heat-sick air

turning south, south, down

till the warm last of the snow-melt dribbles

to the sea near Adelaide.

All poetry Mark O’Connor (a) 7


R E A L L Y M A T T E R ?

A fundamental question facing anyone concerned with ecology is whether, in the end, conservation really matters.
Does it matter if Australia’s native fauna and flora are squeezed out by landscape changes and introduced species?
Does it matter if dozens, hundreds, or even thousands, of large and small animals and plants are pushed into
extinction? Can’t we get by without them? After all, more than 99 percent of the species that have ever lived are now
extinct, and doubtless all those on Earth now — including humans — will one day suffer the same fate.
Most people would find it hard to get passionate about the impending extinction of an endangered native midge,
or a species of algae, or a bacterium. Why should we care about the fate of species that are too small for us to see
without a microscope, and which are neither furry nor cute? Why should we conserve species that appear to have
no immediate economic importance, and that aren’t regarded by most as aesthetically pleasing?

W H AT ’ S A
WO R T H ?
The answer is that conserving such creatures, and the ecosystems species living in river channels, providing much of the energy and
they occupy, is important for our own survival and prosperity. Each chemical building blocks they need to breed and grow (Chapter 9).
species plays a role in a system that performs many very valuable, Floodplains not only supply food to rivers, they also seed rivers
but often undervalued, services for Australians. with living organisms, replenishing those washed downstream or
The myriads of plants and animals that live on floodplains each eaten. Microorganisms on floodplains also remove potential
play their parts in an ecosystem that has evolved over millions of pollutants from water, maintaining the natural chemical balance of
years to suit Australia’s peculiar conditions. The floodplain system rivers. Such feeding and cleaning services go unnoticed in healthy
keeps rivers clean, it allows animals like native fish to feed and to rivers, but when they are turned off the results may be disastrous.
breed and — very importantly in Australia — it allows inland Rivers stripped of their natural clean-up mechanisms become
ecosystems to survive long droughts and great floods, and to breeding grounds for undesirable organisms, large and small, and
recover quickly from them. The medium-term consequences of their waters become contaminated with pollutants. Waterborne
degrading Australia’s floodplains and rivers and making them human and animal diseases flourish in a changed aquatic
uninhabitable for native species are already beginning to be obvious environment, while problems normally kept in check by natural
(Chapters 11-15). The long-term consequences are unknown, but biological controls burgeon out of control. Obvious Murray-Darling
can be guessed at. They may prove to be dangerous not just for the examples are the now-frequent blue-green algal (or cyanobacterial)
natural environment, but also for humans. blooms, which were once rare in inland rivers. The accumulation
For example, bacteria that naturally occur in floodplain waters of modern changes to river ecosystems has tipped the competitive
feed on the leaves and other detritus shed by vegetation. They are balance in favour of cyanobacteria. Another example is the
in turn eaten by larger creatures, and so on up the food chain. introduced carp, which thrives in Australia’s altered inland rivers
During floods this food supply becomes available to fish and other (Chapter 14).

8 C H A P T E R T W O
Top: The Macquarie Marshes include large areas of reedswamps,water couch
meadows, river red gum woodlands and small areas of lignum.They provide
habitat for a great variety of wildlife and are a valuable drought refuge.
Photos: David Eastburn, MDBC

Bottom: Paddle steamer at the Echuca wharf.Vast tracts of river red gum
were cut during the late 1800s to fuel the paddle steamers that plied the
River Murray, shipping wool from inland stations. Sunken snags were removed
and, eventually, locks installed to improve navigability.

Inset: Another victim of European settlement in Australia.This large

toolache wallaby, Macropus greyi, was last seen in 1939, when the last
known individual died in captivity. Photo: Gould Nature Focus

L I V I N G O N F L O O D P L A I N S 9

To explain the importance of biodiversity, medical drugs — including aspirin — are substances first
2 researchers sometimes liken living species to
the rivets that hold an aeroplane together.
discovered in living species, as are about half the new drugs
brought onto the world market each year. The cure for AIDS, or
Imagine you were about to board an aircraft, for cancer, might even now be coursing through the blood of a
and you noticed workers removing rivets microcrustacean in a floodplain billabong. Losing such unknown
from its wings. No problem, they might genetic diversity is a bit like burning a library without bothering to
explain, an aeroplane doesn’t depend on any single rivet for its read the books.
strength. But how many rivets would you let them take out before Even very small creatures can turn out to be very useful, or
you refused to board? Similarly, how many genes, species, and very damaging. A single South American weevil, indistinguish-
living communities can we afford to lose from Australia’s flood- able from its near relatives except for two minuscule grooves on
plains before the system stops working? The answer is: no-one its head visible only under an electron microscope, has saved the
knows, but Australia’s inland rivers are giving clear warning signs world $100 million or more by munching its way through the
that we have already gone too far. invasive waterweed Salvinia. The weevil, known only by its
Ecologists have also discovered that some ecosystems depend scientific name Cyrtobagous salviniae, has rescued from ecological
heavily on one or more ‘keystone’ species or processes— very collapse many large and economically important lakes and
important rivets that, if removed, will cause the whole aeroplane to fall rivers. (2) Similarly, a nematode, a tiny worm-shaped creature
apart. And some scientists believe there is a compelling historical that lives in the gut of an insect, saved Australia billions of
precedent in Australia that demonstrates the dangers of tampering dollars by helping control the sirex wood wasp pest in pine
with complex ecosystems. They believe that many thousands of years plantations. (3)
ago early Aborigines hunted to extinction many of the large grazing One group of tiny water plants found on floodplains and
mammals, such as diprotodons, which once roamed Australia. With elsewhere, the floating fern Azolla, is already helping alleviate world
the grazers gone, they say, vegetation that would otherwise have been hunger. Different varieties of azolla grow in shallow, slow moving or
eaten and recycled to the soil as dung became fuel for bushfires. The still water in Australia and parts of Asia. Blue-green algae
bushfires killed fire-sensitive plants, and allowed fire-resistant species (cyanobacteria) living in the fern’s leaves capture nitrogen from the
like eucalypts and wattles to invade large areas of Australia, growing in air, making it a valuable ‘biofertiliser’ for paddy rice. The world’s
soils made ever-poorer by regular burning. So by sending just a few leading rice research centre, the Philippines-based International
species extinct, early humans may have created the impoverished, fire- Rice Research Institute (IRRI) sees the fern as such an important
ravaged landscape of modern Australia. (1) living fertiliser that it holds a large collection of different azolla
There are also good commercial reasons for conserving and varieties. It makes this collection available free of charge to rice
studying biodiversity. Many of the substances used in medicine researchers, agricultural extension workers and aid organisations
and industry were first discovered in living organisms, and all the around the world. Among the 562 different azolla varieties kept by
genetic variants used in agriculture and aquaculture came originally IRRI in Manila are 16 from Australia, collected from places such as
from the wild. For example: six of the world’s 20 top-selling Griffith, Warwick and Blanchetown. (4).

The Culgoa River near the Queensland–New South Wales border, reduced to a chain of waterholes during a drought. Photo: David Eastburn, MDBC

In its natural state,the Murray was quite different from the regulated river Silver perch is a valued aqua-
we are familiar with today. During severe droughts it was sometimes culture species, however, its
reduced to a chain of saline waterholes and, in South Australia, sea water numbers in the wild have declined
infiltrated upstream for up to 250 kilometres from the mouth.This picture dramatically due to habitat degra-
was taken near Renmark during the 1914-15 drought. Photo: South dation and changes to natural
Australia Water Riverland Collection. flow. Photo: Gunther Schmida

Silver perch and yabbies are fast becoming important aquaculture When Charles Sturt first reached the Darling River in 1829, he
species in Australia and in Asia, but scientific understanding of their found it brackish. During the paddle steamer era, drought often
behaviour, and of their interactions with other aquatic species, is far caused flow in the river to fall so low it became unnavigable. In 1883
from complete. The river red gum is one of the world’s most widely the paddle steamer PS Jane Eliza was repeatedly stranded on its voyage
grown eucalypts, but its ecological impact on nearby waterways — from Morgan to Bourke, and took three years to complete the journey.
especially the challenge it presents to decomposers in the aquatic food (5) By contrast, when the river flooded, vast areas of outback Australia
chain — is still not well understood. There are numerous other became temporarily accessible to river boats, which steamed out over
examples that demonstrate that conserving and studying floodplain the paddocks of north-western New South Wales to collect wool
biodiversity has very real economic implications for Australia. cargoes many kilometres from the usual river channel.
Similarly in severe droughts the lower River Murray used to
Healthy floodplains: shrink to a chain of saline ponds, while sea water poured in
who benefits? through the Murray Mouth, filling the lower lakes in South
Australia and sometimes backing up the river as far as Murray
Managing rivers and floodplains for the benefit of humans appears Bridge. In times of drought, early irrigators had to dam the Murray
at first to present very different problems from managing them for bed with sandbags to provide enough water to pump from. Such
native species. An irregularly fluctuating system, with natural extreme dry years were always rare — perhaps only one year in 20
population booms and die-offs, is clearly not an option for people, — but if they were allowed to happen now they would be
or for most modern forms of agriculture. Much of the irrigation disastrous for the industries that depend on the river systems.
infrastructure which has been built along inland river systems has Native species are well-adapted to cope with Australia’s variable
been put there for the express purpose of making the inland seasons and climatic extremes. Indeed, many depend on them.
flooding and drying cycle less variable and unpredictable, and to Humans, and the agriculture we depend on, are not so well-adapted.
change its seasonality. Instead we have tried to change the river system to fit our needs.

L I V I N G O N F L O O D P L A I N S 11

Modern river managers are faced with an has been estimated to be worth $30 billion, and is added to each
2 apparent quandary: are the human and
environmental needs of a river system funda-
year. In economic terms, the investment appears to have paid off.
Northern Hemisphere-style agriculture, industry and lifestyles now
mentally at odds with each other, or can they be prosper in the Basin, returning an estimated $10 billion to the
satisfied together? The insight which scientists Australian economy each year.
bring to this argument is that in the long term However, this wealth depends on the services provided by the
the prosperity of humans depends on the health of natural systems native river system as much as it does on modern water
— that what is good for the environment is also good for people. engineering, and often the two are in direct conflict. The Murray-
Floodplain ecosystems keep rivers clean and alive, and the Darling drainage system is now made up of two different types of
plants and animals they contain provide insurance against future river trying to run in the same bed. New, regulated and predictable
environmental changes or economic needs. But often it is future rivers, populated with introduced species and hemmed in by
generations, not the present one, which will need to claim on that artificial dams and levees, share the same channels with much
insurance — if they can. And often it is future generations that are older, wilder and less predictable rivers. After some 150 years of
being asked to pay the price for present development, because it is wrestling with each other for primacy, both new and old river
they who may inherit a river system whose all-important ecological systems are now worn out. Both are in crisis.
processes can no longer function. Somehow Australians must make this hybrid system work.
Modern Australians have expended enormous efforts to create Somehow we must conserve the all-important natural processes of
a Northern Hemisphere-like river system in the midst of outback our inland river floodplains, while also supplying humans and
Australia. The Murray-Darling Basin’s irrigation infrastructure alone industry with the water and services they have come to need.

Billabongs are home to a teeming diversity of life and contain between 100 and 1000 times more species than the rivers that flow past them.

A simplified food web in a billabong


Russell Shiel

12 C H A P T E R T W O

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