2019design Procedure For Two-Stage CMOS Opamp Using gmID Design Methodology in 16 NM FinFET Technology

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Design Procedure for Two-Stage CMOS Opamp

using gm/ID design Methodology in 16 nm FinFET

1st Bakr Hesham 2nd El-Sayed Hasaneen 3rd Hesham F. A. Hamed
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Aswan University Aswan University Minia University
Aswan, Egypt Aswan, Egypt El-Minia, Egypt
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—This paper proposes a new procedure for the proposed design procedure in comparison with the desired
design of a two-stage (Miller) CMOS operational amplifier in 16 amplifier specifications and followed by a conclusion in
nm FinFET technology based on gm/ID methodology. Unlike the Section IV.
conventional techniques, the proposed design flow allows the
designer to reach the desired Opamp specifications from the II. TWO-STAGE (MILLER) OPAMP DESIGN PROCEDURE
first iteration, using pre-generated gm/ID sizing charts, and
without any need to a compact model equation for the FinFET This section provides a guideline for the design flow of
device. The proposed procedure succeeded in describing the a two-stage (Miller) operational amplifier. It gives the
behavior of the FinFET device not only in strong inversion dimensions of the FinFETs (fin height, fin thickness, and
region but also in the week and moderate inversion regions. The channel length) as well as the value of the compensation
designed Opamp is verified using 16 nm Predictive Technology capacitor that satisfies the amplifier specification. The
Model (PTM-MG) for low-power FinFET (BSIM-CMG, level 72 schematic of the two-stage operational amplifier is shown in
technology). The results show that the proposed design Fig. 1. Table 1 shows the Op-amp targeted specifications. It
methodology fulfills the desired Opamp specifications.
is logical to start the design procedure with the noise
Keywords—FinFET, Opamp design, gm/ID methodology, requirement. At high frequency, the input-referred noise
Moderate inversion, Week inversion. voltage ( ( )) is given by [12]:
2 1 ,
I. INTRODUCTION ( ) = 2 .4 [1 + ] (1)
3 , ,
Nowadays, the great market demands drive the
semiconductor industry toward smaller size and lower power For a lower noise, we can assume , << , . So, the
consumption [1], [2]. System-on-chip designers are in charge transconductance , can be expressed by (2), and then
of covering the required demands. However, by pushing the calculated using the ( ) specification.
manufacture of semiconductors towards sub-20 nm
16 (2)
technology, some effects like short-channel effect (SCE) and , =
gate-dielectric leakage cannot be any more neglected. This 3 ( )
happens due to the lack of gate over channel control. One A. The Compensation Capacitance (CC)
solution is the FinFET technology with a 3D structure in
For a specified value of the gain-bandwidth product, the
which a gate surrounds three sides of a vertical silicon channel
compensation capacitance Cc will be calculated from (3)
(Fin). It leads to enhance the channel control, reduces the
[13], using the gain-bandwidth product (GBW) specification:
leakage current and overcomes the short-channel effect [3],
[4]. Unfortunately, the device downscaling is not the only =
, (3)
problem for the analog designers, but also challenging of the 2 C
conventional square-law MOSFET model that cannot any
more accurately describe the new devices such as FinFET. To B. Input-pair Design (M1 and M2)
overcome this problem, a new design procedure that describes For calculating the aspect ratio of the input pair, first we
FinFET behaviour is highly recommended. The needed have to calculate the drain current ID1 which is calculated
FinFET procedure has to be survived in all inversion regions from the specified slew-rate using equation (4) [12].
(strong, moderate and week inversion regions) in low power
consumption applications [5], [6]. Gm/ID design methodology . (4)
[7]–[11] is a promising methodology to overcome the 2
drawbacks of the conventional design that is based on square-
law. It gives the analog designer a full control and flexibility = (5)
on the design trade-offs. , + ,

This paper is organized as following. Section II describes Then by choosing a convenient value of the DC-gain for the
a systematic design procedure for the two-stage (Miller) Op- first stage (AV1), and by assuming that gds1,2= gds3,4 for
amp. Section III illustrates the simulation results of the simplicity , the value of the transconductance gds1,2 could be

978-1-7281-4058-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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75 L = 60 nm

L = 20 nm
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
gm/Id (S/A)
Fig. 1. Schematic of the two-stage (Miller) operational amplifier.
calculated from (5) [13]. The length (L) of the transistors M1 L = 60 nm
and M2 can be found by finding the intersection point 16
between the pre-calculated values of gm2/ID2 and gm2/gds2

Id/W (μA/μm)
on the first PFET sizing chart shown in Fig. 2(a), then the 14
effective width (W) could be found by finding the
intersection point between gm2/ID2 and the choosen length
curve (from the previous step) on the second sizing chart Fig. 10
2(b). thus, we found the aspect ratio (W/L)1,2 for both M1 and
M2. And by using them again on the third sizing chart Fig. 8
2(c) we could found VGS1 that will be used in finding L = 20 nm
(W/L)3,4. 6
C. Current Mirror Load Design (M3 and M4) 12 14 16 18 20
gm/Id (S/A)
To design the active load of the first stage (M3,4), we will
use the pre-designed values for gds3,4 and ID3,4, and by
assuming an arbitrary but large current efficiency (gm/ID)3,4 0.55
L = 60 nm
(this assumption will be checked soon), we could use
(gm/ID)3,4 and (gm/gds)3,4 on the first NFET sizing chart Fig. 0.53
3(a) on which the length (L3,4) can be picked easily. VGS3,4
will be calculated from the lower common mode input range 0.51

(CMIRlow) specification, VGS1 and VDSat1. Then the correct

(gm/ID)3,4 will be found using VGS3,4 and L3,4 on the last sizing
chart Fig. 3(c), this (gm/ID)3,4 should be firstly checked before
finding the effective width (W). So, if the calculated current
efficiency of M3,4 is greater than the assumed value, this 0.47 L = 20 nm
means a lower gain and then we have to assume a higher
current efficiency and recalculate the length (L3,4) again, else 0.45
if it was smaller than the assumed value (this means a higher 15 16 17 18 19 20
gain) then it is a convenient (gm/ID)3,4 value. Thus, the gm/Id (S/A)
effective width (W3,4) will be calculated with the aid of the (c)
second sizing chart Fig. 3(b). Fig. 2. Sizing charts 1, a PFIT sizing charts vs gm/ID with length as a parametric
parameter (By a 4 nm step): (a) intrinsic gain (gm/gds), (b) current density
D. Tail Current Source Design (M5) (ID/W), (c) gate-source voltage VGS.

To find the aspect ratio of the tail current source we will

use the common mode rejection ratio specification (CMRR). E. The Second Stage Amplifier (M6)
the CMRR is given by [13]:
In order to achieve the required slew rate specification,
the internal slew-rate (SRI) which is associated with CC has
= =
.2 . (6) to be less than or equal the external slew-rate (SRII) which is
, + ,
associated with CL. The current ID6 must be chosen in order
to fulfill the required slew rates and power-consumption
After calculating the transconductance gds5 (gds5=1/Rss),
requirements. So, ID6 could be calculated to satisfy the
and by knowing ID5 ( = 2 ) we can find the aspect ratio
following condition [12]:
of M5 (W/L)5 in same manner used before for calculating the
aspect ratio of M3 and M4 as illustrated in the design (7)
procedure flow chart (Fig. 4). 2( + )

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In order to achieve the phase margin given in (8), the TABLE 1. SPECIFICATIONS AND SIMULATION RESULTS FOR THE TWO-STAGE
second pole (p2) and the first zero (z1) will be represented in
terms of gm, CL and CC and rewritten in equation (9) [14], so Specification Required Simulation
/ Technology 16 nm FinFET 16 nm FinFET
we can calculate gm6, such that K= ( ). Thus, we have Supply voltage 0.9 V 0.9 V
our design knob (gm/ID)6 for designing M6. So, the aspect Load capacitance 5 pF 5 pF
GBW >= 35 MHz 39.1 MHz
ratio (W/L)6 could be found by following the same steps for
DC gain (Ao) >= 60 dB 61.3 dB
achieving (W/L)1,2. Phase margin (PM) >= 60 60.4
CM input range – low <= 0.2 V 0.2 V
° = 90° tan tan (8) CM input range – high >= 0.5 V 0.5 V
2 1 CMRR 70 dB 68 dB
( ) 8 nV/ 8.58 nV/
° = 90° tan tan (9) Slew rate (SR) 15 V/μs 15.4 V/μs


85 (W/L) μm/nm HFin nm N-Fins N-Fingers TFin nm
M1,2 14.28/40 192 6 6 12
75 L = 60 nm M3,4 1.95/40 116 4 2 12
65 M5 22/40 240 5 9 12
M6 42/40 254 9 9 12
55 M7 88.5/40 240 20 9 12

M8 18/40 240 4 9 12
CC 1.26 pF
25 F. The Second Stage Load (M7) and the copying transistor
15 (M8)
L = 20 nm The output transconductance of M7 (gds7) should have a
specific value in order to achieve the required DC voltage
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
gain for the second stage (AV2). Also, for a better mirroring
gm/Id (S/A) accuracy, the length of the transistor M7 should equal the
length of the transistor M5. Therefore, the effective width of
18 M7 is easily found by following the same way of finding
The length of the diode-connected transistor M8 has to be
L = 60 nm
Id/W (μA/μm)

14 the same as the transistors M5 and M7. For a better mirroring

accuracy while copying Ibias from M8 to M5 the effective
12 width of M8 should be [15]:
10 2 8 (10)
3 5
8 L = 20 nm
6 To justify the proposed procedure, a two-stage CMOS
12 14 16 18 20 operational amplifier is designed based on gm/ID
gm/Id (S/A) methodology and simulated using 16 nm Predictive
(b) Technology Model (PTM-MG) for low-power FinFET
0.55 (BSIM-CMG, level 72 technology) to meet the targeted
amplifier specifications shown in Table. 1. The design
L = 60 nm parameters of the two-stag (Miller) Op-amp shown in Fig. 1
are obtained from the first iteration based on the proposed
design procedure shown in Fig. 4. Table 2 shows the
calculated Op-amp design parameters.

0.49 Fig. 5 shows that the DC-gain and the phase margin are
similar to the desired specifications, and the unity gain
0.47 bandwidth is much better than the targeted one. Also fig. 6
L = 20 nm which shows the step response of the designed two-stag
(Miller) Op-amp illustrates a very acceptable slew-rate in
comparison to the desired specification. Table 1 demonstrates
15 16 17 18 19 20
the accuracy of the proposed design procedure in satisfying
gm/Id (S/A)
the required specifications.
Fig. 3. Sizing charts 1, a NFIT sizing charts vs gm/ID with length as a
parametric parameter (By a 4 nm step): (a) intrinsic gain (gm/gds), (b)
current density (ID/W), (c) gate-source voltage VGS.

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Read the design specifications (AOL, GBW, CL, PM, SR, CMIR, Sn (f) ...)

Pick AV2 for stage 2

Pick AV1 for stage 1

Sn (f), GBW, SRI, CC GBW, gm1,2

In Equations (2, 4) In Equation (3)

Calculate CC


In Equation (7)
In Equation (5)
B Assume Large Calculate ID6
Calculate gds2, 3
CC, CL, ID1, ID6, SRI, PM, K
Using gm2/ID2, Using gm3/ID3, In Equation (9)
gds2 in gds3 in
Sizing Chart Sizing Chart
2(a) Calculate

The same flow as (A)

Find L1, 2

Using gm2/ID2, Using gm2/ID2,

L1, 2 in L1, 2 in
Sizing Chart Sizing Chart
1(b) 1(c) Find (W/L)6

Find W1, 2 Find VGS1 Find L3, 4


Using L3, 4,
VGS3 in
Calculate VGS3
Chart 2(c)

Pick near
ID5, gm3,4, CMRR Yes Check if No
but larger
In Equation (6)

Calculate gds5
The same flow as (B)

Using gm3/ID3,
L3, 4 in
B Sizing Chart

Find (W/L)5 Find W3, 4

Fig. 4. The proposed design procedure for the two-stage (Miller) opamp.

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