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06SCI Session Guide No. 1 7es of Teaching

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7Es of Teaching

LAC Topic: 7Es of Teaching

I. Outcomes and Success Indicators:

At the end of the session, the LAC participants will be able to:
A. discuss the different stages of 7E
B. correlate the stages of 7E for assigned topics
C. design or modify activities for each stage of the 7E
D. explain the importance of 7E in the teaching – learning process.

II. Time Allotment:

90 - 120 minutes

III. Summary of Materials Needed:

 K-12 Curriculum Guide for Grade 6 Science
 LAC Facilitator’s Guide
 PowerPoint on 7Es
 Handouts
 Videos
 Ruler

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Session Guide No. 1: 7Es of Teaching

IV. Procedure Matrix

No. of Session Guide Objectives of Session Activity Guide Questions Materials
Minutes Parts Guide Parts
5 mins Welcoming 1. To set the tone and (Option: Ice Breaker)  How are we feeling
Activity and purpose for the LAC Discuss session agenda, outcomes, and today?
Agenda Session success indicators.  What do we expect to
Setting 2. To discuss the agenda, learn from this session?
outcomes, and success
15 mins Review of Old 1. To identify lesson plan Activity #1  How do we teach the 1. Old lesson plans,
Lesson Plans parts that worked best o Share old lesson plans and learners’ lesson? learners’ output
and Learners’ 2. To identify teachers’ output.  What worked in this
Output difficulty with the o Share parts of the lesson that lesson plan? 2. Note-taking
content worked best.  What difficulties did we materials
3. To identify teachers’ o Share parts of the lesson that encounter while
difficulty in teaching teachers and learners found teaching this lesson?
the content difficult.  What was difficult in
4. To identify learners’ (Option: Select the lesson plan with the this lesson for some
difficulty with the 7E activity that helped learners learn learners? Why?
content best.)
30 mins Input on 1. To identify the relevant Activity #2  What do we not know Science CG
Curriculum content standards, Walk through relevant content and about 7E?
and Content performance standards, competency standards in the CG.  Did we learn something Facilitator’s guide
and learning new about 7E? Discuss
competencies (LCs) (Option) Listen to a short lecture or specify. LAC Session 7Es
2. To discuss the subject through a Powerpoint presentation,  Which of our previous presentation.pdf
matter content of the watch a video of an actual workshop. ideas about 7E were
lesson updated? LAC Session 7Es
- LAC 7E

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Session Guide No. 1: 7Es of Teaching

No. of Session Guide Objectives of Session Activity Guide Questions Materials

Minutes Parts Guide Parts
15 mins Generation of 1. To identify teaching Activity #3  How do we make the 7E Note-taking materials
Teaching and ideas to improve the o Brainstorm teaching and assessment activities friendly for
Assessment lesson plan ideas for this content. learners experiencing
Ideas for the 2. To identify teaching o Discuss pros and cons of the difficulty?
Content ideas that aid learning teaching and assessment ideas.  How do we make the
3. To identify formative o Select teaching and assessment lesson challenging for
assessments to support ideas that will improve the lesson learners who find it
learning plan. easy?
5 mins Wrap up 1. To elicit participants’ Activity #4  Which part of the
feedback on the session o Discuss participants’ feedback on session did we enjoy the
2. To set agreements for the session. most?
the next session  Which part of the 7E are
you most excited to
15 mins Reflection 1. To write personal Activity #5  The best thing that Note-taking sheets
reflections on the lesson o Write reflection journal. happened during my and writing materials
2. To share personal o Share personal reflections. lesson was _____.
reflections with other  This was because _____.
participants  In my next lesson, I will

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