Lect 26
Lect 26
Lect 26
In this lecture we’ll do the first half of the proof of Thue’s theorem.
Suppose that P is a polynomial with integer coefficients. Let r be a rational point.
We would like to understand the relationship between P vanishing to high order at
r and the “size” of P in terms of its degree and size of its coefficients. Define |P | to
be the maximum absolute value of the coefficients of P .
Fortunately, this example does not really pose an issue. The follow corollary
answers our question for one variable polynomials.
Proof. In P (x) = (qx − p)ℓ P1 (x), we see that q ℓ divides the top coefficient and pℓ
divides the bottom non-zero coefficient.
Suppose we have
∂1j P (r) = 0, j = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ − 1.
In this case, can we infer something about the size of P from the size of r?
Since we are only differentiating with respect to x1 , this condition is equivalent to
∂ j [p2 P1 + q2 P0 ](r) = 0, j = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ − 1.
How big is the x produced by the proof? Let us look for some quantitative bounds.
We can take C = |L|op := max|x|∞=1,x∈RM |Lx|∞ by the operator norm of L. In
particular, |L|op ≤ M · max |coeff of L|. We need to take S so that (2S + 1)M >
(2|L|op S +1)N . It suffices to have (2S +1)M > |L|op (2S +1)N , or equivalently 2S +1 >
M/(M −N )
|L|op . It follows that we can always find a nonzero x ∈ ZM with Lx = 0 and
N/(M −N )
|x|∞ ≤ |L|op . So we can revise the proposition to a more quantitative version.
Proposition 2.2. If L : ZM → ZN is a linear map, given by a matrix with integer
N/(M −N )
coefficients, with M > N, then there exists a nonzero x ∈ ZM with |x|∞ ≤ |L|op
such that Lx = 0.
Note that if M = N + 1, then our bound is |L|N
op which is not too great, where as
if M = 1.01N then our bound is |L|op which is pretty good.
Let’s go back to the one-variable polynomial case for a moment. Recall that we
already know that (px − q)ℓ is the optimal polynomial vanishing to ℓ-th order at
r = p/q. Nevertheless, let us try this counting machinery here and see how well it
does in comparison.
Suppose we are looking for a polynomial P of degree D such that ∂ j P (r) = 0 for
j = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ − 1. Let
P = ai xi
We have
X i! i−j
X i i−j
∂ P (x) = ai x = j! ai x .
(i − j)! i=0
(Extracting out the j! factor in the last step is a useful trick of the trade that makes
it easier to bound the coefficients.) Setting ∂ j P (r) = 0, we have
X i D−(i−j) i−j
ai q p = 0.
The coefficients of the ai ’s are all bounded in absolute value by 2D krkD . Viewing
(a0 , . . . , aD ) ∈ ZD+1 as our unknowns, it follows from Proposition 2.2 that we can
find a polynomial P of degree D with ∂ j P (r) = 0 for j = 0, 1, . . . , ℓ − 1 such that
|P | ≤ (2D krkD )ℓ/(D−ℓ) ∼ krkℓD/(D−ℓ).
So we could take, for example, D = 100ℓ to get |P | ∼ krk1.01ℓ . For comparison, the
optimal example (qx − p)ℓ has D = ℓ and |P | ∼ krkℓ .