Revised Use Case - 102928

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Use Case Description


Use Case Description

Admin Login Enter username and password to recognize it is
an admin.
Manage Archive List The admin can manage the list of all submitted
archive projects by the teacher, view the project
details, edit and delete the project.
Manage User List The admin can manage the user, she/he can add,
view, edit and delete the user.
Manage Course List The admin can manage the course, she/ he can
add course, view, edit and delete the course.
Update Account Details The admin can change his/her information
including his/her username and password.
Logout The admin can log out from the admin

Table 2.4 Administrator Use Case Diagram

Use Case Description

Teacher Login Enter username and password to recognize it is

an admin.

Manage Archive List The teacher can manage the list of all submitted
archive projects, view the project details, edit
and delete the project.

View User List The teacher can view all user list.

Submit Thesis/Capstone The teacher can submit the thesis and capstone
project into the system.

Update Account Details The teacher can change his/her information

including his/her username and password.

Logout The teacher can log out from the dashboard.

Data Dictionary


Name Data type Field Size Description

id Int 30 Unique archive id
archive_code varchar 100 Unique archive code
curriculum_id Int 30 Unique curriculum id
month Int 2 Month of archive
year year 4 Year of archive
title text Title of archive project
abstract text Abstract of archive project
members varchar 255 Member of archive project
adviser varchar 255 Adviser of the project
banner_path text Location of the image
document_path text Location of document
status tinyint 1 Status of the archive
user_id Int 30 Unique id for user
date_created datetime Date created of the project
date_uploaded datetime Date uploaded of the
Table 2.6 archive_list
Name Data type Field Size Description
id int 30 Unique department id
name text Name of the department
description text Description of the
status tinyint 1 Status of the curriculum
date_created datetime Date created of department
date_uploaded datetime Date uploaded of
Table 2.7 curriculum_list

Name Data type Field Size Description

id int 10 Unique id for month
months varchar 50 Mont list
Table 2.8 month_list

Name Data type Field Size Description

id int 30 Id for system
meta_field text Meta field of the system
meta_value text Meta value of the system
Table 2.9 system_info

Name Data type Field Size Description

id int 50 Unique id for user
firstname varchar 250 Name of the user
middlename text Middle name of the
lastname varchar 250 Last name of the user
username text Username of the user
password text Password of the user
avatar text Avatar picture of the
last_login datetime Last login of the user
type tinyint 1 Type of user
status int 1 Status of the user
date_added datetime Date added of user
date_updated datetime Date updated of user
Table 2.10 users

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