Ktejada hw420 Unit9exercise

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Unit 9 Assignment: Interview, Assessment, and Client Development

Karina Tejada

Purdue University Global

HW420 Creating Wellness: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Dr. Dorette Nysewander

October 10, 2022


Interview, Assessment, and Client Development


There has been an increased realization that spiritual well-being is a critical strength for

individuals, determining their problem-solving abilities. As such, this approach to solving

problems can be best explained with spiritual theory, considered the first approach to examining

spiritual phenomena and the material world. Spiritual development plays a critical role in the

life of every individual, from all walks of life. As such, there is a need for spiritual development

to be harmonious and better in the life of individuals to help reduce anxiety, fear, and tension

that may be experienced in life. It is critically important to enable individuals not to let

situations they are experiencing affect their inner being and state of well-being. As a result, they

can depict composure and detachment, inner power & strength.



Question 1:Do you crave change? Where do you find comfort?

A desire for change will show an individual that they are to take the necessary steps to

ensure spiritual development. Even though it is a gradual process and advancement may be

associated with feedback, it is the first step that can be used for spiritual development. The

spiritual theory provides a conviction that there will be spiritual development.

Question 2: Do you feel appreciated? Give appreciation?

Feeling appreciated is essential in lifting people. The approach ensures that individuals

feel safe and free to engage in the tasks they want. It also provides a way of expressing attention

to what you have done.

Question 3: Do you spend time in nature?

The spiritual theory delves into the importance of an individual spending time in nature.

It is connected to mental and cognitive health, which may determine spiritual well-being. The

art of grounding will also be an improvement in mood (Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural

Center, n.d.).

Question 4: Do you feel truly happy? Have a positive outlook?

To achieve spiritual growth, an individual must look at the bright side (Pursuit of

Happiness, 2016). The approach provides that an individual must strive to see the positive side

of everything. It is critical to ensure that an individual develops a happy mind regardless of

circumstances. Negative thoughts will also affect one’s spiritual well-being. As such, the

approach provides the need for changing negative thoughts into positive ones. This is important

in controlling the information being relayed to the mind. As a result, one will ensure that the

mind is closed to the negative ones and only positive ones are relayed.

Question 5: Do you practice mindfulness?

This is a critical strategy that can be used in ensuring spiritual development. An

individual mind can be quiet and concentrate on problems being experienced (Indigenous

Corporate Training, 2020). The spiritual theory provides that calming the mind can play a

critical role in ensuring the prioritization of tasks, improving creativity, and reducing stress.

Question 6: Have you had any spiritual experiences?

Spiritual or mystic experiences have been defined as incidents that go beyond mortal

understanding. These types of encounters include situations like dreaming, a sense of Déjà vu,

and near-death experiences. These types of experiences make people thing of what could have

happened or what almost did happen. What does life have in store for me?

Question 7: What gives your life meaning and purpose?

There is a need to acknowledge that every individual is a spirit with a physical body and

not vice versa. The approach provides that this is the only way of changing attitude towards life,

events, and others & experiences that one may be undergoing (Popova, n.d.) . Purpose gives us

a reason to wake up and face the world every morning.


Question 8: What religion or beliefs did your family practice when you were growing up?

An individual may source religion as a way to coup or expand understanding. Many

keep the same practices passed down from family members to help them feel closer to their

ancestors and help to reveal spiritual growth.

Question 9: Do you believe in a God? If so, what kind of religious relationship do you


A spiritual theory provides that prayer is a critical way of confessing and asking for

forgiveness to improve spiritual well-being. It does not have to be for a specific being or god

but everyone’s beliefs are different. Many also feel the power of reading scriptures in ways to

learn more about the divine.

Question 10: What spiritual practices do you find most helpful? (meditation, yoga,


There is a need for individuals to develop meditation habits. They should meditate for at

least fifteen minutes daily (Chopra Center, 2018). The spiritual theory provides that meditation

enables an individual to develop a sense of calmness, peace, and balance in their lives, which

will enhance their health and emotional well-being. Yoga or a moving meditation can exercise

the body and mind. While manifesting or mantra helps to improve self-esteem and thoughts


Interview Findings

Question 1: I do feel like there is more I can be doing but now I’m just stuck in school and

trying to develop myself to be more marketable. I find comfort in family, adventures, and


Question 2: Yes, both I feel appreciated and appreciate others and all they have done for me.

Question 3: Yes, I like to go on trail walks, go to the beach, and stargaze whenever I can.

Question 4: No, I don’t know if anyone is truly happy. Maybe when they’re older and do not

have as much going on. I know I am not miserable but can’t say I’m truly happy as of yet. I do

have a positive outlook on life I know I’ll be better I just need time. There are sometimes when I

doubt myself but everyone has those days.

Question 5: Like living in the moment? I guess my watch is always reminding me to relax and

take a few breaths every time it detects I’m stressed out.

Question 6: I can’t say I have and If I had I can’t think of it at the moment.

Question 7: My family, friends, and coworkers.

Question 8: My family is Catholic we would always go to church on Sundays and I loved it

because they’re taking me to the bakery after.

Question 9: I do, I was raised catholic but don’t really go to church. I have a bible but can’t say

I’ve opened it. I have no issues with my family’s religion I just don’t know enough about it.

Question 10: I did a vision board that was fun, I’m not good at meditating but I do like yoga.

I’ve never had a real class just videos at home.


Wellness Practitioner

As a practitioner, the interviewee’s answers are essential in creating a spiritual and psychological

growth development plan. Many need assistance in increasing their psychological and spiritual

well-being over time. For starters, it helps to see what they need improvement on. Different

people have different needs. The options will vary since it depends on what demons they want

to overcome.

Two ethical considerations I would have would be to have is avoiding giving medical advice.

Wellness and healthcare professionals are two completely different things and harmless advice

can turn out to be much more. Wellness and medical professionals instead work together to give

the best care to their patients in their specified fields. Moreover, another conflict of interest is

developing a personal friendship with the client. Professional boundaries must be kept in order to

avoid conflicts that may threaten your practice.

Based on my client’s results I would make overall happiness and practice meditation. My client

seems like someone that is always running around without much time for self-care. It would be a

good chance for them to commit to themselves. See what truly makes them happy while

relieving the stress of everyday life.



Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center. (n.d.). Lakota medicine wheel.


Chopra Center. (2018). Mastering the seven spiritual laws of success.


Indigenous Corporate Training. (2020). What is an indigenous medicine wheel?


Popova, M. (n.d.). Viktor Frankl on the human search for meaning.


Pursuit of Happiness. (2016). Abraham Maslow. http://www.pursuit-of-happiness.org/history-


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