Tasawar Abbas Assignment No 1

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Assignment #1

Department (Faculty) Social science and Agri extension

Student Name Tasawar Abbas

Father’s Name Abid Hussain

Program B.Ed. (Evening) section B

Student AG # 2019-ag-814

Supervisor’s Name Dr. Ijaz Ashraf

Title of the Research Discuss the impact of modern technology in education


 Rationale of how to use information technology (IT) in a creative and
productive way.
 How to implement of this task is large and long-term projects
 evolving
 How to involving technological society and in many ways have become
dependent on its use.
 focus on raising student achievement while integrating
technology as a tool.

Why and what will be the impact of modern

technology in education system:
For this purpose
• How does ICT help students to achieve their personal goals and how does ICT
influence their learning progress - positively or negatively?
Technology has a positive impact on student learning. Technology causes students
to be more engaged; thus, students often retain more information. Because of the
arrival of new technologies rapidly occurring globally, technology is relevant to the
students. Technology provides meaningful learning experiences. Technology also
provides hands-on learning opportunities that can be integrated into all school
curricular areas, including mathematics, reading, science, and social studies as well
as other academic subjects. It gives students opportunities to collaborate with their
peers resulting in learning from each other. These factors combined can lead to a
positive impact on student learning and motivation. Another reason technology is a
factor improving learning is the fact that technology is becoming such an integral
part of our everyday world. Most jobs today require some type of technology use.
Also, students and adults are using technology on a daily basis to communicate, get
information in multiple ways.

Objectives the impact of modern technology in education

Our main objectives for this study are,
o To plan a variety of technological information and ideas
o To encourage curiosity and discrimination
o To support self confidence through technology
o To point effective informed appropriate communication
o To develop logical thinking skills
o To develop practical skills through the creation of solutions
Significance of the study impact of modern technology in education
 Technology is a powerful contributor to learning if it is used to deepen
 Technology is a tool. It should be selected when it is the best tool for students
to learn.
 Teachers should model the use of technology in support of the curriculum
 Technology can be used as a tool for establishing meaningful projects to
engage students in critical thinking and problem solving
 Technology also increases student collaboration.
 integrating technology and peer-led discussions of literature can produce
increased student engagement and motivation.
Delimitation the impact of modern technology in education system
will be delimited to the faisalabad City.
 It will be delimited to the government school.
 It will be delimited to the primary school students.
 There are so many students without accessibility, and the digital
divide still exists in schools to this day.
 The financial constraints that the school districts and states are
under make immersing technology even more difficult.
 The cost, infrastructure, and technology development in schools
across the country is not the same.
Assumptions the impact of modern technology in education system:
It is assumed that modern Technology immersion had a positive effect on students
and Making changes and immersing students and teachers with technology.
Educational programme is being expended and efforts are being made to improve
the standard of education.
Null hypothesis:
It is assuming that modern technology will not have great impact on student
learning and motivation.

Theoretical Framework:
The development of children’s brains depends on the environment in
which they live and on the type of activities they perform. One of the best
examples here’re the building blocks such as LEGO. It develops at some
levels a child’s motor skills, but at the same time it develops the imitative
Jean Piaget believed that everything we do for the children, deprives them
of the op-opportunity to do it by themselves. Therefore, the aim of
education should not facilitate the children anything, but should be based
on the passing off tasks, which will allow them to develop.

Conceptual framework:
Dependent or indepent variables.

Research Methodology:
It will be descriptive type research.
It will be qualitative research.
It contains the interview type research
Since the aim of this research is to find out what perceptions a teacher has towards using modern
technology and what influence modern technology has on the students from a teacher’s
perspective and experience, interviews have been chosen as a
This device specifically designs for a particular task. The instrument can be defined as any device
of measuring some variables assessing some factors.

(i). Research Design:

This research applies a qualitative design. During the research qualitative semi-
structured interviews have been carried out, where interviewees and their own
thoughts and views were in focus and could be formulated and develop relatively
among the research four standardized, semi-structured interviews with open-ended
questions have been per-Formed.

(ii). Population:

The population of this research is urban area schools of Faisalabad city. The study
population comprised of 40 male students representing 40.8% and 30 female’s
students representing 30.2% with age of 20 years and 30teacher staff representing
29 percentages with an average age of 35 years.

(iii). Sampling and sample:

The researcher used purposive type sampling to select the sample from the
population. Purposive sampling was used to select a total of learners to participate
in this study. Out of the whole school population of students, three schools and
teachers and one directorate were used. From these, 13 males 8 females and 10
teachers staff from each school following the impact of modern technology were

(iv). Research instruments:

Interviews are ways for participants to get involved and talk about their views. There
is room for immediate feedback, probing and clarification.

 Self-developed instruments were used for the other remaining variables of

attitudes, computer competence, knowledge construction, technology quality,
interactions, learning management system tools and resources and face-to-
face support.


It is the research tools that express the attitude of different people about the problem.
This method is widely used in the research projects and surveys. Sometime it
happens that the respondent hides the truth and tries to misguide the research. Well
structured and well developed questionnaire will be used to collect data.

Open Ended Questions:

Close Ended Questions:


The data collection method used in this study has been qualitative interviews from
respondents. Well structured and well developed interview will be used for collect
Validation and instruments:
It is used to provide information and evidence that the transformation of inputs
produced the expected and right result. The reliability and validity of the survey
results may be lower than those collected during interviews, since all data are
obtained via the Internet and all answers are anonymous.

After all research premises analysis of obtained data will be taken.
Qualitative analysis fundamentally means to measure something by its quality rather
than quantity. The degree in which modern technology affects students does not
depend solely on the amount of time spent by students in front of the computer, but
is dependent upon a number of different factors, which together form the complete
picture of impact of ICT on students.
 main factors that restricts teachers from using ICT in education is the access
to technology.
 teacher’s skills and their attitude towards modern technology and their use of
technology in learning

Analysis of data:
In this section data can be analysis by quantitative and qualitative method.
Evaluation is a process by which we make judgments about the worth of an
educational development. The introduction of ICT in schools does not only aim at
changing the pupil’s perception of technology as created merely to provide
entertainment, but also aims at teaching children the proper use of technology.
Nowadays, technology plays a very important role in almost every branch of
industry and the ability to operate a computer is currently one of the most important
fundamental skills which are expected from future employees. Although, one of the
more important questions that should be posed in this context is whether early
contact with technology and the use of modern technology in education has really a
positive effector children or not.

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