Islam Empire - Edited

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Islam Empire

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Islam Empire
Muslims worldwide pray five a day and are reminded by the sound from the mosque.
Nearly a quarter of the world's population believes in Allah and Mohammed as His first
prophet and Messenger. Islams are bonded together by their solid faith and comply
relentlessly with the strict requirements of Islam. The sound from the mosque reminds Islam
that God is the only God to be prayed and the results are flourishing. Islam is humankind's
most delightful accomplishment in entire history. Based on solid faith, Islam on the universal
power that has conquered three continents and is still spreading across the other continents.
This religion has deep roots in the political revolution of significant countries, establishing a
dominant empire. Western civilization has deep linkages with the Islamic faith despite being
shadowed by terror and misapprehension. Muslim scholars recovered the wisdom of the
Greeks, establishing the foundation of rejuvenescence a couple of centuries before inventors
such as Leonardo Da Vinci (Misr, 2011). Their knowledge is spread across fields such as
medicine and counting numbers. All these achievements and developments were given birth
by an ordinary man who oversaw a world full of scientific accomplishments and civilization;
his name is Muhammed.
Among Islam, Muhammed's life history is sacred and preserved over the years,
passing from one generation to another. His history is quite a mystery because of the vast
volume of sources and beliefs about Islam. Muhammad was born in the peninsula around 570
AD. Being a complete orphan at the age of six, Muhammad developed the virtue of kindness
to the marginalized. The history of the Arabs is instilled among the children through stories
that the poets in the clan recited. Poetry was a crucial element in the Arabs culture that linked
them to their forefathers and reminded them of their victories and defeats. This aspect was
actual, especially in the Bedouins where Muhammad grew up. The scarcity of resources, such
as water in the wilderness, could establish a rivalry that lasted through generations among the
Arabs tribe; therefore, fighting skills were essential for every Arab. The Kaaba was one of the
shrines where the Arabs preserved their beliefs and totems. Mecca had one such shrine where
Arabs worshiped their diverse spirits. Kaaba, located in Mecca, facilitated its growth because
of activities such as trade and places of worship. It was the only peaceful sanctuary in the
dreadful desert. There was a mixed religion in this place, ranging from Christians, Jews, and
Islam. Muhammad was a trade Marchant with unique skills that facilitated his married to
Khadija. He was also a problem solver among the clan and united them, especially in matters
of social justice. A vision at the sacred cave revolutionized unity because it proclaimed the
existence of only one God. The message meant the unity of the diverse cultures, beliefs, and
spirits among the tribes in Arabia. His message spread across the nations and gained
followers who believed in him.
The Quran was written to preserve and prevent Muhammad's message, Islamic
beliefs, and the vision of the afterlife from being distorted as it passed from one generation to
the next. The Quran remains written in Arabic just like it was revealed in ancient times. Islam
believes in the Quran as the divine representation of God. Despite the spread of this new
belief, an opposition that demanded answers to Muhammad's message about the apocalypse
grew. End times and life after death were significant issues that caused division between the
believers and the non-believers. The opposition demanded Muhammad and his followers be
eradicated from the city of Mecca. Some were tortured and killed in the process. The death of
Khadija and his uncle exposed Muhammad to the significant threat of being removed from
his town.
Muhammad was lucky to find a haven for his new family bonded together by faith in
Medina- The city of the prophet. His message was peace and unity across all the cities he
settled in. Rituals such as praying in the mosque at specific times strengthened the unity of
the believers. They prayed to face Kaaba in Mecca as Muhammad was directed through a

vision. The pagans in Mecca were prepared to fight the few Muslims in Medina because of
their faith. Despite being outnumbered in the beginning, other tribes collaborated with
Muslims to fight the pagans, and victory fell in the hands of Muhammed men. They
conquered the city and destroyed the pagan gods of the people living in Mecca. The victory
was an excellent achievement for the believers because it signified returning to their homes as
conquers where they had been forced to leave some years before. Muhammed's aim was,
however, not to destroy the remnants of war but the gods of the people of Mecca. At Kaaba,
Muhammad and his people revolved around the shrine seven times, signifying its ultimate
protection. A solid Islam was born through the unification of the tribes, and the religion
spread across Lebanon, Syria, and North Africa. The success could have been attributed to
the fact that people were tired of the previous regimes that were quite oppressive and
Furthermore, the existing empires were at their downfall, and the people were desperate for a
stronger empire. Islamic was a peaceful such as it shared a place of worship with Christian
congregation in Damascus. The first mosque was established in Damascus. Development in
infrastructure and agriculture was a productive element in Islam empire. However,
Mohammad did not live to see the achievement because he died just two years after
conquering Mecca.

Misr, E. (2011, December 15). Islam Empire of Faith Part 1 Prophet Muhammad and rise of
Islam full PBS Documentary [Video]. Retrieved from

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