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USER EXPERIENCE & OBJECTIVES, DIGITAL MARKETING CHEAT SHEET cru Thewsersfatinvodicionio | = insseamoutefcdwonade | = padpatoms(paiddetalad) | - adsbeanacs ourprdutormncy'Thsean |: cece pe'cet 1 Eincapntometscwetesntoshre | © Summary Reports ometheugranaciv sch ‘cremate + Radoomspeiie I {inbound merseting or 3 promotion *onned platforms four website social | analytes foabound mrt wea Coolants faa patos ny ati party 1, AWARENESS plo osha our cote Tauvanyerariocnpien | ~ eeenatancent hen peose | = Yurwatateand prods ~ aoa Sonateretheweimeactng | iene irmedilyatercickngyour | « okealto scion er lem moreread | Summary Reps Sanyourpodclormiary "= | hy =) 1 Pato oeate fecdlaigonanadreatnga | inceasetheaneuntottine people | "iowsocal media pages seas wipe icergaag wih gourcnent * Website specte "ceca Smut peop ave anaes ‘2, ENGAGEMENT before finishing desired actions + Google Analytics: Touwantpepltabconeuaee A | = cease slo ateerou | > emalllgnps Bay ais eretoneonewhoateranacon | vanttnepesontogosuchar signup, | » harcatacton(ex emp, » Gampupnspectc alyevedeinegeswbobtets | downand gente) ‘emt weckng erates YourminstyWcdowloadanapo, | “eccesstheconperiadislendisa | + produto dovntads youcanssnunatate Svuptorensisagroptoreset. | prsanumopneyectharinomotin) | - siney pores oducts 3. 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