Digital Marketing Cheat Sheet

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USER EXPERIENCE & OBJECTIVES, DIGITAL MARKETING CHEAT SHEET cru Thewsersfatinvodicionio | = insseamoutefcdwonade | = padpatoms(paiddetalad) | - adsbeanacs ourprdutormncy'Thsean |: cece pe'cet 1 Eincapntometscwetesntoshre | © Summary Reports ometheugranaciv sch ‘cremate + Radoomspeiie I {inbound merseting or 3 promotion *onned platforms four website social | analytes foabound mrt wea Coolants faa patos ny ati party 1, AWARENESS plo osha our cote Tauvanyerariocnpien | ~ eeenatancent hen peose | = Yurwatateand prods ~ aoa Sonateretheweimeactng | iene irmedilyatercickngyour | « okealto scion er lem moreread | Summary Reps Sanyourpodclormiary "= | hy =) 1 Pato oeate fecdlaigonanadreatnga | inceasetheaneuntottine people | "iowsocal media pages seas wipe icergaag wih gourcnent * Website specte "ceca Smut peop ave anaes ‘2, ENGAGEMENT before finishing desired actions + Google Analytics: Touwantpepltabconeuaee A | = cease slo ateerou | > emalllgnps Bay ais eretoneonewhoateranacon | vanttnepesontogosuchar signup, | » harcatacton(ex emp, » Gampupnspectc alyevedeinegeswbobtets | downand gente) ‘emt weckng erates YourminstyWcdowloadanapo, | “eccesstheconperiadislendisa | + produto dovntads youcanssnunatate Svuptorensisagroptoreset. | prsanumopneyectharinomotin) | - siney pores oducts 3. CONVERSION Tewyouvaniyouuierobes |» fess egaganentonconane > eralleampagne abe ge Imavedurareaine war | Gharconnertsharerematopent, | ° product noesson icnsth yma | Somemewtoconinestotse | emateite ec + Sonal potsbooet SSoostmeda z ‘Ghatesclonsenyourminity, | "decease cnbsrbeunlons, + ged content we sor oot 4. RETENTION ‘renal se old wertaly | ~ impowaingsonownedbeared | ~ anystatngby anadcieona | > lobe meas Secmesnasrcte nsoectels | plates patent spotour own sured posts| + Paton speiie tcerunapasesonposthe ward | Cincesteconantshainghworot | tenionsincanmens orchrpany | says < ‘tmouth WOM! messages about | mouth shes) eGookle Analyte Sejm ye ater pape 5. ADVOCACY DIGITAL MARKETING CHEAT SHEET a ae PAID MEDIA PERFORMANCE vet | ate oe “rasa orcs: Saar ee ee a gomrnyorspmtincnti Ee te mae ierseercpeetcerret tetera cusegyesenese fens. |S | ewe deere ences enemas ee ee DIGITAL MARKETING CHEAT SHEET ‘OWNED & EARNED MEDIA PERFORMANCE. JL crut WeBsITE + increasethe 1 Determine ow ong you want thea = Use anaes toidently where users ae cropping Lookst ferent user, evertsements | amountofpeople | 2 create yourad test Brain browse, devi ete fhatdspiayonyour | thaelkyourad | 2 Caunenyourae.Checkinonitakerthe fesfeu daystosee | + Tyto deren the number of steps toconvrson Trebsteorother | + increase | how its performing kaj the a need 1 aiBsestaiteren conversion offers tose unin resonstswith your sere. fonnesspaces | arountetleaes | 4 createareportsummaringte resuts&lessons'earned | + Make your website a elevart tothe behavior ag interests your site gererted trom | fromthe ado be dexibutes ona regular basis ince, ister yourad monthly to ey sakeholers, TNBOUND) improve 1. Bul your targeted audience age, demographic intrest, | ~ Use analytes to Ment engagerentand conversion, ‘CONTENT ‘cqustionsoncall] keywords et) ard budget + Irytederesethe number ofsteosto conversion. Howeve, be sure to keep MARKETING toacions esearch what your audencevalus ard optinizeyour | you"focs onthe content and nat he conversion nthe ancng sage desi Contertandother | +lowerbounce | contenebased an audience ales, *"hyatestdiferent conversion offers tose which resonates wth your uses evourcesthat fers | fatesen resources | 3.Research search enprekeywords and topes tomakesure | * Keep upto dateon emerging verds ar your audence lo cones your ‘Seeraive Users ‘ers a find your content as Content iin you hen ‘Launch on platforms sucha blogs, social media posts email| + Conduct SEO Research to make sure that your contents geting igh afi ressareing ings ‘campaigns, downioadable resources, vdeo engagement, | volume they ese. ror + Make sure your content ibath engaging & optimized for conversion monty tbe Sakoholers Seat report summariing the ests lessons earned ‘fomthe campaigns tbe cisrbutes on aroqaar bs bey, £ateyour users ve ther amal be sure to sen them conten they 8 inereted into enearage retention This canbe sone using pera ition sr automation, TOYARTYENAILS | = neeavecick | 1 Bild monty email template obi fiend to sbeibed Emaletoyour | cateonemalled | vers. ake t's automated based on new conte posted Cunestuzersto | content ater sore tracking automate content to your users fencourageveention | + nereseuser__ | personalzedintrests ana sendbehavor-asc tigger emai fandadvocacy | Staringofcontent/| 5 createa reportsummanzing te rests lessons ares resources ‘fomemastobe detrbuted ona reglarbsss esky, monty to key taleholders, ~ mals should be mobile Fendly and elle whe images won lad + Keep cat actions minimal te preven formation ovee38 1 aywtestaferentconversion oles tose ncn resonates wth your sere. + Keep upto dat on emerging endfor your audenceto come: your =" calendars to prevert over sturation of your suberbed ur, + Gveusers optoutpersonaizaton to decrease total unsubscribes + Collect customereedbackonyouremais regulary communication | yours for conversion. WORD OF MOUTH) | = Inreseuner | 1 Research what your aulence values (SFO, Keyword, SOCIALMEDIA | Strintonot | ines! and optimize your conteresourceclensar based ‘ahenistomersor | content ‘onaueneevaues ‘hrdportiesshore | = Inceaseurers | 2 launch content andresourcesthrough your oumed platforms your content heovensocal | toenenurape engagement. Imesisetors | 3 provdewaystoruserstoshareyour conten and crestevalue Mere Tor sharing content contests, gheaways, ec) Companyjuser | 4 Proudewaystor ctent pte serstocomebackto 7 Whie conte ghuenwayscon dive word of mouth, aking fora oar ‘opinion can also accomplish this, You can co testimoriassurveysto mazethe therfee novices andalues. 1 apie, colaborte wth infuenceson content. inreasesharabiy. These influencers shou be well krown to yeur target cemographi + onsistencys ey Make sure preduce ane sare conten on regular bass daly. weekly, noni. +i posse invest in neractve mesa suc vdeo to ncreace share.

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