Informatics Practices Class 12

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Term-2 PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION, feb (2021-22)



Time Allowed: 2 hrs Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions:
1. The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C
2. Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
3. Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
4. Section C, consists of 3 questions( 11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
5. Internal choices have been given for question numbers – 1 , 3, 8 and 12.

Section A
Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
Q.1 During an international exchange programme the students need to connect
to a classroom in Russia using Skype. Samarth helps the students to
connect. Which type of network service is being used ?Explain

Define hub and write its functions and types.

Q.2 Write one advantage of bus topology of network. Also, illustrate how four
computers can be connected with each other using star topology of
Q.3 What will be the output of the following command?
ii) SELECT ROUND(14.4743, 1)
iii) SELECT MOD(15,3)
iv) SELECT TRUNCARE(6543,768,2)
I. Consider the decimal number x with value 8459.2654. Write
commands in SQL.
i) To round it off to a whole number.
ii) To round it to 2 places before the decimal.
II. Given a number n, write commands in SQL to
i) compute cube of this number using SQL function.
ii) compute remainder on division of n by another number m using SQL

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Create the given table with following details

Also list the difference between unique key and primary key constraint

Q.5 I. List the difference between static and dynamic website.

II. Mr. Chandervardhan is not able to identify the domain name in the
given URL. Identify and write it for him.

Q.6 Anita has been given the below given orders table:

i) How will she generate the following output using group by and
aggregate functions where in the count of items for cuid are arranged
in descending order?

ii) How will she count the number of distinct items in the orders table?

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Q.7 i. What is the purpose of GROUP BY clause in MySQL? How is it
different from ORDER BY clause?
ii. Shanya Khanna is using a table EMPLOYEE. It has the following

Admno, Name, Agg, Stream [column Agg contains Aggregate marks]

She wants to display highest Agg obtained in each Stream.

She wrote the following statement:
But she did not get the desired result.
Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help her get the desired

Section B
Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.

Write the output of the following SQL queries:

i) Select concat( left (' india is great ',6), substr(' india is great ',10,5)
ii) select power(instr('abcd412','1'),3);
iii) select length( substr(lower('abc 123'),1,3));

Consider the following tables

i. To fetch last two characters from the column INAME.

ii. To display the name of the weekday(like monday,tuesday…) of
iii. To display the position of ‘p’in the column INAME

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How are aggregate functions different from other SQL functions?

Write two different SQL queries (using group by

1.along with having clause
2. Along with where clause)..

Empno Name Dept Salary CITY

1 Ram Singh IT 15000 Delhi

2 Shyam Singh HR 18000 Noida

3 Nidhi Gupta IT 9000 U.P

4 Pooja Sharma EXE 24000 GOA

5 Rohan Malik HR 20000 DELHI

Q.10 Ritu is confused while executing sysdate() and now() functions.

Help her to understand the concept of these functions with suitable
examples.Did it accept any parameters?mention

Section C

Section C, consists of 3 questions( 11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.

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Q.11 Consider the table sales given below. Write commands in SQL
A Salesman relation is given below:

(i) To display details of all salesmam of East and West area in ascending
oreder of sname.
(ii) TO display the area wise total of sales amount.
(iii) To display the area-wise count of salesmen for those areas
who have more than 1 salesman.
(iv) To display the Sname Sname and Dojoin of the salesman
who has joined most recently.

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Q.12 Consider the Vehicles table given below and perform the following

A relation Vehicles is given below:

Find out the output offollowing SQLcommands :

i. select avg(price) from vehicles where name”%n”;
ii. select count(type) from vehicles group by company;
iii. select sum(price) from vehicles group by companyhaving qty<20.
iv. select type,left(company,3) from vehicles where qty>20;


Write the SQL functions which will perform the following operations:

i. To display the position of space character in your name (myname).

ii. To display day, month and year from today’s date.
iii. To compute 5 raised to the power remainder on dividing 15 by 4.
iv. To display the leftmost as well as the rightmost character of the string

Q.13 China Middleton Fashion is planning to expand their network in India,

starting with two cities to provide infrastructure for distribution of their
products. The company has planned to setup their main office in Chennai
at three different locations and have named their offices as Production Unit,
Finance Unit and Media Unit. The companA rough layout of the same is as
follows:y has its Corporate Unit in Delhi.
A rough layout of the same is as follows:

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(i) Suggest the kind of network required (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for each of
the following
(a) Production Unit and Media Unit
(b) Production Unit and Finance Unit
(ii) Which of the following devices will you suggest for connecting all
computers with each of their
office units?
(a) Switch/Hub
(b) Modem
(c) Telephone
(iii) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local office
units located in Chennai.

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Also, suggest an effective method/technology forconnecting the company’s
office unit located in Delhi


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